Queen (of Crowns and Glory--Book 1)

ByMorgan Rice

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It is good light fantasy reading, but after getting through about half of Rice's Sorcerer's Ring series, I've come to the conclusion the author draws the story out to incredible lengths in order to keep publishing books. His characters go from one tragedy to another. Gets tiring. Get rid of one bad guy and another pops up. The writing isn't that good to keep wanting more.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
andrea dirheimer
this is a good story that moves pretty quickly that could maybe have laid down a bit more of a foundation as an opening book. Some things happen so much out of the blue that even for a fantasy the reader might like a little more How before the What.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book was great! Your characters are fantastic. I can picture the people, the area and the action. Your description is just so vivid! I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.
Thank you
6) (The Sorcerer's Ring Collection Book 2) - Bundle of The Sorcerer's Ring (Books 4 :: The Weight of Honor (Kings and Sorcerers-Book 3) :: Sorcerer's Ring Bundle (Books 10 - 12) (The Sorcerer's Ring) :: By Sara Donati - Queen of Swords (8/26/07) :: A March of Kings (Book #2 in the Sorcerer's Ring)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The storyline is good, rather formulaic, but gripping enough.
Seemed to be aimed towards young adults, so out of my age range.
Several continuity errors and gaps, but not too detrimental.
Not sure if I'd consider getting the rest of the series, unless I had extra cash to toss around.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jana leigh
The start of another great serie! I cannot wait for book 2!
However, there is the need of better editing to improve the quality of the book, and I felt that the story's plot is kinda similar to her older works: the main character doesn't know her true parents, her mother was a mystical being on an island, ...
However, it is still a great book!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jay gabler
I will start with saying I have not finished this book. That said, I have read 75% of this book and can, with good conscience, give an accurate review for potential buyers.
Slave, Warrior, Queen began fairly well but quickly fell into a choppy and unnatural progression of relationships and events. I stopped reading when, between one page and the next, I felt like I was reading an entirely different book with no explanation whatsoever as to how we got from point A to point B. Through the chapter after this jarring transition, there was still nothing to explain how and why it was allowed or easily accepted.
Spoilers ahead, though I will try to keep them at a minimum.
Within this book, there are almost constant leaps of logic, frustrating inconsistencies, and confusing shifts of the main character's status and well being. Ceres is regularly injured, with no lasting effects. The characters are told to be one way by the author, and then act another. Details essential to understanding the story line are conspicuously absent. This book has a solid setting, an interesting premise, and plenty of characters with enough personalization to set them apart and let you begin to care about them, but for me it stops there. To be completely blunt, it felt more like an outline for a book than a completed one.
Why I am giving this two stars instead of one... The author has a respectable grasp of the written language and there are few spelling mistakes or glaring punctuation and grammar issues. It is only the lack of logic and realistic pacing in both the story and the romantic feelings between Thanos and Ceres that have made me lose interest in finishing this book or continuing the series.
My advice to the author? You have potential. A little more organization and lot more attention to perspective and detail would fix most of the problems I saw with this book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ila rizky nidiana
I will start with saying I have not finished this book. That said, I have read 75% of this book and can, with good conscience, give an accurate review for potential buyers.
Slave, Warrior, Queen began fairly well but quickly fell into a choppy and unnatural progression of relationships and events. I stopped reading when, between one page and the next, I felt like I was reading an entirely different book with no explanation whatsoever as to how we got from point A to point B. Through the chapter after this jarring transition, there was still nothing to explain how and why it was allowed or easily accepted.
Spoilers ahead, though I will try to keep them at a minimum.
Within this book, there are almost constant leaps of logic, frustrating inconsistencies, and confusing shifts of the main character's status and well being. Ceres is regularly injured, with no lasting effects. The characters are told to be one way by the author, and then act another. Details essential to understanding the story line are conspicuously absent. This book has a solid setting, an interesting premise, and plenty of characters with enough personalization to set them apart and let you begin to care about them, but for me it stops there. To be completely blunt, it felt more like an outline for a book than a completed one.
Why I am giving this two stars instead of one... The author has a respectable grasp of the written language and there are few spelling mistakes or glaring punctuation and grammar issues. It is only the lack of logic and realistic pacing in both the story and the romantic feelings between Thanos and Ceres that have made me lose interest in finishing this book or continuing the series.
My advice to the author? You have potential. A little more organization and lot more attention to perspective and detail would fix most of the problems I saw with this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was pleasantly surprised with this book. I went into it figuring it would be a good read but not something I haven't seen already. But I was happily mistaken, I had a hard time putting it down and it even had me crying at one point. Definitely can't wait to read the next book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
falling for books tia
This book seemed promising but is a garbage can of poorly developed literary cliches including "special snowflake character" , "love triangle with brooding man and friend zone guy" (who are both God like in appearance and madly in love with special snowflake), "evil female rival", "evil stepmother/mother", "social class warfare", "betrayal", etc. The plot moves too fast for any legitimate character or world development. The plot is also haphazard and the heroine is given easy answers before she can struggle in the least bit. I typically give these types of novels a lot of leeway but the overall writing quality of this is so poor, I can't justify continuing the series. It feels more like poor fan fiction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I liked the flow of this book although some chapters started off a bit disjointed from each other. The character interaction was nice and it is somewhat a bit different from other books in this genre.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
caroline chan
Characters are two dimensional. No real depth to the romantic relationships between protagonist and her chosen love. Felt as if this was sort of rushed through without any consistent motivation on why the bad guys did what they did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raly to
The story begins building the characters and expands them as the story unfolds. The reader is not left with a built in conclusion to what will happen just more questions. I found the story for the most part moved quickly. Enjoyed the details.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This YA book is enthralling, it's plot, characters and thrill make it a book you can't put down. It makes you think, makes you eager for revenge and has parts that anyone can relate to. It's a great read!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book was terrible. It is full of inconsistencies, and the characters and plot are woefully underdeveloped. The plot seems very jumpy with very little transitional material. I found it difficult to care for the main characters. Scenes that were clearly supposed to be emotional caused me to feel NOTHING as the writing was horribly contrived. There were so many times that the writing left me saying, "WTF!" Especially within the last few chapters, which felt even more rushed than the rest of the story.

I wanted to like this. I really did. The synopsis led me to believe that it would be the kind of storyline I'd love, but Rice did not deliver. It unfortunately reads like a first draft that needs to undergo a dozen more revisions and be critiqued by an editor before it can be considered publishable material. As it is, it is an insult to readers' intelligence and to their pocketbooks. I am thankful I downloaded it for free.

If I could give this zero stars, I would. I am flabbergasted how anyone who has ever read any books that WEREN'T self-published could ever give this five stars. Readers deserve better than this.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Plucky girl with mysterious, unexplained powers gets caught up in politics while navigating a love triangle between two emotionally distant men. Character development and complex motivations sold seperately.

You've read one, you've read them all.

A solid meh.
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