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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
master of
Have you ever watched The Island? It’s an exciting summer blockbuster that doesn’t make you think to hard. The foreshadowing looms shortly, only to break into obvious reveals. Obvious plot threads weave throughout the storytelling, yet it is still a lot of fun to watch.

This book was a lot like that. Nothing about it was groundbreaking or unique, but the entire reading experience was a good time. Sure, the dystopian future thing has been done to death in every incarnation by now. Sometimes the plots are plodding and uninteresting. Sometimes the world building doesn’t make sense. Sometimes the characters are abhorrent. The Murder Complex suffers from none of these ailments.

I loved the world building, the characters (both primary and secondary), and the quick paced plot. Usually, when encountering a book with forced dual POV every chapter, I start to hate it. Usually this happens because the author doesn’t change the writing style for both characters. Everyone has the same internal monologue and sometimes you lose track of who is actually the focus for the chapter. This was not the case. There were only a few awkward jumps, but the character’s internal voices were subtly different enough for me to tell who was narrating without thinking too hard about or going back and referring to the chapter header.

I guess my only gripe, albeit a small one, is the usage of fake swear words. I get the reasoning behind it, I really do. But, sometimes it just detracts from the storytelling. Especially when encountering it in the text as both dialogue and monologue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie sullivan
I was totally looking forward to this book. It sounded completely fantastical and creepy. From the summary, the title, and even the cover I was looking for a pretty sick and intense read. That is what I got. I was not disappointed in this book at all. It actually went over my expectations and I can't wait to read more from this world. I was so into this book. The characters were well developed, the story felt original, the setting was definitely right, the tone was set to creepy, and it was very fast paced and thrilling. Sci-Fi. thriller, mystery... well just a bit of everything was thrown into this book and I loved it.

Meadow Woodson lives on boat with her father, big brother, and little sister. She goes into to test for a position, a way to make money to help feed her family in a world where only the strongest survive. They can't leave the perimeter of the community so their only choice is to fight to survive. What Meadow wasn't prepared for was to be caught in a web of secrets, betrayals and danger.

Zephyr James is a ward, his parents dead, no family and no home, he is given a place to stay and food to eat for work. He helps pick up dead bodies in the street. He himself has woken up with many a dead bodies, something like 12, with blood on his hands and no memory of what happened. He only knows he must have killed.

The two meet, their worlds collide, and now its just a matter of staying alive when someone or everyone wants them dead.

I really was blown away by this book. It was entertaining, very intense, very fast paced and very original . I thought it sounded good and it did intrigue me but I really didn't expect to love this book as much as I did.
There were a few times when the pace slowed, very minimal though and there were a few things that I didn't like... as in the romance, but for the most part I loved it and I enjoyed it from cover to cover.

I'm really not sure what I liked more, the characters or the story. Together they worked well to provide me with a package deal. The story was original. There were some similarities that marked it as a dysoptian for me.... so that wasn't original, but for the most part a very well written world was created. Creepy and evil but well done. I loved the idea of the Murder Complex. Not that I would want a real one to exist or that it was a good thing, but the idea was just creepy enough to make me love it. I was sadistic, it was evil, it was sick, it was disturbing, and of course it was built on good intentions well at least on some good intentions that backfired. The story of how the murder complex came along was a bit scary and realistic enough to really push me into some hard thinking at times. So the book was thought provoking at times. Science has come a long way and there are a bunch of confused people in the world with wild ideas on how to save the world. Put the two together and its not always a good thing. I know I am rambling but if you read the book or have read the book you know what I am talking about. So back to the story. It was one of those where the line between right and wrong gets a little blurry and I like those kinds of stories.

The story was pretty dang awesome in my opinion and what made it even better was the thrills, the chases, the fighting, the suspense, and the pacing. It was pretty fantastical when it all came together. Very well written. It came together nicely in a great pace leaving no room for questions but left enough out at at time to keep me flipping through the pages.

I really liked the main characters, Meadow and Zephyr. Like I said the lines of morality really blurred in this book and it didn't stop with the story. These characters were good and evil all in one package and I hated them, loved them, understood them, empathized with them, and cursed them. I love flawed characters and these were flawed characters, both doing what needed to be done to survive and keep those they loved safe.. Well until the madness started and so many things uncovered then... well they become awesome characters and I ended the book with lots of love for them. Oh and they could so kick butt. Neither would I want to meet in a dark alley on a bad day.

The main downfall of this book was the romance. I felt it was too rushed. I felt the connection and I liked the connection but it was hard to see it as more than just a connection. No real love, no passion, not intensity to the romance. I think the romance would have been better left as a spark to set off the fire in the next book instead of going full blown in this book.

So yes I loved, it wasn't perfect but I loved it and can't wait for more.

Good story with lots of scary stuff going on, great characters that could really kick butt, and lots of thrills.
I would recommend this book to dystopian and thriller lovers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tina bykowicz
Once I started reading The Murder Complex, I couldn’t stop. It’s full of action, romance, secrets, and conspiracy. Everything I could possibly want in a book.

I can’t imagine what led Cummings to write this novel, but I’m so glad she did. We have a dual point of view from Meadow and Zephyr. I love Meadow. She’s badass, and doesn’t take crap from anyone. She also learns to follow her instincts. There are so many truths she has to uncover it’s unreal. Some of the situations she gets herself in are scary. I couldn’t imagine having to live the way she does and have to fight for what’s mine. I also love Zephyr. He’s caring, which is odd since he’s an assassin and all that. But he wants to take care of the world, pretty much. I love how the two meet. And there were times I wondered if it was forced or if they met naturally.

The Murder Complex is action packed. There’s a situation around every corner. And it’s not hard to believe in this new society that people live in. I wouldn’t want to be tracked as closely as they are. The population is also starving. They have ration credits they can use, and I can’t see having to turn away people, or give them barely any food. I’m definitely not cut out for this world. Some of the plot twists I never saw coming. I always think that’s a plus!

The Murder Complex is a captivating dystopian that I hope others enjoy as much as I did.
Long Way Round :: Healing the Shame that Binds You (Recovery Classics) :: Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families :: Healing the Shame that Binds You :: How To Become A Rainmaker by Jeffrey J Fox (2013-07-18)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa ambrose
The Murder Complex is the eagerly anticipated debut novel by Lindsay Cummings. A story of survival in a post-fall dystopia where dying is easier than living, The Murder Complex is the story of Meadow Woodsen and Zephyr James and their battle to beat the odds by surviving.

Meadow has been trained by her father to kill in order to live in their brutal world where illness has been contained and the only way to deal with the population problem is murder.

Zephyr is an orphan or "ward" and he is responsible for cleaning up dead bodies. But he harbors a secret. He's been programmed to kill as part of The Murder Complex.

The book can be described as a cross between The Hunger Games and Divergent but far bloodier. I am not a big fan of dystopia but as a reviewer, I often venture out of my comfort zone and read something I would otherwise never pick up.

In this case, I am glad I did. I enjoyed the book - despite its flaws, it was fast-paced, action-packed and gritty, just the kind of book I enjoy reading.

Lindsay's writing shines when she pens action scenes, the images conjured as Meadow braces for then takes down her enemies are almost perfect. The words are fluid and Lindsay has a knack for writing such scenes. I really loved the very last sentence of the book - "Count to three. Relax your mind. Now survive." Simple, effective yet chilling in its foreboding.

Where I find fault is first, with the forced love story that springs up almost out of no-where between Zephyr and Meadow. This aspect of the novel is unnecessary but I understand why the almost benign relationship between Zephyr and Meadow is a must on the pages - it is a necessary evil to add a love angle to books that can forego all the instantaneous tug of the hearts. It's almost demanded of the genre. But frankly, if love between these two characters was necessary, the premise (dreaming about Meadow) was over-used and under-whelming. It wasn't organic and rather obvious Lindsay didn't enjoy writing the romance. What a quandary?

The second issue is the alternating voices of Meadow and Zephyr. The voices weren't distinct enough, almost seamless. Unless I looked at the chapter header, I wouldn't be able to tell which character was narrating. I think Lindsay could have forgone the whole alternating voices tactic and stuck with Meadow's point of view - I preferred Meadow's intensity to Zephyr's vulnerability and humanity, which paled in comparison.

Third is the terminology. I'd prefer if Lindsay have explained the laundry list of terms specific to her world and use profanity instead of words such as "flux" and "skitz." In a book so violent, using the actual language would have been more effective but erred on the almost comical.
Lastly, the world of The Murder Complex was too vague in its foundation. There was too little background about the circumstances that led to this futuristic world deplete of humanity. The underlying current of the book places fault with science for eradicating illness therefore forcing humanity to seek murder as the only option to control the population. Poor excuse turning to science as the scapegoat for vague world building.

Still, I gave The Murder Complex four stars because I see potential. There is a chance the second installment will work out the glaring issues of the first and explain the inexplicable to my satisfaction.

If Lindsay's focus remains writing a past-faced, action thriller where sixteen year-olds are saving the world but not getting caught up in their hormones, there is a chance of a fantastic follow-up.

There is an abundance of talent but needs focus and direction. I say, give The Murder Complex a chance. Writing is a fine art that should draw the reader in and keep you there until the very last word. A well-written book should leave you pining for more. Some of that happened with the first installment. Writing is also a tough gig and reviews subjective. I applaud Lindsay for taking chances and do look forward to reading how the story of Meadow and Zephyr will conclude.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
adrian graham
The Murder Complex was a fun, action-packed dystopian thrill ride, and even though it didn’t feel ‘new’ I really enjoyed the story overall.

The Murder Complex puts us in a rather interesting setting. The world is broken and has a shambled dystopian city, but Cummings actually portrayed the society in a different way. It’s a nearly post apocalyptic setting where a good portion of the people have died out due to a disease. The remaining people live in a poor shadow of what it used to be with strict rules from the government and the fear of dangerous criminals that rules the streets at night. The overall story was fairly good too, with enough intrigue to keep me interesting and a great bit og action to keep the blood pumping.

Meadow Woodson is a bit of a mechanical main character thanks to her father’s harsh training and the things she’s forced to do survive in the Shallows.While I understood her ‘do what you must’ attitude and I love that she isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, but I didn’t have much to connect with. She spends most of the book in a constant state of ‘me vs them’ and she looses her temper a lot, but other than anger I didn’t really see much from her unfortunately. That being said she does kick a lot of ass. Zephyr on the other hand had a bit more depth. He had a lot going on and uncovering everything about him is part of the reason I was so hooked.

My biggest issue was the romance though. Honestly the book would have went over better for me without the romance between Meadow and Zephyr, it felt a bit forced to me. They had a few instances of cute interaction but it wasn’t enough for me to be fully convinced to invest my time in shipping them.

Overall I enjoyed The Murder Complex, which had an interesting story with a new setting. While I didn’t connect with Meadow and I really curious to see what happens in the next book, especially with the ending we’re given in this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dear Murder Complex,
You are AWESOME! WOW! SOOOOOOOO FREAKING EPIC! One of your main characters, Meadow, is such a badass and Zephyr, your other MC, stole my heart! I loved switching between their points of view and slowly seeing their stories intertwine in a crazy way. I absolutely loved you and I'm DYING to read your sister, The Death Code.
Your author, Lindsay Cummings, is a mad genius!
Sincerely, Emmy

Note to future readers:
Warning! The Murder Complex ends with a major - no, no let me emphasis major - MAJOR cliffhanger. So, make sure to have The Death Code (book 2) on standby because you're going to want to. Learn from my mistake. You're welcome. Just looking out for my fellow bookworms. *clears throat* I mean, bookdragons because we are not worms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Murder Complex was a compelling read, as we moved back and forth between the perspectives of Zephyr and Meadow. The tale moves rather quickly since we are not weighed down with a lot of world building in the beginning. The tale is dark and gritty at times. It is a violent, desperate world where only the strongest survive. With each detail, I became more immersed in the world. Murder Complex shared a simplistic yet complex world, and I found its components, rules and solutions to be both horrifying and fascinating. Meadow and Zephyr roles in this trilogy and their relationship intrigued me. There is a little romance, but it is secondary to the dark thriller. The sci-fi elements woven into the tale felt Fringe like and Cummings gave it believability. Of course, we ended on a cliffy after a huge climax that revealed and answered so many questions. Gads, now we wait for the next installment. There is a prequel, The Fear Trials, which was published May 27, 2014. It shares Meadows training with her father. Copy provided in exchange for unbiased review. Full review at caffeinated book reviewer.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lindsey coons
Wasn't all that impressed with this book. It wasn't bad but I expected more from it. it wasn't the best that I've read but definitely not the worst. It is action packed, not really a dull moment in it and moves fast. Very bloody and gorey so of you like that type of thing you will enjoy this book. My biggest problem is only that I feel you don't connect with the characters, you don't really care what happens. The book is still very interesting. A good mix of Divergent and The Hunger Games. One other thing is I feel like Meadow in this book and Andi from Lindsay's other book are a little too similar. I continue to think that she is an amazing writer and love her work. Overall I was just a bit disappointed in this read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Murder Complex is one of those books that appealed to me from the beginning. I'm all for dark, gritty, and violent. The synopsis sells that element of the book, and the book delivers.

While what drew me into The Murder Complex to begin with and got me going in the book was the gritty, violent world promised, it was really the characters that kept me reading. Meadow is interesting and different from a lot of YA characters in that, yes, like most she'll sacrifice for her family, but she'll also kill. There's this line that a lot of authors don't push their characters past, and it's interesting to see the psyche of someone who is both willing to kill and who does kill. At the same time, she's not cold-blooded, she's not distant. She's very present and loving, especially towards her younger sister, Peri. It's this love that pushes her, the love that hopes she can keep her sister from having to make the same sacrifices she has. She is a product of the society she lives in, but she's never without motive and love.

Zephyr is just as interesting as Meadow. His history seems to be simple, and his memories are few in number but happy. Everything is upended in Zephyr's life, though. He knows he kills, but he has little recollection and cannot stop himself. He spends each and every day mourning those he has murdered and trying to help new, inexperienced orphans survive. He's gentle at heart, but that is at odds with what he does in the Dark Hour. His journey into finding out who he truly is and where he comes from is fascinating.

Seriously, the action here does nothing but deliver. Chapter after chapter after chapter. If that's your kind of thing, this is awesome and addicting. If it's not, it's hard to say you'll enjoy this novel. That being said, it pretty much made me want to jump around and throw knives (though not kill people, obviously). I kept turning page after page, left at the end of each chapter with new questions that needed answers--immediately.

I can tell you the romance is going to bother people, because it's tinged with that oft-hated characteristic of instalove, but, aside from Meadow and Zephyr thinking things, there's not much acted on. The beginning is a little confusing hopping in, because you're given lots of capitalized names that you don't know the meaning of, but the world is built immensely well and you understand soon enough. These are things that sit in the back of my mind, personally, but didn't really ever actively bother me.

I had a great time reading The Murder Complex (which may seem odd, considering the word murder is in the title, but I digress). I read three-quarters of the book in one very excited sitting. It's just teeming with interesting characters, great world building, and plot. So, if you're a fan of dark, blood-soaked, and gritty books, The Murder Complex is for you.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sophie dowling
The Writing:

Lindsay has written a bloody and exciting start to a series. I really enjoyed her world building and was early on very engaged in this story. I liked how that she wasn’t afraid of making it too brutal or graphic. No sugarcoating!

The Characters:

Meadow was such a strong female protagonist and I loved that. She had those tiny insecurities that would come natural to any teenager, but there wasn’t too much anxiety going on which felt very right according to the story and situation that she was in. She was strong, sassy and wise in so many ways. I did not agree with all of the choices that she made, but I did enjoy the journey we had together.
Zephyr, oh Zephyr! One could really feel his pain and his frustration. And while he was a character to fear I could not help but to fall a little in love with him.

The Plot:

I think the plot and plot twists was what made this book so good! Some of those twists took me completely by surprise and had me at the edge of my seat.
The build up to the climax was written perfectly and THAT ENDING! Talk about a cliffhanger!


I enjoyed this book from beginning to finish! It was exciting, suspenseful and different!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nils samuels
I would recommend this book for ages thirteen plus.

This book introduces teenagers Meadow Woodson and Zephyr James. They live in a world controlled by the Murder Complex, where the death rate is higher then the birth rate. Meadow has been taught by her older brother and dad how to fight and survive in this society. Her dad always told her to never trust anyone, because anyone can turn on you. She never disobeyed that rule, until she meets Zehpyr James. Zephyr seems too naive too live in this world, full of death and chaos, and maybe that is why she trusts him; but Meadow soon finds out that trust can be a killer. Tragically Meadow’s world crumbles as what she holds dearest in her heart is stripped away. Now a broken trust is Meadow’s only hope in recovering a life she once loved.

I loved this book, because of the vivid world the author created, the dramatic themes of lost love and trust and the struggle to win them back.

I didn’t necessarily have a favorite character in this book, as they all were well-developed and enjoyable.

This book had minor language, but most of the “cursing” consisted of made up words. This book also had minor romance. Younger readers beware as the violence in this book is graphic and plentiful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
beryl small
This was a great debut novel for Lindsay Cummings, a more impressive outing than many debuts I've read. I enjoy reading books that have multiple points of view, if they're done correctly, and Cummings did a great job with both Meadow (our awesomely killer heroine), and Zephyr (our reluctant murderer of a hero). Meadow, who was raised to kill or be killed, is a great character, and is driven by the desire/obligation to help provide for her family. Zephyr, on the other hand, is an orphan with basically one friend, and an abundance of regret over his killings.

These two contradict one another is some areas are alike in others. It was a treat watching them develop, and learning what made them tick. The only gripe I had with this book was the romance. For me, it didn't seem realistically developed. I mean, I couldn't into their romantic relationship. Maybe it was just me, but I couldn't believe that they felt the way they did (especially as fast as they did). Still, it was a good book, and I'm definitely looking forward to what Cummings has up next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wow, what can I say about The Murder Complex, other than it was one hell of a ride. You are immediately drawn into the story line. I don't want to go too much more into the synopsis than what is stated above. Almost from page one you are drawn into this action packed story. This story is very dark and at times gory. This story had a very DIVERGENT feel to me, except the roles are reversed. Meadow is the one that is brave and kick ass where as Zephyr is trying to figure things out, who is, what he is and why he keeps doing things we doesn't want to to do.

There are so many twists and turns in this book that start about 50 % through, starting from one almost "deadly" kiss. Around this point is where I could not put the book down and I flew through the last 50 percent of the book in less than 2 hours, because I just had to know what was going to happen next. There is a big TWIST in the end of the book that made me gasp out loud. Luckily the book does not end on a huge cliff hanger, but so many new components are revealed that will keep you waiting for the next installment of the series.

With all the action and big scenes, I would have liked to see a little more talk about emotions and feelings to kind of add more context to the action that was occurring and add more depth to the over-all story line. These characters were so great and interesting I wanted to know more about them and develop a deeper connection to them. I am hoping to see more character development in the next book, mixed in with the awesome story line and action packed pace that Lindsay Cummings has created.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
craven lovelace
Cummings doesn’t hold back anything (except profanity) in this thrill ride of a debut. The book advertises murder, and nothing is sugarcoated so be ready for that. In a dystopian world where people are killed constantly, I had to put down the book a few times to catch my breath. It very much reminded me of the movie, Hanna, but I remember feeling let down by the last half hour of the movie, and that is so not the case here. The final few chapters of The Murder Complex (somehow, someway) picked up the pace and surprised me even more.
It was a very cool change from the contemporaries I’ve been reading recently. The plot moves as quickly as Meadow can yield a dagger, and the twists are as thrilling at the action scenes (which Cummings writes admirably). No character can be trusted and no certainty should be assumed.
Warning: cliffhanger at the end, but sequel is out this year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
macgregor wooley
At a Glance:
The Murder Complex is likeable Hunger Games type of book. I love how even though it had that feeling, I love its uniqueness and its actions. The plot and twist makes the book stand out from its gender.

At first glance of the cover, I felt the creeps all over my body. I think the cover is crazy and it has its own suspense. I love the “She’s trained to survive, He’s programmed to kill” caption. It made me wonder what this is about. I wonder who she is and who is he. Will they end up killing each other or will they end up together even with their differences?

Gush, where to start? When it comes to action, Lindsay is a goddess. She did a phenomenal job! She kept me on edge throughout the book with her fast pace and packed-action scenes. I didn't put this book down until I was done. Seriously, this book kept me awake all night. I needed more and more as I turned the pages.

With no spoilers… this is difficult. But I love Meadow and Zephry together. Their chemistry is to dream of. I love how different they are and yet when they become as one, they are lethal. Their love is very unique.

Something I loved:
I pretty much enjoy this book from beginning to end. There is too many to choose from. There is many actions to choose from. But I do love the ending. I love how Meadow knows who she truly is. She is not afraid to follow her instincts. She is who she is and no one will stop her. Ah, be afraid she can be very lethal!

Not really, but I do love how Meadow will not give up unit she gets her revenge! YES!!! I will cheer for this girl till the very end. I cannot wait to read more about her. I cannot wait to see how she will plan things and put it into actions.

Would I recommend it?:
HECK YEAH! I cannot wait to hold my own copy & just hug it! This book is crazy good - fully packed with actions. I loved the suspense. I loved the characters. I love how this world was built and its mystery. I love how Meadow is not afraid of anything. She did not become this person (you need to ready to find out who!). She did not run from fear. She is a survivor.

Thank you, Edelweiss for the copy. I cannot wait to buy this book! - Leydy
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tamarah cristobal
Meadow is a tough and talented fighter, but is still a vulnerable girl emotionally. She tries to keep her distance from Zephyr, after saving him one night. But he’s persistent. He’s also unwittingly a pawn in the Murder Complex. The narrative switches back and forth between the two from their points of view.

The Murder Complex is the first in a heart-pounding, science fiction series for young adults. This thriller offers up a fantastic blend of vivid characters, a suspenseful and unpredictable plot, and a dark, dystopian world. It’s fast-paced, gritty, intense, and action-packed. Ending with an exciting cliffhanger, readers will be eager for the next in the series. This debut author is one to watch.

*Review previously posted at
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
siamak radfar
Full review can be found at paperbackplanes[dot]blogspot[dot]com

I was excited about the premise of this book from the start. I love me a good dystopian thriller. I read the the first chapter on B&, fell in love with Meadow's narrative voice, and bought it for my Nook immediately. And it did not disappoint.

The first thing that struck me was how naturally Cummings was able to start world building right from the start without falling into the info dump pit; the narration drew me into the world of The Shallows right from the first page.

The narration of the book is split up between Meadow and Zephyr, both as first person narrators, which threw me off a little bit at the beginning. But the characters have distinctly different voices, so I did not find it particularly difficult to follow who was speaking and I think it worked really well for this book. I personally preferred Meadow's narration to Zephyr's, I found him a bit whiny, but it was interesting getting to see scenes play our from both of their perspectives.

I really loved Meadow's narration. As I mentioned it was one of the first things that grabbed my attention, and it held it throughout the book. She is a fantastic protagonist. Cummings did an excellent job making her a complex character and making her a character that we as readers can connect to and empathize with despite her cold tendencies.

Once I started reading the book I got a bit frustrated with the synopsis. It seems like Zephyr being a programmed assassin was meant to be a bigger mystery, and I think I would have enjoyed the book more not knowing from the beginning what was going on.

I also did not appreciate how frequently "girl" was used as an insult, or rather that it was used but never challenged. Obviously real people use it, so it makes sense that characters would too, but the fact that it was universally accepted by all the characters irritated me. Having so many of the characters, worst of all Meadow herself, use this sexist (and frankly down right stupid) insult took away from my excitement over having such a strong female protagonist. I had actually hoped Zephyr would use it in front of Meadow and she'd throw him on his back for it, since she is walking proof of how ridiculous that concept it, and that would have been awesome, but instead she ended up using it towards him. Super disappointing.

Lastly, I would have liked a bit more explanation of how the world got to be the way it was. While it makes sense that violent crime would escalate if people weren't dying any other way anymore, it seems highly unlikely that that would be the only response. And once they realized the population problems that inevitably follow so sharp a decline in death rates, wouldn't they first have tried taking measures to control the birth rate instead of immediately jumping to murder? And didn't anyone question that idea when it was put forward? None of these are questions that distracted me while I was reading the book, but they are things I would like answers to now that I've read it. I will obviously be reading the prequel soon.

I highly recommend giving this book a shot. I read it all in a single sitting. I never got bored and I never hit a spot that felt like a good place to end for the night because I always needed to know what happened next. I have high hopes for the rest of this series and for Cummings as an author in general.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara beauregard
I eagerly anticipated the release of this book for almost 2 years before I finally got my hands on it. The premise of the story line was something that I had never heard of before and instantly I knew I had to read this book. Many books that you are excited about for so long do not live up to your expectations, but I can say that this was not the case - this book delivered and even went beyond my expectations. I was able to meet the author at a Barnes & Noble event as well and it was one of the better events I have been to - and I have been to A LOT! I can't wait for the sequel and for her other middle aged series. You seriously need to read this book and follow this author!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Actual Rating: 2 and half stars.

“Action-packed, blood-soaked, and chilling, this is a dark and compelling debut novel by Lindsay Cummings.”

Action-packed? Maybe. Blood-soaked? Yes. Chilling? Nah. Compelling? Hahaha.

Dystopia is a tough genre for authors to tackle since pretty much everything has been done before and acts like The Hunger Games and The Bone Season are hard to follow up.

The world-building was nothing we have not seen before and the whole extreme science-equals-evil plotline grew tiresome. The lack of originality did not motivate me to keep up with The Murder Complex’s convoluted plot. The plot ‘twists’ were predictable and even the well-written action scenes could not save the story. I felt that a more comprehensive background story and a little less terminology dump could have salvaged this debut.

I really liked the use of dual POVs and the switched narrations in each chapter may have been the only thing that saved The Murder Complex from hitting the DNF pile. However, Meadow and Zephyr failed to neither evoke any emotion nor leave an impression. The supporting characters felt two-dimensional and forgettable.

I REALLY thought we were done with this insta-love debacle, apparently not. I-Love-You’s at beginning of the book did NOT help Meadow’s and Zephyr’s case.

Flux. Skitz. Chumhead. *face palm*

Dear Authors,

Invented curse words are not a ‘thing’.
Please stop trying to make it happen. Your readers will be eternally grateful to you for this.
If you are not comfortable using swear words just avoid them.

An absolutely pissed off reader.

The writing style which was choppy and chunky was not my cup of tea. Cummings spent such a large portion of the book trying to build up the suspense that when revelation finally came it failed to do make me care.

The Murder Complex had so much potential. The lackluster writing, boring characters, coma-inducing insta-love and the ridiculous use of alternative swear words made this novel irredeemable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nimisha agnihotri
This book wasn't quite as I expected. I was expecting a bloody dystopian full of non-stop action, which I got, but I was also expecting a book that would knock my socks off and gain a spot on my favorites list, which I did not get. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this book, but my socks stayed firmly on my feet.

For the first 100 pages, maybe even 200, I was really enjoying this book! I could easily imagine what was going on in the book, the characters were brave and badass (which makes sense for this world), and I was in awe at how much creativity and imagination it took to create this unique world. I was also very curious and intrigued by the world! I wanted, no, I needed to know more! And I speed through those pages!

And then I begun to get confused as to what was going on.
And I began to realize that while the author is an amazing writer (really amazing!), but I noticed that she doesn't really elaborate. For example: There's one scene where Meadow is forced to face the Dark Time (which is basically where all the murders occur) outside by her Dad on her own. But we never see her do this. In fact, it is never mentioned, but it seemed important. There are other cases where characters may so something that seems important or needs further explanation but the comment never receives any acknowledgment. And there are other scenes that I honestly felt as if they needed more explaining, to ease the confusion. It wasn't that bad though. Sure, I was a bit confused, but I could understand a basis of what was going on. I just kind of wish things for further explained.

That is my only major issue with this book. Although, I did have a minor issue with the romance. There's inst-love and I really hate insta-love. There, I said it. So, yeah, the romance annoyed the stars out of me (You see what I did there? I used Zephyr's swear word!) , but it wasn't too bad because there was 1. a period of no romance whatsoever and 2. the focus of the book was heavily placed on the plot! So it was very easy to ignore.

This wasn't as awesome as I expected it to be, but I did enjoy it overall! Sure, things were not elaborated very well and there was a bit of insta-love, but the book was unique, original, and exciting! And while this was a very bloody book, I was not bothered by it at all (I was expecting that after all). Let's not forget the fact that the intriguing plot took the front seat, unlike so many YA books! So, this was a very interesting and bloody dystopian that just needs a bit more work. I do recommend this book if you wish to give it a try. Unless, of course, you have a problem with lots of blood and death in books because, this should come as no surprise, there's a lot!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Filled with unexpected plot twists, The Murder Complex is a fast-paced, thrilling read. Set in a cordoned-off Florida, in a dystopian future, this book tells the violent, almost romantic tale, of Meadow Woodson and Zephyr James. It’s amazing that any kind of relationship can even hope to exist in a world where half the population is fighting for survival and the other half is programmed to kill.

This is a quick, action packed and, as stated in the summary, blood soaked, read. In fact, I had a bit of a problem with the amount of murder committed in this book. Despite this being The Murder Complex, hence all about murder and killing, I felt that murder was used out of context as a solution to every single problem.

Although the characters are realistic, they could have been a bit more fleshed out. Meadow Woodson is the kind of female lead I like. She is tough, street wise and self-sufficient, but she does have a heart and will do anything to keep her family safe.

As Zephyr is mind controlled by the Murder Complex from time to time, it is difficult to get a grip on his character. When he isn't in the throws of blood lust, he is depressed and wants to kill himself. The bit of untroubled Zephyr that appears in between, however, seems to be kind and loyal.

What I really loved was the unexpected plot twists and baffling revelations that lurk in the pages of this book. Predictability makes for tedious reading and The Murder Complex is most certainly not boring. At one point I thought that this book was headed in the 'girl in dystopian world incites rebellion' direction. Fortunately, for this book at least, it looks as though that cliché was avoided.

For a quick, thrilling, extremely violent and sometimes touching read, I recommend The Murder Complex. (Ellen Fritz)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lindsay holmes
The Murder Complex was a solid YA dystopian that I got really into. The premise was so dark and the world building was one of the bleakest I ever read. It was close to too depressing so I appreciated the hero Zephyr and his flashes of hopefulness. Meadow is a very tough heroine and I started liking her more as the story progressed. There was so much suspense in the novel, especially in the second half. I'd definitely recommend the book to fans of YA dystopians with the one warning that there is a lot of gratuitous violence between the pages.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris eisenlauer
The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings is gruesome, fast-paced, and action-packed, and I loved it. The duo-perspective worked in its favor (and usually I’m not a fan of that). The plot flowed well, and the character depth was done beautifully. For the most part, it was a great book.

There is some insta-love, I’ll warn you, but soon after it ends, and there isn’t a huge sappy relationship early on. Other than this, I liked most of the relationships formed, before and during the time the story takes place. The world is wonderful, from what we’re shown, but I am hoping to see more in book two. The plot twists were awesome, and I didn’t see most of them coming. The violence was plentiful, and plenty gory, so if you aren’t a fan of that, maybe this book isn’t for you.

I found the writing beautiful, and will definitely pick up both the sequel, and more of Lindsay Cummings’ works! Trust me, this is one book you’ll want to pick up. I'd recommend this one to fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent, and, more so, Legend by Marie Lu. Any dystopia or sci-fi fans would probably love it, though!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In a world where Murder is systematic and inevitable, two characters who are from the absolute opposite ends of the spectrum collide and in their wake lies an upset and a rude awakening for the leaders of this society called The Initiative.

Meadow Woodson, a teenage girl who's mother was supposedly lost to the Murder Complex during her childhood, was brought up by her father knowing only to do all that you have to and can do to survive.

Zephyr James, a teenage boy slaving his life away as a Ward. Family only means death and emptiness to him, as he watched his parents' murder at a young age.

Both of these wonderful protagonists have an unprecedented connection, which leads to many kills, revelations, and triumphs throughout this gruesome read.

I have read MANY dystopian novels and this book was something that just had to be read for me. I bought it hoping that it would surpass the norms of straight forward plotlines. In many ways it did, and in few it didn't.

Most Dystopians have a plotline that goes like this : Kid lives in poverty and is socially oblivious to what is going on in the world around them, comes to find their true strength and potential, fights back and overthrows the government. The end.

This book had a few of the conventions of typical Dystopian reads, but it really broke the standards in many ways that I can not explain without spoiling the entire book. All I can tell you is that you will not be disappointed, and you aren't getting in to something that is a repeat of the last book you have read. This is fresh stuff to me, and I am still craving more.

If you're interested in any of the latest Dystopian YA reads, this book will pull you in and never let go. The fast paced action, the bloody details, and the ever evolving world of The Murder Complex will leave you at the last page craving for answers and more bloodshed.

Knowing who Lindsay Cummings is, I can say that I was befuddled to find that she could write such a beautifully morbid book that would make me cringe, laugh, hope, and just truly love the book. 5 stars for Lindsay Cummings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Murder Complex is as amazing as everyone says it is. I heard about The Murder Complex when it first came out, and I wanted it since then. I would always see it on Instagram and was like I need that book. And I finally got it, and I just finished it. So as I stay up at 1:40 am and write my review while the story is so fresh in my mind with the feels attacking my heart, because the ending just like killed me. I tell you how much I love The Murder Complex.

The Murder Complex is told in two POVs, Meadow and Zephyr. They are brought up in this crazy horrible world and forced to kill to survive. That’s all I’m going to give you about the characters. Because of the title you can infer how badass these characters are!

One thing that drew me to this book is the title. The Murder Complex sounds so mysterious and compelling. Another thing is the cover. I mean c’mon look at it. It’s all red and chilling and the word that are on it.

She’s trained to survive. He’s programmed to kill.

You just catch the feels from that. Also on the cover she looks like she’s covered in blood. The final thing that I will tell that I love about this book because I can go on and on about how much I love this book. Is this quote before you even start reading the book.

Welcome to the Murder Complex. You cannot see us. You cannot feel us. But we are here. And we control your every move.

Creepy right, but amazing at the same time.

I highly recommend The Murder Complex to anyone who loves thriller books. But warring don’t read it in a public place because you will be freaking out, and also have a box of tissues very, very close by because the ending will leave you in tears for the second book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah cason
The Murder Complex is more thriller than dystopian, while still having a familiar — and fantastic!— dystopian slant. Set in a world where murder is commonplace, this book is definitely on the gory side. Even though it occasionally dips into common tropes used in the dystopian genre (the big, oppressive government is present, as is the segregated society) the focus feels very personal. It is really about two people going against expected behaviors in order to discover who they really are.

Meadow is a hard, unyielding protagonist, trained to kill in order to survive. When she goes against this training to help Zephyr, a boy she's never met, whom she begins to fall in love with, she also starts to unravel the truth about herself. The romance is the weakest part of the story, mainly because it is not the main focus, therefore it gets very little page time. With a pulse pounding pace and a cliffhanger ending, it is hard to put down, and even harder to forget. I read an early copy of the book, and can still vividly remember certain scenes — an experience I don't alway have!

Pick it up if you haven't. And enjoy the ride!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Originally posted on Unbound Books.

Are you sick and tired of YA dystopian books? Well I'll ask you to reconsider because The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings is a mind-blowing thriller that will make you forget why you were sick of the genre in the first place. Fast paced and suspenseful, I couldn't put this book down and the 400 pages seemed to fly by. Of course no book is perfect and there were certain aspects of the book I wish could have been different. Even so, I don't know how I'm going to wait a year for the sequel, because the ending, while satisfying, left me wanting to dive right back into the world of Meadow and Zephyr.

I was worried that The Murder Complex would turn out to be another over-hyped dystopian but I was happily proven wrong. While it contains elements of the genre it is so much more bloody and action packed than most first books in a dystopian series. We are dumped straight into the Shallows following two different characters, Meadow and Zephyr. We learn more about the world through their actions rather than a huge info dump. I love how their plot lines came together and intertwined in such a skillfully crafted way. I loved the dual-perspective because we got to see two different characters growth from their own points of view and it is evident throughout the book how important it is to the plot.

One thing I think this book could do without is the "insta-love" aspect between Zephyr and Meadow. Granted it is more Zypher who exhibits more of the insta-love characteristics, which is a deviation from the norm. Without giving away any spoilers, I can see how it can be justified by his characterization but I still wish it wasn't present at all. On a similar vein, I do appreciate the lack of a love triangle, which is a redeeming quality.

I loved the suspenseful thriller-like aspect of the book. I was always kept on my toes and I never guessed what was coming next. It's hard to plan out a book so well that the reader is caught by surprise but at the same time doesn't feel like the plot twists are coming out of left field and Cummings executed it wonderfully. The chunky 400 page book flew by and I read it in just a few sittings over the course of a day and a half.

If you are a fan of Marie Lu's Legend trilogy you will enjoy The Murder Complex, the first in a new series by debut author Lindsay Cummings. They both have a similar dual-perspective narration and have comparable themes while still being original. I highly recommend this book even if you are hesitant to invest in another dystopian series. It is well work the investment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina r
What an intense read! I flew through this book last night, and I'm still thinking about Meadow and Zephyr and their strange, screwed-up world. The sinister plot twists add tension to this fast-paced dystopian thriller, and violent action is nicely mingled with psychological terror. Cummings has created a frightening world with two flawed, broken heroes worth rooting for, and I can't wait for more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
venu mittal
Lately I have read several dystopian stories and and I afraid when I hear of another one that it is going to be too much like the last one, or just sorta so so. THIS ONE BLOWS THEM ALL OUT OF THE WATER!!!!

First let me say

Meadow is a BADASS.......

She did not start this story as some meek and frail girl that needed to be beat black and blue or thrown for a loop to get crap done. She is great to strap a gun across her back and a dagger to her leg from page one. At 30 years old I have decided that I want to be Meadow when I grow up. Even her complex really odd relationship with Zephyr is perfect. It is not all flirty here let me bat my eyelashes like you get so often anymore.

Now let me ooh and ahh on the world building. It is very and highly believable. Cummings did not go to far fetched. The areas in the book are current areas just revamped a tad bit, and the idea or over population and food depletion is not something that could not happen. She played well on thoughts that many dooms day preppers are saying are right around the corner and added a sci-fi/fantasy twist to it that I loved wrapping my mind around!!!

The Murder Complex in itself, or the idea, is totally jacked up and I was able to deduce a few of the things that were about to happen but that made me love this book even more. I will say that I give this book 5/5 stars for it's world, characters, cover art, and overall appeal. I also need more.................
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy hendricks
The Murder Complex isn't just another dystopian novel, clumping it with the thousands of books in that genre would be a disservice to this epic novel. Lindsay Cummings's debut novel is an extremely addicting mix of action, adventure, and romance. I can't remember the last time I read a 400 page or so book this fast, I absolutely devoured The Murder Complex and I'm dying to read book #2 already.

The Murder Complex is told in two point-of-views, Meadow's and Zephyr's and throughout the novel, the story alternates between both POVs. Meadow has been trained all her life to survive, to fight and to kill from her father; Meadow is an extremely gifted fighter and she is ready for anything that the Murder Complex throws at her. Zephyr is trapped in his life as one of the Murder Complex's assassins and he unwillingly has to hunt down enemies of the MC. The MC has a tight grip on Zephyr and they essentially control him. When Meadow and Zephyr meet, both of their lives are forever changed and nothing will ever be the same again.

Meadow has an extremely brave, fearless main character that readers will absolutely love. I loved how Meadow didn't need to rely on anyone else and how she was such an independent, powerful teenager. Don't be fooled by her tame sounding name, Meadow is not flowery or fragile by any standard. She is a character that is truly dauntless and readers will definitely root for her throughout the novel.

The action scenes in The Murder Complex were extremely thrilling and just perfectly written; there's so much heart-stopping, brutal action scenes that readers will be enthralled by. Cummings really knows how to write an incredibly tense thriller, there's not a single moment in TMC where readers will be disinterested. The plot is always moving at a rapid pace and there's plenty of plot twists to always keep the plot fresh and engaging. It was so difficult to put this novel down because I was completely obsessed and I needed to find out what would happen next.

The romance in The Murder Complex was so well-done and thankfully there isn't a love-triangle in sight. The romance in TMC is incredibly sweet, despite the fact that it takes place in an oppressive, dystopian society. I'm usually not a huge fan of the whole "star-crossed lovers" spiel, but Lindsay Cummings really made the romance in this book special and engaging to me as a reader.

Since The Murder Complex takes place in a future, post-apocalyptic society, the characters use a whole lot of strange terminology. The characters even use interesting insults like "Chumhead", which was a nice addition to TMC to really make the society feel foreign and unique. I loved the various pieces of technology that Cummings came up with and the world she set into place. The world building wasn't as thorough as I would've liked, but I had a feeling that book #2 will touch upon more of it.

The Murder Complex is a first-class sci-fi thriller that will appeal to fans of Reboot by Amy Tintera, Divergent by Veronica Roth, and Dustlands by Moira Young. TMC is an absolutely thrilling, action-packed read that will leave readers desperately waiting for the sequel. Cummings is an incredibly talented writer and it's extremely obvious to me that she has what it takes to write the next big thing. I'm extremely excited to read the next Murder Complex novel and to read Cummings's upcoming fantasy novel, The Balance Keepers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
philip jon
Review can also be found on my blog:

Lindsay Cummings, you are the Queen of plot twists! You deserve a throne and a crown!

Quote: "I dream of a meadow full of crushed white flowers."

This book was amazing. I could not put it down.
It was full of fights, serious conversations, humor, tons of mind-blowing this and love.
I was completely hooked from the beginning and I seriously love Meadow and Zephyr!
And the ending was just MIND-BLOWING!! I WANT BOOK TWO!!!
Seriously: read it!

Quote; "You're perfect," he whispers, "no matter what you've done."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lizzie k
I typically don't read murdery books, but this concept sounded so interesting that I had to pick it up. And I am so happy that I did! This book was fantastic and I loved every minute of it. Highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
philip oswald
The Murder Complex is nothing we haven't seen before, but I don't think I care. I could pick this apart from start to finish for tropes and random nonsense (and other reviews do), but I still had a good time. Tropes are fun, which is often why they become tropes. This is dystopian fiction with a bit of instalove and lots of dead people. I'm going to read the next one.

That said, that last page was dumb and wtf.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
An action-packed, blood-soaked, futuristic debut thriller set in a world where the murder rate is higher than the birthrate. For fans of Moira Young’s Dust Lands series, La Femme Nikita, and the movie Hanna.

Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.

The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is—although he doesn’t know it—one of the MC’s programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?

Action-packed, blood-soaked, and chilling, this is a dark and compelling debut novel by Lindsay Cummings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan thornton
Absolutely LOVED this book. It was fast paced, unique, and the characters were true and felt real. The ending leaves you hanging a bit, and it makes The Death Code's release date seem even further away, but the story stayed honest to itself the entire time. The story and its characters will stay with me for a long time, that's for sure! I would recommend this book to anyone, especially fans of Divergent, The Hunger Games, and the Maze Runner. Mrs. Cummings takes our world, adds a little disaster, and then puts a twist on it. If, even after reading the synopsis, you're still debating on buying it, LISTEN TO ME AND DO IT. The Murder Complex is an amazing read, so do just that and read it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucas pinyan

This book has managed to burn its way into my mind and has become one of my absolute favourite Dystopian reads.
Medow, a brave fighter sworn to protect her family against the horrors that lurk in every corner sets out on a quest to cast revenge upon those who killed her mother. Little does she know there is so much more to what happened than meets the eye. Her complete and utter strength and courage is what guides her through the rough times, and she manages to prove to her readers that love really is what keeps a person going.
Zephyr, a kind but haunted boy, is simply looking to survive, along with the only person left in his life who means most to him; Talan. But there is someone else who keeps him strong. The girl in the moon. The girl with the silver hair. With this girl spurring him on he manages to be braver then he ever thought possible.
Together, Zephyr and Medow embark on a journey that leads them to the core of the Evil that surrounds them.
"The Murder Complex" is nothing like I have ever read before. It is exciting and refreshing with incredible twists and turns and I was on the edge of my seat, never knowing what could possibly happen next. I devoured it in one sitting. It's fast pace and action packed and anyone who loves a good mystery or adventure would love this! The writing is beautiful, drawing you in with the first word. If you haven't read this book then I 100% recommend you do. The second book "The Death Code" is due out early this year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Murder Complex was an absolutely amazing read! The action was spot on and it's fast paced nature allowed me to follow and become engrossed in the story without being distracted by dragging. I love how the plot kept me on my toes in anticipation for the next twist. The characters were well developed and believable and the distinction between each one was so wonderful because I could tell the definitive difference between the perspectives of the two and i loved the character arks and the choices. Great job Lindsay!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe brown
The Murder Complex is amazing. There is so much action, secrets, mystery, ect. that put me on the edge of my seat. I like how the book was split into two different POV's because it's interesting to know what the other character thinks compared to the other character. And the plot twists just blew my mind! The character Meadow is so brave, strong, and simply badass. Zephyr is also brave but lost and unclear about his future. He just needs a little push to put him on the right track.

The book did have some minor issues, in my opinion. I wish there was more of a connection or stronger bond between the two main characters. Or some more background information of the two. I was curious to know all the little details that made them become who they are now. Maybe that can be done in a novella or a guidebook of some sort. But even though I wish for these things, I still like the way the book turned out.

Overall I loved this book. I was so glad that I picked it up after minutes of pondering in the book store. This book became one of my top five favorites. The Murder Complex will forever be one of my favorite reads.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tyler young
This book was fantastic. It is fast paced, easy to read, and very engaging. I was drawn in right from the start of the book and never knew what was going to happen next. It is very bloody and the fight scenes are well done. There is a lot of suspense built into this book and even when just pages left I had no idea how it would end. My favorite part of the book is the way that Cummings builds her imagery, her writing style is amazing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Murder Complex is a gritty, fast-paced novel that will have you on the edge of your seat. Centered in a dystopian world where the death rate is higher than the birth rate, this amazing novel will leave you breathless.

Now, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was a very quick read and extremely entertaining. The fighting scenes are described very well and there are a lot in this novel! The only problem I had with this novel is that I wished some things would have been explained a little better, or described better. There is a pretty important scene in the novel where the action is said and that's it. We move right along, even though it is pretty important to the people in this book. Also, a few times, Meadow annoyed me a little bit, but I was able to see past it. I loved this world and setting and I desperately need the sequel!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings
Book One of The Murder Complex series
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Publication Date: June 10, 2014
Rating: 3 stars
Source: eARC from Edelweiss

Summary (from Goodreads):

An action-packed, blood-soaked, futuristic debut thriller set in a world where the murder rate is higher than the birthrate. For fans of Moira Young’s Dust Lands series, La Femme Nikita, and the movie Hanna.

Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.

The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is—although he doesn’t know it—one of the MC’s programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?

Action-packed, blood-soaked, and chilling, this is a dark and compelling debut novel by Lindsay Cummings.

What I Liked:

I'm going to be honest - I had never heard of this book, until Harper uploaded it to Edelweiss, and everyone on Twitter FREAKED OUT because OMG IT'S LINDSAY CUMMINGS IT'S THE MURDER COMPLEX OMG! I didn't really understand the excitement. Debut author? Okay. Murder-based thriller? Okay. Not processing the craziness surrounding this book. But alright then. I'll bite. I downloaded this book from Edelweiss solely because everyone one Twitter was wigging out. I had little to no expectations - heck, I didn't even know what this book was about.

Meadow has been trained by her father to defend herself, to harm others, and to survive. In this post-apocalyptic world where hunger, famine, and disease destroys the state, the population continues to swell. In order to get a job, Meadow must kill her competitor, to prove herself worthy, Zephyr James has a different problem. He is a Ward, an orphan, and has no chance of getting a "real" job. But what he doesn't realize is that he is controlled by The Murder Complex, a program set up to control the minds of the selected patients (like Zephyr). The patient loses consciously temporarily, and the program takes over, in which the patient is programmed to kill a specific person. Zephyr has been doing this for years without knowing - until his target is an unknown, moonlit girl - Meadow.

I definitely liked Meadow, and Zephyr. Meadow is HARDCORE. You in books like Throne of Glass, where you have a supposedly hardcore heroine who is really just a hyped-up pansy who can't actually execute? In this book, Meadow is not afraid to kill. She is not afraid to bust some brain. I LOVE that Cummings made Meadow human, yet ruthless. If this heroine was just another one of those FAKE "badass" heroines (*cough* like in Throne of Glass *cough*), I'd be mad. Sometimes, being human means doing horrible things to protect your family. Meadow lives in a lawless society - the only laws are basically not to steal rations and to honor the Dark Hour (or something like that). Therefore, Meadow should be killing or hurting people with little conscious. Granted, she DOES have a conscious, but I'm just saying - in the type of society in which she lives, it would be acceptable to be merciless.

Zephyr is also intense, but in a different way. He doesn't mean to be a cold-blooded assassin, but that is what he is made to be. He has not idea that he is part of a program, that he is controlled be the program, that every time the program wants to off someone, they shut his conscious brain down, and he viciously hunts the target and kills him/her. But really, Zephyr is one big softie, in the midst of a cruel and unfeeling world. He cares about other orphans, about his fellow Wards. He falls in love with Meadow easily, believing that she is his fairy tale, moonlit girl. Little does he know that he is programmed to kill her.

This book has several parts. Meadow must prepare herself to get a job - in which she must pass the test first. Meadow gets the job, and not two days into getting the job, she uses all of her Creds to save Zephyr, a boy she sees killing himself. When Zephyr learns that it was Meadow that saved him, he stops at nothing to find her, to thank her. But his internal programming recognizes the target, and Zephyr unknowingly tries to kill Meadow.

The rest of the book deals with Meadow trying to figure out who really killed her mother, and how the Murder Complex works. Meadow hates Zephyr, but she takes him with her, since the government is after both of them, and Zephyr is a puzzle that she doesn't understand. Meadow's family is missing, and Meadow will stop at nothing to get them back. Everything comes down to the very end, all the things will be revealed - the Complex, Meadow's mother, Zephyr's past.

The world-building is superb! This book is set in Florida in the way future, after a terrible disaster occurred (i can't remember exactly what it was, but I'm marking this book under "Post-Apocalypse"). Easily one of the best things that Cummings did was carefully and masterfully create the world. You'll see in the next section that I had plenty of problems with this book, but the world-building was not one of them.

Read on for the rest of my opinion on this book! It wasn't all A+'s.

What I Did Not Like:

I'll start with the romance. It was very insta-love-y, at least on Zephyr's end. He sees her once, putting flowers by the dead people plaque markers (or whatever), and he fancies himself in love with her. Literally for the rest of the book, he acts starstruck and stupid around her. And Meadow! The WHOLE TIME she hates him, and then, towards the end of the book, suddenly she loves him. The switch is RAPID, really sudden, and did not flow or progress well at all. I knew that Zephyr and Meadow would eventually be A THING. But Meadow hated Zephyr (like, HATED hated) up until he tries to kiss her, and then things change really quickly. What?

There was a huge amount of predictability to this story. Hmm, how do I put this. It seems like every YA novel with a dystopian society has the protagonist's role replicated in the same manner. EVERY protagonist's father or mother is the person that created or designed something powerful and amazing, and that same parent had intended it for good, but all good things get corrupted, right? That's exactly what happened in this book. I can think of two other YA book immediately, off the top of my head, that involve the protagonist's parent being the genius that started it all - try In the After by Demitria Lunetta, or Legend by Marie Lu, or Black City by Elizabeth Richards. Now, I enjoyed those three books. But I read them before I read this one. Is it fair that this book is picked on, because it was written after those three, but independently of them? Meh. I think it is. YA authors read YA books by YA-writing authors. They know things.

So, it's quite obvious who Meadow's mother is, from the start, and her role. It's quite obvious what needs to happen with the program. Everything is just SO OBVIOUS, once you put things together, which is what happened with me. The uniqueness of the constant violence and the cruel world of future-day Florida is what kept me going, why I kept reading.

I'm going to cut the author some slack on this next part, because I just went and asked her if there would be a sequel (as of right now, this is book one of a duology), but THE ENDING. You hate cliffhangers? Well, get ready for a good old-fashioned cliffhanger, leaving you right in the middle of the action. This book literally cuts off RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A SCENE. AHHHH. ENOUGH SAID.

Thank goodness there is another book after this one. I might have given this book one star, if it were a standalone.

Would I Recommend It:

Honestly? Eh, not really. I feel obligated to say yes, yes I would recommend this novel. It seems like the entire book blogosphere is super excited about this book. Me? Honestly, I hadn't heard of it before it was uploaded to Edelweiss. So, everyone is screaming for this book. However, personally, I don't think it's a must-read. It was definitely full of potential, and I WILL be reading the next book, and I expect good things!


3.5 stars -> rounded down to 3 stars. An excellent debut, fantastic writing style, interesting buildup and breakdown of the world and story... but there so many things left wanting, or lacking. This book has lots of potential though! I can definitely see the appeal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In the beginning of the book it world building was a little unclear, and we were just tossed into this world that we knew nothing about, but that was about the only the wrong with the book.

The story, despite what most people say, was very original and captivating. Most books nowadays are always compared to others like The Hunger Games and Twilight but it's nearly impossible to compare this one to any other book. This book is a really quick read and entertains you the whole time, there is never a dull spot and you'll never want to put it down.

This book has a little bit of everything so no matter what genre you are into, Romance, Dystopian, or Action/ Adventure, you are sure to love this book! Lindsay Cummings does an amazing job of capturing the audience and holding on to them till the end, and I can't wait for the second one to come out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was crazy awesome. It was fast paced, intense and exciting. Even in all this craziness, Cummings still showed a beautiful relationship between the two main characters Meadow and Zephyr. The world in TMC was very different than other Dystopian novels bringing in elements of disease, death and protection. The plot moves very fast while keeping the reading guessing until the last page. I highly recommend this book for thrill seekers and general YA readers who love a good page turner. I can't wait until Book 2 of TMC!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eliot r
Very well written. Definitely a page turner. Started it on Friday night and finished it Saturday evening. Very intriguing and interesting characters. Developed well throughout the story. Great plot twists and turns. Anxious to read the Prequel and the Sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Lindsay Cummings' debut effort is non-stop, an exciting quick read. I will be recommending this to my reluctant readers, as well as those looking for dystopias. Cummings has a particular talent in developing characters while maintaining the breakneck pace of the narrative.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Outstanding and exciting book!! My 6th grader just loves it! His younger brother is reading Balance Keeper and can't put it down either ... This author is great can't wait for the next in the series!! Kudos Lindsay.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle livneh
Life is not easy in the dystopian world that Lindsay Cummings has brought to us. Add to is a "Dark Hour" and you have a world I hope never comes to be. This is book kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time and with that ending, I am dying for the next one to come out!
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