And Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party
ByDavid Horowitz
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Makes everything much clearer about how our country has changed so drastically. Freedom and Democracy require vigilance. We must protect what we have, as it is obvious their are those who would like to take it away from us for self gain,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bought this and Rules for Radicals. Great book for your sheeple friends and tools who follow blindly. Written in 2006 before Obama, hard for anyone to dismiss, especially coming from the liberal Horowitz. A must read for everyone. Documented. I am currently seeing this 'financial extortion' in play at the local level in a 'trash board' implementing a 'sustainability' program. It's for real.
Barack Obama's Rules For Revolution - The Alinsky Model :: Aunt Dimity Goes West (Aunt Dimity Mystery) :: Aunt Dimity: Detective :: Aunt Dimity and the Buried Treasure (Aunt Dimity Mystery) :: A Practical Guide for Defeating Obama/Alinsky Tactics
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Shadow Party is an incredible work that opens the eyes of the reader to the plans of those who would take over our country and detroy our freedoms. Mr Horowitz has presented the reader with evidence that our country is in grave danger of losing all that we have to those who would control our people and cripple our land. I could not put this book down. I have purchased copies for others to read and educate themselves before it is too late to turn the tide and preserve our way of life. A must read for all who value America!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I found this book to be highly informative and thought provoking. I now look at the details of what is happening in the world about us and can better see what is really happening. I have loaned this book out to friends who have felt that they are better informed and have thanked me for sharing this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vivek boray
Excellent compilation of facts and information describing the invisible and coercive influence the people listed in this book have on our national government and the laws, rules, regulations and policies they use to change our Constitution and our government.
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john wei
Touching on conspiracy theories, this book has alot to offer by way of facts and tactics taken by those who seek to control us. While it should never be thought that a certain party or affiliation in politics is more dangerous, greedy, or coniving than the other this book explores the "shadow" players on the left is the U.S.A.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben loory
The bolsheviks have taken over the Democratic party, George "I-wanna-be-in-charge" Soros is the reincarnation of Lenin, and Hillary "I-wanna-steal-your-money-and-be-in-charge" Clinton is a new-world-order wanna-be Marxist. Fascinating book!
Come on! The future is less government, not socialist elites who wanna be your surrogate parents. Why can't the commie-socialists vanish into history like the dumb dinosuars that they are? Socialism is a tired rehash of the failed French Revolution which tried to replace relgion with state-sponsored religion. How many more people need to be murdered because the communists can't get it right and insist on repeating the same failed experiment?
Self-reliant, individualist, free-thinking Americans be warned! The totalitarians are comming! This book identifies the leaders of their hordes.
Come on! The future is less government, not socialist elites who wanna be your surrogate parents. Why can't the commie-socialists vanish into history like the dumb dinosuars that they are? Socialism is a tired rehash of the failed French Revolution which tried to replace relgion with state-sponsored religion. How many more people need to be murdered because the communists can't get it right and insist on repeating the same failed experiment?
Self-reliant, individualist, free-thinking Americans be warned! The totalitarians are comming! This book identifies the leaders of their hordes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ju tin
What an excellent DVD! I was amazed with the info regarding the high-up people in our gov that the average TV stations does not reveal. Each person being spoken about made me think of how they disregard the position that they were elected to and for the others, I will inquire more of them. This will make you think, want to discuss with others and create groups for sharing. Excellent!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelle d
Extremely well researched. Every statement and conclusion is backed up with a footnote and bibliographical reference. Should be required reading for every far left college professor, student, demonstrator, and agitator in the country. Unfortunately most of them are not intelligent enough to fathom how they are being used!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I believe this book to be a valuable background study for anyone concerned about the current direction our political system is going and the loss of our basic governing principles. It is important to read and understand.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
geoffrey kleinman
This is an excellent, thoroughly investigated, and meticulously footnoted expose' on what is behind the radical take-over of our free enterprise, liberty loving country. I recommend this book as required reading for any thinking, responsible person who wants a heads up on what's coming down. It's a quick and easy read, but be warned: you will be outraged if you care at all about the future of our beloved country.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ryu valkyrie
Show the Administration picks for the cabinet and czars. As one of the quotes in the book, maybe he's using it to help the IRS collect back taxes. Seems most of his friends and party donors that he knows are all trying to get out of paying all their taxes. Also exposes their connections to Soros and his global agenda organizations. Not good news for our country and the goals of individual freedom and entrepreneurship. Real business killers making it tough for the middle class while the President continues to blame the Republicans for the results of his policies. Can't believe so many people are willing to overlook his failures and continue to support his destructive policies. God save the USA.
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kevin hutchison
It is absolutely frightening how quietly and insidiously our very way of life has been infiltrated by the likes of these people, who want nothing more than to change everything good about our country. For what? Exactly what will it gain them? I don't think even THEY know, because they have been brainwashed (led around by the nose like good sheep) into believing whatever it is they have been spoon fed.
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matt todd
If you have doubted the true reasons for our countries plight with your head buried in the sand thinking its a natural course, dont read this book. The truth is more than you can handle having avoided it successfully so long. For everyone else this is a must read. You will learn all of the suspicions you have had were right on all along with all the evidence to back it up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this book was an eye opening experience. I thought it would be a dry read, as most political books are, but this was very interesting and a quick read. It left me afraid for my country, yet knowing who the enemy is makes it easier to fight for what the American people believe in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
staugie girl
This is an insightful and hard-hitting expose of radical Leftist/Communists who, funded by a small group of very rich people with great political influence, have long worked, and are working, stealthfully, deceptively and tirelessly in the shadows, and behind the surface of political events, to take over the Democrat Party and other groups and institutions and use them to subvert, corrupt and deny the American people of their nationhood, character, culture and freedoms in order to fundamentally change and remake America into a radical utopian nightmare in the image of their totalitarian globalist ideology. The author, David Horowitz, had been raised in, and was before turning from such beliefs, such a radical himself and brings, I believe, a depth and understanding to the subject which makes the book riveting. A later book ,entitled "The Shadow Party and the Shadow Government" was written by Mr. Horowitz and Mr. John Perazzo, and it is a chillingly almost prophetic sequel, and "a must read." They point out that the "Shadow Party" has united the forces of the radical and "liberal" left while expelling the moderates from the Democratic Party coalition; is the current incarnation of a socialist movement that has been at war with the free market economy and the poitical system based on liberty an individual rights for more than two hundred years; and is a movement that has learned to conceal its ultimate goal, which is a totalitarian state, in the seductive rhetoric of "progressivism" and "social justice." (Welcome to Orwell's "Animal Farm" and "1984" in America, folks.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark mims
A must read for every American, before they vote.
The Democratic Party is not the party Americans think it is. Our country must have a two party system but the Progressives that have taken over the Democratic Party are intent on closing down debate and totally
destroying the fabric of America. These are very scary people.
Hillary Clinton is one of the leaders.
You see how she, even during the Clinton years was a
destroyer. Look at what the Clintons did to Russia when they could have been constructive they sent in Soros and raped and corrupted Russia instead of nation built. The Liberal media covers for them.
The Democratic Party is not the party Americans think it is. Our country must have a two party system but the Progressives that have taken over the Democratic Party are intent on closing down debate and totally
destroying the fabric of America. These are very scary people.
Hillary Clinton is one of the leaders.
You see how she, even during the Clinton years was a
destroyer. Look at what the Clintons did to Russia when they could have been constructive they sent in Soros and raped and corrupted Russia instead of nation built. The Liberal media covers for them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah king
This should be a must read for every American, for true Democrats you've been duped. For Americans whom believe in the constitution, this book will answer all your questions regarding the direction we've been going and why. America needs to cleanse itself of the radical left that has infiltrated our government. The list of names in this book should be a blueprint for doing just that. Soros is hypocrate perpetrating a social engineering scheme that only leads to his personal financial gain and the demise of our country. His open society system and manipulation of sovereign markets is deplorable. For the future of your children and America you need to read this book and start participating in your country before it's too late. You are being sold out! Read the book!The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristin m
This is a well documented case for the coming economic debacle and those who are planning to make a fortune from it and also become global Kings of sorts. You might think the $20 trillion debt is a lack of discipline, but these disciples are working the system for the purpose of collapsing it. It's the old Cloward and Piven strategy on a grand scale.
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jason stewart
I would hope that everyone would buy and read this book regardless of their political party. The information contained in this book is documented and factual. I wish it was required reading in high school and college.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremey brown
After purchasing this book from the store, I began to read it. I have read about one half of the book and believe that it should be required reading for all high school and college students. Then they would understand what is happening to our country. The people in this book are molding America and that is not good.. Our young people need to get involved.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Still amazed at the amount of information in this wonderfully comprehensive book. Can't believe everyone hasn't read this revealing, comprehensive analysis of obama's roots and goals. A MUST read if you don't read anyting else this year.
Please RateAnd Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party
Events have somewhat passed this book by as a news item, but it's good to remind ourselves who and what these people are. Soros is a modern Oligarch for all seasons, he hated Bush (who didn' became quite fashionable with ALL the smart set) and now we have his puppet at the switch. Odd that Soros doesn't find Obama's continuation of policies he found so odious even a little objectionable now....but that's maybe in the next book.