Twilight at Blueberry Barrens (A Sunset Cove Novel)

ByColleen Coble

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
maureen carter
Colleen Coble's books consistently disappoint me. However, I bought this one because of the promised relationship between Kate and Drake's two little girls. Although Colleen has featured children in her books before, this was the first time I had seen two in the same family.

There are things to like about Twilight at Blueberry Barrens, and the biggest is Kate Mason. She's the most well-developed character of the cast, and has a realistic reaction to the conflict of what she's always done vs. where her calling lies. Although she has traversed aplastic anemia, Kate never reads as pathetic, annoying, or a worrywart. Nor is she a walking example of "inspiration porn." She is a real person, which is more than I can say for Drake Newham and the other characters.

I also enjoyed the girls, Emma and Phoebe. In a world full of Madisons and Skylars, even their names are breaths of fresh air. Drake does give them too much latitude at times, but it's understandable considering the girls are orphaned and Drake is a bachelor who's never raised children. For their part, the girls have realistic squabbles or tantrums but don't come across as spoiled brats. I was, however, disappointed that their interests were not delved into. For example, I wanted to see more of Emma's love of books. I wanted to know what intrigued Phoebe besides Disney movies (though to be fair, that's high on the list of most five-year-olds).

Colleen did make a good effort with the suspense in this book. I was never quite sure who really killed Heath and Melissa until the end. However, I knew who Kate's stalker was hundreds of pages before the reveal, which was disappointing. I also felt the other two villains were cardboard. They had no motivations beyond money, and it was never explained why they were so desperate for this *particular* cash flow. Their evil deeds were glossed over or discussed secondhand, so I really didn't care about the stakes once they had our heroes in a tight spot.

Colleen has a bad habit of giving characters way too many issues. I only call her out on that because I have had the same issue and am working to rectify it. But really, let's look at the facts. Kate Mason works the blueberry barrens because her mother expects it, and by the way, her mother was verbally abusive. Fine. Kate has had aplastic anemia and a life-saving transplant. A little melodramatic but I can go with it. Kate also has a stalker, whom she has to worry about while trying to protect two vulnerable children, in whom the stalker is not interested. Whoa, Colleen, you lost me. What is the deal with so much padding? Why are all these issues needed?

Finally, as usual, Colleen tells more than shows. In this book, she also repeated herself. If I had to read "big blue eyes" or "dark curly hair" one more time I was going to scream.

Colleen Coble's blurbs are always engaging. Each of her books have an element or two I can really get behind. But I have taken the bait one too many times. No more Colleen for me, although I am intrigued at the Carrie Stuart Parks preview Blueberry Barrens included. Maybe I'll try her next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lynn plourde
I have read a majority of Colleen Coble's romantic suspense and have enjoyed plenty of hours spent reading these treasures. I have read both books in the A Sunset Cove series, The Inn at Ocean'sEdge and Mermaid Moon. While I enjoyed the second book more than the first one, I really couldn't wait to get around and read Twilight at Blueberry Barren's. Coble knows exactly what a romantic suspense should have and she does exactly that.

A writer knows how to dig deep into the prose and dialogue to make the characters jump off the page. Coble does a good job at that. By listening to the numerous conversations, I felt like I was sitting in the cottages watching all the action and relationships develop.

My favorite aspect of Twilight at Blueberry Barrens was Coble's ability to show more of the budding relationship between Claire, the heroine from The Inn at Ocean's Edge, and Kate, the heroine I couldn't wait to see tell her story. While the mystery kept popping up in the background, it wasn't the main focus of this story. The growing relationship between the twin sisters sparked my interest. While reading The Inn at Ocean's Edge, I really didn't like the character of Claire, but in this book, Coble redeemed her character and made her someone that I could relate to. I really enjoyed seeing Kate and learning more about her.

Kate Mason is a strong woman who loves and pays attention to others, but she has been seriously sick in the past and not have a good family life. Maybe this is why Drake, the hero, is instantly drawn to Kate. Kate takes care of his two nieces and helps mold their family together. Drake is a busy man who is working on his own company, making drones while trying to find his brother and brother's wife's killer, and learning how to raise two little girls. I understand how it is to struggle with so much on my plate that I feel overwhelmed at times, so I believe this will make Drake's character more relatable.

The romance and the plot are intertwine nicely. The romance between Drake and Kate doesn't happen until about fifty-six percent into the book, so it was nice not to see them falling over each other on the first page. I enjoyed seeing Kate and Claire interact in between the mystery and the romance. While the romance and the girl's relationship was nicely written, I had a hard time with the mystery. It seemed almost forced at a number of times. Everything was going along nicely, then Coble would drop in something like a stalker raiding Kate's house again. It just seemed too convenient for me. I didn't feel like I needed to put the book down. I enjoyed the story. I even figured out who the bad guy was the moment he/she was introduced. Totally predictable and not really original.

As a side note, fans of Carrie Stuart Parks' Gwen Marcey and Denise Hunter's Summer Harbor series will enjoy seeing some of those characters jump into this story. I liked seeing them. I enjoyed both of these other side projects.

Filled with romance and a little bit of mystery, Colleen Coble's latest romantic suspense Twilight at Blueberry Barren's felt more like a contemporary romance with a little bit of suspense thrown in. I enjoyed seeing the characters return, but the mystery wasn't the greatest.

I received a complimentary copy of Twilight at Blueberry Barren's from Thomas Nelson Publishing and the opinions stated are all my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Sometimes it takes a while to figure out your own way in the world."

When I first encountered Colleen Coble's Twilight at Blueberry Barrens, the 3rd book in the Sunset Cove series, I was mesmerized by that gorgeous cover. One can definitely stare at that cover for some time. Like the cover, the story of Twilight at Blueberry Barrens has a bit of mistique and poignancy to it. The mystery that surrounds our characters and the danger that not only lurks, but troubles the mind has a way to bring our characters even closer together.

"God has perfectly equipped them to rely on how he created them to survive."

I'm also a fan of the interaction between Kate and the kids. There's a firmness, yet also the true love of wanting the best for these kids.

"Take a firmer hand with them. . . it means you love them enough to train them for living a productive life."

In all, Twilight at the Blueberry Barrens is a page turner with its emphasis on the message of life, past and present, but also what the future may hold, as long as you're willing to take the risk. There's romance, friendship, wisdom, intriguing plot and a setting that visualizes. Not to miss.

Disclaimer: I received a digital ARC of this book from the author/publisher. I was not required to write a positive review, and have not been compensated for this. This is my honest opinion.

Please note, all quotes are taken from ARC (essentially an uncorrected proof). Please do not share quote or if do, please make note that it is taken from an ARC.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bob wooten
I enjoyed this book. My favorite character was probably Drake. He was brave, a bit of a knight in shining armor, always ready to rescue the damsel in distress. He was also intelligent, with a really interesting business. Kate was a pretty good character too, although at times she seemed a bit naive, putting herself in danger because she was trying to be brave and make it on her own. And she was also very outspoken at times, which kind of got on my nerves.

The characters I loved to hate, or maybe just hated were the villain - which I won't reveal, but he was sneaky conniving and a little twisted. Kate's uncle, Paul, was also not the most likable character either, but eventually he did come around a bit and wiggle his way into my good graces.

The plot was suspenseful and I really related to the setting of the Blueberry Barrens since my grandmother was a blueberry farmer. This was the third book in the series but the first one I read, so even though it was easy enough to kind of get the drift on the characters, there was a bit of a back story that I obviously missed. It kind of made me want to go back to the beginning to find out how they ended up at this point in their lives.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good mystery and suspense novel. My recommendation would be to start at the beginning of the series though if you haven't already read those. I enjoyed Colleen Coble as as an author. This is only the second book I have read of hers, but both were extremely well written and captured my attention.

I received a copy of this book courtesy of Thomas Nelson and Fiction Guild to read. I was not required to review it positively and all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
For years now, Kate Mason has grown accustomed to running her family's blueberry farm in Maine but recently the farm just hasn't been producing a profitable amount of fruit. As finances become increasingly tight, Kate is forced to look to other means of income. She gets the idea to renovate a small cottage on her family's property and make it available for summer rentals. During this renovation process, in walks Drake Newham. Drake, with his two nieces in tow, is a visitor to Sunset Cove, looking for a place to stay for awhile. What he doesn't reveal is that he fears there's someone trying to hunt him down, set on hurting him and / or his nieces, so the casual "place to stay" inquiry is really a desperate need for a spot to lay low until he figures out what's going on.

Needing someone to look after his nieces while he investigates, Drake also asks about available nannies. Kate, seeing a potential (much needed) double dose of income, volunteers herself for the job. Over the course of the story, Drake and Kate have a lot of page time together so they reveal quite a bit about their respective backstories. Drake explains that he is the legal guardian of the girls now, as his brother and sister-in-law are dead, a suspected murder-suicide. With the constant sense of being hunted down himself, Drake has his doubts about that. Kate meanwhile has been in recovery from chemo treatments after a diagnosis of aplastic anemia. To make matters even more stressful, her convicted murder uncle has escaped from prison, there's a Peeping Tom / possible stalker of Kate's roaming the island creeping everyone out, and bodies are washing up on the beach just a little too regularly for Kate and her sister Claire, who have already been put through the ringer throughout the course of this series.

I struggle with this series. I am drawn to the setting --- who doesn't love a good mystery set along a New England coastline, right? And the plot ideas are not bad, they definitely stir my curiosity each time, but each time so far whenever I dig into the story, there's something that always seems to land just off the mark for me. In this installment, I think the biggest culprit was the way the plot unfolded --- Drake's brother has ties to a Chinese drug lord?! Kate's uncle in prison because he killed the mother of Claire's (Kate's sister) fiancee ... strenuous tie there btw... because said mother saw him moving a body?! That scene where Kate and Claire are talking out in the yard and Claire just gets nailed by a crossbow bolt outta the blue ... and all this before you're even 85 pages in! -- A lot of ideas flying around, but a noticeable lack of cohesiveness to bring it all together. There was also a sense of a good idea being taken too far (see examples mentioned above) or not fleshed out enough.

The writing here was not Coble's best, IMO. I personally found the characters and the mystery from Sunset Cove #2 a little more engaging. Here, the dialogue often came off a little too scripted, especially with Kate's, making her feel a bit wooden at times to me. But we gotta work in a romance so of course Drake looks past what seems like a pretty cardboard personality to me and comes at her with "no woman has ever intrigued me like this." Poor guy. Kate's tendency to overstep her bounds when it came to caring for the girls got on my nerves as well. I get you're the nanny but you shouldn't get to basically tell the legal guardian "you should shut it and do it my way" multiple times. In real life, you'd likely be fired, not have your employer fall in love with you! But I guess Drake likes himself a dominant kind of lady friend.

There were also way too many people involved in that ending.

Nice to see another cross-over appearance of Gwen Marcey, the investigator from Carrie Stuart Parks' Gwen Marcey mystery series!

Note: This is the third installment of Coble's Sunset Cove series. I have not read the first in the series (Inn at Ocean's Edge), but have read / reviewed the second book. This third book brings back some of the characters from the first book (I checked the synopsis of the first book) -- Claire, Luke (Claire's now fiancee) and Kate -- but can easily be read as an independent story.

FTC Disclaimer: TNZ Fiction Guild kindly provided me with a complimentary copy of this book & requested that I check it out and share my thoughts. The opinions above are entirely my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Twilight at Blueberry Barrens is Colleen Coble's third book in the Sunset Cove series. Although it is the third book it can be read as a stand alone. Having not read the other two in the series, yet, I was expecting a normal romance, boy meets girl, they fall in love, but what I got was so much more!

Kate has had a weird childhood to say the least. Her mother was mean, possibly even abusive, and made Kate earn any scrap of affection she might send her way. After going to prison she leaves Kate in charge of her blueberry barrens. Kate ,of course, feels the family obligation on her shoulders and wants to make the barrens a success. When her barrens refuse to yield a crop, Kate is forced to find another way to make an income for the year. After talking it over with her sister, Claire, she decides to fix up and rent out the cottage on her property.

Drake Newham wasn't prepared for this, having his brother and sister-in-law murdered,leaving him to care for this two nieces. He's trying to come to terms with it, but he just can't believe what the police say, that his brother, Heath, murdered his wife Melissa, then killed himself. It's just not possible! He becomes even more convinced when someone breaks into his house in the middle of the night. Needing to get away and find some answers he heads to Maine to hopefully clear his brother's name and keep the girls safe.

Talk about being in the right place at the right time, Drake shows up needing to rent a place just as Kate is renovating the cottage. He also needs someone to watch his nieces while he tries to work and do a little digging into Heath and Melissa's deaths. He hires Kate, but he's not completely sold on the idea she's the right girl for the job. Especially when he learns her uncle, who was in jail for murder, escapes. Add in the fact there's an illusive stalker/killer in town and you have all the makings of an epic adventure!

I was pleasantly surprised by Colleen Coble's ability to keep me guessing until the end. Usually, I'm able to figure out who did what by the middle of the book, but not this time. There were too many viable options and she didn't tip her hand until the very end! I'm also glad that even will all the drama and intrigue that the story still had a happy ending.

Kate despite her tumultuous upbringing has grown into a woman of faith. She is strong, loyal and a role model that people can look up to. She's overcome more than her share of hardships, including recovering from aplastic anemia and reconnecting with her sister, Claire, who her mother gave away and lied about. Most women would shy away from life or be so meek and mild that people would walk right over them, but not Kate. Oh, but can she trust in herself enough to believe she is worthy of love? That she doesn't have to earn it, but that people can and will love you just the way you are?

Drake is determined to solve his family's murder and raise these girls the best he knows how. Will his determination blind him to what's right in front of him? Will he ever be able to truly trust Kate and believe that she wants to help and only has his and the girl's best interests at heart?

Twilight at Blueberry Barrens is an epic adventure filled with drama, intrigue, but most importantly love. I hope you will grab a copy and experience the adventure for yourself.

*I was provided a free copy of this book. All opinions expressed above are my own
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darlene wright
Each book in this series gets better and better! I adored this story and thought the suspense was very well written. I loved how there was danger coming from so many different directions that I didn't know how many enemies Kate and Drake had on their heels. This was a page-turner that kept me engrossed until the very end.

Plot: After the death of his brother and sister-in-law, Drake Newham becomes guardian to his nieces and is determined to clear his brother of suspicion in the assumed murder/suicide. He packs up the girls and travels to Maine. Kate Mason's struggling to keep her family's Blueberry farm in business. In order to earn more money, she decides to rent out the cottage on the property. When Drake happens along, he and Kate realize they can help each other out. Soon it becomes apparent that someone doesn't want Drake digging into the past. Kate also has got some trouble of her own as strange things happen at her house. It's clear someone is watching her. The likely suspect is her uncle, who's recently escaped prison. It's up to Drake and Kate to figure out what's going on before more people die.

Characters: Kate's had her share of difficulties in life, which have made her tough. Struggles with her health have caused her to be more conscientious about what she eats and she's not afraid to voice her opinion to other about it, much to Drake's chagrin. I really enjoyed her way with the girls, being the disciplinarian because she wants better for them. Drake earns sympathy as the bachelor suddenly turned father as he's trying to figure out how to care for two young, grieving kids.

Recommendation: I'd highly recommend this book and the entire Sunset Cove series. It's the best I've read from this author so far. It's book three of the series and can stand alone, but I'd suggest reading them all in order as the characters are closely tied together.

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

I received a copy of this book from the Thomas Nelson Fiction Guild. This review is my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
** “Light always shone in the darkness.” **

Colleen Coble continues her Sunset Cove series with the delightful “Twilight at Blueberry Barrens,” an intense romantic suspense novel where we continue the story of Kate Mason, whom we first met in book number one (“The Inn at Ocean’s Edge”).

Recovering from a stem-cell transplant from her twin sister Claire, Kate has been cured from her aplastic anemia condition. But even with the good news, she is now facing a new battle — the failure of her family’s beloved blueberry barrens.

Just in time, the intriguing Drake Newham rolls into town with his two nieces — and into the heart of Kate as he rents her cottage and hires her as the girls’ nanny.

As their relationship flowers, the small coastal Maine town suddenly faces a surge in missing girls and murders (including the murder of Drake’s brother and sister-in-law, which originally brought him to town), stalkings, and the escape from prison by Kate’s uncle, Paul. Kate and Drake must work together to keep each other safe, and determine if these cases are at all related.

Coble does a great job of moving the plot along and keeping the reader guessing at every turn. As each horrific event occurs, one is left wondering at their connection.

But this novel is much more than an incredible suspense story. “Twilight at Blueberry Barrens” also offers up several great lessons — not getting stuck in one’s “yesterday”; learning that we are lovable and that we don’t need to earn anyone’s love, especially God’s love; light always defeats the darkness; and God always provides a way out of difficult situations.

Although “Blueberry Barrens” could be read as a standalone, I really wouldn’t recommend it. This book contains characters from both of the first two novels, and some plot lines are mildly connected, or at least referred to.

Another interesting tidbit, these books make reference to another literary character: Gwen Marcy found in Carrie Stuart Parks’ novels. And “Twilight at Blueberry Barrens” features an incredibly beautiful cover!

Five stars out of five.

Thomas Nelson provided this complimentary copy for my honest, unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Twilight at Blueberry Barrens is kind of a tough book for me to review; there were parts that I enjoyed, but there were also parts that drove me absolutely batty. I think for this one, I will just make a quick pro’s and con’s list for you.

The Pro’s:

1. The mystery/whodunnit part of the book was pretty good. I had figured out part of it fairly early, but it did take me until the end to get it all figured out.
2. Colleen Coble writes very well, and her descriptions of people and places are clear and concise.
3. Her characters feel like real people, so you can relate to them.

The Con’s:

1. There were a lot of repetitive phrases!
2. It is not a stand-alone book, in my opinion; there was a quite a bit of back story that was alluded to, but didn’t make much sense without reading the previous books.
3. There were a lot of repetitive phrases!
4. There were too many extra characters that didn’t seem to fit into the story; truly, how much tragedy and how many bad guys do most normal people come in contact with in their lifetime? It seemed far too unbelievable.
5. Did I say there were a lot of repetitive phrases? :)

Obviously, you can see that for me, repetitive phrases are one of my biggest pet peeves. You only need to mention something once, and I promise, I will remember it. ;)

I remember reading some of Colleen Coble’s earlier books, and I enjoyed them. The past couple of books though (at least the two in this series that I have read) have not been my favorite. Twilight at Blueberry Barrens isn’t a bad book, but it simply didn’t hold my attention as well as other books that I have been reading of late.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book Description:

“I need you to keep these girls safe . . .”

Kate Mason has devoted herself to caring for her family’s blueberry barrens. But after her fields stop producing fruit, she’s forced to come up with alternative ways to make a living.

Renting out the small cottage on her property seems an obvious choice, but it won’t be enough. When entrepreneur Drake Newham shows up looking not only for a place to rent but also for a nanny for his two nieces, it’s almost too good to be true. And maybe it is—because Drake brings with him dangerous questions about who might be out to kill his family. The more time Kate spends with Drake and the girls, the more difficult it becomes to hide her attraction to him. But a family crisis isn’t exactly the ideal time to pursue a romance.

Meanwhile, Kate learns that her uncle—in prison for murder—has escaped. Add to that a local stalker who won’t leave her alone, and Kate is looking over her shoulder at every turn. With threats swirling from multiple directions, she wonders if her blueberry fields will ever flourish again . . . or if this twilight is her last.

Set on the beautiful coast of Maine, Twilight at Blueberry Barrens brings together suspense, romance, and the hope that one day new life will come again."

Twilight at Blueberry Barrens is the third and final book in the Sunset Cove series that takes place on the coast of Maine. While you could read this as a stand alone novel, reading the entire series will give you a much better picture. We first met Kate in the first book, The Inn at Ocean's Edge when she was struggling with a life threatening illness and found herself in the middle of a dangerous family situation. She also appears briefly in Book Two, Mermaid Moon. In Twilight at Blueberry Barrens we get to know all about Kate and newcomer to the area Drake Newham.

There are several elements of mystery woven throughout the story, along with the journey of Kate and Drake from who they are to who they want to become. We see familiar characters such as Claire and Luke from Book One and Sheriff Colton, who by the way is also a main character in Denise Hunter's Summer Harbor series which also is set in the same area of Maine (fantastic series read it!) I loved the mystery and suspense and the way the author chose to bring resolution to the series. I enjoy suspenseful novels but do not enjoy graphic or gory books which is one of the reasons I enjoy reading Colleen Coble's books so much. You can have suspense and romance without it being inappropriate or overly scary.

There were several things that are quite unrealistic, like the lack of security or protection measure, but it is fiction and made for a great weekend read. I did figure out before the end, will you?

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book for the purpose of writing a fair and honest review. I received no other compensation and all opinions are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC regulations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Twilight at Blueberry Barrens
Colleen Coble

Book Summary: Kate Mason has always found solace in her family's blueberry barrens. But are they giving her a false sense of security? Kate has devoted herself to keeping her family's blueberry barrens thriving. But when blossom blight devastates her blueberry fields, she's forced to come up with alternative ways to replace that income. Fixing up the small cottage on her property as a rental seems an obvious choice, but it won't be enough. When Drake Carver drives by with his two nieces in tow, looking not only for a place to rent for the summer but also for a nanny for the girls, it's almost too good to be true. Drake is a judge whose brother and sister-in-law died in an accident shortly after he received a threat that his family would suffer if he didn't drop a high profile case. Is there a connection? This remote area of Maine seems like the perfect place for him to keep his nieces safe until he determines if they're in danger. Drake and Kate constantly lock horns; having never been a parent before, he gives his nieces free reign. Kate won't stand for their disrespect and keeps challenging Drake to set a higher standard. Even though Kate has given up on having children because of the chemo she had to take, she finds herself oddly drawn to this improvised family. But Drake begins to fear that he's putting Kate in danger as well. Meanwhile, Kate learns that her uncle—in prison for murder—has escaped. Add to that a stalker whose sights are set on her, and Kate is looking over her shoulder at every turn. With danger swirling from multiple directions, it may be a question of who gets to her first.

Review: Fantastic storyline and enjoyable characters. I found this to be the best of the series, along with the book being one that could be read as a stand alone. There was a lot going on at one time. Which made for a fun ride, at times so much was going on it was like an out of control car. It was worth every minute. I found this story to be the best book Colleen Coble has written. The twists were clever and worth every one of them. Kate and Drake were the leads, however the mystery was so intense that it was not until the end that the layers of this onion were so interwoven and well written. The mystery played out so clever that the end was too fast. That is really my only complaint - the end came to fast.

I would like to thank Net Galley and Thomas Nelson for allowing me to read and review this book in return for a free copy and I was never asked to write a favorable review by anyone. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy hsieh
Twilight at Blueberry barrens is the 3rd novel in the Sunset Cove Series. This was the first of the series I had read. There were moments I could tell there was sooo much more going on in the history of the characters that was only quickly referred to in passing, but in general I felt the book worked on it's own. I just might have been a little more invested in the characters if I'd had the full background on them.

Colleen Coble has quickly become one of my new favorite authors. Not only is she one of the few Christian authors who does suspense and thriller really well, but she mixes it with a bit of romance and her stories are refreshingly different that the same old, same old it feels like I'm sometimes reading.

In Twilight at Blueberry Barrens, Kate is struggling with her finances after taking over the family's blueberry farm. Several of her family members, including her mother, are in jail and she's caring for the farm out of a sense of responsibility more than as a passion. She's just survived a terrible illness which has left her unable to have kids and only recently found her twin sister from whom she was separated early on in life. All that to say....she's had some really tough times. Unfortunately, things are not about to calm down...there is a stalker, potentially turned murderer on the loose in her tiny community and he seems to have taken a shine to her.

I found the book to be intriguing and suspenseful and kept me on my toes. However, I will not be recommending this one for my teenage daughters. The stalker portion is a bit more intense than I want them experiencing at this point. There are some first-person sections from the viewpoint of the stalker that are pretty creepy. Very realistic...just creepy. Here's an example: "He rose and meandered to the kitchen where he picked up the water glass by the sink. He filled it, then fitted his mouth where a faint trace of her lipstick remained. He could almost imagine kissing her."

One other minor, but irritating point was how often the main character, Kate, kept bringing up her feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness to a man because her illness had left her barren. I'm sure for those women who've been through it, it is always in the back of your mind and reminders are everywhere when friends and relatives get pregnant, but it was mentioned over and over and I just felt some of it could have been omitted for a better overall story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
celia yost
Kate Mason grew up in the blueberry barrens. Her mother owns the land, but since she’s in jail, it falls to Kate to keep the blueberry business flourishing. Unfortunately, with limited funds, she was unable to rent honey bee hives. The bushes didn’t get pollinated and there aren’t enough berries to sell.

Drake Newham is grieving for his brother and sister-in-law who were killed not far from Kate’s blueberry farm. Left with his two nieces, he decides to come to Maine to try to solve the puzzle of his brother’s death. The authorities are convinced it was murder-suicide, but Drake can’t believe his brother would kill his wife.

Kate’s and Drake’s lives converge when he rents a cottage near her home. He also needs a nanny for his nieces, and Kate is eager to get the work. As the pair work together to solve the mystery, their attraction grows.

As a romance, this is a good book. The characters are realistic, and their love grows in a natural way. I did think the story was told from too many view points. Kate and Drake are the main focus of action, but we also have Claire, Kate’s twin sister, Luke, her husband, and even the killer as main characters in different chapters.

I felt the plot was more complex than necessary and detracted from the love story. Not only is there a killer trying to clean up after the murder of Drake’s brother and his wife, but Paul, Kate’s uncle, is out of prison and poses a threat to Claire and possibly Kate. In addition there is a stalker, who has targeted Kate. I think the book would have been stronger if the plot were less diluted.

The Maine scenery is beautifully done. I thought the descriptions were one of the highlights of the book. If you enjoy romance and suspense, try this book.

I received this book from BookLook Bloggers for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gasser elsaqa
Twilight at blueberry Barren by Colleen Coble is the third installment of the Sunset Cove series. You do not have to read all the book in order, but since a lot of the characters are recurring it does add to the joy of the story if you have read the series. You will be better connected to some of the characters.

I have read quite a few of Colleen Coble's novels and I have come to expect a good mystery that keeps me guessing until the end. So far I have yet to be disappointed. Twilight at Blueberry Barren starts of with page turning suspense and the story held me firm in its grips until the last page. The love story was a bit predictable. I knew within the first two chapters who was going to get paired together. That was okay though. I really liked both characters and even though there is plenty of romance the main focus is not on the love, its on solving a mystery.

Kate Mason has devoted herself to caring for her family’s blueberry barrens. But after her fields stop producing fruit, she’s forced to come up with alternative ways to make a living.

Renting out the small cottage on her property seems an obvious choice, but it won’t be enough. When entrepreneur Drake Newham shows up looking not only for a place to rent but also for a nanny for his two nieces, it’s almost too good to be true. And maybe it is—because Drake brings with him dangerous questions about who might be out to kill his family.

The more time Kate spends with Drake and the girls, the more difficult it becomes to hide her attraction to him. But a family crisis isn’t exactly the ideal time to pursue a romance.

Meanwhile, Kate learns that her uncle—in prison for murder—has escaped. Add to that a local stalker who won’t leave her alone, and Kate is looking over her shoulder at every turn. With threats swirling from multiple directions, she wonders if her blueberry fields will ever flourish again . . . or if this twilight is her last.

If you have yet to read any of Colleen Coble's books and you love romance mysteries I encourage you to pick up this series. It's been great!

***Thanks to for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
paul johnston
Life in Sunset Cove, Maine, used to be quiet. But lately, Kate’s had more than her share of drama. Her mother’s in prison for kidnapping and manslaughter, and she’s been left to look after the family business. The last thing she needs is for her and her sister to discover two dead bodies at the base of some local cliffs. Trying to get her life in order, she gets a job as a nanny but then learns her employer is investigating the deaths of his brother and sister-in-law. Could there be a connection to her grisly discovery?

Like other titles by Colleen Coble, the narrative is a mix of romance and drama and there’s a heavy emphasis on relationships and connections. I was hooked by the suspense element: I wasn’t sure if there was just one person targeting Kate and Drake or if there two unrelated situations. I identified a major player just over halfway through. Coble’s writing gave few clues, so I had to follow it through to see if I was right. I was wrong on other plot elements, however.

This is the third and final book in Coble’s Sunset Cove series and you definitely need to have read the previous two novels before reading. It’s a separate tale, but involves the same group of characters. There are references to events in those books, but little detail is given. I’d read each book when it was released, but even I had difficulty remembering everything that had happened in them. The final chapter of the book wraps up the series at an important event, with an indication that life is going to be changing for everyone.

Thank you to Thomas Nelson for my complimentary copy of Twilight at Blueberry Barrens.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eileen jacob
Kate Mason has dealt with so many difficult things in her life recently. Now the family farm she’s caring for doesn’t seem to be producing its usual crop of fruit. With the need for additional income, she decides to fix up the small cottage on her farm and rent it out. Although that won’t cover all the expenses, it will help. Before she’s even done fixing it up, an unexpected renter comes along. Drake Newman is now responsible for his two nieces since his brother and sister-in-law died. Not believing the story local law enforcement is telling him, Drake, along with his nieces, head for Maine where he intends to find the truth about what happened to them. Before he gets to town he runs across this cute little cottage and decides to stop and check it out. Kate is thrilled when Drake wants to rent the place but then finds out he also needs a nanny to care for the girls while he investigates. He hires her and sparks fly between them but there’s also an undeniable attraction. Things become complicated though when Kate learns her uncle has escaped from prison and to make matters worse, a stalker is relentlessly pursuing her. Kate and Drake are determined to find the truth and settle all these matters, but it won’t be easy with danger lurking around every corner.

Colleen Coble takes you on another thrill ride in Twilight at Blueberry Barrens. This is the third installment in the Sunset Cove series and we once again find ourselves in beautiful Maine. Be prepared, however, for a bumpy road, unexpected twists and turns and several nail-biting moments along the way. I throughly enjoyed the fact that it was loosely connected with Denise Hunter’s Summer Harbor Series; that was fun. You’ll find all the folks you’ve come to know from the previous two books as well as meeting Drake Newman. I enjoyed getting to know him although I must say, at first I wasn’t sure I liked him, but as in real life, first impressions aren’t always accurate. Kate is a lovable person and your heart goes out to her for all she’s been through, yet through it all, she has not become bitter, which I greatly admired. Her faith remained strong, but like us, she questioned, at times, what God was doing. The story was a great blend of suspense and romance and you are kept guessing, until the end, just how it all turns out; which I love. I wish though, that there would have been an epilogue or just a glimpse into the future. You could probably read this as a stand alone and enjoy it but I encourage you to read the previous two books first (The Inn at Ocean’s Edge and Mermaid Moon) not only because they’re good but it makes for a richer reading experience.

This complimentary copy was provided by Thomas Nelson through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Some Favorite moments:

His hand came around her waist, and a shiver raced up her spine at his touch. It took all her strength not to turn and shift closer. What was it about this man that moved her? she’d thought she was immune to attraction this overpowering. For the first time she realized how strong physical attraction could be.

“I think your family has made you feel like you don’t deserve to be happy, to enjoy life and to be loved by others.” …What good is life if you’re always turning away from a gift God wants to give you? You think he’s like your real dad and will pull a bait and switch on you by offering you a blessing, then snatching it away at the last minute?” She licked her lips and still didn’t look at him. “Of course not. I know God is always giving me blessings.”

He reached over and took one of her tightly clenched hands. “Look at me.” For a long minute he thought she wouldn’t meet his gaze, but she finally looked up. “Is it your past illness that makes you afraid to live? Every day is a gift, Kate. None of us knows when one day is our last. But that’s all the more reason to take hold of every day we're given and live it to the fullest. That usually means risking yourself.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carla pugliese
Kate Mason is feeling stronger now, since she completed her chemotherapy and had a stem cell transplant for aplastic anemia and she and her sister are reunited. She’s loving the fact that she’s back at her favorite spot in the world, a remote farm in Maine. Even though it’s been a bad year for the blueberries, she and her sister Claire have put their thinking caps on and decided that Kate will renovate a small cottage on the farm and rent it out for the rest of the summer. Claire is about to get married and Kate hopes that union won’t separate she and her sister again! The rest of her family is in jail or nowhere near to comfort and support Kate who desperately needs some stability at this pivotal period of her life.
That piece is shattered when while looking through binoculars at a group of birds nesting nearby she sees the bodies of a man and woman at the bottom of a cliff. In very little time, the police seem to write it off as a murder and suicide, in spite of the fact they have little evidence other than the bodies to substantiate that claim.
The activity ramps up when Derek Carter arrives in the area with his two daughters. Outside of an elderly but spunky aunt nearby, Derek isn’t stating why he’s spending the summer here. He’s got his handful with these two girls as they are deeply hurting over the recent death of their parents. Derek and Kate meet and she agrees to rent him the cottage and a few days later accepts his offer of a summer job as a Nanny. From this point, the action swings into a fast-paced plot.
Kate learns that it was Derek’s brother and sister-in-law who were found dead but Derek believes they were murdered and that it is related to a deal related to a sale of drones. Kate’s home is broken into and she senses she is being watched but doesn’t know by whom. Here we also learn that her Uncle is out of jail and she believes him to be in the area after her. It’s at this point that one realizes reading the earlier novels in this series might result in less confusion about the way all of these threads connected to Derek and Kate cross each other, often creating confusion in the mind of the reader.
Eventually, each thread is solved after some theorizing and alert watching. While the mystery and its outcome is worth the reading, the end is rather anticlimactic with Claire dropping an unexpected bomb on Derek and Claire who by this time know they want to be together permanently. All in all, Twilight at Blueberry Barrens is a plot-driven mystery thriller that engages the reader’s attention and doesn’t let go. Nicely done, Colleen Coble. This reviewer is wondering where this series will go next and looking forward to it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jane green
Book description: "'I need you to keep these girls safe . . .'
Kate Mason has devoted herself to caring for her family’s blueberry barrens. But after her fields stop producing fruit, she’s forced to come up with alternative ways to make a living.
Renting out the small cottage on her property seems an obvious choice, but it won’t be enough. When entrepreneur Drake Newham shows up looking not only for a place to rent but also for a nanny for his two nieces, it’s almost too good to be true. And maybe it is—because Drake brings with him dangerous questions about who might be out to kill his family. The more time Kate spends with Drake and the girls, the more difficult it becomes to hide her attraction to him. But a family crisis isn’t exactly the ideal time to pursue a romance.
Meanwhile, Kate learns that her uncle—in prison for murder—has escaped. Add to that a local stalker who won’t leave her alone, and Kate is looking over her shoulder at every turn. With threats swirling from multiple directions, she wonders if her blueberry fields will ever flourish again . . . or if this twilight is her last.
Set on the beautiful coast of Maine, Twilight at Blueberry Barrens brings together suspense, romance, and the hope that one day new life will come again."

My review: This is the third and final book in the series A Sunset Cove. While not my favorite of the series, it is still another example of the great writing that Colleen Coble consistently provides. Once again Mrs. Coble is able to surprise the reader with the unexpected, balanced with romance and faith. The reader is held captive from the beginning to the end! I enjoyed following the characters from the previous books in the series as well as characters from a series by Denise Hunter. That was an unexpected pleasant surprise. The ending of this book tied up all the loose threads in this series and definitely left a feeling of completeness. I really enjoyed this series, and look forward to the next book/series from Colleen Coble. I received a complimentary e-copy of this book from the publisher through the Booklook Blogger Program in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bonnie nadeau
This is the third book in the Sunset Cove series. The first two are The Inn at Ocean’s Edge and Mermaid Moon.

Kate is trying to find out what she wants to do with her life. She feels tethered to the blueberry fields, but it’s not something she’s passionate about. When a handsome stranger offers to rent the cottage she’s refurbishing, she also gets a nanny position.

Drake is determined to find out what happened to his brother. Drake doesn’t agree with the police who have ruled his brother killed his wife then killed himself. Now that Drake has custody of his nieces, he takes them to where it all happened, hoping to discover the truth.

There’s danger around every corner and an abundance of villains. I had the puzzle of the villain figured out, but that wasn’t what bothered me the most. The main low point for me was the sappy relationships. No one seems to have a major argument or disagreement. There’s more than one of these relationships: Kate and Drake, Claire and Luke – even Claire and Kate! All the conflict comes from the mysterious villains. The main highlight was the cameo from Gwen Marcey (from a series by Carrie Stuart Parks).

This is definitely not my favorite from Coble. I felt the writing wasn’t as good as I’ve read in her other books. I didn’t feel that connection with the characters, and the sickeningly sweet relationships were a little too over-the-top.

Claire and Luke show up A LOT in this one, so I would recommend reading The Inn at Ocean’s Edge before reading this one. Most of the time, you’re okay reading Coble’s books alone or out of order, but I think in this case, you’re better off either reading this one alone or reading the other one first. 3.5 stars.

*I received a copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was slow discovering Colleen Coble. When I started reading her novels, she had several out already that I had never read. I have come to see her as a master storyteller in the Christian suspense/mystery genre' I love so much to read.

This book just came by UPS this week, and it was one I couldn't leave sit very long without reading. Two evenings ago, I had some time to read, so I started reading it. Thankfully, I had enough time to read the entire book, for that is what I did....though I barely finished it before bedtime.

One thing I enjoy about a series such as this, is the central characters from the other books make appearances in the books that follow their original appearance. This being the third and final book in the series, there were several appearances by characters from the other two books.

"Twilight" brought some new characters into the mix, and a new mystery. Stalkers, murders, thieves,threats, romance, and more combine together to make another great read from this very gifted author. As with the rest of the series, this book was set in Downeast Maine near the ocean. Coble wrote in such a way that I could almost experience the blueberry barrens, and the other scenery described in the book.

The suspense factor was top notch in this novel. I figured out who the stalker was long before his identity was revealed - which I was proud of myself for doing - but I didn't figure out the second bad guy in the book.

There is nothing I would change about this book that would make it better. This is a novel that is a great example of what Christian suspense should be. I highly recommend the series.

I was given a copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric castorena
Wow, Colleen Coble does it again. Twilight at Blueberry Barrens was so much fun to read. Coble kept me guessing and on the edge of my seat until the very end. This was the third book in the Sunset Cove series. I have read both of the other books in this series, but don't feel it was necessary in order to enjoy this one. This story follows Kate and Drake as they go on a mission to solve a string of murders and break ins. Neither of them have training to protect themselves. Are they in over their heads?

Kate has had a lot going on the last few years, and would love to be able to take it easy. Finding her sister Claire has meant so much to her, and her sisters upcoming wedding causes her to worry about losing what she just found. When Drake comes along needing a nanny and a place to stay it seems too good to be true. The amount he is willing to pay makes her suspicious too, but she can help but enjoy the girls. When the real reason he is there is revealed, Kate wants to help him find the truth. Strange things keep happening, and they are forced even closer together. Can this all be a part of a bigger plan? Or will whoever is out to harm them succeed?

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a mystery with just the right amount of romance. I had fun getting to know Kate, Drake, and the girls. Several of the events going on made it hard to put the book down. It was also interesting to hear the villains perspective here and there. I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathleen gresham
Kate Mason has been trying to care for her family’s blueberry barrens. But after a bad year with no fruit, she must come up with some other way to make it through the next year. So she decides to rent out a small older cottage that is on her land. But that alone will not be enough. So when entrepreneur Drake Newham comes to town needing a place to rent, and a nanny for his 2 nieces, it could be just the chance Kate needs. But with someone possibly out to kill Drake Newham's family she might be in more danger than she thought. Plus with her uncle escaped from prison, and a local stalker who seems to be following her, Kate has be careful at every turn. And she must solve the mystery before someone else gets hurt.

Colleen Coble is one of my favorite authors. So when Twilight at Blueberry Barrens came out I knew I had to read it! And I was not disappointed! This book was even better than the last book in this series. The characters were nicely done and were easy to relate to. I really enjoyed getting to see how Kate's story ended. But even if you have not read the other books in this series, or if it has been awhile since you read them, Colleen Coble did a good job on filling you in on the info you needed. And the setting was simply beautiful. This series made me want to go see Maine in person!

I received this book free from the publisher, Thomas Nelson, through the BookLook Bloggers book review program. The opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Book description: "'I need you to keep these girls safe . . .'
Kate Mason has devoted herself to caring for her family’s blueberry barrens. But after her fields stop producing fruit, she’s forced to come up with alternative ways to make a living.
Renting out the small cottage on her property seems an obvious choice, but it won’t be enough. When entrepreneur Drake Newham shows up looking not only for a place to rent but also for a nanny for his two nieces, it’s almost too good to be true. And maybe it is—because Drake brings with him dangerous questions about who might be out to kill his family. The more time Kate spends with Drake and the girls, the more difficult it becomes to hide her attraction to him. But a family crisis isn’t exactly the ideal time to pursue a romance.
Meanwhile, Kate learns that her uncle—in prison for murder—has escaped. Add to that a local stalker who won’t leave her alone, and Kate is looking over her shoulder at every turn. With threats swirling from multiple directions, she wonders if her blueberry fields will ever flourish again . . . or if this twilight is her last.
Set on the beautiful coast of Maine, Twilight at Blueberry Barrens brings together suspense, romance, and the hope that one day new life will come again."

My review: This is the third and final book in the series A Sunset Cove. While not my favorite of the series, it is still another example of the great writing that Colleen Coble consistently provides. Once again Mrs. Coble is able to surprise the reader with the unexpected, balanced with romance and faith. The reader is held captive from the beginning to the end! I enjoyed following the characters from the previous books in the series as well as characters from a series by Denise Hunter. That was an unexpected pleasant surprise. The ending of this book tied up all the loose threads in this series and definitely left a feeling of completeness. I really enjoyed this series, and look forward to the next book/series from Colleen Coble. I received a complimentary e-copy of this book from the publisher through the Booklook Blogger Program in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is the third book in the Sunset Cove series. The first two are The Inn at Ocean’s Edge and Mermaid Moon.

Kate is trying to find out what she wants to do with her life. She feels tethered to the blueberry fields, but it’s not something she’s passionate about. When a handsome stranger offers to rent the cottage she’s refurbishing, she also gets a nanny position.

Drake is determined to find out what happened to his brother. Drake doesn’t agree with the police who have ruled his brother killed his wife then killed himself. Now that Drake has custody of his nieces, he takes them to where it all happened, hoping to discover the truth.

There’s danger around every corner and an abundance of villains. I had the puzzle of the villain figured out, but that wasn’t what bothered me the most. The main low point for me was the sappy relationships. No one seems to have a major argument or disagreement. There’s more than one of these relationships: Kate and Drake, Claire and Luke – even Claire and Kate! All the conflict comes from the mysterious villains. The main highlight was the cameo from Gwen Marcey (from a series by Carrie Stuart Parks).

This is definitely not my favorite from Coble. I felt the writing wasn’t as good as I’ve read in her other books. I didn’t feel that connection with the characters, and the sickeningly sweet relationships were a little too over-the-top.

Claire and Luke show up A LOT in this one, so I would recommend reading The Inn at Ocean’s Edge before reading this one. Most of the time, you’re okay reading Coble’s books alone or out of order, but I think in this case, you’re better off either reading this one alone or reading the other one first. 3.5 stars.

*I received a copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was slow discovering Colleen Coble. When I started reading her novels, she had several out already that I had never read. I have come to see her as a master storyteller in the Christian suspense/mystery genre' I love so much to read.

This book just came by UPS this week, and it was one I couldn't leave sit very long without reading. Two evenings ago, I had some time to read, so I started reading it. Thankfully, I had enough time to read the entire book, for that is what I did....though I barely finished it before bedtime.

One thing I enjoy about a series such as this, is the central characters from the other books make appearances in the books that follow their original appearance. This being the third and final book in the series, there were several appearances by characters from the other two books.

"Twilight" brought some new characters into the mix, and a new mystery. Stalkers, murders, thieves,threats, romance, and more combine together to make another great read from this very gifted author. As with the rest of the series, this book was set in Downeast Maine near the ocean. Coble wrote in such a way that I could almost experience the blueberry barrens, and the other scenery described in the book.

The suspense factor was top notch in this novel. I figured out who the stalker was long before his identity was revealed - which I was proud of myself for doing - but I didn't figure out the second bad guy in the book.

There is nothing I would change about this book that would make it better. This is a novel that is a great example of what Christian suspense should be. I highly recommend the series.

I was given a copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow, Colleen Coble does it again. Twilight at Blueberry Barrens was so much fun to read. Coble kept me guessing and on the edge of my seat until the very end. This was the third book in the Sunset Cove series. I have read both of the other books in this series, but don't feel it was necessary in order to enjoy this one. This story follows Kate and Drake as they go on a mission to solve a string of murders and break ins. Neither of them have training to protect themselves. Are they in over their heads?

Kate has had a lot going on the last few years, and would love to be able to take it easy. Finding her sister Claire has meant so much to her, and her sisters upcoming wedding causes her to worry about losing what she just found. When Drake comes along needing a nanny and a place to stay it seems too good to be true. The amount he is willing to pay makes her suspicious too, but she can help but enjoy the girls. When the real reason he is there is revealed, Kate wants to help him find the truth. Strange things keep happening, and they are forced even closer together. Can this all be a part of a bigger plan? Or will whoever is out to harm them succeed?

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a mystery with just the right amount of romance. I had fun getting to know Kate, Drake, and the girls. Several of the events going on made it hard to put the book down. It was also interesting to hear the villains perspective here and there. I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kate Mason has been trying to care for her family’s blueberry barrens. But after a bad year with no fruit, she must come up with some other way to make it through the next year. So she decides to rent out a small older cottage that is on her land. But that alone will not be enough. So when entrepreneur Drake Newham comes to town needing a place to rent, and a nanny for his 2 nieces, it could be just the chance Kate needs. But with someone possibly out to kill Drake Newham's family she might be in more danger than she thought. Plus with her uncle escaped from prison, and a local stalker who seems to be following her, Kate has be careful at every turn. And she must solve the mystery before someone else gets hurt.

Colleen Coble is one of my favorite authors. So when Twilight at Blueberry Barrens came out I knew I had to read it! And I was not disappointed! This book was even better than the last book in this series. The characters were nicely done and were easy to relate to. I really enjoyed getting to see how Kate's story ended. But even if you have not read the other books in this series, or if it has been awhile since you read them, Colleen Coble did a good job on filling you in on the info you needed. And the setting was simply beautiful. This series made me want to go see Maine in person!

I received this book free from the publisher, Thomas Nelson, through the BookLook Bloggers book review program. The opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book for review is “Twilight at Blueberry Barrens: A Sunset Cove novel”by Colleen Coble. This falls in the genre of fiction, mystery and a bit of romance.

Meet Kate, a young woman working the family’s blueberry farm In Maine. It is not her ideal job choice but she is bearing the responsibility for her mom who is in prison. Kate is recovering from a serious ailment that almost killed her, She has a great support system in her twin sister Claire who she recently reunited with. They were not raised together.

The blueberry farm is not doing well and the young woman has to come up with a solution to what to do with her life and the farm.

Enter Drake, a self-made man who is taking care of his two nieces who have lost their parents. But it wasn’t an accident, not in his mind, he feels they were murdered.

Renting out a cottage from Kate he hires her as a nanny. This helps with her finances as he tries to figure out what really happened. The money is great and it doesn’t hurt that he is very attractive.

But there is more, there is always more. Someone is stalking Kate and to make matters worse her uncle has escaped from prison. People are being killed in this small town and the law needs to solve the crimes before it happens again.

The pacing of this book was really good, I read the book in just days. The characters were nicely done. I was curious why the twins were not raised together. And while we do eventually learn why, we didn’t find out well into the book. There was another point of the character bringing up her illness a number of times to people who knew about it or where told.

This is a good book to pick up and read.

I received this book for free in exchanger for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
corrie aw
Kate Mason has devoted herself to caring for her family’s blueberry barrens. But after her fields stop producing fruit, she’s forced to come up with alternative ways to make a living. So rents out a cottage to Drake Newham and his two nieces. Drake is searching for the murderer of his brother. And Kate is hired as the nanny for the girls while he is out sleuthing. Meanwhile, Kate learns that her uncle—in prison for murder—has escaped. Add to that a local stalker who won’t leave her alone, and Kate is looking over her shoulder at every turn.

The newest entry in the Sunset Cove series is suspenseful and includes the ever present romance that make Ms. Coble's books so readable. At first it seems as if there are two unrelated stories but she does a very good job of bringing them together near the end. Also, the romance is nicely woven into the stories.

At first I was a little confused as I was reading. I expected this book to be somehow connected to the previous novel. But it did begin to tie together a bit. I was a bit disappointed that it did not help explain the questions I had at the end of the previous novel. Twilight at Blueberry Barrens was a well written book. The book was not overly preachy but did present spiritual principles especially the principle of leaning on God when you are in fear for your life. But along with the fear of the stalker, Ms. Coble did weave in good things especially as Kate learns to accept the fact that her cancer is behind her. This book had a better ending than the last one as all the story threads seemed to be resolved. I am excited to think about the next book in the series.

I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
april smith
The third installment of the Sunset Cove series and I think probably the best one of the series. We met Kate in book one of the series, The Inn at Ocean's Edge. We learn that she has a serious illness and she needs help from her biological father, who had never acknowledged her. It was evident in the first book that Kate was strong and determined.

In book three she is healing physically but faces financial challenges with the failing blueberry barrens. When she and her sister, Claire, discover an apparent murder suicide her world is turned upside down.

I loved how Kate tackled life and never let it get her down. When she meets Drake and his nieces she not only finds a renter and a job as a nanny but she finds a friend. Drake is a great leading man for the story. He is strong, smart, and wants to help his nieces heal in the midst of their tragedy.

The action is well paced and well done. The author drops a few clues along the way to allow the reader to determine who the antagonist is. There was a little misdirection in there to keep me from being 100% sure.

If you have enjoyed the other books in this series, I believe this one is the best. Although this is a book three in the series, you could read it independently of the others and still enjoy it. The author gives enough back story to understand the basic relationships.

Disclaimer: “I received a free copy from the publisher. No review, positive or otherwise, was required—all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Colleen Coble brought her series, A Sunset Cove, to a grand conclusion in Twilight at Blueberry Barrens. Get ready for another page turner when you start this tale. Kate Mason and her twin sister, Claire, are looking for a glimpse of some local wildlife along the Maine shore, when Kate suddenly gets a glimpse instead of the dead bodies of a man and a woman, lying at the base of the cliff!

Drake Newham, the dead man's brother, suddenly shows up in town to try to get some answers as to what and more importantly who caused his brother, Heath's, death. The local sheriff had concluded that the woman was killed by her husband who then committed suicide; however, Drake cannot believe this conclusion. Before you know it, Drake is renting a cottage in the area; and Kate suddenly becomes involved in Drake's life, when he hires her as a nanny to his two young nieces for the summer. As Drake attempts to discover the truth about Heath's death, life in this normally quiet Maine town seems filled with activity. A young woman visiting town has been found murdered, Kate's uncle Paul has escaped from prison and cannot be found, and on top of it all, a stalker seems to have his sights on Kate!

This book is filled with unknowns and suspense as you journey through its pages to discover the conclusion. You will be surprised to learn where each character ends up on the final pages of this exciting tale!

I received this book from Thomas Nelson in exchange for my unbiased review.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara cristin
What a great story! I enjoyed the first two Sunset Cover Novels, which shared a setting but otherwise stood alone, and I was thrilled to discover that this third book focuses on a character of the first book, Claire's reunited twin, Kate. As always, Colleen Coble combines wonderful characters, a great plot, and a heart-pounding suspense to create a captivating tale that is impossible to put down. From the opening scene until the final resolution, I couldn't turn the pages--or rather, swipe the screen!--fast enough. Coble perfectly balances the romance and mystery, and she gives just enough details to make my heart race at the creepy moments without keeping me awake at night. Numerous twists and turns escalate the danger and mystery as the book progresses to its multi-faceted climax. I love the portrayal of Claire and Kate's relationship and how they, especially Kate, grow throughout the story. While this can be read as a stand-alone, it will have fuller meaning if you have read The Inn at Ocean's Edge. Whatever you do, don't miss Twilight at Blueberry Barrens.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a digital copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers at Harper Collins/Thomas Nelson. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book three in the Sunset Cove series. I read book one and book three. Book two just slipped by me. Anyway each book can be read separately, but it really helps if you’ve read the whole series.
I love the way Colleen Coble writes. She is very realistic and has such an interesting way with words.
Kate has been through so much with her Uncle and Mother being in prison and her twin sister being kidnapped when they were very young.
Mysteries keep happening. Now a man’s brother and his wife are dead. The police say it was murder/suicide, but he doesn’t believe. So now Drake has two nieces to raise. He goes to the place where they were mudered to find out all he can. He stays at a cottage Kate put up for rent and she agrees to watch his nieces.
This book is full of danger, suspense, love, forgiveness and believing in yourself.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I receive books free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their Book Review Blogger program/BookLook. I am not required to write a positive review. The opinions I express are my own. This is true of any book I review for any publisher or author; I will not review books where a positive review is required and I will always express my own opinions of each book received and read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Since her mother's blueberry barrens are no longer producing enough fruit to make a living, Kate decides she needs to rent her cottage out. Drake Newham shows up with his nieces and not only wants to rent it, but also needs a nanny. When Kate finds out Drake is in Maine to look into his brother and sister-in-law's deaths, they decide to team up to get to the bottom of it. However, Kate's uncle has recently escaped prison and someone may be stalking her. Will they ever find the people responsible for all the threats to Kate and her loved ones?

I always enjoy Colleen Coble's books, and this was no different. It was packed with suspense and romance. I found myself turning page after page wondering who the stalker was, who really killed Drake's family, and will they ever catch Uncle Paul? I find myself so engrossed I feel like I'm right there with Kate and Drake, rooting for them. The characters are very relatable. If you love suspense with romance mixed in, you'll love this book!

**I received this book free from the publishers through the Fiction Guild program for review. I was not required to write a positive review and all thoughts and opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
annette malen
Secrets abound in the blueberry barrens.

Kate Mason has finally re-started her life after successfully battling a life threatening illness, only to be confronted with a faceless enemy, possibly someone she knows quite well. When given the opportunity to nanny a summer guest's young nieces, Kate's mysteries become intertwined with those of their handsome uncle, Drake Newham, who has come to Maine in order to investigate his brother and sister-in-law's brutal deaths.

Successful Boston entrepreneur Drake Newham is extremely gratified to find a cottage to rent for the summer, in a addition to a competent caregiver, protecting his brother's two daughters is now his top priority. It appears that his brother could have been killed because of his legal actions against a dangerous international crime leader, but Drake is discovering that Heath and Melissa's marriage was unstable, thus local officials are convinced theirs was a case of murder-suicide.

As Drake and Kate spend hours of time together, their bond grows stronger and danger grows nearer, prompting them to re-evaluate promises, priorities and plans for the future. Coble has quite successfully woven characters from this entire series together, resulting in an intriguing story filled with all the elements of surprise, suspense and sweet romance, managing to include deep inspiration.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicolas st gelais
Twilight At Blueberry Barrens, a novel by Colleen Coble set in a small town in Maine, is an enthralling and powerful story whose protagonists have endured more than anyone should. Kate has survived a serious illness that left her unable to have children. Her mother and uncle are in prison and her future is uncertain. Unexpectedly, Drake appears on her property with his two young nieces whose parents died under suspicious circumstances. She agrees to rent them a cottage on her property and is eventually hired to be the children's nanny while Drake tries to learn the truth about deaths of his brother and sister-in-law. In addition, Kate has a stalker and a young woman was recently murdered in town.

Had it not been for the death of Drake's family, it is not likely he and Kate would have ever met. Once they did meet, things began to move very quickly. A relationship develops and grows, but they find themselves in great danger. Bad things happen and the characters face life and death struggles. Will they survive to build a life together?

This is an imaginative and exciting story. There is mystery, romance, and dramatic twists and surprises. Highly recommended.

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed the action, suspense, romance, and especially the fact that the lead characters were people with a strong faith in God. Seeing the Sunset Cove Novels come full circle and conclude with Kate after she played an important role in the other two books seemed to be very fitting. This is a series that I encourage reading in sequence because of the manner in which the characters continue to grow and develop with new ones coming into the story along the way. Danger and more questions seem to lurk everywhere Kate turns. The first question is rather innocuous. What is she going to do with the family’s blueberry barrens since she is the last one left? Does her plan to rent out the cottage appear to be a wise decision, especially after learning more about the person who is interested in renting it? When Drake is the one trying to find out more about the deaths of his brother and sister-in-law, why does it seem Kate is also under attack? Is everything connected? Somehow it all seemed to start with Kate and her sister going to see the puffins in their burrows. Later Kate describes herself as being a lot like a puffin. I think you will need to read the book to figure that one out. I recommend it for everyone who loves a good mix of suspense and romance.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
`Twilight at Blueberry Barrens` is a contemporary mystery/suspense novel written by Colleen Coble. I received it in ebook form from Net Galley. This book has a who-done-it theme to it. A family is endangered of being killed and there is an uncle who recently escaped out of prison. Could this be a time for the female protagonist, Kate Mason, to fall in love?

The setting is the top of the Mermaid Rock cliffs. Kate Mason is enjoying the sun peeking over the water bathing everything in a pink halo, and the dense salt in the air. Kate and her sister, Claire, had hiked to the shoals looking for puffin birds. That's when they saw two bodies who must have fallen off the cliff. This is where the story picks up.

There are several plots and subplots. Were the people who fell murdered, and if so how? One of the most exciting is the family of puffins. In the meantime, will Kate's aplastic anemia make an appearance, again? Her father has escaped from prison and is on the prowl. Is he the one who murdered the couple?

It took me several days to read and I was left hanging. I wish there had been more talk of God, forgiveness, and restitution. I felt like there were a lot of rabbit trails with no ending.

Disclaimer: I received this ebook from Net Galley for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catherine smith
Another favorite author, Colleen Coble, has written another great read, Twilight at Blueberry Barrens!
Of course, this book isn't just about blueberries but here is a little fact that I looked up to understand blueberries: "The glacially formed "barrens", vast rolling plains of sandy soil, are perfect for raising wild, lowbush blueberries. Thus, the growing, harvesting and processing of the blueberry is a major industry in Washington County. Nearly a quarter million acres of barrens yield an average of 30 million pounds of blueberries annually, all of which are canned within the county."
Now, you may have a better idea of what Kate Mason's job entails as she cares for the family's blueberry barrens. As much care and time that Kate has given to the blueberry barrens...they aren't producing fruit so Kate must take on another job to make ends meet.
So, when Drake comes to her looking for a place to rent and a nanny for his two girls Kate rents them a cottage and cares for the two girls.
But there is a mystery in this novel too that involves Kate's uncle and a stalker. And will Kate's blueberry barrens eve produce fruit again?!?!
Loved this read!!

*This book was provided for review by Fiction Guild/BookLook*
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