How a Band of Survivors and a Young Spy Agency Chased Down the World's Most Notorious Nazi
ByNeal Bascomb
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
greg grimsley
Although a true account, it reads like a Spy thriller! Can't put it down type read! Especially interesting in that, it was actually the origination of "Mossad"! I bought copies for two other people & they agreed with my assessment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In the chaos of post-WW II Europe, Adolph Eichmann hid in plain sight for several years, while his history and file as "facilitator" of the FINAL SOLUTION was slowly organized. In 1950, he sailed to South America, to live as "Ricardo Klement". The story of his post war life is told in great detail, including the incredible set of coincidences that resulted in his identification and capture . HUNTING EICHMANN is very well written and suspenseful. The book is an excellent reference to remember that "You can run, but you can't hide."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dee dee
This book is a very detailed account of the efforts to get Adolph Eichmann. It was a big operation that took deep commitment on the part of each member of this team that came together to achieve one goal: get Adolph Eichmann and bring him to Israel to stand trial. It reads like a thriller.
KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps :: The Documented Truth of Hitler's Escape from Berlin (The Hitler Escape Trilogy) :: Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich :: A True Story of Escape from Nazi-Occupied France - The Lost Airman :: Mass Effect - Andromeda: Nexus Uprising
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joaqu n padilla
I always wanted to know this compelling story of how the Mossad and survivors of the Holocaust tracked down this Nazi-Party General and finally brought him to trial in Israel. At his trial he became known as "The Man in the Glass Booth" who was so reviled that he had to be kept behind bullet-proof glass to avoid vigilante assassination. For me the biggest revelation was the number of Nazi-sympathizers who helped him successfully hide in South America for 20 years --- including The Vatican which created the little-known "Rat Line" to Argentina, the home of the fascist Peron dynasty of Juan & "Saint Eva". Nazism & Communism were two of the failed cultural philosophies of the 20th Century --- thank Zeus that they failed. But as citizens of the American Oligarchy we need to be wary of the direction in which we are headed. Caveat Emptor!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kumud malhotra
Well written, engaging from beginning to end, this book makes you feel as if you are there with the men hunting Eichmann. It is well researched and well placed. And so important to keep remembering what happened, and recounting the facts for the next generation, that it may not be repeated among us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dori a
An amazing story that delves into evil and the tenacious effort to bring that evil to justice. The story of the brave men and women who hunted and captured Eichmann is a must read. Amazing story and a page turning narrative.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"THE ACCUSED, DURING THE PERIOD FROM 1939 TO 1945, TOGETHER WITH OTHERS, CAUSED THE DEATHS OF MILLIONS OF JEWS AS THE PERSONS WHO WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN OF THE NAZIS FOR THE EXTERMINATION OF THE JEWS, A PLAN KNOWN BY ITS TITLE *"THE FINAL SOLUTION OF THE JEWISH QUESTION.*"... this was part of the indictment brought by the State Of Israel against Adolf Eichmann on April 11, 1961 at 8:55 A.M. This intricately... historically detailed book tracks Eichmann from his days during the Holocaust as he despicably and callously... and with great personal pride... sets forth to wipe out every Jew in Europe. In a Hungarian ghetto Eichmann announced to Jewish prisoners: "JEWS: YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. WE WANT ONLY THE BEST FOR YOU. YOU'LL LEAVE HERE SHORTLY AND BE SENT TO VERY FINE PLACES INDEED." Those Jews were then forced into freight cars in which one entire village of one-hundred-three Jews were crammed into a single car that would have fit eight cows." The train of course led to one of many concentration camps where families were separated... and most... never saw each other again... as the chimneys of the crematoriums belched the smoke of Jewish death.
At the war's end Eichmann and many other Nazi's escaped from Germany and some were helped on their escape route by the Vatican. The author comprehensively re-creates the many twists and turns that lead to Eichmann's numerous living arrangements... under many different aliases... that eventually culminate in Argentina under the name of Ricardo Klement. During this time period the Nuremberg Trials take place... and there is a great deal of damning testimony regarding Eichmann that will be used against him down the road... such as the testimony by Lieutenant Colonel Brookhart who when asked "WAS ANY QUESTION ASKED BY YOU AS TO THE MEANING OF THE WORDS "FINAL SOLUTION" AS USED IN THE ORDER?" Brookhart answered: EICHMANN WENT ON TO EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT WAS MEANT BY THIS. HE SAID THAT THE PLANNED BIOLOGICAL ANNIHILATION OF THE JEWISH RACE IN THE EASTERN TERRITORIES WAS DISGUISED BY THE CONCEPT AND WORDING "FINAL SOLUTION." "Was anything said by you to Eichmann in regard to the power given him under this order?" "EICHMANN TOLD ME THAT WITHIN THE RSHA HE PERSONALLY WAS ENTRUSTED WITH THE EXECUTION OF THIS ORDER."
After almost fifteen-years of false leads and near misses Israel finally tracks Eichmann down... and here is where the author and story is relentless. Israel and the Mossad knew Argentina would not extradite Eichmann to Israel so Israel had to sneak an entire capture team into Argentina. The agents had to have multiple fake identities... one to get in from other countries... one to get out... and all the paperwork that would entail. They couldn't come in together... and how would they get him out? El Al airlines didn't fly into Argentina and it would be too risky by sea. When they captured Eichmann they had to keep him in a "safe-house" until the date of their ultra-risky exit strategy.
Being that I am part of the first post-Holocaust Jewish generation... I was raised with first hand stories of the Holocaust from my family and members of my community who bared the concentration camp serial numbers on their arms... so to me... one of the most chilling parts of the story is the fact that every member of the Jewish capture and "extradition" team had lost a large part if not all of their family... or were in concentration camps themselves... as a direct consequence of Eichmann during the Holocaust. The personal demons... and hatred... and revulsion... that each of them... though they already carried the horrors with them every day of their life... had it all multiplied by a million... in every pore of their body... when they were in the presence of the devil incarnate himself. Each individual had to restrain themselves from their immediate animal hunger of killing this genocidal debauchery of a thing G-d somehow put on earth. If you are Jewish you feel what they felt... that can't be given justice by mere words. One of the Mossad members who was tasked with grabbing Eichmann off the street and throwing him into a car... wore gloves... because he couldn't stomach touching his skin.
The reason the Israeli's did not simply execute him on the spot... is because... "HE WILL BE TRIED BY A JEWISH COURT IN A JEWISH STATE. HISTORY AND OUR PEOPLE'S HONOR... BOTH ARE AT STAKE."
At the war's end Eichmann and many other Nazi's escaped from Germany and some were helped on their escape route by the Vatican. The author comprehensively re-creates the many twists and turns that lead to Eichmann's numerous living arrangements... under many different aliases... that eventually culminate in Argentina under the name of Ricardo Klement. During this time period the Nuremberg Trials take place... and there is a great deal of damning testimony regarding Eichmann that will be used against him down the road... such as the testimony by Lieutenant Colonel Brookhart who when asked "WAS ANY QUESTION ASKED BY YOU AS TO THE MEANING OF THE WORDS "FINAL SOLUTION" AS USED IN THE ORDER?" Brookhart answered: EICHMANN WENT ON TO EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT WAS MEANT BY THIS. HE SAID THAT THE PLANNED BIOLOGICAL ANNIHILATION OF THE JEWISH RACE IN THE EASTERN TERRITORIES WAS DISGUISED BY THE CONCEPT AND WORDING "FINAL SOLUTION." "Was anything said by you to Eichmann in regard to the power given him under this order?" "EICHMANN TOLD ME THAT WITHIN THE RSHA HE PERSONALLY WAS ENTRUSTED WITH THE EXECUTION OF THIS ORDER."
After almost fifteen-years of false leads and near misses Israel finally tracks Eichmann down... and here is where the author and story is relentless. Israel and the Mossad knew Argentina would not extradite Eichmann to Israel so Israel had to sneak an entire capture team into Argentina. The agents had to have multiple fake identities... one to get in from other countries... one to get out... and all the paperwork that would entail. They couldn't come in together... and how would they get him out? El Al airlines didn't fly into Argentina and it would be too risky by sea. When they captured Eichmann they had to keep him in a "safe-house" until the date of their ultra-risky exit strategy.
Being that I am part of the first post-Holocaust Jewish generation... I was raised with first hand stories of the Holocaust from my family and members of my community who bared the concentration camp serial numbers on their arms... so to me... one of the most chilling parts of the story is the fact that every member of the Jewish capture and "extradition" team had lost a large part if not all of their family... or were in concentration camps themselves... as a direct consequence of Eichmann during the Holocaust. The personal demons... and hatred... and revulsion... that each of them... though they already carried the horrors with them every day of their life... had it all multiplied by a million... in every pore of their body... when they were in the presence of the devil incarnate himself. Each individual had to restrain themselves from their immediate animal hunger of killing this genocidal debauchery of a thing G-d somehow put on earth. If you are Jewish you feel what they felt... that can't be given justice by mere words. One of the Mossad members who was tasked with grabbing Eichmann off the street and throwing him into a car... wore gloves... because he couldn't stomach touching his skin.
The reason the Israeli's did not simply execute him on the spot... is because... "HE WILL BE TRIED BY A JEWISH COURT IN A JEWISH STATE. HISTORY AND OUR PEOPLE'S HONOR... BOTH ARE AT STAKE."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
samantha thompson
The story of capturing Adolf Eichmann is absolutley incredible. The descriptions of the people and their surroundings provided a very real feeling to me of the times and the magnitude of the chase, capture and trial. The Eichmann capture really brought the Nazi menace back to the the headlines on the newspapers after years of neglect of the Holocaust. The descriptions of the parties involved often leaned on the side of glorification similar to the descriptions of the main characters in Ranolph Fiennes 'The Feathermen". However, I found the book to be a good read and well worth the time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nikky b
The book concisely tracks the capture of a gross killer and how justice was finally administered. It is very helpful for any serious history buff. It should be required reading for German history classes. It is an amazing look at the patience of the Jewish people. It is also an indictment of the Argentinian government for providing cover for the escaped Nazis .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen scanlan
This is a spellbinding narrative, much more than a revenge story. It detailed a chance the Jews had to let the world know that the massive injustice dealt them was not forgotten. Written in almost a matter-of-fact way but I couldn't put it down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rob denivo
This was a very well written and engaging book. I love a book that takes a fascinating slice of history and brings it to life. If you loved the Warmth of Other Suns, for example, you will love this, too. Great research presented in a style that is anything but dry.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sandra scott
I would recommend this book to anyone, especially those who do not or barely remember WWII. We must never forget the horrors of Nazism, socialism and any would be dictators - including those here in America.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fast paced account account of this amazing manhunt by the newly formed Israeli spy agency. Intricate planning and execution led to the capture and jury trial of one of the worst war criminals of all time. I highly recommend this book to all history addict.
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