No One Is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God by Dr David Jeremiah (2006-03-01)

ByDr David Jeremiah

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david davies
David Jeremiah, senior pastor at Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California and founder of the popular radio and television ministry "Turning Point," offers readers words of comfort and hope in his latest book, CAPTURED BY GRACE.

The title examines the powerful message of grace through the lives of two distinct historical figures: John Newton and the Apostle Paul. Newton, who penned "Amazing Grace," had an adventurous but equally difficult life as a slave trader before his conversion. Yet the hymn that he wrote continues to be popular long after Newton's life ended. Jeremiah believes the hymn's renown is not just because it's so well-written but because it's rooted in grace.

He writes: "Grace is shocking --- something like the heavenly converse of a traffic accident. When love is returned for evil, we can't help stopping to rubber-neck. Grace is the delivery of a jewel that nobody ordered; a burst of light in a room where everyone forgot it was dark. Grace turns human politics on its head, right before our eyes. It renounces entire conventional wisdom of social behavior. Grace suggests that human beings may be something more than honor graduates of the animal kingdom after all; that the rumors may be true that purity and goodness are real and alive."

It's this kind of grace that also captured the Apostle Paul. Before his conversion, he was a persecutor of Christians. He went long and far to torment them. But that is when grace grabbed him by the scruff of the neck through an encounter with God that first blinded him before opening his eyes to the truth. Jeremiah points out that the New Testament includes 155 references to grace, and 130 of those references were written by Paul. Grace is found in the beginning and end as well as throughout the letters he wrote as a significant theme. Like Newton, the Apostle Paul was captured by grace.

Drawing from the lives of these two individuals as well as other stories and anecdotes, Jeremiah builds a case that there is grace not only for the past and the present but also for the future. He suggests that grace teaches us to renounce sin, live soberly and revere God. It also teaches us to praise God for all He has done, all He is doing and all He will continue to do. Grace brings us into a closer relationship with Him.

While CAPTURED BY GRACE is a bit disjointed at times, it has a clear message of hope and encouragement. It's filled with a variety of colorful stories and quotes from both the known and the unknown. This book can be read through in its entirety or enjoyed in devotional-size bits. Whether you're a fan of the hymn "Amazing Grace" or of David Jeremiah's writing or ministry, you'll find an insightful look at the role of grace throughout the ages.

--- Reviewed by Margaret Feinberg [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Whether you are a new believer, a growing Christian, or a seasoned saint, CAPTURED BY GRACE is a volume that needs to be in your library, in your hand, and in your heart. It is, quite simply, the clearest presentation of grace in all of its aspects and attributes that I have ever come across. Teaching from personal experience, allegory, analogy and testimony from Jesus, the Apostle Paul, and many others throughout the ages on into the present day, Dr. David Jeremiah's book is not only clear, it is comprehensive, compelling, and challenging.

After all, grace changes everything.

As an added bonus, Dr. Jeremiah challenges you to continue the journey by logging on to the ministry website, [...] and enriching your life and your library with resources that will bring the book "home" in a way that will change your understanding of grace, and your relationship with Jesus, forever.

This book would make a wonderful gift for your pastor, Sunday School teacher, or anyone that you treasure and want to see grow in the Lord.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacquelyn serruta
I recently read "Captured by Grace" by Dr. David Jeremiah as part of the Booksneeze book review team. I picked the book because I thought a book about God's grace would be a wonderful read and I was right. Dr. David Jeremiah digs into the lives of ex-slave trader turned preacher, John Newton and the apostle Paul. John Newton also penned the famous hymn "Amazing Grace." Each chapter is divided using a line from this famous and wonderful hymn. This book is a wonderful reminder to us all of how God's grace is the only way we are saved from our past and our sins. Dr. David Jeremiah writes in a way that makes you understand and truly see our need for God's grace and also how we should be so thankful for it. It will make you think differently when you hear that song again and you will sing it with a new song in your heart. I can't wait to pass this book along to someone else to read and enjoy.
I received this book as a free complimentary copy in return for my opinion and review. The opinions above are mine and are honest.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jill hinton
In Captured by Grace, Dr. David Jeremiah explores the wonder of God's grace.

I really enjoyed this book. It deals with the big idea of grace in an easy to read way. Much of the book is vivid narratives about the lives of the Apostle Paul and John Newton (the man who wrote the hymn Amazing Grace). I could easily picture the scenes he described. In addition to the storytelling is some great reflections on the nature of grace. The reflections are divided up into the sections of grace for the past, grace for the present and grace for the future.

I think this is a book that will be helpful in some way to all Christians, whether they be new Christians coming to understand grace for the first time or not so new Christians rediscovering the wonder of the grace they already know. I think that this book would also be understandable and helpful enough for someone investigating Christianity, particularly if they've had thought Christianity was about rules and us earning our way to God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erin richards
Dr. David Jeremiah's Captured by Grace - No One is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God is, in a word, Impacting. I do not know any other way to put it. If you want to see God's grace in a whole new way - this is it! Jeremiah starts us out seeing two lives: John Newton (author of Amazing Grace) and the apostle Paul - and from there we see how grace can prove changing for each of us. Grace is all around us - it is with us whether we acknowledge it or not. And it's power is amazing - it can free us from so much and change our lives. I love it when I can read a book and see God in a different way - this book did that for me - I have heard it before, but I saw it again - the God that is pursuing us fearlessly and with abandon - the God that can change our lives dramatically - and longs to do it. I saw over and over again in this book that it is the permanent forgiveness and mercy that God provides that can really change us from the inside out. I will put this on my shelf and return to it over and over - it really is THAT good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew meyer grace, God's amazing grace.

Pick whatever word you want to try and describe the effect grace has on a human heart... but because grace comes from God and reflects an important part of His character and personality, there is no "perfect" word. Dr. David Jeremiah chooses the word "captured" in the title of this book, and then proceeds to detail how God relentlessly pursued and then captured and forever changed two men: the apostle Paul and John Newton, the author of "Amazing Grace."

This is one of those books that I'll share with friends and family and then place on the shelf to revisit ever so often, because how can we ever get enough of God's grace? Dr. Jeremiah doesn't write about any startling new revelations - instead he reminds of so many things about grace, things that after awhile we begin to take for granted, to forget or start to consider as rights and entitlements - when all along, what we deserve is so far from what God feely offers to all who will receive.

His treatment of the parable of the prodigal son was beautiful, helping me to look at the well-known story told by the Lord from a different perspective. He examines several passages of the Scriptures that show just how integral grace is to both faith and following Christ. The book is divided into three sections, designed to show just who all sufficient is the grace of God: we have grace for the past, grace for the present and grace for the future... for all eternity.

This is such an important and relevant topic for today (and really, for every day) and the world in which we live that tends to trivialize sin to make it less horrifying than it is. "It" (i.e. sin) isn't really all that bad, it is just a wrong or different "choice," represents the mentality of this day and age, and includes, unfortunately, many who claim to follow Christ. Without firstrecognizing the depth and completeness of our own depravity, there is no way to begin to comprehend the amazing-ness, the captivating-ness of God's grace.

There were so many amazing quotes from this book. However, the following, I think, sums of much of what Dr. Jeremiah was hoping the Holy Spirit would impress upon our hearts in reading this book:

"If love is the attribute that describes God the best, grace is the one that makes that love obtainable for us. Grace is the most radical concept ever to be introduced into theis world. It is counterintuitive to human nature, challenging every human tendency and providing the solution for every human problem. Grace changes people as nothing else can do. It cleanses the sins of the past. It enables the righteousness in the present. And one thing it does for certain: it constantly surprises us. For the essence of grace is surprise. There is nothing shocking about giving people exactly what they deserve. Grace subverts the rules and gives people what they don't deserve. It is motivated by the warmth of love..." (p. 171)

I highly recommend this book.. a 10 out of 5 possible stars. It is well worth the time and investment. I know I can never be reminded too often of the wonderous God I serve, of His amazing grace so abundantly showered upon me and my need to rest and trust in that grace with a humble and grateful heart.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Book Sneeze as a part of their Book Review Blogger program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 244: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
clare marie
I recently received a free copy of "Captured by Grace" by David Jeremiah from Thomas Nelson Publishers and have decided to write occasional book reviews on here as a resource for you. This particular book offers an in-depth study of grace by following the stories of the apostle Paul and the writer of "Amazing Grace," John Newton.

The book sets out with the best of intentions and the writing is beautiful. I am a fan of Dr. David Jeremiah and enjoy listening to his insights. However, I was somewhat disappointed in this book. It does have some neat information and I enjoyed hearing about the story behind "Amazing Grace," but I just didn't come across that much new information. I felt like the book basically repeated itself in different, albeit rather interesting, ways.

For those looking for some study on grace, this would be a nice resource. However, for those looking for a great read, I would recommend looking elsewhere.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tyler bindon
Amazing Grace. I have heard this song since I was a child but had never thought about it in the way Dr. Jeremiah has explained it. He tells the life stories of Saul who persecuted early christians and John Newton who dealt with the slave trade. Through retelling these men's life stories Dr. Jeremiah demonstrates that grace can touch each and every life. He dissects each verse and relates the effect grace has on each and every one of us.

I found the story of Victoria Ruvolo fascinating. If only we could be show the grace she did toward her "attacker." I found this book very interesting and enlightening. In parts of the book, I felt as though Dr. Jeremiah were speaking directly to me. I will highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know the depth of God's grace. I will "lend" my copy to family and friends but I plan to keep this book ro reread time and again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Two men that lived centuries apart, whose homes were a great distance apart, and whose upbringing bear no resemblance with the other, had three things in common: they lived lives of evil and destruction, were radically transformed by God, and transcribed powerful words telling us about it. These two men are Apostle Paul (author of two-thirds of the New Testament) and John Newton (the individual that penned the words to the classic hymn "Amazing Grace").

This is a powerful book that uses the stories of these men, along-side scripture, to challenge, inspire, and motivate us to recognize the grace of God in our lives; and to realize that God's love is greater than anyone can fathom, and is hunting us all down. I was finding myself stopping mid-chapter to pray and ask God for forgiveness. Dr. David Jeremiah uses powerful illustrations, detailed accounts of the lives of these men, and in-dept understanding of scripture to bring to life the power of God's grace. By the end of their lives, both men considered themselves the "chief of sinners", and recognized that they had been captured by grace. Although the beginning of the book was a bit slow (due to the detailed introduction of the subjects in the book), I really enjoyed the book once it got going. I would recommend this book to anyone that desires a greater understanding and reality of God's grace in their lives. You are not beyond the reach of God's love!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <[...]> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
doug hart
Captured by Grace

A Thomas Nelson Book Review

I have to be honest, this book took me forever to read and most books don't. I just couldn't get into it. I love the idea of grace and I really love David Jeremiah, but this one wasn't my favorite. It might just be that this season in my life is overwhelmed by lots of good books and this one did not rank high on my list. It is biblically accurate of course and the truths are more than relevant for this time period. I do like how he used John Newton's song of Amazing Grace as his outline. Creative and powerful. The bottom line is grace is available to all of us every single day. The only question is will we accept it.

Again, I really like David Jeremiah. Some of his other books recently have been more powerful to me than this. Just my opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dr. David Jeremiah is an excellent storyteller and he puts that skill to work in Captured by Grace, telling the tales of Paul the apostle and John Newton-two men whose lives were radically changed when they encountered the living Savior. Where many books on basic Christian theology become stale, this one grows ever more intriguing thanks to a plethora of rich metaphors, invented allegories, and historical retellings.

I love the detailed analysis of John Newton's famous hymn Amazing Grace and the way Jeremiah parallels Newton's and Paul's lives. The little sections at the back of each chapter, entitled Moments of Grace, provide inspiration for practical application of the lessons taught in the chapter.

Overall, I found this a very encouraging book, well-written, and full of hope.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
s rina
Moving from one line of the great hymn, Amazing Grace, to the next, Dr. David Jeremiah offers a renewing and encouraging call to engage the gospel in his book, Captured by Grace. Weaving back and forth between the life of the Apostle Paul and of John Newton (the writer of Amazing Grace), the author demonstrates the reality of the hymn's words in both of their lives and points the reader to Christ, where both of these men found unexpected grace, a new life and a new purpose.

If you are looking for deep theology to dive into soteriology or sanctification, this is not the book you are looking for. If, instead, you want to re-experience the power of the gospel, this is a great read. The book is an easy read. The tendency could be to brush through the pages quickly. Slow down and enjoy the story of God's grace at work in these two men, anticipating his grace-filled work in your life.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the [...] <[...]> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <[...]> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
barbara whiteley
Perhaps I've been reading too many of these types of books and am getting a bit jaded.

Or perhaps I'm missing something.

Capture by Grace, by Dr. David Jeremiah is not a bad book by any means, nor is it a great book.

When I read books now, I try to ask a couple questions. First off, "who" is this book for?

In the case of Captured by Grace, I would guess the new, or "haven't been to church in awhile" believer.

What does the book want us to know?

That we, all of us, any of us, yes even YOU can receive the grace of God and be "captured" by it. To prove this point (some would argue - point of doctrine) Dr. Jeremiah uses two well known sinners. Saul of Tarsus (later to become Paul the Apostle) and John Newton - Slave ship captain and composer of one of the most popular hymns of all time "Amazing Grace."

Highlighting their lives prior to and after receiving Grace, Dr. Jeremiah sets out to show us that none of us is out of God's reach for Grace. He can and will find us anywhere at anytime. And He can use us for His purpose and His glory for the benefit of others.

All well and good, and well written too.

But a new concept?

Not really.

Though well crafted, and yes even interesting from a historical standpoint, Dr. Jeremiah doesn't give us anything new to chew on or mull over or pray about.

It is not a bad book. In fact, it is well crafted. The message, however, isn't one that is unique, or that you couldn't get elsewhere.

I wouldn't put it in my "must own" pile, but if you happen across it at a thrift store, it's not a bad read.

(Note, I received a copy of this book free from for my review and in no way have I been asked to provide a positive review in return by the publisher and/or author)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Captured By Grace" is yet another good title by prolific author David Jeremiah. The gist of the book is the numerous ways God manifests His grace towards us even though we have done nothing in our own strength to merit favor with Him.

The book is not one of those "touchy feely" books designed to make us feel good about ourselves without confronting the reality of sin in our lives. Instead, Jeremiah shows through numerous examples (the Apostle Paul is one such example) of how God shows His grace towards us.

A good book for the person who wonders if God really loves him or her. Do not let your heart be troubled - He does! However, allow Him to deal with and straighten out the sin in our lives through His Son Jesus Christ.

Read, enjoy, and be encouraged!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
casey giddens
I have been fascinated by the concept of grace for the past few months. I have really been searching out not only what it means to receive grace but how we're to live once we receive that grace. I wish I'd found this book earlier in that search. This book is very easy to read and plainly explains, both with Bible verses and personal experiences (from John Newton), what God's grace means in our salvation experience. I love the illustrations from the Parable of the Prodigal Son and the illustration of the gifts for the traveler in particular. Yet another book which is going to be shared...

I received a copy of the book from Book Sneeze. No additional compensation has been received and I was not required to write a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan b
Two men...seventeen centuries apart...similar stories. In Captured By Grace Dr. Jeremiah vividly and effectively uses the lives of Paul the Apostle and John Newton to illustrate the unstoppable, life-changing power of grace.

These two men were the kind of hardened, surly characters we love to hate, but the fascinating story lines of their lives show how each one was "hunted down" by God's amazing grace.

Although I've never been a slave trader or church persecutor, I have most definitely been a hardened sinner, now captured by the love of God. For all believers, grace is an astonishing gift. Dr. Jeremiah writes, "Grace is shocking...grace is the delivery of a jewel that nobody ordered, a burst of light in a room where everyone forgot it was dark."

Beyond the converting power of grace, Jeremiah teaches plainly and simply how God's grace is sufficient for the present as well as the future. It encourages, humbles and gives hope.
Captured By Grace is sound doctrine comfortably clothed in encouraging, pastoral exhortation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marina romano
Book Review: "Captured by Grace"

I initially requested this book simply because I was captivated by the title. The idea of being captured by grace was intriguing. I knew very little about what the book was about. This book is FACSINATING. The author, Dr. David Jeremiah goes in depth into the lives of two men who have been captured by grace; the Apostle Paul and John Newton, the slave trader turned preacher who penned the classic hymn Amazing Grace.

This book is divided into three parts that individually cover grace for your past, grace for your present and grace for your future. The author weaves facts and stories about Paul and John Newton with lots of scripture to make for a transformative read. Dr. Jeremiah does a wonderful job of using descriptive metaphors to illustrate the concepts presented in this book.

I did notice several typographical errors in the book, but I was so entranced by what the author had to say that I was quickly able to set those aside. This book definitely ranks as a transformative read for me and I have already passed it on to someone else to read.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 [...] : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tania james
Once again, Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complementary copy of the book, Captured By Grace: No One Is Beyond The Reach of a Loving God.

Regardless of what we have done in the past, no one is beyond the reach of our loving God! What a blessing it is to know that God loves ME (despite all my failures and all my faults)! Dr. Jeremiah used John Newton's hymn "Amazing Grace" as his outline to help him explain how God lovingly extends an offer of grace to each and every sinner. The choice is ours: To accept His offer or to turn our backs.

By using short stanzas from this great hymn of faith, he paints for the reader a beautiful picture of God's undeserved favor to all.

Unfortunately, this book was a hard read. The idea behind this book is needed and usefu; however, I never really got into this book. I had an extremely difficult time following everything the author was stating. I really enjoyed the stories about John Newton, so much so that I wished this book was more about John Newton and how God shaped his life into a pastor and writer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee malove
What a wonderful inspirational book! I absolutely love the synopsis of this book. But it only gives you a glimpse into the amazing pages inside!

When I started reading this book I was sort of haphazardly reading. But God stopped me and I had to go back to the beginning and start over. Author David Jeremiah writes not only to what might seem at first to some, but this book is for Every child of God out there.

If you have pain, (not just physical) in your life then the pages within this book are for you.
If you have loss, worry, fear, shame, mistakes, bad memories in your life this book is for you.

I have always loved to sing "Amazing Grace" but after reading CAPTURED by GRACE, I love it even more.

I wholeheartedly recommend this Amazingly, Inspirational book to ALL my readers!

Pick it up today and please let me know what you think.

So due to the above, I am giving this book a Breath of Life ratings of:

Five Clock Rating!!!

Disclosure: I did receive this book for my honest opinion and review. But these opinions are my own and yours may differ.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I found this book to be biblically accurate and powerful. Dr. Jeremiah is best when he explains "grace is an act." More than goodness or righteousness, grace is God turning His face towards us just because He loves us. "God pursues us, relentlessly." Tracing the parallels in the lives of both John Newton and the Apostle Paul, Jeremiah shows us the depths of that grace in their lives and in ours. The message of the book is somewhat obscured by the amount of visuals the author uses. It reminds me of a preacher who uses too many illustrations and by the time he's done you have to go back to remember the main point of the message. Jeremiah uses the outline of the song Amazing Grace as well as outlining the book with a timeline (grace past, grace present, grace future). Throw in his use of multiple illustrations and it's easy to lose the main point. In spite of this the book does manage to bring that point across, that God pursues us, not because we are so pursue-able, but simply because He loves us so much. Grace is that unmerited, undeserved love and favor of God, His acting in our lives every minute of every day. I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their [...] book review bloggers program. I am under no compulsion to write a positive or negative review of this book. The opinions expressed are exclusively my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dorianne laux
I must admit that Dr Jeremiah disappointed me once again. The first half of this book was pretty good, and I really liked the general concept of this book. He was taking the words to "Amazing Grace" along with the stories of the apostle Paul, as well as John Newton, the hymn writer of Amazing Grace, and talking grace in context of the song lyrics.

The first half of the book was pretty good, it seemed to flow well and Dr Jeremiah stayed pretty close to on topic. However, I felt like the last two parts of the book could have been omitted and it would have made it a better book. It almost seemed like he had to repeat himself just to make a longer book or something.

I also thought this book would broaden my horizons about the topic of grace, but it did not. It's basic stuff that people who are saved know already.

I was just disappointed because what could have been a GREAT book ended up being simply a mediocre book. I had trouble finishing it up. Dr Jeremiah has proven to be a boring and dry author and I'm certainly not interested in anything else he writes.

This book was sent to me for free in exchange for a review. My opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daniele mancino
I recently read Captured by Grace: No One Is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God. As a Christian this wasn't a book that necessarily sparked any deep thoughts or keen interest based on the title itself, but I must say that Dr. David Jeremiah does a great job following both the story of the apostle Paul and songwriter John Newton (who wrote Amazing Grace). Most of you reading this are familiar with both of these men. Most of you reading this will also be familiar with the Bible. But the way that Dr. Jeremiah takes well-known lives of men and a most-familiar book and puts it all in one place and leads you to open your eyes and heart to what you already know, but so easily forget is very well done. Thinking this book is only for believers? Definitely not! In fact, Dr. Jeremiah goes into great detail towards the end of the book on how he can only provide the information to those who haven't yet said yes to God's love and grace and lays out how one can accept the salvation of Christ.

I'm not big on quoting books, but this book is one where the information and text is so rich that I cannot tell it in a better way. It may just be where I am currently at in my own life that this book was so heart-reaching, but then don't we all forget at times (hmmm...daily?!?) that grace is sufficient for all of us, regardless of our past or current struggles?

First off, Dr. Jeremiah engages the reader with listing our the Principles of Grace: Apart from Works, Accepted by Faith, Available to All Who Believe, Attained by Justification, Awarded Freely, Acquired Through Redemption, Accomplished Through Propitiation. Did that last one catch your eye or make you head to the nearest Webster's? Don't worry...Dr Jeremiah is speaking to the everyday person (so he covers what that means) and more importantly, he speaks to every person's heart.

What is also encouraging in this book is that at the end of every chapter (there are 10 and this book is fairly short at 207 pages) Dr. Jeremiah offers "Moments of Grace" where you are given an opportunity to do some self-reflection in how you can better remind yourself on a daily basis of the Grace being offered to you. It covers topics such as guilt, poor self-image, resentment, fears, when we feel as though we're being stretched beyond our endurance, when we've wrestled with temptation...

One thing from the book that I have read over and over is p131..."Question: Is there any such thing as an 'unanswered prayer'? Or would it be wiser to call them 'unwanted answers'? Yes, there are times when God doesn't give us what we want. But in those cases, He speaks to us in ways that are just as valuable as the thing we prayed for. The question is whether we are listening." This section is a great example of how the book itself is "easy reading" while the content is nothing at all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christine cochrum
I have just finished the book entitled Captured by Grace: No One Is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God by David Jeremiah. The authors preaching style and tone are reflected in the book as he captures the essence of the lyrical portion of the song entitled Amazing Grace. The life of John Newton a slave ship captain is juxtaposed with the Apostle Paul to bring draw attention to the nature of a loving God pursuing mankind wherever their toil may be.

The book is a simple read, drenched with scripture and solid illustrations to support Jeremiah's point that God faithfully pursued John Newton and Paul with grace. And once they are caught, they no longer kick against the goads of life. They are left to do the things that God called them to do. Do you hear someone over your shoulder? Catch a glimpse of someone out of the corner of your eye? Perhaps you will find out who it is in this book.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
damis newman
In Captured by Grace, I love the simple and straightforward way with which Dr. David Jeremiah presents the concept of grace and its impact on our lives. So simple and yet so profound are his thoughts on the story of grace that it is nearly impossible to put down. Dr. David Jeremiah uses the lives of the apostle Paul and John Newton, the author of the hymn, Amazing Grace, to highlight the beauty, power, and wonder that is grace.

The book is separated into three sections: Grace for the past, grace for the present, and grace for the future. Seeing grace in those three very distinct ways gave me such a new perspective. In fact, my favorite part of the book comes in the section, grace for the past, when we are shown the "seven wonders of grace" all based from the scripture Hebrews 5:1-11.

If you are a history lover, you will love the references and parallels in these men's lives as it relates to grace. Even if you are not, this book is sure to bless and inspire your life. I would recommend this book to anyone, especially those who are currently seeking to understand salvation and the meaning of grace
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
radwa samy
What an amazing book! I am a seasoned Christian with lots of teaching under my belt, yet in these pages I was touched in a fresh way by God's grace and brought to tears by God's love for me. I especially liked the way he wrote of God's sovereign plan for our lives and that even trials and sorrows are not wasted. At one place he writes, "Can we allow ourselves to be such total captives of His grace that we trust Him completely even with life's most terrible moments?" I couldn't help but give a resounding "YES!"
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stefanie concepcion
Two names that are practically synonymous with "grace" are John Newton (penned the song Amazing Grace) and Paul (formerly known as Saul from the Bible). It is these two personalities that author David Jeremiah takes a closer look at bringing them to life to the reader to learn from their own mistakes and fortunes. This book is about spiritual guidance and while it cannot be absorbed all in one sitting it will definitely get in your heart and help you learn for the good of your soul.

*Thanks to Book Sneeze for providing a copy for review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan b
Until you have betrayed a loved one and cannot bring him back. Until you have befriended every darkness and are desperate for the light. That's when God's relentless, amazing, very personalized grace finds you. It reached a slave trader onboard a ship raiding Africa's coast in March 1748. He later gave the world its most beloved hymn. It struck the Christian church's most treacherous enemy on a Damascus road in AD 45, and he became the gospel's greatest messenger.

And it can free you too... of any shameful memory, open would, unthinking mistake, or willful choice.

It is God's grace. It changes lives. In his book, "Captured by Grace-No One Is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God," Dr. David Jeremiah chronicles the lives of two men whose lives were forever changed by the overwhelming power of God's grace. In this book, Dr. Jeremiah bridges the span of time by connecting the lives of John Newton, a slave trader in the 1700's, who penned the hymn, "Amazing Grace," and Saul, later called Paul, who was chief in murdering the Christians of his day in AD 45. In so doing, he illustrates the depths of God's grace all the while challenging his readers to seek Him, deepen their relationship with the Savior, and understand more fully the extent of the grace of God.
All in all, Dr. Jeremiah takes his readers on a wonderful journey, though it was at time a little tedious going back and forth between Newton's and Paul's lives. But if you're looking for taking your relationship with the Lord deeper, this book is a great resource, and I would recommend it.

I received this book free from the publisher through the [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 [..] : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.""
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
abd rsh
Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complementary copy of this book.

This book is about grace, God's amazing grace. Dr. David Jeremiah takes us on a journey of God's grace. He takes us on a journey of grace based on the life of the apostle Paul and John Newton, writer of the beloved hymn Amazing Grace. Throughout the 10 chapters of this book, Dr. Jeremiah takes a short stanza from this great hymn of the faith and paints, for the reader, a beautiful picture of God's undeserved favor to all.

I am not going to pull any punches. The idea behind this book is needed and useful. However, I never really got into this book. I had an extremely difficult time following everything the author was stating. I really enjoyed the stories about John Newton. I think this book would have been better if this is all it was, the story of John Newton. I enjoyed reading the conversion story of Newton and how God shaped his life into a pastor and writer. I also enjoyed reading about the apostle Paul. The parts that lost me were all the in between stuff.

On a more positive note, what I love most about reading after Dr. Jeremiah is that you can 100% count on him presenting things in a scriptural way. A lot of times people write their ideas and then find scripture to go with them. This is not the case with Dr. Jeremiah. Sound biblical teaching with God inspired ideas.

I would recommend this book to a certain type of person. This is not a book that an unbeliever would get. To be honest, this is not a book that the average young adult Christian would enjoy. This is a book that an older, mature Christian would enjoy. Overall, this was not a bad book but it wasn't completely enjoyable. However, I am captured by God's amazing grace for me. It truly is sweet to the sound.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan levin
Pastor David Jeremiah uses the lyrics (and the story behind them) of "Amazing Grace" to present a biblical portrait of grace, emphasizing the life and teaching of the Apostle Paul. This easy-to-read, scriptural, and practical volume encourages people to find their source of acceptance in the free but costly grace found in Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

Reviewer: Bob Kellemen, Ph.D., is the author of "Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the Legacy of African American Soul Care and Spiritual Direction," "Soul Physicians," "Spiritual Friends," and the forthcoming "Sacred Friendships: Listening to the Voices of Women Soul Care-Givers and Spiritual Directors."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished reading Captured by Grace: No One is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God by Dr. David Jeremiah and I believe this book was absolutely fantastic. It is just what I needed at this time in my life. I'm a fairly new Christian, I still have few questions, and there many things I just don't understand. I find it difficult to put all my faith in someone I've never known. This book changed that, I say it changed me completely, but it has opened a new door, and it has changed my outlook on life.

Dr. Jeremiah uses the song 'Amazing Grace' to help really understand the grace of God and what is and what it can do. The book is broken into three sections; Grace in the past, present, and future which I think was great. It really gave me a well-rounded idea of what Grace really is. Dr.Jeremiah also takes you through the journey of Paul and John Newton's life and how they came to be captured by grace and how they brought grace to others.

Through this book I have learned what grace really is. It means that I am forgiven no matter how great my sins are, it means that I am loved and am precious to God just as everyone else it.

I've never really believe in God, or Grace or anything growing up. I resented it. I recently I've began to accept it and learn about it, this book really was the final push to really believing it all and putting my faith in Him.

As a new believer this book was quite insightful and powerful. I'm not sure if it will have the same affect on someone who has been a Christian for years, but I do think it would refresh their memory of what Grace is, I do believe it would change your perspective on it all.

I definitely recommend this book to all Christians, whether they are new believers or old-time believers. Every non-believer should read it as well, just so they can understand what Grace and Gad is all about.

I'm really happy I received this book to review. I'm lending to a friend to read then reading it all over again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
As expected, the book was well organized and thouroughly Biblical. I enjoyed the opening chapters most, as I learned more about John Newton, the author of "Amazing Grace." As the book went on, it continued to expound on essential elements of the grace God gives us, shedding light on many truths found in the Word. I would give this book four out of five stars only because while it is well written and focuses on God and His Word, it is not one that I can't put down. Nevertheless, I would definitely recommend it as a great addition to any library.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mike mcvey
Captured by Grace is a nonfiction book about...well you could probably guess...grace! lol. Dr. Jeremiah follows the life of John Newton (famous for penning the hymn "Amazing Grace") and Saul/Paul of the Bible to show the effect God's grace had on them. He really takes a good look at grace; the purpose, where it appears in the Bible, and what it means for us.

This book had a lot of good content, but it was hard for me to get through. I wish he would have gone further into the story of John Newton. I did enjoy the comparisons of his life and Paul's and how while their situations were different they were alike in many ways.

"Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the[...][...]book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 [...] : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.""
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amber lassiter
Dr. David Jeremiah's Captured by Grace intertwines the lives of the Apostle Paul and John Newton, a former slave-trader and the author of the famous hymn, Amazing Grace. Two very different men were on a path of their own making, until the Lord stepped in and showered His grace on their lives and in their hearts. Before committing their lives to Christ, Paul and John Newton had lived as hunters. But they came to realized that they
themselves were being hunted...pursued actively by the God of the Universe.

Beginning with initial salvation, Dr. Jeremiah helps readers to see how grace first steps into our lives, and continues to change us during our faith journey. He even includes a Moments of Grace section at the end of each chapter, in order to remind readers of what they've just read, and to help them apply it to their daily lives.

This book would be a wonderful gift to a new believer. I think, more than anything, Dr. Jeremiah's words prove that there is no one outside of the reach of God's grace. It is this grace that transformed Paul, a persecutor of Christians, into a follower of Jesus Christ. That said, I've been a Christian for going on ten years, and I was very moved by this book. It never hurts to be reminded that all of us, whether we've been saved 5 minutes or living for Christ for upwards of fifty years, are saved only because of the grace of a loving God.

A copy of this book was provided to me by Thomas Nelson Publishers. No other compensation was received. All opinions expressed here are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara grace
David Jeremiah's book 'Captured by Grace,' is simple wonderful. Short, but packed full of the truth of God's word and anecdotes from the lives of his men (particularly John Newton, as the cover implies), this book is a must read (especially at the low, prime-eligible, paperback price - although I have the book in hardback, which may be worthwhile for its staying power).

Dr. David Jeremiah compares the lives of John Newton (the slave trader turned preacher/hymnist who wrote 'Amazing Grace') with the Apostle Paul (the persecutor turned Christian who, in terms of bulk of the New Testament, comes second only to Luke). What results is a clear, readable and challenging story about how to leave slavery to sin and enter into freedom through slavery to Christ. You will love it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Overall, I enjoyed this book, and I definitely got a lot out of it. However, in a few moments, there was a suggestion of something that just made me feel uncomfortable. For example, this line "Have you been excusing sin in your life by calling it another name?" goes on to say that perhaps your "unfortunate trait," "weakness," or "unproductive habit" is actually sin. Well, having known a lot of people who suffer from addictions, biochemical disorders, and other medical issues, this passage made me uneasy. Yes, sin can be a result of this things, but not the cause. Although Dr. Jeremiah doesn't quite come out and say that sin causes these issues, he comes close enough to implying it to make me feel uneasy.

I could be misinterpreting what is being said here, and I welcome the thoughts of Dr. Jeremiah's team, but I do know that, as much as I enjoyed the book, these passages would make me hesitant to recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Captured by Grace has the subtitle "No One Is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God". This is a two hundred and seven page book written by Dr. David Jeremiah. The book is broken into three parts:

1. Grace for the Past
2. Grace for the Present
3. Grace for the Future

Two lives are paralleled and explored with the grace of God being highlighted in the lives of them. The two men are John Newton and Paul the Apostle. Both men are historic examples of how gracious our God is. John Newton wrote the anthem "Amazing Grace" and Paul was the tool God used to give us most of the New Testament.

If your past is filled with brokenness and your life was blessed with God's grace and forgiveness, you understand this life changing grace. This book is a wonderful reminder of just what was done for you. David states on his back cover that grace can free you from any shameful memory, any open wound, any unthinkable mistake, and any willful choice.

While this book is focused on the believer and the reminder that what God has already done, it can be a fantastic tool for those who are seeking God and forgiveness for their sins. It is a hopeful book, one that turns eyes to God and the grace so badly needed by each of us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
james carroll
In this book with a seemingly obvious title, Dr. David Jeremiah ties together the words & respective stories of the Apostle Paul & John Newton. Both BECAME men of God & both jotted what they thought would only be a few words to last a few years, but the fact is we are still connecting with God in great ways because the words these men wrote.

Dr. Jeremiah shows grace for what it really is. A radical display of God's love that does nothing less than shake us to our core & change our entire being. It, along side love, is one of the greatest forces in the universe, & through the stories Paul & John Newton, & even modern people we don't know, Dr. David Jeremiah shows just how amazing the power of grace is
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Dr David Jeremiah - "Captured by Grace." What a great book! It follows God's redeeming grace through the lives the apostle Paul and John Newton - two men who, but for God, would seem outside the grasp of grace. Jeremiah accurately conveys Biblical truths as he characterizes the journey of grace in the lives of these men, as they realize they are no longer the hunters, but the hunted, and that they have always been. Jeremiah did a phenomenal job of drawing the reader in through giving a Biblical account of grace and tying it cohesively into a "semi-biography" format. Also drew the reader in with practical application through "Moments of Grace," at the the close of each chapter. Would definitely recommend this book to others and excited about passing it on!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 [...]: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacqui germaine
This book is powerfully descriptive of God's mercy and grace. I have always loved the song Amazing Grace. The song is clear and so plainly descriptive of our redemption. Dr. Jeremiah examines John Newton's life and the Apostle Paul's experience's with God's mercy and grace. This book was difficult to read through my tears at times when I read the author describing exactly my encounter with the God of grace. It was so refreshing to be reminded that nothing we have done or been can keep us from God when He calls us. We can be forgiven and set free from guilt. As much as you think you understand about permanent freedom through mercy and forgiveness I believe Dr. Jeremiah has even more to share in the book that you can either relate to or learn from. I highly recommend this book. It is written clearly and easily to understand and absorb. This book was given to me free from [...] in exchange for an honest review either thumbs up or down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Unfortunately, "Grace" tends to be an overused word in the Christian realm. I know personally, it meant more to me at the time of my Salvation. Where is it that grace ends, works begin - and we completely loose sight of the entire meaning behind the simple word.

The stories that intertwine this book with open your eyes and heart and remind us all of what is truly means to be captured by grace. Unbelievable! What stood out to me the most was the reminder that NO ONE is beyond the reach of a loving God. He loves us all so dearly and deeply. He is also so powerful and so wonderful that He can take the hardest heart and melt it.

Let us remember what Jesus Christ did for us, and let us realize that no one is out of reach.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
clairvoyance cleric
Recently, I read Captured by Grace, by David Jeremiah. This was the first book I had ever read by this author. The title and brief description grabbed my attention. I had high hopes that this book would be written-well, grasp my attention, and overwhelm me with the richness of God's grace. Sadly, it failed on all three accounts.

The book was very difficult to "get into." The paragraphs did not seem to flow smoothly. I found it to be theologically- and historically-famished. So much more could have been written. However, there was one "highlight" for me. The chapter that focuses on the story of the prodigal son interestingly points out the true focus of the story -- the forgiving father. This had never really occurred to me and I appreciated this chapter's direction. Other than that, I found the book a very difficult read. There are so many other books rich in the truths of God's grace to choose from. I would highly recommend picking one of those rather than this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meredith frederich
Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I'm found blind but now I see. Grace comes first then faith, we Love God because he first Loved us. The Law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Oh! What Joy; the Holy Spirit.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
eric harrington
I received a copy of Captured by Grace: No One is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God by Dr. Jeremiah Clark a long time ago to review. The concept of this non-fiction book intrigued me.

This book tells the story of John Newton (the slave-owner turned hymn writer of Amazing Grace) and the apostle Paul (persecutor of Christians turned devout believer and preacher). It tells of their transformations and how there is nothing that God's grace can't cover.

I'm Lutheran and a grace is one of the tenements of our faith (Grace alone. Faith alone. Scripture alone.). For this reason, I wanted to love this book. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get into it. It sat on my bedside table where I tried time and time again to get through it, but I just couldn't do it.

So, I'm coming clean and sharing the fact that this is one of those books to which I can't give a glowing review. I hope someday, to try again, and see if Captured by Grace can capture my attention at that time.

Please note that I received a free copy of this book from Thomas Nelson (via BookSneeze) in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dan mayland
I will honestly say that Captured by Grace by David Jeremiah is captivating book. I absolutely loved the fact that it is FULL of scriptures (I love books that use scripture reference) and I will never hear the song 'Amazing Grace' in the same way again. It is a great tool to help really understand God's grace. I give Captured by Grace a 3.5 out of 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave gibbons
I found this book initially at my local library. After just reading the prelude, I knew I would be purchasing this for my own. David Jeremiah has a way of bring subtle nuances to your attention which reverberate within long after the page was turned. This is a one on one conversation about two people pursued by God and how it relates to your life; what really is grace and how can you bring to the world?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
timothy knox
Grace is a gift; Grace is undeserved; Grace is unmerited; Grace is received. Grace is illustrated through the lives of individuals who have received forgiveness and undeserved salvation. Amazing Grace tells about the love received when Grace is given; that love is defined through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The doctrine of Grace is given in Paul's epistles. Capture by Grace written by David Jeremiah defines Grace received through the lives of John Newton, the author of Amazing Grace and the Apostle Paul. This book will give the reader greater understanding of God's wrath, God's judgment, God's mercy, God's Grace, the atonement, God's forgiveness, God's provision for sinners and God's love. David Jeremiah explores the words of the song Amazing Grace and applies them to the lives of John Newton and Paul. The author details scriptural backing for the lyrics of Amazing Grace by quoting Paul's epistles. This book is an argument against sentiment or to diminish the song's meaning through the changing the word wretch. Both John Newton and Paul knew they deserved hell; both men knew they deserved damnation. No man should demand justice, but praise God that Grace can be received.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stacey duck
Dr. David Jeremiah's Captured by Grace intertwines the lives of the Apostle Paul and John Newton, a former slave-trader and the author of the famous hymn, Amazing Grace. Two very different men were on a path of their own making, until the Lord stepped in and showered His grace on their lives and in their hearts. Before committing their lives to Christ, Paul and John Newton had lived as hunters. But they came to realized that they
themselves were being hunted...pursued actively by the God of the Universe.

Beginning with initial salvation, Dr. Jeremiah helps readers to see how grace first steps into our lives, and continues to change us during our faith journey. He even includes a Moments of Grace section at the end of each chapter, in order to remind readers of what they've just read, and to help them apply it to their daily lives.

This book would be a wonderful gift to a new believer. I think, more than anything, Dr. Jeremiah's words prove that there is no one outside of the reach of God's grace. It is this grace that transformed Paul, a persecutor of Christians, into a follower of Jesus Christ. That said, I've been a Christian for going on ten years, and I was very moved by this book. It never hurts to be reminded that all of us, whether we've been saved 5 minutes or living for Christ for upwards of fifty years, are saved only because of the grace of a loving God.

A copy of this book was provided to me by Thomas Nelson Publishers. No other compensation was received. All opinions expressed here are my own.
Please RateNo One Is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God by Dr David Jeremiah (2006-03-01)
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