Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief - The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook

ByClair Davies NCTMB

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alain masse
Let me start by saying that the information contained in this book is a gold mine for curing pain and self-healing.

I have personally fixed my previously "unfixable" disabling lower back pain, shoulder injuries, and many other injuries, usually sports related.

The book is a good balance of being technically detailed, yet direct to the point. If it was any less detailed than it is, it would not be useful.

I have read some of the other reviews putting this book down, even one by somebody who had a university degree and thought it was over-whelming - you don't need a degree to read this book, just common sense (which you won't obtain at university - ps, I have a degree myself, but so what ?)

Other people may write that it didn’t work - here's a the only "catch" - you have to spend time reading the book in detail, and take in the information it has - there are many key points which can’t be summarised in 5 minutes of flicking through the pages - trust me, spend the time reading this properly, and the pay off will be big - you will get out what you put in (like most things in life).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Buy this book!! Any weekend warrior or person who engages in reptative motions, likely experiences a trigger point and the pain/restriction that accompanies it. Using this boo'ks charts and info regarding trigger point release, can ease pain/restriction, immediately.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was always checked out and/or reserved when I wanted it, so I bit the financial book and bought it. It's a little bit of a challenge to read it on a Kindle DX. To get around this, I have to enter the name of the disorder or inflammation and the part of the body that needs trigger point massage. If I didn't travel so much for my job, I'd get the print edition of this book.
Katherine :: Trigger Point Therapy Workbook Your Self Treatment Guide for Pain Relief 2ND EDITION [PB :: Forever Amber (Rediscovered Classics) :: Kathleen New edition (2002) - Forever Amber by Winsor :: -- 24 Color Cards with Numbered Swatches -- 5 Color Plans for each Color -- 2 Value Finders Red & Green
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this book changed my life. had i not discovered it, i'd be a basket case spending my days homebound, crippled by chronic pain. instead, i'm as energetic and agile as a man half my age, still playing basketball, surfing, etc. clair davies' story is inspiring, so don't neglect to read through the intro.

i've purchased at least half a dozen copies over the years, loaned them out, knowing they'd not be returned, but more importantly learning the various ways it's served and benefitted others. many thanks to mr. davies for producing the most important book i've ever owned or read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Did quite a bit of research as to which Reflexology/Trigger Point materials would be really used in my house. This is one of three that earned top ratings.

Excellent illustrations, detailed relationships and more information than one can recall after first reading. Of course, we honed in on our current challenges. When we read of problems friends had, we shared what this book described. Using the Back Body Buddy made relief from various pains possible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth carr
I bought this book because it is recommitted by Elliott Hulse of Strength Camp. ~ [...] I ~

I am loving this book. It is full of great information. Reading this has given me so much wonderful information to help myself and others. It is a hard read for me as I do not know what some of the medical words mean. But I just look them up and read on with a better understanding.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shondra bergmann
This book provides miracles! I did not know until I purchased this book that trigger points under my clavicle near my breastbone could cause my forearm muscle to draw up very tightly and hurt! I also did not know that trigger points in my upper calf muscle, right below my KNEE, of all places, could cause my tendon/bone going from my ankle to my big toe to feel like it was going to explode through the TOP of my shoe! Additionally, I could not believe that trigger points in my masseter, or jaw, muscles could cause that maddening itch in my ear that I never could seem to reach with ANYTHING!!!! And masseter trigger points can also be the reason that people have bags under their eyes!!!!
This book has really opened my eyes (LOL) to many of my own personal aches which can be CURED simply by releasing trigger points!
Thank God as well as Clair and Amber Davies, the authors, for this book. I had ONE of the second editions for this book, but I lost it so I ordered THREE of the 3rd editions for this book so that if I did accidentally lose one of them I would have a backup!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nora white
I have some upper back pain and the techniques outlined in the book have really helped in alleviating it. I also purchased a Theracane, which I can't recommend enough. As an added bonus, the book is well written and interesting to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ruthie benjamin
Really great book, helpful info and pics, easy to understand and utilize, has helped me with my hand, wrist, and arm pain due to muscle tension and overuse, better than the orthopaedic doctor, who gave me a splint.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brooke jean
It feels really good to walk and sleep without pain. I start using this book and swimming and it's help. I can sleep again. And walking it's a fun again. Book is written clear, English is my second language, and I understand the book OK. Thank you
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I stumbled across this book in the very early hours of the morning about 5 years ago after herniating my lower back and spending lots of night standing up not being able to lied down or sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. To begin working on muscle trigger points surrounding my injury and then all along my back and shoulders began to bring immediate relief, and it helped to bring the skeletal system back into line. Now free of that pain, I still refer to this book for guidance and to seek out and remove any other trigger points.
Most recently this book has greatly assisted in eliminating a pain in my wrist that was so great that push-ups were unthinkable and unbearable. Within a week of working on only a couple of shoulder and back muscles, my wrist is feeling great again.
I highly recommend this book to newcomer and professional alike.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
damir gaal
Great updates from the 2nd edition, layout-wise. I'm an emergency physician and use/teach the techniques every single shift. Literally, every shift. It's absolutely incredible how many patients come to the emergency department with trapezius muscle spasm, low back pain/spasm, and gluteus medius syndrome. I'd give copies out to patients if I could.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is excellent for people who are interested in learning how to properly perform trigger point self-massage as well as an overview on the emerging science of muscular trigger points. The illustrations are excellent, with separate illustrations showing the referred pain areas and the corresponding trigger points. For each area of referred pain, the book lists the types of activities which typically precipitate the pain, which is quite helpful for diagnosing issues and identifying proper trigger points. For every trigger point, it provides very clear step-by-step instructions on how to locate the trigger points and get enough leverage to massage them. It is well-organized by area of the body. After just 2 weeks, my copy is heavily dog-eared. The book also provides excellent guidance on the recommended duration, frequency, and intensity of self-massage. I believe this book should be on the bookshelf of every athlete and every person experiencing chronic joint and muscle pain.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina moss
Love, love, love this book. I am constantly recommending it to friends. Just now I had pain on my outer knee, was having trouble walking (from exercise). 5 minutes with this book and I’m pain free. It’s an essential book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
afua brown
Often I can heal myself, without the ministrations of much more costly interventions. Not that his book diagnoses maladies, but if you already know you have something that immobilizes you, this book may guide you to some 'techniques,' that solve or at least temper some of life's muscular difficulties. For me, one is headache pain, that these trigger points bring on. Knowing where to massage or press, helps totally alleviate them!!! MORE physicians should READ this book, instead of relying on pharmaceuticals!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Other reviews on trigger point posters kept suggesting this book for serious minded people who want to learn how to heal their own bodies. I immediately could tell it is written for the normal person to understand. I am still reading, and expect this book to be my Go To for information on my neck & back.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book, in conjunction with a theracane and tens unit, have improved my quality of life immensely. If I had known 3 years ago that my physical therapy exercises would be more effective and result in fewer headaches had I immediately followed the sessions using a theracane with the help of this book to address my trigger points, I could have saved a lot of time, money, and a surgery. Chronic myofascial pain syndrome is definitely a misunderstood chronic ailment that doctors for some reason do not catch immediately. Even when they do diagnose, they don't seem to give practical advise for how to deal with it; the first thing they should do is prescribe this book and a theracane.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Years spent as a distance runner and heavy computer user with poor posture and a high tolerance for pain turned my body into a twisted and tangled mess. With the help of this book and a few massage tools (namely the Triggerpoint massage ball, block, and roller), the majority of aches and pains I had reluctantly grown used to became a thing of the past after a few weeks. I anticipate that the rest of them will fall into line over time.

Somewhat perplexing that countless trips to doctors and physical therapists produced less relief than a quick read through this book, but I am glad to have found it regardless.

Note that this book is not for the impatient. While it is possible to find near-immediate relief from certain points, it is more likely that you will need to devote some time (weeks, possibly months) to massaging the more difficult spots, so be prepared to stick with it. It's ultimately worth it!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
theresa moir
I purchased this recently as I have medical issues that are addressed in this workbook. There's a wealth of information on trigger point therapy that can be done using a thera cane, hands, balls and rollers. Can be a little too technical for the average person. I needed to spend a bit more time learning new muscle groups. Very impressed with the pain guides. It is very easy to find your specific pain area and be directed to the page to identify the symptoms and trigger points and work on massaging away the pain. A very inexpensive and natural approach to healing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The 3rd edition has new information that makes the book even easier to use. Also, the Other Symptoms Guide for each pain chart section is wonderful. I have used the 2nd edition for years, and as a massage therapist, it has been the BEST tool I have to help my clients and myself. I have a way to way to keep myself out of pain and I use it to teach my clients how to self-treat their pain. If you have chronic pain or you want to do Trigger Point work, you need this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing!! I never write reviews on anything I buy but this is the exception. I have only had the book for a week and have already found tbe causes of much of my pain. Pain that doctors have unable to help me with for over a year and I have been to alot of doctors, in two states through two different insurance companies and much$$$$ This book and the Bodybuddy are the best $50 I have ever spent!!! I have much work to do to return to be pain free but I had given up hope. Just the little bit I have learned so far has reducedy pain by 40%. Thank you for the information that the doctors either do not know or are unwilling to give us. I was not willing to believe that this wad something I was just going to have to live with. Forever Grrateful
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lizardek slaughter ek
My physical therapist introduced me to the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook. This is great information for anyone who has painful ashi points - or any one that treats them. It arrived very fast and the price was good. Highly recommend it. Easy to read & understand. Good illustrations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather smith
The 3rd edition has new information that makes the book even easier to use. Also, the Other Symptoms Guide for each pain chart section is wonderful. I have used the 2nd edition for years, and as a massage therapist, it has been the BEST tool I have to help my clients and myself. I have a way to way to keep myself out of pain and I use it to teach my clients how to self-treat their pain. If you have chronic pain or you want to do Trigger Point work, you need this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing!! I never write reviews on anything I buy but this is the exception. I have only had the book for a week and have already found tbe causes of much of my pain. Pain that doctors have unable to help me with for over a year and I have been to alot of doctors, in two states through two different insurance companies and much$$$$ This book and the Bodybuddy are the best $50 I have ever spent!!! I have much work to do to return to be pain free but I had given up hope. Just the little bit I have learned so far has reducedy pain by 40%. Thank you for the information that the doctors either do not know or are unwilling to give us. I was not willing to believe that this wad something I was just going to have to live with. Forever Grrateful
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My physical therapist introduced me to the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook. This is great information for anyone who has painful ashi points - or any one that treats them. It arrived very fast and the price was good. Highly recommend it. Easy to read & understand. Good illustrations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bruce martin
Impressed by the content of this book. Had some pain in my elbow and after reading the first chapter I flipped thru to the chart and was able to find the exact cause of my pain. Used a tennis ball to work on the muscle. This book will help many Fibromyalgia suffering folks on the store.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom craig
I have used acupressure for several years, but felt that there had to be more options. I found this book to be a very straight forward practical guide. By referencing the book I was able to help a friend who had a bad accident twelve months ago resulting in severe muscle damage to his back. After working on him daily for 8 days, he could not believe the amount of extra movement and lessened pain levels achieved in this time. He has now purchased a copy to share with his daughter and partner to continue the treatment I started. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for an alternative/complimentary treatment to relieve new and existing problems
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trish chiles
After suffering from severe debilitating arm and shoulder pain for 29 days straight with no relief from prescription medicine or physical therapy, I purchased Penetrex from BioMax along with the Trigger Point Therapy book by Clair & Amber Davies (third edition). I sat down with the book when it arrived and went through the arm, back, and shoulder sections page by page looking at the easy-to-read diagrams of the trigger points and where they radiate pain. I got to the scalenes section and all of my seemingly random pain points were right there on the diagram! I had three different diagnoses from three different doctors for the problem, and none of their treatment recommendations worked. I was amazed when I read the description in the book about how - due to the way the pain from the scalenes radiates to so many different areas - it can be misdiagnosed as a wide range of problems. Every one of the three diagnoses I had was listed under the common misdiagnoses. All of the doctor appointments, ultrasounds, x-rays, and physical therapy that never led to any improvement finally made sense!

By identifying the trigger points causing the unusual pattern of radiating pain, and using Penetrex during the trigger point massage, my pain level went from an unrelenting 8-9 to a 6 within 48 hours. I actually took the book in with me and showed my physical therapist the page with the diagram on it. She said that definitely made sense and decided to shift therapy from what the doctor originally recommended (that hadn't worked at all) to match what I was doing at home instead. Improvements in mobility and grip strength along with major pain reduction came quickly after that. Thank you, God! If I hadn't purchased this book, I would still be sleeping 90 minutes a night and spending my days in a painful fog unable to function. Not only has it given me my life back, but it also saved me from continuing to waste hundreds of dollars on doctor appointments and diagnostic tests trying to identify the root cause of the pain. I think this book should be on everyone's shelf!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clare flynn
I have used this wonderful book for many years, as the first edition. I highly recommend the newer edition, even if you have the first one. The charts are excellent. I am always overdoing it with my muscles, and wind up in trouble. No over-the-counter medications touch my extreme pain. I use a massager for the trigger points, being careful to stay on the muscles. It solved my migraines, which came from my pectoral and scalene muscles, not diet, not stress, not a thousand other things. If you encounter anything complex, I found a big help today: Software that shows the muscles involved in motion: Muscle Premium [Download] This book has been a life-saver for me and my family/friends. I am so grateful to Claire Davies for writing it, and to Amber Davies for continuing his work. When I wrecked both shoulders, their Frozen Shoulder workbook saved me. The shoulders are normal today, without surgery. (The Frozen Shoulder Workbook: Trigger Point Therapy for Overcoming Pain and Regaining Range of Motion)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has been essential in helping me find and fix various aches and pains, most recently my ankle (on my own, I never would have figured out that the problem originated from a couple of trigger points on the bottom of my foot, but a couple of sessions with a tennis ball had me back on my feet). A few years ago it helped me fixed the crippling and sleep-depriving right arm pain I had that was causing my hand to go numb. Anyone can use this information, and everyone should! Although I already owned the hardcopy version, I recently bought the Kindle version so that I could have it with me when I was away from home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We're trying to correct some lingering health problems and just learned about trigger points. Reading the beginning of the book was like reading about ourselves and our aches and pains. We've got a long way to go in getting rid of our trigger points, but I'm sure this book will continue to be invaluable to us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda strawn
My wife and I both have muscle spasm problems. This has been the best self-help book we have ever had. Our pain doc has one in his office even and our massage therapist uses it for reference all the time. BE SURE YOU GET THE NEWEST EDITION (THIRD AT THE TIME I WRITE.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is absolutely one of my favorite resources, both as a practicing massage therapist, and an individual with different aches/pains to troubleshoot. Easy to use, eye-opening, possibly life-saving (in terms of quality of life). Highly recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara o mara
Triger points, aka knots, can be a real pain (pun intended)!!! They form in the muscle and cut off circulation leading to pain and sometimes injury. Self massage and myofascial release can relieve this pain and prevent a possible injury.

In my opinion, this is the only book about trigger points you will ever need. This is the bible of trigger points and it covers absolutely everything. It's not a book where you have to sit down and read it cover to cover ( although I did!!). The book is laid out in different sections to show you different trigger points in every part of the body. For example, it breaks it down to neck, legs, shoulders, back etc, so that you have an easy quick reference for a particular pain. If you have back pain, skip to this areas, etc. It also shows which trigger points can affect different parts of your body. For example, you can have a pain in your back, but it's caused by a trigger in your neck. Have Carpal tunnel? caused by triggers in your arm/shoulder or neck. He shows you where the referred pain is and which triggers to hit. I bought this along with a Body Back Buddy Classic TM Trigger Point Massager. I had used a Thera Cane Massager in the past, but I really like my BBB. I also have various balls around like lacrosse, tennis and baseballs, to hit the harder to reach areas. I also use a Rumble Roller Full Size Black. I have noticed a lot of relief using the points in this book. Sometimes, they can be difficult to find, but eventually, you get to know the tender areas and you have the book for reference. I'm still having a bit of rhomboid pain I'm trying to work thru. Overall, this is an awesome book to have for anyone interested in treating those nasty knots! Happy triggering!
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