The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America

ByJim Marrs

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsay wriston
Wow. This book explains quite well why we have the problems in America that we do. This was a bit of a tough read for me with all of the names, dates, facts, and figures. Hopefully everyone reads it so we can stop blindly following these people.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laramee boyd
Jim Marrs writes a completely fascinating look at how the infamous Third Reich survived and transformed into a mutated variation that survives today in modern America. The reader will be amazed as he pulls the curtain back to expose what the real reason might have been behind Ruldoph Hess's mystery flight to England in May 1941, as well as exposing just how far the Nazi's were in their "wonder weapons" research and development - a lot farther along than the Western Allies tend to give credit. Without spoiling the suspense, find out whose uranium was actually used in the developement and dropping of the 1st atomic bomb on Hiroshima. As a PhD in History, I highly recommend reading especially for those interested in revisionist World War II history!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is truly more than "thought provoking" it is chilling to recognize first hand the conditiions Marrs describes. I disagree with throwing out the history, "approved" textbooks, yes, since I am a retired educator who also had the honor of living through many of the years of the Third Reich and witnessed how the citizens of those countries were overcome by the forces of overt and covert governments. Perhaps the best each individual can do is recognize the workings of the current forces nnd protect ourselves as best as we can in spite of the fact tht now we have available technology to obliterate globally all civilizations. The tragedy of the current educational system is that those who "lived the history" are often totally ignored.
The Untold Story of the Jews Who Escaped the Nazis and Returned with the U.S. Army to Fight Hitler :: The One I Was :: Eight Weeks in the Conquered City - A Woman in Berlin :: and Everything Else (Thinline Ed.) - Everything Jesus Said About You :: Murder in the Marais (An Aimee Leduc Investigation Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kate young
Jim Marrs opens the understanding to the powers that control the governments and financial centers of the world. The most astonishing revelations in this book relate to what happened to the scientific community of Germany after World War II. I would recommend this book to anyone who has a curious interest in history and is willing to look at an alternative view.

Don Howard
Auburn WA
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sian champion
Very well written, researched, and documented. With controversial material such as this, it has to be. Don't read this book if you like to believe that everything is ok and the government is looking out for your best interest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jofina dahlstr m
If you're concerned about the Military's funding and support being 50 of 50 states. If you're concerned about that "Military Industrial Complex" to which we have to add a religious component these days, then you'll enjoy this book. Better than any other source of this information, this work keeps it simple and obvious.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maria pamela
This is a wild, speculative book but, scary enough, backed up by facts! The author has done lots of research and is a great primer on the Nazi programs and whereabouts after the war. There is no question that this book will open your eyes to some real possibilities.
It's an easy read and very well written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jim Marrs covers his subjects well taking all the suspension out of society. Probably answering my personal question as to why a lot of people in employment are poor at spelling and working things out - I have to brace myself each shopping day all ready for problems; now I know where they come from - the educated New World Order.

Mitylene Kuc
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abdullah almusned
My simple review...
I bought this book with very high expectations and it surpassed them all. Anyone wanting information on the Nazi's and there relation to the U.S. needs this book. From front to cover it is FILLED with information, so much so that I read it twice! A must read....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Rise of the Fourth Reich is possibly the most disturbing book I have read in 15 years. Prior to 2000, I would have assumed Mr. Marrs to be "just one more crazy person" with a good imagination and the ability to get a book published. As a physician, I have had experience with several of these global constructs. I did not understand the historical connection, which Mr. Marrs explains in detail. I have reviewed many of his references due to my own mistrust and disbelief of the author, only to find his narratives plausible and correct. As a doctor, and an American, I am very sorry for the direction this country will take in the near future. In gratitude to Mr. Marrs, I realize there will be nothing that can be done to prevent the globalization and chaos of the elite's fulfillment of ultimate goal. I would like an opportunity to discuss the parallels of medicine and this book with Mr. Marrs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book is well written and really covers timelines thoroughly.
This book should be read by all as the information it contains
is eye opening. It shows the threat to our military and country
from within by neocons who want a new world order,
where normal people are the slaves and the neocons are our masters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this author. I highly recommend "Rule by Secrecy", which was the first book I read by this author. This is the second and so far it's been more of the same. If you want a real account of world history, please read whatever you can by this author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shawna lyons
Excellent book and information. I have all of Jim Marrs' books.. I bought this one for a gift....Mr Marrs' definitely knows his subject matter....this book will open yours eyes...I recommend reading without prejudice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy beckett
It seems I forgot to change the "ship to" address on the order for this publication,
so it went to a dear friend who is an elementary school teacher/philosopher/social critic. Of course, school is out for the summer, so el libro is resting in her mail box in the faculty room, where it will be in wraps 'til the second week of September.
Maybe after she's loaned it to all her faculty friends who are advocates for a stronger, more socially aware, ready-to-work-again nation, I'll get a chance to crawl between its covers. In the meantime, all I can do is crow "mea culpa! mea culpa!" and wish I could make my aged brain behave.
Bob Montgomery
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