And How We Can Win the Fight Against Online Hate - How Gamergate (Nearly) Destroyed My Life
ByZoe Quinn
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sophie harris
Don't believe all the Gamer Haters who crawled out to attack what's his names ex girlfriend. I guess no one is allowed to dump a Gamer Hater. I plan to read the book this coming weekend. In the meantime, trust reviews from verified buys over the Gamer Haters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim hannon
This five star rating is specifically to help counter the (currently) 41% 1 star ratings without any text that were in all probability made by people on the other side of Gamergate from Zoe, which only proves just how important a book like this is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seeing that Quinn's book has three stars almost feels like a punchline, because of course a book about being attacked by online trolls would be ... attacked by online trolls. Have I read this yet? No. But I look forward to reading her tell this important story.
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ari elf
Very surface level with nothing of substance and sometimes a vapid tedious read. Yet, Another written homage to the tired cliche that gamergate was a hate movement. The only difference is that the author knows the "in crowd". really that's it.
Pros: She rapid fires a lot of information, Some it is useful.
Con's: Some of that information is wrong. Case in point Little Blue Skull Guy aka Mundane Matt for anyone who doesn't know. Steers uncomfortably close to outright libel. Starting at Page 60 and Page 95
She also neglects to mention she was the one who filed who DMCAed the video in question. its little passages like the stated example that really proves this book is just a propaganda piece.
Pros: She rapid fires a lot of information, Some it is useful.
Con's: Some of that information is wrong. Case in point Little Blue Skull Guy aka Mundane Matt for anyone who doesn't know. Steers uncomfortably close to outright libel. Starting at Page 60 and Page 95
She also neglects to mention she was the one who filed who DMCAed the video in question. its little passages like the stated example that really proves this book is just a propaganda piece.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an interesting read. Granted you had to know the jargon to get through the text, but it was completely entertaining. She could be the next Dean Koontz! I especially liked how it claims a virtual unknown was being attacked instead of the HUGE female names out there that have influence in the industry, like my personal favorites Amy Hennig and Jade Raymond. Quinn has a life long reader if she keeps writing these fantastical fictions! <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane wang
This book was extraordinary. Strong writing, compelling story, and important lessons. I really appreciated this author's insights, and I would love to see this optioned as a series on AMC or some other smart cable outlet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicolas st gelais
preordered this book when it first came up, and was not disappointed in the least. I don't often read memoirs or first persons but this one was very conversational and almost like reading a TED talk, in a good way. Really enjoyed her writing style and some of her jokes I'm going to steal I mean borrow for everyday conversations. I also got some handy tips on stuff I should be doing online to protect myself (2 factor identification is our friend). I read it through in a couple of days, but I'm going to reread it again after I finish the other book I bought.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kelley rice lasov
Very surface level with nothing of substance and sometimes a vapid tedious read. Yet, Another written homage to the tired cliche that gamergate was a hate movement. The only difference is that the author knows the "in crowd". really that's it.
Pros: She rapid fires a lot of information, Some it is useful.
Con's: Some of that information is wrong. Case in point Little Blue Skull Guy aka Mundane Matt for anyone who doesn't know. Steers uncomfortably close to outright libel. Starting at Page 60 and Page 95
She also neglects to mention she was the one who filed who DMCAed the video in question. its little passages like the stated example that really proves this book is just a propaganda piece.
Pros: She rapid fires a lot of information, Some it is useful.
Con's: Some of that information is wrong. Case in point Little Blue Skull Guy aka Mundane Matt for anyone who doesn't know. Steers uncomfortably close to outright libel. Starting at Page 60 and Page 95
She also neglects to mention she was the one who filed who DMCAed the video in question. its little passages like the stated example that really proves this book is just a propaganda piece.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah schmitt
Don't believe all the Gamer Haters who crawled out to attack what's his names ex girlfriend. I guess no one is allowed to dump a Gamer Hater. I plan to read the book this coming weekend. In the meantime, trust reviews from verified buys over the Gamer Haters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was extraordinary. Strong writing, compelling story, and important lessons. I really appreciated this author's insights, and I would love to see this optioned as a series on AMC or some other smart cable outlet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an interesting read. Granted you had to know the jargon to get through the text, but it was completely entertaining. She could be the next Dean Koontz! I especially liked how it claims a virtual unknown was being attacked instead of the HUGE female names out there that have influence in the industry, like my personal favorites Amy Hennig and Jade Raymond. Quinn has a life long reader if she keeps writing these fantastical fictions! <3
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
daniel alfi
Cons: The book perpetuates a culture in which the goal is to claim victim status so that you can claim you are holier than others based on race and gender identity politics. The book focuses mostly on claiming victim status based on gender (which is supposed to be a social construct anyway) so that you can gain special privileges for your victim status.
Pros: It is a successful attempt at separating dirigible people from their money.
Pros: It is a successful attempt at separating dirigible people from their money.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Great piece of pseudo-history. Right up there with UFO abductions, ancient aliens, and the paranormal. I hope people have the self-respect enough to research what actually happened. The thing is, it doesn't take that much time to start seeing how toxic this whole event was, and how easy it was swayed to fit people's agendas, including some once very respectable publishers. The more nuanced version of this story is at your fingers already, but if you're looking for empty platitudes combined with narcissistic personality disorder, then Crash Override is your money down the toilet.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
An unsurprisingly dishonest and self serving text that is an instruction manual on self delusion and obfuscation, that relies on readers believing everything anecdotally, and, apparently, operating under the assumption that no one would bother to fact check any of the content.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
gerry wilson
Despite having the media, D-list celebrities and even a congresswoman on her side, somehow this woman barely survived people saying mean things about her and her network of cronies on the internet.
Read the CON leaks of her little cabal to see just how this "anti-harassment" activist actively doxed and witch hunted anyone who dared cross her path and is still actively milking GamerGate for every penny she can 3 years on.
Read the CON leaks of her little cabal to see just how this "anti-harassment" activist actively doxed and witch hunted anyone who dared cross her path and is still actively milking GamerGate for every penny she can 3 years on.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
d s cohen
the store is deleting one star reviews by people with intimate knowledge of the subject matter of this book who are criticizing the false and misleading statements made in the book.
Sadly corporations are not bound by the bill of rights or ethical standards. Looks like they have that in common with the author.
Sadly corporations are not bound by the bill of rights or ethical standards. Looks like they have that in common with the author.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tymmy flynn
Great piece of pseudo-history. Right up there with UFO abductions, ancient aliens, and the paranormal. I hope people have the self-respect enough to research what actually happened. The thing is, it doesn't take that much time to start seeing how toxic this whole event was, and how easy it was swayed to fit people's agendas, including some once very respectable publishers. The more nuanced version of this story is at your fingers already, but if you're looking for empty platitudes combined with narcissistic personality disorder, then Crash Override is your money down the toilet.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jairo villanueva
An unsurprisingly dishonest and self serving text that is an instruction manual on self delusion and obfuscation, that relies on readers believing everything anecdotally, and, apparently, operating under the assumption that no one would bother to fact check any of the content.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
meghan dureen
Despite having the media, D-list celebrities and even a congresswoman on her side, somehow this woman barely survived people saying mean things about her and her network of cronies on the internet.
Read the CON leaks of her little cabal to see just how this "anti-harassment" activist actively doxed and witch hunted anyone who dared cross her path and is still actively milking GamerGate for every penny she can 3 years on.
Read the CON leaks of her little cabal to see just how this "anti-harassment" activist actively doxed and witch hunted anyone who dared cross her path and is still actively milking GamerGate for every penny she can 3 years on.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
the store is deleting one star reviews by people with intimate knowledge of the subject matter of this book who are criticizing the false and misleading statements made in the book.
Sadly corporations are not bound by the bill of rights or ethical standards. Looks like they have that in common with the author.
Sadly corporations are not bound by the bill of rights or ethical standards. Looks like they have that in common with the author.
Please RateAnd How We Can Win the Fight Against Online Hate - How Gamergate (Nearly) Destroyed My Life