Hidden Messages From the Edge of Eternity - Cosmic Codes

ByChuck Missler

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Anything by Dr Chuck Missler is enlightening. Well packaged and arrived quickly. Unique view of the cosmos from a Biblical perspective, very very heavy on science, not just doctrine. You will not be disappointed, but be ready to take notes, use the pause button a lot and think.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jody baush
I received this book in the shape as discribed. It arrived within 5 days from order. thank you very much. Chuck Missler is on of my favorite authors. This is a very good in depth read. Recommend reading anything he has written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda luna
You'll not agree with--nor perhaps, even understand--Missler's massive study of so-called Bible codes. But, it is a great read. Leaps and bounds abound, and when it's all done, there's still the wonderment of where the simple person can find his redemption, being unaware of and probably fully incapable of understanding it anyway, if not in the simple story of God and His love for mankind made evident in the gift of His only begotten Son. Is it sufficient to be brought to a full measure of trusting faith and the submissive obedience to His expressed will, or must the simple man grasp also the minute and often disputed Bible codes herein "revealed" or asserted? But, again, it is a great read.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is one of the most unforgettable books I have ever read in 7 decades. I love ebooks, but very glad I got this in big paperback and yellow highlighted it as I read. I will be reading it again, and expect to go back to certain spots and reread. The more I read the book, the harder it was to put down. There is nothing far out about what Chuck says. He and I both take the Scriptures literally. I've read Drosnin's books about Bible Codes and knew the Hebrew alphabet and could see that the equidistant codes are real. Dr. Missler reminds us that we should not get sidetracked into seeking to know about the future, digging for such, but points out some examples of the Bible codes that are just thrilling to me. I enjoyed the material about the development of codes and cryptology over the ages, and love detail, but one does not have to understand all of that to appreciate this book. I've had no math or college level science, but found the latter chapters about physics thought provoking, awesome really. I don't have to understand all of it. The whole book is just fascinating. It is spiritually uplifting, and I highly recommend following Dr. Missler's suggestion to keep a journal, where you record and date and make a note about whatever Scripture has you puzzled, and pray for the Lord to reveal more, and then record how He does this. Such a journal will become a treasure, for you alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tobias kask
Very intriguing book. I heard of the bible codes before and knew about the equidistant letter sequencing, but this book has much more than that. The multitude of codes built into the Bible are waaaaay beyond any mere coincidence. Cosmic Codes has solidified my certainty that the Bible is truly from God and is accurate. I loved the insight from the Book of Numbers and how God would have seen the Jews camped around the Tabernacle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Cosmic Codes" by Chuck Missler, helps confirm ones beliefs, not through faith alone, but through the complexity of design in the form of messages through symbolism and ciphertext, which our LORD has so diligently placed within HIS written word "The Bible". Chuck Missler takes you through an overview of these messages, systematically placed by JESUS CHRIST; to authenticate HIS word as HE proclaimed it. For those who consider the "Bible" as just another storybook, prepare to throw that view right out the window. I recommend that you hold on to your "brown britches" (Lord Nelson pun), for HIS coming is surely on the horizon. In reading "Cosmic Codes" one can enjoy the work of a man who has dedicated himself to proclaiming that love declared by our LORD, to all those who would listen. The choice to hear that message of love is now up to you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
juli birmingham
I will admit to skipping through some of the more tedious parts at the beginning of this book, but once it gets into the codes in the Bible, I was shocked by what I read! If you're looking for proof that the Bible is truly written by God Himself, then I gladly recommend this book.

My favorite "code" was the one hidden right before everyone's eyes at the time of the Messiah's crucifixion. There was an acronym written on the cross: YHWH – the very name of GOD!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chuck Missler's latest book is a masterpiece and is a must read for those people who want to cut through the chaff on whether the Bible is God breathed or just a collection of fables. Chuck does a marvelous job in providing background on the use of "secret codes" and discusses such things as cryptography and the different types of codes and ciphers used by man. He then takes the reader through the evidences of the hidden design of the Bible. One example of this is that God had already laid out His plan of redemption for the predicament of mankind as found in the genealogy from Adam through Noah in the earliest chapters of the Book of Genesis. From the Hebrew the names in English signify as follows. Adam=Man, Seth=Appointed, Enosh=Mortal, Kenan=Sorrow, Mahalalel=The Blessed God, Jared=Shall come down, Enoch=Teaching, Methuselah=His death shall bring, Lamech=The despairing, Noah=rest, or comfort. Put this together and you have the following: "Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow, (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest". It is the beginning of a "love story, ultimately written in blood on a wooden cross which was erected in Judea almost 2000 years ago". WOW! Chuck goes on by touching on subjects ranging from the heptadic structure (7's) found throughout the Bible, to "microcodes", including the mechanics of the Hebrew alphabet and spends only 3 chapters on equidistant letter sequences. The section on "macrocodes" is my favorite. Chuck goes into detail outlining "types" such as Abraham's offering up of his only son (son of promise) Isaac on Mt. Moriah as a model or "type" of God offering up His only Son on Mt. Moriah for the sins of the world. There is also a section on "metacodes" that touches on such things as DNA being a code of cosmic origin and that DNA is actually a digital, error correcting code of a three-out-of-four design, all evidence of a designer. The book goes on to encourage the reader to undertake a serious study of the Bible and talks of the basics of doing just that. The book ends with a chapter called "The Ultimate Code: You" and challenges the reader to deal with the eternal aspect of one's existence. This book is 505 pages long with 25 chapters. Each chapter concludes with suggestions for further reading, for self study. The section of appendices has an exhaustive list of Rhetorical Devices, List of Major Types, Old Testament Allusions in Revelation, list of Sevens in the Bible and an Eschatological Summary. This book does not go off the deep end as some of the other "codes" books do and is an excellent reference source. I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
malu sciamarelli
Probably one of the best reviews on "Bible Codes" crossing several technological and theological arenas (Equidistant Letter Sequences -ELS, microcodes, macrocodes, codes embedded in life - DNA). Excellent introduction to the technical problems and solutions to encoding information and how the problems are solved.

How would the Ultimate Mathematician communicate with His creation? Would HE send a message that a man could create? Would HE send a message that had proof embedded to verify HE sent the message (digital signature)? If there is such a set of messages, what is the information in this set of messages?

Evidence is abundant and well sourced in the book. The conclusion is left to the reader but this book will increase the faith of the the Bible believing population and draw the sceptic to reevaluate the evidence.

Would also recommend Dr. Missler's web site khouse.org and the technical section for those looking for scientific articles on various topics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chuck Missler's careful detail within his books tend to make his writing difficult to keep up with. Cosmic Codes is an exception. His chapters are broken up into headings that allow the reader to take a breath or to chew like the intellectual cows we tend to become. Cosmic Codes is not for the faint of thought, you have to be ready to think; to think beyond time, space and our predefined view of reality. Cosmic Codes also puts the "Bible Code" in its proper place. They do exist, you cannot escape the math on the odds, but Missler puts the evidence in its proper perspective. There are some errors here and there. For example, Rambsel notes the absence of Judas from the Isaiah 53 ELS findings. I have since found it within the text. However, considering the topic and the vast amount of cross-referencing, it is brilliant, albiet imperfect; Like Chuck himself. When reading Cosmic Codes, as with all other works by Chuck Missler, start by reading Acts 17:11 in the Bible; it is his caveat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary van
500 pages of biblical truth that reads like a fast paced novel, including a study in numbers, Hebrew, science, archaeology, history, the Feasts and prophecy!

Learn the meaning behind Alpha and Omega, the one who was pierced, the city of Babylon, the reason 7 appears so often in scripture, and countless fascinating gems from scripture!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah chudleigh
This is such an interesting book, but perhaps Missler has copied the Hebrew errors of Bullinger, Jeffrey, and Rambsel, when discussing the Torah Codes. There are many absurdities. At the bottom of page 112, what in the world is "tegoleh"? In the center of page 155, in describing Jesus as a Nazarene, the Hebrew word would be "Notzri," spelled nun, tzadi, resh, yod. It is related to "Netzer," meaning branch. Instead, he has spelled "Nazir," which means a monk or abstainer: nun, zayin, yod, resh. The full-page chart on page 159 is full of mistakes. This kind of carelessness makes Christian "authorities" on Hebrew scriptures look foolish, and their subjective "codes" even more so. This is unfortunate, but the average reader needs to be informed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I wrote "This is one of the most interesting, informative, and mind expanding books of this year, or any year. The media interest in codes, such as the "Bible Code" both pro and con, has led to wild speculations on both extremes. This work, written by a man who ran computers for..." in my review of this work on The CRITICAL REVIEW [the store Associate]. It is our feature book for JULY.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
elizzy b
Long book filled with information unrelated to the bible. It is more about Yahweh's intricate design of things. Only the first half of the book relates to codes in the bible. Dispensational throughout. I lost interest when I read Missler believes that our memories exist in our brain. Impossible. If memories existed in our brain how would we recognise our loved ones in eternity. How would we even remember the name of Jesus, let alone what the bible says about him. The post-resurrection body of Jesus was NOT his final form. John makes this clear in First John 3.2 and Revelation 1.12-18. John recognized the post- resurrection Jesus but he did not recognized his post-ascension form. That tells me the spiritual body is different. The post-ascension body does not require a physical brain to exist, yet Jesus recognized John in BOTH forms of existence. Memories are not stored in the brain, they exist in the mind which is spiritual in nature. How could we be judged in eternity if our memories died when our brain died at death? The book could have been published as two separate books with two separate titles.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
e a lisa meade
This is probably the most exciting information I came across. Although I didn't read the book yet, I purchased it. I heard Chucks MP3 seminars on this Cosmic Codes book. I recommend this to every one. I give him 5 Stars!!
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