No More Dead Dogs (repackage)

ByGordon Korman

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stella benezra
Wallace Wallace is an extremely good person and does what many people try to accomplish, he doesn't lie. The last sentence that you just read has no flaws. Nothing wrong, no misspelled words. He is a very good person and he doesn't tell lies. Everyone tries not to, but Wallace Wallace succeeds. But things aren't always right just because you do the right thing. Wallace did just that.

It all started when Mr. Fogelman gave the assignment to write a book review on Old Shep My Pal. Mr. Fogelman thinks that it is a really good book, but Wallace didn't. Because he doesn't lie, he writes a bad report on the book. He didn't like it, so he told the truth. Mr. Fogelman said that what he wrote wasn't the assignment, but he did the assignment exactly how it was supposed to be done. Mr. Fogelman is also the drama teacher and because of the way Wallace wrote the book report, he is now in detention with Mr. Fogelman. Wallace plays on the football team, so everyone is disappointed because they think he is the best player, (but he is probably just the luckiest). Will their "star" player come back to the team?

I thought this book was wonderful. I would recommend this book to anyone. The reason I liked it so much is the way it was written. The way the author made you see what every character was thinking. See if Wallace gets back to the team in No More Dead Dogs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
r nar
Bennett Cornelious

November 29, 2004

No More Dead Dogs

By: Gordon Korman ISBN: 078681601-5

Telling the truth is very hard for some people but not for the football star Wallace Wallace. 13-year-old Wallace has never told a lie ever in his life. Wallace writes a bad review about a book called Old Shep, My Pal by: Zach Paris and his teacher doesn't like it because that his is favorite book and he wants him to write a good review about the book. Wallace won't do this because he hated the book because the dog dies at the end. Until Wallace writes the report his teacher is making him not play for the football team the Giants and he has to come to rehearsals for a play that some people and his teacher are doing about the book Old Shep, My Pal. Wallace keeps making up some better ideas for the play and he changes the whole play into a rollerblading and rock and roll rendition.

This book is very good because it has football in it and comedy. I recommend this book because it is very funny. This book is a page-turner because whenever you read it you get sucked into the story and it's like you can't put the book down. It wasn't hard to concentrate on the story because each page had something important on it. I liked the way he wrote this book because on every different chapter he wrote from a different person's point of view. He has a chapter called "Enter Wallace Wallace" and then there's another one called "Enter Rachel Turner." There were some surprises in the book like when someone released a lot of pepper on people and it kept everyone sneezing. People who would enjoy reading this book would be people who like comedy, football, action, and realistic fiction. People who are at the ages of twelve and up should read this book. This book was very good and you should read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everyone can tell a lie, correct? Wrong. Wallace Wallace can't. No matter how hard he tries. But Wallace is or isn't just the average Middle School boy. He plays football and gets good grades, except for English. After sassing his teacher, Mr. Fogelman, about his favorite book, Wallace gets into lots of trouble. Mr. Fogelman puts Wallace in detention. But, not your everyday detention. Mr. Fogelman makes Wallace be a part of the school play. Which just so happens to be the book Wallace had to do for English. While on detention, he is not allowed to be on the football team. But, Wallace has a different side to him than just football. He starts to enjoy the play. He even starts to direct it. Everyone loves his corrections, except Mr. Fogelman. But after suspicious crimes happen to the set of the play, the cast starts to see things differently.

No More Dead Dogs is an outstanding book. Wallace, Rachel, the football team, and the cast of the play can make anyone laugh. I would recommend this book to any body. If you like figuring out who's the liar, and who's telling the truth, then No More Dead Dogs is a great book for you.
Son of the Mob (repackage) :: Masterminds: Criminal Destiny :: Swindle :: Masterminds :: Ungifted by Korman, Gordon (2012) Hardcover
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Wallace Wallace, a football star of Bedford Middle School, was given detention because he wouldn't write a favorable book review for Old Shep, My Pal. He couldn't write a positive book review of Old Shep, My Pal because he couldn't tell a lie, and he absolutely hated the book. His English teacher, Mr. Fogelman, who had given him the detention, also happened to be the director of the upcoming play of Old Shep, My Pal. This detention prevented him from playing football with his school team. Instead, he had to wait around the gym during the practices and rehearsals of the play. Wallace began to supply both the actors and actresses and the backstage crew with suggestions. They happily took his proposals, and eventually made him the other director of the play. He changed the play from a regular, peaceful show, to an exciting and thrilling, sold-out performance!

With all the problems and conflicts along the way, the book turns out to be suspenseful and interesting. In addition, it is very entertaining and humorous, due to the fact that the situations and experiences are realistic and can be related to in many ways. The title of this book comes from one of the lines that Wallace says during the book, "Because the dog always dies." His last suggestion for the play is that the dog shouldn't die. If you want to find out if the drama students used his last suggestion, you should read this book.

Throughout the story, the characters deal with problems that any middle school student could face. If you are in middle school, and you enjoy reading books that that describe situations that are similar to ones that you have experienced, you will appreciate this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
have you ever read funny books before? If you haven't read no more dead dogs. It's about a boy named Wallace Wallace and he can NEVER tell a lie NEVER. Wallace has to read this book for school called Old sheep, my pal.Wallace doesn't want to read the book because he knows that the do is just going to die on the first page of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pat miller
Gordon Korman writes the best young male voice on the market. Period. Forget Harry Potter, Korman's quirky, memorable narrators have been delighting me for over twenty years. As a ten-year-old, I'd have given anything to meet Bruno and Boots.

But Wallace Wallace, the protagonist of "No More Dead Dogs," takes Korman's writing to a whole new level. Adults will enjoy every page of this strange, funny, utterly un-sappy tale--probably more than the twelve-year-olds for whom it was written. This could easily have been published as literary fiction, but the content is wholly kid-friendly. Your middle schooler will love this--but you'll love it more. Definitely a classic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
billie swartz
In "No more Dead Dogs" Wallace Wallace is in detention for writing a bad book review on "old shep my pal". Wallace can not write a good review because Wallace Wallace never lies. He was a Football Hero, scoring the last touchdown in the playoff game, that won the championship for the Giants. Everybody in school thinks he's a Hero except for Cavanaugh (exbest friend) and Rachel Turner (drama club leader). Mr Floggleman (English teacher) is the teacher who put Wallace in Detention and is director of the Play "Old Shep My Pal". Wallace is stuck in the Gym on detention and makes changes to the play to make it more interesting. Because of his detention Wallace can not play on the football team. Many attacks on the play give suspision that Wallace did it. Trudy Davis (co-actress) is interested in Wallace. She sticks up for him everytime. Will Wallace ever get out of Detention? Will the Play ever happen? Will Trudy and Wallace fall in Love? These are good questions to find out read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thiago de bastos
No More Dead Dogs, by Gordon Korman, is a humorous tale of Wallace Wallace. The plot shows Wallace as a student football star who doesn't really care about his schoolwork. His teacher gives the class an assignment to read and write a report on Old Shep, My Pal, which is the teacher's favorite book. When Wallace turns in a poorly written report, the teacher gives him detetion until he writes a satisfactory report. Wallace now is forced to miss football practice numerous times because he refuses to write another report. In detention, Wallace must sit and watch rehearsals of the school play, which just so happens to be from the book, Old Shep, My Pal, and directed by his teacher. At first, Wallace makes fun of the cast, and their work, but in the end, he helps the cast with the play's props and production. Gordon Korman has a humorous informal style of writing. The novel captures the very mind of typical pre-adolescent children.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
judy williams
If you like creative, well-written, feel-good, laugh out loud, plot twists, and fast-pasted books, then you have got to get this book. My husband and I just finished it and it was one of our most favorite young-adult readers, if not our favorite. Well done, Gordon Korman.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joseph morales
Wallace Wallace is an eighth grade football player who gets detention for writing an unacceptable, negative book report about his teacher's favorite book. But once he stops playing football and starts hanging around with the oddball kids from drama club, he begins to learn about true friendship. This book is very funny and right on target when it comes to middle school. If you're a fan of Korman's work, you'll love this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The ending of No More Dead Dogs is surprising because I never thought Wallace and Trudie would become a couple. Wallace is so different that no one likes him because he is a jock and he thinks he knows it all. Trudie is the quiet type. She only talks when someone talks to her. They are so different that sometimes they argue over stupid stuff. First they started to argue about parts of the play. They both wanted the same part, but Wallace got it. Another time they argued was when they fought over the end of the play and how they wanted it to end. Wallace wanted the dog not to die because he loves animals; Trudie wanted the dog to die at the end of the play because she doesn't like animals. In this argument, Trudie wins. They talked more after the play. Finally, they become friends and they start doing stuff together. My opinion is that I really liked the book because it has a very good ending. I would recommend it to people who like animals. It was such a great book..
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
leigh anne
The book No More Dead Dogs, written by Gordon Korman is a realistic fiction novel. This review will help you decide if you like this book. There are many middle school aged characters and some humor. The book is about a kid who gets detention and can't play foot ball. He joins the drama club. The chacters are not that good. My rating of this book is a 3 out of a five. My reason for this rating is that the book was not that good and the setting was pretty boring and Where it took place was not that good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mirella tenderini
"No More Dead Dogs" is a hysterical book that takes you through the long battle between boy and teacher about a book. The boy thinks that the book was boring and is always unbelievably honest, so he makes a "colorful" book review. However, his teacher is not amused and he tells him to write another.... and another.... and another. The teacher claims it is a wonderful book, especially because of the "surprise" ending. The boy claims that he knew the dog was going to die in the end once he saw the cover. He says that when you see a book with a dog on the cover, "that dog is going down." All in all it is a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phil baki
The book starts out ridiculously, but once you hit the end, you will probably feel that your money was worth it! Wallace Wallace never tells a lie, and it ends up messing up football games, not to mention a play....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
austin max
This is a great adventure book. The year before, Wallace caught the ball in the endzone to win the championship. The fans loved Wallace, he is the protagonist. Then his class reads Old Shep. Wallace turned in a paper that said my favorite part was when it said The End. The school was having a play for Old Shep. So, Wallace quits the football team. Later, Wallace gets accused for vandalizing the scenery for the play. Finally someone gets caught. This was a great book for middle school students.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was purchased for a Summer reading project mandated by my childs school which she could choose 1 of 3 books. At first my daughter borrowed the book from a friend, but once she began reading it, she enjoyed it so much she wanted to buy it. The book stores were out of stock so we orderd it from the store. It arrived quickly and she began where she left off and said it was one of the best books she ever read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert hultman
This book is creative, funny, and well-written.
I have read this book several times, and it never got boring. There is never a dull moment with NO MORE DEAD DOGS in your hands.
Wallace Wallace, the star football player that isn't any good, is in detention for writing a bad but truthful book report. He refuses to write one that praises the book ( Old Shep, My Pal), because it isn't truthful. There is a play about the book, but it's being sabatoged. Is Wallace Wallace getting revenge, or is he being framed?
From rollerblading dogcatchers to cherry bombs in stuffed animals, from cover to cover, NO MORE DEAD DOGS is nothing but laughs. Recommended for anyone ages 6-104 that likes a good laugh and a great book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jason naro
This book wasen't horrible but it certainly was not worth reading unless you have to. This book was very slow paced and the most exciting part in it is when a stuff animal blows up(if you ask me that isn't very breathetaking.) I'm in 8th grade and I only would recommend this book if you are in grades 3-5. So to sum it all up I think this book was poorley written and extremley boring.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
allisa ali
Wallace is football star and Rachel is a school actress and the teacher is mean. Wallace is in trouble right now for not turning in the book report about his book that he did not like. So right now he is in detention until he gets it finished. Rachel is doing a play about this book and Wallace is in there so he can get ideas for report. Rachel can't concentrate on her play because she is to busy looking at Wallace. The teacher is getting all kinds of problems for not letting Wallace play. That's what this book is about.

This book bored me to death. The book switched between three people it got me really confused. The only thing I liked was when Wallace chased his X-best friend. All it talked about was dead dog books. That's why I did not like this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is terrible. It is very boring. Not only is it boring but its annoying. None of the characters are likeable. I could barely finish the whole book. I found it sickening. I am putting my copy up here on the store or giving to half price and i have never done this with a book.
Even when i dont like a book i still keep it but this one was horrid dont waste your money even if its a couple cents.
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