The Hot Damned Series - Fashionably Hotter Than Hell

ByRobyn Peterman

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I enjoy the storyline and characters, however, the characters seem to have regressed to teenage antics versus adult behavior. The focus seems to be more on how many ridiculous swear word combinations that can be formulated versus acting like the immortal adults that they are. I've even re-read the first few books to make sure I'm not being unreasonable. I'm not. If I didn't like the characters and story line as much as I do, I would not have finished the books. The most recent volumes seem to be written more like Pirate Dave (which I did not finish). I expected more from this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alizabeth rasmussen
5 Candi Kisses

I love, love love Robyn Peterman. Her writing is so funny I get the evil eye from the hubby before page 4, and I count on it..hehe.. Astrid must help her cousin Heathcliff and his reluctant Mate Raquel in this action packed, potty mouthed, hilarious story of true love denied.

Heathcliff knows Raquel is his mate, Raquel know Heathcliff is her mate. So whats the problem? Well thats a little complicated and takes us into the world of Satan taunting Dracula (hehe) with actors who have played him in movies and I was howling...Then we have Angel Summits and Evil Siblings and everything needed to make this book a smashing success. Have I mentioned I love Robyn Peterman....just sayin
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
it was absolutely Hotter than Hell. Oh Heathcliff, the Heights I have been Wuthering for you! Ok, ok, that was lame! I promise to leave the humour to the pros. And there is no one – ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY NO ONE more "pro" than Robyn Peterman! What a truly Demonically delicious & Heavenly hilarious story this is! I wasn't sure I wanted to read a story that didn't star Astrid - I love, Love, LOVE her & being her - but I can never say no to anything that Robyn writes! Astrid is still in here as are Ethan, their little genius Samuel (again BEYOND FUNNY!!), Satan & Pam, just to name a few. There are also some great new characters introduced as well. This is Heathcliff's HOT VAMPYRELICIOUS story that all too quickly had me transported into it, making me forget that I wanted more Astrid! Well, actually Raquel played a big part in that too! Raquel sure gives Heathcliff Hell, driving him to the very edge, but I guaran-damn-tee the reasons why will shock the Hell out if you! The humour is even more LAUGHTACULAR than the last book, which astounds me since I have found EVERY. SINGLE. STORY. of Robyn's to be beyond hilarious! I don't know how she does it, but it NEVER gets old or stale or "same old same old". Actually, it doesn't really matter HOW she does it, just as long as she keeps doing it, I will be one happy - but sore from laughing so much - reader! Of course, there is a nut bucketload more to this story than the hilarity! It's also full of friends, family, lust, love, hate, tricks, secrets, mysteries, pain, even death! I. Am. Dracula. I vant to drink your blood. As I always say - there is lots more for you to discover since I don't want to give too much away or accidentally let fly a clusterhump of a spoiler or 3! The love/hate between Heathcliff & the Vampyre cougar Raquel is of course funny, but also oh so very hot!! I ABSO-BLOODY-LUTELY love the part(s) where a few books & movies were "Robynized"! I almost peed I was laughing so hard! I wish I could say more, but again, I don't do spoilers... There are no words to adequately & sufficiently describe or give justice to the creativity & ingenuity that is Robyn Peterman! Robyn truly is one whopper super uper duper mother humper of a phenomenally talented author with a genuine gift bestowed upon her from Gigi & Uncle Devildude himself!! There will ALWAYS be room on my bookshelf & in my heart for Mother humper aka Robyn Peterman!
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was a quick, light read. Heathcliff and Raquel are mates but can't be in a room without tearing it apart. Raquel is determined to keep her distance but Heathcliff is tired of hiding and waiting. This book was funny at times but I missed Astrid's crazy immortal family.
Satan makes an appearance and he proves why he is The King of Evil.
The story had a light mystery, some new monsters who disappeared too soon and some bloodthirsty toys. The monsters could have turned the weak second half into something explosive & twisty, I missed them.
The story is told from Heathcliff's pov which shows us his side of the story but Raquel lost her edge after some chapters.
Another fun read from Robyn Peterman.

“Whatever,” she snapped. “I say you offer up your leg, or at least a foot, and let her tear it off. It’s not really normal dating protocol, but we’re Vampyres. I think it might just work.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe harvey
Robyn Peterman has done it again! She has graced us with another quick witted, emotionally charged story that grabs you from the very beginning and doesn't release you until the final page. I love that this story of Heathcliff and Raquel is written from the male point of view. With many romances being written from the female perspective, I loved the change in tone that came with it being written through the eyes of the strong leading man! If you're looking for a fun sexy read with tons of humor, this is the book for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heathcliff is finally wearing down Rachel.
He knows that she knows that she is his mate.
Sooner or letter, she is going to give in.
Heathcliff just hopes is sooner rather than latter. LOL

( This book was included in the bundle: Romancing the Paranormal: All New Tales )
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt moran
I truly enjoy everything Robyn writes. It is quirky and funny. You never know exactly what is going to happen next, but you do know that every page turned is going to be better than the one before it. I read this book in one day. This whole series is so freaking entertaining. I would truly recommend the author if you want something light hearted and funny. Now, could she please hurry up and write another one?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
april r
This is the story of Heathcliff and Raquel. They strike sparks off of one another but Raquel is determined to stay away. Add in all the various creatures attacking the castle and the unfriendlies in the castle and you have a wonderful story full of all the fun we have come to expect from this series. A truly wonderful addition to the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz tanner
Robyn has done it again. I absolutely loved it. Gotta love the cussing. Its my favorite thing to do of course. I was reading this in public and getting odd looks because I literally was laughing out loud. I recommend this to any of my friends who could use a really great lol read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Such an imagination!!! Funny, exciting and captivating book. First book I have read of hers but will read more. I love her humor and every now and again you need to read a humorous book and this is it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rachel and Heathcliff are hotter than hell!! This was by far the best book in the series. I live Ethan and Astrid but I adore these two!! Trolls, wraiths, vamps and bad angels, what could be better??!!!
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