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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scribner books
Great storyline, I can't get enough. Not your usual zombie book. The author created a great story aside from the zombie apocalypse. It makes for a very refreshing story. Can't wait for the next one. Please write quickly! I give it FIVE STARS!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole williams
As usual Patton continues to create a vivid post apocalyptic world that is constantly evolving to keep the core characters on their toes. I have followed this series since day one and I can't wait to see what he has in store for us (the readers) next! Great job.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series is so "real"... it feels real and reels you in ?(I know.. that's a bit cheesy but I couldn't resist). It's very well written and I've now read all 14+2 and I decided to come back and write a review to copy and share on all the books...
Amazingly, consistently, throughout the entire series, in every book and on (ok people, he's human so on ALMOST) every page, he's achieved a caliber of balance I honestly can't remember seeing before. He doesn't include so much unnecessary "garble" that you're "skipping and scanning" trying to find the story. He utilizes just enough "descriptive writing" to provide the information your mind needs to "see" what's happening in the scene which allows you to feel as if you're truly experiencing it. . I became so immersed that at times I felt "odd" when I'd go to cook dinner and the water and power flowed freely...
I think the way he's written this, with most of being written in first person, truly "hooks" your mind and pulls you on so that it's almost as if you ARE John.
One component I'd like to share with other readers is how unlike his writing is from several (almost all) other post-apocalyptic books which include military story lines that I've read. Having grown up on military bases literally around the world, and as the member of a family with generations of Army "grunts", I look for these types of stories.
Unlike many of his counterparts, who have to some degree or another jumbled the differences in the branches or inaccurately portrayed elements such as "the heart" of a serviceman, sometimes minutely and others horribly - and in my opinion disrespectfully and dishonorably. Though in one books instance I was so appalled I stopped reading it and never read the author again. Mr. Patton has gone to great lengths diligently endeavoring to accurately portray all aspects from the correct terminology used by and for each branch to the dialogue being "true military speak" to the capabilities and limits of weaponry and arms and so on. While he openly admits to taking literary license as well as the occasional error, he has actually written forewords providing true historical facts regarding previous military actions which he referenced or weaves into his plot.
Mr. Patton has done our men and women proud. He has truly captured the "character of the characters". Due to medical disqualifications I didn't have the honor of serving our country but At 6'7" and with 280 lbs of ferocity, grit and heart my daddy served for 20 years. In multiple countries, including being a trainer for Desert Storm, a Recruiter, an MP and many other positions I don't know, he completed his career as an E-6, First Class Special Staff Sergeant (I'm fairly certain that's how it's said but I might be mistaken).
In one book there's a discussion regarding the public saying "thank you" because it's "expected"... almost as if it seems empty to the soldier... I'd like all of you who have served and are reading this to know... You may have just been doing your job, but you CHOSE to do that for me... so from this little girl inside of me who ran across the tarmac trying to keep her daddy home, then waited in the window "forever" watching the sky, then waited under the awning for him to finally step off the bus, and then stood in the sun for the hours it took until he was released so I could run across the tarmac when my daddy came home.... and who cried with her friends for what our mommies or daddies "left on the field" whether it was their lives or their limbs or their hearts... from the bottom of my heart, with words that are way too small to ever be big enough to hold the weight I mean them with, which are far from "empty" and couldn't be more full, I truly THANK YOU for your service and sacrifice.
Amazingly, consistently, throughout the entire series, in every book and on (ok people, he's human so on ALMOST) every page, he's achieved a caliber of balance I honestly can't remember seeing before. He doesn't include so much unnecessary "garble" that you're "skipping and scanning" trying to find the story. He utilizes just enough "descriptive writing" to provide the information your mind needs to "see" what's happening in the scene which allows you to feel as if you're truly experiencing it. . I became so immersed that at times I felt "odd" when I'd go to cook dinner and the water and power flowed freely...
I think the way he's written this, with most of being written in first person, truly "hooks" your mind and pulls you on so that it's almost as if you ARE John.
One component I'd like to share with other readers is how unlike his writing is from several (almost all) other post-apocalyptic books which include military story lines that I've read. Having grown up on military bases literally around the world, and as the member of a family with generations of Army "grunts", I look for these types of stories.
Unlike many of his counterparts, who have to some degree or another jumbled the differences in the branches or inaccurately portrayed elements such as "the heart" of a serviceman, sometimes minutely and others horribly - and in my opinion disrespectfully and dishonorably. Though in one books instance I was so appalled I stopped reading it and never read the author again. Mr. Patton has gone to great lengths diligently endeavoring to accurately portray all aspects from the correct terminology used by and for each branch to the dialogue being "true military speak" to the capabilities and limits of weaponry and arms and so on. While he openly admits to taking literary license as well as the occasional error, he has actually written forewords providing true historical facts regarding previous military actions which he referenced or weaves into his plot.
Mr. Patton has done our men and women proud. He has truly captured the "character of the characters". Due to medical disqualifications I didn't have the honor of serving our country but At 6'7" and with 280 lbs of ferocity, grit and heart my daddy served for 20 years. In multiple countries, including being a trainer for Desert Storm, a Recruiter, an MP and many other positions I don't know, he completed his career as an E-6, First Class Special Staff Sergeant (I'm fairly certain that's how it's said but I might be mistaken).
In one book there's a discussion regarding the public saying "thank you" because it's "expected"... almost as if it seems empty to the soldier... I'd like all of you who have served and are reading this to know... You may have just been doing your job, but you CHOSE to do that for me... so from this little girl inside of me who ran across the tarmac trying to keep her daddy home, then waited in the window "forever" watching the sky, then waited under the awning for him to finally step off the bus, and then stood in the sun for the hours it took until he was released so I could run across the tarmac when my daddy came home.... and who cried with her friends for what our mommies or daddies "left on the field" whether it was their lives or their limbs or their hearts... from the bottom of my heart, with words that are way too small to ever be big enough to hold the weight I mean them with, which are far from "empty" and couldn't be more full, I truly THANK YOU for your service and sacrifice.
Fulcrum: V Plague Book 12 :: The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams (2015-09-03) :: Crucifixion: V Plague Book 2 :: Red Hammer: V Plague Book 4 :: Days Of Perdition: V Plague Book 6
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hebatu allah ibrahim
I started reading this series when only the first 2 books were out. I then got to communicate with the author about his amazing writing skills and even became a beta reader for him up through book 9. I took a two year break for the most part for personal reasons, but I was an extremely large person and thought if I wasn't one of the females that turned, i'd die first being close to 400lbs. So my life changed and now, if any thing ever did happen with some rogue virus or god forbid another nation comes at us with a virus, i'm in better shape. And coming back to these books, I started reading again, and cannot believe how far the characters have come. (kinda spoiler coming up next stop reading until the break if you don't want to know.) I had suggested at one point he make a despicable character (Roach) die the loraina Bobbitt way... turns out he had the character who he named after me (Hi I'm Jess) take the advise ha!!!
I will forever have tremendous respect for this author though I don't personally know him, he has always had a sense of humor I love. And the fact he had surprised me with naming a character for me, he will always be my favorite author haha!! But seriously This story line has maybe a couple of slow spots, where you can actually put the book down occasionally.. and then it takes off into the action so quickly you spend hours immersed in the world of John Chase. I really hope someday soon a producer looking for an apocalyptic thriller for a tv series gets wind of Voodoo Plague. This has the potential to grow into an entire franchise and we your fans, dirk, stand behind you 200% and cannot wait to see what you come up with next... Onto book 11, another review to follow after completion.
I will forever have tremendous respect for this author though I don't personally know him, he has always had a sense of humor I love. And the fact he had surprised me with naming a character for me, he will always be my favorite author haha!! But seriously This story line has maybe a couple of slow spots, where you can actually put the book down occasionally.. and then it takes off into the action so quickly you spend hours immersed in the world of John Chase. I really hope someday soon a producer looking for an apocalyptic thriller for a tv series gets wind of Voodoo Plague. This has the potential to grow into an entire franchise and we your fans, dirk, stand behind you 200% and cannot wait to see what you come up with next... Onto book 11, another review to follow after completion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
simon simbolon
As always, Dirk Patton’s V Plague books keep me reading late into the night. Characters that I love and I can’t wait to see what happens next, zombie action that I haven’t seen before, enemies that never stop. So much action, I wish I could stay awake to finish them all but then I would end up like a zombie myself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another fantastic read in the series!
I'll be honest, I do get worn down by the whole if something can go wrong it will go wrong writing style. Thankfully, by the last quarter of this book things do start going right. Finally! Like a breath of fresh air.
All of the non-stop action can be found in this story, the characters we've grown to love, and the plot twists and turns.
As always, I can't wait to read the next book!
I'll be honest, I do get worn down by the whole if something can go wrong it will go wrong writing style. Thankfully, by the last quarter of this book things do start going right. Finally! Like a breath of fresh air.
All of the non-stop action can be found in this story, the characters we've grown to love, and the plot twists and turns.
As always, I can't wait to read the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Within moments of book 1 you are hooked. Now after just finishing Book 10 I am beyond hooked and entirely impatient for book 11. Dirk Patton weaves a story so compelling, and full of non stop action with characters you can't help but admire that you eagerly eat up the text so fast it's almost unbearable when you come to the end. I highly recommend this series to anyone enjoys action, adventure, a tad scary, intelligent, fast paced & even humorous stories. Way to go Dirk!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
frank balint
10 books in and the story keeps rolling. This entry has a lot mores military action in comparison to the infected action of the previous books and John's group of women aren't as present in the storyline but we do get to see John kicking arse and taking names with a group of Delta operators as the try to restore a weapon that could turn the tide against Russia and free North America from the Russians.
I can't believe that ten books in I'm still left wanting !more
I can't believe that ten books in I'm still left wanting !more
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed each book in the series. There were surprises and twists. Action was a constant. There was always something new, not the same conflicts time and again. My only complaint is after reading all of the books, the author really needs to find another way of saying someone "let out the breath they didn't know they were holding" the repitition for me got a bit annoying. LOL
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story is still getting even better! I loose an expletive when a character I like does or is seriously hurt, just like my favorite zombie show in Sunday nights! I am an Air Force veteran, and I was Security Police, and this whole series keeps me engaged because of that!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
firda yanda
This book held my Interest from start to finish. Constantly amazed at the author's creativity for coming up with problem solving solutions for our hero. The story line is exciting, believable with unexpected twists and turns. The ending leaves you hoping for more and I sincerely hope there will be more. This is an excellent author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna jolley
Fun read, hope there is more... haven't quite finished yet. I read all 10 of the series, one right after another... and kind of bummed there isn't another one waiting for me. I think this author could stretch this out further - different viewpoints... maybe show us what happened in Alaska, not ready for the story to end - John Chase is a quirky kind of fun.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charity glass cotta
I love this series! I love the characters, the story, the pace...pretty much everything about it. The only character I could do without is the Major's wife...I found her annoying and was....well let's not mention. He kinda leaves it open in the end so I really look forward to the next book and hope the Russians get whats coming to them haha
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
crystal kintner
The very way that this installment of the series V Plague ended actually had me jump up & cheer for the privilege of being an American... Never in my life has a book moved me or kept me up for a straight 24+ hours as I dove head first into after finishing book 9. As much as I want to continue on with book 11 I am starting to worry as I am NOT ABLE TO PUT THESE BOOKS DOWN!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I get so much adrenaline running through me just reading these books! They definitely keep me on the edge of my seat! Can't wait to see what happens next! It's so hard to find an amazing series and if you like anything action packed, post apocalyptic or even "zombies" this series is for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have enjoyed reading this series. The author keeps coming up with new twists and entertaining turns that never let the storyline become boring. I am going to hate to see this series end, but for now on to book #11.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tammie mcelligott
This is an action packed, military filled, spy thriller built around an end of the world virus. Can you say oohrah! Throw in some passing love interests and you got the whole deal. Read all 10 books in 3 days and am wanting more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandon rickabaugh
Great characters . All books tied well with the last a closer with all the right loose ends tied up. Last book was better than all previous .leaving you wAnting yet another . Best author I hAve read . Never lost interest thru whole series
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have anxiously awaited this, and every other book in this series.
I thoroughly enjoyed the mental pictures elicited by author's descriptive writing technique.
Now, when is book 11 set for release?!?!?!
I thoroughly enjoyed the mental pictures elicited by author's descriptive writing technique.
Now, when is book 11 set for release?!?!?!
Please RateAnvil: V Plague Book 10