Turbulent Desires (Billionaire Aviators Book 2)

ByMelody Anne

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john gerber
Turbulent Desires is the second wonderful romance in the Billionaire Aviators series written by author Melody Anne. I'm eagerly awaiting the rest of the stories about the Armstrong Brothers. Thanks to NetGalley and Montlake Romance for the advance copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First, the author did a phenomenal job with her descriptions as if you were watching the story unfold before your very own eyes. I instantly fell in love with the characters and kept pressing on through the pages to try to quench my need to find out more. This story is about family, friendship and the fact that sometimes you have no control on whether you fall in love. Author, Melody Anne takes the reader through a journey full of desire with arousing enthusiasm that will leave you love struck.
When I write reviews, I try doing so without divulging any crucial plots to the story. This was hard to do with the Billionaire Aviators series. I wish I had an Uncle Sherman! :) His character has got to be the sweetest and most caring man who simply loves his nephews and won't think twice about meddling in their lives.
Without a second thought, I dove into this series and would highly recommend starting with Turbulent Intentions (book 1) as the passion and heat in that book can simply not be ignored. As firey as this author made the first book, she came full throttle with this one, Turbulent Desires. I can't wait until the release of Turbulent Waters (book 3) in February 2017. I am eager to delve into Nick's life wondering how his story will unfold.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
courtney mueller
Lindsay was going to Dr. Ted Stamos’s funeral even though her injuries weren’t even close to being healed as it had only been a week since Lindsay had almost lost her life on one of her night shifts in the ER. Two of her colleagues had died that night. Lindsay tried to tell herself she was safe. Lindsay was dealing with a severe case of survivor's guilt. Maverick had a one night stand with Lindsay over a year ago. Maverick had sat next to Lindsay and told her to breathe. Maverick was a fighter pilot. After a year Lindsay is still dealing with so much survivor’s guilt she can barely stand it and is afraid to leave her home. Then Lindsay goes back to work at the same hospital. Maverick is Lindsay’s best friend Spooky’s brother in law. Maverick decides he must fix Lindsay. Then Maverick’s uncle Sherman had the idea to have Lindsay co chair a fundraiser for Vets with PTSD. Maverick decides he’s not a one woman man but he still wants to sleep with Lindsay again. Maverick has suffered his own trauma with having been a POW. Maverick knows Lindsay needs human contact so she doesn’t hide away from the world. Lindsay can’t stand to be touched by anyone and Maverick swore to never love another woman. I liked this story to some degree. But a lot of things I just didn’t like or understand. Like why was there no hospital security? Also why would Lindsay go back to the same place to work I sure wouldn’t with all the bad memories there. I also didn’t really connect with Maverick . But I did like how he was determined to bring Lindsay back to a real life. I didn’t at all with the romance between Lindsay and Maverick. I felt horrible what happened to Lindsay and felt Lindsay’s reaction to being attacked very realistically and Maverick being a P OW. I applaud the author bring to this story the different cases of PTSD though different in nature but just as hard for both Lindsay and Maverick to deal with. I did like the plot also.
Barrington Billionaire's Series - One White Lie :: Turbulent Waters (Billionaire Aviators Book 3) :: Unexpected Treasure (The Andersons Book 8) :: Hollywood Heir (Westerly Billionaire Book 4) :: Her Unexpected Hero (Unexpected Heroes series Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Growing up Lindsey Helm may not have had much but she was secure in the fact that she was loved, protected and wanted to make a difference. That pureness of heart lead her into a career as an ER nurse. It was the best of both worlds. Not only could she make a difference, she could help others while doing it. But life can turn on a dime and one tragedy filled night has left it's mark on the once confident, positive thinking Lindsey. Guilt, pain and fear have become her constant companies and her worst enemies. Turbulent Desires is the second book in the Billionaire Aviators series. The drama was so real, I felt part of the story. Maverick proved himself to be more than a pretty face. His caring manner and soft heart helped to heal a broken spirit. Maverick and Lindsey had a mountain to climb and a river to cross but along the way proved that LOVE can calm any storm and breach the toughest walls.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
shaela woody
I had high hopes for this book because I absolutely loved book one, but I was wrong. This is book 2 in the Aviators series and it is about Maverick and Lindsey, Stormy's best friend from book one. Lindsey and Maverick had a one night stand at Stormy's wedding (sound familiar) and a year later Lindsey is attacked at work. She was nearly killed and this experience caused her to get PTSD. Stormy and Cooper offers her place to stay and Maverick makes it his mission to show Lindsey that the world can be a beautiful place. The plot in this story was strong, loving and it was different. I feel that it was not nurtured enough to make this a great and interesting story. Melody Ann is one of my favorite authors, but this book is not her best work. I really hate to write these words, but….this book was a complete bore. I do not know what happened with these two characters, but it took me longer than normal for me to read this book because I just was not interested in the characters. First off, Lindsey is the most confused character that I have ever read. "does he like me or, wait, he is smiling at me and calling me beautiful, but I don’t think he like me, but oh wait, the look in his eyes tells me he likes me"…these are my emotions while reading this book. The sad part is that I am not exaggerating about how confused Lindsey is. She kept asking herself the questions instead of asking Maverick. Maverick and Lindsey were not interesting to me one bit. Two of the major things that turned me off with this book was Lindsey and her ability to be confused about the simplest things and the fact the writing is very cheesy. Eventhough i did not enjoy this book, I will be reading the next book because I a genuine fan of Melody Anne and I am interested to learn about the black sheep of the family, Ace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Turbulent Desires: Billionaire Aviators Book 2 is by Melody Anne. This second book in the series is even more exciting than the first one. It seems the Armstrong boys are just vying to see who can have the most exciting story. It is impossible to put this one down and it leaves with a trailer for the next book which makes you want to start it immediately.
Lindsey Helm is Stormy Armstrong’s best friend. Lindsey has had her ups and downs but all her life, she wanted to be a nurse and so she is. Now she is also going to school to be a nurse practitioner. For now, she works the ER at night. Most nights there are people in and out all night but a few nights are really light. However, tonight is eerily light. She was walking down the hall to organize supplies when she heard a loud crashing followed by a shout. This put her in full alert and a chill ran down her. Something was wrong; but instead of calling for help immediately, she silently went towards the ER to see what was happening. The worst happened and of the three people in ER, Lindsey was the only one left alive.
Stormy and Cooper Armstrong stepped in and moved Lindsey to their guesthouse when she was able to go home. She didn’t want to go back to her parents’ house. She just wanted to be alone to nurse her wounds. Eventually, she went back to work; but on days. She worked only a couple of days a week and spent the remainder cooped up at the guesthouse. Finally, Cooper’s brother Maverick stepped in to help. He had personal experience with PSTD when his plane crashed and he was taken prisoner and finally released. He came home and got private help but saw so many others didn’t get help, so he had set up a program to help soldiers who were returning with PSTD. Thus, he knew what Lindsey needed. Being left alone to dwell on the incident was not what she needed. He wanted to see the old, feisty Lindsey that he knew back. Can he manage to help her?
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kristy loeks
This book never really connected for me. The beginning was interesting and compelling, the attack Lindsey suffered and the recovery after the things that would have changed, and the way she fought back after the attack had a lot of interesting potential.

Maverick is a fighter pilot, so he should be cocky and self assured, able to take care of himself, to go after what he wants.

There was a lot of potential...and it went nowhere. These people could have been anyone. There was nothing about either of them to set them apart from anyone else. He could have been an accountant for all his job played into the story. She could have been one as well...and heck, if they had both been accountants in the same office, this would have been more interesting.

The pacing and the characterization also suffered for this...it was hard to really invest in the story as it plodded along and there was nothing about either character who kept me reading. I wanted more of them in the story, not more of the one dimensional people I spent the book with.

I did finish this book, but I am not able to recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rohith jyothish
Title: Turbulant Desires - Billionaire Aviators Book 2
Author: Melody Anne
Published: 11-8-2016
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Pages: 284
Genre: Romance
Sub Genre: Women's Fiction; Military; Series; Contemporary
ISBN: 13: 9781503940758
Reviewer: DelAnne
Reviewed For: NetGalley
Rating: 4.25

I received a copy of "Turbulent Desires" from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review.


ER nurse Lindsey Helm used to be strong. Then a late-night attack at the hospital nearly killed her and left two close colleagues dead. Now Lindsey has retreated from the world. She knows she needs to move on, but every hint of danger seems threatening—including a certain sexy flyboy who’s determined to show Lindsey what she’s missing. But falling for F-18 pilot Maverick Armstrong is a risk she can’t afford…

Maverick knows that fear can eat away at the soul, and he won’t leave Lindsey to that fate. She needs someone to reach her and to remind her of the exhilaration and unbelievable passion of being touched. He’ll help her heal, and then he’ll walk away. He has to walk away. Because Maverick swore he would never fall in love and never marry. But this is a rescue operation, and Maverick will stay the course—even if things get hazardous. Even if saving Lindsey means surrendering his heart in the process…

My review of "Turbulent Desires":

This is a contemporary romance with strong, well developed characters and a plot that is planned so that it flows quickly and smoothly from scene to scene. Melody Anne is a talented author that has written many series that I have enjoyed over the years. She has a way of showing that no matter how far you may have drifted apart, family is the most important part of life. Sometimes the people may need to have that fact hit them about the head a few times, but she always leaves her readers feeling happy that the characters manage to find their way through the troubles to their HEA. The fun is seeing how she brings them to that conclusion.

My rating for "Turbulent Desires" is 4.5 out of 5 stars. Once you open the book you will not put it down to the end. A book that will stay with as you await the next installment of the Billionaire Aviators series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dani duffy
Melody Anne - Turbulent Desires (Billionaire Aviators Series- Book 2)

The series follows the Armstrong Brothers, who are wealthy and loving life. The brothers, in order: Cooper 30yo, Nick 29yo, Maverick 28yo, and Ace 27yo. Six years ago, their father passed away and the actual billions would not pass to them until they settled down and married. Each brother refused to let their father control them from his grave, so they made their own way.

We met Lindsey Helm in book 1. She is Stormy’s best friend. Lindsey is an ER nurse and going to school to become a nurse practitioner. She loved helping people and knew it was her calling. She is a strong woman making her own way, even though she has a great family with 5 over protective brothers. But she lost all her confidence and feeling of safety when one night she is attacked at the hospital and almost died. Two of her colleagues did die in the attack and she grieves for them but doesn’t know how she will ever feel safe again.

She wants to move on, but she doesn’t know how. She now lives in the cottage on the property of her best friend, Stormy and her husband, Cooper. She works, goes home and doesn’t leave the cottage. When Lindsay attended the funeral of one of her fallen colleague, Maverick was attending too. He wanted to help her, but, she couldn’t allow even a touch, so she left. A year later, Linds hasn’t moved forward and still lives with Stormy and Cooper. They both have been so kind and she loves their new baby Aaron???

Maverick Armstrong who, like his brothers, was determined that he would never fall in love and never marry. When his sister-in-law, Stormy’s best friend was attacked at the hospital he is determined to help her even if she doesn’t think she wants it. He believes that he can help her heal and then walk away. Their chemistry is off the chart and the passion is something that someone only dreams of. When Maverick walked off, he is haunted with Lindsay in his dreams and thoughts.

Can Maverick and Lindsay really walk off and not look back. Will they be able to forget the passion they experienced? Find out and get this installment today.

What didn’t work:
--In book 1 Stormy and Cooper’s baby was going to be named: “William Sherman” and call him Will. Now in book 2, the baby’s name is “Aaron” What???
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cl udia
Here’s a little background about these four brothers… and the will of their father that changed the course of these young men’s lives in very different ways… From my review of Turbulent Intentions –“Cooper, Nick, Maverick and Ace – the Armstrong brothers. Rich, entitled, arrogant and so very certain of their place in the world… right on top. They are out of control. And their father’s dying words, his declaration that they will change into men he could have been proud of along with the loss of a portion of their vast inheritance should they not follow their father’s last wishes to the letter – lead to some very angry young men, angry at their family, circumstances and completely unwilling to be forced into anything. They have a lot of growing up to do.”

Lindsay has been in a vicious, horrific attack in the ER where she works. Now with scars both physical and emotional she is not doing well. It’s to be understood that she’s traumatized but what she’s facing goes beyond what people tells her to simply get past. She cannot. She is afraid all the time, she cannot stand to be touched by anyone and will go to great lengths to avoid the touch of even those she loves and trusts. It’s been a year since the attack. Lindsey has returned to work but she is a shadow of her former self. Work, home, study. Repeat. She’s staying at the guest cottage at her friend Stormy’s home. She’s functioning but she’s far, far from living her life.

Enter our matchmakers. People who love and admire Lindsey and only want what is in her best interests. There is one person she can stand to be around and to let them lightly touch her. That’s Maverick. And his mom and uncle and family friend feel that their’s is a match made in heaven, if only the children would see it… so, a plan is set in motion. And lives are going to change.

Post Traumatic Stress is a very real, very difficult situation to put on paper in a realistic and believable way. At least to me it is. Melody Anne has given a vivid picture of how Lindsey is suffering, and paired her with a man who also knows exactly what she is going through. It helps the belief factor of this couple that they did hook up for a one night fling at Cooper and Stormy’s wedding – and that they are all part of a wider circle where they’ve come in contact since then. They may acknowledge if pushed that they’ve thought about each other since that night but never pushed it. Maverick wants to see Lindsey return to her former strong, brave self and he’ll do whatever he can to make that happen. Funny how along the way to Lindsey’s recovery he also found his own peace and the woman who he could imagine at his side for the rest of their lives.

I enjoyed Turbulent Desires very much. The plot involves a subject that isn’t easy to talk about or understand with grace and sensitivity. Maverick is adorable in his attempts to keep his expiration date with Lindsey in mind, while failing at doing just that so splendidly. You will hurt for Lindsey and cheer her on as she makes strides, small at first, in her recovery. Together they make a couple that has been through hell and come out the other side victorious. I liked them so much… and as always I love our matchmakers and their well intention-ed interference in the lives of people they love. If you love a good, solid Romance that goes just a bit deeper then this one is for you.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this novel. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this story.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer mencarini
Turbulent Desires: Billionaire Aviators Book 2 is by Melody Anne. This second book in the series is even more exciting than the first one. It seems the Armstrong boys are just vying to see who can have the most exciting story. It is impossible to put this one down and it leaves with a trailer for the next book which makes you want to start it immediately.
Lindsey Helm is Stormy Armstrong’s best friend. Lindsey has had her ups and downs but all her life, she wanted to be a nurse and so she is. Now she is also going to school to be a nurse practitioner. For now, she works the ER at night. Most nights there are people in and out all night but a few nights are really light. However, tonight is eerily light. She was walking down the hall to organize supplies when she heard a loud crashing followed by a shout. This put her in full alert and a chill ran down her. Something was wrong; but instead of calling for help immediately, she silently went towards the ER to see what was happening. The worst happened and of the three people in ER, Lindsey was the only one left alive.
Stormy and Cooper Armstrong stepped in and moved Lindsey to their guesthouse when she was able to go home. She didn’t want to go back to her parents’ house. She just wanted to be alone to nurse her wounds. Eventually, she went back to work; but on days. She worked only a couple of days a week and spent the remainder cooped up at the guesthouse. Finally, Cooper’s brother Maverick stepped in to help. He had personal experience with PSTD when his plane crashed and he was taken prisoner and finally released. He came home and got private help but saw so many others didn’t get help, so he had set up a program to help soldiers who were returning with PSTD. Thus, he knew what Lindsey needed. Being left alone to dwell on the incident was not what she needed. He wanted to see the old, feisty Lindsey that he knew back. Can he manage to help her?
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jeff cramer
This book never really connected for me. The beginning was interesting and compelling, the attack Lindsey suffered and the recovery after the things that would have changed, and the way she fought back after the attack had a lot of interesting potential.

Maverick is a fighter pilot, so he should be cocky and self assured, able to take care of himself, to go after what he wants.

There was a lot of potential...and it went nowhere. These people could have been anyone. There was nothing about either of them to set them apart from anyone else. He could have been an accountant for all his job played into the story. She could have been one as well...and heck, if they had both been accountants in the same office, this would have been more interesting.

The pacing and the characterization also suffered for this...it was hard to really invest in the story as it plodded along and there was nothing about either character who kept me reading. I wanted more of them in the story, not more of the one dimensional people I spent the book with.

I did finish this book, but I am not able to recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha whitlow
Title: Turbulant Desires - Billionaire Aviators Book 2
Author: Melody Anne
Published: 11-8-2016
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Pages: 284
Genre: Romance
Sub Genre: Women's Fiction; Military; Series; Contemporary
ISBN: 13: 9781503940758
Reviewer: DelAnne
Reviewed For: NetGalley
Rating: 4.25

I received a copy of "Turbulent Desires" from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review.


ER nurse Lindsey Helm used to be strong. Then a late-night attack at the hospital nearly killed her and left two close colleagues dead. Now Lindsey has retreated from the world. She knows she needs to move on, but every hint of danger seems threatening—including a certain sexy flyboy who’s determined to show Lindsey what she’s missing. But falling for F-18 pilot Maverick Armstrong is a risk she can’t afford…

Maverick knows that fear can eat away at the soul, and he won’t leave Lindsey to that fate. She needs someone to reach her and to remind her of the exhilaration and unbelievable passion of being touched. He’ll help her heal, and then he’ll walk away. He has to walk away. Because Maverick swore he would never fall in love and never marry. But this is a rescue operation, and Maverick will stay the course—even if things get hazardous. Even if saving Lindsey means surrendering his heart in the process…

My review of "Turbulent Desires":

This is a contemporary romance with strong, well developed characters and a plot that is planned so that it flows quickly and smoothly from scene to scene. Melody Anne is a talented author that has written many series that I have enjoyed over the years. She has a way of showing that no matter how far you may have drifted apart, family is the most important part of life. Sometimes the people may need to have that fact hit them about the head a few times, but she always leaves her readers feeling happy that the characters manage to find their way through the troubles to their HEA. The fun is seeing how she brings them to that conclusion.

My rating for "Turbulent Desires" is 4.5 out of 5 stars. Once you open the book you will not put it down to the end. A book that will stay with as you await the next installment of the Billionaire Aviators series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Melody Anne - Turbulent Desires (Billionaire Aviators Series- Book 2)

The series follows the Armstrong Brothers, who are wealthy and loving life. The brothers, in order: Cooper 30yo, Nick 29yo, Maverick 28yo, and Ace 27yo. Six years ago, their father passed away and the actual billions would not pass to them until they settled down and married. Each brother refused to let their father control them from his grave, so they made their own way.

We met Lindsey Helm in book 1. She is Stormy’s best friend. Lindsey is an ER nurse and going to school to become a nurse practitioner. She loved helping people and knew it was her calling. She is a strong woman making her own way, even though she has a great family with 5 over protective brothers. But she lost all her confidence and feeling of safety when one night she is attacked at the hospital and almost died. Two of her colleagues did die in the attack and she grieves for them but doesn’t know how she will ever feel safe again.

She wants to move on, but she doesn’t know how. She now lives in the cottage on the property of her best friend, Stormy and her husband, Cooper. She works, goes home and doesn’t leave the cottage. When Lindsay attended the funeral of one of her fallen colleague, Maverick was attending too. He wanted to help her, but, she couldn’t allow even a touch, so she left. A year later, Linds hasn’t moved forward and still lives with Stormy and Cooper. They both have been so kind and she loves their new baby Aaron???

Maverick Armstrong who, like his brothers, was determined that he would never fall in love and never marry. When his sister-in-law, Stormy’s best friend was attacked at the hospital he is determined to help her even if she doesn’t think she wants it. He believes that he can help her heal and then walk away. Their chemistry is off the chart and the passion is something that someone only dreams of. When Maverick walked off, he is haunted with Lindsay in his dreams and thoughts.

Can Maverick and Lindsay really walk off and not look back. Will they be able to forget the passion they experienced? Find out and get this installment today.

What didn’t work:
--In book 1 Stormy and Cooper’s baby was going to be named: “William Sherman” and call him Will. Now in book 2, the baby’s name is “Aaron” What???
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david santana
Here’s a little background about these four brothers… and the will of their father that changed the course of these young men’s lives in very different ways… From my review of Turbulent Intentions –“Cooper, Nick, Maverick and Ace – the Armstrong brothers. Rich, entitled, arrogant and so very certain of their place in the world… right on top. They are out of control. And their father’s dying words, his declaration that they will change into men he could have been proud of along with the loss of a portion of their vast inheritance should they not follow their father’s last wishes to the letter – lead to some very angry young men, angry at their family, circumstances and completely unwilling to be forced into anything. They have a lot of growing up to do.”

Lindsay has been in a vicious, horrific attack in the ER where she works. Now with scars both physical and emotional she is not doing well. It’s to be understood that she’s traumatized but what she’s facing goes beyond what people tells her to simply get past. She cannot. She is afraid all the time, she cannot stand to be touched by anyone and will go to great lengths to avoid the touch of even those she loves and trusts. It’s been a year since the attack. Lindsey has returned to work but she is a shadow of her former self. Work, home, study. Repeat. She’s staying at the guest cottage at her friend Stormy’s home. She’s functioning but she’s far, far from living her life.

Enter our matchmakers. People who love and admire Lindsey and only want what is in her best interests. There is one person she can stand to be around and to let them lightly touch her. That’s Maverick. And his mom and uncle and family friend feel that their’s is a match made in heaven, if only the children would see it… so, a plan is set in motion. And lives are going to change.

Post Traumatic Stress is a very real, very difficult situation to put on paper in a realistic and believable way. At least to me it is. Melody Anne has given a vivid picture of how Lindsey is suffering, and paired her with a man who also knows exactly what she is going through. It helps the belief factor of this couple that they did hook up for a one night fling at Cooper and Stormy’s wedding – and that they are all part of a wider circle where they’ve come in contact since then. They may acknowledge if pushed that they’ve thought about each other since that night but never pushed it. Maverick wants to see Lindsey return to her former strong, brave self and he’ll do whatever he can to make that happen. Funny how along the way to Lindsey’s recovery he also found his own peace and the woman who he could imagine at his side for the rest of their lives.

I enjoyed Turbulent Desires very much. The plot involves a subject that isn’t easy to talk about or understand with grace and sensitivity. Maverick is adorable in his attempts to keep his expiration date with Lindsey in mind, while failing at doing just that so splendidly. You will hurt for Lindsey and cheer her on as she makes strides, small at first, in her recovery. Together they make a couple that has been through hell and come out the other side victorious. I liked them so much… and as always I love our matchmakers and their well intention-ed interference in the lives of people they love. If you love a good, solid Romance that goes just a bit deeper then this one is for you.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this novel. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this story.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan burdorf
**I received a copy of Turbulent Desires via Net Galley in exchange for a honest and voluntary review**

Turbulent Desires by Melody Anne is book two in the Billionaire Aviators series by the author. It can be read as a standalone, which is what I did, or as part of the series. I was able to get into the story without any problems and give it a 4.8 star rating.

Beware there are meddling older gentlemen on the loose in this book who are trying to play matchmaker their way thru the bachelors in the family. Sherman and Joseph had their hands full with Cooper, Maverick, Nick and the elusive Ace. But when Maverick finds out that Lindsay has been attacked, he steps up to help her learn to trust and love again.

Maverick Anderson is a F-18 Air Force pilot who is home on leave, but when he ends up breaking his arm, he's grounded until it heals. Lindsay and Mav had a one night stand at Cooper and Stormy's wedding and when he finds out that she has been attacked while at work, he quickly steps up to help her deal with her PTSD using small steps like playing baseball with the Seattle Mariners and taking a ride in a race car. Even though he's never stayed long with one woman before, he quickly starts to fall for Lindsay. He needs to convince both himself and her that together they can become a couple with hard work and love.

Lindsay Helm is an ER nurse studying to become a nurse practitioner who was brutally attacked one night but drug addicts seeking their next fix. She is injured but mostly its her trust that's damaged. She becomes a recluse but when Maverick shows up one day, he helps her take baby steps to coming out of her darkness into the light. They have several outings and he recruits her to help with his fundraiser. It will take alot of TLC and Maverick with falter a few times but they soon are realizing that what they have together is love.

Great story and I look forward to reading Nick's story which was introduced on the last chapter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harikishan perugu
Six years ago Cooper Armstrong and Stormy Halifax hooked up at a wedding, although Stormy was a wedding crasher. It was to be a one-night stand but both were touched by the experience they had together. Just before this happened Cooper’s dad had died and had left some upsetting terms to his will that had Cooper and his brothers very upset.

Present day finds Cooper as the pilot of his own airline and Stormy was working in the coffee shop in the airport. They meet again when Cooper is buying coffee from Stormy but he doesn’t remember her. She is crushed. In the meantime Stormy has developed a friendship with Cooper’s Uncle Sherman, unbeknownst to her. When Uncle Sherman finds out Stormy has lost her job and apartment he decides to do some match making and arranges for her to stay with Cooper. Sparks fly and the fun begins!

I thoroughly enjoyed this new one by Melody Anne. It is a typical alpha billionaire tale she is so good at. I always feel like I’m visiting old friends when I read one of her Anderson stories. This is a new series/spinoff, “starring” the Armstrong brothers. The story is well written, the plot is great and about middle of the book the story gets nail biting. I couldn’t have put the book down if I had wanted to. Loved the ending! She pulled everything together so nicely. It is always fun to see what the characters in previous books have been up to and have them appear in the new stories. This story shows a lot of love and strength within this family and as usual I can’t wait for Book 2. Also, it shows that the author did a great deal of research into airlines and several types of pilots. She did a good job in weaving this into the story line.

I received an ARC from Net Galley for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After Lindsey gets attacked at the hospital where she works, she begins to realize how unsafe the world really is. Now she's petrified to even leave her house or talk to strangers. Maverick, a pilot, had a one night stand with Lindsey before her attack and it kills him to see Lindsey live in fear of something she can't control. So he tries his best to get under her skin and try to open her up to the wonderful possibilities that life can bring. And although Maverick has always declared he's never going to get married, the more time he spends around Lindsey, the more he aches to put his heart on the line. Will Lindsey be able to move on after her horrific attack and will Maverick be able to open his heart to a relationship he never expected?

This was the first book I read by Melody Anne and I was pleasantly surprised by the cute romance. At times the novel was dark, such as at the beginning of the story when Lindsey was attacked, but I never thought the story was too dark or unrelatable. I actually thought the author did a great job of handling the attack and showing how something so tragic can have a negative impact on someone's life. I thought Lindsey was fully justified in pulling away from everyone and everything and I liked that Maverick wanted to help her overcome her fears. They were perfect for each other, and I enjoyed the second chance romance story line, since they previously had a one night stand. And while I enjoyed reading this story it didn't completely pull me in or make me think about the story or characters days later, which is why I have to give it 4 stars instead of 5.

Overall, I recommend Turbulent Desires to anyone looking for a cute contemporary romance that features the heroine trying to overcome fears.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is the second book in the Billionaire Aviators series and I love it just as much as the first one. It features Maverick and Lindsey. Maverick is Cooper's (from Turbulent Intentions) brother and Lindsey is Stormy's best friend. The two had a passionate, sexy one night stand the night of Stormy and Cooper's wedding, but the next morning Lindsey left after she freaked out.

Now, Lindsey is suffering from PTSD after a brutal attack she and some colleagues suffered through at the hospital they work at. Maverick knows Lindsey is suffering and he is determined to help her through it, even if only as a friend. But, Lindsey feels she's too broken for helping and refuses to let Maverick into her life. That is, until Maverick's Uncle Sherman gets it into his head that Maverick and Lindsey need some of his matchmaking help.

Lindsey and Maverick are great together with a passionate, strong connection. But at times, I wanted to smack them both! They took far too long to get in touch with their feelings for each other, so spent too long insisting that the relationship they had was just casual and had a definite end date. Thank God for a little help from Maverick's brothers to motivate some jealousy on his part to get Maverick to get his head out of his ass and tell Lindsey how he felt.

Turbulent Desires is well written with a cast of likable characters, grounded by Lindsey and Maverick's emotional and passionate connection.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book that I received from NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jess saunders
This is the second book in the Billionaire Aviators series. I really enjoyed the first book so this book had a lot to live up too. So let me start by saying Maverick was swoon worthy, a little dense, but swoon worthy. Why dense? It took him forever to figure out his feelings! However, he was a good character. He was the one character I could picture talking, leaning, etc. I could see him in my head. I liked his character. Lindsay was a little harder for me to like. I get that she had been through a trauma, I just had a hard time relating to her.

The issues I had with this book was Lindsay was a little too broken, Maverick took so long to figure himself out, and they really don't become a couple until right at the very end (sorry if that's a spoiler). I didn't have the time to really see them as a couple because they were constantly "this is just temporary", "this will never last" the entire book. That kind of ruined it for me. Also, I love Uncle Sherman, he was great in the first book. I wish he would have had a bigger role in this book. Lastly, the story was a little slow for me, it took so long to get to the finish line that I found myself getting frustrated...but I did keep reading.

Will I keep reading the series? Sure, I like the series, so I will keep reading. I want to find out about Ace.
Would I recommend? Sure, the book is okay. Just didn't quite meet my expectations after book 1.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Lindsey Helms is a hardworking nurse who loves her job until one night changes her life. She manages to survive a brutal attack that leave two other colleagues dead. Shaken to her core, she retreats to the safe haven of her friends cottage unable and unwilling to face the world.

Maverick Cooper is a pilot veteran who has survived his own horrific nightmare. However, he had made it his mission to pull Lindsey out of her cocoon and back into the world with a little bit of adventure and plenty of passion.

From the beginning I struggled with understanding the complexity of the characters. I felt the description of the attack was lacking and a bit confusing. Even now I am not exactly sure what happened. The story read to much like a girl in need of saving rather than a woman overcoming a traumatic event. Maverick read as the cool football captain interested in the geekly debate team captain. Also I find it hard to believe that a person could overcome such a traumatic experience so easily especially by simply going to some unique events.

Finally the ending seemed rushed as if the author had lost interest in the story and was ready to move on tothe next character in the series. There was potential but missed opportunites throughout this book. Certainly not my favorite read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jayne capps
Lindsey Helm was attacked and severely injured at work. She has spent the last year pretty much hiding from the world. She doesn’t like to be touched or get too physically close to anyone, and she doesn’t go out where there are large crowds. She currently resides in her best friend’s cottage, on her property and has returned to work part time.

Maverick Armstrong is her best friend’s brother-in-law, and the guy she had a one night stand with at her friend’s wedding. He is former military. He was caught, held captive and tortured before he was found. He started a foundation for veterans suffering from PTSD.

Maverick was very patient, caring and supportive with Lindsey. He has some really great lines and does some very romantic things. You could feel the chemistry between these two.

There was one thing in this book that bothered me. Maverick has quite the reputation as a playboy, yet Lindsey doesn’t hesitate to tell him she’s on the pill and he doesn’t need a condom --- without any further discussion?! Seriously?

While this could be read as a standalone, you will enjoy it more if you read these in order. There are recurring characters. I look forward to Nick and Ace’s stories!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I borrowed this book on Kindle Unlimited and am so thankful I did not spend my hard earned money for it. What isn't wrong with it - lack of character development, shallow story line, lack of interesting and likeable characters and so on. I could not even finish the book even though I tried several times. I certainly did not find the MC likable between a "damaged" woman and a know it all man who acted like he was the only one who could "fix" her. Could this story be fixed? I don't see how since the characters and story are so one-dimensional. It needs a major rewrite with more effort on the part of the author and not the rush job she seems to have given this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shawn callahan
I started reading this book not realizing it was a spin off from the Anderson's stories and also the second book in a series. I loved the book! Storyline was amazing, the prologue was very very intense. Lindsey is an ER nurse and is involved in an attack, Maverick is her best friend Stormy's brother in law. They previously met at Stormy and Cooper's wedding and since then Maverick has been obsessed with her but they don't meet up again until many months later. I loved how Maverick put his attraction on the back burner in order to help her deal with her PTSD. He became the one person she felt safe around. Their story was sweet but extremely hot at times. My only thing I didn't like was Maverick always calling her sugar or sug, for me that's a turn off but with everything else great about him I could overlook it. I would also recommend reading the first book in the series because this book talks about Maverick's father's will but didn't go into any detail explanation so I'm assuming you would gain some info from the previous book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book, provided through NetGalley.

This book, even though a stand-alone novel, is the second book in Billionaire Aviators series. The main characters were Lindsey Helm, an ER nurse, and Maverick Armstrong, an F-18 pilot. They used to have a short history together, before a traumatic event occurred in Lindsey’s life, leaving her scarred inside and out. Maverick tried to cajoled her back to life while protecting his heart… well, he tried.

It’s a beautiful story of facing PTSD, remind us all that PTSD is real, and positive support from people closest to them are extremely important. Even though these two main characters had strong chemistry, Maverick didn’t try to pursue that avenue. He became a friend she need and a steadfast supporter. Love came gradually and beautifully.

I haven’t read any Melody Anne’s book before, but I would say that this book was good enough that I want to try her other books, started with the first book in this series.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I found this book slow and predictable.
It started out pretty good then really slowed less than a third in. I started skipping paragraphs and reading the dialogue only. The constant long descriptions about everything I felt was just filler and dragged the story down. It picked back up the last couple of chapters.
Disappointing epilogue. It wasn't about Maverick and Lindsay but the start of book three.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie cate
This book is a seamless continuation of book 1 in the series, BUT it can be read as a stand-alone. I loved seeing some old friends from book 1, but reading Lindsey and Maverick's story was an absolute joy. Lindsay - oh my what she goes through is so turbulent and for many people they may not survive such an ordeal. But Maverick as the name suggests is a hot shot and a man who does not like failing, so to see these two together as separate people and becoming a couple is brilliant. A great story to read. I need more from this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda myhre
After surviving an attack at her job Lindsey retreated and stayed to herself for over a year. All she did was go to work and go home. Maverick makes it his mission to being her back out, while she is reluctant she goes along. Neither one were looking for love or a relationship. You know fate has a funny way of bringing people together and they find themselves where they never thought they would be. I really enjoyed Lindsey and Maverick, it was a sweet and sexy love story. I can't wait for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily giles
This book is Turbulent Desires, book 2 of the Billionaire Aviator series, written by Melody Anne. You will find all you seek within these pages...as long as you are looking for a swoon worthy alpha male chasing after a spunky and energetic wounded female. You get it all here. The sweet bits, the funny bits, the sexy bits, and the DAMN! Where do I find one of my own bits?!?Ok folks. I've got to go download book number three! Talk more later!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah armstrong
This heart wrenching story tell the tale of how love helps heal all wounds. Lindsay and Maverick are connected in so many ways and help one another heal in different ways. Lindsay’s story breaks my heart, but watching her come out of her shell stronger than ever was amazing. I can’t wait to see what’s next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lindsey is an ER nurse, who was viciously attacked at work. She retreats from the world but Maverick won't let her.
Maverick is a pilot and had a one night stand with Lindsey at his brother's wedding. Now he wants to help Lindsey get her life back.
What neither expects is to fall in love. This story had me crying from the first chapter. Excellent story with characters you will fall in love with. Sweet. Sexy. Two rescue dogs that catches your heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The second brother , Maverick finds his destiny in Lindsey, a friend of the family and a nurse who survived a horrific injury in the course of her work. They both work toward healing as they find the pathway that leads them both to happiness. Second book in this series and enjoyed Maverick's story along with the glimpses into the rest of the family. Awaiting the next book eagerly.

Ebook from netgalley and publishers with thanks... Review is my own opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Another brother bites the dust.

It was a good read. Some parts were unrealistic. If you are in the Air Force you don't have that much time off. Mav also broke his arm, but then there was no mention of it again and he didn't act like he had a cast.

Other than that great storyline. Hot sex for sure. Millionaire Prince Charming to the rescue, every girls dream.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abdullah maghrabi
Two people dealing with a past. Maverick was a military man. No need to get tied down. Just live in the moment. When a family friend struggles with a past filled with hurt and pain, Maverick vows to help her. Can he do it without getting attached? I enjoyed find out! I enjoyed watching Maverick and Lindsey deal with their inner issues and find happiness along the way.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mary mahoney
Book 2 of the series started good with interest but then it flattened to boring. I think if it would have continued with more struggles for Lindsey it would have kept it interesting longer. As it was by the middle of the book I was bored and didn't expect anything to change. The ending was typical and kept the boring book from being good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
say weller
Love this author. Series is gripping and though each book can be read alone, this particular volume ends on a cliff as to what happens to the next brother. You have to have the next book on hand or spend a sleepless night wondering what happens to Nick. Glad I have the series in hand.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rhoda hood
Please, please, please, check things before publishing. The Air Force does not use F-18's. They are used by the Navy. Also, if your hero has a broken arm, it's broken all the time. There's no swimming, no lifting of the heroine, no soaks in the tub and no baseball. This one was better than the first. One last thing; am I the only one tired of hearing "dang"? It doesn't fit the character.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gary garot
I love her writing. Just the right amount of suspense, sex, and romance to make you fall in love with characters. Watching the characters fine the meaning of love through tragedy and stupidity was great. Only thing I would like to change was the ending. I want a glimpse of the future for them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
2nd book in this series-featuring Lindsey and Maverick. When Lindsey an ER nurse is attack and becomes withdrawn -Maverick is there to help. The both know what hurt and damage is but falling in love was not on the market. But they both do. Great book with graet characters. They each each others and find there home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Maverick and Lindsay book was so much fun to read. I had the tissue out for this one. The love and support of the family, this was a fast paced well written easy to follow story. The preview of the next book just has me hooked and raring to go
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara hoffman
A bit too much fighting their feelings for my taste, but hey to each their own. Lindsey and Maverick are exactly what the other needed and didn't quite know just how much. Nice to catch up with Stormy and Cooper. I fyi like that Lindsey didn't make it super easy for Maverick. Anticipating Nicks story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Maverick and Lindsey are truly hot together. There is nothing like the healing touch of another and not just physical. Mental stimulation is even more powerful and that is what Maverick does for Lindsey. True passion flows for both characters which makes for a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carri heitz
I love this series especially in the audio version. Each character comes to life on the page. Sherman and Joseph are a hoot. I can't wait to hear Nick's story. The epilogue left me ready to download load his story immediately.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
divyanshu saxena
Ohhh how I lived the story between Mav and Lindsey! The beginning of the story when Lindsey was attacked I couldn't put my book down. Then how maverick was there for her. All I have to say is read this book it is soooooooooo good! Just starting Nicks story!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
scott munro
I throughly enjoyed this book in the series. I loved Maverick and how he didn't let one bad event ruin his life and set out to make others life better. I also liked Lindsey as she fought her way out of the darkness. I enjoyed Melody's writing on how she brought these two together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the second book in this series of brothers. I loved it. It continues on with the search for understanding the reasons of the will. Don't want to give to much away but the struggle of surviving and living is a journey worth taking.
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