Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention

ByDawson Church

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yash sinha
Despite the focus on the current ineffective health system and the agonisingly slow appearance of energy and complimentary medicine, ‘The Genie in your Genes’ is a book that inspires optimism regarding the possible future of how we approach health and well-being as a society.
Although Dawson Church states ‘Shifting the health habits of an entire civilization seems like a tall order’, it is also clear the momentum is building for alternative interventions and healing practices. The public are no longer satisfied with intrusive surgeries and treatments and are seeking more natural pathways to health.
Rather than suggesting this colossal shift needs to be led by governments or medical groups, Dawson proposes each individual is their own ‘ultimate epigenetic engineer’ and challenges the reader to take control of their health, gene expression and essentially their lives.
Dawson describes the exciting research undertaken that evidences that genes are switched on and off by a myriad of factors that we have control over including diet, thoughts and beliefs, intentions, environment, relationships, spiritual practices etc. This is at odds with the previous thinking that our genes are fixed and unalterable.
The outcomes of other studies focusing on the mind body connection further validate our intrinsic ability to affect our health, positively or negatively, by our mind. One such study conducted by Dr Ironson found that a patient’s view of God (a punishing God vs. a benevolent God) could be used as a predictor of how fast HIV progressed in their body; essentially linking spirituality/beliefs and the immune system.
At this point in the book, a reader may start to wonder how to go about altering their own genes to improve their overall health and well-being. Dawson addresses this in detail by citing findings from more research and studies on the impact of psychology, prayer, meditation, visualisation and altruistic/volunteer work. It is overwhelmingly evident that health is not one dimensional – one approach is not better than the other – in fact, leading-edge science dovetails with mind-body medicine and spiritual principles.
In Chapter 15, Dawson outlines 10 principles for treatment. I was compelled to translate what these mean in tangible terms for myself as an EFT Practitioner.
1. Intentions first, outcomes second.
Dawson describes the tendency to look for an end result when determining and/or applying a particular treatment. This principle reminds me as a practitioner to practice non-attachment to what I believe may be the optimal outcome for clients and to ensure sessions are client led; allowing them to have their own insights.
My intention is to trust that healing is a journey, not a destination.
2. Healing is a process, not an event.
Physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing is not a linear process. Dawson states healing involves day by day commitment to lifestyle changes rather than a definitive event that `fixes’ or resolves issues. He uses the example that going to church on a holiday (e.g., Easter) is an event, however, daily prayer ‘is a process that enfolds every event of the day.’
My intention is to support my clients to explore and apply practices and daily decisions that resonate with them as they move through the process of healing. I intend to honour each stage in the journey and stay out of judgement regarding the timeframe and choices.
3. Heart-centred.
This principle challenged me initially as Dawson asks the question `Are you in love with your doctor?’ I found, however, that rather than being a passage on ethics and boundaries, this principle speaks of the power of encouraging a heart to heart connection with clients.
My intention is to meet each client where they are, hold space for self-realisation and ensure each interaction is a quality connection that promotes trust and respect.
4. Being-focused.
Every aspect of our lives contribute to our overall wellbeing; our relationships with friends and family, how we feel about our job, the thoughts we hold about ourselves etc.
My intention is to consider each client holistically; neither focusing exclusively on physical/medical problems nor emotional/mental issues.
5. Treat whole systems.
Dawson states `When we affect any part of an energy system, we affect the whole.’ I liken this to a spider web; it is impossible to touch one strand without the vibration moving through the entire structure.
I intend to be a detective and explore client issues from all angles, consider a broad range of strategies/options and continuously review how these affect not only the client, but the effects of the energy system the client is also a part of.
6. Healing before disease.
This principle refers to the concept that `prevention is better than cure’. When people are robust, in balance and resilient, it is more difficult for disease and illness to take up residence.
My intention is to equip my clients with strategies that empower them, not only to manage challenges and symptoms when they occur, but to integrate in their lives as habitual practices that promote ongoing wellness.
7. Magnify the body’s inherent self-healing powers.
Dawson refers to the state of balance that each and every living being is capable of and drawing from internal resources to promote wellbeing. This can occur by highlighting the abilities the client already possesses they may not be using to their full potential and increasing their skill in managing their own health.
I intend to use a solution-focused approach where the client’s existing strengths and successes are utilised in the healing process. My intention is to collaborate with my clients so that they are empowered and responsible for their own health.
8. Stream to appropriate treatment paths.
There isn’t ever only one right approach and rejecting either conventional or alternative medicine may result in a less effective solution/process.
My intention is to ensure I have personal experience with a broad range of both conventional and alternative practitioners that I am able to refer my clients to with confidence where required.
9. Revisioning death.
The story Dawson tells to illustrate that illness and death can be used as a growing, healing and learning experience was timely as I had a funeral to attend the day after reading this. I had not previously considered dying as a healing and this new awareness and my subsequent change of perspective has allowed me a more balanced view and less attachment to the idea that energy therapies are a means to `escape death’.
My intention is to be conscious of any attachment I have (and that my ego has) to `healing clients’ and the belief that success equals perfect health and wellbeing. I will respect the process and trust that `overcoming death’ may not be the optimal ‘outcome’.
10. Understand the global context of healing.
This principle brings into question the impact of current medical practices on our resources and environment, as well as economic considerations.
As EFT is a client-led approach that can be administered by the client themselves, I intend to support the education and empowerment for my clients to learn and practice these techniques so they have access to this outside of my services where appropriate and required.
After considering these principles and how they apply to me in my role as an EFT practitioner, I started to wonder `where to next?’ How can epigenetics change society and future generations?
In the final pages of this book, Dawson potentially answers that question, stating:
`The changes in our bodies produced by consciousness reveal the most potent tool for healing we have ever discovered. To a culture accustomed to looking for solutions “out there,” it seems inconceivable that the answers might lie within. Yet scientific research, the very method we use to study the world “out there,” now boomerangs back at us, pointing us to a much more challenging frontier. It reveals that the world “out there” is influenced by every shift we produce “in here.” The stack of research piles higher every year. It shouts to us that the tools of our own consciousness – faith, prayer, optimism, belief, vision, charity, energy – hold promises of health, longevity, and peak performance that the interventions “out there” are hard pressed to match.’
In short, the answer lies within.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melodi riss
This is an exciting book about epigenetics - the control of genes outside the cell -, and can be read in conjunction with Candace Pert's "Molecules of emotion" or Bruce Lipton's "Biology of Belief".

Finally, modern scientific research is confirming what many of us have known for some time, that genes do not control our destiny, but that our consciousness - meditation, prayer, "social goodwill" - and lifestyle are what in the last resort determine our state of health.

This is wonderful news for all of us. We ourselves are back in control.

The book contains a useful chapter on energy psychology, i.e. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and the like. This chapter has convinced me to give EFT another chance. I was also introduced to TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique), which is a very simple technique akin to EFT.

The author urges us to take charge of our lives, also by consulting complementary or alternative therapists if the need arises, and only resorting to traditional medicine and surgery if all else fails, except of course in emergency situations.

Though a few of the preliminary chapters are somewhat difficult owing to their scientific content, I would highly recommend this book to every thinking human being. I for one will be looking out for other books by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Are you interested in knowing more about your ability to heal yourself? Then you might enjoy reading through "Genie in your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention" by Dawson Church.

Using hundreds of studies to support his work, in addition to several real-life examples, Church explains your body's ability to control the expression of DNA strands. Faith, emotions, intentions, and beliefs are all part of this emerging field of science that indicates we have more control over our body than we might realize.

It is this book's claim that, "...by taking control of our consciousness and using it to influence our genetic expression, we can sometimes bypass years of therapy, as well as harmful drugs and invasive surgeries, to, in effect, do continuous genetic engineering on our own bodies. This can produce both immediate relief from long-standing anxieties and neuroses, as well as "miraculous" healing of persistent physical conditions, especially autoimmune diseases."

I have to admit I approached the book with a healthy dose of skepticism. It sounded very New Age to me. After spending many hours reading "The Genie in Your Genes", I'm convinced that this is an area of science that needs additional exploration. The overwhelming evidence not only validates what the author states, but his in-depth look into topics such as: how your body reads your mind, beliefs and biochemistry, types of genes, electrical medicine and the use of energy medicine in hospitals leaves the reader unable to deny how important Epigenetic Medicine could be to our overall health.

What I was very impressed by was the discussion on the importance of faith and prayer, and the abilities of healers, something not always discussed in relation to science. There is also the citing of real-life examples where medical miracles have been performed without surgery or medicine of any kind.

The one challenge I experienced while reading "The Genie in Your Genes" is that there are so many studies cited and so much information provided, that not only can it read like a textbook in sections, it can become overwhelming. The first two chapters flowed smoothly along, but after that there is a wealth of medical information that draws the author away from the more conversational tone that allowed the book to flow so easily in the beginning. It does return to that easy flow toward the end, but it made for some dificult reading in the middle.

This book wraps up with an explanation of the Ten Principles of Epigentic Medicine and Practices of Epigenetic Medicine. It also has three appendices, which include a an EFT Basic Recipe to get you started, a Five Minute Energy Routine, and information on Church's nonprofit organization, the Soul Medicine Institute.

This is an interesting and inspiring book! No wonder it won the Best Health Book Award from USA Book News.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne claire
I was delighted to see such a comprehensive, informative and enlightening approach to energy medicine.
As an acupuncturist and herbalist I know that energy medicine and holistic care need to be integrated into Western medicine to resolve our health crisis. Drugs, stress, toxic environments and foods are ruining us. Western medicine only offers to mask the symptoms and by default the health of our society worsens decade to decade.
No one explains energy medicine better!! His thorough, yet easy to understand chapters' discuss the mechanisms and how to's of several protocols. I am not a rocket scientist so I was happy that I could easily follow and understand some of the more complex theories.
This book not only discusses the A-Z's of energy medicine but gives history, research and how to's.
It is stacked with scientific proof and experiments that amazed me.
I liked that the chapters were broken out clearly and concisely. It gave me a clear understanding of how these modalities started, how they are used and what there potential could be to improve patient health care.
This book is a great reference and informational resource for anyone dissatisfied with their current state of emotional or physical health.

It is a great tool for western physicians, health care workers, alternative practitioners, and the public. The references and index section are extraordinary.
I can't count the number of dog eared pages I have. Pages I want to go back to re-read, to draw from and to share with others. I learned a lot personally and professionally. Teachings that I want to share with family, other professionals, and patients.
This is a very meaningful work that can not only change minds, but changes lives.

This was a complimentary review copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patricia carroll
Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (4/07)

The first thought that came to mind after reading "The Genie in Your Genes," was the word "Inspiring." It seems like so much that I read today says that our genes determine everything. If this were true, it can be seen as a guarantee for cancer for people who have cancer in their families. It is refreshing to learn that in spite of my genes, I can still play a role in determining the outcome of my health.

"The Genie in Your Genes," discusses a variety of ways in which we can use our special link between mind and body to maintain our health. It reminds us of the importance of maintaining our emotional health so that we can stay physically healthy. If stress and negative thoughts can have an effect on our health, then it makes sense that positive, "...tools of our consciousness-including our beliefs, prayers, thoughts, intentions, and faith - often correlate much more strongly with our health, longevity, and happiness then our genes do."

I really like this idea, because it puts me in the driver's seat of determining my health. By using the techniques recommended from energy medicine and Energy Psychology, certain chronic health conditions, autoimmune conditions, and psychological traumas can be reversed. It is important to note that the author was very clear about certain health crises needing immediate medical attention. He does not recommend that you try to positively think your way out of appendicitis!

Having a healthy lifestyle by doing things like exercising, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, abstaining from smoking and excess alcohol are also factors that can prolong our lives. Church discusses, to great length, the idea of healing coming from outside the control of the gene. This is referred to as epigenetics. He says that, "...invisible factors of consciousness and intention - such as our beliefs, feelings, prayers, and attitudes - play an important role in the epigenetic control of genes."

"The Genie in Your Genes," is not a fast read. It is a book that covers a complex subject, yet it is written in a way that makes the topic clear to understand. It is well researched, well referenced and at the end is an appendix that gives you further information on how to find a practitioner and some exercises that you can do on your own. Church does not leave you hanging with the feeling that while this is a great topic, you will have no idea how to proceed. He tells you.

I think that this book should be read by practitioners of medicine, alternative therapists, science students and people who have psychological stress or chronic health problems believed to be caused by genetic defaults. "The Genie in Your Genes" will open your eyes and give you hope that you can control your life.

Book received free of charge.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been using Energy Psychology in my counseling practice daily for the past 11 years. Until now, I've had to ask clients to "take my word for it" that these techniques could bring about profound change. Of course, once a client actually experiences the power of these interventions, they become "believers." Still, helping psychological pain disappear by tapping with one's fingers one one's body is such a bizarre-looking form of treatment that therapists and users alike drift in and out of belief, often feeling silly for even trying these techniques. This sense of ridiculousness can cause people to refrain from using this form of healing on their own. As a result, there is so much UNTAPPED potential! However, Dawson Church's scientific explanation of the physical changes that occur with mind-based interventions is so convincing that it is certain to provide the support that anyone needs. Understanding that there is science rather than witchcraft behind the methods can help so many people. It will empower them to try the techniques and it will empower them to stay with them. I am so grateful to Dr. Church for providing this resource to all of us.
Sarah Chana Radcliffe, author, Raise Your Kids without Raising Your Voice
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
celine y
Dawson Church's new book, "The Genie in Your Genes," is going to be a huge best-seller, changing for the better tens of thousands of lives. It's all in the book! It reads well. It's logical, intuitive and overwhelming. It is a triumph of deduction and reasoning, linking together science, genetics, behavior, moods, electromagnetic physiology, belief, consciousness, and how to use this knowledge to achieve peace, happiness and success.

Dawson's logic and scientific command are relentless. And they beautifully extrapolate into an explanation of the effects of thought, attitude, emotions and their outcome. His book is a clear map to understanding a path to well-being. We may have genetically inescapable blue eyes, but we can voluntarily decide whether we are going to smile or frown with those eyes, and the consequences of that behavior will affect us and effect change. As an orthopedic surgeon schooled in anatomy and surgical approach and reconstruction, I cannot explain, for example, the 1000 year ancient "science" of accupuncture and the stimulation of healing energies. But I have seen its physical manifestations. My patients will occasionally ask if I will pray with them before an operation, and I readily do. And I also ask them to imagine themselves later, healed and happy, walking and doing what they would love to do. With success! Now Dawson Church has found a way to explain and quantify this experience.

So Dawson Church has accomplished his own miracle, defining for everyone what is in ourselves and how we can harness it for our own and others greater good. Bravo!

Pierce Scranton
author, Death on the Learning Curve
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erika hayasaki
I love the scientific studies in this book which examine the existence of ties between the mind and body! I read this book in 2 days--it was so fascinating! Prior to reading this book I had studied a variety of the energy therapies and other topics discussed in this book, but it was great to have so much of the related research put into one volume. Whether you are also ready into energy therapies, just investigating the mind-body connection, or are skeptical of it all, this is a must-have book for your library. It is one of the best (most thorough) on these topics I have read, and the resources contained within are worth knowing about. Science is finally catching up with experience!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clara jorrey
In The Genie in Your Genes, Dawson thoroughly explores the latest research in Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology, fields in which he has done extensive research. Focusing on epigenetics, which is the study of how gene expression is influenced by one's environment, Dawson greatly expands on the ideas of best-selling author Bruce Lipton (The Biology of Belief).

I believe that The Genie in Your Genes is an important book, providing additional evidence for the thesis (which I explore in some detail in my book Drunk with Wonder: Awakening to the God Within), that how our genes express (the hormones and other proteins they cause to be created) is profoundly impacted by our environment. In other words, the choices we make about our lives (our thoughts; the emotions we allow ourselves to feel and, even more importantly, the one's we don't; our friends; whether we watch TV, and if we do, what we watch; in short, all of our lifestyle choices) actually impact what our genes call forth. If we make choices that create stressful experiences, we create heart attacks, stroke, cancer and other maladies. If we make healthy, nurturing choices, our lives can truly be filled with wonder and joy.

Dawson not only discusses the emerging science of epigenetics with skill and voluminous research, he also presents the latest information on the exciting fields of energy medicine and energy psychology. This is paradigm-changing material, and I urge you to read The Genie in Your Genes as soon as you can.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am an EFT practitioner and have people travel from around the world to our retreat in Sedona. Most have never heard of EFT but after being introduced find answers they have searched years to find within themselves. Genie in your genes does an awesome job of explaining how EFT and other energy healing techniques work. Just as hard as explaining how the electricity travels to your outlets in your house, how energy travels through our body is a mystery to most. I have been teaching Reiki and energy healing for over twenty years, and this is one of the best books for explaining energy and quantum healing avaialble. Read it with an open mind and find the mystery to heal your life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dawson Church's book is easily accessible for both lay persons and professionals in its clear exposition of the principles of genetic expression and/or suppression. This is a hopeful book for all who seek to understand how our thoughts and actions directly impact our cellular structures and expression of genetic material. Healthy living and aging are linked to our conscious choices with a wide range of research and publication references. I recommend this book, especially to baby boomers who seek documentation of the impact of their choices on body, mind and spirit in the second half of life.--Dr. Dorothea Hover-Kramer, author of "Second Chance at Your Dream"
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jon farmelo
Title: The Genie in your Genes
Author: Dawson Church
Publisher: Energy Physiology Press
Publication date: April 5, 2009
The Genie in your Genes is a book about epigenetics, which means control of genes from outside the cell. This book shows how each person's lifestyle and beliefs impact their genes, rather than the other way around. Dawson Church focuses on the study of energy psychology and energy medicine; both are epigenetic medical therapies. This book shows the connection between our mind and body. It covers everything from placebos to energy psychology to belief therapy. Dawson Church explains each method and then shares one of the multiple studies of a patient who overcomes a health related issue using that particular method. The Genie in your Genes is not only an inspiring book, but is also quite religious. Church mentions multiple times how prayer, beliefs, and spirituality can make a huge impact on one's health. The point of the Genie in your Genes is to inform everyone that genetics do not determine your faith, you do.
A main study of the Genie in your Genes was the connection between ones beliefs and their health. One study was done with HIV patients over a few years to measure the quantity of AIDS virus in the patient's blood. The doctor can measure this by how many helper T cells are in the blood. The study had shown that the patients who believed in a punishing God had the helper T cells "decline more than twice the rate of those who don't see God as judgmental," causing the virus to increase three times faster. Dr. Ironson sum ups by saying that if you believe God loves you, you have an enormous protective factor.
One study in the book that really stuck out to me was about the use of visualizations to help patients cope with cancer. A woman named Nancy had been diagnosed with uterine cancer and it was terminal. Nancy would not take any medication or therapy. She said, "My body created this condition, so it has the power to uncreate it too!" Nancy quit her job and began exercising. She spent many hours lying in her bath tub. She began to visualize tiny stars floating throughout her body, and when they came across a cancer cell, the star would puncture the cell and kill it. Nancy continued to eat healthy, exercise, and visualize the stars killing her cancer cells. Three months after visualizing, Nancy went back to her doctor and all the cancer was completely gone. Even after being cancer free Nancy would still visualize the stars in her body, protecting her. She lived many years with excellent health.
Another significant study in Church's book has to do with magnetic fields and electricity and their effects on everyday objects, such as water. When water is exposed to magnetic fields it reduces hydrogen bonding along with other changes in its molecular structure. The same changes happened to the water when a healer performed one of their techniques on it, called the laying on of hands. The water that was touched by the healer, than given to plant seeds, grew much faster and larger than the seeds that did not get water from the healer. They also tested seeds that got water from patients that were being treated with psychotic depression. These plant seeds grew slowly, if they did sprout at all. There are also other studies of magnetic fields and electricity that had to do with the heart and cancer.
One common study that is being done today is with the placebo effect. There was an experiment done with patients who have been having knee problems. They made three groups. One group had fluid injected into the knee to help joint movement. The second group had surgery where they scraped any excess cartilage off the joints. The third group had the placebo, not fake medication, but fake surgery. Each of the patients in the third group was told they were having surgery. They were prepped for surgery and given anesthetic. Instead of actually having the surgery, they simply made cuts just like if they had the surgery and stitched them up. The patients in the third group reported to have increased movement in their knee. One man even reported that he could now run, where before the "surgery" he could barely walk.
Before reading the Genie in your Genes I expected to be bored with only scientific facts, but I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed reading this book. This book is filled with stories and facts that appeal to the reader. It is very inspirational. It explains how being positive and having faith can really help your health. I never really thought about how much your mood and emotions can impact your health. I would recommend this book to anyone who is going through a tough time with disease or know someone who is having a hard time dealing with their health.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dawson Church has written the first comprehensive book on epigenetics. Aimed at the informed public and broad minded health professionals alike,The Genie in Your Genes succeeds on many levels, and paves the way for a healthcare system that supports people taking full responsibility for their healing. The author explores the essential ingredients of this new science - compassionate intent and self love - teaching us how we can create an environment wherein our inherited and conditioned traits no longer take hold. And no longer need we be 'slaves' to our genes, or disempowered by the complexities of molecular biology. Dawson envisages a health care system that adopts these principles at the 'coal face'- something in my experience that is long overdue.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Dawson Church, The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetics and the New Biology of Intention (Energy Psychology Press, 2007)

I really wanted to like Dawson Church's The Genie in Your Genes. Church has some very interesting ideas here, though he sometimes goes off the deep end with them (probably the book's biggest flaw, but then it's perhaps better to err on the side of overreaching with a book like this); his problem is the way in which he relates them.

The Genie in Your Genes is an attempt to take ancient modalities of health care and make them new, as a growing body of scientific research is validating things that Asian health care practitioners have known for thousands of years. This certainly isn't the first time such a thing has been tried (the books of Norman Cousins, especially Head First, are an excellent example of the subgenre), but Church backs up his assertions with papers and studies that previous authors working in the field didn't previously have. He also focuses more on the electromagnetic "aura", for lack of a better term, than any other author I've read on the subject, and links electromagnetism to the Chinese idea of qi (or chi, as most know it these days). Interesting stuff, and well worth looking into.

However, the information is not delivered in a compelling way at all. The book doesn't read like a textbook, really, but there are a number of times where it put me in such a mind. And as much as I hate to say it, who wants to read a textbook for pleasure (or information-gathering, for that matter)? It's almost like an information dump, with all thought given to the information and none to how to best convey it.

Still, this is not to say that this isn't a book worth reading, especially for those with chronic health problems that haven't been helped by traditional medicine. Church envisages a world where traditional medicine is a final recourse, rather than a first recourse, for the sick, and I'm certainly not going to argue that he's not onto something with this idea. I just wish he'd put it all better. ** ½
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin twilliger
The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention

In The Genie in Your Genes Dawson Church, Ph.D., founder of Elite Publishing, eloquently explains the genius built into the 'texture' of our semi-conductive cells and genes, a smart technology, which allows 'learning while experiencing' by using cellular memory to store information for intelligent use later on.

This smart technology couples with DNA's inherent intelligence gained through evolution, to effectively and subtly replace human instinct with intuition as a higher form of being, if we'd only 'let this be.'

In the meantime, moment-by-moment, we evolve through epigenetics, a type of genetic expression found in unexpected phenotypes or physical biology. This represents the divine nature or genius within DNA, operating beyond three-dimensional time and separation, cause and effect paradigms.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Dawson Church, The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetics and the New Biology of Intention (Energy Psychology Press, 2007)

I really wanted to like Dawson Church's The Genie in Your Genes. Church has some very interesting ideas here, though he sometimes goes off the deep end with them (probably the book's biggest flaw, but then it's perhaps better to err on the side of overreaching with a book like this); his problem is the way in which he relates them.

The Genie in Your Genes is an attempt to take ancient modalities of health care and make them new, as a growing body of scientific research is validating things that Asian health care practitioners have known for thousands of years. This certainly isn't the first time such a thing has been tried (the books of Norman Cousins, especially Head First, are an excellent example of the subgenre), but Church backs up his assertions with papers and studies that previous authors working in the field didn't previously have. He also focuses more on the electromagnetic "aura", for lack of a better term, than any other author I've read on the subject, and links electromagnetism to the Chinese idea of qi (or chi, as most know it these days). Interesting stuff, and well worth looking into.

However, the information is not delivered in a compelling way at all. The book doesn't read like a textbook, really, but there are a number of times where it put me in such a mind. And as much as I hate to say it, who wants to read a textbook for pleasure (or information-gathering, for that matter)? It's almost like an information dump, with all thought given to the information and none to how to best convey it.

Still, this is not to say that this isn't a book worth reading, especially for those with chronic health problems that haven't been helped by traditional medicine. Church envisages a world where traditional medicine is a final recourse, rather than a first recourse, for the sick, and I'm certainly not going to argue that he's not onto something with this idea. I just wish he'd put it all better. ** ½
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention

In The Genie in Your Genes Dawson Church, Ph.D., founder of Elite Publishing, eloquently explains the genius built into the 'texture' of our semi-conductive cells and genes, a smart technology, which allows 'learning while experiencing' by using cellular memory to store information for intelligent use later on.

This smart technology couples with DNA's inherent intelligence gained through evolution, to effectively and subtly replace human instinct with intuition as a higher form of being, if we'd only 'let this be.'

In the meantime, moment-by-moment, we evolve through epigenetics, a type of genetic expression found in unexpected phenotypes or physical biology. This represents the divine nature or genius within DNA, operating beyond three-dimensional time and separation, cause and effect paradigms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well The Biology of Belief, Genie in Your Genes and The Human Antenna must be read as one book. People who think this book is not good enough shall pay a little more and buy the other two that i mentioned and they will be delighted. Read my review of The Great Field as well. This is a master piece in the genre of Epigenetics along with others that i mentioned. Money well invested. I enjoyed every minute of it :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Church gives an amazing overview of the science behind healing in a truly empowering way. Every page is packed with insight into the human process. Healing and happiness are both within our reach, and in fact even more so than we may have ever thought possible! I recommend this book to anyone who wants to not only understand their physical, mental and emotional patterns, but also to take control of them! You will not be disappointed with this purchase! Also recommended: QUANTUM SUCCESS by Sandra Anne Taylor - another very valuable read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve sarner
In this book, Dawson Church provides an integrative, easy-to-read, and captivating scientific foundation for Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine. The emphasis is epigenetics, which is consistent with the realization that your genes are turned on and transformed by the environment and your beliefs. And limiting and unhealthy beliefs can be transformed via methods such as Energy Psychology. The Genie in Your Genes is on my list of required and inspiring readings for all health and mental health professionals and really anyone who is passionately drawn to what we're about and what works. --Fred P. Gallo, PhD, Author of "Energy Tapping," "Energy Tapping for Trauma: Rapid Relief from Post-Traumatic Stress Using Energy Psychology," and "Energy Psychology: Explorations at the Interface of Energy, Cognition, Behavior, and Health, Second Edition (Innovations in Psychology)."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bryan hartney
This book anticipates an important trend in health care and self-development, and it articulates it beautifully, drawing from a broad range of developments to support its vision.

Its tone is that of a science writer rather than a scientist, and I learned a great deal from its many clear, concrete examples.

The book takes the reader on a quantum leap into cutting edge science and shows how medicine and health care will be transformed in the next decade. Dawson Church has mined the most revolutionary findings from diverse fields of science and practice and brilliantly synthesized them into a clearly-written manifesto for the enlightened care of the human body, mind, and community.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An excellent book that should be read by many very soon. There is so much knowledge that is not being recognised or utilised.Why pay a health professional when you can do so much yourself to keep well?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolyn jane
For those millions of people who want to help themselves and others to be healthy, both physically and mentally. For those millions of people who want to be in control of their own health. For those millions of people who need to know WHY these simple processes work. Absolutely the best, clearest, truest explanation I've seen. Highly recommend this book for every home, business, medical office, school in the world.The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention, M. Fink
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
olsy vinoli arnof
After hearing Dr. Bruce Lipton speak, introduced by Dawson Church (the author of this book), I was excited about the concept of thoughts influencing our genes. I wanted to learn more, but this book fell flat. Unfortunately, it offered little new information, contained way too many typos, and a lot of needless repetition. However, it is a good introduction to the whole idea of "the biology of belief" for those who don't want to wade through the scientific jargon in Dr. Lipton's excellent book of that title.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martin purvins
What an amazing book... if you thought that everything is set and done with your genes, you're wrong... YOU can change everything... In some parts the book is a little "nerdy" with a lot of physiology that may be hard if you don't know how the body works its chemicals, but just read through it, even if you don't understand, you will see the big picture, and it's a nice one... made me laugh and wonder.... :0)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
russell irving

This informative, well written book gives cutting-edge information about the "new medicine" (how your emotions effect your health), which is my specialty in my practice. It is also written in a flowing, easy to read and interesting manner, which the average reader will appreciate and get the most out of.

I enjoyed it immensely.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bethany rudd
This is an excellent book that is extremely well written and easy to understand but at the same time gives you a technical understanding of how the mind and body really work together. If you want to understand the relationship between the mind and body and how your thoughts and actions determine your health and happiness then this is the book you need to read and keep as a reference.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill giles
Once in a great while, an expansive book traces the connections between seemingly disconnected fields of science to produce a brilliant new synthesis. This work, linking genetics, electromagnetism, medicine and social change, is a monumental feat of scholarship and imagination, and provides a fascinating glimpse of the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. It points the way to a radical leap in our understanding of healing--and indeed the nature of human beings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dr m
Facinating reading with powerful treatment possibilities for health care practioners, as well as revolutionary philosophical implications for the causal interrelationships among genes, the brain, consciousness, and healing. Highly recommmended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edna henke
This book by Dawson Church is so interesting & informative. It explains very clearly how our thoughts have a major impact on our genes and how we can influence our physical and mental health in a positive way.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mark marchetti
This is a wonderful book, especially if you are looking for an entirely new thought process for dealing with your best companion, your own body. This book is very empowering when the traditional healing methods are not quite enough; or as an additional form of assistance. The mind is a wonder.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
will camp
I'm an Obstetrician-Gynecologist with a serious interest in Genetics and Epigenetics. This book has nothing to do with the study of either. This is pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo and hocus pocus at its worst. I will be keeping this book on my shelf to show my children an example of the sort of pseudo-scientific nonsense swallowed by the gullible. Pretty ballsy of the author to sprout this sort of rubbish and put his name on it. Don't bother. Save your money and time.
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