End the Fed by Ron Paul (2009-09-16)


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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book and very informative. Highly recommended for anybody who is "fed" up with our current system. It's really a shame that Ron Paul never used that pun in his book (although as a general rule, I hate puns). Buy this book. Love this book. Be this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lacey miller
This is an excellent book that will probably alarm anyone who reads it with the degree to which we have diverged from the original design for our currency system.
Did you know that central banks and paper money are both EXPLICITLY unconstitutional?
Shocking, and more than a little bit concerning, I highly encourage this as reading for anyone who thinks that 3% inflation is normal, or has wondered at the fact that the same house that their parents bought for $20k 40 years ago now costs $250k.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This a clear and understandable description of the Fed from its beginning. It clearly sets forth how it creates 'inflation' in its attempt to steer the economy. Well worth reading and thinking about.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tony lam
everyong should read this ,, ron paul is no "wack Job" in fact he is the only one with sound credentials and experience to be holding the highest office in the land,, unlike the ones of the last 13 years.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa adelman
How this is the same battle going on since Thomas Jefferson, that the American citizen is like sheep fattened and sheared by the banking industry, how those maintain power rather than exchange work for capital.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dora melara
I have already purchased this great book. I haven't received yet because I am from spain and it will take a while. But I would like to encourage all freedom lovers, all liberals to purchase it, to help the freedom cause, to help ron paul and his sponsored candidates. Establishment has a lot of money but we could defeat them buying this book to give it to our friends, family, etc. Use as birthday, christmas gift, whatever. It's really cheap and in ten years this will be an historical book once the dollar will be worthless and the federal reserve system will be in total bankrupt.

Sorry for my english.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea waldron
We all know the story, Herbert Hoover's lassiez faire economic policies drove this country into the Great Depression, and FDR's Keynesian economic policies and the spending for World War 2 brought us out of it. Or at least that is what we are taught. Like most history we are taught, this is of course just a narrative that takes into account some facts, and leaves some facts out. Modern historians are constantly debunking the narratives that we are taught, and we are learning that the stories that we thought were true simply aren't. In this book Ron Paul gives us a case that it is not lassiez faire economics that are to blame, but market intervention that prolongs and exacerbates the boom bust economic cycle. In fact he not only makes this case, but actually wins the intellectual argument by putting together a string of simple facts and a stream of logic that would leave Keynes himself unable to answer.

Let me start over because I wasn't clear.... in this book Ron Paul obliterates both the history you know, and the logic followed by today's top economic minds. Paul's case against fiat currency, market intervention, and monetary devaluation as a source of economic growth is water-tight. It's not surprising why Ben Bernanke wakes up in cold sweats thinking about Ron Paul in the middle of the night. Rather than lay out the case here, I will just encourage you to buy a copy of this uncommonly good book, and learn for yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dea woods
As someone that typically avoids books written by politicians, I was hesitant to purchase this book. This book was eye opening, to say the least. Even if you don't support Ron Paul (don't worry, I don't either), you need to read this book to make yourself aware of "Federal Reserve Banking" and how the FED is robbing the citizens of the United States on interest owed for nothing more than an entry in a computer database. Given that the first six months of your year are spent working to pay income tax, you should at least know where the money goes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The role of the Federal Reserve is complex and mysterious, and not a prime topic on the minds of most Americans. That may be starting to change. This book describes how the Federal Reserve is more than just a few words on the top of our money. It is an unconstitutional institution with more power than any branch of government. It controls our money with no oversight, and operates in secrecy. It is about time that curtain be pulled back on this nearly 100-year-old wizard.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ron Paul provides the history of the federal reserve and why it is not in the best interest of the american people to have an organization such as this determining fiscal policy for all of us. Read it and then you decide where your loyalties should be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thanks for educating me about the Fed and the issues corresponding to its actions. If we can get a lot of people to read this book, we'll definitely see more people come around to the principles of sound money. If we all knew the actual activities of the Fed, we'd immediately demand its end!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yama rahyar
Today we live as slaves & debtors to a criminal force called the Federal Reserve. This system of fractional reserve banking, and fiat currency backed by nothing is nothing more than a cover for the most notorious criminals who have ever lived. This book is nothing short of incredible- plain and simple. It is short, very easy to read, and provides incredibly practical steps toward ending the private bank trying to run our lives. Together we must return to a society of sound money once and for all, and release ourselves from the monetary bondage we are in. END THE FED!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ron Paul lays it out clearly. Why the Fed should be abolished. He references complex theories while speaking to an audiance of all educations. Basically, he makes economics easy to understand. I will say, if you've read anything about the Fed and how it influnces markets and doesn't fit in a free market, then I can't say you'll learn anything new.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theresa payne lazar
This is an incredible book! I would recommend this to every American citizen - actually every citizen of the world, being that U.S. economics is so tied to every other nations'.

A very enlightening read. It's easy to get through and lays down the facts.

Dr. Paul has isolated the one issue that really helps us resolve all others. It tells us how the U.S. is able to overextend and involve itself abroad, how American and other currencies are depreciating (stealing citizen's money), how our national government has grown out of control - and relates all back to how these factors affect our personal liberties.

If you read any book on government or economics or the crisis - read this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ron Paul has written this amazing account of the toxic finance, and 'money' manipulation that has developed over the last 100 years by the US Government. How drastic the effects are becoming day by day, simply by diverting attention away from the exactness of the Constitution which was put in place to protect every citizen.
It is so well written with his understanding, experience, research and study of wise economists from around the world.
I have learnt so much and understand a little better how we, all over the world have been lured into control mechanisms by Governments, that deprive us of real freedom and financial security. Through this global secrecy, ignorance has prevailed, putting us at the mercy of the 'all powerful others.' ie Evil others who want control through greed and covert extortion.
I pray that everyone wakes up very quickly and reads this type of 'Truth' to understand the urgency and follow what Ron Paul and the many statesmen he has quoted, suggest.
Thank God for the Internet and believe in people power.
I believe in the '100th monkey syndrome' If enough people are truth seeking, it will be found and then maybe our freedom to choose can be restored. We get to do what we want with what we earn and keep what belongs to us. Governments do not dictate or steal from their citizens.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hala al abed
The position for elimination of the Federal Reserve is the support of the people vs. the Big Banks that are "too big to fail" The Money Monopoly now in place is uncontrollable by the American Citizen unless a major change in 'who is running our country' can be made.
An early example of hidden laws passed for 'Special Interests'.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom rodriguez
History and Current Events show that Ron Paul is correct. This book is a must read to understand the need to get rid of the Federal Reserve Bank and return us back to Free Markets. Our current system hurts the poor, destroys the middle class, and gives a nanoid group of people with the power to decide who will have and who will suffer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janet boyle
just got started on it
4 chapters in
heard some complaints about "too much Ron Paul growing up stories and not enough nitty gritty facts"
well get the historical facts on your own and let the good Doctor tell his stories and tie them together to make his argument to End The Fed!!! in his honest, hard working, earnest country ways.
you can study up on your own
many tools are available at [...]

viva le liberty
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bruno afonso
get to know the thruth behind the scenes to understand the mess we are in! i was already informed on the subject but this has further opened my eyes to undestand the complete scheme behind the scenes.. one of the most important books of all time, A MUST READ
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
'End The FED' walks you through the history of the US economy's decline and points out along the way how the FED is involved so deeply. Ron Paul does an excellent job of explaining the process and procedures of government borrowing and spending and relates it in a way that one can easily understand. Includes conversations with FED chairmen. Read this book to understand what is wrong with our economic system, not just in the USA but in the whole world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david jenkins
Great book! Although I was already familiar with the Fed's insidious role in manipulating our economy, Ron Paul's book reinforced and added to my understanding of this vital subject. It strengthened my conviction that should Americans ever hope to eliminate the historical volatility in our economy, we must first expose and then expel the "banksters" who are pulling the strings. We must END THE FED.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ane f
Sound advice from Congressman and Doctor Ron Paul. "End the Fed" is a blistering critique of the shadowy Federal Reserve Bank, the monopolizers of the United States' currency.

Just like in his "The Revolution: A Manifesto", Paul doesn't settle for merely pointing out the problems with our battered monetary system, he provides timely and practical solutions. Of course, what makes Paul an outcast from the current cult of Neo-Con Republicanism is his willingness to tell the truth and prescribe tough medicine while following the principles of the US Constitution.

This will make a great gift this Christmas for genuine conservatives, students, and newcomers to the liberty movement.

Paul's brilliant essays on currency and precious metals (specifically gold) can be found at the Mises website. Read those after "End the Fed"!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book should be read by every American from age 18 - 80. Written by one of the only honest politicians in Washinton .For those that are unaware of economics and how our monetary system works, this book will certainly open your eyes as to why things are in this country and the precarious situation we find ourselves in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Find out why ending the Private federal reserve is in EVERYONE's benefit (except the certain, so called 'elite' PTB). If you want to know why people are shouting 'end the fed', you will not be disappointed with this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky hurst
Great Book. Well Written. Full of Facts. Knowledge we need to know to return our money and economy to solvency. Ron Paul has been following this subject all of his adult life and knows what he is talking about. Voodoo economics has gotten us into a mess and we need to give the school of Austrian economics a chance to get us out of it. Research it by reading this book and then educate your fellow citizens and your representatives in local, state, and federal government and lets get this mess straightened out before we lose our rights claimed by our Declaration of Independence and the safeguards set up under our Constitution to control our government and keep it from becoming a "fearful master" as in so many other countries of the world. Is this unreasonable to ask of voters who took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution when they registered to vote. Is this unreasonable to ask of our elected officials who took an oath to our Constitution when they accepted the office we elected them to fulfill. Read Ron Paul's book END THE FED.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah sofiana
I appreciate Ron Paul's life long work in pursuing an understanding of economics and central banks. I would recommend this book to any serious student of the economy of this nation. It is well written and easy to read. Paul does a very good job in explaining the Fed.
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