Emily of New Moon

ByL.M. Montgomery

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tamer khattab
I have read this book 3 times! An enchanting story about a sweet girl named Emily, who has quite the imagination and is a very gifted writer. Each time I read the series, I love going on adventures with Emily and living life through her eyes. By far my favorite series by L.M. Montgomery!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I first got to know LMM after watching the entire Anne of green Gables movies. Several years later, I decided to see what else she had written. I found many books with many great stories but Emily of New Moon caught my attention the most.
I bought it and began reading and almoat immediately loved it more than Anne of Green Gables. I was astounded at how LMM made Emily a charactor and personality all her own. But also she made me feel much more at home with this charactor who felt the same as many other girls do.
I think I identified with Emily the most because she seemed like me.. And that's what a great novelist or story teller does.. it puts you in touch with yourself and makes you realize your own faults and happiness. I reccomend this book for anyone for anyage!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cath milmine
From the opening pages the reader is submerged in Emily's world.

In my mind Emily of New Moon is the begining of one of the best book trilogies ever written. A story about the courage it takes to be true to ones self no matter the opposition, the power of real determination and true friendship. One cannot help but be moved by the powerful truths, and innocent loveliness contained in this book. EONM is quite simply a multi faceted masterwork that could hardly be improved upon in any way. A deeply moving and relavent novel who's beauty only grows with time. Mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, read this book then gift it to someone you love.
The Ultimate Battle Plan for Targeting and Defeating the Enemy :: and the Man Who Believed - the Switchblade :: Run Baby Run :: Run Baby Run by Nicky Cruz (1988-12-01) :: Walks the Fire (Prairie Winds Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have treasured my "Emily" series of books ever since my memaw brought them to me from P.E.I. when I was about 12 years old. I have never "met" a more real character in a story. Emily of New Moon, Emily Climbs, and Emily's Quest are a series of books no girl should ever miss out on reading. I could relate so well to Emily's feelings. I can still remember so much about Emily. I kind of "adopted" her into my soul and she became a part of me. I have read the series several times since I was twelve (12 years ago), and I will enjoy reading it again and again. I am looking forward to having my girls read "Emily" when they are older
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adele n
I have not read this particular edition but i have read all three Emily books. This book is beautiful and Emily is just as good or better than Anne as a character.
Emily is a lot like me and the way Lucy Maud writes just draws me into the story.
All the characters are well rounded and particularly like Ilse and her hot temper, Aunt Elizabeth and her family pride and cousin Jimmy with the odd glimpses Lucy Maud shows us of what he was.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Although Emily has a lot of things in common with Anne--both eleven-year-old orphans who live on Prince Edward Island in the nineteenth century--she is a different kind of girl, and hers is a different kind of story. It's great from beginning to end, and the mystery of Ilse's mother had me on the edge of my seat--great suspense. The only thing I didn't like about the story was that it said mean, untrue things about atheists. But I suppose it was a product of its time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a child, Emily of New Moon was, quite literally, my favorite book. Somehow, years later, it manages to still be up there with The Picture of Dorian Gray, Lolita, and Vanity Fair on my "favorites" shelf.

It is, truth be told, a classic, and a sorely underrated one to boot. While the Anne series seems to be omnipresent, I know very few people who have heard of Emily, let alone read the books.

As a character, Emily is brilliantly drawn and realistic; she is never portrayed with condescension. Quite the opposite, even when she is entirely in the wrong, the reader manages to sympathize and understand her. The plot itself, though interesting, is mostly enjoyable because of Emily's perspective. Other characters, such as Dean Priest (my personal favorite), Teddy, and Ilse manage to avoid being stereotypes or Emily's "backup band" and become full-fleshed characters in their own right.

Whether you are an adult with a child or wishing you were a child, or even an adult just looking for a relatively light read that has actual quality (various romance novel queens, I'm glaring at YOU), pick up a copy of Emily, make some tea, curl up, and enjoy this strange little girl.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda smith
I read the "Emily" series for the first time when I was 12. It touched something deep inside of me. My father had just died, and I too wanted more than anything to be a writer. Emily spoke to me; her girlish wisdom echoed, so eloquently, the struggles I was going through at that time. It was the first time I ever felt kin to a character in a book, instead of admiring them from the sidelines. I've re-read this series countless times; whenever I'm depressed or feel as if I've lost touch with my self. Each time I read it, it's like visiting old friends and family, and I'm still finding insight and comfort within the dog eared pages. I'm going on 23 years old now, and I'm in the process of having my first novel published. Lucy Maud Montgomery has been a constant source of inspiration to me, a mother figure to my literary aspirations. She has given me a beautiful gift, and I hope you find as much joy in her stories as I have. Always; Emily
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
i finished reading the emily trilogy just recently and i was impressed.. thios series isn't as popular as the anne of green gavles one but it's just as good! emily and anne have certain similarities but emily is even more assertive and ambitious. by the time i finished reading the books, i felt as if i really got to know emily although she's just a fictitious character.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved Emily of New Moon. After reading the Anne of Green Gables books, Lucy Maud Montgomery was one of my favorite authors. One day while in a bookstore, I saw Emily of New Moon, noticed the author, and decided to buy it. It was one of the best purchases I've ever made. I recommend this book to a child of any age. I can't wait to get another L.M.Montgomery book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danica ingram
Reading Emily of New Moon always makes me start picking up my pen and trying to write poems. I've learned I'll probably not succeed, but I still love the book and the urge to write that stays afterward. Emily is wonderful.
Only, I personally liked Dean better. Better than Teddy, that is. He was an interesting character. Maybe it's just I'm sorry for him.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle ballard
Emily Starr is a daughter of a faith-confused father that her mother's family has shunned for his poverty. Her mother, Juliet Murray, died when she was five, and then when she is older, her father dies of consumption, leaving her an orphan.

Her mother's family takes her in, and teaches her all their traditions and strict codes of honor and pride.

Emily makes new friends, grows, and even has a few love intrests, despite her young age.

The only problem I had with this book was her father way of thinking of God. He says everyone has their own God, and that Emily shouldn't worship their housekeeper's God.

That is very untrute. Every one has their own PERSEPTION of God.

Get it right L.M. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ala a
I began reading LM Montgomery at age 10, with Anne of Green Gables, as most girls do. But when I moved on to Emily, I truly fell in love. In fact, I spent my entire 10 year old savings on LM Montgomery books after reading Emily of New Moon.

The Emily books are darker, more grown up, than the Anne books, and a year never goes by that I don't reread Emily. The heartbreaks (losing her dad, having to choose which cat to leave behind), the fears, and the triumphs that Emily goes through felt true when I was a young girl, and still feel true nearly two decades later.

It breaks my heart that LM Montgomery books periodically go out of print. I encourage anyone who wants to own her books to get them when they see them, or they may have to wait a long time for them to come back into print.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen larson
I enjoyed this book because Emily is a touching, if not always a believable character. Her unbelievableness, though, is part of what makes her a good character. Also, Aunt Elizabeth is a good relief from all the characters who think Emily is practacaly perfect, and that helps Emily find out about herself
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie o toole
I enjoyed this book because Emily is a touching, if not always a believable character. Her unbelievableness, though, is part of what makes her a good character. Also, Aunt Elizabeth is a good relief from all the characters who think Emily is practacaly perfect, and that helps Emily find out about herself
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica kowalewski
This is the remarkable story of Emily, a young girl who is sent to live with her Aunt Elizabeth after her father dies. The story is all about how Emily adapts to her new surroundings and her new friends. As the book progresses, gradually you see that Emily has grown as a person, and as a writer. You care about Emily and want to know what happens to her. Emily is such an enjoyable person that it is difficult to put the book down! Emily is a very real person and I really felt that I knew her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristi staker
This book is absolutely wonderful! After reading the Anne of Green Gable series, I firmly decided that I had to read more of Montgomery's books. When I read this book, I was delighted with my choice. This book is so realistic and fun, and her descriptions of the characters make you feel that you know them. I feel that I could relate with them all. Emily's adventures are so descriptive that you feel as if you are experiancing them as she is. It is a great book that I reccommend to everyone who loves the Anne series. You will be hugely satisfied with it, and Emily's difference on personality from Anne's is a delightful change. Altogether it is the best book of Montgomery's that I have read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kelly barefoot
EMILY OF NEW MOON is really good. I like writing, so I can identify with Emily. Emily's adventures are cool, and I like the part where she can see what really happened to Illse's mother (Illese is her friend). I like the mischief Emily stirs up when she meets a Catholic priest. But sometimes it was just boring and predictable!!!! Some of the dialogue was stupid, and I thought "Jarback" Priest--Dean--was a flat character. It's a good book, but not as good as Anne.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa blaetz
I named my daughter after the beloved little Emily Starr in this fantastic series of books! After reading all three by L.M Montgomery I found myself wanting to take a walk with young Emily as she grew. And when my daughter was born I hoped beyond hope that she would be much like her in spirit and heart! A must read for anyone who has a young daughter or for anyone who is still a young daughter at heart!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ray user2637
I love books by L.M Montgomery, especially the Emily series. There was something...lacking in the Anne books. I wish she had taken the Emily trilogy a bit further. Emily is more real then Anne, and a bit...darker.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
As an avid Anne fan, I found myself disappointed with the first Emily book. I understand that many people believe Emily to be more realistic than Anne, but she struck me more as insufferable and spoiled. For some reason, I found the events of her life to be uninteresting and nearly didn't finish the book because it was such a drag to read. Perhaps this book is more suitable for younger readers around Emily's age, while Anne's is a more timeless saga that will enchant even the older set. All in all, I found Emily and her story to be extremely childish and boring, although L.M. Montgomery's fine writing skill still shined through, which is why I gave the book 3 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
p fosten
The very lines on the pages seem to live. Beautiful characters, and never boring. Emily can be lived at any age. Never has a book held so much truth and mystery at the same time, that is what makes this series so beautiful.These books are the best books ever written, or read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read alot of Montgomerys novels and by far this is best one yet! The descriptions are wonderful, you can almost see the places there.The people are so different that it makes the book equal out quite nicely.
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