An Ancient Astronaut Speaks (Law of One) - The Ra Material

ByDon Elkins

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan slate
This book is full of fascinating material. The source is channeled, so for many that is not credible, but I found the words to resonate with my inner understanding. I enjoyed it and found it valuable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan l
Very intriguing. I suppose people could make this up, and if they did then great imagination and delivery. If the info from Ra is genuine, then wow. I like the concept of the law of one. Kind of reminds me of Christian Science. Everything discussed seemed very plausible. Other reviews cover the topics. I've started book 2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing how much credence to this channeling has been recently revealed. I have to wonder if the writer did not rephrase some of the answers to fit into what he thought was possible. Leads credence to a government secret space program if you pay attention as well.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
metta d evandari
It's an interesting intellectual pursuit that may bring peace or hope to some souls. However, some might say who can know the mind of God? By the very nature of this book we are separating ourselves in the dualism of Self and Others. Neither exists.... since All is One. This is a Paradox that the human mind cannot grasp....if but only for a moment....then back to dualism. This book, while intellectually stimulating and challenging to our human perceptions, ultimately keeps us in maya, the illusion of separateness. It is a pathway but not the Truth. Truth is more work and journeying through our seeking the Oneness.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
cameron mackinnon
Law of One Update 8-22-16
Massively Important Law of One Update 10-15-16 Down Below

I said I would come back and rewrite my review if I felt I had been duped by the Ra Collective. I am rewriting my review. It took me a while to connect the dots, but I did find massive errors in their teaching. Either the Ra Collective is the dark side in disguise, or they are not as intelligent as they would have us believe.

Read these books with caution and connect your own dots!

Years ago, when I first found this material, I dismissed it because the Ra Collective said we had free will. I wouldn’t read it back then because I don’t believe we have free will—at all! We are individuals who have forced, controlled, limited, restricted choice. Free choice is an illusion. You don’t even get to choose. The forward motion of time forces you to choose. And what happens, or does not happen, with your next time-induced, restricted choice forces your next choice. If you lack the ability, knowledge, technology, or if you don’t have to power to control time and instantly manifest, then you are controlled by some other process, law, being, or system. There is no free will, just control.

I was, and still am, under attack by the evil aliens, evil world governments, and our sadistic militaries. The Ra Collective talked about the Orion/Reptilian group and their evil agenda, so I came back to see if the rest of their information had any truth to it. Except for their version of free will, I tried my best to keep an open mind toward the rest of the information. Actually, I gobbled it up. I read all five books multiple times. I thought I had found more answers to how and why things work the way they do. I was wrong.

The Ra Collective says that the third dimension is a free will dimension—meaning that you have to ask permission of others before you can do things to them, and you get to choose polarities. According to the Ra Collective, this is the main law for everything. This is also a load of you-know-what. For thousands of years on this planet, as soon as you are born, you are labeled and claimed by the current government, king, queen, or ruling power of that territory. No government official of any kind asks you if you want to live under the current laws, you are brainwashed and forced to live under their laws—or be killed for treason. On top of this, you are threatened, coerced, punished, tortured, imprisoned, enslaved, or banished if you don’t abide by the rules—especially in the United States. Democracy and free will are a joke—money and greed have always ruled the lands on this Earth since humans and aliens first existed here. Nobody with money, guns, or better technology is asking for your permission!

Either the Ra Collective is a complete idiot in this regard, or they are the dark side giving misinformation. I say this because this is not a free will planet or dimension. We are on a slave planet ruled by the Reptilians, Mantids, Greys, and their human cabalistic Masonic, Illuminati puppets. In the U.S., you are forced to give away your power and right to rule yourself by voting for someone else who will tell you how you can live, what is lawful, and what is or isn’t morally acceptable. And, it has been this way for centuries—which includes the time when the Ra Collective was supposedly here. There was a pyramid structure of power then, and there is a pyramid structure of power now.

Speaking of pyramids, the Ra Collective said that they built the pyramids (Law of One 2.4 and 3.12). There are literally hundreds of ideas and theories about who actually built the pyramids. I found it interesting that two of the world’s prominent remote viewers came up with information that the evil Mantids or evil Reptilians built the pyramids with genetically engineered slaves. Also, the Ra Collective never described exactly what they looked like and said they had to shapeshift in order to be accepted by humans. I won’t put my stock in the remote viewer’s information as factual, but is it possible that the Ra Collective is actually Mantids or Reptilians?

Let’s go one more step in the misleading information, or the complete idiocy of the Ra Collective. In 35.8 of the Law of One Books, the Ra Collective talks about Abraham Lincoln in a positive way. However, Abraham Lincoln was part of the evil agenda. Abraham Lincoln had no wish or desire to free the slaves. One of the main reasons that the South went to war with the North was over the proposed 40% tax rate, not slavery. (See Morrill Tariff Act of 1861.) If it’s true, Abraham Lincoln said, “I can’t let them (the South) go. Who would pay for the government?”

Lincoln’s concern was to keep the Union together at all costs—not freeing the slaves. (Read Lincoln’s letter to Horace Greeley, August 22nd, 1862.) The Union was about enslaving ALL OF THE PEOPLE with taxes and laws created by the rich. (This was the dark Reptilian agenda of the time.) Lincoln had no wish to give freedom to the people, and he only signed the Emancipation Proclamation in the hopes that the southern slaves would rise up and riot against the South so the southern armies would go back home and protect their land and families. As we already know in the U.S., this didn’t happen, and the Union enslaved the population anyway—not just the innocent African slaves. (By the way, thirteen U.S. Presidents owned slaves. Eight U.S. Presidents owned slaves while they were in office. How much more proof do you need that we are controlled by the dark side? We went from racial and sexual slavery to financial slavery.)

The Ra Collective said that Abraham Lincoln was a walk-in. What kind of walk-in soul would enslave all of the people and force them to live under laws created by the rich? The only walk-in that would do this would be a dark, evil soul, not a loving soul. Furthermore, an advanced walk-in soul would have followed the supposed law of free will and asked permission of the people for everything. This walk-in soul, through Lincoln, never asked the people what they wanted. This walk-in forced the people—North and South—to live by laws created by Lincoln and the rich. That is not the same free will that the Ra Collective talks about. This is extremely suspicious.

This is only one of many examples that I’ve found. And I could go on for days about my distrust toward the Ra Collective and their conflicting information, but let’s do one more. The Ra Collective would have you believe that love accepts pain, torture, enslavement, and mind control without standing up for yourself. According to them, this is 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th positive polarity dimensional thinking. Well, this is exactly what the Reptilians, Greys, Mantids, and the corrupt, greedy, cabalistic government system wants. They don’t want you to stand up for yourself. They want you to be compliant slaves and tortured worker bees. The deceitful rich people say, “Nobody is standing up to us, so we are going to keep doing what we want and enslave everyone in the world for our benefit.” If you follow the Ra Collective’s belief system, then you will become enslaved by the New World Order. This is highly questionable logic and a flawed philosophy. We are already living on a negative polarity planet—as described by the Ra Collective—so there is no choosing a polarity at this point. The majority of human slaves has already accepted its role as compliant sheep and is not standing up to the New World Order. (I’m not accepting their rule, but I can’t do it alone.)

I can’t tell you for a fact that the Ra Collective is evil, but I can tell you that I don’t trust them 100%, either.

p.s. If free will means that we have individuality, I would agree with this concept. Anything else said about free will by the Ra Collective is incorrect, deception, or a lie.

Massively Important Law of One Update 10-15-16

Do not trust the Ra Collective!!! I am giving this additional update in the hopes that it will help others who have been deceived by this alien group. These aliens sound all helpful and loving, but they are deception in disguise.

In 72.17, this question is asked: “Why is there no protection at the floor or bottom of the banishing ritual, and should there be?”

The Ra Collective gives this answer: “The development of the psychic greeting is possible only through the energy centers starting from a station which you might call within the violet ray moving through the adept’s energy center and therefrom towards the target of opportunity. Depending upon the vibratory nature and purpose of greeting, be it positive or negative, the entity will be energized or blocked in the desired way.

“We of Ra approach this instrument in narrow-band contact through violet ray. Others might pierce down through this ray to any energy center. We, for instance, make great use of this instrument’s blue-ray energy center as we are attempting to communicate our distortion/understandings of the Law of One.

“The entity of Orion pierces the same violet ray and moves to two places to attempt most of its non-physical opportunities. It activates the green-ray energy center while further blocking indigo-ray energy center. This combination causes confusion in the instrument and subsequent over-activity in unwise proportions in physical complex workings. It simply seeks out the distortions pre-incarnatively programmed and developed in incarnative state.

“The energies of life itself, being the One Infinite Creator, flow from the south pole of the body seen in its magnetic form. Thus only the Creator may, through the feet, enter the energy shell of the body to any effect. The effects of the adept are those from the upper direction and thus the building of the wall of light is quite propitious.”

This is completely misleading, false, or deceptive information—and I say this with full knowledge and experience. I have been under attack from Reptilians, Djinn, evil aliens, black magicians, and the secret government who uses electronic torture. I get hammered by them everyday. They attack from above, below, and all sides, not just through the top of the head. If you follow the advice of the Ra Collective, you leave yourself vulnerable.

Here is the major Reptilian deception. The Ra Collective—who I believe might be Reptilians or Mantids—say that God, the energies of life, enters only through the feet. This is wrong. Reptilians and magicians enter through the feet. I know this from being attacked by these entities through the ground. When I shield down below, it helps to stop them.

Now here is the worst part. If you follow the Ra Collective and allow God to come in through the feet, then you open the door to the Reptilians and black magicians to enter that way, too. They were the ones who gave this false information so they could attack you. And, if there is a God, do you think that God, or the energy of life, would be limited to only coming in through the feet? Seriously?

On top of my experience, there is also another source of information that states Reptilians come up through the victim’s feet. They can enter through the floor, underneath the person, or from below the Earth. If you do not protect from below and above, you will be attacked by them from these directions. My experience proves this. Also, if you do magic and use the Lesser Banishing Ritual, like the Ra Collective tells you, you are opening yourself up to being controlled by the dark side. Supposedly, the Reptilians created this type of magic, so using their Lesser Banishing Ritual would leave you open to their attacks.

Do not trust the Ra Collective!!!

From the original review:
First off, this is the only channeled material that I have read—and I’ve read a lot—where the channeled entity says that they are not infallible. I respect an entity that welcomes and encourages the people receiving the messages to point out mistakes. Even more respectable is when the channeled entity agrees that mistakes can and have been made. And when mistakes were pointed out to the Ra collective, the Ra collective made all attempts to fix any errors in their message. They didn’t blame the humans for being close-minded, wrong, or label them as young souls.

The second reason I like this material more than any other channeled material is that (the late) Carla Rueckert constantly challenged the Ra collective and Q’uo collective to ensure that the information was coming from a being of positive polarity and not from a negative polarity being posing as the Ra collective. No other channeled material I have read does this.

Too many new agers believe channeled information comes only from beings of pure intent. New agers usually fail to realize that there can be mistakes in transmission, mistakes by the receiver, mistakes by the sender, or that the transmission can come from negative polarity beings posing as positive polarity beings. There could also be mistakes in the entire belief system being shared by the channeled entity. What’s worse is when new agers consider the information as gospel without question or thought. In the Law of One series, the Ra collective states numerous times that they are only messengers of the Law of One and that they are only sharing opinions based on their experience of Creation. I commend the Ra collective for being great role models and respectable dimensional teachers.

Is it possible that I have been duped by the Ra collective? Is it possible that I have been misled by their message and material? I question everything before I even consider it as truth—and even then I still question it. I can tell you from personal experience with the secret government, reptilians, other Orion aliens, the MKUltra mind-control program, and negative 4th and 5th dimensional beings, though, that what the Ra collective is saying is mostly true. (If I find out that I was duped, I will come back and rewrite this review.)

Another selling point is the scientific approach that Don Elkins, Jim McCarty, and Carla Rueckert took while running these sessions. Using multiple tape recorders, a questioner, a secretary, a channeler, and a scientific motive to gather information about the UFO phenomenon—as opposed to a woo-woo new age channel approach that never considers the dark side exists—was a huge seller for me.

I am glad that I read this material, and I will read it again and again. Every time I do, I discover new and enlightening pieces of useful information. I highly recommend the five-book Law of One Series and other material by Don Elkins, Jim McCarty, and Carla Rueckert.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jen rieth
Watch out - when you read this, you open the door in your mind to their parasitic presence, probably the reason they channeled this with Don is to ensure that they have some entry-ways into our consciousness. Unsuspecting/ naive authors (as we all are) channeled low quality (less than 50% accurate) information from deceitful entities. There has not been any positive authentication of source or intention. However, they give themselves away by revealing that their group is called "Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow" - should be a red flag - these are deeply mentally distressed entities, overwhelmed with various negative emotions.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
liviu duta
It's an interesting intellectual pursuit that may bring peace or hope to some souls. However, some might say who can know the mind of God? By the very nature of this book we are separating ourselves in the dualism of Self and Others. Neither exists.... since All is One. This is a Paradox that the human mind cannot grasp....if but only for a moment....then back to dualism. This book, while intellectually stimulating and challenging to our human perceptions, ultimately keeps us in maya, the illusion of separateness. It is a pathway but not the Truth. Truth is more work and journeying through our seeking the Oneness.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lex huckabay
Law of One Update 8-22-16
Massively Important Law of One Update 10-15-16 Down Below

I said I would come back and rewrite my review if I felt I had been duped by the Ra Collective. I am rewriting my review. It took me a while to connect the dots, but I did find massive errors in their teaching. Either the Ra Collective is the dark side in disguise, or they are not as intelligent as they would have us believe.

Read these books with caution and connect your own dots!

Years ago, when I first found this material, I dismissed it because the Ra Collective said we had free will. I wouldn’t read it back then because I don’t believe we have free will—at all! We are individuals who have forced, controlled, limited, restricted choice. Free choice is an illusion. You don’t even get to choose. The forward motion of time forces you to choose. And what happens, or does not happen, with your next time-induced, restricted choice forces your next choice. If you lack the ability, knowledge, technology, or if you don’t have to power to control time and instantly manifest, then you are controlled by some other process, law, being, or system. There is no free will, just control.

I was, and still am, under attack by the evil aliens, evil world governments, and our sadistic militaries. The Ra Collective talked about the Orion/Reptilian group and their evil agenda, so I came back to see if the rest of their information had any truth to it. Except for their version of free will, I tried my best to keep an open mind toward the rest of the information. Actually, I gobbled it up. I read all five books multiple times. I thought I had found more answers to how and why things work the way they do. I was wrong.

The Ra Collective says that the third dimension is a free will dimension—meaning that you have to ask permission of others before you can do things to them, and you get to choose polarities. According to the Ra Collective, this is the main law for everything. This is also a load of you-know-what. For thousands of years on this planet, as soon as you are born, you are labeled and claimed by the current government, king, queen, or ruling power of that territory. No government official of any kind asks you if you want to live under the current laws, you are brainwashed and forced to live under their laws—or be killed for treason. On top of this, you are threatened, coerced, punished, tortured, imprisoned, enslaved, or banished if you don’t abide by the rules—especially in the United States. Democracy and free will are a joke—money and greed have always ruled the lands on this Earth since humans and aliens first existed here. Nobody with money, guns, or better technology is asking for your permission!

Either the Ra Collective is a complete idiot in this regard, or they are the dark side giving misinformation. I say this because this is not a free will planet or dimension. We are on a slave planet ruled by the Reptilians, Mantids, Greys, and their human cabalistic Masonic, Illuminati puppets. In the U.S., you are forced to give away your power and right to rule yourself by voting for someone else who will tell you how you can live, what is lawful, and what is or isn’t morally acceptable. And, it has been this way for centuries—which includes the time when the Ra Collective was supposedly here. There was a pyramid structure of power then, and there is a pyramid structure of power now.

Speaking of pyramids, the Ra Collective said that they built the pyramids (Law of One 2.4 and 3.12). There are literally hundreds of ideas and theories about who actually built the pyramids. I found it interesting that two of the world’s prominent remote viewers came up with information that the evil Mantids or evil Reptilians built the pyramids with genetically engineered slaves. Also, the Ra Collective never described exactly what they looked like and said they had to shapeshift in order to be accepted by humans. I won’t put my stock in the remote viewer’s information as factual, but is it possible that the Ra Collective is actually Mantids or Reptilians?

Let’s go one more step in the misleading information, or the complete idiocy of the Ra Collective. In 35.8 of the Law of One Books, the Ra Collective talks about Abraham Lincoln in a positive way. However, Abraham Lincoln was part of the evil agenda. Abraham Lincoln had no wish or desire to free the slaves. One of the main reasons that the South went to war with the North was over the proposed 40% tax rate, not slavery. (See Morrill Tariff Act of 1861.) If it’s true, Abraham Lincoln said, “I can’t let them (the South) go. Who would pay for the government?”

Lincoln’s concern was to keep the Union together at all costs—not freeing the slaves. (Read Lincoln’s letter to Horace Greeley, August 22nd, 1862.) The Union was about enslaving ALL OF THE PEOPLE with taxes and laws created by the rich. (This was the dark Reptilian agenda of the time.) Lincoln had no wish to give freedom to the people, and he only signed the Emancipation Proclamation in the hopes that the southern slaves would rise up and riot against the South so the southern armies would go back home and protect their land and families. As we already know in the U.S., this didn’t happen, and the Union enslaved the population anyway—not just the innocent African slaves. (By the way, thirteen U.S. Presidents owned slaves. Eight U.S. Presidents owned slaves while they were in office. How much more proof do you need that we are controlled by the dark side? We went from racial and sexual slavery to financial slavery.)

The Ra Collective said that Abraham Lincoln was a walk-in. What kind of walk-in soul would enslave all of the people and force them to live under laws created by the rich? The only walk-in that would do this would be a dark, evil soul, not a loving soul. Furthermore, an advanced walk-in soul would have followed the supposed law of free will and asked permission of the people for everything. This walk-in soul, through Lincoln, never asked the people what they wanted. This walk-in forced the people—North and South—to live by laws created by Lincoln and the rich. That is not the same free will that the Ra Collective talks about. This is extremely suspicious.

This is only one of many examples that I’ve found. And I could go on for days about my distrust toward the Ra Collective and their conflicting information, but let’s do one more. The Ra Collective would have you believe that love accepts pain, torture, enslavement, and mind control without standing up for yourself. According to them, this is 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th positive polarity dimensional thinking. Well, this is exactly what the Reptilians, Greys, Mantids, and the corrupt, greedy, cabalistic government system wants. They don’t want you to stand up for yourself. They want you to be compliant slaves and tortured worker bees. The deceitful rich people say, “Nobody is standing up to us, so we are going to keep doing what we want and enslave everyone in the world for our benefit.” If you follow the Ra Collective’s belief system, then you will become enslaved by the New World Order. This is highly questionable logic and a flawed philosophy. We are already living on a negative polarity planet—as described by the Ra Collective—so there is no choosing a polarity at this point. The majority of human slaves has already accepted its role as compliant sheep and is not standing up to the New World Order. (I’m not accepting their rule, but I can’t do it alone.)

I can’t tell you for a fact that the Ra Collective is evil, but I can tell you that I don’t trust them 100%, either.

p.s. If free will means that we have individuality, I would agree with this concept. Anything else said about free will by the Ra Collective is incorrect, deception, or a lie.

Massively Important Law of One Update 10-15-16

Do not trust the Ra Collective!!! I am giving this additional update in the hopes that it will help others who have been deceived by this alien group. These aliens sound all helpful and loving, but they are deception in disguise.

In 72.17, this question is asked: “Why is there no protection at the floor or bottom of the banishing ritual, and should there be?”

The Ra Collective gives this answer: “The development of the psychic greeting is possible only through the energy centers starting from a station which you might call within the violet ray moving through the adept’s energy center and therefrom towards the target of opportunity. Depending upon the vibratory nature and purpose of greeting, be it positive or negative, the entity will be energized or blocked in the desired way.

“We of Ra approach this instrument in narrow-band contact through violet ray. Others might pierce down through this ray to any energy center. We, for instance, make great use of this instrument’s blue-ray energy center as we are attempting to communicate our distortion/understandings of the Law of One.

“The entity of Orion pierces the same violet ray and moves to two places to attempt most of its non-physical opportunities. It activates the green-ray energy center while further blocking indigo-ray energy center. This combination causes confusion in the instrument and subsequent over-activity in unwise proportions in physical complex workings. It simply seeks out the distortions pre-incarnatively programmed and developed in incarnative state.

“The energies of life itself, being the One Infinite Creator, flow from the south pole of the body seen in its magnetic form. Thus only the Creator may, through the feet, enter the energy shell of the body to any effect. The effects of the adept are those from the upper direction and thus the building of the wall of light is quite propitious.”

This is completely misleading, false, or deceptive information—and I say this with full knowledge and experience. I have been under attack from Reptilians, Djinn, evil aliens, black magicians, and the secret government who uses electronic torture. I get hammered by them everyday. They attack from above, below, and all sides, not just through the top of the head. If you follow the advice of the Ra Collective, you leave yourself vulnerable.

Here is the major Reptilian deception. The Ra Collective—who I believe might be Reptilians or Mantids—say that God, the energies of life, enters only through the feet. This is wrong. Reptilians and magicians enter through the feet. I know this from being attacked by these entities through the ground. When I shield down below, it helps to stop them.

Now here is the worst part. If you follow the Ra Collective and allow God to come in through the feet, then you open the door to the Reptilians and black magicians to enter that way, too. They were the ones who gave this false information so they could attack you. And, if there is a God, do you think that God, or the energy of life, would be limited to only coming in through the feet? Seriously?

On top of my experience, there is also another source of information that states Reptilians come up through the victim’s feet. They can enter through the floor, underneath the person, or from below the Earth. If you do not protect from below and above, you will be attacked by them from these directions. My experience proves this. Also, if you do magic and use the Lesser Banishing Ritual, like the Ra Collective tells you, you are opening yourself up to being controlled by the dark side. Supposedly, the Reptilians created this type of magic, so using their Lesser Banishing Ritual would leave you open to their attacks.

Do not trust the Ra Collective!!!

From the original review:
First off, this is the only channeled material that I have read—and I’ve read a lot—where the channeled entity says that they are not infallible. I respect an entity that welcomes and encourages the people receiving the messages to point out mistakes. Even more respectable is when the channeled entity agrees that mistakes can and have been made. And when mistakes were pointed out to the Ra collective, the Ra collective made all attempts to fix any errors in their message. They didn’t blame the humans for being close-minded, wrong, or label them as young souls.

The second reason I like this material more than any other channeled material is that (the late) Carla Rueckert constantly challenged the Ra collective and Q’uo collective to ensure that the information was coming from a being of positive polarity and not from a negative polarity being posing as the Ra collective. No other channeled material I have read does this.

Too many new agers believe channeled information comes only from beings of pure intent. New agers usually fail to realize that there can be mistakes in transmission, mistakes by the receiver, mistakes by the sender, or that the transmission can come from negative polarity beings posing as positive polarity beings. There could also be mistakes in the entire belief system being shared by the channeled entity. What’s worse is when new agers consider the information as gospel without question or thought. In the Law of One series, the Ra collective states numerous times that they are only messengers of the Law of One and that they are only sharing opinions based on their experience of Creation. I commend the Ra collective for being great role models and respectable dimensional teachers.

Is it possible that I have been duped by the Ra collective? Is it possible that I have been misled by their message and material? I question everything before I even consider it as truth—and even then I still question it. I can tell you from personal experience with the secret government, reptilians, other Orion aliens, the MKUltra mind-control program, and negative 4th and 5th dimensional beings, though, that what the Ra collective is saying is mostly true. (If I find out that I was duped, I will come back and rewrite this review.)

Another selling point is the scientific approach that Don Elkins, Jim McCarty, and Carla Rueckert took while running these sessions. Using multiple tape recorders, a questioner, a secretary, a channeler, and a scientific motive to gather information about the UFO phenomenon—as opposed to a woo-woo new age channel approach that never considers the dark side exists—was a huge seller for me.

I am glad that I read this material, and I will read it again and again. Every time I do, I discover new and enlightening pieces of useful information. I highly recommend the five-book Law of One Series and other material by Don Elkins, Jim McCarty, and Carla Rueckert.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Watch out - when you read this, you open the door in your mind to their parasitic presence, probably the reason they channeled this with Don is to ensure that they have some entry-ways into our consciousness. Unsuspecting/ naive authors (as we all are) channeled low quality (less than 50% accurate) information from deceitful entities. There has not been any positive authentication of source or intention. However, they give themselves away by revealing that their group is called "Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow" - should be a red flag - these are deeply mentally distressed entities, overwhelmed with various negative emotions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Simply the best "new age" book out there. I bought these books years ago and never could quite get into them. Then I started listening to David Wilcock talk about them on his Ancient Wisdom Teachings on the Gia site and was blown away by how the RA material tied together everything I'd ever read, and more. Why are we here? Who seeded Earth? Why is there suffering? Who are the dark forces that keep us in misery? Are their aliens, and why do some people claim their good, while others say they are demons?

Written in collaboration of two men and one woman(who is the channel), this first book gave me so many answers to my questions, and answers to questions I hadn't even thought to ask. Apparently, RA can only answer questions that are asked in order not the break the law of 'free will' in our dimension. Free will was explained as the all important lesson of our third dimension. What this means is that no one can do anything to us without our permission.

RA explained that our thoughts attract more of the same, so if we think negatively, we get rewarded by those in the higher dimensions(4th density negative as RA puts it), and if we think positively, we'll get more positive in our lives. We are co-creators and set up our reality with our thoughts. RA explained that if we all took a day and thought nothing but loving thoughts to each other, the negative beings who feed off of our fears, would starve to death and leave immediately. Thoughts are energy, and we can either feed off of the positive energy of our Creator, or feed off that same energy in negative form off of each other(energy vampires are real).

Heaven on Earth is up to us. Karma is not punishment, it is what brings us back into balance. What we do in this dimension takes time to come back to us, while in the upper dimensions, our thoughts are instantly granted. Until we can learn to love every part of ourselves, which is reflected in all of those around us, we can't move up, or ascend to the next level of schooling. We mimic this law in our own schools, sports, and in just about everything we do here on Earth. There is not cheating, though you can move up to the fourth level as a negative, but who would want to? Living in a dimension with a bunch of psychopaths(selfishness to the extreme) whose every wish is instantly granted sounds like a hell even a religion couldn't dream up. A lake of fire sounds preferable.

This series of books is a treasure. I now find them easy to read(perhaps I just wasn't ready for them), and understand, and full of hope. I can't wait to start book 2.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Lots of answers generating just as many questions. Came at a time when a number of groups of entities were channeling material and the channelers were "newbies" at it, so it is as much a commentary on us learning to ask the meaningful questions. I am told that the later books are more informative because the questioners have moved on to what is more meaningful. Personally, I am not comfortable with the world as it is explained in this book, but it's an interesting "take". I believe that there are other channeled materials that put a more positive spin on things-- like Seth, for example
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather goldsmith
There is a lot of channeled material out there, some good and some not so good. I think it is important to use discernment when reading channeled material, just as it is important to use discernment when reading anything, or when listening to a preacher talk.

Ultimately, the truth is inside of us, but we don't know it. So it helps to have it confirmed by `outside' sources. Sometimes we come across something that has that ring of truth in it, and we know it is appropriate for us in this point of time in out lives. Not necessarily appropriate for everyone at all times, or even for ourselves at all times, but appropriate in the now, for where we are at right now.

Thus, I have encountered many books and other sources of info that have all had varying degrees of what I consider `truth', but no one of them being THE TRUTH. (I have long ago dismissed the bible as THE truth, but consider it to have SOME truth in it, while most of it has been distorted.)

The Law of One books are the closest I have found to being THE truth. Many of the channeled works out there are cheesy, or they come across too `authoritative' ie ` such-and-such year this WILL happen...', `...that IS the way it IS...', etc.

Ra, on the other hand, does not claim to be an authority. Rather, this entity repeatedly tells us to please use discernment and accept only that which resonates as truth within ourselves. Then proceeds to give info that totally rocks your socks off!

This stuff is deep, very deep. I have never read anything else, channeled or not, that even comes close to such high caliber! It is just completely obvious to me that the info really is coming from a higher being, cuz no way anyone could have made all this up!

OK, maybe someone could have. But this info came thru a woman in a trance, and she did not even know what she was saying until she woke up. Even very specific details are consistent throughout the text, over the course of several years of channeling.

AND, the material describes a cosmology that was ahead of its time. Certain aspects of quantum physics, for example, described in the books had not yet been discovered. So no, no one could have made this up!

When you read the material, you get a very strong sense of HIGHER KNOWLEDGE. It's just really obvious that this is NOT coming from a human source, the way most other channeled material seems to be. I had a lot of 'Aha' moments while reading fact, pretty much every sentence!

But, my purpose is NOT to try to convince you. B4 the skeptics start, let me say that I am NOT trying to prove that this channeled work is authentic - if you are searching for absolute proof, then clearly this book (or any channeled work) is not for you. Better to stay in an organized religion and do as they tell you.

However, if you are a serious seeker who is not afraid to think for yourself, then I highly recommend you give these books a try. Prepare to have your mind opened!

If you're still with me, then maybe you'd like to know what the books are about. OK, for starters: the nature of life, the universe, how the pyramids were built, who the aliens are, the chakras, other dimensions, the important elements of a spiritual path, the nature of sexuality, etc. and lots of other interesting topics. But that is not what makes these books stand out - other books have tried to address these topics as well.

What makes the Law of One stand out is the explanation of `Good' vs `Evil'.

If you find the idea of a `good God' being in a constant war with the `evil Satan' oversimplistic, or if you believe that God is all-powerful and beyond good and evil, or if you have a hard time believing that God will `lose' most of the world's population to the `devil', and you are searching for a more intelligent explanation of why there is evil in the world, then these books might be for you.

Or, if you are tired of all the `doom and gloom' prophecies and would like to rekindle hope, then these books might be for you.

Be forewarned: these books are NOT light and fluffy. And whatever you believe, they will challenge you. But they will also inspire you, and give comfort.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"The Ra Material" is the source closest of the Truth in planet now. In the last seven years I studied a lot of esoteric philosophies and movements (like Theosophy, Gnosis, etc), magick systems, secret societies, religions, channeling sources, spirituality, fringe informations (like ufology, conspiracy theories, etc.), etc. The information core of "The Ra Material" is the SAME of this others sources but we have here less distortions, a better development of the concepts, greater clarity, and some "updates" to ancient terms and concepts (Service To Others, Service To Self, densities, the Harvest and the itself Law of One). Besides that, Ra is humble, admits his mistakes, is loving and is possible feel the higher vibrations of the message. I recommend a basic knowledge of spirituality to understand the Ra message completely. Peace, love and light.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikki sherman
Very interesting. Of course it takes an open, and willing mind, but regardless if you find 'truth' here, the message is overwhelmingly positive and in my opinion life changing. After reading this book I've been able to steer my path in a more peaceful and positive, and spiritual direction. My anxiety, self loathing, etc is playing much less a role in my life now. I started out reading it with the mindset, "no matter how ridiculous it gets, at least it'll be a good sci-fi story." — I didn't expect to leave it feeling so uplifted. Also highly recommended if you are just interested in UFO's or ETs in general. Cannot wait to read the other sections.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
yvonne wright
The history of psychic channelling and channelled material has a long and checkered past. In the last century, at least in the West, the seriousness and quality of such work has been generally dismissed as something between a quaint parlor trick and delusional doomsday prophesying. In a broader historical context, however, channeling has been accepted for 1000's of years as a genuine means of acquiring valid and useful information. Consider that much of the Bible, as the divinely inspired Word of God, easily qualifies as channelled material. It is from this latter context that I view the RA Material. From an intuitive standpoint the information contained within this first book, as well as, the remaining four other books rings true. The channelled entity RA claims to be a higher dimensional being of collective intelligence with karmic connections to Earth and it's ensouled inhabitants. Essentially, the message is as follows: Long ago, Earth was selected by benevolent higher dimensional beings as a planet for the seeding of Life in all its myriad forms including humankind. These beings are members of an "intergalactic federation" of sorts comprised of various advanced intelligences with representatives from assorted civilizations throughout the universe. There "mission" is to oversee and nurture the development and evolution of other less advanced civilizations while not interfering with planetary affairs or indvidual lives to the point of violating Free Will. One realizes that at some point, the distictions between angels and highly developed extra-dimensional alien beings who watch over us with concern and care are rougly one and the same. Throughout history, they have periodically attempted to gently steer us away from the darkness of possible destruction and towards the light of soul development or evolution by offering wisdom and understanding through various means ranging from inspiration in dreams to direct physical contact. Their message is The Law Of One which states that the Creator is real, that the universe and everything in it is His creation, and that Love is not only also real but a powerful energetic force of Creation. We are all souls having a "human experience" over many physical incarnations for the purpose of learning truths which will allow us to move on to the next level of development in an endless jouney to become one with the Creator again. This is but a brief synopsis and doesn't do justice to the remarkable amount of information and specific detail contained in the five books. The books were written in the early 1980's, and the fact that a great many of RA's statements have come to pass in the last twenty years lends credence to the overall quality of the work and channelling in general. In my experience, this material is the best of it's kind, easily ranking with the Jane Roberts' Seth books. Read the RA Material and enjoy the feeling of wonder again and again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy leslie
The Ra material is the transcription of the taped communications between researcher Don and the entity RA, a being that is talking through Carla, often referred to as the "instrument" throughout the book (s), in a state of deep trance. The transcriptions are carried out by Jim and the three are always present during all sessions, creating a triangulation of light that allows for RA, a sixth dimensional being, that calles itself a "socialmemory complex", to come through and speak.
RA has choosen this group because of the purity of their intent and makes himself available to them for questions about the Universe, the Creator, the dimensions, Karma, the law of One and any other material that might aid people in understanding universal truths that might be helpful for mankinds evolution.
The materail is very esoteric and requires some concentration. However, it is well worth the effort, as it is enlightening, very precise, accurate and informative. The explanations around the shift in dimensions we are about to undergo on the planet, that Ra defines as the harvest, are devoid of hype and sensation. Harvest is a process that all beings and planetary bodies eventually encur, following physical/spiritual law just as eclipses do or the seasons.The science of the harvest ( ascension) is explained in depth here as is the chakra system and it's role in Soul evolution.
Also extremely interesting the explanation of the polarization of entities into Service to Self orintated entities and Service to Others orientated entities and the implications these have in the ascension process and the roles they play within the bigger picture.
A really deep read and well worth the effort. I have read all four volumes and I am about to tackle vol 5. I thoroughly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Put simply, this book, and the following books in the series, changed my life.

There isn’t much I could say here that hasn’t already been said. This is a singular and unique work, unlike any other channeled material I have ever read. And it has illuminated many principles to me that seem self-evident in retrospect. (The explanation of the true nature of “Good” and “Evil” being only one of these.)

There is far more to this Universe that what modern society accepts, and this book is a stellar step into exploring those deeper truths and wider worlds.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
benjamin dionysus
This is the first of a series of books channelled through Carla L. Rueckert from Ra, a "sixth density 'social memory complex', a collective consciousness belonging to the "Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator", and not to be confused with Ra, our Sun. These are a group of "positive" ETs, as opposed to the "negative" Orion Group.

The book presents several bits of interesting information here and there - though in my opinion there are not many coherent longer passages of interest.

The book is absolutely marred by Ra's extremely difficult use of language. He uses words in unusual ways, that is,gives words a specific, not defined meaning that is not the usual meaning or ordinary use of the word. This greatly affects readability and comprehension. It would have helped tremendously to have had a list of these words and terms at the end of the book, where these alternative usages were adequately explained.

One example of these words is "harvesting" or "harvest", apparently used in connection with the "graduation" of beings from one "density" to a higher one. for example third density to fourth density. This matter of densities is not defined either, but I understand that animals, not being "aware" beings, belong to the second density while human beings, aware of themselves, belong to the third density.

Another word used in a peculiar manner is the word "distortion". This is generally a negative word, but Ra uses the word as though it were positive, or at least neutral.

As far as I have understood, the essence of the Law of One is "all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony but only identity. All is one, and that one is Love/Light, Light/Love, the Infinite Creator". Healing occurs when one realizes the Law of One, that "all is complete and whole and perfect".

As stated above, we are presented, piecemeal, with various useful bits of information, including, for example about the three types of Bigfoot dwelling on our planet and about the fact that the Earth is largely populated by beings incarnated here from Mars, apparently 75,000 years ago - these were "adjusted by genetic changing", the reason for the transfer being that these beings rendered their own planet "inhospitable" by their "bellicose" actions.

Distinction is made between those who are self-serving and those who serve others, but both can be "harvested" (ascend to a higher density). I don't quite understand how this can occur, but it is stated that harvestability can be obtained if there is 5% service to others and 95% service to self. This whole matter is not well explained, in my opinion.

The book contains much more information, some quite interesting, than I have indicated, but as a whole I have found the language to be so difficult that I would not directly recommend the book, despite its perhaps valuable content, and will probably not myself be reading the further volumes in the series. There are so many other books on these matters out there, that I will prioritize checking these out instead. I do see that many other reviewers found this book to be "the cat's whiskers", but this is my humble opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rose sybrant
I learned of this series from interviews of David Wilcock. The books have resonated with me more than any other literature on the topic and I have related to it much more than the usual, overly distorted religious texts. llresearch and have the PDFs and searchable databases which makes reading on a portable device handy. Also, if you do a web search, you can find a nice study guide on David Wilcock's website which helps in demystifying some of the more difficult to understand passages.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
So many holes in this book. '' completely made up. Was excited to read but I can't see how anyone can believe this. Supposedly documented but there are no original recordings or proof. Either way dry & lacks imagination.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The RA Material explains everything about everything and even more. In reading the full series of The Law of One Books, I discovered how little I knew about life, our perceived reality and its true purpose. The material contained within this set of books answers humanity's eternal questions; questions like "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" The magnitude and brilliance of the truth revealed by The Law of One laid the foundation for the writing of my own book, "Flying Between Heaven and Earth." I wanted to offer another avenue for people to receive the messages brought to us by the RA Group through Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert, and Jim McCarty. If you really want answers, answers to questions that you could never think to ask, then you have come right place. You are in for the ride of your life with The RA Material!

Gina E. Jones
Author of "Flying Between Heaven and Earth"
Flying Between Heaven and Earth
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I discovered this material in the early '80s about the time it was released. I was blown away then and still am. I'll never forget the feeling - something similar to having uncovered a profound and precious secret. I remain convinced that other than ACIM, this may be the ONLY channeled material out there that is what it purports to be. Much more recently, I've begun kinesiologically calibrating books, people, spiritual teachers, institutions with the method taught by Dr. David Hawkins. The Law of One books collectively calibrate (or they did with my calibration) at over 800, in fact somewhere in the neighborhood of 850 if I remember correctly. Astounding, considering that Hawkins states that less than 5% of channeled material calibrates over 455.That's about all I can say. Uh...Adonai.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The material of this book has become a keystone in the puzzle of human history for me. Other books that tie in in theme and content are Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh and The Third Eye and Cave of the Ancients by Tuesday Lobsang Rampa. Ra Material is very "thick" but rewarding reading.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
brian tanabe
The tip-off that this material does not come from a positive entity is the BS that the most important thing is to achieve polarity -- whether positive or negative hardly seems to matter to Ra.

Statements such as "to serve the self is to serve all," should send up a red flag. Who would really believe that if I steal your dinner, I am actually serving you? You are served by me stealing your food and serving myself while you go hungry? Riiight.

This book attempts to justify evil. Take a look at this excerpt about the extremely evil Genghis Khan, who, Ra says, was so devoted to serving himself that he "graduated" to 4th density STS, otherwise known as hell.

"Questioner: What does he presently do there? What is his job or occupation?

Ra: I am Ra. This entity serves the Creator in its own way.

Questioner: Is it impossible for you to tell us precisely how he does this service?

Ra: I am Ra. It is possible for us to speak to this query. However, we use any chance we may have to reiterate the basic understanding/learning that all beings serve the Creator."

For a look at some genuine channelled material, check out the Pathwork lectures channelled by Eva Pierrakos. The Pathwork lectures radiate love, joy and wisdom, unlike this Ra stuff.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This "contact" is the only example of so-called channeled material to which I would give an unqualified endorsement -- if by "channeled" one refers to communication with another entity, not one's own subconscious or superconscious, nor "angelic" or hierarchical sources, while in trance.
Guaranteed to interest students of forteana, metaphysics, and matters of the spirit... But, to those of you on the straight and narrow spiritual path, a cautionary note is advised whenever the possibility arises of engaging in "spiritual gossip" that may accompany the "true teachings". And said Goethe: "Thought widens, but paralyzes; whereas action enlivens, but narrows."
Hope I haven't confused you too much with this electronic "contact". Happy distorting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
monica edinger
This book contains very interesting information inside which I'm not sure if they are true or false.. But, it is so detailed and realistic that I want to believe it and after I read the book, I realized that it may be like the book says.. Ra Materials answer all the unknown about cosmology, from where men came, what will happen etc... Even if the book is full of false information, it is worth reading because of it's interesting theme..
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