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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
donny shove
I applaud Alison A Armstrong for having gone to the places she has gone! Had she not, she could not imbued this book, and her others, with the profound wisdom all of so desperately need so we can love and be loved. Nor could she have imbued this book with the non-ordinary energies that change the reader in positive ways. I have been changed by this book and Alison. I am deeply grateful. Reading Alison is a boon to your life!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just one of the concepts Alison speaks if in this book is worth the price paid, yet there are many gems.

After months of feeling dejected because my boyfriend said he 'cared' for me when I wanted him to say he loved me, I read that section of this book. He and I discussed whether what Alison said was true for him, and since it is, it has meaningfully changed how I perceive the relationship.

My boyfriend asked (and wanted to know) what else the book said. It led to a fabulous discussion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kamas kirian
Thanks to this little book I've taken the courses and can not say enough about how thankful I am for changing my relationship with my son and other men in my life. Not to mention i got to know myself and other women better. Best therapy I've ever had! I am extremely happy now :)
The Velvet Room :: The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder (2009-07-07) :: Very Bad Things ( Briarwood Academy Book 1) :: Home Tears :: A History Based Conspiracy Thriller - Stone of Destiny
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a must-read for girls thinking about marriage and wives who are having problems in marriage.
This book will help you understand men as men, and not as "hairy women".
Cheat yourself if you must! Go read some other book!

Making Sense of Men: A Woman's Guide to a Lifetime of Love, Care and Attention from All Men
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam shaneybrook
My title pretty much says it all. This book really hits right on the head difficulties between men and women ... with total accuracy on key topics and solutions. Without repetitive advice, the points are made clear and precise. Following the author's suggestions will accomplish much for women in all relationships as it has for me (and I am married). Only small issue I had with this short book was boxed promotions of the author's programs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lucas worland
Truly fascinating how our use of language is so very different. Many interesting ideas on this book which illuminates how women can utilize their nature to create positive connection instead of unknowingly driving their partner away. Our very natures create a big disconnect that can be fatal to true connection. Read and learn how you're doing it all wrong and how to fix it!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kim foster
This author spends more time giving an intro of her search and amazement of her discovery/research rather than elaborating more details or giving examples on the steps or advice in the book. Not to mention in my opinion, this book is overpriced for what it is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book details relationship insights that help women and men understand the factors in selecting mates, understanding the language that is used and what that means in male/female minds and hearts. Important for people who want a deeper relationship with spouse and prospective mate.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
snehil singh
A simplistic and black-and-white understanding of men and women - for simplistic, black-and-white men and women. Not only is it dumbly black and white, but it is false information that furthermore invalidates women. Bad woman.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is ridiculous. I felt like I was reading the journal of a high school freshmen. Any useful advice you can get for free from podcasts where the author is interviewed. If you are looking for insight into men, you would have better luck asking drunken fraternity guys to talk about their feelings at a bar on Saturday night.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I am beyond disappointed. I read the whole book in less than an hour and did not learn anything, except all of the wonderful seminars that I can attend. If there were any possible way to get a refund I would. Don't waste your money.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I felt compelled to review this book because so many people seemed so harsh about it.
Yes it is a quick read but I think that was actually helpful to me. This subject is a deep one and the author seems to have identified what was MOST critical and highlighted only that.

The style is up front and helpful, which to me meant I could digest and use the information to improve my own relationship rather than picking through the 80% of fluff most books provide.

This is an ownership manual which tells which buttons to push to get your man feeling strong and providing your you, rather than chasing you for physical reasons.

It teaches how to make him fall in love, where most material only teaches you how to make him fall in lust.

This to me was worth the purchase. I want a long lasting sense of fulfillment and getting what I need from him.

This book offered practical ways to get that.

I like this structure much more than the fake world of Claudia the relationship guru.

If you want practical answers get this.

If you want a romantic story sympathizing with your feelings, get Alison's other books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If your relationships go bad, this is the best book to start reading. It is short and right on target. Once you understand the difference between how men and women think, your feelings won't get hurt so often and you will stay happy and confident in your dating life.

I have been married for 30 years. I can promise, this is the real deal. I have given it to my daughters friends and it has been wonderful. It doesn't tell you how to change yourself, you don't need to change. It doesn't tell you how to change the men in your life, they don't need to change. It tells you how to hear what a man means when he says things. And how to accept their love and attention which you might have been misinterpreting. Then how to express your appreciation In ways they will understand.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
rachel ebuh
I had listened to the free podcasts on the author's site and thought they were interesting, so I ordered the book. When it came, I too was shocked at how short it was, how LARGE the font of the text was, and was instantly dismayed to read the EXACT same information she gives out for free on her site. Same stories, same examples, nothing new, nothing elaborated. Of course, she also pitches all of her other "books" and seminars. What a disappointment. Either she's being stingy, or else she is just milking the small amount of content she has for all (and more than) it's worth. A shame. I was going to recommend her to my friends. Now I'll just tell them not to bother paying for anything she sells.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For those people who hate to take notes at seminars/workshops? This book is for you!! It's everything in the Free Introductory Seminar and MORE; exactly what I was promised, and economical enough that I could afford to gift it to others. Mine is dog-eared; I refer back to it frequently and the information has changed my relationship with all the men in my life. It's precisely the Guide it purports itself to be and I have been happily guided to seek more information. We have all heard of the Horse Whisperer; I'm convinced that Alison is the Man Whisperer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having attended Alison's seminars I agree the book is short but it is NOT a teaser. It provides the same information she gives at her workshops, albeit in a more concise manner. Her workshops have exercises as well to help you clear issues and move forward and gain an appreciation for the male species as well as yourself. I just finished this book and can say that everything in this book was covered in her workshop. In fact, I dare say that its better than the notes I scurried to take because there is so much that is covered. No, her workshops are not cheap but if you buy a package deal you get them for around $200 and they are well worth it. I was one of the skeptics and resisted when my friend suggested I attend. I figured, why do i need to pay all this money to learn about 'men'..I know about men already. Boy was i wrong. This book is worth the price. Anyone that says otherwise has not attended one of the workshops and does not understand the huge transformation. If you dont want to invest in the workshops, her books and cds are just as good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very insightful and to the point insight into the fundamental roadblocks that make relationships between men and women difficult and confusing.

I would recommend this book to men and women that are open to changing their relationship with the other sex for the better. This book provides the first step towards changing your attitude and fundamental beliefs and gives you a good starting point for further investigations.

I discovered Alison's work a couple of weeks ago and upon reading the first book a new world opened up to me. I have been compelled to check out every bit of information she has published so far and to date I have not been disappointed. Within a few short weeks Alison's wisdom has made a tremendous difference in my life in relation to my partner, my brothers, my dad and my co-workers. I am very grateful and have gotten rid of a lot of misguided relationship advice since. I am convinced that I will never look back.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catie miller
Very helpful book. Learned a lot! This woman can translate what men say in a way that is easier for women to understand. I would recommend this book to any woman who wants to understand her man better.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
amer salameh
I was disappointed with this small book. I have listened to Allison's tapes and truly enjoyed and gotten alot out of them. This book seemed like it was written to get people to take her seminars. I was looking for much more depth and insight from this author...which I believe she has.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love listening to Alison Armstrong on Dennis Prager's Male/Female hour. I ordered the book after her last guest spot.
Maybe the reason the book is only 60+ pages is that men aren't that complicated... women are.
The points she makes are constructive and simplify the masculine mystic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dogukan berk
If you have ever been frustrated or confused by men, read this book! Before learning the information in this book I felt hopeless about my relationships with men. After reading this book and learning about how men respond to women I realized that I can inspire the behavior that I want and need from men. If this book can help me it can help anyone. It is a funny, quick-read that's filled with useful insights and information. Alison Armstrong has cracked the code and figured men out. If you have teenage daughters please consider allowing them to read this book. They will learn about the kind of attraction that gets men's attention vs. the kind that gets their affection. Having this information could save them years of heartache and instead create an opportunity for them to have fulfilling, satisfying relationships with men for the rest of their lives. This is essential reading for all women. Enjoy! Making Sense of Men: A Woman's Guide to a Lifetime of Love, Care and Attention from All Men
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stefanie price
Her other books (2 noted below) are more compresensive, detailed, and have helped so many people--This tiny book is a great, short, practical intro. Was hoping to find a bunch 1$ copies here at the store to pass along, but, they're in demand. I just completed their core seminar and it was the most powerful and most valuable weekend I've ever spent. Most of the other women there--of all ages races and backgrounds--agree. The panel of men who came for a Q&A at the end confirmed it all--and we wouldn't have heard them but for our new training on how to listen to men! I'd cut out a weekend vacation,a year's supply of whatnots, or any other seminar for this kind of much-needed practical result any day. My life and the lives of the men (at work and home) around me have already become much more appreciative, cooperative and powerful. I hope you don't miss out on what an impact this can have on you, the men and women around you, and the world--which is made up of men and women who train (spend thousand$) in an attempt to communicate powerfully, yet too often end up repeatedly scraping each other right in the--Ouch! In my opinion, if you want to bring the best out in a man (or even your male little kids), and learn how to not interrupt, so he can bring the best out in you, (or want the same for the women in your life) this is the best place to start. Read this tiny gem of a book! The Amazing Development of Men: How Men Change from Birth to Seniority and the Most Common Mistakes to AvoidKeys to the Kingdom
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ali m
This book has unlocked so many untold mysteries enshrouded around men. It has greatly improved not only my understanding of them but also how I can better communicate and interact with them. What a gem this has been in my own personal relationships with my husband, father, brother, co-workers and students. I HIGHLY recommend this book to both men and women alike.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sergio amira
This is an easy to read and informative book. Alison Armstrong is charming and gives us a look at how women can understand and relate to men on their level. Would recommend this book highly as well as other Alison Armstrong products.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rhona gerber
The author delivers a wealth of knowledge and insight in an easy and quick read. If you are interested in understanding men and improving or enhancing your relationship then...women...this is the book for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading Keys To The Kingdom, I ordered everything I could get my hands on by Alison and I keep being drawn to re-read (or re-listen) to every one of them. Making sense of Men helped me to understand myself and my reactions to my partner so much more and exposed some ridiculous beliefs that really didn't help me at all. I have found myself wanting to apologise for all the times I inadvertently ignored or disrespected the men in my life ... while it was too late to tell my father, I am making up for it tenfold with as many men I come in contact with ... and it empowers and strengthens us all. Thank God for this work. It is greatly appreciated and has enhanced my life immensely.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anthony renfro
Short book which tells what is not important and what is important in relationships. You want a deeper attraction than just lust, but charmed and enchanted which has to do with personality/being yourself/having passion/purpose etc. If you get quiet when you like someone you stop being yourself so attract is lost. The book has expert important ideas in it, but very brief.
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