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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
"Katherine" is considered a classic novel, published in 1954 when my parents were not yet born and my grandparents were around my current age. I picked up this novel because I have seen it grace several of the "Best 100 Books" or "Books to Read Before You Die" type lists. While it's stereotyping, I also seem to have better luck with books written long ago, as the authors always seem to have a prose and style more to my liking than what we see in books today (especially in historical fiction).

Also, I absolutely love Anya Seton's name. It's such a perfect name for an author, don't you think? But I digress...

Seton has masterful writing skills when it comes to painting a world long gone, so that was definitely not the problem. My main problem with the book was the characters; their personalities, their development (or lack thereof), etc.
Katherine de Roet, the protagonist, falls victim to the old "unbelievably perfect" main character archetype. She never has so much as a naughty or selfish thought. Despite being exquisitely beautiful she is not vain or silly for men (except with John of course) and loves John only for himself, not because of what his title could mean for her. It's not that she isn't likeable, but she isn't particularly relatable.

The other protagonist, John of Gaunt, is a little less angelic but quite bland as well. Although obviously a real historical figure, he seems to be pulled out here as "Heroic Knight in Shining Armor #1."

Then there's the love story. John loves his wife. Katherine loves John AND his wife. John's wife dies. John grieves. Katherine grieves. John looks at Katherine and realizes she's pretty. John falls instantly in love with Katherine. They bop like bunnies. This was my biggest problem, as there was no development to the love between them; one day John just decides she's pretty and he's smitten. Boom.

Other characters are introduced, and disappear so fast you wonder why the author bothered to mention them.

It's a beautiful story really, but the characters won't suck you in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love historic novels. This story fascinated me. I learned much about the business of royal alliances via marriage, the twisted relationship between church and state (grateful to live in the USA and in this time!), and the attitudes of and about women of the time--again, I am grateful to live in this country and in this time! I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tashrik ahmed
There are so many wonderful reviews of this book, I will not take time to detail the story as so many before me have already covered this territory.

I first read "Katherine" when I was 16 years old. I found a paperback copy on a stand in a grocery store. The cover seemed romantic to me. I took it home and read it. From that time "Katherine" has become a part of my life. I am now 51 years of age and I have read "Katherine" countless times in my life. I can open to any page and pick up with the story. I was the same age as the character of Katherine was when I first read the book. As the years have passed, I have been able to relate to her as she goes into her first marriage, first children, first passionate love, the loss of a child, middle age, and old age. I cannot tell you why it has made such an impact in my life, but I can tell you that I am full of joy at finding a story that has so affected me, and given me so much comfort and delight.

I met a young woman many years ago, who was about to graduate with a Phd in medieval history. I asked her why she wanted to study the middle ages and she told me that when she was younger she read a book. That book was called "Katherine". This is evidence of Anya Seton's genius. I have occasionally loaned this book to people who I think might appreciate the story. I have been told by some that there is "quite a lot of history" in the book and therefore, not satisfying. I found it to be the opposite. The images I have been given will stay with me always. Seton's attention to detail is wonderful. She was a master story teller and a wonderful historian as well. I wish I could have met her.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jacquoline williams
Not my favorite Anya Seton novel. The character of Katherine can be dull at times-though by the end she's a more rounded individual. The romance is meant to be epic but I found many of the love scenes predictable. The historical detail is wonderful and I liked some of the political intrigue but some character descriptions (of real royalty) were repetitive and unimaginative. I prefer Seton's Green Darkness-that has great political action and a complex love story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
james king
It's always interesting to discover the practices and beliefs of another time and place --and Early England is always fascinating. But this book is basically a romance novel, whose woman protagonist has the strength and personal faith to bring her to success - first without her great love, and then in old age, with him.
I rated this because of my personal bias --I don't often read romances.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The standard by which historical novels are judged.

Seton's work is character-driven and steeped in research regarding the golden days of the Plantagenets. Erotic by what it conceals and endearing by what it reveals, this is a book any aspiring historical fiction novelist should read before typing or writing their first word.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
w richter
I had purchased this book after reading so many positive reviews on the store and I was not sure if it would live up to all the talk. Well it was really a wonderful story and I loved it. I loved reading this historical fiction tale and I would highly recommend it. Anyone who loved The Other Boleyn Girl will also love this book. I also think that a few of the reviewers were critical of John and that they do not get that he was just a product of his time and was a good man and very good to Katherine. I thought he was very sexy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrew campbell
The book weaves a love story into English history. It is rather fast paced but a long story that covers a lot history. There were a lot of words and terms that were hard to understand. Some were not in the dictionary. For me it was a slow read but it did not take away from the story. It is a deep look into English life style and and living conditions in the 1300's.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dhea julia
Being a history major, and having three degrees in History and Education fields has made me a snob when it comes to reading works based on history, and if the works were not during the specific time period that I like, I usually did not bother reading them.
Because of this work, I have become a fan of historical fiction, and have purchased many of this particular author's works. I never used to read anything that had anything to do with history during the 1300's or anything earlier than the 1800's. This author has changed all of that for me. This was one of the best books I have ever read. I usually only buy books that are at least 300 pages long. I just like to feel that I have gotten my money's worth when I purchase a book. Anya Seton must have this same kind of mentality, because every book I have purchased of hers is at least 400 or 500 pages long, and not just filled with junk, either, I might add. Anyone wanting to have their opinion changed about historical fiction, just pick up one of Anya Seton's works. She is meticulous with her research, and the reader can tell that her works have been widely researched. Some fiction is, of course, a part of her works, seeing that she writes about periods in history when most people could not read or write, and records were not as easily accessible as they are now with the internet, and with the ability to travel to research material. An excellent work of historical fiction, is all I will say about this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sj homer
I first read "Katherine" when I was a teenager in the 1950s. Then I read it as a great romance, and loved it. Now reading it in my 70s, I found it so much more. I paid much more attention to the political and social conditions of the time. The influence of the Lollards and the Peasants Revolt. Sill a wonderful romance, but so much more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I read this historical novel in my teens and considered it to be one of my favorites. I recently reread it to see if my memories about it were correct and they were.
"Katherine" is a very good story that is full of historical details. If you like that kind of thing, like I do, you won't be disappointed reading this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aimee long
A beautiful, wonderful, entertaining, enriching novel.
It makes us care deeply for people who lived more than 600 years ago in a present so different from ours. That present and those people are so vividly recreated that we feel engulfed by the reality they lived; they become so dear to us that we hurt when they hurt and we shine when they feel joy. Books like this are the reason why reading can be such a wonderful hobby.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was a littledisapointed in Anya Seton view of Katherine. Not because it wasn't accurate, it was. Very accurate in fact. I just thought in parts in dragged on and on a bit and I got bored with it. It would pick up again and I would be excited to finish but just a little slow in parts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My first copy of Katherine fell apart, I reread it so often. Anya Seton is a reader's writer
and her characters are believable and engaging. I especially liked 'meeting' Lady Julian,
the anchoress who guides Katherine out of the darkness of her life as it had become and
gives her a new vision of Christ. This character started me hunting for anything I could read about her historically and theologically. I would recommend this book to any and all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mallory whiteduck
I thought the book showed a unique insight into medieval life. Be prepared to look up lots of Middle English words. Not my normal read. I was surprised how eager I was to move through it to conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fabricio teixeira
The historical novel, KATHERINE, by Anya Seton is one of the best I've ever read. She writes so her characters are strong and believable, she does sound, solid research, and it was my first introduction to Blessed Julian of Norwich, an anchoress of renown in that day. Her writing gave me a much clearer picture of the history and politics of the time, and I was disappointed when I finally had to put the book down.

As a result of this novel, I find myself looking for anything by Anya Seton that I
can find. It was a sobering tale in some ways but a delightful reading experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I discovered this historical novel years ago and have read it more than once.
Anya Seton painted vivid characters and clear pictures of life in 14th Century England, using as much historical fact as possible. I have been requesting the Kindle version for as long as I've had a Kindle, so was thrilled when it appeared. The only thing lacking in the Kindle version is the family tree that I referred to frequently in the hard copy version to keep all the royal family straight. THANK YOU for making this available on Kindle!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
shane kirby
As historical fiction, it's a story that keeps one reading, but it's not my cup of tea. Well-written, of course -- Seton was a wonderful writer -- but the invention of thoughts and dialogue drives me nuts. But I'll bet a lot of readers will love it -- and justifiably so.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrew rumbles
I enjoyed reading this particularly since this is an important time of history. She did seem to be prone to lengthy descriptions of the scene in ways that for some might make the time come alive but for me proved to be boring at times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
roisin mckavanagh
This is an oldie but a goodie in historical fiction. Based on the true life of Catherine Swynford, this is a great narrative for those who enjoy medieval England. Although the book was published more than fifty years ago, it has stood the test of time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j kerry
A fascinating, historically accurate window into the life of Katherine, as she struggles through a perilous time in England's history. A woman of extreme courage and all too human frailities, she braves the dangers of true love and murderous intrigue amongst the royal class.. . All the more fascinating knowing that the book is based on the records of the time. I've read this novel many times in the last two decades and it's always a page turner. A favorite book by a favorite author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A wonderful love story in a time when marriage was for money and power. I read and was fascinated by the story long ago, but recently found that I'm descended from one of their children so I had to read again.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
very aggravated by the back and forth, wishy washy, character of Katherine and them some factual MEAT would be thrown in and I would become interested again... and then back to the silly. I wanted more character development. She, they (John) seemed so surface shallow. I'd rather have had less of a range in scope and more depth to the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book stayed with me well past the last pages. I found myself thinking about Katherine and looking up more information about her. Anya Seton created a vivid setting with solid characters and memorable scenes. While history does not spell out all the motives behind Katherine's choices, it was easy for me to believe the reasons Ms. Seton gave for Katherine's actions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this was a great read, I enjoyed it especially as it was written after much factual research, per the author's note. Makes me wonder if we have learned anything in 700 years!!!!! It doesn't even start slowly and the characters are well studied. Could hardly put it down after about 25% read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
While the writing is well executed, I found the characterization to be lackluster, and consequently found the relationships to be quite shallow. I feel as if the author expects us to simply accept things at face value and for us to not question the motivations of the characters and foundations of relationships. Overall, an interesting read, but I can't help but feel as if a relationship as controvetsial and historically significant as that of Katherine Swynford and John of Gaunt deserves much more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Having read "Katherine" many , many years ago, I loved it. It was the first romantic book I read.
Katherine & John are still great romantic lovers as I remembered them.

There is a lot of details & is an excellent historical fiction of the time period.
There are many spelling errors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey duck
I enjoyed this book very much. It brought some light to a very important lady that I had know nothing about. It was very well written and made you feel that you were really learning about a particular time period in our history. No wonder it is a classic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I listened to the Audible version, which probably helped me enjoy this book even more than had I read it since the reader was able to mimic accents very well (I think!). I learned a lot while enjoying the storyline immensely. I knew nothing about how life was in the late 1300's; now I want to know more. Great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily livadary
It is one of the first popular historical novels, a classic. It has something for everyone. The history is accurate and well researched. There is a wonderful love story, the intrigues of a royal family, great knights, and famous battles. Always been my contention that if history were presented factually, it would always be better than a story someone created, of course, most of the dialogue is fictional, however with hindsight, it is not difficult to make an educated guess about some conversations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pooja shah
It was interesting to read about John of Gaunt and his mistress/later wife Katherine. It deals with what came before Richard and Henry's battle for the crown. John and Katherine were ancestors to many royalty in England and scotland. I wish my Kindle had been able to enlarge the family tree in the front pages to a readable size.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juliebell gallant
This was the first "romance" novel I ever read. I must have been 10 or 11 at the time. Since then I have read countless historical novels but this one is still my favorite. I just finished re-reading it and I was as enthralled now as I was years ago. If you enjoy good historical fiction (Philipa Gregory, Diana Gabaldon, Sharon Kay Penman), you will enjoy this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley bailey
I've read so much medieval romantic literature...Katherine is one of the best. Kristin Lavransdatter is the finest, yet, Katherine does have as much historic content and fact as any text book.
Though I think the "bodice busting" parts are not really so necessary they do add a bit of spice. Ms. Seton really did her homework and I look forward to reading the rest of her stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne k pott
As a distant cousin of Anya Seton, I was inspired to read her works. Also as one who is greatly interested in history I am so pleased to read this life story of historical fiction. So little is known of Katherine, Duchess of Lancaster that giving her life as this is a true joy. Also, this book brought to life the times of the 1300's England thus giving insite to the lives of the poor as well as the privileged. All in all a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Katherine is a wonderful story of Katherine and the Duke of Lancaster based in the 1300's. If you love historical romances and learning about history this book is an easy way to learn about life in this time period. Anya Seton has written many fiction books based on fact and they are all excellent. She is an author close in her writing to Philippa Gregory but Seton is a little more descriptive in her writing. I have read all of Seton's books and all of Gregory's books and they are a much loved collection in my library.
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