PERFECT by Judith McNaught (1993-05-01)

ByJudith McNaught

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandi lynn
I just finished reading the book Perfect by Judith McNaught

I thought it was a real page turner. The characters in the book were very good and interesting. I would recommend this book very enjoyable and a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary haar
Any romance novel buff would be sucked into reading a story about a couple who falls in love, gets torn apart and then overcome insurmountable obstacles to live happily ever after. And Perfect is exactly just that.

Zachary Benedict Stanhope was born into a rich family. He had the looks and grace that comes with the breeding, not to mention the arrogance that characterizes the Stanhope males. But when a tragic incident led to him being banished from his home, he found himself working at a Hollywood studio, where he was soon discovered and launched into stardom to eventually become an academy award winning actor/director.

Julie Mathison is an orphan who grew up being thrown from one home to another. Thus, at the age of 11, she was an illiterate who's never had any parental guidance and spent more time in the streets learning how to hot-wire cars until a kind psychiatrist takes an interest in her and finds Julie a home with some relatives in the obscure town of Keaton in Texas. For the first time in her life, Julie is happy and vows to make herself perfect to show her gratitude to the Mathisons who gave her all the love and kindness she's always craved for.

More than a decade later and these two cross paths by accident, when Zach, who was wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife, was forced to kidnap Julie when his escape from prison didn't go according to plan. Soon, trouble intensifies when Julie finds herself a willing hostage, and Zack develops a feeling of protectiveness over her, something he's never felt for a woman before. So when Zack sends her home, she did her utmost to convince the whole world of his innocence. But when things she starts discovering cause her to doubt Zack's innocence and mental health, she ends up betraying him, thus causing both of them much anguish and unhappiness.

As with the other four books that I have previously read (AKOD, Something Wonderful, Once & Always, Paradise), this book made me laugh and cry. It just goes to show the magic that Judith McNaught weaves, as I really felt drawn to the characters. Perfect is just so wonderfully told, I loved it and found myself unable to put it down. There are some pretty funny scenes like the movie session they had, with Julie ignoring Zack's movies and Zack criticizing every movie and actor she's picked. Then there are those heartbreaking moments - like Zack's letter, the airport scene - that brought tears to my eyes. And although I wanted to strangle Julie for betraying Zack, I couldn't help but feel sorry for how she's suffered because of it.

I've noticed that some readers mentioned feeling a little nauseated about the whole Barbra Streisand dance sequence, well I must agree it was a little too much, but I actually enjoyed them dancing to Jose Feliciano's "Light My Fire" and have been listening to that song over and over again since.

Another incentive to reading this is Matt and Meredith Farrell's re-appearance. For those who have read Paradise and found it hard to say goodbye to them, you will truly enjoy their part in this book. It was so good to see again just how much they love each other.

Despite a couple of quibbles, namely the sudden disappearance of Paul Richardson and Dominic Sandini, the lack of participation of Greg, whom Julie was almost affianced to, Perfect is still a great novel, almost as great as Paradise. Read this and enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

No one writes relationships better than McNaught! She is one of - if not the- best in the genre. With each new book, she takes situations, responses and the emotions behind them and makes them absolutely real and intrinsic to the reader. Her gift is in understanding exactly how a person would respond to a given circumstance, then drawing out the perfect emotion one would feel in that situation. Amazing!

"Perfect", however unrealistic the plot line may be, had me so involved with the characters that I found myself dripping tears in numerous parts - something I RARELY do even once! It is because of the improbable storyline that I realized just how great McNaught's writing really is. When one doesn't even care that the events are outlandish, they are enjoying the experience so thoroughly, one must acknowledge greatness. I especially appreciate the fact that Ms. McNaught never allows herself to run out of room before she gives a thorough and acceptable conclusion. SO many authors spend so long in setting up the plot, background, tension etc. that they forget the most important part in a readers satisfaction, a satisfying ending! In this particular story, that conclusion actually covers bases we didn't even think of! How rare is that?!?
Until You (The Westmoreland Dynasty Saga Book 3) :: Paradise (The Paradise series) :: A Kingdom of Dreams (The Westmoreland Dynasty Saga) :: Night Whispers (The Paradise series) :: Ransom (Highlands' Lairds Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My friend had been begging me to read Perfect for months. She told me it was the best book she had ever read and although I believed her I was wary of reading contemporary romance since historical has long been my favourite.
I finally did read it to her genuine surprise and happiness. And I read it in one day, not being able to stop myself from turning the pages. Completely full of action packed suspense, sad and touching moments and hysterical scenes at which I laughed until my sides hurt, this book took my breath away.
I have never fallen so in love with a man in any romance novel I have read. It left me wishing that I could find a "Zack" of my own to love me the way he loved Julie. He has it all... soft and tender yet cool and arrogant when he needs to be.
Julie was the classic "good girl" who had tried to live her life perfectly in a subconcious effort to overcome the street-wise orphan she had once been. I felt her pain and marveled at those moments when she gave him as good as she got. She never failed to come back with a perfect comeback to his sometimes sarcastic comments... and he would suddenly see her smile and his resolve would break and he would burst into helpess laughter.
She had a way of making his emotions spin like a yo-yo. She could turn him from complete fury to being completely flustered.
What I truly loved was the notion that they both felt something missing from their very different lives until the time they spent together... Then, suddenly the pieces of the puzzle came into place and they fit together perfectly.
This book never has a dull or boring moment and it has left me somehow yearning for another book as good as this one has been. I am afraid I'll be sadly disappointed with whatever I read next because what on earth can equal or surpass Perfect?
All I know is that these fictional characters became very real to me and I applaud Judith for being able to take them and make them literally jump off the page and enter your life as though they are there in the same room with you.
The title of this book fits it well... PERFECT.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've never read anything by Judith McNaught before but this book was highly recommended so I decided to check it out of the library. The story grabbed me from the first chapter and I found myself staying up until the wee hours of the morning desperate to see what the characters would do next and yet dreading the end of the story.
Zack is a former movie star and convicted criminal who kidnaps small-town teacher Julie when his escape from prison goes awry. The two seemingly have nothing in common but you know it's just a matter of time before passion gets the best of them. They get together about a quarter of the way into the book and I wondered what could possibly be of interest to fill up the remaining three quarters. Boy, was I wrong! McNaught takes her time in unfolding the story, indulging the reader with fulfilling dialogue and detailed character exploration. This book has some of the most touching, romantic, heart wrenching scenes I've ever read. Zack and Julie are unforgettable characters that are sure to linger in my memory for a long time.
By the way, after finishing the book I promptly purchased my own copy (a first edition hard copy - it's THAT good!) so that I can read it again and again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gayla forsyth
Perfect, the title is self-explanatory, the novel is Perfect. I fell in love with the characters and the story just after reading the first few chapters. Being an avid fan of Judith McNaught books I was not in the least disappointed when I read Perfect. The characters were absolutely phenomenal and well written. Their story was very believable and the flair of murder mystery in the novel just made the novel all the more interesting. I finished this book in record time. There was no life beyond the book. Ms. McNaught enthralled me so quickly within the life of the characters I could not wait to finish it, and when it was done, I was so sad it ended. This book is a continuation from the novel Paradise, Matt and Meredith make an appearance in this novel as well.
The novel is about two people Zack Benedict and Julie Mathison. Zack and Julie are from two totally separate worlds. Zack was born in a very wealthy family and Julie was born in a orphanage. She was a troubled child but with all the makings of Robin Hood, the female version. She was adopted and raised by a minister and his wife with their two sons.
The story is extremely beautiful. Before Julie, Zack was married and his wife was shot on the set of his new movie (He becomes a famous Hollywood director/producer/actor). Zack, having martial problems with his late wife, was accused of her murder. He spent 5 years in jail even though he was innocent. After spending 5 years wrongly accused in jail, Zack plans his escape. During his escape everything goes horribly wrong and he charms Julie into giving him a lift. In the process of getting away from the prison he kidnaps her using her as a means to an end. Thus starts the beautiful love story between a highly unlikely pair.
This story is so touching. The way the two protagonists feel for each other is amazing. You can literally feel the love and the undying devotion to each other. Their love survives through all the obstacles that come in the twos way. The whole novel is extremely well put together. The story flows and the characters are believable. I recommend this novel to just about anybody. If you are a avid romance reader this will suit your taste is reading and if you aren't, this book has enough suspense to keep any other genre reader interested all the way through. GOOD JOB MS. MCNAUGHT YOU'VE PRODUCED ANOTHER TIMELESS LOVE STORY!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was angry while reading this book. Zach suffered too much.

I hated Julie's involvement in Zach's capture in Mexico. I would have preferred that the FBI put transmitter/devices on her person without her knowledge, so they could follow her from afar and that she would be innocent of helping the FBI. Her helping to capture Zach was not consistent with her love for him. Matt Farrell always believed in Zach and I would have preferred Julie be the same. I believe the author's motive was to show that Zach learned how to forgive by forgiving Julie, but I still didn't like it. This author did something similar in her book Kingdom of Dreams, having the hero do something stupid at the end which caused me to rate is less. Other than that, it was an excellent read.

Sexual content: mild. Genre: contemporary romance.

For a list of my reviews of other Judith McNaught books, see my 5 star review of "Paradise" posted 3-25-07.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laura wasserman
I have read and enjoyed *all* of Judith McNaught's historical romances (my true passion), so I decided to try one of her contemporary romances for a change. "Perfect" is a great story--a real page-turner with a complex, dark and sexy hero.

Zachary Benedict, a gorgeous self-made man with a mysterious past, is a phenomenally successful Hollywood movie star and director until his adulterous actress wife is murdered on the set of the film he is directing and he is convicted of her murder and sent to prison for 43 years. He escapes from prison 5 years later (with the help of some *amazingly* lax prison security) and in his flight takes Julie Matheson, an innocent schoolteacher, as his hostage to a mountain hideaway in Colorado. Although Zach initially plots cynically to seduce Julie to bind her to him, he finds himself genuinely drawn to her warmth and spirit. Julie is appalled to find herself attracted to her captor and desperately tries to escape (well, at least initially...)

Zach is a great hero--strong but damaged by his past, sexy and gorgeous but remote, cynical but with the heart of a romantic. He is the engine that keeps the story running, in my opinion.

Julie is a pretty good heroine, but (in my opinion) the "goody-two-shoes" stuff is a bit overdone. Abandoned by her mother at birth, she is a rebellious and unwanted foster child prior to being adopted by the Mathesons when she was 11 years old. Overwhelmed by their love and trust, she vows to be worthy of it by being "perfect". And, boy oh boy!, is she ever *perfect*! A minister's daughter and teacher who works with handicapped kids, an adult literacy volunteer and activist, a 26 year old virgin who has actively avoided dating sexy men, Julie is *beloved* in her small Texas town. Unfortunately, all this perfection is a little bit cloying. I liked more the fact that she was genuinely a *kind* person--she gives Zach a ride initially because she feels sorry for him. As his captive, Julie intially tries to escape, then to gull Zach into complacency. There is a little too much adorable woman-child behavior by Julie for my taste, but Zach eats it right up. He is a *little* bit suspicious when she wants to build a snowman in subzero weather, but (gosh, darn it!) isn't she cute! Of course, three days with Zach and Julie's 26 years of virginity are down the drain (talk about the Stockholm syndrome!)

The plot is interesting and moves along well, although there is the "trademark" Judith McNaught *major hiccup* in trust between the main characters that is later brushed off and forgiven. Although this plot event introduces all sorts of tension and turmoil into the story--I have to say that I thought that it was out of character, had potentially disasterous results and was almost *unforgivable*. My other major complaint with the story was with all the Hollywood name-dropping. I found it annoying and out of character for Julie and especially Zach to be so star-struck.

This is a longish book (over 600 pages) but I finished it in one day. The story is entertaining and Zach is the kind of dark, driven, sexy and complex hero that I adore. I love to see the strong, cynical type brought to his knees by his love for a good woman!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nate garvison
Judith Macnaught has been my fav Romance role model and her books are never ending Romantic adventures of joy and sorrow. Perfect is perfect! A great page turner and re-read, always refreshing. Full of romance, murder and suspense. Hollywood movie star and Director Zachary Benedict's wife is murdered on the set of the film he is directing and he's held to be pushed behind the bars for years. He manages to escape out of security lapses and meets Julie Mathison, a chirpy woman who been a teacher and lived with her ideals. When Zachary escapes the Texas prison, he abducts Julie and force her to drive him to his colorado mountain hideout. Zack is cynical yet passionately romantic and Julie matches up to 'perfect' romance read. She tries to escape zack and it's been a deep emotions pouring with a three day encountering zack. Both came from different worlds, Zack born rich and Julie born in orphanage! There is undying devotion and love when love survives with obstacles. Paradise was great read but this is a finer piece. Judith is a potent writer and her charming spell leaves you grasped in her web of romance for hours and any book on shelf, my heart goes sha la la la...Judith Macnaught is a must read for any person who loves to dream and read romance - especially a great read, any time, anywhere!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly foster
McNaught is my most favorite Romance writer of all time. Perfect is a pretty good read but it's got some problems that are hard to overlook. For one, Zack is a bit too domineering for a modern day male. Evidence of that can be found throughout the novel. An example would be how, in the epilogue, Julie had written a book that Zack "agreed to let her write." Huh? She couldn't decide that herself? A couple other examples are Zack's burning Julie's clothes without her knowledge and permission, and his demanding to see what she wore as a necklace by pulling the chain out of her shirt when she said no. Although Zack thought he had a reason to burn the clothes and Julie's necklace turned out to be the ring he gave her, it just communicated to me that he didn't respect her very much, or even at all. I think a domineering hero often works in historical novels, but in a contemporary setting, a hero like Zack is not very believable.
Also, whatever happened to Sandini and his family? Did I miss something or Zack just totally forgot about them after he got out of prison and went back to his riches? Sandini is supposed to be one of Zack's only two true friends in the whole world. (Matt being the other) So I was kinda waiting to see what he'd do about his friendship with the Sandinis, who are a million steps lower than him in the social ladder, after he got out. But unless I missed a page, they were never mentioned again. They weren't at Zack and Julie's wedding that's for sure.
In my opinion, the parts of Perfect that ARE perfect are the ones about Julie's childhood and her teaching efforts as an adult. I cried so many tears when Julie was at the Psychiatrist's office and later on when the lunch money was stolen it's unreal! lol The parts about film making are interesting too.
All and all, it's not a bad book. But be sure you read Paradise by the same author if you haven't already done so. (Her A Kingdom of Dreams is great too!)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
alex les
The chemistry between the 2 main characters was what kept me turning the pages but it took a long time for them to actually meet. McNaught wasted a lot of words with other story lines before getting to Julie and Zack. She went into their personal lives as children which was sooo unneccesary. And her portrayal of Julie as a tough street kid who hotwired cars at 11 years old was just ridiculous. She wrote in a lot of other people who we just didn't care about. She gave way too much time to the heroine's teaching career and those drippy, boring kids that she taught. McNaught never closed a lot of the stories that she opened because there were way too many to follow.
All of that having been said, the romance between the 2 main characters was perfect. Their time alone was perfect. And I just wish the whole book could have been about them instead of everyone else. I will also say that the ending was a little disappointing. Julie does something near the end that makes us hate her and unfortunately, the author never fully rectifies it and doesn't allow enough time for us, the readers, to truly forgive her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cole apperson
I literally read this book almost 20 years ago and I still remember it, that says a lot about it.
I remember laughing then crying reading this book. At the time I was into romantic books and this was a great read.
I still highly recommend it, it's a great story, not predictable at all.
I would have loved to maybe read it again to remember it better but my local library doesn't have it. At the time, when I read it, it was living in another Country and I lost my copy.
Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was given Perfect by my mothers best friend, who happens to be a romance-aholic. From page on until the end i could not put it down!

Julie Matison makes herself a perfect life out of her miserable child hood, witht he help of her adoptive family, the Mathisons. Throughout the book the Mathisons shine through, trusting Julie and their other children to do what they think is right.

Zachary Benedict is a Hollywood-hardened criminal who is doing time in jail for killing his wife. The actor is in prison for 5 years before he gets the chance to escape...and he takes the opportunity....

When Julie and Zach meet it is not very pleasent, given that Zach took Julie hostage, but the next week that follows their meeting, and the months after that will remain in their hearts forever.

This story is a heart-wrencher and it will remain in your hearts, and on your bookshelf, for years to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
graydon gordian
I really enjoyed this book. Zachary Benedict, oscar winning actor/director turned escape murder convict. Julie Mathison, adopted daughter to a minister who falls for Zack. The characters are fantastic & there are a few scenes in the book that really pull tge heart strings.Like Zack watching the video showing how Julie reacted to his re arrest. The reason i take away one star is i felt Julie came across as being way too perfect to be real. Also, i felt there were some holes in the story. Like what happened to Julie's fiancee? What about Doug? What happened to Dominic? They say he died but it'd have been nice to know what exactly happened. Anyway, this is a nice bolk!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melissa powell
This is my favorite Judith McNaught book. The Hero still does the stupid thing that she makes ALL of her main male characters do (get unreasonably, terrifyingly angry with the woman they supposedly love, for usually not a very good reason), but at least he has a far better reason for his stupid misunderstanding than any of the men in her other books.

I enjoy Judith McNaught's writing style and have read many of her books. I don't read them anymore though, because of the afore mentioned stupidity of the male characters. If you are going to read her books though, this is the one I'd recommend the most. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy karaban
PERFECT was perfect with every written chapter, before i start writting about my thoughts on the book i love that the author touches on the foster system and literacy in children and adults..

My thoughts on this book was WOW, and this is my 3rd book from this author again her writting style was excellent in the way she includes all her characters in the book with everyone having an important role and also getting to know each character personally not just Zack and Julie. Even though Katherine and Ted wasn't the main characters of the book it was great getting to know them and their history together and see them fall in love all over again, Matt and Meredith Farrell, it was great reading about them again the author crossed them over from her novel PARADISE which is also a good book, and also getting to know Paul the F.B.I agent who also fell in love with Julie he was such a sweet heart but sorry Paul its all about Zack and there are more characters who you just fell in love with *smiling* won't be able to name everybody i loved in this book..

Now Zack and Julie I love their chemistry together from beginning to end well written the best part for me was Zack taking her hostage and their letters very romantic, emotional, exciting just everything you could possibly feel at that moment reading especially Zack's letter to Julie, everything was just PERFECT even the love scenes. This book is so indepth and detailed as the author shows her signature style in everthing the characters, place and time. A job well done to Judith Mcnaught Get this book you will love it and it will surely make you see how talented this author is and how wonderfully she writes,I thought it was so good it should have been written has a television movie its worth a PERFECT 10.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura mazzola
Perfect is a bittersweet story of Julie Mathison, a simple and vivacious teacher from a small town in Texas. Being an orphan, Julie was obsessed in making her life as perfect as possible to please the people who raised her with unconditional love. While she is living the life that she dreamed of, came Zachary Benedict. Suddenly, Julie's perfect life crumbled as she found herself being drawn towards Benedict's charms.

Oh geez, Perfect is one of my favorite McNaught books. Fast paced, full of drama, mystery and a lot of things to think about. I must admit that I really fell in love with Benedict for his outstanding bravery despite the odds. He took full responsibility of a crime he didn't do. And that, he sacrificed all his privileges and wealth to protect someone he dearly loved. Benedict's endurance for the pains he had been keeping in his heart was so sad that I actually feel for him, ache for him and cry for him. No man should deserve that kind of fate.

And Julie was the perfect heroine for Benedict. Simple and yet, she owned the world with her big heart. And I admire her for saving Benedict from destroying himself. That was not an easy feat for a woman who also had her own battles to win. And no, she isn't a Mary Sue.

Judith told Perfect's story in a way that is both interesting and thought provoking. I love how she constructed the background story of the leads that it was so hard not to get absorbed into Perfect's world. The romance was giddying and realistic. And there's the mystery and the twist surrounding Benedict's life. It was one of the the things that made me devour the whole book in one sitting (screw you, sleep). In addition, the romance, mystery and twist were blended with a perfect amount of drama that I couldn't help but cry a river while I was reading the book. The story was both painful and intense. I doubt it if McNaught has ever written something light and funny. One thing's for sure though, I adore her brand of drama. And I love shedding bucketful of tears for any of her stories.

Perfect is a faultless narrative of moral values. It is a picture of our everyday struggles in life, of the pain we have to endure, of the inevitable anger that we feel, of the bliss that we constantly chase and of the freedom from our own prison of woes. I highly recommend this book for those who love a mixed bag of romance, suspense and heavy drama.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dr k
When I read the reviews for 'Perfect', I was really excited to start reading the actual novel. I enjoyed the novel greatly, but it wasn't the BEST book I've read. I guess I would've liked the novel a lot better if I hadn't read the reviews that gave out little hints of spoilers. Anyways, I thought the storyline was great, and the characters were very well-developed. It's the main reason I gave it four stars, not three. Had the plot been less deep than it is, I would've given it three stars. Why? I have a few things that bothered me a little about 'Perfect'.
-Where did Paul Richardson go? After he went to Zack with the videotapes and letter, he just...disappeared.
-It seems as if Dominic Sandini also disappeared. After his visit to Julie, he was never mentioned again.
-Haha, although I know most who read 'Perfect' simply melted at the parts where Julie reads Zack's letter to her and the conversation on the phone they shared, I found it to be just a slight bit sappy.
Other than those few flaws I think 'Perfect' has, it's a really enjoyable read.
I must be the only person in the world who hasn't read 'Paradise' yet. I bought the book a few days ago, and I hope it's worth it, since I've read really great reviews on it. I've heard 'Paradise' is better than 'Perfect', so hopefully, I won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah hendrick
This was the first book of Judith McNaught's books I actually read, and it made me buy the rest. According to the store, the only book I don't own in Double Standards, but I'm not even in the least bit tempted, due to the very bad reviews it's got. Judith McNaught made a niche for herself by writing historical romance, but she tried to make more of a name for herself by doing modern romance. 'Perfect' & 'Paradise' are the only ones of her 'modern' books that I've enjoyed. The rest of the historical romances I've very much enjoyed, although I've been slated rotten for reading them, as they're too 'old' for me. Whatever that means.

What happens in most of her books is the couple meet through daft circumstances, get it on, fall out plenty, make up, get broken apart for a while, before they realise they're meant to be together. Sounds like every other romance novel you've ever read? Yep. There's just something about Judith McNaught, she's got a certain magic when it comes to her (good) books, she describes character in ways that make you fall in love with them, even though she does see the world of romance through rose tinted glasses. Nothing's ever that perfect. How about some bad sex once in a while?

This is definitely one of the books you should pick up if you've never read a Judith McNaught book before. I just wish now that she would release something decent, instead of the modern claptrap that she's churning out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pamela conners
Perfect by Judith McNaught was released in 1993. Agreat novel of romance and suspense. Julie and Zach go through some tortuous things as they fall in love. Fans of Judith McNaught will like this the most.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara thompson
When my friends ask why Perfect is my favorite book ever, there's one thing that comes to my mind. I WANT TO BE HER!! I want to go to the secluded cabin in the woods, i want to be swept off my feet. I want to fall in love so purly and passionatly as she does. And everyone of my friends who has read it agrees with me...they want to be Julie. Even through the fear she feels in the beginning, and the anger she feels when they must part, it doesn't compare to the joy and romance they have when they're together. And I always know it's a great book when the tears fall at the end, and I go right back to the beginning and start reading it again. This book is my fantasy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With 165 reviews of this book posted, my glowing praises are probably superfluous, but after reading hundreds of romances, Perfect remains my favorite, and thus deserving of a review. This was my first Judith McNaught book, and I went on to collect her other novels with enthusiasm. I actually found Pefect on a bookshelf of a rental condo during vacation, and picked it up out boredom on a rainy day. I could not put it down, and was tempted to steal it because going out to buy it would take too long! The tenderness of the characters was so moving that I went back to reread key passages (something I never do). Many reviewers mentioned the connection between this and Paradise, however I was surprised how many people mentioned that Perfect came "close to Paradise." While both are definetly worth a read, I actually preferred Pefect. Paradise is also among my favorite romances, but if you could ONLY read one, I'd have to recommend Perfect. A note of caution: while there is an element of mystery in the plot, be aware that it's definetly secondary to the romance. Don't be fooled into thinking you're picking up a romantic suspsene, as the only real suspense comes from the relationship. I cannot recommend this book highly enough!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a wonderful story, with charming and very likable characters. I listened to the audio version of this book, and found it to be very entertaining during my extremely long commute. I couldn't wait to get back in the car after work in order to hear the rest... and after a 70 minute drive, I almost drove around the block to hear more! This is a very warm and entertaining story, with characters that are very endearing. The reader, Kim Cattrall, did a wonderful job... bringing the characters alive through her voice, and speaking very clearly with a wonderful speaking voice. I highly recommend this book or the audio, I found it very entertaining.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
michael loynd
In my opinion the most perfect and worthwhile romance novel ever written is Paradise by Judith McNaught. Accordingly, I thought okay I'll read this one which isn't quite a sequel, but more of a spinoff (think how Jake from Melrose Place dated Kelly from 90210 which lead into the spinoff). It was so good for the first 300 pages. Seriously. I was deliriously happy for the couple. The guy is falsely convicted of murder and has to escape prison and find a way to clear his name. Along the way he kidnaps this confused small-town teacher who has a complicated past etc. Then it took a turn for the worst and I'll swear to you I called this woman names in a hundred different ways OUT LOUD and threw the book across the room. I was so pissed off I seriously thought about just not finishing it, but whatever I'm a trooper so I fought on. Then they got together in the end to live happily ever after (I mean, it's a romance novel, I expected nothing else, but I'm still a little angry when I think about it) and that is the most unjust ridiculous ending ever. In my opinion, love does not mean that you believe whatever someone else tells you instead of going to the person you love for confirmation. Love is not running away when things get tough and believing the worst in people. Love is done an injustice at the end of this otherwise okay novel and I can't believe how many people will let that slide. Take my advice, and just stop reading once they leave the mountain cabin; there's nothing left for you past that except anger and resentment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah schmitt
Dear People, I immensely fell in love with this most incredible book. The love, the romance, the setting, the characters, the plot, the emotions, and the actions were what made this book stand out alot. Although I know that some people will not agreee with me, "Perfect" by Judith Mcaught is indeed the blockbuster romance novel of the century. It beats " Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare by a half-star. Please, if you're reading this, please, read the book if you haven't or if you have, go and read it again. A Loyal Fan of Judith McNaught
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story was one that grabbed my attention and held me! I luckily had read Paradise before and just grabbed Perfect next. I'm happy that I read them in the right order. All four characters captivated me. J. McNaught definitely knows how to write spellbinding, plot twisting book. I love how the love between the two couples is so deep. I wish there were more books that keep track of these couples. If anyone knows of any book, I'd love to know.
Another part that captivates me is the acknowledgement of adult literacy. It makes me want to go out and volunteer my time to help other adult women. Thank you Mrs. McNaught for bringing this to our attention. Every woman needs to know the joy of reading in addition to being essential!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leo clark
Perfect is my favorite book. I enjoyed the whole thing. It was very moving. Julie was a wonderful character, and so was Zack. I fell in love with him myself. The writing was simply amazing. Judith McNaught made me want to laugh at some parts, cry at others, and at some points, I wanted to throw the book against the wall I was so angry. But I loved the book all the more for that, becasue it made you feel. It wasn't a book that you can just casually read and then put it somehwere and forget about it for years until you decide to clean and discover it among a pile of junk. I've read this book hundreds of times, and it only gets better each time. The way Paul Richardson goes to Zack's house was amazing. I loved that scene (but not as much as all the time Julie and Zack spent in Colorado. That was the best). I gave it to my best friend to read, and she told me that it was the best book she had ever read. I agree wholeheartedly, and I hope that others feel the same way. If not an absolute favorite book, than perhaps one of the best you've ever read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather walker
From beginning to the end this book caught my interest completely. others of Mcnuaght works i have found a little boring in the beginning but this one has hooked me since the beginning to the end. this is what a romance should be... passion, tenderness and tearjerking emotion. the fact that Julie was human enough to doubt Zack's innocence when everything around her wanted her to believe that makes this romance really....REAL! afterall how long has she known him. He could really be a good man but a emotionally disturbed one. how the hell could she be sure?

A real winner from Mcnaught! you have become my favourite writer after this one! this would always remain in my collection of good romance books. Thanks for such a entertaning read.
Please RatePERFECT by Judith McNaught (1993-05-01)
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