A Knight in Shining Armor (The Montgomery/Taggert Family Book 15)

ByJude Deveraux

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea mcgimsey
This was my first introduction to Jude Deveraux at the age of 17 and now almost a decade later I re-read the book (after reading practically every other book she wrote) and love it just as much! If you love time travel/historical romance, you will love this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angelina thoman
When I was much younger and books weren't readily available online (for the elite who even had internet), much less available for download, I would help my mom scour the shelves of used book stores for Jude Deveraux's romance novel, A Knight in Shining Armor. Not only was it one of my mom's favorites, but it must have been a favorite of many others being that it was near impossible to find! When we finally did find it, it felt like we had won the lottery. How silly I felt recently when all I had to do was click "Download" to get it off of the store and sent straight to my Kindle!

Examining the question of whether or not true love can literally pass the test of time, Jude Deveraux's A Knight in Shining Armor is a romance novel with a fantastic fantasy twist. When American Dougless Montgomery is abandoned outside a church in England by her boyfriend and his bratty daughter while on vacation, Dougless' tears transport Elizabethan knight, Nicholas Stafford, from 1599 to the present day. Originally seeing Nicholas as a knight sent to rescue her from her woes, they soon realize that Nicholas also needs help solving the mystery of who betrays him to the point of execution in 1599. Together Dougless and Nicholas work on changing history and try to make sense of the bond that has joined them so strongly that they can defy the logic of time.

I've been reading romance novels since I was in late elementary school and, considering A Knight in Shining Armor is the only title I can remember from the many I've read, I knew I had to give it a re-read as an adult once I found it on the store. Because of the nostalgia attached to this book, I admit my review may be a tad biased, but I really enjoyed this story and probably related to it a lot more reading it now. A Knight in Shining Armor is definitely not without its stereotypical 1980s romance dramatics and there are times when the author walks in circles over how Dougless feels; however, to her credit, Dougless is quite literally a damsel in distress! I think this book could have been compacted better if a lot of that cheesiness was eliminated, but it isn't so distracting that it prevents the story from progressing. If you're looking for a light, romantic read then you won't mind this at all.

I think what sets A Knight in Shining Armor apart from typical romance novels is the element of fantasy involved. Most romance novels are predictable, even if the reader does like reading about how the guy gets the girl or vice versa; in this novel it's difficult to imagine a happy ending for both characters since they live 400 years apart. Furthermore, the element of time travel adds a comedic element; Nicholas' reactions to cars and calculators are automatically funny and gives a new dynamic to his relationship with Dougless, his 20th century teacher. Since this book takes place in the 1980s, it would be even funnier to read an updated version with internet and iPads.

Besides the romance and themes of love surviving centuries, this book also teaches other valuable lessons about loving yourself and finding value in what others may perceive as flaws. Dougless experiences an awakening of self throughout the course of the novel and it's less superficial than other romance novels of its day. This helped me feel less guilty about indulging in this story because it isn't irresponsibly advertising that a heroine can only be a heroine if she's attached to a man. Although it definitely fits the mold of "romance novel," I think A Knight in Shining Armor can even be considered a pioneer for the more female empowered neo genre of "Chick Lit".

Bottom Line: Definitely read this if you love a good romance! If cheesy romantic books aren't your thing, you probably won't appreciate this one. 4/5 stars in general, 5/5 stars for the Romance genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cavanaugh beck
Jude Deveraux is an incredible romance author, I have read and enjoyed all of her books but A Knight In Shining Armor has always been my favorite. It is not a typical love story but the reader will love both the heroine and the hero, This book is a sexy, fun, heartwarming story that never gets old no matter how many times i re-read it. Enjoy!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer s r
My childhood best friend and I discovered this book in junior high school. I can still remember my math teacher Mrs. Brown yelling at me because I was secretly reading this book in her class (ah, what memories!!).

I passed this on to my dear friend and she read this book in one setting. This would be an amazing book to read with your lover on a snowy winter weekend or listen to on audiobook.

I can't recommend it enough!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rosie dub
I absolutely loved this book!!!! I have read it several times and have the cassette. I also purchased the cassette for my niece, she loved it then read the book. I know the story is far fetched but it is still fun and the romance is wonderful. Don't we all wish. I don't understand the reviewers who don't like it. I loved it and you won't be sorry you purchased it. Fantastic Beach Read or listen to in the car going down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
magistra laura
I read the book calledMariana by Susanna Kearsley and loved it...I was hoping there was more books like that and then I read some feedback comments and one of them said it was sort like This book and
I read this and could not put it down. Lots of people have written the plot, so I just wanted you to know that this is worth the buy....buy it, read it and I promise you will not be able to put it down and love it as I did....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vicki kennerud
As author of Gateway to the Past (A romantic novel of a second chance granted by a grandmotherly ghost) by Lori Hayes, this book is my favorite out of all the authors I've read. I love this time travel into the past--and I'm not a lover of historical romance. It's written so contemporary readers will like it as well. This book is most talked about by editors I have met. Great job, Jude Deveraux!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom cork
A KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR is a classic of romantic literature. It often appears on lists of top romance novels of all time. Published in 1989, I first read it within a couple years of its publication. I remember being shocked and annoyed at the ending of the novel. In fact, I hated it so much that I never could remember anything else about the book except that the ending of the book was vivid in my mind. In the subsequent years, when I saw this book on classic lists, I questioned the intelligence of those reviewers. When the book came up for reading in my book club, I was determined to give it a fresh reading.

A serious warning that this review contains serious spoilers.

THE STORY: In 1988, Dougless Montgomery is going on the trip of a lifetime to England with her live in lover and the man she loves and hopes will take this opportunity to ask her to marry him. The man that Dougless has attached herself to is a serious jerk who treats her shabbily and yet Dougless blames herself and allows herself to be taken advantage of. Her lover is successful and liked by her family and Dougless who has always felt like a misfit amongst her incredibly accomplished family. When she is abandoned by her lover, Dougless prays for a knight in shining armor to rescue her.

Lord Nicholas Stafford is a man out of time. In 1564, he is facing and undeserved death as a traitor to the Crown. When he is called to 1988, he comes to a future he doesn't expect but decides to use to his advantage. NIcholas is determined to discover who framed him as a traitor and then return to his time and save himself and his family.

The action of the story involves uncovering the person who framed NIcholas but the heart of this story is how two people who live four hundred years apart can find each other and can they ever be together forever?

OPINION: This book has several negatives to overcome. Dougless is a doormat in the beginning of the book. Some people never get past the beginning because she is so pathetic, desperately seeking a perfect relationship in a man who treats her like dirt. Dougless, however, doesn't remain a static character. She learns that she can cope and deal with life and that she can be strong and independent in a way she never expected. She discovers the person who betrays Nicholas and then travels to the 15th century to save Nicholas. Dougless's ability to cope and thrive in the past demonstrates a fortitude that she never expected in herself. With Nicholas's love, Dougless recognizes that she is worthy of respect from a man. This novel follows her journey so readers need not fear that Dougless will be a doormat the entire book.

The ending of the novel is what has bothered me for years. There is a HEA as Dougless finds the present day man who possesses the soul of Nicholas after believing she has lost him forever. Their encounter is short and the book ends when Dougless realizes that Nicholas has returned to her. Intellectually, I can accept the ending. Their souls find one another and it is expected that they will build a life together. As much as my intellect recognizes the ending, my heart doesn't like it. Dougless may have found the soul of Nicholas, but there is something unfulfilling in her finding a man who knows nothing of her experiences and their life together. Intellectually, I can explain it. In the same way that Nicholas "knew" Dougless in the past before he ever met her, this new "vessel" will know Dougless...but emotionally, I still felt cheated in being left at the beginning of the journey.

While the ending still bothers me, I still really loved the story. The ending is brave and unique in romance. The story is coherent and operates by its own rules. The beauty of the story overcomes the parts I don't like. Nicholas's experiences in the modern world are funny without being silly. I loved how Dougless manipulates Nicholas by using his curiosity to distract him. I also really enjoyed how the book compares and contrasts the two time periods in a non-romantic fashion and without disdain.

The overwhelming love for the ages is beautiful and I cried when the two parted. The beauty and sense of pain and loss was heartbreakingly real and I can accept the ending because of it. This book makes you believe that souls that are meant for one another can find one another despite all obstacles including time. It is a romance that you cannot forgot even if, like me, you are frustrated by it.

WORTH MENTIONING: For some reason, the technicalities of the time travel really bugged me (probably because of the ending). Some characters appeared in both the present and the past and looked the same and yet Nicholas's soul appears looking completely different at the end. That just bugged me.

FINAL DECISION: I find this book incredibly frustrating. The love story between Dougless and Nicholas is incredibly moving and beautiful. I don't even mind the reincarnation angle but I wish that there was a coda or epilogue that would ease the transition to this new guy who has the soul of Nicholas. I recommend that every romance reader read it and make their own decision.

CONNECTED BOOKS: This book is the fifteenth book in the Montgomery/Taggart family series, but can be read entirely on its own without missing anything.

STAR RATING: I give this one a 4.25. I marked it down because I wish there was more to the ending. This book cries out for an epilogue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
johnny morris
Years ago this was my first Jude Deveraux book. I was completely entranced and never forgot it. Recently I became friends with an elderly lady who enjoys medieval romances - I ordered this book for her in hopes she would enjoy it as much as I did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristel poole
I really enjoyed this book, it was well written, and it was more about a love story with love and loss and sacrifice than it was a history lesson. You learn about the people and emotional aspect of the period. I really enjoyed the twists in this book, and I think it was probably the best time travel romance I have read so far. I think this book was wonderful. Worth every penny I paid for it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary nelle
This book is definately worth a read. It is entertaining, witty, and romantic. Unfortunately, it is also, at times, unrealistic, trite and silly. Despite the negatives, I could not put it down...I needed to know how it ended. The author did rush the ending and wrapped it up so quickly I felt that she she had simply reached her page limit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren rutledge
I have read this one several times, during different phases of my life...it's STILL my favorite! I have always believed in "soul mates" & that drew me into this story. My own love came back to me after 20+ years...we joke about not taking so long "next time".
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is definately worth a read. It is entertaining, witty, and romantic. Unfortunately, it is also, at times, unrealistic, trite and silly. Despite the negatives, I could not put it down...I needed to know how it ended. The author did rush the ending and wrapped it up so quickly I felt that she she had simply reached her page limit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
roja mdv
I have read this one several times, during different phases of my life...it's STILL my favorite! I have always believed in "soul mates" & that drew me into this story. My own love came back to me after 20+ years...we joke about not taking so long "next time".
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