How Hard Can It Be?

ByRobyn Peterman

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Love this very original story full of zany humor and loveable characters. Robyn Peterman's books never fail to entertain. Her books are always hot-sexy-zany-rip roaring, laugh out loud reads from cover to cover. Already started the next in the series because I just can't get enough!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vamsi chunduru
I love Robyn Peterman's writing. I had already laughed my way through Pirate Dave, then this came along to explain how Pirate Dave got written and I just about died on the spot. Funny, irreverent, crazy, and highly entertaining!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cynthia levinson
Another great book by Robyn Peterman. You never know what's going to come out of her characters' mouth. Hilariously funny women in this book and of course one hot guy. All of Peterman's books leave me smiling and wanting to read the next. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
The Hot Damned Series - Fashionably Hotter Than Hell :: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention :: Discovering the Power of Regression Therapy to Erase Trauma and Transform Mind :: Turning the Mind Into an Ally :: Fashionably Dead Down Under (Hot Damned Series - Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chappell grant willis
Another great book by the fabulous Robyn Peterman. I don't think the woman can write a bad book. This book is so funny make sure you are near a bathroom with plenty of toilet paper. You will seriously pee yourself if you are not careful. Recommend this book to anyone that loves easy fast and funny reads.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janet laminack
I really loved this book!! I laughed out loud and cried at the same time. I admit foolishly I read them in the wrong order, but I can't say that it made any difference. I'll be waiting with anticipation for the next book. Robyn you totally rock!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Never been disappointed in any Robyn Peterman work! Great book that will keep your interest while all the time you are laughing until you cry! I immediately bought other books in the series (as well as all of Robyn's other works). Highly recommended for a great, funny read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ed dodson
Wow..I love to read, especially crazy funny romance stories. My life is WAY to busy, as I'm sure everyone is this book will take u away from all your daily stress, make you laugh your butt off, and then attack the one person who makes you wet.Can't wait to read next book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I read one of the authors later books (Fashionably dead) and greatly enjoyed so I went back for earlier releases - not the best idea. However, despite being very disjointed, it was amusing and a quick, fun bit of fluff. Love the use of modern-day references and mockery!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
teresa williams
I bought this book based on. Reviews. This is the first time I was disappointed, there was nothing funny, just a lot of words trying create a funny story. Obviously a lot of readers found it entertaining , to each their own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenni prue
Blackmail. Revenge. Love At First Sight. Restraining Orders. Martians Living In TVs. Time Traveling Warlock Vampire Pirates. Shape Shifting Fairies. Pork Swords. Viper Bitch Whore From Hell.

If you just read those words and thought "what the what?" a la Liz Lemon, well, then you just read my mindn

Rena Gunderschlict (admittedly a horrible last name) is bored in her accounting job, so she decides to join a writers group to write a romance novel. The group consists of 4 potty-mouthed, sex-crazed 70 year old writers: Poppy Harriet (who writes about sex while using garden tools), Nancy (who writes sexy cookbooks), Joanne (not sure what she writes, slasher books maybe?) and Shoshanna LeHump (who writes about bdsm). Rena quickly learns that famous author Evangeline O'Hara, aka Viper Bitch Whore From Hell, has been stealing the book ideas these women come up with and writing them as her own. When Evangeline joins the meeting, Rena steps forward to protect the 4 scared older ladies and she pitches her own ridiculous book. A time traveling warlock vampire pirate is in love with a conjoined twin, Shirley, but hates the other, Laverne, so he takes them to the future to John's Hopkins for a surgery to separate them. Evangeline loves the story idea and offers Rena $30,000 to dictate the book to her. She agrees. When Rena runs an errand for Evangeline and breaks her restraining order, sexy cop Jack is forced to arrest her. Quickly, the tables are turned on Rena and she is blackmailed, along with the other women, into writing the book for free. Rena and her friends decide to exact revenge on Evangeline by writing the worst book imaginable and ruining her career.

What entails is a hilarious, ridiculous tale of exacting revenge, helping friends, and falling in love. Now, when I read the first few pages, I was totally confused because you are thrust right into the middle of a conversation, but I kept with it and the book started to come together. Ridiculously and implausibly, but it comes together. Rena is a fun character. She's smart, but has a tendency to run off at the mouth, and has a hilarious imagination. Her family is a hoot - especially her Aunt, who is crazy. And then there's Jack the cop. Totally sexy and sweet, I picture him to be Channing Tatum. But then I can pretty much envision any character to look like Channing Tatum.

If you are easily offended by inappropriate language, you will not like this book. I thought I had a potty mouth, but compared to this, I'm Mother Teresa. There are quite a few F-bombs. Per page. However, if you are not easily offended by curse words, and have an appreciation for the ridiculous and a good sense of humor, you will enjoy this.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
james haire
Awful writing, drawn out, boring. Over use of disgusting obscenities that gets old quickly, too quickly. Needless to say I couldn't even read past the third chapter. I read one other book by this author that though also filled with to much obscenities at least had a interesting plot, but didn't have an ending, just a "read the next book In the series. Ms Peterson has talent, I like humor/romance. I hope she grows into the flashes of a good author that is in there.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
~Reviewed by ANGELA & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

"This romantic comedy is simply brilliant! Ms. Peterman had me LMFAO...[she] is amazing in bringing in good humor, friendship and good romance". ~Under The Covers

This romantic comedy is simply brilliant! Ms. Peterman had me LMFAO. With words like viper bitch whore from hell, sticky hooker, tally whacker, skin flute and pork sword, it is just hard not to get hooked on this book. Ms. Peterman is amazing in bringing in good humor, friendship and good romance.

After getting caught in a web of lies, Rena is blackmailed by a well known romance writer to write a novel only to claim it as her own. Welcome to the world of plagiarism. Without a choice, Rena tries her luck in the world of writing. After all, she has not been happy at her current job plus, How Hard Can It BE, right? She actually does well sort of, with her far fetch story line. But Rena will not go out without a fight. She has plans to reveal this fraud not only for herself but to save her elderly friends who are also being blackmailed.

This book is full of funny banters, sexual jokes/innuendos, elderly characters that have mouths like a sailor and a sexy cop hero. Oh, and I cannot forget the hero from the novel within the novel...Pirate Dave. His story alone had my cheeks hurt from grinning hard while reading about him. There was even an appearance from Anderson Cooper, and let me tell you, I can totally see him playing the role. It was just pure comedy.

If you are looking for a good funny read with a hint of romance, this is the book for you.

*Review copy provided by author
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron wiens
*Disclosure. I received this book as an ARC*
I freaking LOVE this book. How hard can it be is THE funniest book I have ever read. The premise is truly one of a kind.
Rena (not your average CPA) is on a mission to be 'somebody'. Her attempts to be the local weather girl failed so she tries her hand with a local author group in order to meet the world famous NYT Best Selling author Evangeline. Little does she know that the author from hell steals all of her book ideas by framing the other members of the group.
Determined to make Evangeline's book the worst EVER... hilarity ensues when she spins a tale about Captain Dave the Time Traveling Vampire Warlock and his conjoined girlfriends Laverne and Shirley.
I have never laughed so hard reading a book. Honestly, I don't know if I've laughed so hard at anything. At times I cried and tears streamed down my face, so much so, I couldn't see the pages and would have to stop. Other times, I would have to get up and go to the bathroom to keep from peeing my pants. Insane laughter aside, there is also a very good love story that progresses and some of the moments are extremely HOT.
You have to have a pretty good sense of humor to read this story. That said. When you pick it up you won't want to put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
markus mcdowell
Rena wants a change. An accountant by trade, Rena decides to join a writer's group and try her hand at writing a romance novel. There she meets an array of colorful women writers. It is here too that she meets her nemesis, the woman that will make the next few weeks of her life a living hell.

This book was great from start to finish. The story was very entertaining and enjoyable. From the beginning I was cheering Rena on. She was determined to do something different with her life and I had to admire her tenacity even after her first attempt to make a change went so utterly wrong. She was funny, self-deprecating and came across as very real. She also wanted to fall in love. The kind of love romance novels are famous for, but at the same time she was skeptical that she would ever find it.

The writing was very good. Robyn Peterman managed to write a great story filled with great characters, funny moments and an interesting plot. I loved the ladies in the writers' group. They were awesome in their unique way and each fit in the story very well. I liked the way the author went about telling their stories. The humor was exceptional. From the dialogue to Rena's inner musings this books was a hoot. I couldn't eat or drink while reading it because I was laughing out loud with every turn of the page. It reminded me of the movie Airplane! with great one-liners, witty banter and memorable characters.

The romance part of the story was good too. I loved Jack. He was funny and sexy and the ultimate romance novel hero. I especially liked that he accepted and liked Rena's humor and quirky traits. Their chemistry was very good and their connection was believable. From the moment they met I was cheering them on to get together. I was even a little surprised when I found myself misty-eyed over their relationship.

All in all, an outrageously funny romantic comedy with a great cast of characters to compliment the captivating story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer jackson berry
I read the spoof from this book first, Pirate Dave and His Randy Adventures (OMG, it is hysterical! Laughed till I cried!). That is how I found out about this book. And it is AWESOME! I laughed till I cried and then some!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leigh anne fraser
First off this book was really good and I laughed so hard because some of things I read I had to look around to see if anybody noticed me reading this book because right off the beginning they were talking about hardcore sex, handcuffs and porn. I couldn't believe some of the stuff that was in the book. It kept it really interesting and it sparked my interest to keep reading it to see what happens to the characters in the book.

Rena the main character who is a accountant that tried a gig at becoming a meteorologist. Well that ended with Rena getting arrested and isn't allowed in the building where you tape the weather. So she decides to go to a meeting where she meets authors that have written tons of books. When she shows up the authors end up being middle aged woman that love talking about cooking and porn all in the same sentence. When I met the characters of these woman I was laughing so hard or had that shocked look on my face when they would say some very sexual things that I have only read in Cosmo or on the Internet. I was also wishing those friends were my friends because they would be so much fun to be around. She tells the ladies that she is a writer that is writing a book and she is hoping to meet this famous author Evangeline O'Hara at the meeting. The ladies almost fell over because they were calling her every name in the book and that she likes to steal there book ideas. The Ladies tell Rena that they would tell her ideas for the books that they were going to write and she would trick them into telling the whole story. She would have the books published under her name and the ladies wouldn't end up getting credit for any of the books being sold. So they thought it would be fun to trick her and get her to not be an author anymore. Evangeline shows up to the meeting and they get to talking but when she sees Rena she sees new meat. So she ask Rena to tell her what story she is writing and her assistant starts writing everything down and then she ask Rena if she would like to come over to her house and help her write the book and then she will have it publish. The girls think it's the greatest idea because it will get her to look like a fool and nobody will buy her books again. Well along with the whole plan Rena gets arrested because she goes back to the building that she isn't allowed in to deliver a package for Evangeline. On her way in she notices a hot guy that she would love to have as her husband. She ends up talking to him and he ask her a couple of question saying he really hopes she isn't Rena because if she is he is going to have to arrest her because she is violating her restraining order. He ends up being a cop named Jack. After Rena gets arrested everything goes down hill and up hill for her throughout the whole story.

I loved this book and thought it was really good. I didn't want it to end and I wanted it to keep going. I was upset when it ended and wanted to throw my nook. If you loved Fifty Shades of Gray you will love this book but minus all the S and M. - Tiffany
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