A heart-stopping psychological thriller you won't be able to put down

ByChevy Stevens

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa ross
I love this author! Her books are action-packed, very fast-paced, and there's always twists you aren't expecting. There's not a lot of "fluff," just non stop action. Hard to put down, exciting book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeff rensch
I read enjoyed this one. I actually couldn't put it down. The story weaves back and forth from past to present from Lindsey 's point of view. Then it goes into Sophie 's POV. I felt like the story was fast paced but I knew right away that Andrew wasn't who we needed to be focusing on. If you are looking for a good book with pretty in depth characters with suspense thrown in, then I would recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
russell gift
Never Let You Go is a well-written suspense novel with memorable characters and a fast-paced storyline.

The novel opens with Lindsey Nash, a young woman married to an abuser, Andrew. They have a small daughter and they are in Mexico on vacation. This chapter is a perfect way for Chevy Stevens to showcase an example of Andrew's manipulation and abuse of Lindsey.

From then on, we get Lindsey and Sophie's POV with the narrative jumping between past and future.

In the past, Lindsey meets Andrew and falls in love and details how the marriage changed from a happy one to an abusive one.

In the future, Lindsey is living in a small town with her seventeen-year-old daughter Sophie who's about to finish high school. Lindsey is dating Greg after many years of being alone while Sophie is dating one of her classmates. Things are looking up for both women until Andrew is back in the picture and Lindsey starts feeling like someone is stalking her... And just when I thought I knew where the story was going, a TWIST happens.
Wow, what a TWIST it was!! It made this story so much more. From that moment on, I couldn't put the book down. I NEEDED to know how it was going to end. In the end, I was very satisfied with its resolution although, I couldn't avoid feeling sad about a certain event and wishing for a different outcome but that just might be me.

I won't hesitate to read another book by this author. Never Let You Go is a winner.

Cliffhanger: No

4/5 Fangs
The Mephisto Club: (Rizzoli & Isles series 6) :: An Incredibly Gripping Psychological Thriller with a Twist You Won't See Coming :: Before I Go :: and Free Yourself from Food Drama Forever - Weigh What You Want :: Gripping psychological thriller bestseller and perfect holiday read
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
radit malasmembaca
One reviewer likened this to "Sleeping With The Enemy" which was a far better written, tightly scripted novel. Variations of this plot have been done many times. I read other authors positive statements and let myself get sucked in, but never again, and, as so many mediocre writers do to inspire a strong reaction, she introduced a dog to be mistreated, a child to be worried about. As soon as they bought the puppy I knew where it would go. So if you enjoy scene after scene of scare tactics and women caught up in abusive relationships, escape, get caught again, suffer mightily, ultimately survive, this is for you. It's a quick read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have read (listed to) one other Chevy Stevens book, and I really liked it. I enjoyed this title much less. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with the fact that the narrator's voice for Sophie was absolutely the WORST!!! I've never heard anyone sound so automated...I half expected to hear her say, "Please enter your account number followed by the pound sign"...terrible attempt at realism in her delivery that just really annoyed me. Sophie's choices in the book also were very annoying and I found myself shaking my head in disbelief at some of the contrived story line and events that I don't believe would ever actually happen. I wouldn't say this was a total waste of time, it kept my attention for the most part, I didn't forsee the twist at the end, but I did see the weak attempt to sway my perspective in the writing. I'm just glad I got through it and it's over honestly. This won't be a tile that I would re-visit again. I would give Chevy another chance with another one of her novels, as this is only my second.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
MAYBE SPOILERS RE: PLOT - I know that the family psychological thriller with weird twists has become the thing but a lot of them have inconsistent characters. The 1st scene establishes a clear picture of the husband/wife relationship - and that she makes really questionable decisions. Lindsay comes from a close, well adjusted family so it makes no sense to me that she would allow his abuse to start early & continue for so long (that's probably just a good thing on my part...).  She states clearly that Andrew doesn't physically abuse her but then the very next chapter indicates otherwise. The daughter comes across as younger than she is, and though we are led to believe she and her mother are close, she doesn't seem to believe or support her a lot of the time. The relationship with her dad doesn't make sense to me other than to serve as a plot device. Little things like this build up and become distracting. The plot is a bit derivative and at times feels forced. Maybe I have over-read this whole subgenre of thrillers (There are SO MANY OF THEM since Gone Girl and they aren't that different) but I am finding it hard to find a good one with consistent narrative and characters from most. This book felt WAY too long and I struggled to pay attention at times and was bored before the end. The romance angle was an unecessary add-on and felt like terrible timing. To be fair, I just read Rachel Caine's first 2 books in the Stillhouse Lake series and they were significantly more believable in both characters and plot so I may be feeling overly critical of this book as a result.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elizabeth bassett
After reading "Never Let You Go", the question I asked myself was.. Oh my goodness, have I been living under a rock.. How have I not heard of or read any of Chevy Stevens books before?!?! I feel I have missed some really extraordinary reading!! Well, I guess I will just have to fix that because I truly enjoyed her writing.

Lindsey Nash has finally found a way to leave her abusive husband, Andrew. She and her daughter, Sophie managed to get away and start a new life. Lindsey knows she is living on borrowed time even though Andrew is imprisoned, he will be released sooner or later then her nightmare will begin all over again.

Ms. Stevens has that unique writing ability that lets you get so familiar with her characters that you can ALMOST predict their feelings and actions.. Her characters are captivating and the plot is so totally intriguing that it is darn near impossible to stop turning the pages. Jam packed full of unexpected twists and turns, one moment you think... YES, I know who is responsible now... ONLY to reach the next chapter and realize you were so very wrong. This is what makes a spectacular psychological thriller!!

I will be anxiously waiting for Ms Stevens next novel, that is for sure! However, in the mean time I have some catching up to do!!

Highly recommend NEVER LET YOU GO to anyone who enjoys the psychological thriller genre!

Thanks to NetGalley, Saint Martins Press, the publisher and Chevy Stevens, the author of "Never Let You Go" for the ARC in return for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dina meyer
A woman's abusive husband gets out of prison after ten years, finds the small, remote town where she and her teenaged daughter have hidden, and eventually moves there himself. Bad things start to happen, and fears for them both cause the protagonist and her daughter to once again go into hiding. He claims to be a changed man and secretly forms a relationship with his daughter, but does he have sinister motives?
To start, let me say that I enjoyed reading this. It was a quick, fun read, that I looked forward to getting back to. The characters were complex and intriguing, and the settings interesting and well-described. I liked the main characters, and worried about them as things began to go very wrong.
However, I did find some things hard to believe. The pivotal moment, when a discovery is made that shakes the protagonist to the core, did not seem credible. The change was too abrupt. In my experience, people do not give up cherished beliefs so suddenly. There is usually an intervening phase in which they rationalize and try to make sense of things. Despite being shocked and terrified, she was able to immediately come up with a rational plan, communicate it to her daughter, and carry it out. This seemed sudden and unrealistic. I also thought it was a leap for her to assume that the motives and intentions of the perpetrator were malicious towards her, not towards another character, without further evidence. Finally, I didn't quite buy the idea that the perpetrator would spend years planning for revenge, and not be detected by those close to him.
I recommend this book for a fast, fun read. It is also eye-opening to gain insight into spousal abuse and stalking, and frightening to realize the limits of what law enforcement can do.
Note: I received an advance copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Eleven years ago, Lindsey Nash got the Hell out of dodge, when she escaped from her abusive husband. She was able to take her young daughter and leave. Her husband, Andrew, who has been abusing Lindsey for years, attempts to follow her as she escapes with their daughter. In his attempts to catch her, he hits another car, killing the other driver. While her husband is incarcerated, Lindsey is able to start a new life and even a career. She believes everything in her life is good, until the day her ex-husband is released from prison.

When Andrew's release from prison, Lindsey begins to feel like she is being watched, things are moved, her current boyfriend is hit by a truck, someone has been in her home, her dog is poisoned, and there is a sens of unease in the air. To top off the stress her teenage daughter is in a "relationship" herself which Lindsey does not feel quite right about as the teen reminds her of her ex-husband. Sprinkle on the fact, that her daughter has been seeing her father behind her Mother's back. When Lindsey finds this out, her stress and worries double.

Andrew, for his part, claims he is a changed man. He wants to re-build a relationship with his daughter. He wants to make nice with his ex-wife. He claims that he has not done anything wrong. He is trying to be a better man. But has he changed? Is he Innocent? Could there be someone else who wants to stir the hornet's nest?

This book was a real page turner for me. I really enjoyed it and looked forward to reading it. I don't want to say anything else about the plot but that there were several twists and turns which kept me guessing and kept the book interesting. While reading the book, I thought "He is the one behind it" only learn I was wrong. Which is a good thing. I love when a writer can surprise me. I LOVE when I am just as SHOCKED as the characters in the book when the REVEAL occurs.

I think this is a book most people would enjoy. Yes, there are a couple of scenes of domestic violence but nothing else is graphic or too over the top in this book. I loved the suspense in this book and how the Author built the suspense until the REVEAL at the end. It was nice to be left wanting more. I love when I get to put my detective hat on while reading!

This was my first Chevy Stevens book but it will not be my last. I am now off to BINGE read some of her other books.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tammy raleigh
So, this is the second book of Stevens’ that I’ve read and I have loved them both. They both have really strong characters, and they happen to have many characters that are all well developed, even the smallest ones. Chevy Stevens knows what she is doing, and I am excited to follow her writing career as she keeps going.

Never Let You Go takes you on many twists and turns as it travels back in time and pops back to the present to tell the whole story. Lindsey has a troubled past and it follows her all through her life. When her ex husband shows up, everything goes to hell, and it’s a wild ride to the end.

Things keep happening, but you never know who is lying, who is telling the truth, and who is completely innocent. I must say that I didn’t guess the twist until it was revealed which was an awesome change of pace for me.

I thoroughly enjoyed this read. It has so much action, and some truly awful things are described in really good detail without being over the top.

Chevy Stevens is an author to keep an eye on!

5/5 Stars

Memorable Quote: “I make a second cup of coffee — the first is for sanity, the second is pure pleasure. . .”
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
heather dine carter
Eleven years ago, Lindsay Nash drugged her abusive husband so she could escape with her 6-year-old daughter. While Andrew has spent the years since then in prison, Lindsay has just learned he's now being released.

Naturally, Lindsay is terrified. She's worked hard to build a new life for herself and Sophie; what if Andrew plans to track them down and get revenge?

Andrew keeps insisting he's a changed man, that his years in prison have made him stop drinking and reassess the person he was back then. But it's hard for Lindsay to believe that. Strange little things have begun to happen, and who else would be doing them except Andrew?

Meanwhile, Sophie is aware of her parents' history yet is desperate to believe the best about the father she can barely remember.

Stevens creates realistic characters, set in a suspenseful situation that readers know could happen to any of us, which makes it all the more gripping. However, she gets near the end and seems unable to resolve her story realistically. Without getting into specifics that might ruin the book for those who still want to read it, suffice it to say that the perpetrator's motives and plans, once explained, don't really ring believable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adwoa bart plange
Wow, this book ramped up quickly, letting us voyeuristic readers see into the abusive relationship Lindsey Nash had with her ex-husband, Andrew. There were times I just had to put the book down and think about something else for awhile to calm down.

Lindsey and her daughter, Sophie, were barely able to escape Andrew's clutches and, while he sets out chasing them down, he causes a horrific car accident and ends up in prison.

It's been 11 years now and Andrew is getting out of prison and Lindsey is scared to death. And strange happenings start that bring back memories of those terrible years.

The story is told in the past and in the present timeframes and it's also told from both Lindsey and Sophie's points of view. I was able to keep track pretty easily as the story moved around.

All the characters were believable in the story - well developed and easy to imagine.

The story ends up being a matter of who Lindsey and Sophie can trust - and there's a lot of twists along the way.

I've enjoyed author Stevens work in the past and am glad I read this standalone thriller.

I received this book from St. Martin's Press through Net Galley in exchange for my unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
arjun sivaram
Thanks to St. Martin's Press via Netgalley for the free review copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

I first heard of this author several years ago when "Still Missing" was recommended to me by a couple of blog friends. Since then, I've put all of her books on my TBR list and even purchased a couple, but I haven't managed to read one until now. Don't worry, this will not be the last Chevy Stevens title I pick up in the near future. The suspense had me at the edge of my seat!

I don't read a ton of titles in the suspense/thriller genre, but I thought Stevens did a great job with the fear factor - I was genuinely afraid for Lindsey and her daughter Sophie. Lindsey's husband became more and more creepy with every page turned, every incident recalled. Sometimes, when reading a story of domestic abuse, I think, "Well, why didn't she see that side of him from the beginning? It's so obvious!" or "Why doesn't she just leave? There's got to be some way for her to get out of this situation." But in the case of "Never Let You Go", Stevens had me believing that if I were Lindsey, I would have fallen for Andrew and been trapped in exactly the same way. She really could not make a move for fear of retaliation, not just against herself, but her family too. It truly was horrifying!

Eventually, Lindsey does end up getting away from Andrew when he's charged and sent to jail. (Not a spoiler, it says so in the synopsis!) But once Andrew is released, Lindsey is once again terrified for herself and Sophie. And Sophie, gah! Everything her mom has done her whole life has been for her protection, but Sophie, being the curious, know-it-all teenager she is, only exacerbates the danger both she and her mom are in. I won't say how, because that would indeed be a spoiler, but suffice it to say that you'll probably be yelling at Sophie just like I was when you read this book.

Does that mean you should read "Never Let You Go"? Does it get Roxy's seal of approval? Absolutely! I loved the Canadian West Coast island setting, all the twists, turns, and tension, and I think most people will agree with me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Lindsey Nash has not had the easiest of lives.

She escaped in the dark one night with her six-year-old daughter, Sophie, and just a few of their possessions. They were running from Andrew, Lindsey's drunken, abusive, and possessive husband. Lindsey knew that it was only a matter of time before Andrew killed her, leaving Sophie without her mom. But the night the two disappear, something else happens: a drunken Andrew gets behind the wheel, crashes his vehicle, and kills another woman. The accident puts him in prison for 10 years, giving Lindsey a small sense of freedom, but it's short-lived. Before she knows it, he's out, and headed for the town where Lindsey and Sophie have started over. Strange things start happen, and Lindsey is terrified for her life again--and Sophie's. Andrew claims prison has changed him, but Lindsey can't believe it. How will she and her daughter ever be safe?

This is my fourth Stevens book, and I know by now that she will keep you up late, frantically turning the pages, wondering what will happen. Of the ones I've read, I still think That Night is my favorite, but this one was quite an enjoyable and fast-paced read as well. I blew through it on vacation in about 24 hours, and it had a chilling creepiness to it that made me feel like I should be looking over my shoulder or continually pulling the curtains shut.

First, let's just put out there, as with most of Stevens' books, a big warning for abuse triggers. Please make that known to anyone who might be affected by such a storyline.

One of the best things about this novel was the way Stevens slowly unfurled bits of the plot, making you go "wow" each time something was revealed. The book is divided into three parts, and the first one switches between the present and the past, showcasing some of Lindsey and Andrew's abusive marriage. It's very effective. In the later parts, we hear from both Lindsey and Sophie, who is now a nearly grown teenager. Again, it's a compelling storytelling tool and allows Stevens to work the unreliable narrator angle. Is Lindsey just imagining all this? Can we trust her? Has she just brainwashed Sophie against her father?

The novel sets up a series of suspects, and I admit that I guessed "who did it" before page 100, but I still enjoyed the book immensely. It took me longer to work out why, and I was quite engrossed in the characters. I liked both Lindsey and Sophie, though I didn't love them or feel particularly attached to either, but I so enjoyed the mechanics of the story and what was going to come next that I was completely engaged nonetheless. The novel is very chilling, very eerie, and written so vividly that you can quite imagine many of its more frightening and suspenseful scenes. I can easily see it being made into a movie where I would be peeking tensely through my sleeves.

Overall, this was a suspenseful, fast page-turner. Definitely a good, quick read. I'd say 3.75 stars rounded up to 4.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nandana nallapu
In a post-GONE GIRL world, thrillers are experiencing a huge leap in popularity, and readers who once shied away from this genre are now anxiously awaiting their next plot twist or red herring. How then does an author stand out? Just ask Chevy Stevens, whose newest psychological thriller, NEVER LET YOU GO, proves that she is on top of her game --- as is the genre itself.

Framed as a story of fear, abuse and freedom, NEVER LET YOU GO begins by introducing the Nash family --- Lindsey, Andrew and their daughter, Sophie --- while on a trip to Mexico. The family is the picture of perfection, with fit, toned Andrew watching over his beautiful wife and their perfect daughter. But as Stevens zooms in on their interactions, it becomes clear that there is a fourth, much darker member of the Nash family: domestic violence. Lindsey is constantly under Andrew’s scrutiny, and even so much as a mistimed smile can set him off. Stevens sets the scene masterfully, allowing readers to see inside Lindsey’s mind where every movement and utterance are rehearsed over and over again for fear of upsetting Andrew. Their daughter, meanwhile, is only seven and blissfully unaware of her father’s temperament, a fact that makes the seemingly serene setting even more chilling. Set off by what he perceives to be flirtation, Andrew plays a horrifying prank on Lindsey, exposing his true nature to the reader and confirming her fears.

From this point on, NEVER LET YOU GO skips forward 10 years and alternates between the perspectives of Lindsey and Sophie, now 17. The two escaped Andrew’s abuse shortly after their Mexican vacation and have since lived a cautious yet happy life, while Andrew has been imprisoned for a crime unrelated to his abuse. Lindsey now runs her own cleaning and caretaking business, while Sophie is content to draw, dye her hair wild colors, and spend time with her best friend, Delaney. But their lives are about to change, as Andrew not only has been released from prison, but has been spotted a little too close to their new home.

Although Lindsey is fearful that Andrew will come looking for her and her daughter, she has grown a lot since she last saw him, and has even begun dating a new man, Greg, while taking self-defense lessons from a gentleman named Marcus. Sophie, on the other hand, has a secret: she has been writing to her father in prison and is finally ready to meet him in person. As a reader, it is difficult to watch Sophie fall into what seems to be an obvious trap, but Stevens writes Sophie with such skill that her yearning for a father is nearly palpable. She recognizes her mother’s fear and yet does not feel it herself --- and, as we all know, teenagers can struggle with empathy, particularly for such an unusual situation.

When Lindsey is cleaning a house one day, she notices that her purse has been moved in a way that reminds her of Andrew’s controlling nature. From that point on, other signs begin to appear that suggest someone is watching Lindsey and her daughter and waiting for the right time to make a move. Although Lindsey has the help of a supporting detective, she knows that Andrew can be highly manipulative and that it will take more than a restraining order to keep her family safe --- not to mention the fact that she, too, is hiding a dark secret about the night of her escape. With Sophie alternately forgiving her father and dodging calls from him while growing increasingly close to a boy from school, Lindsey must struggle to decide who to trust and who to fear.

In a novel about the dangers of abuse masquerading as charm, it can be easy to turn any minor character into a suspect, and Stevens carefully balances each of these characters --- particularly the men --- with a deft hand. Although they are all different, each bears a curious familiarity to Andrew: one a little too possessive, one a bit too watchful, another overly friendly. As a reader, you will think that this is simply a cut and dry story of abuse and escape, but you will be very, very wrong. I cannot say that some elements did not feel a bit unrealistic, but these do not take away from the narrative in any way --- in fact, they only serve to keep you happily distracted while the real villain creeps up.

If you are not familiar with Stevens’ writing, you should know that she is masterful in her pacing. Although this book is over 400 pages long, it moves very quickly, with each page bursting with tension and suspense. However, this is not your average action-packed thriller, as the real “meat” of the story comes from the strength of Stevens’ characters. I was instantly drawn to both Lindsey and Sophie and found myself rooting for them even when I did not agree with their choices. Sophie, in particular, was fascinating, as she was able to separate her feelings for her father from the history she had been given without recognizing the signs that something was amiss. Her naivety added an edge to the novel that might have been lost had this been a stereotypical story of abuse.

Once again, Chevy Stevens has given us a chilling, eerie novel that will make even the most fearless reader feel like they are being watched.

Reviewed by Rebecca Munro
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
waad a skar
Anyone who has experienced or is privy to an abusive relationship with a narcissistic person, will experience déjà vu while reading Chevy Stevens’ psychological thriller, Never Let You Go. Stevens is right on while telling the story of Lindsay, who escapes an abusive relationship and starts a new life with her teenage daughter while her ex-husband, Andrew, spends time in prison for killing a woman while driving drunk. However, when he is released, Lindsay is devastated because strange things start happening – someone is breaking into her house and searching through her things and she is being followed - she is convinced it is Andrew, who denies being involved and swears he has changed. Lindsay doesn’t want to run again, since she has an established business, and she must rely on her friends to help her get through and avoid the consequences of Andrew’s behavior.

Stevens is an excellent storyteller, and has developed her characters so that they seem real. She has obviously done some research into the psychology of narcissistic personalities, and it is almost scary to experience it through her characters. The story will keep readers on the edge of their seats since there are unexpected twists and turns that escalate the level of suspense.

The dénouement is totally unexpected, and will make readers really think for days after finishing the book. The story is fascinating, the writing is excellent, and the characters are very real. Readers who enjoy a fast-moving thriller with a great story will not want to miss this novel.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen heynen
Still Missing is Chevy Stevens’ first novel and is my favorite of hers. You feel every emotion Annie has and Chevy’s writing is compelling! With Never Let You Go Chevy really does showcase that she is a master at what she does.

Never Let You Go is about Lindsey and her daughter Sophie. Lindsey is in an abusive marriage and wants to get out but isn’t sure how. Eventually she leaves with Sophie and her husband Andrew goes to jail. Eleven years later, Andrew is released from prison and Lindsey begins to feel that she is being constantly watched. She believes it is Andrew even though he says he has changed.

Never Let You Go is narrated by Lindsey and her daughter Sophie. In addition to both narrators the novel also takes place in the past when Lindsey was in her marriage and present day. Both transitions of the points of view between Lindsey and Sophie and past and present are seamless. They merge together well and there is no confusion when each chapter occurs or who the narrator is.

As with all thriller/suspense novels there are twists that you may or may not see coming. My suspicions were narrowed down to two characters as to who I thought was stalking Lindsey. I just was not sure why they might have been doing it. One of my thoughts was right! I normally do not like it when I guess who the guilty party is, but I think because I was not sure why I still had my mind blown. When I read who was stalking Lindsey and why I had two reactions: “I knew it! and OMG!” The OMG was the motive that I did not see coming.

Chevy Stevens does a great job with you having empathy for Lindsey. At the beginning you really want her to get away from Andrew. Chevy pulls you in and takes you for quite a ride with Lindsey and Sophie. You want Lindsey and Sophie to come out fine at the end.

This is a very intense book that I never wanted to put down!

I must give a couple of warnings to readers:
-If you have issues with domestic violence you may want to stay away from this book. Some scenes are very intense.
-If you are an animal lover there are a couple of scenes that may bother you. I had a hard time reading those scenes, but a lot of the feelings was fear as to what was going to happen next.

With Never Let You Go Chevy Stevens shows how superior she is with her writing in the suspense/thriller genres. With this book, she is becoming a favorite of mine!

Never Let You Go is very highly recommended! If you have not read her novels and interested in reading them, then start with Still Missing and then move onto Never Let You Go!

**Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for my e-arc via NetGalley and my print arc copy which I voluntarily read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dulce phelps
This was a very intense thriller about a woman who manages to free herself and her daughter from her abusive drinking control freak husband, only to find he's found them again several years later. When Lindsey finds out that her daughter Sophie had initiated the contact to her father she is furious, but Sophie insists Andrew has changed and is a different man. But fears runs deep and Lindsey won't ever be able to forgive him for what he did to her family - especially when weird things start happening, like someone breaking into her house and snooping through her things. She is intent on getting her life back - once again - and is determined to get Andrew back behind bars. Thankfully, she has new friends that support her - Greg, her 'friend-with-benefits', and Marcus, who teaches her self-defense fighting techniques. Then Sophie starts dating a boy who seems to have a possessive streak just like Andrew, and Lindsey fears her daughter might repeat her own errors. But things are never what they seem in this story full of twists, which is masterfully proven especially at the end.

I loved how the story went along in a zigzag fashion, never following a straight path, but instead taking unexpected detours and suddenly heading towards a totally different destination. The first half I devoured without a blink, and while there came a couple of slower pages after that, I was almost grateful for the short break it offered to take a deep breath before immersing fully myself in the story again. There were a couple of scenes that felt slightly awkward and made me wonder whether to believe what happened, but then again Lindsey's paranoid behavior was as convincing as Sophie's desperate longing for a real father. The story was told in turn by Lindsey and Sophie, which made it easy to understand both their hopes and fears and how they had to collide during the course of events. 'Never Let You Go' is a thrilling tale made of the finest page turner material.

(Thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of the book, all opinions are my own)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natasha jones
Chevy Stevens returns following Those Girls: A Novel (2015), with yet another top notch Sleeping with the Enemy psychological domestic suspense thriller on steroids!

A long-time Stevens fan, reading every book she creatively crafts, and anxiously awaiting the next — Stevens once again showcases her highly creative plotting skills, an engrossing narrative, and her "signature ingredient" of keeping readers surprised, with her famous twists, while moving seamlessly between timelines.

Starting in November 2005, we meet Lindsey, married to Andrew and daughter Sophie. She knows one thing: She had to leave her husband. There was no more time. No matter what it took, no matter how risky it was, she had to get Sophie away from him. She needed to protect her daughter. She is terrrified.

As with all domestic abusers, they remove all their victim's friends and financial resources, to keep them under their thumb.

Flash forward to 2016. Lindsey and Sophie are now living in Dogwood Bay. She has started a new life. She hopes the past is in the past. Or is it? Andrew has spent time in prison. He wants her to suffer. He was going to make her pay for every year he spent behind bars. He was now a free man and he was going to find her.

Is someone watching? Is Andrew back to act out his revenge?

Stevens flashes back and forth from between these two timelines and even further back to 1997 when the couple met. We hear from Lindsey and Sophie’s POV. The master manipulator. Is there more than one? Who can be trusted?

When she left him years ago, after drugging him, to enable their escape—there was a car accident. A young woman was dead. Someone had to pay.

From Sleeping with the Enemy, The Perfect Guy, Fatal Attraction and more, we always love the intensity of unfortunate protagonists finding themselves stuck with Mr, Crazy. Intense. The man masked behind the chilling monster inside. Unfortunately, not until too late, does he reveal his true self. Then the victim finds themselves risking their lives and others to escape.

As always, a master storyteller, Stevens adds her own clever twist. There is nothing ordinary or similar to this tale. A cautionary tale screaming “Do not trust anyone.” When you least expect someone, crosses your path. When you are most vulnerable, most trusting. They may seek you out for their own revenge.

Stevens delivers her most riveting grip-lit yet. The brutality of domestic violence. Frighteningly real, and all too familiar for many. In addition, it is among the hardest to witness, as for why many are free to continue on their destructive path, until it is often, too late.

The author knows how to build suspense, and keep readers on the edge of their seat From the darkest obsessions, the entrapment, control, and evil.

By adding Sophie’s POV, she reaches outside the couple to hear the fear of a child, a sense of loyalty, the consequences, and strong pull between the troubled parent's abusive relationship.

If you enjoy the TV series, Big Little Lies - Season 1 —you will be thinking of Celeste (Nichole Kidman) and Perry Wright (Alexander Skarsgård). This guy totally gives me the creeps. He reminds me of my ex-husband. Rich, powerful, and crazy.

Highly recommend. Trust me, you will want to read this one. Mark out the time. Unputdownable. A special thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an early reading copy. JDCMustReadBooks
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shalyn swanson
In a post-GONE GIRL world, thrillers are experiencing a huge leap in popularity, and readers who once shied away from this genre are now anxiously awaiting their next plot twist or red herring. How then does an author stand out? Just ask Chevy Stevens, whose newest psychological thriller, NEVER LET YOU GO, proves that she is on top of her game --- as is the genre itself.

Framed as a story of fear, abuse and freedom, NEVER LET YOU GO begins by introducing the Nash family --- Lindsey, Andrew and their daughter, Sophie --- while on a trip to Mexico. The family is the picture of perfection, with fit, toned Andrew watching over his beautiful wife and their perfect daughter. But as Stevens zooms in on their interactions, it becomes clear that there is a fourth, much darker member of the Nash family: domestic violence. Lindsey is constantly under Andrew’s scrutiny, and even so much as a mistimed smile can set him off. Stevens sets the scene masterfully, allowing readers to see inside Lindsey’s mind where every movement and utterance are rehearsed over and over again for fear of upsetting Andrew. Their daughter, meanwhile, is only seven and blissfully unaware of her father’s temperament, a fact that makes the seemingly serene setting even more chilling. Set off by what he perceives to be flirtation, Andrew plays a horrifying prank on Lindsey, exposing his true nature to the reader and confirming her fears.

From this point on, NEVER LET YOU GO skips forward 10 years and alternates between the perspectives of Lindsey and Sophie, now 17. The two escaped Andrew’s abuse shortly after their Mexican vacation and have since lived a cautious yet happy life, while Andrew has been imprisoned for a crime unrelated to his abuse. Lindsey now runs her own cleaning and caretaking business, while Sophie is content to draw, dye her hair wild colors, and spend time with her best friend, Delaney. But their lives are about to change, as Andrew not only has been released from prison, but has been spotted a little too close to their new home.

Although Lindsey is fearful that Andrew will come looking for her and her daughter, she has grown a lot since she last saw him, and has even begun dating a new man, Greg, while taking self-defense lessons from a gentleman named Marcus. Sophie, on the other hand, has a secret: she has been writing to her father in prison and is finally ready to meet him in person. As a reader, it is difficult to watch Sophie fall into what seems to be an obvious trap, but Stevens writes Sophie with such skill that her yearning for a father is nearly palpable. She recognizes her mother’s fear and yet does not feel it herself --- and, as we all know, teenagers can struggle with empathy, particularly for such an unusual situation.

When Lindsey is cleaning a house one day, she notices that her purse has been moved in a way that reminds her of Andrew’s controlling nature. From that point on, other signs begin to appear that suggest someone is watching Lindsey and her daughter and waiting for the right time to make a move. Although Lindsey has the help of a supporting detective, she knows that Andrew can be highly manipulative and that it will take more than a restraining order to keep her family safe --- not to mention the fact that she, too, is hiding a dark secret about the night of her escape. With Sophie alternately forgiving her father and dodging calls from him while growing increasingly close to a boy from school, Lindsey must struggle to decide who to trust and who to fear.

In a novel about the dangers of abuse masquerading as charm, it can be easy to turn any minor character into a suspect, and Stevens carefully balances each of these characters --- particularly the men --- with a deft hand. Although they are all different, each bears a curious familiarity to Andrew: one a little too possessive, one a bit too watchful, another overly friendly. As a reader, you will think that this is simply a cut and dry story of abuse and escape, but you will be very, very wrong. I cannot say that some elements did not feel a bit unrealistic, but these do not take away from the narrative in any way --- in fact, they only serve to keep you happily distracted while the real villain creeps up.

If you are not familiar with Stevens’ writing, you should know that she is masterful in her pacing. Although this book is over 400 pages long, it moves very quickly, with each page bursting with tension and suspense. However, this is not your average action-packed thriller, as the real “meat” of the story comes from the strength of Stevens’ characters. I was instantly drawn to both Lindsey and Sophie and found myself rooting for them even when I did not agree with their choices. Sophie, in particular, was fascinating, as she was able to separate her feelings for her father from the history she had been given without recognizing the signs that something was amiss. Her naivety added an edge to the novel that might have been lost had this been a stereotypical story of abuse.

Once again, Chevy Stevens has given us a chilling, eerie novel that will make even the most fearless reader feel like they are being watched.

Reviewed by Rebecca Munro
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly denton
Anyone who has experienced or is privy to an abusive relationship with a narcissistic person, will experience déjà vu while reading Chevy Stevens’ psychological thriller, Never Let You Go. Stevens is right on while telling the story of Lindsay, who escapes an abusive relationship and starts a new life with her teenage daughter while her ex-husband, Andrew, spends time in prison for killing a woman while driving drunk. However, when he is released, Lindsay is devastated because strange things start happening – someone is breaking into her house and searching through her things and she is being followed - she is convinced it is Andrew, who denies being involved and swears he has changed. Lindsay doesn’t want to run again, since she has an established business, and she must rely on her friends to help her get through and avoid the consequences of Andrew’s behavior.

Stevens is an excellent storyteller, and has developed her characters so that they seem real. She has obviously done some research into the psychology of narcissistic personalities, and it is almost scary to experience it through her characters. The story will keep readers on the edge of their seats since there are unexpected twists and turns that escalate the level of suspense.

The dénouement is totally unexpected, and will make readers really think for days after finishing the book. The story is fascinating, the writing is excellent, and the characters are very real. Readers who enjoy a fast-moving thriller with a great story will not want to miss this novel.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Still Missing is Chevy Stevens’ first novel and is my favorite of hers. You feel every emotion Annie has and Chevy’s writing is compelling! With Never Let You Go Chevy really does showcase that she is a master at what she does.

Never Let You Go is about Lindsey and her daughter Sophie. Lindsey is in an abusive marriage and wants to get out but isn’t sure how. Eventually she leaves with Sophie and her husband Andrew goes to jail. Eleven years later, Andrew is released from prison and Lindsey begins to feel that she is being constantly watched. She believes it is Andrew even though he says he has changed.

Never Let You Go is narrated by Lindsey and her daughter Sophie. In addition to both narrators the novel also takes place in the past when Lindsey was in her marriage and present day. Both transitions of the points of view between Lindsey and Sophie and past and present are seamless. They merge together well and there is no confusion when each chapter occurs or who the narrator is.

As with all thriller/suspense novels there are twists that you may or may not see coming. My suspicions were narrowed down to two characters as to who I thought was stalking Lindsey. I just was not sure why they might have been doing it. One of my thoughts was right! I normally do not like it when I guess who the guilty party is, but I think because I was not sure why I still had my mind blown. When I read who was stalking Lindsey and why I had two reactions: “I knew it! and OMG!” The OMG was the motive that I did not see coming.

Chevy Stevens does a great job with you having empathy for Lindsey. At the beginning you really want her to get away from Andrew. Chevy pulls you in and takes you for quite a ride with Lindsey and Sophie. You want Lindsey and Sophie to come out fine at the end.

This is a very intense book that I never wanted to put down!

I must give a couple of warnings to readers:
-If you have issues with domestic violence you may want to stay away from this book. Some scenes are very intense.
-If you are an animal lover there are a couple of scenes that may bother you. I had a hard time reading those scenes, but a lot of the feelings was fear as to what was going to happen next.

With Never Let You Go Chevy Stevens shows how superior she is with her writing in the suspense/thriller genres. With this book, she is becoming a favorite of mine!

Never Let You Go is very highly recommended! If you have not read her novels and interested in reading them, then start with Still Missing and then move onto Never Let You Go!

**Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for my e-arc via NetGalley and my print arc copy which I voluntarily read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer butler
This was a very intense thriller about a woman who manages to free herself and her daughter from her abusive drinking control freak husband, only to find he's found them again several years later. When Lindsey finds out that her daughter Sophie had initiated the contact to her father she is furious, but Sophie insists Andrew has changed and is a different man. But fears runs deep and Lindsey won't ever be able to forgive him for what he did to her family - especially when weird things start happening, like someone breaking into her house and snooping through her things. She is intent on getting her life back - once again - and is determined to get Andrew back behind bars. Thankfully, she has new friends that support her - Greg, her 'friend-with-benefits', and Marcus, who teaches her self-defense fighting techniques. Then Sophie starts dating a boy who seems to have a possessive streak just like Andrew, and Lindsey fears her daughter might repeat her own errors. But things are never what they seem in this story full of twists, which is masterfully proven especially at the end.

I loved how the story went along in a zigzag fashion, never following a straight path, but instead taking unexpected detours and suddenly heading towards a totally different destination. The first half I devoured without a blink, and while there came a couple of slower pages after that, I was almost grateful for the short break it offered to take a deep breath before immersing fully myself in the story again. There were a couple of scenes that felt slightly awkward and made me wonder whether to believe what happened, but then again Lindsey's paranoid behavior was as convincing as Sophie's desperate longing for a real father. The story was told in turn by Lindsey and Sophie, which made it easy to understand both their hopes and fears and how they had to collide during the course of events. 'Never Let You Go' is a thrilling tale made of the finest page turner material.

(Thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of the book, all opinions are my own)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chevy Stevens returns following Those Girls: A Novel (2015), with yet another top notch Sleeping with the Enemy psychological domestic suspense thriller on steroids!

A long-time Stevens fan, reading every book she creatively crafts, and anxiously awaiting the next — Stevens once again showcases her highly creative plotting skills, an engrossing narrative, and her "signature ingredient" of keeping readers surprised, with her famous twists, while moving seamlessly between timelines.

Starting in November 2005, we meet Lindsey, married to Andrew and daughter Sophie. She knows one thing: She had to leave her husband. There was no more time. No matter what it took, no matter how risky it was, she had to get Sophie away from him. She needed to protect her daughter. She is terrrified.

As with all domestic abusers, they remove all their victim's friends and financial resources, to keep them under their thumb.

Flash forward to 2016. Lindsey and Sophie are now living in Dogwood Bay. She has started a new life. She hopes the past is in the past. Or is it? Andrew has spent time in prison. He wants her to suffer. He was going to make her pay for every year he spent behind bars. He was now a free man and he was going to find her.

Is someone watching? Is Andrew back to act out his revenge?

Stevens flashes back and forth from between these two timelines and even further back to 1997 when the couple met. We hear from Lindsey and Sophie’s POV. The master manipulator. Is there more than one? Who can be trusted?

When she left him years ago, after drugging him, to enable their escape—there was a car accident. A young woman was dead. Someone had to pay.

From Sleeping with the Enemy, The Perfect Guy, Fatal Attraction and more, we always love the intensity of unfortunate protagonists finding themselves stuck with Mr, Crazy. Intense. The man masked behind the chilling monster inside. Unfortunately, not until too late, does he reveal his true self. Then the victim finds themselves risking their lives and others to escape.

As always, a master storyteller, Stevens adds her own clever twist. There is nothing ordinary or similar to this tale. A cautionary tale screaming “Do not trust anyone.” When you least expect someone, crosses your path. When you are most vulnerable, most trusting. They may seek you out for their own revenge.

Stevens delivers her most riveting grip-lit yet. The brutality of domestic violence. Frighteningly real, and all too familiar for many. In addition, it is among the hardest to witness, as for why many are free to continue on their destructive path, until it is often, too late.

The author knows how to build suspense, and keep readers on the edge of their seat From the darkest obsessions, the entrapment, control, and evil.

By adding Sophie’s POV, she reaches outside the couple to hear the fear of a child, a sense of loyalty, the consequences, and strong pull between the troubled parent's abusive relationship.

If you enjoy the TV series, Big Little Lies - Season 1 —you will be thinking of Celeste (Nichole Kidman) and Perry Wright (Alexander Skarsgård). This guy totally gives me the creeps. He reminds me of my ex-husband. Rich, powerful, and crazy.

Highly recommend. Trust me, you will want to read this one. Mark out the time. Unputdownable. A special thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an early reading copy. JDCMustReadBooks
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
o uzhan zdemir

Lindsey Nash married the man of her dreams—or, so she thought. What Lindsey once saw as a dream, was in reality, a nightmare in disguise. For years, Lindsey endured both physical and psychological abuse at the hands of her husband Andrew. Worried for both herself and their young daughter Sophie, Lindsey plots their escape when Andrew’s abusive behavior suddenly escalates. But fleeing proves to be difficult; in fact, their eventual escape is hard fought, with dire consequences for all those involved. But once Andrew is secured behind bars, Lindsey and Sophie are finally free to live their lives without fear.

Years later, Lindsey and her (now) teenage daughter, are content and living their lives, when bizarre and terrifying occurrences infiltrate their peaceful world. Is it merely coincidental that these events correspond with Andrew’s release from prison? Or has Andrew returned, determined to make Lindsey pay for his perceived betrayal? Despite Andrew’s repeated proclamation of innocence, Lindsey is adamant in her assertion that Andrew is responsible for her current torment. Sophie, however, is torn between her allegiance for her mother and her desire to reconnect with the father she barely knows, desperate to believe in his innocence. This, therefore, begs the question: Could Andrew be telling the truth? If so, then something--or someone--more nefarious is now at play.

A gripping storyline riddled with twists and turns, “Never Let You Go” is a suspenseful, psychological drama that drew me in right from the very start. A page-turner of epic proportions, I found it nearly impossible to put down. And while, initially, I cast a suspicious eye towards several potential culprits, I did come to deduce the truth prior to its reveal. Still, that did not detract from my overall enjoyment of this story, which kept me on the very edge of my seat as everything came to unfold.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
silvia tjendrawasih
This was a very solid mystery thriller. I was hooked by this book from the first page and I had a really hard time putting it down. I do have to say that the beginning of the story was a bit better in my opinion. I liked the last half of the story as well but it just wasn't quite as enjoyable. I picked up this book because I was looking for a change of pace and it definitely filled that need. This book really turned out to be quite the page turner.

The book opens in the past and it does jump around in time for the first bit of the story. Lindsey is the focus of this book and as the story beginnings we learn piece by piece what her marriage to Andrew is like. There were some scenes that were truly frightening. Eventually Lindsey is able to get away from her abusive husband with her daughter. Her husband gets in wreck that same night that ends up sending him to jail for the next ten years.

Lindsey and her daughter, Sophie, have been moving on with their life. Lindsey owns her own housekeeping business and Sophie is almost done with high school. They have connections and are doing okay. Sophie doesn't remember everything that happened between her parents and was shielded from most of it by her mother when it was happening. She is curious about her father and reaches out to him while he was in prison. Unfortunately, this means that he knows where they are.

This book took a few twists and turns and there were some things that happened that completely caught me off guard. I thought that Lindsey's fear of Andrew was demonstrated remarkably well. There were several characters that I didn't quite trust completely. There were also more than a few moments that I really wished Sophie would just listen to her mother. While I wasn't completely sold by the ending, I did really appreciate the fact that this book ended up in a direction that I would have never guessed.

I would recommend this book to fans of mystery thrillers. This is only the second book by Chevy Stevens that I have read but I do enjoy her writing style. I plan to read more of her work very soon.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from St. Martin's Press via NetGalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When Lindsey Nash met her husband she thought she had met her knight in shining armor, but soon after they were married he started to show his true colors, and she found that he was nothing like the man she thought she married. He spent his nights trying to find the bottom of the bottle, and it brought out an angry, possessive man that wasn't above getting a little rough to get his point across, and more times than not Lindsey found herself taking the brunt of it. Being abused by her husband left her ashamed and scared to confide in anyone about what was happening since it was likely to bring about more abuse, but finally after enduring years of it she found the courage to speak up, and tell her brother what was happening, and from there he helped her devise a plan to break away from this miserable world she found herself stuck in... but her husband wasn't about to let her and their young daughter get a way so easily. Soon after leaving him he winds up in jail and for the first time in a long time Lindsey starts to feel like she can breath a sigh of relief, her and her daughter then enjoy eleven years of freedom from him. But the happy little life they have created for themselves is now in jeopardy, he is being released from prison and Lindsey is certain she is about to pay for the last eleven years he spent behind bars...

It has been a while since I have read something that completely captivated my attention the way this one did, from the very first page I was hooked, it was SO addictive!!! This was my first read from this author and I have to say she totally lured me in with her gripping tale, I was teetering on the edge of my seat the whole way through!! It is definitely one of the best mystery's I have had the pleasure of reading this year!!

This spine tingling little tale will reach out and grab you, have you on the edge of your seat gasping for your next breath, and keep you guessing right up and until the very last page!!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this title.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
topel viernes
Her marriage to Andrew had been wonderful at first – but during her pregnancy, and after Sophie was born, Lindsey noticed subtle changes. Andrew became possessive; she no longer had any friends; and he started to drink. But her parents and brother thought Andrew was wonderful – he was that good an actor. Finally when Sophie was five – after giving Andrew more chances than Lindsey could remember – she fled with Sophie in the dead of night. After a long period in hiding, and to her immense relief, Andrew was sent to jail.

Eleven years later Andrew was once again out on the streets – free to harass; free to play his mind games with Lindsey all over again. She was frightened – but more so for Sophie who was an impressionable teenager and had no memory of the terror her father had inflicted on her mother. Would Sophie contact her father? Or would he contact her? Lindsey begged her not to see or speak to him, but Sophie had a mind of her own – she wanted to know her father…

Lindsey’s nightmares were coming true once again – she knew Andrew was stalking her; getting into her home when they weren’t there. Lindsey knew they couldn’t continue running – Sophie’s final year in school was important and she also wanted her own life – a life without constantly looking over her shoulder. Would it ever happen? Would they ever know peace and happiness?

Never Let You Go by Chevy Stevens is another mind-blowing psychological thriller that I just couldn’t put down! What an amazing WOW factor this book has! I can’t believe how good this author is at getting into the mind of a psychopath and leaking it out, word by word, to soak into the reader’s mind! Brilliant! And highly recommended to all fans of the genre…
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
reham al wafi
Wow! A great tension filled story that kept me on the edge of my seat.

Years ago, Lindsey Nash escaped with her young daughter and left an abusive relationship. Her ex-husband, Andrew, was sent to jail and Lindsey started her life over. Fast forward a few years – Lindsey has her own business and a teenage daughter. When Andrew is released from prison, Lindsey gets the sense that someone is watching her. She is convinced it’s her ex-husband, even though he claims he’s a different person. But is he really?

This book was excellent from beginning to end (almost … I’ll explain in a minute). The story is well written and nicely paced. The plot twist fantastic! It was one I did not see coming. Stevens does an excellent job of making you think it could be this person. Or this person. Or this person! But after the reveal the story fell flat. There was this great tension all the way through the book. However, when Lindsey figures out who is behind the mysterious events, the action fizzled and left this reader feeling something was lacking. It should have been a moment that made me feel as if I were at the edge of a cliff, but my heart didn’t beat faster, nor did I gasp out loud. It just was and it disappointed me. This is one of those times when I wanted something more from the book but can’t put into words what that was. Despite that, you need to read this book. The ending may have lacked something for me, but maybe it will cause your heart to flutter and your breathing to come in short gasps. Never Let You Go will make an excellent addition to your mystery/suspense/thriller TBR.

Thank you St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeri hirshman
Lindsey Nash escaped an abusive marriage with her young daughter Sophie. Her husband Andrew was a controlling sociopath who watched her every move and punished her when she much as spoke to another man or dressed in something less than demure. When he'd been drinking any little thing would set him off. She thought she could live with that, after all she'd loved him once, but when he started threatening to hurt Sophie that was the final thread.

Now eleven years later Lindsey is living on an island off Vancouver. She has forged a new life for herself and Sophie, running her own cleaning business and helping support other abused women in a local support group. After Lindsay ran away from Andrew, he was involved in a serious drunken accident and jailed for ten years but now he has been released and, when strange things start happening in her house and Andrew is seen on the island, Lindsey believes he is stalking her and Sophie.

Oh, what a dark and twisted web Ms Stevens has spun in this psychological thriller. She is very good at depicting controlling men who can manipulate women to do what they want through fear and mind games. She puts us on edge right from the start with Andrew's treatment of Lindsey and keeps us there when strange happenings occur on the island. But even then she kept the best for last and tightens the tension even further hinting with a disturbing undercurrent that all is not right just as Lindsey and Sophie are starting to feel safe again. This is the first novel by Chevy Stevens I've read but I already have several others queueing for space on my kindle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
todd mitchell
4.5 of 5

Thriller/Suspense (Not Romance)

This book packs a punch! It's full of emotions and a roller coaster ride of a read!

This is a captivating story about a mother surviving an abusive relationship and her daughter learning to cope and grieve her father’s disastrous choices. It’s a complex story with well written and developed characters. Both Lindsey, the mother, and Sophie, the daughter, have to overcome tough obstacles, physical and emotional. Seeing them react to the tough situations was enlightening and inspiring. Their actions and reactions were thought provoking and relatable. I felt as if I was living in the story with the characters. They were so real, I could feel their emotions and I grew with them. Chevy Steven’s covers all the emotions in this story. The heartbreak, fear, love, courage and nervousness that comes with surviving and learning to live after being beaten down in a toxic and abusive relationship. Absolutely amazing!

Chevy creates a detailed world and setting for this book that struck me as dark and REAL. Every little detail is described in a way that made me remember and reminisce my everday life. I could feel and smell the rain. I could hear the wind howling. The cold was biting at my ears and nose. I could FEEL as the characters experienced the same. Setting up the real and detailed world while setting the scene without bogging it down with too much detail is an art to me. I loved it!

I could not put this book down. It’s full of suspense that will keep you guessing. I must admit, I didn’t see the twists towards the end…and I think it made me love the book even more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristina provence
Lindsey Nash escapes into the night with her young daughter to leave her abusive ex-husband. With her ex behind bars, the two start a new life. Fast forward eleven years and Lindsey and teenage Sophie have settled into their new life. When Lindsey's ex-husband Andrew is released from prison, things start to unravel: her new boyfriend is threatened, her home and the home of her clients are invaded, and Sophie is followed. Andrew claims he has changed and that Lindsey and Sophie are in danger.

The book opens with the family on vacation. Lindsey is doing everything in her power to keep Andrew's temper in check and her daughter unaware as to what is going on to protect her innocence. She keeps her eyes averted to any males, and covers up as much of herself as possible when sunning on the beach—any wrong move will send Andrew into a jealous rage, especially when he is drinking, and also increase his hold over Lindsey. Stevens had me at the first page, like Lindsey, I was completely on edge. The story is told

This fast-paced ride was exactly what I was looking for and I devoured the book in one sitting. Stevens' writing is gritty, suspenseful, raw, and haunting. By far her best book to date.
Please RateA heart-stopping psychological thriller you won't be able to put down
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