Fulcrum: V Plague Book 12

ByDirk Patton

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book was a waste in the series they basically go look for a pilot. Get chased. Major does some cool s***. Comms go down comms go up... this book didnt advance the series in my opinion. Ill keep reading till the end but when the series is over im sure everyone can look back and say this book could have been left out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series is so "real"... it feels real and reels you in ?(I know.. that's a bit cheesy but I couldn't resist). It's very well written and I've now read all 14+2 and I decided to come back and write a review to copy and share on all the books...

Amazingly, consistently, throughout the entire series, in every book and on (ok people, he's human so on ALMOST) every page, he's achieved a caliber of balance I honestly can't remember seeing before. He doesn't include so much unnecessary "garble" that you're "skipping and scanning" trying to find the story. He utilizes just enough "descriptive writing" to provide the information your mind needs to "see" what's happening in the scene which allows you to feel as if you're truly experiencing it. . I became so immersed that at times I felt "odd" when I'd go to cook dinner and the water and power flowed freely...

I think the way he's written this, with most of being written in first person, truly "hooks" your mind and pulls you on so that it's almost as if you ARE John. 

One component I'd like to share with other readers is how unlike his writing is from several (almost all) other post-apocalyptic books which include military story lines that I've read. Having grown up on military bases literally around the world, and as the member of a family with generations of Army "grunts", I look for these types of stories.

Unlike many of his counterparts, who have to some degree or another jumbled the differences in the branches or inaccurately portrayed elements such as "the heart" of a serviceman, sometimes minutely and others horribly - and in my opinion disrespectfully and dishonorably. Though in one books instance I was so appalled I stopped reading it and never read the author again. Mr. Patton has gone to great lengths diligently endeavoring to accurately portray all aspects from the correct terminology used by and for each branch to the dialogue being "true military speak" to the capabilities and limits of weaponry and arms and so on. While he openly admits to taking literary license as well as the occasional error, he has actually written forewords providing true historical facts regarding previous military actions which he referenced or weaves into his plot. 

Mr. Patton has done our men and women proud. He has truly captured the "character of the characters". Due to medical disqualifications I didn't have the honor of serving our country but At 6'7" and with 280 lbs of ferocity, grit and heart my daddy served for 20 years.  In multiple countries, including being a trainer for Desert Storm, a Recruiter, an MP  and many other positions I don't know, he completed his career as an E-6, First Class Special Staff Sergeant (I'm fairly certain that's how it's said but I might be mistaken).  

In one book there's a discussion regarding the public saying "thank you" because it's "expected"... almost as if it seems empty to the soldier... I'd like all of you who have served and are reading this to know... You may have just been doing your job, but you CHOSE to do that for me... so from this little girl inside of me who ran across the tarmac trying to keep  her daddy home, then waited in the window "forever" watching the sky, then waited under the awning for him to finally step off the bus, and then stood in the sun for the hours it took until he was released so I could run across the tarmac when my daddy came home.... and who cried with her friends for what our mommies or daddies "left on the field" whether it was their lives or their limbs or their hearts... from the bottom of my heart, with words that are way too small to ever be big enough to hold the weight I mean  them with, which are far from "empty"  and couldn't be more full, I truly THANK YOU for your service and sacrifice. 
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was another epic chapter in the V Plague saga. Following John Chase as he races to rescue the downed pilot from the last book while Packard fights seemingly impossible odds created a roller coaster ride of action. I had hoped this book would address what the pilot saw when he flew over the oil rig, especially since it links to Patton's other book 36, but I'll just have to anticipate that storyline in the next book.

As usual, I love how Dirk Patton created his characters. There are always these super capable women, and super respectful men that all have their own areas of expertise and work together as well as people do in the real world--something that is rarely represented in fiction or movies or tv. And Dirk Patton handled Chase's sorrow in such a respectful and realistic way, I could feel the sense of duty in Chase that drove him in this book, rather than the fervent need to find his wife that was his motivation in the previous books. Dirk Patton has such an amazing touch when writing characters that doesn't require emotional outbursts or constant inner dialogue that overanalyzes everything. Instead, his characters are how I imagine real survivors would be; they put what's important first, they get things done to ensure further survival, and their character and their feelings come out in the ways they handle everyday life and everyday interactions with others. I feel like it's the writing equivalent of someone having handed Dirk Patton a tiny paintbrush and directed him to paint the highlights of the sun in a painting. It's a subtle addition that almost goes unnoticed but it adds so much depth. You don't realize how much more genuine the painting is with those highlights until you look back and those highlights are what your remember the most. That's how I feel about Patton's characters. They're genuine.

The two stories--Chase's and the military in Hawaii-- were less intertwined, which is something I missed in this book. But it was good to be reacquainted with John Chase, Rachel, Dog, and Igor again. It was like being updated about the busy lives of old friends--if those old friends had to fight infected humans wanting to kill them as well as militias, Russians and the everyday problems that arise in a post-apocalyptic world--and for that I loved it. I can't wait for the next book, and to find out what's up with all the infected. I, once again, read this book too fast and now am mourning that I can't immediately jump into the next.
The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams (2015-09-03) :: Crucifixion: V Plague Book 2 :: Red Hammer: V Plague Book 4 :: Merciless: V Plague Book 11 :: Anvil: V Plague Book 10
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mitchell markowitz
The V Plague books hold your attention until the very last word. By now, if you are anything like me, you think of the characters as close to family as they can get. Now, you have to see what happens to them. Through all the bad luck, the good fortune, and the sadness of losing someone. There is the knowledge that no matter what happens, you still have to know where it all leads and you are greatful for that knowldge. I'm not much for writing reviews, but this series is one I can't stop reading. The details you get paints a great picture in you mind, so you can literally follow along with the story. This story is one that grabs your attention and you don't want to stop until you have finished it. I'm not too sensitive, but this ending really caused a whirl if emotions in me. The bad news is I have to wait to read the next one. If you are looking for a great series to start, this would be it. I can't describe how much I really enjoyed it. Minus the crying I did throughout the story , starting with the first scene. I love, love, love this series. The author has written another excellent read and I can't wait for the next one. Thank you so much Dirk Patton!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
julie kang
I luv this series. My second favorite to Arisen as #1. However, this is the 1st book of series where I skimmed reading chapters related to John as other negative reviewers have noted and only found chapters dealing with Packard entertaining. Unless there is a new threat that introduces several new characters I hope the next book conclude this series. O' Brien with "A New World" killed his series for me with too many books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
travis heermann
I've really enjoyed Dirk Patton's writing. The zombie genre has been fully explored, and are even expected to be formulaic, but Dirk brings some fresh perspective to his stories. The pace is (crazy) fast, the understanding of military tactics/equipment is solid, the story is cohesive and he mixes in just the right balance of superhero vs. mortal in his protagonist. The pitfalls of really weak dialogue are mostly avoided (it's a rare slip for Dirk when a truly goofy line slips out). A very bright spot is the fully developed and complex relationship between the group of main characters. The relationships feel real and follow a believable trajectory for people who might be placed in this situation. The author has kept the pace fast yet managed the plot in a way that have avoided jumping the shark or backsliding into R-rated pulp novel. I am very impressed that he is able to delve into relationship intricacies without ever backing off from the runaway-train pace of the series.

I'm all in, and I'm already feeling a bit depressed as I see the end of the series approaching. It's one of those trips you never want to end. I hope that Dirk extends the universe, or publishes something new in the same spirit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah temple
Predictable? Niet! LOL. The pace has slowed a bit over the last few books but wow, this book still moves at the speed of light compared to what most authors present. There is NO filler that is so customary in the published works, and when you start hating the beloved Aussies (even if it is just a few selfish politicians that exist in every government, ESPECIALLY in my good old USA), that tells me that my every emotion is invested in this story line. Patton has a wonderful gift so don't listen to the one or two dissenters that appear to have an axe to grind, like the bloke that stated that "after the first of the series it has been predictable". I suggest you ignore the outliers.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nix muse
I've stuck with this series from the beginning. Although the author
Doesn't hide the fact this is a serial story, it does need to end. It really is getting a little ridiculous the situations our hero finds himself getting into and out of. Plus, tired of characters being killed off for no good reason.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an exciting book in the series! I couldn't put it down! The story kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. This series is a must read and this book was spectacular! Loved at the end when the Russian President called Americans children and said let them come after him. All of us faithful readers look forward to Major Chase doing exactly that, heading to enact his revenge against the Russian President. The entire book was fast paced and exciting, and the more I read the more Igor becomes one of my favorite characters. There is only one downside, having to wait for the next book! Thank you Dirk Patton for a fabulous read and one of the best series of books on the market!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paula ganzer
Dirk Patton doesn't slow down in what has rapidly become my favorite action series. I'll admit I was a bit down-hearted at the end of book 11 (I'm not putting any spoilers in my review as I would hate to ruin any surprises for future readers), but I should have known to never count Major John Chase out of the fight!
As usual, the 12th installment of this series had my heart pounding as I devoured the pages as fast as I could read. If you are looking for a sheer adrenaline rush packaged as a book/series, you need look no further. I have experienced every possible emotion while following the characters that I have grown to love dearly as they spring to life via the creative and (dare I say) kick ass writing by Dirk Patton. I've laughed aloud, cried desperate tears, held my breath during numerous cringe worthy scenes, and actually cheered aloud (at which point my spouse looked at me like I might have lost my mind ...cheering for fictional characters being a bit beyond his comprehensive) when the hero or heroine scored a point in an ever increasing hostile world.

The heroes in these books I have loved with all my heart, and the villains I have hated equally with venom. Dirk Patton does a great job at not creating very many gray areas. It comes down to an old fashioned battle of good verses evil, while set in a modern post apocalyptic world. Would that we all had a Major John Chase to fight alongside, my guess is that we'd more than willingly follow him into the fray! I know that this is one reader that will be waiting extremely impatiently for book 13!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series is like watching an action packed movie but better because it keeps going since you're reading. So if you like an action/sci fi/drama type book. This series is THE ONE for you. In fact I would be surprised if it wasn't picked up and made into a movie or series. So start at #1 and hang on cause it will keep you on the edge of your seat!
Very well done Mr. Patton! Thank you for your hard work giving us excellent exciting reading with characters that we grow to love and admire. Hope you have many more coming our way!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elise silvester
I have read these books in consecutive order, without stopping. If you want a book that keeps you turning pages, this is the series.

In order for me to continue with an author, he must display that he knows all the grammatical rules and there can be no misspelling. I have not found one error yet!

Now you must excuse me, I have to go read the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca glassing
Make sure that you have plenty of time for reading because once you start you won't be able to put it down. Action, believable relationships, and a guy that believes that a woman can have a brain too! This character is so down to earth. Some books in this genre are little more than the veneer of a story over a prepper shell.
The writer did a fantastic job of creating all of the characters. You could walk right up and have a chat with them (if the action ever had a lull.)
Strong military theme through out...expected in a world war scenario.
Great job!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
albert sharp
I absolutely love this series! I wait months for anew novel to be published, and then I gobble it up within 24 hours!
Waiting never disappoints, and book #12 was no different. Chock full of action, suspense, and Jack Bauer style bad-assery, John and Co did not disappoint in this installment. Igor is one of my
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katrina bergherm
As usual, non-stop action, great twists and turns, along with weird science...what more can you ask for??? As much as I want to know what happens next, I don't want the story to stop!!! The characters are great - would love to meet them all and shake their hands (except for the crazy Russians!). Great read, as always...keep them coming!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany smith
Exciting, can't put these books down. I am about to start Book 13. I so love the characters. I am constantly worried that something will happen to Dog. He is a hero many times over. John, Rachel and Dog are quite the team. On to Book 13.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nate lahy
Well written. Killer idea that Russian forces still attacking though there homeland badly damaged. Seems no end to the possible enemies with the feral females now nearly ready to give birth to even more possible enemies and no help from the aussies. So much for honor and loyalty between what should be long term allies....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Edge of your seat twists and turns as IS Military tried to save Hawaii from the Russians. Mean while a pilot is rescued from ocean near western Mexico. The story moves forward. Can not wait to start the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dang you Dirk for writing such riveting books. The action is still heavy in this one, and a very entertaining read! Some new characters are introduced in this one, and they become very likable not long after their introduction. Oh....these cliffhangers kill me though!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy sumner winter
Loved it. This one kept me reading. What frustrates me is that the store dictates how long a review should be. Due that requirement, this will be my last review. Apologies to the authors that I read. It is unfortunate that the store needs a lesson in freedom of expression!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin richards
I read this entire series and I am completely hooked! I was so excited to see Book 13 coming out in January!!! I'll try to be patient :) It's a collection that I'd recommend to anyone wanting to be on the edge of their seat. The journey of John Chase gets pretty intense, the guy is a badass! Patton does not disappoint and I hope to read many more of his books, I think I'll start on the 36 series next. Write on! ?
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