The Adventures of One Woman's Walk Around the World

ByPolly Letofsky

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark eisner
Being someone that would love to be able to travel the world by foot, I enjoyed the story, and the purpose. Reading the honest feelings the author had in some of the locations made this book even more enjoyable for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
geocelh geraldizo
I very much enjoyed this book and found myself laughing out loud while reading it! Polly is an inspiration to anyone finding themselves committed to a challenge.
The photos in the book are as great as the story itself. Polly describes culture shock better than anyone I know and this book will appeal to a number of readers. Whether you or someone you love had breast cancer, or you are a world traveler, or you are just a crazy woman with a BIG DREAM you will find this book fascinating. I can't wait for the movie!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peta farrelly
What a tremendous adventure! This narrative should be required reading at the college or even high school level.
The insight into people of other cultures, governments, religions on a very easy and real level is priceless. Polly's honesty, courage, and persistence is a gift to every reader. I didn't want it to end and think of her stories and lessons often. Come to think of it - it should be required reading for all political leaders and civic-minded human beings.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a wonderful book to spend time with. Polly is a terrific writer, who sense of humor will keep you entertained and her observations will keep you challenged. I loved this book from start to finish.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meredith solomon
This was a wonderful book on Polly's world travels. Living in Colorado and having done a lot of traveling myself, I can understand some of the problems and highlights she had due to different cultures and world problems. Maybe some day, Polly would like to try South, Central America and the Caribbean also. Really enjoyed the book. Good luck with you future travels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noah levenson
What an incredible story of perseverance, guts, determination, and an open mind. Polly's journey is a true inspiration to all of us and a wonderful slice of history from across the world. Well-written and well thought-out.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ritesh shrivastav
This has the funniest prologue that I have read in a long time, tears of laughter streamed down my face. Unfortunately, this set the bar a little too high for the rest of the book to meet. It was a remarkable feat and a good purpose, but I ended up feeling as if I didn't have a clear idea of either Letofsky as a person or the nature of the places she walked through.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
paula white
It is difficult to criticize a book that tries so hard to heighten our awareness of breast cancer; a worthy objective. However, the nature of Polly's journey, walking, walking, does not make for adventurous reading. Her experiences are very repetitive country to country. How many overly exuberant Lion's Club members are there in the world? If anything, the Lion's Club should purchase all the extra copies and use them for their membership drive! The author had excellent intentions, but ultimately, there was not enough material for a book. Don't take 3mph on a long plane ride unless you want to be lulled to sleep!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike lawrence
WOW! What a story. I love reading inspirational stories about inspirational people and this book did not disappoint. Polly's motivation to keep going after all sorts of setbacks fascinated me and I know for sure I couldn't have done it. The book is a tale of five years of walking and all about the people she encounters and the places too. I loved her description of 'the hearing deficit' which I found amusing. I find this is common in most men worldwide though. I would have had to be sarcastic and would not have had half the patience that she showed to some of the attitudes. It also shows how attitudes of people worldwide differ so much and this would not have been apparent had she been travelling as a tourist or even with a male partner. All respect to Polly as it is most certainly earned. I read the whole book in three days as I found it fascinating - HOWEVER I should point out that I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. I had a kindle copy of the book and found the formatting needs some attention - the kindle copy I had (and I don't know if this is the same as the the store one available) would bre-ak words lik-e this hal-f way throu-gh a w-ord at the end of the lines which was am-azingly frustrati-ng and this c-ontinued all through the book. After a few chapters I got used to it but as it is something easily fixed I would suggest it be taken seriously and for people who are not willing to overlook this, that it should be sorted. Furthermore chapter eight IS REPEATED in its entirety. Finally there are no page numbers which makes it difficult to come back to the same place if the kindle app plays up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Is there something you've dreamed of? Read this book and see how one person actually did it. Polly Letofsky walked around the world raising awareness of the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Her book is by turns hilariously funny, candid, touching, and exciting. If you've ever wanted to be adventurous, make a difference, or just stubbornly do what most folks say is impossible, read this book for inspiration. I don't normally read travel books but I'm glad I stumbled across this one. It will make you pick yourself up out of your easy chair and get on with what's really important to you, whatever your personal dream is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie alve
I loved Polly's writing style, she told her story in such a way that we, the reader can relate to. At times I felt like I was there walking right beside her, an old friend that I enjoyed being around. She tells her story with some humor, some history tossed in, and some heads up on what it's like in countries that most us of can only dream of visiting--or not!
I could reread this more than once just for some escapism!
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book through Reading Deals in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mahyar mohammadi
When I ordered this book, I was only half interested. Then I opened to the first page and couldn't put it down! This proved to be a very interesting, well written book. It was so interesting to read her sometimes funny, sometimes serious but always educational reports. I highly recommend this book. Her travel around the world raised breast caner awareness for millions of people. Like Johnny Appleseed, she left a trail of hope as she walked.
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aida dietz
"I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. I didn't know what to expect when I started reading this book." The premise of a woman walking around the world by herself caught my attention in the description of the book, but I was hoping it was not going to be full of someone running away from life, trying to find themselves. I can whole-heartedly say it was not that at all! Polly's wit and humor, and honesty, plus her generous and genuine heart, made me cheer for her the whole way! I loved the conversational stories she told about her travels around the world. It was an interesting page-turner! I want her to travel through even more countries, just to hear her take on them! Would recommend to anyone looking for an inspirational (not sappy) light read (although you can definitely feel the full range of emotions throughout the book very deeply), and to book clubs! Cheers to Polly!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
3MPH, The Adventures of One Woman's Walk Around the World is an absolute must for anyone who has the itch to travel, either personally or from the comfort of an armchair. I recently met Polly at a women's' business luncheon and she is a dynamo make no mistake about it! Her story about a 5 year WALK through the world fulfilled two missions - first, her dream since her teens to walk around the world and second, to raise awareness and funds for education about the benefits of early detection of breast cancer.

Here are the basic facts - a single woman, walking 14,000+ miles, over 5 years, 22 countries, 4 continents, 30+ pairs of shoes and oh yes the biggest surprise, walking through a Muslim country on 9/11 and several less than hospitable countries over the next two years.

Her courage and perseverance, especially during her first year and during several other hair-raising phases on her trip, show that with your eyes on the prize, it is possible for a single woman to accomplish the unthinkable.

Her story telling is highly readable and I found the book very enjoyable. She inserts facts and figures, and describes the high and low points of both her physical and mental journey through some interesting places.

Her personal asides and description of her mental struggles and doubts made me feel I was right next to her. I felt and experienced the same heat, cold, damp, scorching dryness, odiferous road kill, peanut butter, chai and even the Colorado gnats. While she had 100% conviction, at times she seemed not 100% prepared which lead to some uncomfortable surprises. Yet she had a strong foundation and backbone of the journey, which saw her through the major and minor burps and bumps in the road.

As an international traveler myself, I could totally relate to her need for and appreciation of her strong "A Team" in several countries. They offered her support, encouragement and at times a smiling face, car, dinner and a blissfully warm and safe bed for at least one night. Her experiences with the Lions Clubs in most of the countries she traversed and the generosity of everyday people along the way was inspiring and humbling!

Way to go, POLLY! You are proof positive that consistent, little, continuing steps can take a person anywhere their dream leads them.

Thank you.

Jane Stanfield
Author of Mapping Your Volunteer Vacation
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Polly Letofsky brings it and she brings it with humor, compassion, joy and a marvelous sense of wonder. If you are a woman reading this book, you discover yourself and learn that your abilities know no limits. If you're a man reading this book, you gain a greater understanding and appreciation for women. Additionally, you gain a tremendous amount of courage from Polly's trek around the world. As she learns, you learn. As she laughs, you laugh more. As a world traveler myself, I identify with her and her passions. Additionally, with her quest to bring cancer to its knees for women around the world, she illustrated a higher calling. She inspires others. She will most definitely inspire you. When she sweats, you sweat. What she sees, you see. Polly presents a sublime and wondrous picture of the world. Good, bad and ugly--you're in for a heck of a walk around the planet at three miles per hour. I recommend her book with highest enthusiasm. At the end, "The Long Unwinding Road" and "Lessons from the Road" will touch your heart. You will be moved and you will be changed. Thank you Polly for your journey around the world and sharing it so dynamically with your readers. Frosty Wooldridge, six continent bicyclist
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leonard pierce
Straight-shooting narrative covering Polly's five-year walk around the world. As far as memoirs go, this is certainly more fun and uplifting than most. It's light on navel-gazing and heavy on cultural experiences, many of which are both HILARIOUS and educational. I enjoyed learning about each country that Polly walked through and experiencing the people and places at 3mph instead of by train, plane, or automobile. I thought her overall outlook was generous and lighthearted, and I was encouraged by her story.

As a side note, Polly lives in Denver and recently visited my book club. If she ever does an audio edition of this book I'll get it and listen... her personality is grounded but fun and would add even more to the reader's experience of her travels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Polly has lived an unparalled adventure in her 5 year trek around the world to raise funds for breast cancer treatment and awareness. Walking through many many cultures and surviving all manner of physical and emotional challenges, she captures the reader with her humor and dedication to a childhood dream come true. While there are many tales out there of talented climbers, bikers, hikers and swimmers, all who inspire awe and adventure in all of us, this story is a page turner. As a former Peace Corps volunteer in the third world who adjusted to one country for two years, I can't even fathom taking on this logistical kind of pilgrimage. My hats off Polly! Good reading for those who like to go to unusual places and for thoe who appreciate the read from a cosy chair at home.

DDH, mostly a local walker!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie fuller
Before reading this book, I had the privilege of attending a presentation by Polly about her adventures of walking around the world by herself and was in awe of her accomplishment. I bought her book, at the presentation, and was entertained and inspired, once again, by her trek. In the telling of her story, Polly brought many different cultures to life and shared her many challenges but what I liked best was her use of humor thought the book. The fulfillment of a childhood dream turned into a successful walk to promote breast cancer awareness in each of the countries she walked.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cezar paul badescu
Walking around the world? A woman? Five years? At first it was hard for me to believe that any woman could tackle such a big feat, but after reading 3mph I realized that if any woman could do it, it was Polly.

There were so many times I laughed out loud while reading Polly's story. What a powerful, inspiring, motivating memoir. Polly shares her journey with heart and humor, so if you love "feel good" stories, inspirational tales, and triumphant defeats - this is a book you'll want to read - perhaps over and over again.

When I closed the book, I realized that this wasn't just about Polly's journey, this was about the journey of every person who ever had a dream and needed to take it one step at a time. By the end of this book, you'll realize that you too can do your own "walk around the world!"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gail leadenham
Makes you laugh as well as cry. Full of interesting information about other countries/cultures and personal insights. Hard to put down once you start because you just can't wait for the next adventure! I liked it better than "Wild".
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah kramer
Wow, Polly gave us all an educational yet hilarious (at times) story as we learned about cultural differences and the challenges/joys of human interaction. We are walking beside her as she describes her journey across the world with honesty and grit.
I learned a lot....Who knew the Lions Club is a well connected (well, in most countries) global organization? Who knew that Polly would be internationally accepted to speak so freely about breast cancer in religious conservative countries?
If you want to read about an amazingly courageous woman with a purpose that helps us all understand more about humanity in a variety of places and situations, 3mph is the read for you!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane darby day
This author did!!! This book of the author's accounts of her five years walking around the world totally held my interest.
It was not what I had expected but much more. Much like her walk was not as she expected.
Am glad I selected this book for a read and review program.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a book club pick, and while we generally read fiction, this was a great adventure in nonfiction. Polly tells her story well, with humor and insight sprinkled throughout the book.

She came to our meeting and explained her writing process while regaling us with 'behind the scenes' stories.

I recommend this book and if you are in Denver, consider inviting her to join your discussion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved,loved,loved this book! Well written...interesting, descriptive of cultures, panoramic of country settings, honest no hold barred of emotions penned with well placed touches of humor. Thank you Polly for making your "one step at a time" trip to promote early detection and treatment of breast cancer. You are one special lady! I would highly recommend this book to anyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann dowd
Couldn't put it down! Impossible not to like. Immediately after reading it, I followed up with the audio version. Delightful. Had the pleasure of Polly attending our book club where she read some excerpts. This is one smart, funny gal. You are forever changed when you meet print or in person.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary nguyen
I first saw Polly speak about her adventure as the first American woman to walk around the world to raise awareness for breast cancer. After that, I bought her book and had her to my book club where she expanded on her story, made us laugh and truly inspired all of us to put one foot in front of another. There are parallel stories going on here...Polly's own journey and the work she was doing raising awareness for breast cancer. It's amazing how the two intertwined and how they were woven together. Polly's frank, humorous and sometimes sad tale makes me want to put one foot in front of the other!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cameron bruns
Full disclosure: Polly is a relative on my in-law side. We followed her walk around the world from 1999-2004 and periodic emails with great interest, and we supported her cause: breast cancer education and awareness. But I dawdled about reading the book--guess I thought I'd already gotten all the highlights. I gave it to my stepmother first, thinking it would be great for her bookclub.

The next thing you know, my stepmother is telling me that even though she thinks Polly is crazy, it was a fantastic book and she couldn't put it down. She urged my father to read it. Then he's telling me, I didn't really think I'd like this book, but it's amazing! I couldn't put it down. My husband was the next to read it, and guess what--he couldn't put it down. Not only that, but he kept reading me the best bits. At that point I said to myself if these three people who have extremely different tastes in reading material are all telling me they can't stop reading Polly's book, I'd better get onto it.

Listen, I have to warn you: make sure you have time to read this book. You WON'T be able to put it down.

Polly's walk may have concluded six years ago, but her story springs alive page after page. I laughed with her, worried about her, yelled at her and cried with her. It feels as if you and she were sitting across from each other at a little cafe table, catching up, sipping her favorite cafe drink--cappucinos--and she is telling you each amazing, heartwarming, exhausting, exhilarating tale of her grand adventure. By the end of the book, you not only admire her toughness, you are energized for your own path, whatever it may be.

My favorite line from Polly's book is her advice gleaned from taking one step after another until she'd covered all 14,124 of the miles she set out to walk: "In the darkest times, when you don't know where to turn, just take one more step. Sometimes the next step is the only one that counts."

Thank you, Polly, for taking us along on your journey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoy reading travel books,and wasn't disappointed with this book, Polly gives a good description of the places and people and I found very interesting how different countries do things differently, from how they eat to how they treat visiters, and there health care, Polly walks for 5 years telling people about breast cancer in every country, the up and downs she had, a very enjoyable read, well written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You've all heard of The Unsinkable Molly...well here's the Unsinkable POLLY !!!!! And......unflappable!!!! I'm not quite through
listening to her 3MPH on the mp3 cd version but I'm riveted!!! While I started to read 3MPH ,Polly told me that she was
narrating an audio disc version. She is not only a fantastic story teller (and it's all true) but a marvelous narrator. Her painstaking attention to detail in relating the days events are ...well... dazzling. What a gal ...what a read... er...a listen....AND...I'm learning first hand about cultures of other countries step by step (pun intended). Thanks, Polly pack a powerful punch!
My best,
Ron R.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
omar helal
I am a teacher constantly on the lookout for interesting books for my "reluctant readers". After seeing Polly Letofsky speak on numerous occasions, I was thrilled at her book release and immediately recognized a fantastic opportunity to design a class around it.

My World Literature/"Adventure Literature" class revolves around author and public speaker Polly Letofsky's book "3 MPH: The Adventure of One Woman's Walk Around the World". The book delivers the unique perspective of traveling by foot through countries most students will never see in high-impact, first-person writing style- just what the doctor ordered for students of today. Her use of colorful and descriptive vocabulary helps students visualize her walk, and even her cleverly titled chapters lend themselves to better summarizing skills.

The story itself is remarkable enough to pique anyone's curiosity, and thoroughly breaks from the kind of literature to which students have grown accustomed. The unit developed even further to include mapping skills, science lessons regarding how much water the human body requires, to budgeting skills as parting Letofsky with her money became almost a sport in Europe, to critical thinking skills involving predicting and problem solving when she took a wrong turn. Global skills to be certain.

Throughout, Letofky's mission to spread the word about early detection of breast cancer increased students' awareness of this serious disease. And to have a class filled with high schoolers now comfortable with such a topic is a feat in and of itself!

I can bet these students will not be forgetting their virtual journey around the world with Polly Letofsky any time soon. I can strongly recommend this book to teachers everywhere for their students in high school and beyond, as well as to parents of reluctant readers. The comments I get from students range from "I wasn't sure I was going to like the book, but then I couldn't put it down!" to "Can I please read ahead?" There isn't a stronger recommendation than that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john angus
3mph is the world tour you won't otherwise experience, up close and personal, through the eyes and experiences of pint-sized Polly-esque perseverance. Letofsky's true travel tales will make you laugh, make you angry, outraged, wonder at the nooks and crannies of the world, and sometimes even cry with joy as you feel you are celebrating Polly's accomplishments WITH her. A must-read for anyone who dreams of, intends to, or won't ever travel around the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
drew perron
This book takes you through Polly's journey as she walks around the world which is quite an amazing feat! She has such a great skill of writing about her experience which completely engages you and keeps you wanting to read more. There is humor, drama, despair, loneliness, exhaustion, and many other emotions she shares about her trek across many countries. I have a tremendous amount of respect for this awesome lady whose five year walk raised money and awareness for breast cancer throughout the world - it was a journey with a special mission! I highly recommend reading this book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley sweetman
Today I am walking through Turkey with Polly. Yesterday it was India. The day before Thailand. When I first started reading and was at page 139, I looked at the last page to make sure I still had a long way to go because I did not want it to end. I love taking the journey with the writer and really being able to see and experience what they did. With Polly's book, I did that. I know everyone will enjoy reading this. Can you imagine? Walking around the world? Well you will be able to after you read Polly's book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Today I am walking through Turkey with Polly. Yesterday it was India. The day before Thailand. When I first started reading and was at page 139, I looked at the last page to make sure I still had a long way to go because I did not want it to end. I love taking the journey with the writer and really being able to see and experience what they did. With Polly's book, I did that. I know everyone will enjoy reading this. Can you imagine? Walking around the world? Well you will be able to after you read Polly's book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alison downs
Polly's dream of walking around the world becomes a reality but not everything goes as she expected teaching her patience and to always put one foot in front of the other no matter what happens. Her story is enlightening and real, a joy to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's not too often these days that your expectations of what a book will deliver are met. Well, mine were exceeded. I felt like I was walking right next to Polly through her entire journey. And, just like her 5-year endeavor, her book is loaded with the serious, funny, heartbreaking and heartwarming stories from every city, town, village and empty dirt road she traveled through. I feel like I met every caring, crazy, kind and kooky person that helped to make her epic journey so interesting. Seriously, buy this book. It's a great adventure from cover to cover.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
muneer babar
Polly Letofsky is an amazing adventurer, a courageous and really fun woman. She writes just like she talks, so it is a very amusing as well as a fascinating read. If you are anywhere in the range of Denver, invite her to your book club!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremy megraw
I have read 3MPH twice and watched the DVD Film. I don't know how she did it; however, if you meet Polly it helps you better understand. She visited our book club and I must say she is a very personable and fun person. What fortitude she has shown to be able to walk around the world. She has such small feet that look no worse for the wear! Polly has a rare quality that lets her "live in the moment" and enjoy her adventures to the fullest. A great read that I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Polly's journey around the world is an amazing story of determination! This book is like taking the trip with her: I felt I could see the landscape, smell the food, and struggle with the language barriers. I would find myself holding my breath with fear, only to laugh out loud the next second. Polly's sense of humor in the face of adversity must be one of the many traits she utilized to complete this incredible journey! If she could make this trip, and give so much of her time to raise breast cancer awareness, the possibilities are limitless for what each of us could accomplish - if we just put one foot in front of the other! Polly, thanks for letting us tag along!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric schermerhorn
I thoroughly enjoyed Polly's stories of walking around the world. Her writing took me with her on her walk; my grandkids loved hearing about her adventures on Audible playing in my car. I'm now on my second reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barry ickes
This was a wonderful and inspiring book. I really loved reading Polly's experience traveling the world by foot. I especially enjoyed her encounters as a single American woman, traveling and living in different and diverse cultures. She has an amazing attitude and I will remember during difficult times just to keep putting one foot in front of the other. What an amazing feat by a determined woman.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris h
I definitely recommend 3MPH. It is well written, inspiring, thought provoking, educational, interesting, and funny!
Our whole book club enjoyed the book, and we invited Polly to come to attend our dinner meeting. What a hit! If you have a chance to do this, DON'T MISS IT!
Getting to ask Polly more about her travels and experiences is pretty amazing. Polly is just as inspiring and funny in person! I want Polly to come to all our meetings!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn weber
Thanks to Polly for allowing me to walk around the world from the comfort of my home. Her book was hard to put down as she relays her numerous varied experiences (both good and bad) with humor. I enjoyed the book so much that I also listened to the audiobook which Polly narrates herself. Nobody could have done it better as she able to put the emotions from her experiences into her storytelling. I highly recommend this book and audiobook. Looking forward to the next book by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kurtis findlay
What a terrific read. I read this book on vacation in New Mexico and throughly enjoyed it. Polly's story is one of tenacity, joy, perserverance and an unswerving dedication to the fight against breast cancer. The attention to detail in the book is what sets it apart as Polly travels across all the continents. Whether it is the mystery of China or the joy of Scotland, Polly takes you there with her. I could not put the book down, just to see what was going to happen next!

I loved this book so much I plan to buy several copies for Christmas presents! Salud to my good friend Polly!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Polly Letofskys book about her walk around the world is a great read! Hard to put down, funny, fascinating, hair raising and when it's finished, you want the opportunity to sit and talk with her! Lucky for our book club, we did just that! She's willing to visit book clubs in person if you're close, or Skype if you're not. A fun evening and a great gal! Always fun to hear from the author and ask those questions you're dying to know from the book!
I highly recommend 3MPH!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thoroughly enjoyed this honest & very engaging memoir of the author's trek around the world! A very down to earth and entertaining account of the challenges of dealing with different cultures & norms and how grateful she was to be back in the USA. Highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Enjoyed this book (read it twice!) - especially the descriptive first-hand cultural experiences. This adventure was expanded on today in a bookclub meeting as Polly discussed her journey around the world 10 years ago. Highly recommend Polly as a bookclub guest. She is honest, entertaining and no question is off-limits! Thanks, Polly, for sharing your insights and life-lessons with us!
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