A Ranger's Tale (Epic Fantasy Romance Series) - Tallenmere

ByMysti Parker

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abdallah abu nijem
Mysti Parker has exquisitely detailed a world that stretches your imagination, as she crafts a beautiful story. Each one of the unique characters is penned with care: you are able to see their actions come to life in front of your eyes. Emotions are created and crafted in such a way as to move the reader to tears, laughter, elation and sadness. As the story progresses, you witness character and relationship growth, maturity, love and complete devotion are all on display. An absolute must read for any romance and paranormal fans.

I was provided a copy of the book by BTS eMag for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review - all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kilburn hall
Readers will enjoy "A Ranger's Tale" A fantasy combined with a lot of romance.

The story beings at the point where Caliphany realizes she doesn't want to be a mage, and she has had enough of her father trying to control her. I enjoyed her take charge attitude. Anytime someone tried to make her do something she didn't like, she instead took things into her own hands. Not always with a good outcome, but that's all the better.

We meet Galadin at the point he rescues Caliphany from almost being kidnapped. There is an instant attraction between the two. Galadin has a background opposite of Caliphany, and he is attracted to her right from the start, although he is often hesitant to admit this to himself. Even though they have different backgrounds, they both share the same interests. So I thought the contrasts in the story skillfully done. These common interests contribute to the growing love between the two.

After about the fourth chapter, "A Ranger's Tale" became a page turner for me. I found myself wanting Caliphany and Galadin to be together shortly after they meet, and I'm sure this is exactly where the author wanted me to be. But no, that would be too easy, and things are not easy for Galadin and Caliphany. Many obstacles keep them out of each other's reach. This made me keep turning the pages, wanting to know how they would ever end up being together.

Much of the conflict comes from the inner turmoil of the two main characters because each struggles to admit their love for each other. I totally enjoyed this. At times poor Galadin couldn't seem to do anything right. He continually felt himself unworthy to be with Caliphany. While several time Caliphany couldn't fully trust him. Galadin's dark background made her leery, even though she was clearly in love with him the whole time. The two characters are both believable because they are not perfect. There were times I knew they were making a mistake, and this made me anticipate the outcome even more.

When I first started reading the book, I thought the choice of setting was not original with the usual elves, mages, faeries, kings, etc. But as I continued to read, I realized it was the right decision because an unknown type of world would've distracted from the focus of the story, which is the relationship of the main characters. As I continued, I was glad I didn't have to learn about new beings or unknown worlds. I also found the setting enjoyable and beautifully described.

The story is written in first person, and it also switches viewpoint characters. At first I feared being jarred by numerous viewpoints in first person, however, this didn't happen. All the viewpoints worked perfectly for this story. I didn't find it jarring at all. The entire story flows very smoothly.

My only nit-pick is that the story could've been wrapped up a tad sooner. Yet, I tend to be impatient at times, so it could just be me.

So in summary, I highly recommend "A Ranger's Tale."

Note: A Free Review copy was provided by the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany pursley
Wow, this book was very powerfully moving. It touched heartstrings and made me laugh, scream, and cry. I love the characters, especially Galadin. My heart went out to Caliphany when she had to choose between the two men she loved. Some people might think she was wishy-washy or whiny, but I think she was strong for picking one man and sticking to her pick. The author wrote the plot very well. It had me turning pages and not wanting to put it down because I had to know what happened next. I like how Caliphany broke our of her gender boundaries and her father's clutches to become a ranger, even though she's a woman royalty. I recommend A Ranger's Tale for anyone that likes fantasy stories, or is just looking for a good read.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly gallagher
Caliphany Aranea is a blonde bomb-shell, bad-ass fire mage, getting ready for her dissertation. But she wants more from her life than take her strict and famous father's place as the next top scholar. She dreams of travel and adventure.

Galadin Trudeaux (awesome name, btw) is a ranger, ship captain and former pirate. He saves Caliphany from an attempted kidnapping and falls in love with her on the spot.

Their journey together begins when Caliphany pays him to train her in the ways of the rangers. What follows is a lightning romance, adventures, travels and a fast marriage.

Caliphany tries to bring her two lives together, but before she can even introduce her new husband to her family, tragedy strikes.

With a child on the way, Caliphany joins the L.I.O and seeks solace in her old flame, Jayden.

I won't say more on the subject - all the twists and turns are worth reading and finding out.

I honestly didn't expect to love this book so much. I expected to enjoy it, but not to like...love it. It's been a long time since I've felt sad that a book is ending.

What I liked most about the book was how easily Mysti built the world around her characters - from names of places, months, and plants, everything felt as though it should be there, has been there all along, and will always be there. The description is not overwhelming, but enough to paint a vivid picture.

The characters are well developed, three dimensional and they grow on you. The fact that both Jayden and Galadin are decent men, both with their flaws, makes Caliphany's struggle even more heart breaking and her suffering is well portrayed.

The romance is good. It was a little head-turning until Cali and Galadin got together, but afterwards, all flowed nicely. There's some hotness in there as well. Nicely done, may I add. Not too graphic, not too tame, just enough to get the idea across and the heart racing.

The support characters are also very well done - the world is lively and natural and I guess that's what drew me in the most.

This is one of the books that I'll most definitely pick off the shelf and read again.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dustin hiles
In a uniquely compact and bluntly honest writing style, Parker has managed to craft a world, build characters and create palpable emotions in the reader with the plotting. Combining all the elements needed in a good story: a quest, a romance, characters who are unique yet sublimely defined and a series of events that are easy to relate to, this story starts slowly as readers are given the chance to familiarize themselves with the world and the characters. Soon the pacing changes and the scuffles between the two romantic leads as they struggle with their own issues and maneuvering their way through the challenges begin to appear and expose the very human-like challenges their world faces from intolerance, war, greed and violence. A really good start to what is sure to be a series appreciated by many.

I received an eBook copy from the author for purpose of honest review for the Book Trailer Showcase eMagazine. I was not compensated for this review, and all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna jean
This book is great escapism. Caliphany a Hundred year old (teenage) Elvin Princess, fighting against her Fathers arranged marriage for her. She wants excitement and certainly finds it!! She meets Galadin whose Parents had been murdered and he kidnaped by pirates. There is a love triangle, Wizardry and spells. not forgetting Razor the Eagle.(love him). Buy this book, take the weekend off and find a nice quiet spot to enjoy. Well done Mysti
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tanya georgieva
A Ranger's Tale is a beautifully written, action-packed fantasy romance filled with magic, mystery, danger, and adventure. I was hooked reading the Prologue when Caliphany tripped in the barn and a spark of fire flew from her hand landing into the dry hay. I had to keep reading. Her father expects her to become the next mage and marry a pre-arranged high elf she doesn't even like; Caliphany wants a life of adventure and the forbidden love of half-elven Galadin and is determined to break free from her pre-arranged life. Chapter after page turning chapter you will find a world of mystical elves, pirates, kings, mages and a stubborn Caliphany determined to live her life as she sees fit. Mysti Parker is a master of words using vivid imagery to weave magic and mystery with the human elements of romance and determination. You will LOVE the ending. I did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beau davenport
I read the ebook edition and deeply enjoyed this tale. The characters were wonderful and drew me in from the first page and the richnest of story was a delightful feast for the senses. I definitely would recommend A Ranger's Tale for anyone who enjoyes a good romance, but also for those who love the realm of fantasy such as fans of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy. This work has it all: elves, mages, pirates, love, lost, and betrayal galore interwoven with the land of Tallenmere and it's people. I cannot wait for Ms. Parker's other works in the series to be realeased and am sure they won't disappoint.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathleen m
Romance has always been my favorite genre. Despite fantasy not being my usual taste, I tried this book. I must say I was not disappointed in reading it. The story is told in first person from the point of view of three different characters. This gives us a window into the mind of all the three major characters. Caliphany's story beautifully expresses the stubbornness of a daughter who defies the convention to make her own path. Her attraction for Galadin and her decision to stick by her love is very touching. Galadin's determination and heroism makes the reader fall in love with him. I cheered him on when he fought for Caliphany, and I mourned for him when he faced many obstacles.

But the character who took my heart away was Jayden. I am usually a sucker for HEA, but I loved Jayden's steadfast attitude. I was conflicted in deciding whom I wish to win Caliphany in the end. Though I knew the answer, but I wanted Jayden to be happy. With every page I hoped he should also win. And I think, I will have to go through the next book in the series to discover his happy ending.

The magical fantasy world of elves, trolls and goblins added a new dimension to the story. It gave the fairy tale quality to this tale of love. With every sentence, I was sucked in the vortex of this world.

Final Verdict ~ I am sure anybody, who loves a good romance, will enjoy this gripping tale.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher laney
Ms. Parker has a unique way of combining romance, fantasy while at the same time, characters the reader can relate to. The novel's strength is Ms. Parker's ability to weave a romance that isn't predictable and contrite, by using strong and intriguing characters. If you are looking for a great romance sprinkled with fantastical supporting characters who bring you into another world, A Rangers Tale is worth the trip!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
warren adler
I stumbled across A Ranger's Tale and actually wasn't aware it was a romance novel. I'm not a romance reader, I'm a fantasy junkie. The author's world building and attention to the details and trappings of a fantasy story sucked me in completely. By the time I realized it was a romance story, it was too late. I happily turned the pages and wound my way through the twisting tale of Galadin, Caliphany, and yes, even Jayden.

I definitely recommend A Ranger's Tale to anyone who enjoys a good fantasy story. You won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kay weeks
"A Ranger's Tale" encompases love, rebellion, royalty, and kidnapping. Galadin and Caliphany's love story is one you don't want to miss. Their relationship takes them through a love affair, supposed death, and one of them being captured as a slave. The creatures and characters in this book are priceless. Exciting, intriguing and entertaining. This book is a must read!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sami melaragno
I read The Ranger's Tale cruising along the Murray River on a Halvorsen 26 footer with a glass of wine in one hand and my kindle in the other. The book, the setting, the conditions were all spot on.

This fantasy world author doesn't make the mistake of wasting time 'building' her world, instead she reveals it through plot and character development. At the very beginning I thought the story was going to be about a Utopian society with people living side by side in racial harmony. Not so; it very quickly becomes obvious the opposite is true. The story encompasses everything: engaging main characters, love, hate, disharmony, misunderstanding, friction and war.

What I liked most was the author's writing style; it's very visual, the characters lifted off the page and into my mind's eye. An absorbing read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great book. This author was able to do an amazing job setting up the fantasy world without getting tedious in her descriptions. The characters were believable, although as a sucker for a true love story, I did find Caliphany and Jayden's romance somewhat hard to read when she was so in love with Galadin.
Full of hard knocks, and lots of twists and turns, I recommend this read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesse gavin
A wonderful fantasy/romance novel that you won't be able to put down! The story is rich and detailed, constantly inviting the reader to become lost in the world of Tellanmere and the lives of the characters. Not only is this a wonderful love story, but also a captivating adventure, pulling the reader through the lives of rangers, pirates, and royal spies. A definite read for any lover of fantasy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Not being a fantasy reader, I was little skeptical about whether I would enjoy this book. Simply put I did! Not only was the fantasy realm dealt with in an entertaining and intriguing manner, the romance between the characters captivated me and held my attention. I couldn't put it down. A great character driven novel that would satisfy any romance or fantasy reader. Looking forward to following these characters in future series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
adel ahmadyan
This is a lovely, fun, if slightly slow-paced high fantasy romance. Cali and Galadin are all wrong for each other - which means, of course, that they're perfect for each other, lol! The book really takes off when Cali stows away on Galadin's ship, and then you're in for quite a ride.

Read, enjoy, repeat!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cali is the niece of the king. Galadin was forced by pirates as a very young child to become one of them. He saves Cali from being kidnapped at the harbor by two slavers. This a story of two soul mates who almost lose each other because of guilt, pride, and stubbornness. Cali has to make choices but will she make all of them for the right reasons? It is a story filled with each character having be honest with themselves in why they are marking the decisions they make. It is different and very enjoyable. Jo-Ann Doyle
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