STILL JADED (Jaded Series Book 2)


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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margaret ana
This book turned my stomach into knots, and I honestly felt a terrible panicky feeling in my chest while reading it. This series is like a sick addiction, one I just can't get enough of even though half the time I want to scream and yell and throw a few things around the room. These characters infuriate me but I'm obsessing over them. It is like the most extreme car-crash TV multiplied ten-fold with an extra dollop of highly-emotive angsty drama on top. These characters have few redeeming qualities, and they can in no way be described as positive role models, but they are strangely endearing all the same.

I spent the first half of this book feeling sorry for Sheldon, the middle part screaming at Bryce, and the last part scratching my head in utter confusion over the apparent connection between Sheldon and Corrigan. I adore love triangles and this one is frustratingly good. I like that Tijan explores the theme of actually being properly in love with two guys at the same time. And it's not lust or insta-love as these three have been best friends for years. I know some people don't believe it's possible to be in love with two people at the same time, but I think it's credible. Gosh, it cranked the awkwardness level to new heights but I lapped it up. I started to have some sympathy for Bryce toward the end even though he still acted like an ass with that bloody supermodel.

The stalker subplot is good but very much in the background and I'm expecting that to develop in the final book.

I liked seeing a different side to Corrigan and it seems fairly clear that she has already chosen him even if she doesn't realize it. I'm not sure how I feel about that. There was no clue to this connection in the first one so I find it weird that she might love him more than Bryce. If subtle clues had been evident in the first book, it would be more believable. The other issue I had is that all of the time the three of them spent in Barcelona isn't relayed for the reader which is very bizarre because the supposed issues in their relationship arose from that chapter in their lives. We are told bits and pieces but otherwise it was glossed over. It would have made more sense if book two focused on that time and this was book three etc.

Glaring editing errors, some plot holes, and timeline issues grated on my nerves too but there is no way I can rate this less than 5 stars. Any book that ties me into so many knots and has me up half the night thinking about the characters and the plot is worthy of top marks. Dying to see how this series closes out now!

My recommendation comes with a health warning - only for those who enjoy high-stakes drama, despicable characters with little moral compass, and angsty emotional romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesse wolfe 5199
Emotional roller coaster happening right here people.
WTH is going on?! These three besties are having problems. Major problems.
Bryce and Sheldon belong together. There is no If And or Buts about it. So let’s just stop this love triangle thingy before it gets out of hand. LOL!
The drama is back with a Bang!
I’m seeing a whole new side to Corrigan, I love and hate it. same with this book. It’s just addicting. You love to hate it and hate to love it. It’s perfect!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book 2 in the jaded series sees Bryce and Corrigan still ruling the school. Sheldon is a little more low key, but still someone's after her. This book has lots of twists and turns that messed with my head. I loved Bryce, I hated Bryce. Sheldon annoyed me, I felt sorry for Sheldon. No one does teenage angst better than Tijan.
Fighter :: Wee William's Woman (The Clan MacDougall) :: The Wild Girl: The Notebooks of Ned Giles, 1932 :: The Real White Queen And Her Rivals - The Women of the Cousins' War :: Kian
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rajnish kumar
I am HIGHLY anticipating book 3. I felt for Sheldon in this book. Her so called "boyfriend" is extremely shady it turns out. Not only is her love life turned upside down, someone else is out for blood. Most importantly I really want to know who will end up winning Sheldons heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love Tijan!!!! That being said I bought this book because I loved Jaded, and B&S, Fallen Crest, and others, however, I made the mistake of reading the reviews and was pretty much given the whole summary of what happens, when it happens, why it happens. So know after reading 5 paragraphs of one persons review the book is ruined for me. I feel like I already know everything that happened, so thank you to the one reviewer who spoiled the whole book for everybody!!!
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