Trial by Moon (Trial Series Book 1)

ByLizzy Ford

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
crystal west
A great new series. I'm really looking forward to the next book, especially since I'm not sure Ben is the right person for her. I liked him a lot, and although Leslie came to care for him too, something was missing. Perhaps it was because their relationship was so physical. I never thought I would say that.

Leslie is unexpectedly charged with determining the faith of not only the supernatural community, but three clan leaders after her fathered is murdered. With no one to guide her, and the rules completely unclear, she is expected to step into her father's shoes and make decisions she doesn't feel equipped to make. Armed with only the Book of Secrets and her dad's extensive library to guide her, she is tasked with completing 3 trials to decide the fate of the three men, as well as herself. No easy tasks either. Expected to mate with each of the candidates, one of which is responsible for her father's death, is not something she wants to do, but she does want to learn who killed her dad. Getting through the next three weeks alive, with all of the prejudices on both sides, will be the most difficult thing she has ever done.

It is interesting because Leslie has a strong dislike for the supernatural community. Raised by her father who resents them after the death of his wife, she doesn't consider herself a part of the community. And she'll learn that they aren't exactly fans of Kingmakers either. I admit that it has been awhile since I got so wrapped up in a book, I've read to the wee hours of the morning to finish it. She has a very difficult task ahead of her and even when she thinks she's finally getting a grasp of the rules, things change again and she is nearly right back where she started. I'm definitely ready for the next book. I want to see what challenges she'll face and how different Tristan will be from Ben. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes paranormal books, but also over 18 given the sexual context.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zack hansen
Ugh. This book has my emotions twisted all over the place. Why must you do this to me??
So. Onwards to the point. We start off with learning about a girl named Leslie (who's a graduate of Harvard, btw, but doesn't have a degree cause she skipped the graduation for a skydiving day), and bam, next thing we know, we find out that her father has been murdered.
And three, hot sexy supernaturals are suspected, the very same ones who Leslie will have to choose to either a) exile b) mate or c) become the community leader. (It'll make sense.)
How does this all relate, you might ask? Well, even I don't really understand how all the crazy ties together, but trust me, it does.
Leslie is a Kingmaker, someone who is part of the supernatural world, yet not, and now that her father is dead, she's gonna have to make some big decisions that will affect the supernaturals themselves. The fate of many lies on her shoulders. Seriously. ( Remember the options a,b, and c? Yeah, that.)
In order to do her duty as a Kingmaker and to figure out who killed her father, she has to undergo trials in which she spends a week with each of the hotties (a werewolf, a vampire, and a fae, so to speak) as a temporary mate to each. In Trial By Moon, Leslie spends her week with the werewolf Alpha Benjamin, (in which she quickly learns he walks around naked almost all the time, LOL) and grows as a character as she learns about the sexy Alpha himself, but also finding more and more facts that doesn't fit in at all to what she's been told. Leslie is challenged in a way that it is impossible to distinguish what's true and what's not, all while trying to figure out the puzzle that is Benjamin.
As for how exactly this trials goes with the very possessive were, (half-blushes), wellll... You're gonna have to read it. Can't be spoiling it for you all. But I can say that finishing reading this book, (which left me in a heap of emotions, as you read from the first line), you'll want to find out what happens next. There are so many plot twists and emotion wringing scenes that I just can't wait to read the next one. And the one after that. And...well, you get the picture. Anyway, time to distract mysel- OH! DO I SPY AN ARC FOR TRIAL BY THRALL?! Well, time to run. Have fun reading the first book as I nom on on the second. Yay for ARCs!! :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Trial by Moon
Episode One of the Trial Series
By Lizzy Ford
5 Bookgasums
3 men, 3 trials, 3 choices
“A vampire, werewolf and a Fae walked into a bar….” Sounds like the beginning of a great joke, instead it is the beginning of a great story filled with mystery, age old riddles, and even a little romance. Ms. Ford story intrigued me from the beginning and held me tight so that I had to keep reading. In fact, I read this book straight through.
Deception, rules, and mysteries abound. Every turn has your mind whirling. You will want to cheer and yet hold back because you know there is more to hear and learn. The Kingmaker must complete 4 trials in order to pick the next king. This trial has to do with the werewolves and finding out more about herself, her father, and her birth right.
I found no grammar, spelling or formatting issues which for me makes it an ‘A’ right away. Nothing like errors to slow down or pull you completely out of the story, this was not the case with this story. There was just enough description for me to see everything and not so much I got bored or tried to skip ahead. The characters became real for me and had me cheering and booing them as the story progressed.
I am just blown away and I don’t want to leave this world Ms. Ford has woven around me. I cannot wait to delve into the other 3 trails to find out what happens next. I cannot say it well enough. This was an excellent book that I would want to buy in hardback to be able to read it again. I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review and I am very happy to say this book earned its 5 Bookgasums.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theo travers
I really enjoyed this book and cannot wait for the next one. Leslie has a choice to make that she did not know she had to make until the death of her father. There are three men a werewolf, fae and a vampire, whom she needs to decide their fates. She has a trial week with each of them to learn about them and to decide their fate. In Trail by Moon she has her first trial with Ben the werewolf. He is sexy, strong and total alpha male. Ben was chosen by his pack to become a candidate, the first werewolf candidate ever. Leslie soon realizes she is in way over her head and everyone knows more about what is happening to her than she does. Her father left behind encrypted books that are only showing her pages at a time. Leslie has a very tough decision to make, follow her heart or follow what she has been taught by her father for years.

I really enjoyed this book and cannot wait for the rest of the trials. I was drawn in immediately and could not put this book down. I really like Leslie and you can feel her pain, confusion and hope throughout the story. Ben is a strong and sexy alpha that you want to be telling her the truth. I believe that the author is going to make us, the readers, fall for each male so our choice of favorite male is just as hard as Leslie's. I recommend this book to anyone who loves a great sexy paranormal romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leah hallgren
**I was gifted a copy of this book**

Compelling, hot, well told. I love the storyline and the characters we've met so far.

As the next in the line of Kingmakers, it's Leslie's job to pick the next leader of the supernatural Community. Three trials, three candidates, their fates rest on her shoulders.

As part of a clan that is mostly shunned, Leslie must learn to live with and trust strangers. Keeping a clear head and trusting her intuition is paramount to the success of her trials. They begin with Benjamin, Alpha to the Werewolf Clan.

Trials aren't meant to be easy, they're meant to test us. Leslie has no idea what she's in for.

Mysterious, interesting, a bit heartbreaking. I already love it, can't wait to see where the story goes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*received a copy of this book for an honest review*

To be a Kingmaker makes you the most hated and most important but the least likely to have a group of BFFs to help you navigate.

Leslie Kingmaker has the task of selecting the next supernatural leader but in order to do so, she must go through three trials that prove more difficult than she ever imagine. Not to forget that one of these lucky contenders also may or may not have killed her father.

This book was nothing short of amazing. I loved the plot, the buildup and all of the intricacies of this world. It may be too early to have favorites but MY GOODNESS, I need a werewolf like this (I'm blushing like crazy as I even type this)! I could not put this book down. Read it in one sitting and I need to know what happens next like, yesterday. Seriously.

This is also an bit of an introspective journey for Leslie as she finds out more about her family, her history and herself. Loved absolutely everything about this book. Another amazing ride by the great Lizzy Ford.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Trial by Moon is a great supernatural read for paranormal lovers. Leslie Kingmaker is desperately trying to find out who killed her father. However, she must go through her trials as a “Kingmaker” to find her mate, find the one who will lead the community and decided which members she will exile. She must spend time with the werewolf Benjamin (Ben), the fae Tristan and a vampire to see who will be placed where. In this novella Leslie spends time with Benjamin and it is easy to fall for him. Ben is sweet, caring and as devastatingly sexy. However, while she uncovers some secrets within the pack she still has no answers to the one question she has. The more time she spends with Ben the more questions she has. Lies will be told, secrets will come out, people will be betrayed and deceit is in full swing in this short and steamy novella which makes it one exciting read. I can’t wait to see what’s next. This is only the beginning and I definitely want more. If you love supernatural reads I suggest you give this novella a try.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! This one starts off strong and continues through the whole story! I was intrigued from the start as we started on this first trial, we meet the werewolf Ben. He is everything an alpha should be, and more. I found myself drawn into this magical world and intrigued by the characters. Having to choose a community leader, a mate and one to exile- I definitely think this one should be the Mate. That could just be my hormones talking but he seems genuine enough, or does he? I can't wait to see what the next trial brings and wonder who will get each position at the end. I am curious to know more about the KingMakers and why they alone are the ones who have to go through these trials and tribulations. I guess we will see....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex dicks
Completely different from what I was expecting, and that's awesome!! I received an ARC copy of this book for an honest review. I started reading it thinking it was just going to be another of those Werewolf, Vampire love triangle-ish romance stories... And was pleasantly surprised by a story that has some depth and mystery to it! I really liked it! I had a hard time putting it down, so much so that I almost burned dinner. Oops! The main character is working out some issues and is completely clueless about her trials, which surprisingly makes it interesting. I find that I like Ben the werewolf and his aggressive, commanding sexual preferences. Not too keen on the amount the word d**k is used to describe his genitals... But the scenes were hot to say the least! The way the book leads into the next trial is definitely better than a cliffhanger, and I look forward to reading it too! Definitely recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
april pope
Once again Lizzy Ford has sucked me into her world. I swear I have a book crush on her! Her words draw me in and and keep me trapped till the end. Anyway enough of my fan girl crush let me tell you about this book.

This book is a paranormal romance that will blow your mind and leave you panting for more.

Leslie is a kingsman and its her job to decide who will be the new leader now that her father is dead. She has 3 men/supernatural stop choose from and she must undergo a trial to reach her full potential. This book is about the start of her trial and her week living as the mate of a werewolf. The chemistry was sizzling hot and like with all of Lizzy's books I found myself falling for Ben as I am sure you will too. I can't wait to see what Lizzy has planned for the next book where Leslie spends a week as the mate of her next supernatural contender.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sina elli
3 Trials with 3 supernaturals - to find a mate, a leader of the community and one to exile. Not to mention trying to find out who killed her father.

Leslie is a kingmaker and this is her duty. This first trial, with the Benjamin the werewolf, was intense. Leslie doesn't really know what is expected of her or what to do, but she is learning as she goes along. She is learning a lot about herself, about kingmakers and about the supernaturals she really knows nothing about. Add in some steamy sexual situations and you have a great first book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ricky d
Just reading this first book has hooked me on this series. And as expected of one of Lizzy Ford books, I love it. I am excited to have been able to read this book, and am biting at the bit to read the next one in this series. Unfortunately I will have to wait until next year to read the last two in this series, so I will have to satisfy myself with reading other great books by Lizzy. She is a fantastic author and I have thoroughly enjoyed all the books that I have read by her. Ben is such a high strung wolf that it just astonishes Leslie at first. But then she learns a lot of different things about him and his life and family. By the end of the book I am truly hoping and praying that it will be him that will be her mate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danni potter
Received this Arc in exchange for an honest review!!! This is a great start to her new series and I couldn't put it down. I fell in love with Ben right away!! There were moments that I wanted to jump in the book and slap Leslie. Her dad really did a great job messing her up and I'm trying to have patience with her. She has to grow up and I think Ben did a good job when it came to being mate material. Classic Lizzy leaves you holding you breath waiting to see what happens next and I can't wait to meet Tristan, let the second stage of the trials begin!!! Which one will become leader? Who will be her mate? Which one will prove to be a danger to her and the supernatural community? Ms. Ford has never disappointed me with her books!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book! I cannot wait for the next one to come out and see how Leslie's time goes with Tristan. Ben was an awesome character in this book and I actually, so far, find myself hoping that he might be her mate and fingers crossed that he is not the traitor. I feel for poor Leslie in this book, her whole life she has been taught not to trust supernaturals and kept away from normal humans so she doesn't really fit in anywhere. Everyone else seems to know the rules for the Kingmakers, but not her. The book will only reveal a little to her at a time. I highly recommend this book to anyone. Lizzy is one of my favorite authors and I don't think that she has written a book that I haven't loved yet. Hopefully we won't have to wait long for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
qt steelo
This the first book in a new supernatural series that has Leslie Kingmaker making a choice between three men ( one is werewolf, one fae and one a vampire). She must exile one, mate one and make the other a leader. The funny thing is she must be with each ne for a week before making her choice. First on her list is Ben the werewolf. He is an Alpha through and through he expects her to submit to hm and Leslie is anything but submissive. This is a very hot story that will have you not wanting to put it down and after it is over you are ready for the next book.

I received a copy of this book for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Not my favorite series by Lizzy Ford, but still very intriguing and well-written. This book will immediately capture your attention within the first chapter as you struggle with Leslie regarding the challenges that have been thrown at her. This series is like a mystery novel that leaves you guessing as to who Leslie will, and should, pick. This first book leaves me hoping she picks Ben as her mate, but I also fully expect that this impression will be challenged within the next three books. This is a romance Sherlock Holmes mystery at it's best.

**I received this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story grabs you by the heart strings, takes Leslie for a wild ride emotionally, physically, and keeps you guessing on the full intent of the trials. You start down the winding, Rocky path that Leslie is traipsing to find herself, her destiny, and her love; all the while, making a decision that will impact the entire supernatural clan. Sounds easy enough right? You will not want to put this installment down and will be bemoaning the fact the next one is not out yet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david sinden
Love this new series by Lizzy!!! Leslie Kingmaker has a problem...She will become three different supernatural beings for one week each. Not only that, she will be the mate of a werewolf, a Fae and a vampire while she experiences being a supernatural. But to add to that issue she is also investigating which one of the men may have killed her father. This is the first book in which Leslie becomes a werewolf and mate to the leader of the pack. Lizzy's writings provides an insight into what Leslie is feeling and experiencing. This is a terrific start to a new series and I can not wait for the others to become available.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
miranda beridze
What a great new series! The paranormal aspect is incorporated into a unique story of mystery, suspense and romance! The heroin of the stories Leslie Kingmaker, has to pick the next king and she does this by going through trials and experiencing what it is like to be part of the Werewolves, Vampires and Fae lives...I thoroughly enjoyed the first installment of this series and can't wait to read the next!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica torres
This story grabs you by the heart strings, takes Leslie for a wild ride emotionally, physically, and keeps you guessing on the full intent of the trials. You start down the winding, Rocky path that Leslie is traipsing to find herself, her destiny, and her love; all the while, making a decision that will impact the entire supernatural clan. Sounds easy enough right? You will not want to put this installment down and will be bemoaning the fact the next one is not out yet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zachary best
Love this new series by Lizzy!!! Leslie Kingmaker has a problem...She will become three different supernatural beings for one week each. Not only that, she will be the mate of a werewolf, a Fae and a vampire while she experiences being a supernatural. But to add to that issue she is also investigating which one of the men may have killed her father. This is the first book in which Leslie becomes a werewolf and mate to the leader of the pack. Lizzy's writings provides an insight into what Leslie is feeling and experiencing. This is a terrific start to a new series and I can not wait for the others to become available.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristin goldthorpe
What a great new series! The paranormal aspect is incorporated into a unique story of mystery, suspense and romance! The heroin of the stories Leslie Kingmaker, has to pick the next king and she does this by going through trials and experiencing what it is like to be part of the Werewolves, Vampires and Fae lives...I thoroughly enjoyed the first installment of this series and can't wait to read the next!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark krueger
I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I liked this book. I am a fan of werewolves. I like the fact that Leslie has to learn on the go and try to remember that she will only be werewolf for a week. However she is draw to and trying to understand Ben. Ben is a mystery and I love that. This book has a great story and great characters. this is a hot and steamy book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daniel platt
What can I say, I love everything written by Lizzy. This is the first book in the Trial series and I must say it was an excellent first book. I really enjoyed Leslie and cant wait to see what happens. This book will leave you on the edge of your seat wanting more. Cant wait to get my hands on the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gifted copy for honest review.

I really enjoyed reading Trial by Moon. This is a story about Leslie Kingmaker. Leslie has to choose who will be the next community leader. She has three trials. One is with a werewolf where she becomes his mate for one week. Everything is not what it seems. Great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ivy deluca
Amazing story, with a new twist on the paranormal world. Well written, great character development. The kind of book I have come to expect from this author. I have enjoyed every book I have read by her. I can't wait to see how ech trial progresses. Write quickly Lizzy...PLEASE!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shuai dong
Finding the next ruler of the underworld is not and easy task, but it is left to the kingmaker to choose from three who is up for the task, who will become her mate and who will be banished. What a decision for a teen girl mourning her father's murder.
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