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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen ginochio
To the Christians reviewing this book: When will the "aliens" reveal themselves to the world? There is a reason they only reveal themselves: (1) in person, to lone, chosen individuals, i.e., "abductions", and giving of New Age "messages" for proselytizing. And, (2)To large groups of people and the military only from a long distance and/or on radar. They select the individual (or in the rarest of cases a couple) carefully to avoid a confrontation with a Christian (and by extension a confrontation with God the Holy Spirit). As a Christian you are sealed and indwelt by the Holy Spirit (the third "person" of the Godhead). In a confrontation with a demon or demons (aliens, nephilim) invoking the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, you can expose and cast away these beings ("For greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.") Beware the so-called "personal encounters" and "abductions" of "christians" for the very reason cited above. You have every scriptural justification to ask if such as these are merely attention seeking Christians or, if truly "abducted", christian in name only.
Now you know when the "aliens" will reveal themselves to the world. When the Christians are gone and not a threat to the "aliens" and their agenda for the world.
P.S. In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit came upon those God selected to carry out His will regarding a particular situation.
In the New Testament we see that the Holy Spirit permanently indwells individuals at the moment one asks Jesus Christ into their heart and life as Lord and Savior. We also note, at the translation of the living, and dead believers of all ages past, the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth. The threat to the uber-evolved technological super race called "Aliens" is gone and they are free to openly, and for all the world to see, bring forth the "Great Deception".
This note is intended for Christians. The one star reviewers of this book can save their Christ-hating rhetoric and name calling for their porno reviews. After all, we and they know- in their hearts, it is He who really offends them. Shalom
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Could the UFO sensationalism that has infected the popular media be an insidious deception about to be perpetrated against humanity? Are these extraterrestrial beings a munificent race availing themselves to our decadent world or do they have an agenda that transcends our worst nightmares? Are alien beings truly interplanetary travelers or could they possibly be interdimensional entities from an alternate reality? These questions are thoroughly explored by Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman in this Christianized account of the UFO experience. According, to Eastman and Missler aliens have been frequent vistors to our planet since the beginning of time. Both men go to great lengths to invoke the names of some of the world's foremost authorities (Jacques Vallee, in particular) to reinforce the possibility that these visitors from the sky are in actuality demonic apparitions and disembodied spirits preparing humanity for a monolithic deception that will culminate in the battle of Armaggedon. Whether one is inclined to accept or deny these claims, the most profound aspect of this investigation is the exegetical support. In their interpretation, the authors invest a large amount of effort to Biblical literature, relying on subtlities within the text and ancient authorities of the church as well as Jewish apocryphal literature (The Book of Enoch and Jubilees). The story of procreative activities between demonic entities and humans is the central discussion, and the authors demonstrate that every religious culture has some story or legend intertwined with alien encroachment. If anyone is interested in the similarities of ET stories subsumed into many cultures, the first half of the book is dedicated to the ancient visitations of intelligent life from beyond. Subsequently, the sexual encounters between humans and aliens is a prominent theme in every ancient civilization and the authors explore this as well. Various abduction accounts are enumerated and discussed asserting that most of these incidents are for the purpose of examining the reproductive system of humans. Could this be analogous to the ancient accounts of intercourse? Is a "daemones incubi" a thing of fable or a shocking reality? Unlike some reviewer's analysis, this book does not attempt a dogmatic synthesis but rather presents the evidence in a delicate manner. If someone finds this type of writing intolerable than they should eschew it, however, if you can remain objective to some extent and have the ability to absorb the information you will find this book a very inviting experience. I am amazed at Christians who believe that their Savior could rise from the dead in a manner that defies the laws of nature but are reluctant to accept the supernatural presences and manifestations of demonic activity. I would assume that it is important when claiming miraculous events that you do not delimit the ones that appear unattractive to your arbitration. However, concentrate on the scriptural evidence and the inveteracy of the procreative encounters; this is the premise of the book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon williams
Missler and Eastman's book is an excellent look at the UFO phenominon from a Christian point of view. They begin by spending several chapters establishing that there is something more to many (though not all, of course) of the UFO sightings and abduction stories. Only after they have done this do they go on to analyze the problem and propose an End Time scenario.
At that point, the book is very typical of Missler's work. For those of you unfamiliar with him, that means that he goes well beyond the beaten path. The authors propose some rather fantastic scenarios as to how UFOs might play into the fulfillment of End Time prophecy. They do so with a kind of wild abandon, but at the same time backing up their assertions with Scripture and softening them with a wry sense of humor. Many will be put off or even offended (for various reasons) as to their conclusions, but even if you think you will be one of those, the book is well worth reading anyway. At the very least, you will find your perceptions stretched, your mind challenged, and (if you are fair) yourself having the need to dig into Scripture to try to disprove the authors' conclusions.
If you are not a Christian but are interested in UFOs, I suggest that you pick this book up anyway. Again, you may not like the author's conclusions, but you won't be bored.
If you enjoy this book or this subject, I would also recommend UFO: End-Time Delusion by David Allen Lewis and Robert Shreckhise.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mario montoya
This book is a great book, unlike many others from a religious or especially 'Christian' perspective that often border on hysteria or stupidity. I heard Mr. Missler speak in Roswell during summer of 1997 and stayed up for 4 hours to hear him on the Art Bell show--one of his best ever. Fundamentalists, bigots, occultists, and atheists may not care for it but the material presented is excellent. Chuck Missler also has a tape series and a video that go into much detail covering the Nephilim. His exegesis is BRILLIANT! I highly recommend this work and I have written reviews of his tape series and book. Email me for the URL to the Web Site I edit, The CRITICAL REVIEW.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
michael mcnicholas
Mr. Missler and Mr. Eastmen have made a common mistake that a number of Christian authors make in regard to UFO sightings: taking everything on face value without careful research. As a Christian I believe that end time events will be terrible and will involve the whole world. I will also concede that UFO and UFO related deceptions may occur. But I try to be careful and not allow false reports and outright hoaxes to become part of my belief system. This book presents a very interesting analysis of the potential for UFO related events being part of the end time deception of the human race prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. This may well be a very distinct possibility. The authors arguments however loose a considerable amount of credibilty when they include any testimony from George Adamski or George Van Tassel. In the 1950's George Adamski went around the country telling of his journeys around the solar system in a spaceship from Venus. He described conditions on Venus as being much like the tropical areas of Earth. This was believed possible with the understanding of what Venus was like in 1950. We now know that Venus is not capable of sustaining any type of life as we know it so Mr Adamski could never have walked around on the surface. Mr Adamski was also caught faking an 8mm movie depicting one of his flying saucers with bore a remarkable resemblance to a Sears and Roebuck company chicken brooder. I can recommend the book for a home library because it does contain some very valid observations about the gullibility of current American culture stemming from a lack of spiritual roots.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica farrell
I admit, the implications in this book are too much to handle, and at first glance, it can seem like ridiculous speculation. BUT, I am very familiar with other teachings of Chuck Missler from the website [...] and know for certain that he is entirely Biblical, born-again, and sincere. It is evident that God has chosen NOT to tell us a lot about angels and demons, but he has given us some very interesting pieces of info throughout the Bible, and Chuck and Mark have beautifully dovetailed these scriptures with other weird stuff from our present culture---and guess what---it all fits together into an end-times scenario that really makes sense! This book might be the vaccine that will alert and save thousands of skeptics when the end-times finally arrive. Someone once said, "a god small enough to fit inside your head is not big enough to meet your need" (or something like that). The message of this book is like this--a bit too much for my head, but I'm content with that. The conclusions are incredible, weird, and true (IMHO)---but so is the incarnation, the trinity, the atonement, the rapture, the resurrection, heaven and hell, etc. etc. I know it sounds like a Hollywood mix of Star Wars, The Matrix, and Men in Black, but hey, God is far more creative than that....
Get this book--you will want your skeptical friends to have a copy too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I started this book on a lark.... not exspecting well documented, and thought out lines of reasoning - about a subject that I had never considered in the same context as "reasonable". This book will leave your hands but not your mind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
magic trick
everybody pretty much sums up this book good by giving it a 5 star rating.. Just read this book, its very very good and in my opinion the best book I've read so far. It really draws you in and its hard to put me its a really good book:)!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lily king
Nay sayers are only offended by the Christian point of view. But given all the facts presented, they should be mute. Missler does an excellent job detailing that these encounters are not physical and backs up his findings with detailed reports. The closest I have ever gotten to the truth regarding this subject is this incredible book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne holcomb
At first I was skeptical about this book and didn't think it might answer to the fullest extent the mysteries of UFO's and Abductions. But I was wrong! I devoured this book completely in less than 8 days, itself being a thick 350 (or so) pages book with a smooth cover, and found it very detailed, backed-up with sources and documentions and experts. This is a non-biase christian book with enough evidence to guide you through the manisfestions of these UFO and alien abductions. You will not be dissapointed with this book at all, especially if you already believe in the Bible and God.

One question: Why do many reports about Alien Abductions have to do with anti-Biblical messages and evacuations of the earth (similar to the rapture of the Church thaught in the Bible) by these aliens? Because, in reality these are not "aliens" that scientists talk about. READ IT TO FIND OUT!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne k
There is finally a Christian answer to the UFO phenomenon. It may not be 100% but Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman were brave enough to venture forth with their findings. Basically that the phenomenon can't be explained away and it isn't going away.

Nor do the authors claim to have a 100% answer but inspire you to do your own research.

I hope this sparks many more Christian research projects into this phenomenon.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
luis white
The book starts with the usual information about sightings and alien abductions, much of which is available on the web. The author then starts to make connections between the sightings and biblical stories and postulates that "fallen angels" are actually aliens. He draws heavily on the writings of Sitchin and Whitley Strieber to bolster his argument, and the Bible, of course, which is the main source of his argument. He takes the entire analogy too far, citing Revelations and trying to make it fit into his argument. The conclusion is that aliens are coming soon, they are not nice, and they will destroy us, so accept Jesus as your savior before it's too late. I was disappointed to have wasted my money on this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chuck Missler's insight into the scriptures is incredible. For years I drove around town with Chuck Missler tapes in my car. I've read and studied the Bible avidly since I became a Christian in 1977. I did not need Chuck's input to ponder the connection between the UFO phenomena, alien abductions, the New Age etc. to realize Satan was up to something big. I knew from the bible that a great deception was going to take place so that people would believe a lie. Listening to Art Bell, (I like to see what the enemy is up to) confirms that there are myriads of people that have been set up to accept an alien deliverance. They have an explanation as to what happened to millions of Christians. We've been relocated so that the New Age can be implemented without us fear mongers. Chuck Missler's book should be required reading for everyone who takes the Word of God literally and has not stolen God's promises to Israel for the Church and who is looking for that blessed hope, The Lord
Jesus Christ, to take us out of here.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
james m
As a life-time enthusiast of ufo literature and other paranormal phenomena, I was enthralled to read Alien Encounters because of its unique perspective. The Nephilim are only mentioned twice in the bible (that I know of) and few authors other than Zecharia Sitchin have ever given them much attention. So, when Missler and Eastman claimed that ufo entities were indeed the disincarnate spirits of the Nephilim who shape shift and play games on unsuspecting humans, the book took on an interesting angle to the theories of Vallee and Keel. However, I should have become suspicious early on when the authors give no evidence to support their claim that the Nephilim cannot reincarnate. I didn't realize until the very end of the book that this was nothing more than blatant Christian proselytizing. The clincher came in the appendix where the authors claim that beliefs in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Native American religions are demonic. Instead of laughing off such an absurd remark, as I'm sure the Dalai Lama would, I became embarrassed because I had already recommended this book to some colleagues before I had gotten to the final pages. Now, I have to contact these same people again and say "Never mind". However, I still give the book two stars because I was enjoying it up until the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The fact that UFOs are real and have existed along with man since the dawn of time is undeniable. The question is, what or who are THEY. Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman have done an excellent job in shining biblical light on this ongoing phenomenon. This is one of my favorite books on this subject, I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
doug mcclain
Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman have finally exposed the truth about Alien Abductions and UFO activity.
They tell you whom the Aliens are, where they came from, and what they are doing here, and it's not pretty.
I have read several books on the subject and this one has taken me to a higher level of understanding and knowledge on the subject.
The authors back up everything they say with Biblical Prophecies and truth and it becomes very clear.
I am a man of few words, but let me just say this book will clear up any misconceptions and doubts about the subject of Aliens and UFO's.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kofi adisa
I have studied about UFO'S for years. The Biblical view is the most sound I have read. Who, what and where they are from, according to the Bible, Makes more sence then any other view I have studied. Fallen Angels makes a lot more sence then Aliens. The more you research what the Bible says on the topic the other views become more fantasy. Satan, of course, would rather you beleave in the Alien fantasy. I give this 5 stars due to I have studied other material relating to the same outcome, The biblical view. It tips the scale compared to other views.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
michelle georges
As a serious researcher on the psychology of belief systems, I was very disappointed at the deceptiveness of the authors' approach. While they seemingly did a great deal of research, it was selected mainly for its usefulness in their plan to engender fear in order to promote conversions. They even repeatedly stated that the material should make the reader fearful. Please, gentlemen, if you yourselves are so fearful, spare us your hysteria.
Material which could well deserve careful and sensitive analysis was instead treated with the utmost credulity, a criticism that has also been leveled at Missler's treatment of the Apocalypse and even the Y2K computer problem (the so-called Millenium bug).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elise ochoa
I highly recommend this book to anyone coming from a Biblical worldview who has wondered how aliens fit with the Bible. It was really an eye opener for me- old religions and myths make a lot more sense!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
joe morrow
The authors really had me going for a while. They lured me in and then put the clamps down on me. I thought the book in all was very well written but from a point of view that there is no such thing as a god, I would have to say they are trying to "recruit" you into the christian way of thinking. If the book wouldn't of been so one sided in the last 3-4 chapters then I may have stomached it better, but....all I can say is, if your into the bible then go ahead and get it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
katrina kennedy
Chuck Missler is quite an interesting person. A former intelligence author for the US military, he now tries his hand at being a self-styled "prophecy expert." His long history of conspiracy mongering serves him well in this regard (as the store doesn't allow the posting of URLs, you will have to search for his site yourself to see what I mean.) The book has more in common with Roddenberry than with Revelation. The notion that aliens are behind much of demonic activity is simply insupportable from Scripture. And the logical leaps made in this text border on the ludicrous. Those who avidly absorb the writings of Jack Van Impe, Tim LaHaye and Hal Lindsey will love this book. Thinking Christians will be appalled that such stuff could get published.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
susie reisfelt
I thought this would be an objective, unbiased analysis of the UFO phenomenon. And for the first third of the book it is. Then Missler and Eastman veer off into a lengthy debunking of "New Age" ET channeling hokum, and from there into some weird christian and biblically textured version of the UFO phenomenon that I simply could not follow.

What I didn't know when I started reading this book is that Chuck Missler is a messianic evangelical who infamously, and insipidly, tried to debunk Evolution using a jar of peanut butter. So, I suppose if you like angels and demons and Jesus with your UFOs then this is your book. If not, stay away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
s ren ager
Everybody knows that parts of the Bible have been hidden by the Illuminati and that Jesus arrived on a space ship, but there is a media conspiracy not to talk about it. Read this book and get the real story.

You will learn some very interesting things about Roswell, too.

God Bless.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
red kedi
This book is a compilation of a number of theories and incidents related to UFOs. The authors recount just about every known UFO incident and theory. To that extent the book is an interesting reference. Sadly the author's fundamentalist Christian bent distorts these incidents into an Alien conspiracy to help Satan usher in the second coming and the end of times. If, like me, you reject the idea of Satan and original sin(I'm not a Christian...though I was raised one) then this book will annoy and likly offend you, particulaly the last half. As I see it, Christians ,or at least the author, use the idea of Satan to try to scare you into their beliefs. The author uses many biblical references and interprets them to his ends. Its all very sad. People look into your hearts for guidance, not the church or the bible. Follow love in all circumsances and take the high road when possible, don't let this or any book fill you with fear. As regards Aliens and their New Age messages....I find them most enlightened. I highly recommend the following book: "Talking to Extraterrestrials" by Lisette Larkins....a truly fantastic book on the subject.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tim williams
This book is not intended as an objective discussion on alien encounters. It is deceptively portrayed as such, but it is merely an attempt to convert or persuade readers towards believing in some sort of fundementalist cult mentality. It does great harm to the scientific investigation of UFOs when such publications attempt to ride on its popularity for religious fanaticism or other ulterior motives. This book was discarded rather than given away due to its spurious intentions.
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