Good Harbor: A Novel

ByAnita Diamant

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I read this as an unabridged audiobook. Not having read "The Red Tent" I had nothing to compare "Good Harbor" to (for good or bad). Overall I all enjoyed listening to this in the morning but I wasn't nearly as emotional as I'd expected it to be which is good, I guess, because I expected it to ruin my makeup. On the downside, this is a book I won't remember come next week . . .

It was a nice, gentle tale about the distance that can develop between couples that often goes unnoticed but it was also a book about the power of friendship between women and the special bond and sharing that occurs when two friend's just "click".

Both women came across as very realistic but somehow I always remained at a distance from them both. Joyce's attitude towards her "romance" novel (which paid for her summer home ~ I'd love to know who her agent was as new romance novelists are typically paid a slaves wage!) rubbed me the wrong way on more than one occasion though. Her troubles with her bratty daughter were very realistically portrayed and her loneliness well done but in the end I still sympathized much more with Kathleen's character (though, in the end, she nearly lost me as well).

This isn't a book I'd read again but I am interested in picking up "The Red Tent" after reading many of the reviews here.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Following what I understand is well deserved praise for Anita Diamant's "The Red Tent," I was glad to receive "Good Harbor" as a gift. Sadly, it proved mediocre at best, and at times worse even than that. Nothing terrible here, but nothing memorable either.
It begins badly. The prose in the first third of the novel hobbles along, as with a cane. Cliches, for instance, on page 60 ("Kathleen played with her necklace . . . absently"--and "somehow the dates had slipped her mind") and on 61, "She was smiling, but it was clear she meant business") are the stuff of a freshman comp student, not a novelist of Diamant's stature. The dialogue also suffers early on. In this scene when Alice (not a central character, so nothing's given away here--not that there's much TO give away in this book) announces to her friends that she's leaving her husband, one of the central characters, Joyce, responds: "Alice, I wish you all the best." It's as if the beginning of the novel does not get the polishing time it deserves or even a good rewrite in parts. The prose drops its cane, finally, but never loses its limp.
The story, set in picturesque (as the novel so often reminds us) Gloucester, Massachusetts, follows the friendship of Joyce, a freelance writer and romance novelist, and Kathleen, an elementary school librarian at what the novel wants us to believe is a crucial time in both of their lives. But somehow it never quite feels this way. Kathleen is undergoing cancer treatment(over the summer, conveniently), true, but it never seems serious and Joyce, well, is suffering vaguely from her marriage and her daughter. The main problem with this friendship and ultimately the book itself is that neither of these women, despite some of the past experiences they share with one another, seems like she is truly facing loss, or change, or challenge. Though cancer is always serious--and this is breast cancer besides--Kathleen's story is told in a way that arouses little emotional involvement on the reader's part. To worsen matters, Kathleen as the better drawn character makes the poorly drawn Joyce, whose problems--unlike Kathleen's--are never fully articulated, seem whiny and unsubstantial.
The friendship arises artificially, with the two women tugging over the last cookie at a refreshment table after shul one night. The dialogue pushes the reader to accept their friendship in this forced line from Kathleen's husband, Buddy: "You mean you don't know each other's names? . .. You've been over there gabbing like you were long lost cousins." It never, in fact, becomes altogether clear what makes Joyce and Kathleen such good friends, and since this friendship is the central plot, this is certainly a problem in the book. (The first moment of closeness between the two, for example, seems to occur when Joyce says "It sucks" about Kathleen's cancer.)
Basically, these women have money (some), time (a lot), husbands (two dimensional) and children (again, Kathleen's are drawn better, with Joyce's daughter a bratty, spoiled teenage girl stereotype) but no real moment of crisis, either one. The best story in the novel is a subplot of an event that occurred 25 years before the novel begins, that is spooned out bit by bit, and carries more power than anything that happens in the novel's real time.
This book serves as a palate cleanser between two really strong books perhaps, something easy and relaxing and quick. In short, it's okay, but not good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This novel is based in Cape Ann beach, Glouchester.
I had a great time reading this book, the first for me by Anita Diamante.
I love the way it is written. With touches of simplicity and gentleness; Good Harbor is all about a deep friendship between two women. Kathleen fifty nine is a librarian is troubled by Breast cancer; and Joyce a forty two year old writer who becomes her buddy and sounding board.....seeing her through her this desperate part of her life.
As Kathleen's radiation treatments start, the two women walk the beach each day. During these therapeutic walks, many secrets are exchanged and they discuss everything under the sun; health issues, their Jewish religion, food, relationships, their fears about their children....their husbands. All the big things they hold dear in their hearts to the little things of life, Joyce and Kathleen keep their talks centred on their lives.
A special book about two special families, this would make a wonderful gift for a sister or a special buddy.
reviewed by Heather Marshall
December 14th 2002
The Inheritance :: A Guide to the Myths and Realities of Alcoholism - Under the Influence :: How to Resolve the Heart of Conflict - The Anatomy of Peace :: The Little Pink Book of Addresses (Address Book) (Little Pink Books) :: Angels Flight Vol 1 (Great Novels) by Michael Connelly (21-Dec-2001) Paperback
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
barbarallen mullins
I'm another Diamant fan who grabbed this book after being moved for months by the absolutely fabulous "Red Tent" which was everything a great book can be -- perspective-altering, horizon-widening, and maybe even life-changing.
Alas, what I found was this lightweight poorly written piece of fluff. Anita, Anita, when did you write this? Was it part of a college course in which you had to fullfill a "best-seller checklist"? Religion -- check; sex -- check; marital infidelity -- check; competely extraneous drug bust -- check; dead child -- check; and the most important New York Times Best Seller Checklist Item of all -- **breast cancer** (or in this case, pre-cancer) -- check, check, check.
It happens that I know a lot about breast treatments and those parts rang true, but hey, girls, we're talking about DCIS here -- generally a non-lethal, non-life threatening, non-fatal disease, and it would have been a worthy public service for Ms. Diamant to emphasize THOSE facts rather than writing about Kathleen's "disease" with such sweaty-palmed drama. The walks on Good Harbor were likewise well-described (an area I myself have walked many times) but really, again, we didn't need all the drama. The plot sidelines ended up just plain silly (what was WITH the drug bust, the broken collarbone, and the weirdo unconsumated sex (which I was sure was going to turn into a "Crying Game" type scene but instead went absolutely nowhere with zero explanation)).
I love books about the fine relationships that women can have with one another, and I love books about the wisdom that we accumulate over the years. But reading about these self-involved, hand-wringing, breast-beating, completely self-obsessed women was a total waste of my time. I just wanted to grab Kathleen and show her REAL cancer suffering and tell her for god's sakes go do some grief therapy so you can help your poor remaining children and (ridiculously devoted) husband, and I wanted to grab the paintbrushes out of Joanne's hands and shout, "Who cares about your perfect ceiling?? Go work with the ESL kids in Gloucester who are struggling with the MCAS, or go help in a women's shelter, or do SOMETHING more than obsess about your poor innocent teenage daughter, your Mary-on-the-half-shell, and your paint chips."
Oh, I so hope Ms. Diamant's next effort amounts to more than this hill of beans.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
arja salafranca
The frame for this book is a new unfolding friendship of two women, Kathleen Levine, a librarian and Joyce Tabachnik, a writer. Both women are married and have families.

The story starts slowly with descriptions but once that is over the narrative flows easily with a dialog that feels authentic. The structure feels a bit mechanical but becomes more integrated with the plot as the story unfolds. The chacters evolve accordingly to the textbook but they never really take off.

There are no challenging thoughts to be found in this book and on the whole it feels a little flat but cozy. It may be a relaxing reading for a woman on a day when she does not wish to think about anything in particular.

To choose a different setting and time from her previous book will not spare Diamant any comparisons. This is not a bad book but it definitely exhibits a beginner's touch. The attempt to focus on female issues is too obvious and the book leaves me in a friendly mood but without any engagement in the lives of these two women.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
laurel nakai
I loved "The Boston Girl" by this author. This one is ok, but lacks the compelling characters that made Boston Girl such a pleasure. In fact, the two primary characters here, Katherine and Joyce, seemed rather one-dimensional, in spite of their perceived difficulties. Everything ended in a too-tidy, chick-lit kind of ending, taking away any lasting life lessons that the author may have intended. Pleasant but forgettable.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
renee ann giggie
When you are the renowned author of "The Red Tent," how do you top yourself? Unfortunately, "Good Harbor" was not able to do that. However, "Good Harbor" captured my attention and I was taken in about the story of a friendship.
Kathleen, recently diagnosed with breast cancer, meets Joyce, a romance writer. The friendship flourishes immediately as they enjoy walks together on Good Harbor. Through the walks, each woman feels safe in confiding with the other. There are many issues that "Good Harbor" addresses: cancer, religion, parenting, death, infidelity, and relationships.
Diamant is a master at setting the scene. She describes the beauty of Good Harbor and Kathleen's garden so precisely that the reader is able to create a mental image. This was the strongest feature in the novel.
"Good Harbor" is a novel with its own merit, however many will find it difficult not to compare it with "The Red Tent." I encourage readers to try "Good Harbor" and see a different side of Anita Diamant. I eagerly anticipate Diamant's future work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It would be impossible to expect something like The Red Tent in a second novel. This book is different from her first effort in that she tries to focus on the American Religious Experience. She hits upon a variety of issues and topics that follow contemporary society - the death of a child and the unwillingness to talk about it, the onset of cancer and the unwillingness to talk about it, the teen years and the generation gap, questions about faith and marriage. In a nutshell, it is a coverage of many complex issues, and Ms. Diamont does well to hit on all of them. The characters are great and she develops them well.
I would recommend this book quite highly even though it may hit a nerve or two for some people. It is a timely novel with timely contemporary issues.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa maxwell davis
This is yet another excellent novel by the author of The Red Tent. Anita Diamant paints for the reader a three-dimensional portrait of two women, together as friends, yet fighting their own personal battles.
Kathleen is a long time resident of Gloucester, and beginning a fight with breast cancer. Joyce is a new arrival to the town, and is fighting a battle with her career as a writer, and doubts about her marriage. A chance meeting one Friday evening at synagogue creates a friendship that is closer than any friendship either woman has experienced.
Separately and together these two friends face their own demons and come out stronger. Long walks together along Good Harbor beach bring them closer and help them come to terms with changes in their lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
britt m
I just don't understand people finding this book flat or boring! It delicately probes the development of a friendship between two women who are able to share painful secrets gradually, and bonding over time during their long walks. It's about maturing marriages, lost and found children, career paths, deepening friendships, faith and gratitude, all painted with a light, feathery brush. I would have wished to learn more of Kathleen's catholic childhood and influences on her life, but I guess Ms. Diamant doesn't know too much about that--and she never really fleshes out Pat's (Kathleen's sister) vocation as a nun--hence 4 stars only.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Anita Diamont has written a relationship book that is both well written and subtle in describing a burgeoning friendship between two mature women. This book tells us without actually hammering at us that it takes work to establish and nourish a friendship. The two women are near opposites with only their religion in common, but over the course of a summer in Glouchester, MA, they cement what will, no doubt, be a life-long friendship.
The author's writing style is wonderfully simple and the book is fast paced. It is a book that you will take with you wherever you go hoping to catch a few minutes to read another page or chapter.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ann swindell
After reading The Red Tent (several years ago) I quickly added it to my all-time favorites list. To be honest, I've been hesitatant to read Good Harbor ever since. I didn't want to be disappointed and the magnitude of The Red Tent certainly set the bar high.

This was a good (not great) read. I found the ending to be somewhat abrupt and felt quite a few were unfinished. I liked the characters but thought that their friendship was almost too quickly developed. I don't know too many people that become friends as quickly as Joyce and Katherine became friends.

I enjoyed the depth of the characters but wish that the book was 100 pages longer. That being said, if Anita Damant happens to write something else I'll be sure to read it more quickly. I've had this book for years and have started it twice without getting more than 20 pages into it. In the end I'm glad I finished it and while it won't be added to my favorites list, I will pass it along to my friends to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
willis markuske
After having read The Red Tent I was intersted in reading Good Harbor. From reading the preview I knew that this was going to be nothing like The Red Tent.
Kathleen and Joyce are two woman who are tough points in there life and need someone to talk to and slowly tell each other what has been going on with them for there life.
Now while the writing style was nothing like The Red Tent, it was still a very enjoyable book with a good storyline. It takes a tone in a modern world with good characters.
I am looking forward to more from this talented author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Listening to this book was enjoyable, as I could hear two distinct voices sharing their stories and crises. Both of the main characters, Kathleen and Joyce, faced difficult times throughout the novel, yet manage to find an inner core of strength to move on. Each woman also seemed very real, with her foibles and insecurities. I also liked the way religion was woven through the story yet didn't overpower it in any way. Though I didn't always agree with some of the choices the characters made, that angst offered a good connection to their lives.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tony antony theva
I was hooked by this book almost immediately. As I continued reading, however, I began wondering why I should care about these women. They are likable characters, so I kept reading, but this was not a story that kept me glued to the pages or had me worrying and wondering what would happen next. I guess it's not supposed to be that kind of story, but I have nothing to take away from it, either. An interesting, light read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Given all of the, from what I understand, deserved hype over "The Red Tent", I was delighted to receive "Good Harbor" as a gift. Unfortunately, however, I found it only an acceptable novel. Nothing terribly bad here, but nothing striking either.
The first problem is a rough beginning. The prose hobbles through the first 70 pages or so, as if with a cane. The cliches on pages 60 and 61 when Kathleen plays with her necklace chain "absently" (of course), and the Rabbi smiles in a way that showed "she meant business" are the stuff of a freshman comp student, not a novelist of Diamant's stature. Since the dialogue in this section of the book is also weak (on page 54, Joyce says, "Alice, I wish you all the best . . . It takes a lot of courage to do what you're doing,"), it seems that this section of the book just didn't get the polishing time it deserved. And though the prose drops its cane halfway through, improving somewhat, it never quite loses its limp altogether.
The story, set in Gloucester, Mass. is about a friendship and some of the life events shared in it by its two participants, Joyce, a freelance writer and romance novelist, and Kathleen, an elementary school librarian, both of whom the novel keeps trying to tell us, are at crucial life stages. Kathleen is undergoing breast cancer treatment (over the summer, conveniently) and Joyce, well, is struggling vaguely with her marriage and her daughter. Kathleen is obviously the stronger character, and something that she reveals from 25 years ago in bits throughout the novel is the most real problem in the book, much more real than anything that happens in the book's real time. The well drawn Kathleen only shows up more the poorly drawn Joyce because it's just not clear what Joyce's problems are in the way that we are clear about what Kathleen's problems are. It is a lopsided friendship on the page, in that way.
Basically, while this is a mildly interesting book, a palate cleanser between really good books, perhaps, it never truly succeeds because neither character seems really at risk for losing anything. Both have money (some), time (a lot), husbands (two-dimensional) and children (again, Kathleen's are more realistically drawn than Joyce's daughter, who is just a stereotype of the pouty, spoiled teenaged girl). But there is no crisis point here, no big decision to make, no transformation for either character to experience. And other than their beach walks, there doesn't seem to be much that binds them; it's not clear why they are such good friends, after all. Right after they meet, a bit of dialogue sets out to push the idea of this friendship along ("You mean you don't know each other's names? . . . You've been over there gabbing like you were long-lost cousins."). This is a feeling that remains; these two are friends because the narrator says they are, and not because the friendship arises in a natural way.
There are some nice moments in "Good Harbor" and one can't help but like Kathleen a lot, and feel for what she's going through with her cancer. But it's feeling at a distance, and not in a committed way that marks this okay, but not good, book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
geoff mckim
It is difficult for me to review this book; Diamant's The Red Tent is one of my favorites. This one paled in comparison. I don't know if this is because it's a much inferior piece of writing, or if my expectations were higher because of the previous work, or if I've come to expect more from a novel. Whichever, I would only recommend this book as "light" reading to women only, and only those who are looking to be entertained, but not "wow"ed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
oakman oakman
I purchased this book solely because I was so moved by Diamant's The Red Tent. Good Harbor did not disappoint and I found myself greedily devouring each page well into the wee hours on the am. High praise for any book that can keep my sleep deprieved self awake. For women in my age group (not tellin') the value of the company of women was never appreciated. Always on the go, trying to be superwomen, the luxury of cultivating these relationships was not an option. Only later did these friendships receive the importance that they deserved. Like a beacon in choppy seas, Diamant's good harbor reminds us the safe harbor one finds in the arms of a friend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
d c viccia
Like other readers, I found Anita Diamant's more well known The Red Tent very hard to get through. Good Harbour was the opposite.
The two main characters are NORMAL women who each have their own issues to deal with, but who share a need for a woman friend, as many of us in our 40's do. They stumble upon each other at a chance meeting in the temple and immediately begin to run into each other; crossing paths and becoming more and more interested in each other. Like girls in their twenties, they find they want a friendship and begin to unveil their lives to each other, but only to a certain point. The author lets us in on a little of what is being held back but not all, which kept me interested and curious. Although their paths cross often, they each have different lives, and issues and are at different phases of their lives, but they share a love of the harbour, and of reading.
The author has woven in some outlandish sidelines that kept me chuckling; one had a sister who was a nun, the new rabbi in town is a 30ish female, a colorful local priest needs to exorcise a lawn ornament of the virgin Mary....these make this a funny and light read. While both women feel the chemistry of their sameness and interests, they shy away from what they consider their own Private sins; only to learn that they are just seeking what everyone else does, especially at this age and in this time in our society.
I cried on the train while finishing it. The ending was satisfying. I hope Ms. Diamant writes another fictional story soon. I'll pick it up in a heartbeat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aliyah l
This novel is so interesting from start to finish. Set in beautiful Gloucester, Ma., one of my favorite places on earth, this is the story of two women who become fast friends when each realizes that an ear and good advice is necessary in their lives. The stories of each woman is very well expanded so that thereader feels like she gets to know the characters. The ladies utilize the beach and its surrounding area as a place of tranquility and calm. Their almost-daily walks lead to a great understanding of other peoples troubles and how we are really never alone in our problems. A great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Good Harbor is a lovely story but definitely a different style for the author for those of us who read The Red Tent and might have expected the same here. Avoid being disappointed by knowing to expect a change with this story. It is well written to read nicely along. You get to know the characters well, not that you will necessarily like what they do, but that's what makes the story. This is worth your time to read and enjoy.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sameha alshakhsi
This is quite a disappointment after "The Red Tent" which I absolutely loved, and continue to recommend to friends. "Good Harbor" is a medicore book at best, a flat story of a friendship between two women. The only redeeming quality is that it's set in Gloucester, and I enjoyed reading about that. If you're looking a so-so book about friendship and Gloucester, go ahead and read it, but if you expect a book in the same category as "The Red Tent", you'll be sorely disappointed! Never mind the same category, this book doesn't even belong on the same shelf!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a breast cancer survivor and a woman who treasures her friendships with other women I loved this book. I can't believe some of the negetive reviews. I was not one who loved The Red Tent although I thought it was very well written. I loved Good Harbour and didn't want it to end. Please put this book on your list of must reads.....
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
shelly penumalli
An interesting story about two women who become fast friends after meeting in the temple of a small seaside town of Gloucester, Massachusetts. The story tells of their close bond where they shared their personal lives and pains. Although, it began as a captivating story, I didn't understand the ending. It was not as good as the Red Tent, another novel written by the same author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thought this was a well written book with nicely developed characters. I appreciated the back story on the people in the novel and their seeming realism. I think this is an excellent followup to The Red Tent... Diamant is also known for her non-fiction. With Good Harbor, I believe she has proven herself to be a well-rounded author, with a variety of talents. Enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kubie brown
During this time of uncertainty in the world around us, I quickly and happily immersed my self in the life of "Good Harbor". I found myself easily drawn into the characters and the world around them. This novel addresses many important issues - friendship, love, parenthood, the environment and careers. As so many of us are realizing these days, there is much about our lives that is out of our control. However, we can control how we relate to the people and the environment closest to us. The story of "Good Harbor" illustrates and helps us experience the importance of accepting our lives and appreciating the world that is in our own backyard.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Having thoroughly enjoyed "The Red Tent", I was extremely disappointed with this book. I feel cheated - such a mediocre book shouldn't even have been published - the writing is poor, the story is shallow and the characters have little depth. After the first third of the book, I was ready to throw it in the trash but persevered on, skimming the last pages - I'd hoped it might redeem itself but it remained true to hits beginning, never getting one bit better. unfair of the publisher to pull us in, just because Ms. Diamant had previously written a decent book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
If it were not because of the well earned recognition the author got out of The Red Tent, this book would likely not have passed through any publishing agent, and I would not be here giving feedback. The characters are meaningless, nothing interesting happens, none of the subjects covered were touched with any depht. The author did a good job carefully portraying the setttings, especially the harbor, and the narrative is engaging; but when you finish you wonder what was supposed to be the point. This is probably among the bottom 10% of the books I have read, and I can recommend at least a hundred books before recomending reading this one.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
david melik
Was expecting a story with deep emotion. I found a standart, not exciting, superficial, predictable read. I did finish the book, because I was convinced somewhere there would be The line that made it all worth it, but it did not come.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Following on the heels of her marvelous novel The Red Tent, Anita Diamant has disappointed any readers hoping to re-experience the breadth and magnitude of Tent. She has chosen to focus on two women with a shared past transgression and a marginal link of their Jewish faith. Pedantic and "preachy" this novel glosses over true-to-life female friendships in an unsatisfactory fashion. I was disappointed in this book and would not recommend it based on the authors previous works.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jordan welsh
This book should never have been published. It is full of platitudes, and very poorly written. Is also boring. The women it portrays are bored, boring middle class women, with too much time on their hands. Kathleen is so self indulgent that she should be denied cancer treatment, and her so called friend, Joyce, is a selfish cow. And the are both boring. The conversations Anita Diamant portrays are boring. Come on girls, and this included you Anita - move on from this drivel.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I picked this up because I love Anita Diamant, but this book wasn't her best. There were too many unresolved parts of the plot, and one resolution that felt weak. The end was also a little too trite.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lilia garcia
I really liked this book. The characters were well developed. I felt like I knew them. I liked the relationship between these two women. I could smell the ocean and feel the sand on my feet from Anita's words. Anyone who has ever walked a beach and felt comfort will love this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
c meade
Many of my feelings regarding this book appear to be shared by other reviewers. I didn't feel any connection to the characters. I feel like Good Harbor MAY appeal to middle class, educated, appearance concerned women that dabble in coffee table religion talks... but for me, I just didn't dig it yo. I made it through the Good Harbor deflated experience for the sake of a reading group-- but by the end (or was it from the beginning?) I wanted to put a whole lotta hurt on these vapid women with surface problems. It seemed like the largest tragedy in their lives was that there was nothing miraculous going on to provide them with depth and relatability. The forced apex of drama at the end was uber lame and made me want to tear the book apart and use the paper to wipe material (far superior to this book) from my bum.
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