Preventing the Collapse of Western Civilization in Times of Terrorism

ByMichael Youssef

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jessica west
Mr Youssef spends the first several chapters exploring our dilemma that Islam seems to be winning its thirteen-hundred-year campaign of world domination by conquering Christians, Jews and other infidels... exactly as God commanded Muhammad. ....and then (his solution) he uses the remaining 80 percent of his pages giving us a Sunday morning sermon telling us to be better Christians! I should have smelled a rat when the first thing I read in chapter one was an apology for his choice of words in the title.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kagaaz ke
I found the title misleading. Book started out about world changes, but further in the content became one of reciting passages from the Holy Bible, far off the subject in the beginning of the book! It was a bit disappointing for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alan flynn
This is a wonderful book by a wonderful scholar who is knowledgeable about the subject. I bought two copies, gave one to my pastor, we read them at the same time and both decided they needed to be shared with the congregation and added to our library. An easy read and packed full of information you won't find in today's newspaper headlines.
Barbarians at the Gates :: Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life :: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management :: The Fall of RJR Nabisco (CD-Audio) - Barbarians at the Gate :: Your Spouse, My Sponsor 2
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
arun sankaran
Well written documentary on world terrorists with some scripture reference from viewpoint of Christian of Egyptian birth. It was a good book but not what I expected. It didn't present information I hadn't read elsewhere.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james vernon
An excellent book by an authority. Youssef is a clear thinker, has courage, and communicates truths that every person should understand. The world today is in such a dismal state that it is in denial and under deception on many fronts. As a people we must search for truth. For those that think Islam is somehow friendly, you should read the Koran, consume news from other parts of the world, and think.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was really excited to receive this book after hearing Michael Youssef speak about it on TV. I appreciate a strong Christian voice speaking out about ISIS, terrorists, and the decay of western civilization and culture.

The book is a worthwhile read in order to get a biblical perspective on the numerous times that God turned his back on his people and let them suffer the consequences of their bad decisions. Christians have been silent for far too long while all of our rights and beliefs have been slowly eroding away. “Barbarians could not have destroyed Rome from the outside if the Romans hadn’t already weakened their own civilization.” The similarities to the downfall of Rome and the current state of the US are frightening.

Youssef explains, “A Barbarian is a person who is not part of our civilization, who wants no part of our civilization, and who seeks the conquest and destruction of our civilization. The Islamists-Muslims who seek to restructure all governments and all of society in accordance with the laws of Islam-or cultural chauvinists who see Islam's Sharia law as vastly superior to Western secular law. They believe a totalitarian Islamic culture would be infinitely superior to the free societies of Western civilization, which are based on Judeo-Christian values. They seek the destruction of Western civilization, and that makes them-by definition-Barbarians.”

Although this book provides a good foundation, I wish the book had gone into more detail on the beliefs of Islam and more about the strategies they are using to infiltrate the western culture. I applaud the author’s boldness to write such a factual book during this time where it seems to be more important to be “politically correct” than to speak the truth. There were parts later in the book where I felt it wasn’t as succinctly written and it rambled a bit. However, it is such an important topic and I am so thankful that somebody is bold enough to write about this critical issue that every American should become more educated about – regardless of your personal religious beliefs. We need to get educated on what is happening and what we are allowing to happen in our country.

I received a copy of this e-book from in exchange for my fair and unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sascha demerjian
The Barbarians Are Here

Preventing the Collapse of Western Civilization in Times of Terrorism
by Michael Youssef

Worthy Publishing


Pub Date 07 Mar 2017

I am voluntarily reviewing The Barbarians Are Here through the publisher and Netgalley:

Michael Youseff is an American Christian but he grew up in the Muslim dominated Middle East. This book deals with the Muslim Extremeists (the Barbians). Now the extremists are being found in Western cultures.

This book reminds us that those who want to destroy us are not going away, nor are they giving up. We are reminded of the importance of keeping our eyes on the Lord.

I give The Barbarians Are Here five out of five stars.

Happy Reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Good review on how the Islamic warriors think. But more importantly, Dr. Youssef lets us know how to get spiritually ready for battle as well. Lots of good information for the unbeliever and believer in Christ.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
thaddeus thaler
From the Author's Preface - his apology to Muslims: "Please understand that the word barbarians...refers to Islamist extremists and terrorists, not to Muslim people in general." The author goes on to say that he has many good friends who are Muslims who "embrace Islam." He attempts to distinguish "Muslims" from "Islam."

I can understand getting to know an occasional person whose belief system promotes conversion by terror and intimidation. But to have respect for them as friends is, well, a bit double minded. Know an author by the friends he keeps. Becoming friends with those whose belief system promotes destroying Christians and Jews is somewhat more extreme than counseling a whore at the well - the example of Jesus. I wonder if the publisher required him to write this cavaet to be "politically correct" e.g. "shade the truth.". Probably not, since it is portrayed as his heartfelt personal experience.

Before I read the Author's Preface, I placed this book in my the store "Wish List." After reading the Author's Preface, I made a note to avoid buying this book.

The message I got from the Preface was: "Just avoid the terrorists. Otherwise, Islamic believers in general are A-OK.

The author would rather placate Muslims by saying in advance he has nothing aginast their belief in Islam (he has many Muslim friends) than to tell the bold, blunt truth about the depraved warped belief system of Islam and the warped minds of its followers. Who the heck is his primary audience for the book: Christians or Muslims?

Any message to Christians to encourage boldness in the face of the Islamic threat needs to be much more forthright than this man is being. His message seems to be "Islam isn't so bad afterall." WRONG!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Youssef reminds us of the very imminent threat our country and the world is facing. Challenges all who serve Christ to live out our Christian beliefs,
not being deceived by teachers who misrepresent the Gospel. Urges us to live holy lives in light of our eternal destiny.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kirsten taylor
The author, Michael Youssuf, is a Christian Believer who was born in the Middle East and raised in a Christian home begins by stating that he is against Muslim terrorism, not the Muslim people, who need to be saved.
He points out that the blood of the 21 Coptic Christian men who were beheaded by ISIS terrorists was spilled into the Mediterranean Sea was to flow towards Rome as a declaration of war against Christianity. They want to take over the world with political Islam.
The Muslim refugees are barbarians who want to take over our culture and religious freedom with their religion, Sharia Law and kill anyone who will not do what they want them to do. They do not want to assimilate into European or American culture as some immigrants do.
Muslims commit sexual terrorism against European women by raping and terrorizing them in order to conquer them and to eventually make them wear a veil as Muslim women do.
Michael points out that the Christian Church needs to be purified,stop compromising with the world and Christians need to preach the forgiveness of sin by Jesus' blood, and that He is the only way to reconcile us with God.
He points out the parallels between the fall of Rome and the United States such as the perils of entertainment, political corruption, war, slave labor, no borders and moral decay.
Michael points out many examples of people in the Bible who stood up for God and obeyed His Laws, even when their lives were at stake.
He challenges Christians to do the same and to preach and live the Gospel so that the world will desire to follow Jesus and not Satan
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