Swords into Plowshares

ByRon Paul

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ron Paul is a great author & Statesman. The way he goes back into American History & explain why our history is so important to the shape our Country is in now makes for very interesting reading. Helps fill in the gaps that we are not receiving from from our very over biased news media. My question to you is the following: "What shape would our Country be in had he been allowed to run as a GOP contender in the previous election?" That, IMO is the biggest mistake the GOP has ever made. This is a great read & I'm sure all who take time to read this will come away with much valued information..
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erica irwin
Good as usual from Ron Paul. His connecting the warfare state with flawed central banking is excellent. His encouragement to live free and shun politics as usual is nice to say, but his argument might have been more powerful by boiling it down to individual right action and right thought - rather than a mere hope that enough people will prevail over the political and banking system we now suffer under. People trying to change macro issues might easily become frustrated when nothing improves during their lifetime. However, knowing that you live, as an individual, with both moral and rational thought and behavior can still be your anchor rock. Ron Paul's reliance on Austrian economics is admirable, but it doesn't look like Austrian economics will be embraced in the USA soon, if at all. Ditto for our perpetual war for perpetual peace, although Paul might have good influence over people who have just had it up to here with perpetual war and corrupt alliances with warfare states around the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeannie hunter
"In Ron We Trust" / Requesting hardback version please. And this is not appearing at the Campaign for Liberty website. I'd rather order it direct from CFL, so I could tag in a few bumper stickers. Want to pass this book on later to the kids, so it should be hardback. Thank you.
For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto :: The Hook-Up Experiment (The Experiment Book 1) :: The Hook Up (Game On) (Volume 1) :: The Hot Shot :: End the Fed by Ron Paul (2009-09-16)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jamie klevjer
This book is an excellent overview of war vs. peace from the author's perspective. He gives clear insight into the reasons why war is usually not the answer. He lists all of the usual pro-war arguments, and addresses each one with brilliant insight, making an excellent case for peace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie hager
"In Ron We Trust" / Requesting hardback version please. And this is not appearing at the Campaign for Liberty website. I'd rather order it direct from CFL, so I could tag in a few bumper stickers. Want to pass this book on later to the kids, so it should be hardback. Thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey arnold
This book is an excellent overview of war vs. peace from the author's perspective. He gives clear insight into the reasons why war is usually not the answer. He lists all of the usual pro-war arguments, and addresses each one with brilliant insight, making an excellent case for peace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joanne catherine
~ Superb insight, analysis, as is always what Ron Paul delivers... A masterful work, in the cause for Peace and an end to the
evil war-mongering so prevalent among congressmen and ill-informed evangelicals !
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sandra conde souto
If you were from another country, immigrated to the USA and wanted to know what the "Democrat Party" stood for politically and culturally; would you ask a Republican and expect an honest, unbiased answer? How about the other way around, do you really believe a Democrat would fairly describe the primary beliefs of the Republican Party? Why then do so many people dismiss Libertarianism out-of-hand, with no clear understanding of what makes them essentially different from R's & D's, simply because of what R's and D's claim about them? While there are minor variations, to reduce a Libertarian's primary ideology to its most basic principles - they are socially liberal and fiscally conservative. (In all honesty, doesn't that most accurately describe the core beliefs of most Americans?) Read this book for greater depth and perspective on Libertarianism. You'll be getting it from "the horse's mouth" rather than a horse's other end.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
garry martin
Dr Paul at his usual evasive and slippery best
It is all very well to claim to be a strict constitutionalist regarding foreign policy, yet there have been other men, who before they took office, claimed the same love for the Constitution.

Dr Paul is still a politician, a chameleon, who needo to keep his options open, a member of that slippery class, the legislator who knows that the words in the Constitution do not say what you think they mean, that the ruling opinion of their meaning is not the Webster dictionary, but the discussions, legislation and rulings that are done in the government and public. Paul as President will be totally different from Paul the candidate and pamphlet writer
To that extent, perhaps one can find Paul's true intent after peering through his thickets of verbiage, and Swords is another mangrove swamp of words to add or modify his other word jungles.
I don't have the patience
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