The Winds of War
ByHerman Wouk
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bob shine
I read this book back when it was first published, and also enjoyed the tv mini-series. The 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor inspired me to revisit it. It is a wonderful way to understand history of early WWII, in fact, I am going to go ahead and re-read the sequel, War and Remembrance. It seems most dated in its attitude toward Japan and Asia, using terms like "Oriental" and the kind of racist terms that come out in times of war.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melodie m
I enjoyed this book for the historical setting leading up to America's entry into WWII. Also, the fictional characters and several plots kept me glued to the book, always wanting more. Wouk is good at putting you into historic scenes all over the world, whether its being in the same room with Churchill, Roosevelt, Hitler, Stalin, Admiral King, etc. He makes you feel like you there and a part of history and the pervading atmosphere of the time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The pair (Winds of War plus War and Remembrance) are must-read books for anyone who wants to understand World War II. Following a military family through the pre-war years up until Pearl Harbor, Winds of War sets the stage and covers the early war in Europe in detail. War and Remembrance then picks up after Pearl Harbor and gets all the way to the victory over the Japanese.
Artfully using characters that have a plausible reason to be in important locales for the war, Wouk combines the family's story with military analysis (by a fictitious German general) to give a complete story. It's amazing that he can work so much that's relevant to the war into a drama about fictional characters.
The novel gives you a sense of the military and geographic factors that drove the war, the logistic and economic factors, and the psychology of the leaders of the great powers. But you're also treated to an understanding of the spirit of the times. Younger readers especially will begin to understand what it was like to live in an age very unlike the modern world, and one in which mortal threats were commonplace.
I recently reread Winds of War after a twenty year gap, and enjoyed it even more this time. I feel that I know the characters even better the second time through, and better understand their predicaments and the choices they made.
I only have only one quibble about characterization. One of the characters, a Jewish wife to one of the military family, is the on-scene witness in Europe to Germany's treatment of the Jews. While I think that material is very important, the series of circumstances that keeps her and her uncle in Europe seems a bit contrived to me. But I'll give Wouk a little license. The book would have not been complete or nearly as powerful if it had left out a complete understanding of the Holocaust, and if it took a little contrivance to get two Americans to witness those events, I consider that a worthwhile trade.
If you've seen the TV series and liked it, you really ought to get the complete picture by reading this book. I've given it as a gift to friends for years. I used to pick up copies I would see in used book stores so that I could give it to folks I thought might be interested.
Unfortunately I ended up with no copies except one very old falling-apart one, and bought a recent printing of the paperback. The quality was not as good it should be, probably because this book is over a thousand pages and they cut some corners on production. I have to wash my hands after each reading because the print smudges off the book. So if you can afford it, you might want to get the school/library binding version instead. It's more than twice as expensive, but I expect it's of far superior quality. I'm probably going to pick up one of those myself. This pair of books is one that ought to be displayed proudly in any thinking person's library.
Artfully using characters that have a plausible reason to be in important locales for the war, Wouk combines the family's story with military analysis (by a fictitious German general) to give a complete story. It's amazing that he can work so much that's relevant to the war into a drama about fictional characters.
The novel gives you a sense of the military and geographic factors that drove the war, the logistic and economic factors, and the psychology of the leaders of the great powers. But you're also treated to an understanding of the spirit of the times. Younger readers especially will begin to understand what it was like to live in an age very unlike the modern world, and one in which mortal threats were commonplace.
I recently reread Winds of War after a twenty year gap, and enjoyed it even more this time. I feel that I know the characters even better the second time through, and better understand their predicaments and the choices they made.
I only have only one quibble about characterization. One of the characters, a Jewish wife to one of the military family, is the on-scene witness in Europe to Germany's treatment of the Jews. While I think that material is very important, the series of circumstances that keeps her and her uncle in Europe seems a bit contrived to me. But I'll give Wouk a little license. The book would have not been complete or nearly as powerful if it had left out a complete understanding of the Holocaust, and if it took a little contrivance to get two Americans to witness those events, I consider that a worthwhile trade.
If you've seen the TV series and liked it, you really ought to get the complete picture by reading this book. I've given it as a gift to friends for years. I used to pick up copies I would see in used book stores so that I could give it to folks I thought might be interested.
Unfortunately I ended up with no copies except one very old falling-apart one, and bought a recent printing of the paperback. The quality was not as good it should be, probably because this book is over a thousand pages and they cut some corners on production. I have to wash my hands after each reading because the print smudges off the book. So if you can afford it, you might want to get the school/library binding version instead. It's more than twice as expensive, but I expect it's of far superior quality. I'm probably going to pick up one of those myself. This pair of books is one that ought to be displayed proudly in any thinking person's library.
A First Contact Technothriller (Earth's Last Gambit Book 1) :: King Rat :: Tai-Pan :: King Rat (Asian Saga) :: War And Remembrance Volume 1
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan plaza
a factual history of world war 2 nazi germany with dramatic add-on's. very well written, easy to read. this book, if understood, explains how the united states defense industrial complex was built and as everyone knows, exists today.1 year short of 70 years
ago, allied forces landed at Normandy France. 70 years later American military is still stationed in Europe providing security for enemies that don't exist anymore, only ghosts.
ago, allied forces landed at Normandy France. 70 years later American military is still stationed in Europe providing security for enemies that don't exist anymore, only ghosts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daisys tamayo
Well written with fully developed characters. Gripping drama set in a time of desperation.. Wouk takes you into the highest levels of power as world leaders prepare and then launch WW2. Warning - do not read this book unless you are willing to read its sequel, War and Remembrance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan wood
A well written book and an excellent review of those troubled years. It was something of a chore to wade through the massive book and then the companion book - War and "remembrance" Which was also huge. But it was worth the time and effort.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim kurth
A well written book and an excellent review of those troubled years. It was something of a chore to wade through the massive book and then the companion book - War and "remembrance" Which was also huge. But it was worth the time and effort.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carla krueger
Herman Wouk is a master story teller with the gift of getting a reader involved from the outset. His characterizations and plot are rock solid. The back set of the Second World War and the days preceding the involvement of the United States in the war are woven in with its fictional family the Henry's. With out being a spoiler I can say the book is masterfully written from start to finish.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
deyel fallows
Let me start with saying that the book itself deserves 5 stars, easily. It's awesome, amazing, wonderful. Thank God I read it in print format first.
Now, on to the Kindle edition ...
I do think that if you decide to offer a book in a Kindle edition, someone really has to -- I don't know -- READ IT! Not just scan in the original and trust that your software is up to the task of rendering the original perfectly in the new medium. YOU HAVE TO CHECK YOUR WORK.
Why am I sure this didn't happen? The section heading in big bold print reading "Bearl Barbour" sort of gives it away.
Seriously, the Kindle edition is riddled with errors like this, and no, I'm not particularly looking for them. Someone needs to go back and fix this. Seriously. It's just jarringly bad. I love my Kindle, and I've never encountered anything like this shoddy editing job in any of my other Kindle books, not even the free ones. This one I paid for, and I'm very, very offended that it was transcribed into the new format without someone proofreading it to make sure that everything came out all right. It's discourteous to a great book, a great author, and to readers.
Now, on to the Kindle edition ...
I do think that if you decide to offer a book in a Kindle edition, someone really has to -- I don't know -- READ IT! Not just scan in the original and trust that your software is up to the task of rendering the original perfectly in the new medium. YOU HAVE TO CHECK YOUR WORK.
Why am I sure this didn't happen? The section heading in big bold print reading "Bearl Barbour" sort of gives it away.
Seriously, the Kindle edition is riddled with errors like this, and no, I'm not particularly looking for them. Someone needs to go back and fix this. Seriously. It's just jarringly bad. I love my Kindle, and I've never encountered anything like this shoddy editing job in any of my other Kindle books, not even the free ones. This one I paid for, and I'm very, very offended that it was transcribed into the new format without someone proofreading it to make sure that everything came out all right. It's discourteous to a great book, a great author, and to readers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa sgroi
PLEASE read this book and you will never never forget it. You will be so grateful it was written and that you found it! It truly is a life-changing read!!! Ah the romance-- the grandeur--the history that we "kinda" thought we knew--it all comes together--and the characters are simply my all-time favorites--and I am a READER!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Riveting in parts...I was inspired to read after watching the tv series with Robert Mitchum. I really enjoy the use of World Empire Lost as a narrative of the historic events. Towards the end it seemed just a touch too long.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m andrew patterson
Insightful read, although fiction, based on historical facts. Great perspective from career naval family. Refreshing to see honor, truth and family hailed as the ultimate purpose for this family. Although not hailed as a love story you can't help but feel the deep love this family has for each other and our great country.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
desir e
One of the best descriptions of the events leading up to World War II. While presented in the context of a novel you get detailed descriptions of the world views of the various combatants. You also get a chilling sense of how the outcomes of the war could have been different, but for luck and just a few critical decisions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j m vaughan
I learned more WWII history from this book than I had in school. That history was delivered via a very entertaining story of a naval officer and his family members. Some people may shy away from this book because of its length, however, I hated to see it end. Fortunately there is a sequel, War and Remembrance, which I immediately moved onto and finished. Now I am reading The Caine Mutiny by Herman Wouk. You probably correctly get the idea that I like these books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa jane
Although basically a romantic historical novel, it describes the prelude and beginning of WWII through the eyes of an American Navy Captain and his family with commentary and observations on the German viewpoint.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Like any "historical" fiction novel, one must be a little skeptical about how facts are re-told. Nonetheless, the book does a good job re-telling the major events leading up to WWII while delivering an interesting plot around its main characters. So, I have been entertained with the story while learning some new things about the war too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
becca barrett
this is a good review within historical fiction of events leading to W W II. Read it years ago but found the book again so decided to read again, especially with the way our world is today. I think we as a nation should review the past as we move forward. I enjoyed the book. It is lengthy but did keep my interest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Herman Wouk has written an historical novel for the ages providing us a mind boggling chronicle of our nation's yesterday. The fictional experiences of a Navy family craft the perfect vehicle for understanding events prelude to WWII. Characters are richly drawn and major world events explained in detail. This is not just a compelling story of a military family in the 1930s. The Winds of War argues a convincing explanation for a reluctant United States entry into World War II. Wouk was there; then, after maturing as a successful novelist, researched global perspectives of World War II history which convincingly reach the reader through narrative of his characters. This book is only HALF of the story. The other half is War and Remembrance, and a welcome second half it is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lee ratzlaff
If you care to see how history configures the present, with excellent nuanced scenes and glorious action segmsnts this book is for you. Individual people take center stage. The plight of the Jews and the miseries of total war are unforgettably near. On Pearl Harbor Day this longish read is definitely worth your time
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessie blake
Wouk's writing is so approachable; you get to know the main characters very well in a thousand pages! The inclusion of an Axis commentary on WWII is brilliant. For those of us 'boomers' that were born right after the War, the book is reminiscent of the stories which with we were raised.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have listened to countless audio books through the years. I have to say that this is the best book I have ever listened to. I felt like I was eavesdropping on events rather than having a story read to me. At 45 hours, it seemed daunting but I flew through it. On to "War and Rembrance."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess whitley
I rally enjoyed this book because the fictional story line was very interesting, and the historical background was fascinating. I was a teenager during the second world war so have some recollection of events, but this book brought the time into real focus and presented some of the world political figures in a different way than I had envisioned them previiously. The author is Jewish and cerrtainly brings to light the terrible injustices of that time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim essian
This, along with "War and Remembrance," are the finest historical novels I have ever read about WWII. You will be totally engrossed in the pride, passion, tragedy and pain of real people caught up in the maelstrom of nations at war.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
padmini yalamarthi
WW2 history told through the experiences of a fictional Navy family and their experiences in war-affected countries. I'm very grateful to the author for helping me develop a clearer picture of the events of WW2 in this book and its sequel.
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