Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang

ByChelsea Handler

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was little surprised that my book club picked this for our monthly choice, but it was a great break to the serious picks. The book is funny, raunchy and an easy read..I hope that she exaggerates a lot because some of the stories are insane.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn little
HILARIOUS! Without possessing the same boring, monotone vibe that many memoir-type books possess,"Bang Bang" describes and discusses specific moments in the comedian's life--in her sarcasticly, hilarious voice. My favorite chapter dealt with a false funeral all planned to play a joke on Chelsea's then-boyfriend. A great pasttime read. :)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
pablo dominguez
This book is hardly funny/worth reading. I bought it looking for somelaughs but found it mildly entertaining. Had to force myself to finish. It seemed she just through some lack luster stories together. By the end of it I was sick of hearing about her family and the stupid jokes (lies)she plays on people that aren't even clever. I love female comedians and always turn to their books but this pretty much turned me off on Chelsea. This book leaves something to be desired. I wish I would have liked it!
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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I don't really recommend this book, especially for the price on Kindle, but it's not the worst book I've ever read either. Her stories are getting lamer with each book. They have always bordered on this absurd but this one is barely even believable. And one chapter is just an email someone sent to her father.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ive read several Handler books and this one is riight up there with the best. She goes beoynd the normal stupid kid "coming of age" stories and truely exposes what a perv she was. The only time I would put the book down was to catch my breath from laughing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
daniel wilkinson
If you enjoy the humor that is Chelsea Handler then you will certainly enjoy this book. It's not the most intellectual piece of literature ever written but it's a quick and fun read that will probably help you to see Chelsea in a different light and/or inspire you to a. Become a female comedian b. Buy a mini horse/ dolphin or c. Never make the mistake of renting any sort of vacation property from her father. Mazel Tov!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was hilarious.I lauhed from beginning to the end .Some parts got a lil boring but she always came back with something to have me looking like a fool laughing so hard ?i could pee myself.Love the book .A great book to throw in the middle of all of your reading material when things get too serious.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
As a Chelsea Handler fan I assumed her books would be as hilarious as she always is on t.v. It had it's parts but overall it just wasn't as funny as I hoped it would be. This is only the first of her books I have read, so I'm hoping the other titles are more laugh out loud funny!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kathleen mckee
I really do enjoy Chelsea Lately, and have heard raving reviews about her books, possibly I shouldn't have started with this one. I found few moments I actually found funny, half of the stories are just recollections of conversations with other people or long drawn out pranks on her (ex) boyfriend. I personally didn't find them funny or amusing at all. I suppose if I want to hear about someone's sad day of sleeping in and eating lean pockets while watching sex in the city then this is the book for me, but half of her stories just sound like morning brunch story time with college girls. And personally, I don't find it stimulating, I didn't find the stories worth reading, much less worth paying to read. She can be funny, but it just seems like she was barely trying to write the book, as if she were just throwing it together and writing down whatever random crap she could think of. Not to mention the amount of grammatical mistakes, it seemed like there was no effort put at all into it. And I understand some authors ride on the successes of their name and previous books, expecting people to just buy into the next book regardless of its actual content, but I was truly disappointed when I finished because I felt like nothing I read was worth my time, there were no smiles, little moments to laugh at. It was just the ramblings of someone who has clearly ran out of material, or at least doesn't care anymore.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is so funny. It starts out very inappropriately, but the way she writes and her precociousness often times makes you forget her real age and all you can do is laugh. I read this book on the bus and train and people thought i was crazy because i kept laughing aloud in hysterics. The stories she tells and lies she makes up are brilliant. Towards the end, the book gets kind of slow and the laughs happen on every couple of pages. I recommend this book 100% so enjoy!
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