Awakened (Vampire Awakenings 1) (Volume 1)

ByBrenda K. Davies

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Same setup..petite, beautiful heroine meets tall powerful well endowed hunk who shouldn't get involved, but falls for her. She comes with the usual ditsy, fiercely devoted galpal. He has a pack of buddies/followers who learn to love and respect their relationship. Unfortunately, they act like frat boys. Lots of sex...actually too much. Like the frat boys groan..get a room!
The paranormal romance genre is one of my great guilty vices, but there are so many better ones out there. Bones and Cat..(She is even tall!)...Charlie Davidson and Reyes...the Chicago land vampire series,and many more. This book had no surprises and had such a sappy stupid ending that I groaned out loud. So why two stars? O.k, the sex was hot until it got to be too much.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dogukan berk
It was ok, interesting story, unique in the way vampires live and are made.
Something about the story fell a little flat and several of the characters were too annoying.
Since the next story in the series has a much higher rating I'm looking forward to it because I loved The Road To Hell and enjoyed Ms. Davies writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really loved this story. Mainly because it's not the typical romance plot where there's ALWAYS someone being mad at the other over something as simple as miscommunication, or by the couple keeping their real thoughts/intentions to themselves. Most romances have these problems and then one leaves the other, some angst page fillers, then surprise, it all works out. Liam and Sera's love for one another is so strong, and it was refreshing that they worked through problems together, and stayed together through thick and thin. Their relationship was very sweet and verrrrry hot:)
My dislikes-----> The Very repetitive grammar throughout was driving me crazy. Ex: Seems during every, I mean every conversation that goes on, every one of the guy characters was always running their hands through their hair. Also Sera's eyes were constantly "widening" or "widening slightly". Lastly, the author seems to come up with some new grammar later on in book to explain a situation or thought, but then just sentences and pages later, she will use the same word again, and again. Other synonyms would have helped the repetitious grammar.
Thesaurus, dictionary, and a decent editor definitely would have been nice.
All in all the story was awesome, the way the author went about telling it was an issue for me.
A Shade Of Vampire :: Master of Desire (MacAllister Series) :: Kinley MacGregor) [published - [Born in Sin] (By :: Born in Sin: A MacAllisters Novel :: Dave Barry on Parenting and Other Topics He Knows Very Little About
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
anna manning
Honestly, I read this book all the way through because I had nothing else to read. This book is a book fashioned after twilight, except with (horrible) sex scenes and the writing style was way worse. If you are a fan of Twilight and you want something similar than this is for you. However, if I had access to any other book at the time, I wouldn't have read this at all. Too many cliché. Too many grammar errors. It's just too much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joe midgley
I loved this story. The characters were imminently likable and the story line was irresistible. I thought the cover was terrible and almost didn't give the book a chance because of it. Thank goodness for the reviews or I would have missed a great read. Now, to the reason I gave it 4 instead of 5 stars... grammar. The hard and fast rule for using *that* vs. *who* is this "you use who when you are talking about a person and that when you are talking about an object" (see [...]). As with everything in the English language, there are some exceptions but in the case of this story *that* was overused; most of the time it could have been omitted, the rest of the time *who* should have been used. Unfortunately, I found it very distracting which diminished my overall enjoyment of the story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Cute vampire romance, that had some action and good characters. I think this could have been more on some of the characters but the main characters were solid. If you want to read a steamy vampire romance do read this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
doc kinne
Love the story, characters, surprises, ect. The ONLY part I would change is how from one sentence to the next your in her POV to his and that confused me for a second more than one. Takes you out of the momment . Otherwise I love it and just bought the whole series so obviously I love it ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very interesting story line with a good love story. Well worth the read and held you to the very end. I was vested and interested in both Sera and Liam while finding Kathleen overbearing and silly.

I can't wait to read the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angela jacobs
If you love vampire and romance books then this book is for you. It kind of reminders me of twilight series with Edward and Bella. I read the book in two days, could not put this down. I bought the second book Destined because I loved the first book so much. Have not read the second one yet but when I do I will let you know how it is. The author is such a great writer. There is so much detail in her writing that I can imagine everything that is happening. I hope she comes out with more books because there is not to many authors that can hold my attention. I would not recomend this book to younger children due to some of the sexual content.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This desperately needs editing. The author doesn't have even a basic grasp of grammar. She doesn't know the difference between "to" and "too", where or when to use an apostrophe, or the difference between "pray" and "prey". That's just the beginning of the grammatical errors. These problems make the book painful and distracting to read.
It also needs to be edited down at least 25%. It dragged so badly, I had to force myself to finish it.
I'm sure glad I got it for free; but that won't give me back the hours I wasted wading through it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
fr cjp
What a great story, keeps you in suspense. The beginning felt like it was dragging and the end felt quick, course it's probably because of it being intense. I did go to the next book thinking it would be about one of the guys, but it's not. I don't want to give away this story because the next book has to do with someone at the very end of this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was surprisingly good. I'm always one to watch a vampire show/movie, so I have some vampire books downloaded in my library, but this was the first one I've read. Well, it's the first one I've read since reading the Twilight series years ago. I enjoyed this one. There was romance, soul mates, adventure, death, suspense. The main characters (& and even the side ones) were well written and I was easily able to envision them and their actions.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have read vampire novels from Anne Rice, TVD, Twilight, etc. I found this to be a mix of the TVD with some Twilight but with much more explicit sexual overtones and content. I do not think one chapter went without the two main characters ".;throbbing with ecstasy", frankly, it got a bit tiresome after awhile. The beginning of the book is interesting, but the characters are not allowed to develop enough before folks are " fits of orgasm...". Truly, the book is vampiric soft porn and the main vamp, Liam, is not given a fair shot at developing into a deepened character along the lines of a Lestat or even Bram Stoker's Dracula. Bottom-line, if you like to read about sex in semi-graphic detail, with a small bit of vampire then you may find it an interesting little romp, but none of the plot is even vaguely original. It has been done before and better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I rather enjoyed this book. Actually, I think I'll check out her other books. But the reasons this book didn't earn five stars from me were as follows:
Ms./Mrs. Davies obviously needs to discern the difference in the proper usage of "to" and "too", amongst a few other grammatical errors.
And secondly due to the fact that I felt as if this book was the Twilight series crammed into one novel with different settings and characters.
But as I tried my best to set those facts aside, I found this book rather easy to get through and somewhat enthralling. So in my most utter honest criticism, she gets a whopping four macho shinies for me. Good job. May I suggest a better edit next time though?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sara kinney
It was a nice read, the vampires were closely modeled after the type of vampires in twilight...without the sparkle, but it could have been worse. Very detailed (but not always the right kind of details) all the way through the action and then it seemed like the writer was tired of the story and wanted it to end. Sex scenes that were lacking imagination...they were all basically the same. That's a lot of negative but at least I do not feel like I wasted a couple of hours I will never see again. I would give the author another chance and read another.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
whittney suggs
We are introduced to Sera and Liam. Their love is so strong for each other. It something to read. If you'll looking for a good vampire romance book this is it. It has some action and definitely love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
That was a very good story. I was immediately drawn to Liam and Sera. This was my first vampire romance and I was hooked from the beginning. It was a great story and , even though they were bloodshed, I found myself enjoying them an their company. The sex was ho, hot, hot! There was just enough to keep your heart pounding but not too much. It made getting bit will making love very erotic. It was great to share Liam and Sera's relationship. They were very likeable and believable. This is not a Twilight romance, but the instant attraction was the same. I am definitely going to read the next installment to this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shane hill
After watching the Twilight series and reading other vampire books this one left me a little confused about different aspects of a vampire. Good read, the story was intriguing and suspenseful. It left room for the characters to continue on in another book while having this story ending blissfully.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael haley
I think that this book reminded me of Twilight (movies) with the overall vampire man - human girl in a school theme but there were so many differences, twits, turns and surprises. Like I said, the book moved quickly. I found myself wanting to read it at all hours, staying up late to read it. It is a very descriptive love story. Can't wait to read the next book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kamran motamedi
this was a great read in between writing my first and second book. The actions scenes flowed very nicely and lent to solid character arcs. Dynamic cover. Will be reading more http://www.the
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this amazing book!! I can't wait to read more of this series of books. The characters are awesome and the story was great! I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves paranormal romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great read filled with intrigue and passion. The story written in two points of view flowed really well considering it bounced back and forth constantly. Mystery, action, and passion mixed in a great story with great characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story would be great with a little back story into the characters but the love story is spell binding. They have a link and it only grows stronger with nothing held back. Hope the other characters get the same great love of their life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anna keating
Although (over 18) YA vampire genre is not my normal read, this one sounded interesting, and it was free. It proved to be a well written and enjoyable read with likable main and supporting characters. I am glad that the story was complete and had an epilog. That said, I would have rated this a 5 if not for the explicit sex, which was a little more often then needed for the story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
angelica mcbeath
As previously stated by other reviews, there were some grammatical errors that I noticed. The good thing though - at least this book didn't change character names (I've read some where names would change and I'd be like 'huh? who is that??').

I honestly felt like I was reading a version of Twilight that actually had sex- quite a bit of it once it got going.

Would I read the next book in the series? Probably, but only if it were free. I was not that impressed with the overall feeling that I got from the book. It was merely okay to me.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
christy everett
The grammar and punctuation are atrocious and frequently disrupt the flow of the story. The depiction of college upperclassmen as drunken sex fiends is frankly ridiculous. The storyline is so juvenile that I couldn't stay interested enough to finish the book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ashley dusenbery
Others have mentioned the grammar issues, and that's not my strong point anyway.
What stood out to me was the clash of the supposed personality of the heroine (shy, loner, frightened of men) with her actions. Frat parties? Drinking? Racy clothing? With her background?

Going off right away with a guy, sex so early on, ect. It just doesn't fit, and makes the storyline jar terribly.

Overall, I liked the idea of the story, and bits of it are really good, but it needs work and tightening. Not a total waste, but definitely not the best I've read, either.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marilyn rekhtman
I really liked Sera and thought she had real depth as a character. Liam needed work however Sera made him different than the manwhore he was. I liked that she stood up for herself even when she was afraid. Liam didn't back down from his fear when it came to Sera he decided to go for it and I'm glad he did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
teresa jensen
Reminiscent of Beautiful Disaster in tone(but with Vampires) this book captivated me almost from the get-go. I even recommended it to a friend the very next day, as we have similar tastes in paranormal books. The only reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5, is that at times I felt the book could have stood some pruning of the "-ly" variety -- to remove some of the extraneous "softly" and "slowly" type words.

Overall though, the flourishes didn't detract from the top-notch plot, complex characters or swoon-worthy romance so definitely give this series a try!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my first time reading anything written by Brenda K. Davies. I thought this might suck since vampires starting to sparkle in the daylight, I'm proud to say I was wrong. You get so involved with the characters that you feel like you are there watching the story unfold. I went thought every emotion that happen in the book. I laughed, cried, yelled NO went something bad happened! I had the hardest time putting this book down. If you could only read one book choose this one. If you can read more than one, READ THIS BOOK! You won't be disappointed!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! I started this book intrigued and the more I read, I was pulled into Liam and Sera's story!! Intense suspense in the last part of the book had me on the edge of my seat! As we are introduced to Liam and Sera's close friends, you fall in love with them too! Great character development and awesome story! If you like paranormal, romance and suspense, then you will love Awakened!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
**Downloaded this October 2012, so it is before the latest editing supposedly done in January 2013**

The romance progresses like a fire that got flammable liquid poured on it. So it's great if you don't like waiting around for any action to happen. And the vampires, when described as a transformed state, sound like Buffy the Vampire Slayer vamps.

Unfortunately, whoever the proofreader and/or editor was for this book, they are NOT as educated as they probably think they are. Seriously, the spelling errors. You're supposed to weed those out before releasing the novel. They used "pray" instead of "prey" which is a big mistake. One is an act of worship, and the other describes a victim or food. And at least 90% of the use of the word "too" should have been "to." Too = ALSO or AS WELL.

So someone reading the novel for mistakes before it's release is clearly very bad at their Homonyms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really liked this book. I thought the characters were well thought out. They each have their own personality.
I would recommend this book for older teens and adults. I'm looking forward to reading Destined
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
oakman oakman
This story is so cliched and at times immature in character actions, but yet, I read, and I enjoyed. Despite being fairly cookie cutter with her take on vampires, the author has something here that works for her. There's good heat and interaction between the hero and heroine, and the supporting friends seem real and work well within the storyline. Despite my objections, I was compelled to read on, and I enjoyed the story. That makes it a recommendable read. I liked Liam's character the best. Given that it is a para. rom., to me it is vital that the hero have something to draw you in. He's a likable protector.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anuja sule
I really loved this book for many reasons. The characters were believable and many of which, I really liked. The story was well written, other than a few errors here and there. This book took a unique outlook on vampires to a new level, which was a relief of sorts. I love how this story went straight to the point and after you read about half of it, you were left wondering how much more could possibly happen to keep me reading. Brenda K. Davies delivered on that. I truly loved this book. 'Awakened' is a book I definitely recommend.
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