Through Waters Deep (Waves of Freedom)

BySarah Sundin

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anish bhatt
Tensions run high as a saboteur begins to wreck havoc at the Boston Naval Yard. America is on the brink of entering the second World War and there are those who will stop at nothing to make sure the nation stays out of it.

Mary Stirling is content with her job as a secretary at the Boston Naval Yard, so long as she can stay out of the spotlight. Mary is determined to remain in the shadows and keep her pride suppressed. On her journey, she learns that using the talents and gifts that God has given her, is not a sin. And it brings glory to the One who gave her those gifts. The last thing Mary expected was Ensign Jim Avery, a childhood friend now assigned to the USS Atwood. As they investigate the strange goings on at the Naval Yard, they become increasingly attached to one another. But will they ever get to tell each other how they feel? Or will they be separated forever?

First of all, I am completely in love with the cover of this book! I admit that I am a sucker for a good cover. And I would have to rate this as one of my all time favorites. Watch the photo shoot for the cover here. I could not stop reading this book. I was hooked from page one! There is so much going on in the story line that there is never a dull moment. It was interesting to watch Mary and Jim's relationship grow. There were a few times that I got very upset (you'll know what I'm talking about when you get there), but Sarah did an excellent job of bringing it all together in the end. The history within these pages is incredible. Although the author did take some creative license, she explains it in her notes at the end. Overall an excellent read and one I will be sharing with my friends! Through Waters Deep is the beginning of Sarah Sundin's third series, but the first book of hers that I have read. I look forward to reading the rest of her books!

I received a free copy of Through Waters Deep from Revell in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
calai alvarez
Step back in time with this thrilling Christian historical romance set in 1941! This new series starts off with a bang! The intrigue builds and builds, and so does the romantic tension.

Both Jim and Mary have personal issues to deal with at a time of international upheaval right before we get into the war. Mary is a secretary at the Boston Navy Yard, with a proficiency in shorthand. There is a lot of gossip and intrigue at the shipyard, especially after attempted sabotage on one of the newly built destroyers. Mary decides to take shorthand notes on what the workers are saying and other factual items to turn in to the FBI. She's afraid to step out though, as one of her biggest fears is drawing attention to herself. Jim is a younger brother to two Naval officers who have distinguished themselves, but he has always been content to be a floater. He's on the new destroyer and discovers the hidden bomb. Maybe this is the time when he should step out of his comfort zone and be more of a leader. Friends from childhood and trying to uncover this mystery together, both learn to grow in faith and confidence - with their surroundings and in love.

Quote from Sarah: "..this story reflects the extreme tension in the United States in 1941. The nation was divided, anger ran high on both sides, mob violence occurred, and fear and rumors ran rampant."

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the Author and Revell/Baker Publishing Group - Netgalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
arwena demonia
The first book in the "Waves of Freedom" series sets the bar high for those books that are to follow. The writing is crisp, the characters are likeable and unique, and the story has plenty of twists and turns to hold your attention throughout. In fact, I read the entire novel in one evening because I had to find out how things ended! Mary and Jim both grow in an amazing way throughout the course of the novel, with each realizing that they need to use the gifts God has given them to make a difference in the world and not shy away from letting their lights shine. I enjoyed not only the twists and turns in the development of their relationship, but also the intrigue that plays out over the course of the story as Mary's sleuthing ways lead her into a very dangerous situation. Jim's harrowing experience on the USS Atwood destroyer ship likewise also made for some exciting scenes. The book has an air of authenticity that makes it clear Sundin has done her homework in researching the setting of the story and the tension permeating the country before the United States joined World War II. I found the historical setting to be a fascinating one, and the author has created quite the interesting plot indeed. As a male reader of this story, I also appreciated that the romance isn't over the top in any way, but rather unfolds in a very realistic manner (though don't worry - the ending will have readers sighing in appreciation for the way things unfold!).

All in all, I quite enjoyed "Through Waters Deep", from the strong characters and intrigue, to the satisfying romance and vividly portrayed historical context. I look forward to what will come next from Sundin's talented pen. I award this novel 4 out of 5 stars.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mamad purbo
In Through Waters Deep and the new Waves of Freedom series, Sarah Sundin introduces members of the Avery family and their base at the Boston Navy Yard. With tensions rising in the months leading up to World War II, Ensign Jim Avery has found contentment in his work on the newly-commissioned destroyer, the USS Atwood. Without his older brothers’ dreams of becoming admirals, Jim finds his way through his naval career without making waves. When he encounters Mary Stirling, a high school friend, Jim discovers that the shy girl of his past has blossomed into a highly-capable secretary with a finger on the pulse of everything that happens at the Navy Yard. Suddenly, Jim’s world changes as tensions between interventionists and isolationists escalate, leading to evidence of sabotage at the Navy Yard and on the Atwood. Risking their lives, Jim and Mary search for the culprit, while navigating their ever-complicated relationship in a time of war on the high seas.

Overall, I was thrilled with Through Waters Deep! I always look forward to Ms. Sundin’s books being released each year, and this novel was no exception. Without fail, Ms. Sundin captivates her readers with her exceptional attention to historic detail, fascinating storylines, and captivating characters. Even beginning a new series, the novel remains true to Ms. Sundin’s style and pulls her readers in for another spectacular tale from the World War II period. Her characters also never fail to impress as they reveal the inner challenges of Christian men and women, who overcome their own failings to become tremendous contributors to the war effort. Creating a world unto itself within the novel, Ms. Sundin ensures that readers will return again and again to discover what happens next in Anchor in the Storm, being released in Summer 2016.

Brittany at
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jami broom
I enjoy Sundin’s novels because she writes in my favorite time period—World War Two—with elements that make any story great: history, romance, faith, and friendship. Through Waters Deep contains all of these elements but stands out most highly because of the care Sundin took to research the time period and setting of the novel. I read blog posts on the author’s trips to Boston where she learned about the Navy Yard and various places around the city, but even without those posts I could glean from Through Waters Deep how much work Sundin took to bring the time period alive. From meticulous details about the ship the hero lived on, to the particularities of Boston in 1941, I could easily imagine every scene and setting in this novel.

These details blend into the other aspect of Through Waters Edge that signifies Sundin’s latest release’s superiority over her other novels: the mystery and suspense of the Boston Navy Yard saboteur. Never in my life would I wander into a bookstore specifically looking for a mystery novel; however, I just may have to reconsider that statement in the future when it applies to historical Christian fiction. Sundin researched the particularities of writing mysteries before taking on Through Waters Deep, and both the prose and story demonstrate how much studying the craft of writing can assist a writer in penning an excellent book. Each page of Through Waters Deep brims with suspense, and the red herrings continually keep readers guessing at whom the real saboteur could be. In addition, Sundin betters her story by giving each potential villain a side story that turns him into a person with whom the reader could sympathize. I sat on the edge of my seat throughout this entire book—and I loved Through Waters Deep for that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie clair
Mary Stirling and Jim Avery, childhood acquaintances, are reunited in Boston. In the months leading up to the United States officially entering WWII, Mary and Jim feel the tension between the internationalists and the isolationists at every street corner. Mary works at the Boston Navy Yard as a secretary, taking notes on everything, quietly observing. Jim is a Navel officer on the USS Atwood, a destroyer that is assigned to escort British convoys across the North Atlantic and protect them from German U-boat attacks. Jim is a 'go with the flow' kind of man but that changes when a plot to sabotage the USS Atwood and other ships constructed in the Boston Navy Yard is uncovered. Mary and Jim work together to find the truth behind the attacks.

There are so many layers to this book, a paragraph hardly can do it justice. Sundin's extensive research of the time period and places of which she writes is evident in the specific historical details included in nearly every page. (Sundin actually shared some pictures from her researching trip to Boston on her blog) From the streets in and around the Boston Navy Yard, to life on the destroyer USS Atwood, Sundin's details make you feel like you are right there, being chased by a German U-boat. The characters of Mary and Jim are complex and deep - each of them has issues from their past that they are still working through. And as a result developing new and deeper relationships with God and each other. The plot is unpredictable and included much more mystery than some of her previous books did, which I very much enjoyed. Most historical fiction books about WWII take place when the war is already happening - so I really found it interesting that Sundin chose to write this one just before the US entered the war. And when I finished reading it, I wished that there was more (which is my only complaint!). But I'm hoping we will find out a little more about what happens with Mary and Jim in one of the next two books in the series....but we have to wait a whole year to find out!! I was given this book for free in exchange for my review of it - however the opinions expressed in this post are all my own true opinions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie patterson
This book was one of my most anticipated books of the year and it was awesome! It was different than I was expecting, and actually, I wasn't sure what to expect after being used to Sarah Sundin's other books with the army, planes and nurses. I learned so much about the Navy in this book. I also didn't expect such a strong mystery, and I was changing my mind constantly of who was doing the sabotaging.

I love the realistic romance Sundin delivers. The characters are truly friends and build a believable relationship, which can be hard to do in the space of pages in a book.

I love books that make me feel and laugh and I laughed out loud at one spot near the end... a lot! I can't give any more than that away, or it might ruin the moment for you, but I laughed and re-read that part and am giggling even now as I write this and think about that part.

I may as well stick with my "I love" theme here, I love how I feel like I am with friends while reading Sarah Sundin's books. This is probably my favorite part of her books. When I wasn't reading, I was thinking about the choices each character had to make and was stressing and weighing the pros and cons for them, like I could give them real advice... I do realize that Jim, Mary, Quintessa and Arch are not real people, but I look forward to following them in the rest of this series and I can't wait to meet Lillian!

I give Through Waters Deep 5 out of 5 stars and highly recommend it to WWII fiction lovers!

I received this book for my honest opinion, which I have given.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john hornbeck
This was another wonderful story by Sarah Sundin! I absolutely loved the plot, from the mystery and suspense to the sweet love story. The fact that Mary and Jim knew each other in high school and that Jim had been infatuated with her best friend was a great back story. It was interesting to see them get to know each other for themselves, instead of being in someone else's shadow. I could really relate to Mary's quiet personality and her love of mysteries! Jim was a great character, too, as he strove to do the right thing and was very thoughtful and honorable, but could be indecisive and slow to act when he should. I admired both her and Jim's willingness to face their fears. They both had traumatic events in their pasts and it was inspiring to see them strive to overcome them. The faith element was great, as both Mary and Jim were strong believers, with plenty of prayer and trying to discern God's will. I really appreciated how Jim struggled to be a good leader like Nehemiah, from the Old Testament. There were lots of sweet romantic moments. The mystery was interesting and there was definitely some action! I liked learning about the tensions leading up to World War II in America; I hadn't heard about that before. It was also interesting to learn more about the Navy and what went on at the Navy yard and on the ships. This is the start of a new series and I'm so excited! I highly recommend this book!

I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
allison james garcia
The last thing quiet secretary Mary Stirling wants is to draw attention to herself. But it seems that the more she fights it the more inevitable it becomes. When it becomes apparent that someone is sabotaging the US Navy Mary inadvertently thrusts herself into the spotlight, even though her superiors would seem to shrug off her investigations as gossip. When a former acquaintance from back home turns up in the form of naval officer Jim Avery Mary enlists his help…and maybe his heart.

The much anticipated series I have been dying to read is here! So why do I feel so unenthused? Don’t get me wrong – I have read one series by Sarah Sundin and have come to the conclusion that I will probably read anything she writes. Her aviator series was purty durn good and the reason why I had high hopes for Waves of Freedom. Unfortunately I didn’t feel that I ever really connected with any of the characters. I liked Mary since she was a character I could empathize with, but I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the storyline. Just one of those things. It really isn’t a shabby story, just not jam-packed with the type of adventure that I absolutely love. (And I still can’t wait for the rest of the series.)

DISCLAIMER: In accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising” we would like to note that we received a hardcopy of “Through Waters Deep” provided by the publishers, Revell, in exchange for our honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin is her newest book set right before the beginning of WWII. History, romance and mystery make this a page turning novel. Mary Stirling is a secretary at the Boston Navy Yard and encounters a high school friend, Jim Avery, who is now an officer and is eager to start his career in the Navy. Jim and Mary catch up from old times and quickly discover a sabotage plot among the workers in the shipyard. Mary works undercover with the FBI to track down suspects. As she and Jim spend more time together they start to fall for each other, but don't let on that they feel this way. Jim is shipped out for a month and when he returns he is in for a surprise. The plot thickens as the saboteur gets more daring and Mary releases her fear of being too prideful to save the lives of co-workers and risk her safety.

I really enjoy Sarah's history novels and this one was a treat with a mystery twist. I really like how all parts of this story work together to create a unique plot that continued to keep me guessing and longing for a good outcome. Sarah throws in plenty of surprises and lots of history to help the reader feel the mounting tension leading up to the bombing of Pearl Harbor at the end of 1941. I really enjoyed the sweet romance between Jim and Mary despite some of the mistakes they made and the misunderstandings. Another prize winning story from the queen of WWII fiction and more coming in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erica b
Through Waters Deep is my very first Sarah Sundin novel and I really enjoyed it. Taking place right before America entered into Word War 2, it portrays some of the pressure of those that were living in Boston at the time. Starting with the distrust of all Germans, the French and British wanting the Americans to enter the war, and those that did not want the draft to be enforced and who wanted their sons back home made this read full of high tension. With rising threats of a saboteur harming the ships, our heroine, Mary, with Nancy Drew tendencies is focused on finding the guilty party and doing her part to aid in the war. She meets up with old high school buddy Ensign Jim Avery whom she becomes close friends with and he believes her suspicions. Alternating between Boston and Jim’s time on ship acting as a convoy we are given a much more complete picture of the times of an ordinary citizen and the sailors on board during this crisis in American history. The romance was a gradual one and the action at times was nonstop. In regards to the romance, I wanted to at times shake both of them and tell them to open their eyes. When they finally did realize what fools they had been, they sizzled. This was book one and I look forward to book two when we meet Jim’s sister. I received this book for an honest review from Revell Publishing and the opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
candy kiss
First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Sarah Sundin and her publisher for sending me a copy of "Through Waters Deep" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me.

"Through Waters Deep” is another wonderful book and the start of a great new series by Sarah Sundin. I’ve read all of Sarah’s novels and can say with confidence that this woman writes amazing romance as well as wartime historical tales. Her books have made me see my Grandparents as young people. In fact, I’ve given my Grandma all of her books and she loves to reminisce with them.

This story is a pre-WWII romantic mystery that reunites childhood friends Mary Stirling and Ensign Jim Avery when the ship that Jim has been assigned to has been found to have been sabotaged. Mary and Jim work together to solve the mystery and kindle romantic flames.

Sarah Sundin writes such beautiful, sigh-inducing love stories that remind me of classic motion pictures, big band music and romantic notions of a bygone era I’ve only known through history class. “Through Waters Deep” brought a smile to my face, several chuckles to my heart and thankfulness for my relationship with God, Who is at the forefront of this story, and the wonderful man He brought into my life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lynette chastain
War is coming. Can love carry them through the rough waters that lie ahead?

It is 1941 and America teeters on the brink of war. Handsome and outgoing naval officer Ensign Jim Avery escorts British convoys across the North Atlantic in a brand-new destroyer, the USS Atwood. On shore, Jim encounters Mary Stirling, a childhood friend who is now an astute and beautiful Boston Navy Yard secretary.

When evidence of sabotage on the Atwood is discovered, Jim and Mary must work together to uncover the culprit. A bewildering maze of suspects emerges, and Mary is dismayed to find that even someone close to her is under suspicion. With the increasing pressure, Jim and Mary find that many new challenges--and dangers--await them.

This book brought out the struggles the American people has with the world conditions around them prior to the United States involvement in WWII. I didn’t remember from history class that US ships were sunk before Pearl Harbor.

I did like Jim and Mary’s characters. Although I did think Mary was a little wimpy when her friend came to town. Jim was also a little wimpy when he didn’t confront Mary with his feelings. Otherwise it was a good book and one I would recommend to others.

I was given this book by the publisher for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessica miller
There truly was good mix of mystery, intrigue and romance. The time period, right before WWII 'officially' broke out, certainly lends a hand to the intrigue. People were being divided into pro-war or anti-war groups. Both Jews and Germans were being targeted and under almost constant suspicion. Sundin does a good job of twisting and turning the story, so that, just like Mary, we are suspecting one character or the other up to the very end.

Mary and Jim themselves are good characters and they struggle with some big issues. Mary had a traumatic, humiliating experience as a child and she now avoids all and any public notice. Her ability to talk down to herself had her constantly feeling unworthy of love. This drove me a bit bonkers. I just wanted to give her a good shake as we watched her trying to destroy her own happiness.

So overall, liked! And I like that I can read summaries for the next two books on Sundin's website! It makes me pretty excited for the rest of the series. If you enjoy a good Nancy Drew vibe, some good 1940's romance, or anything involving WWII, 'Through Waters Deep' is your very next choice. 4 stars.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Litfuse publicity in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mustafa darwish
Once again, Sarah Sundin delivers a captivatingly historical romance with purposeful yet conflicted characters in the midst of World War II drama. Through Waters Deep begins her newest series, Waves of Freedom, focusing on characters connected with the U.S. Navy. Friends from high school, Jim Avery, a naval officer, and Mary Stirling, a secretary in the Boston Navy Yard, reconnect after many years apart, as the U.S. determines whether or not to enter the Second World War. Each of these characters is highly likable and burdened by the lasting effects of memorable childhood events, and I really enjoyed seeing how their rediscovered friendship and budding romance challenged them to overcome their fears in the face of political turmoil, sabotage and war. A fantastic read that won’t leave Sundin’s fans disappointed, Through Waters Deep is a wonderful choice for interested readers. I would highly recommend it.

Thanks to LitFuse Publicity Group, I received a copy of Through Waters Deep and the opportunity to provide an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, and all the opinions I have expressed are my own. To read other opinions, be sure to check out what other reviewers think here, and purchase a copy of the book here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Self-effacing Mary Stirling’s job in the Boston Navy Yard keeps her out of the spotlight, which is just what she wants. At the launching of a new ship, she encounters naval officer Jim Avery—a childhood friend. The two of them begin to spend time together, although Mary knows Jim’s heart belongs to her best friend.
When signs of sabotage appear on the ship to which Jim is assigned, Mary becomes interested in solving the crimes. She and Jim grow closer as they share suspicions, with Mary ever mindful that Jim is only interested in learning the saboteur’s identity.
Through Waters Deep drew me in on two levels. The novel is set during the months leading up to World War II, and the historical background fascinated me. I hadn’t been aware of the deep divisions between Interventionists and Isolationists prior to Pearl Harbor. On a story-telling level, Through Waters Deep explores the lives of two people who are each overcoming childhood guilt as they strive become the person they were meant to be.
As with her previous books, Sarah Sundin’s wartime scenes are breathtaking. I love the authenticity she brings to the story. Oh, and Jim and Mary? You’ll have to read the book to find out what happens. You won’t be disappointed.

My thanks to the author and Revell for my review copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juleah tabak
Sarah Sundin is a wonderful historical novelist. She does such thorough research. She portrays her stories so real to life that you feel as if you are there!

This novel gave insight to how tense American feelings were prior World War II. I admit that it did take me a while to get into it, but once I did, I really enjoyed it. Reading about all of the technical ship stuff was kind of difficult because I'm not familiar with ships.

Mary was a true heroine in this book! God gave her the strength to overcome her fears. Once she overcame them, she was used of God more and became the person God intended her to be.

I love how Jim and Mary encouraged each other in the Lord. The way they openly talked about God to each other was refreshing. They trusted God throughout the whole book, with big things and small things, not just when it was convenient. Since they already trusted God with the small things, it was a lot easier for them to trust God with the big things. That is how we should be as well.

I love WWII historical novels and Sarah is one of the best authors for writing them!

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is an interesting, well-written book. Mary Stirling is working as a secretary at the Boston Naval Yard, and runs into a childhood (well, high school) friend, Jim, shortly into the book. There are a number of "odd" sabotage-like incidences that happen around the yard, as well as one of the subs that Jim gets shipped out on. Mary keeps track of discussions and happenings with her impressively fast shorthand, and eventually ends up turning her findings into the FBI (numerous times, as they don't take her seriously until the end of the book). She ends up spending a lot of time with Jim.

Mary has one problem though: she is crippled by fear. At the beginning of the book, she is unable to receive attention publicly for things she has done. Through the book, she learns to know herself better and realize that she is not simply doing things for attention, as well as gain self-confidence through her friendship with Jim.

I appreciated that this was a Christian book, and that the emphasis was much less on Mary & Jim romantically (despite the cover picture), and more on the actual story. I'm giving it a 4 star rating because I was slightly bored through a few chapters and almost put it down...possibly the plot could've moved a little bit quicker through the middle of the books.

I received this book free from Revell Reads (Baker Publishing Group) in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love historical fiction, but rarely find novels set during the 1940's. I am so excited to find this new series - and also to learn about Sarah Sundin's other novels set during this period.

I absolutely loved this novel. Mary is an intelligent, likable protagonist. I love that she was inspired by Nancy Drew to work to solve a mystery. Jim is also strong and sympathetic. I loved the deep friendship, respect, and growing romance between these characters.

Although I understand where Mary's deep shyness came from, it was hard to watch her stand back so much and shy away from the spotlight (especially in the first half of the book). It was heartening to see her grow in confidence and come out of her shell.

I loved the mystery in this novel. It was complex, and kept me guessing. I love mysteries as well as historical fiction, and felt the mystery aspect of this novel was especially exciting.

The historical details were beautifully written. I loved the short chapters that began with a date, so I could follow the characters along in their lives - and in the time leading up to World War II.

I very enthusiastically recommend this novel, and look forward to reading more of Sarah Sundin's books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have really enjoyed reading this book. WW2 era is my favorite type of historical romance to read. Sarah is an excellent writer and the story was very engaging. The characters were all done very well. My favorite character was Mary. She was so timid and shy but she was able to conquer her fears to do great things. Jim made the perfect hero. He was handsome and kind but also strong and capable.

The cover art is wonderful. I hate to say it but I do kind of judge a book by its cover and if the cover isn't intriguing to me I almost don't want to read it. This cover definitely didn't disappoint. The storyline was also very well done. I loved reading about the history of Boston throughout the book. I am not one for too much detail, but this was done very well. It had enough history to be interesting without being wordy and boring. I enjoyed this book all the was to the end and would be happy to recommend it to anyone. This has been a great experience as my first read of Sarah's work. I can't wait to read more by her.

I was blessed with this book by Revell in exchange for my honest opinion. A positive review was not required.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jon binford
I've only recently started reading Sarah Sundin's books (not sure why I haven't found her before), and I'm hooked! She has a great way of writing that puts the reader right into the action. There are so many great stories that can be told about the WWII time frame and the "Greatest Generation," and she is a master.

I really enjoyed watching the main character, Mary, grow in confidence and bravery through the book. Her determination in the tough environment of the docks, especially during such a controversial time during the war, inspired me to look at situations in my own life that required a bit more courage. I also appreciated the way Sundin wove faith through the story in a natural way.

Through Waters Deep is one of the few WWII era books that I've read which is set in the United States. This story has it all -- intrigue, suspense, action, history, and romance! It revolves around the early days of the war, pre-Pearl Harbor, with all the intense emotions Americans felt about the need to get involved in the war.

I HIGHLY recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wael ghonim
Picking a favorite Sarah Sundin book is near impossible but this one may be her best one yet! It was so easy to feel drawn to Mary and her kind, gentle spirit and her love for Nancy Drew made her even more likable to me since Nancy Drew fostered my love for reading. I can't wait to see what Sarah Sundin has in store for us in the next book in her Waves of Freedom series!

Through Waters Deep centers around Mary and Jim, who actually knew each from high school in Ohio. Now Mary is a Boston Navy Yard secretary and Jim is a naval officer on board the brand-new destroyer the USS Atwood. Their blossoming friendship and his willingness to aid in her "investigation" made the pages fly by. Not to mention that the further into the story I delved the more anxious I became to find out who was behind it all. In typical Sarah Sundin fashion she wrapped up a bit of mystery and a sweet romance into the perfect package!

I received this book free of charge from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew bailey
Like her previous novels, Sarah Sundin's latest novel is a wonderful story. Through Waters Deep brings readers to the months prior to the United States officially entering into WWII. This novel captures the questions and opinions of society as some want the nation to enter the war and others want the nation to keep away. Within this tremulous setting, a wonderful story unfolds about characters learning to be bold and to deal with pride.

I absolutely adored this story. I found it to be a bit different from some of Sundin's previous novels in that it felt less technical overall. More of the story follows a mystery that the heroine finds herself taking a Nancy Drew like role in. But, I found this mystery to be quite intriguing and well done. The romance angle of the story was written quite well and was so sweet. This was a fantastic book and was everything I had hoped it would be and more.

**I received a copy of this book from Revell in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sarah Sundin’s newest World War II series focuses on the American Navy in the Atlantic and the Avery family. In Through Waters Deep, readers are introduced Jim Avery from Ohio shortly before the launch ceremony of one of the Navy’s newest destroyers. There he meets Mary, a woman he remembers as being the quiet friend of his buddy’s vivacious girl. He quickly learns there’s more to Mary when she’s determined to discover who sabotaged her arrangements for the launch. Other acts of sabotage follow, all on board ships launched from the Boston Navy Yard.

In the run up to Pearl Harbor, Americans were divided over whether or not the country should enter the war. Through Waters Deep portrays this not just with descriptions of various protests, but also in the choice of suspects. Is an isolationist responsible for the damage or an interventionist? There are other suspects too, such as the German welder and his Jewish colleague. Could Mary’s French room-mate even be responsible? Sarah Sundin also shows how Americans continued their everyday lives of work and fun even as their loved ones in the Navy faced danger on the high seas.

In the middle of all this drama, there is the growing romance between Jim and Mary and their character development. I could take or leave the romance, but I liked how Mary had to define the line between pride and what I saw as over the top humility. Mary was so used to being a wallflower that being assertive took a lot of courage. At the same time, Jim had to learn to be decisive instead of drifting along in life. My favorite parts of Through Waters Deep, however, were the historical detail of the Boston Navy Yard and the drama of the sabotage plot.

Thank you to Litfuse Publicity Group and Revell for my complimentary copy of Through Waters Deep, which I received in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew brown
Through Deep Waters
Sarah Sundin
Revell, Aug 4 2015, $14.99
ISBN: 9780800723422

In March 1941 just before the destroyer’s maiden voyage the USS Atwood, US Navy civilian Mary Stirling insures ample supplies on board that everyone at sea takes for granted unless they lack them. Assigned to the Atwood, Ensign Jim Avery arrives at the shipyard. Childhood friends, Mary and Jim are happy to see each other.

Evidence surfaces that a saboteur has imperiled the Atwood just before it is to escort British naval vessels across the perilous Atlantic filled with U-boats. When she learns the identity of the FBI’s prime suspect, using her secretarial position as a springboard, Mary assists the Feds on their inquiry whether they want her help or not. Her efforts pull Jim into the investigation. As they work together, Mary knows her teen crush is now an adult love, but believes Jim is not for her; Jim realizes he really likes the effective, quiet Mary, but fears destroying their friendship just before he sails away.

The first Waves of Freedom is a tense WWII inspirational romantic military suspense. The storyline starts leisurely-paced as Sarah Sundin introduces the audience to the prime cast and setting (months before Pearl Harbor); but quickly turns into a fast-paced exhilarating thriller with the hunt for a saboteur (mindful of Hitchcock’s movie with the same title) while deadly German U-boats prowl the North Atlantic to destroy the Anglo supply lines.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick van dyk
I was privileged to read Sarah Sundin’s first book in her Waves of Freedom series, “Through Waters Deep”. I love all of Ms. Sundin’s writing and have purchased all the books in her previous two series. I look forward to the next books in this new series also.

This novel is set in Boston in the spring of 1941. Tensions are running high in the United States between isolationists, who want no part of a war with Germany and interventionists, those who think the United States has a responsibility to help their Allies. Mary Stirling works at the Boston Navy Yard where ships are built and commissioned. Lt. Jim Avery is an Ensign assigned to the USS Atwood, which is due for a shakedown cruise. They meet at the commissioning of the USS Ettinger, where sabotage occurs during the ceremony. Later on, during its shakedown cruise, a bomb is found on the USS Atwood. Mary and Jim work undercover, each in their respective locations, to discover who is behind the incidents.

I loved reading this novel. I am an ardent fan of anything pertaining to World War II and I have found a wonderful author who writes about this time in history with knowledge and sensitivity. I highly recommend all of Ms. Sundin’s books and can hardly wait for the next one in this series.

I received a print copy of this book from LitFuse Publicity in return for my honest review. You can find this review on my blog at Other reviews can be found at
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lee malone
This review is for the book "Through Waters Deep" by Sarah Sundin. This book is the first book in the Waves of Freedom series. This novel is set in the year 1941. America could go to war at any moment. Jim Avery is a new naval officer, and in his duties he sees Mary Stirling, who was a friend of his in high school. Mary is working as a secretary for naval officers.

Soon, there is evidence of sabotage on a destroyer. Mary is suspicious and begins her own secret investigation. Soon, Jim is in on the investigation too. Mary takes precise notes without being noticed and is able to get information to the FBI. Jim and Mary grow quite close during this time. In fact, both feel that they are falling in love, but they are scared to tell the other. One day, after Jim ships out, his old crush comes back into town. It creates a love triangle that either Jim or Mary is going to have to break through.

This story is full of intrigue, mystery, and romance. I enjoyed the historical aspect of this novel. The parts where Jim was at sea were exciting to me. I really liked the characters in this book a lot. I would love to read more in this series as they come out.

Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sabotage on the Atwood. Riveting WWII adventure. `Through Waters Deep` written by author Sarah Sundin. Franklin D. Roosevelt was president. President Roosevelt calls Charles Lindbergh a defeatist, because Lindbergh rallys and says, "The only way to save our country is not to fight."

At the introduction of Jim Avery and Archer Vandenberg, in `Through Waters Deep`, I tried to reason whether either one was the culprit of suspense. Was it one of them or neither of them. Mary Stirling has a secret spy skill, known only to Americans.

It appears there is more than one story in this novel. I wish the story-line would have followed only one problem at hand. Than the twists and turns throughout the book.However, since this is book one of the Waves of Freedom series it may make more sense as the novels develop. I reviewed a Christmas book co-authored by Sarah Sundin and found it to be amazing.

At this point I am not sure who to recommend this book to. Most certainly I would recommend it to History buffs, although there was no sabotage at the Boston Navy Yard and the USS Atwood is fictitional.

Disclaimer: I was compensated with this book for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maha joma
Journeying through Sarah Sundin’s books is like a quaint, never-want-to-leave trip back to yesteryear. Saying this may sound silly considering the novel’s settings are primarily based around World War II, but there’s a special kind of nostalgia that puts the reader in the exact same situation as the characters may be in. Whether that is safety or peril, we “feel” close to being there.

Despite a slow beginning (I wasn’t pulled into this as quickly as anticipated, strange since it wastes no time in putting the characters together and the like), this novel was absolutely charming. It takes quite a step away from Sarah’s earlier works, which are excellent, just surprising considering the time frame is the same. This one works more of the “cozy mystery” angle than her Nightingale trilogy. This book hangs onto being “quieter,” which is perhaps the best descriptor.

Talking about the characters, Mary is quite the detective. The contrast of her character is sweet; she lives one way (meek, doing good) without attracting attention, but she does live vicariously through her Nancy Drew fixation. A story thread that is too cute! I really liked her fascination with solving puzzles, and in fact from all I hear about her, Mary’s character even reminded me of my grandmother. Not in her mystery hunting, but in all she does behind the scenes. All she wants is to honor Christ, and if that shines a spotlight on Him, that’s all the reward she wishes. Not to disregard Jim, he too is a noble, wonderful man. The shift in his reaction to Mary was wonderfully explored and it was nice to get his perspective in the alternating POV's the prose sets up.

Much as I liked the mystery angle, I think the concept tripped over the multitude of characters that popped into the prose as suspects. While reading, I found myself trying to keep track of who’s-who and who was or wasn’t considered a legit suspect as the names continued to pile up. But that’s beside the point and certainly shouldn’t hinder what is a delightful read. Comparisons by readers describe this as a Nancy Drew mystery quite a lot, only this time, it’s set on the eve of WWII, and this is certainly true. From its brilliant historical facts that weave into the story to the charming romantic potential between two characters we come to adore, this isn’t a novel to be missed by historical fiction aficionados.

Bold and equal turns soft, this is an emotional, good time kind of read, plus there are lots of period cues avid historians are sure to appreciate, not to mention I loved everything about the characters. Pick up Through Waters Deep and prepare to get swept into the unstable, but somehow still charming time in history when every single moment counted. If this book reminds us of anything, it’s that message; one we should still carry with us today. Be prepared to swoon over dashing naval officers (plus some romantic gestures that make you go, aww) and enjoy the subtle bits of sass its heroine learns to embrace, all this adds up to one thing. Through Waters Deep should be your next “must read.”

Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy of this book; all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie brownlee nelson
Perhaps you think that everything I say about this novel will sound redundant. It's a book by the author of A Distant Melody, which I reviewed just a few days ago. They're both set during WW2, both are adventure/romances with very strong (amazing!) Christian messages, and both were absolutely adored by the person who's writing this review. However, these two stories are very different.

First, the obvious. A Distant Melody is about an airforce man; Through Waters Deep is about a member of the navy. This, in itself, makes it a very different story. Not a better or worse story, though. The details on navy life were just as fantastic as the details on airforce life.

Then there's the added mystery/thriller element of Through Waters Deep. The main characters are investigating (unofficially and unwantedly) a supposed sabotage at the Boston Navy Yard. Very exciting. That scene in the dry (well, once-dry) dock was fantastic! I admired Mary so much then! And all those references to Nancy Drew books ... *cracks up* Yeah, how many Nancy Drew books HAVE you read? I wondered something.

And Mary's "scarred past" ... I'm sorry, but I laughed. Partially because I could totally be scarred if that's all that's required to be scarred. One time when I was five ... *dies of shame* Seriously, though, it was refreshing. Little things - and even if it was dreadfully embarrassing, it was a little thing - can have a huge effect on our lives ... and take control over us if we don't give them to God!

And Jim ... he "floats." *cracks up* I'm sorry ... I just can't be serious about these guys' problems! That's not a bad thing, either. I mean it as a good thing. I enjoyed it very much. They had amusing problems ... but they were serious to me, too. Though not sad (except the root of Jim's, a little ... but everyone knew it wasn't his fault! He was just being an awesome brother!). Backstories don't have to be sad/absolutely terrible to be effective. Well-played, Sarah Sundin!

I liked Mary very much. I get along best when I'm working behind the scenes, too, although I admit I like to be recognized. For some reason, seeming to be competent really helps me cope with difficult situations. But Mary ... private, humble Mary. She's a sweetheart. She needed to learn to accept praise, but she was such a sweetheart! She's an awesome lady.

And, you know, she's obviously better than Quintessa. MARY is GOLDEN!!!

Jim ... he was a really cool guy and ... amusing, I admit. I can't wait to read book 2 of the Waves of Freedom story and read more about Arch. He was an interesting guy. Although, for heaven's sake, find a girl who doesn't care about money, won't you?!?!

I don't have much more to say, as I don't want to go on saying cliché things that anyone could say about any book. I'll just say that if you like WW2, exciting adventures, intriguing mysteries, sweet romances, mouth-watering descriptions of dresses (what? I loved Mary's clothes! Let's go further: I NEED MARY'S CLOTHES!!! And to live in the '40s, too, please!), and an amazing Christian message, read this novel! :)

Review originally posted on Reveries Reviews, 11/7/16

~Kellyn Roth,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 stars out of five
Historical Fiction

I am thoroughly immersed in Sarah Sundin’s novels that take place during World War II. Each of them is written with such a deep heart that I am convinced as I am reading it that not only is there a war going on in my backyard, but I am in the middle of it! Imagine my surprise when I step out of the story into my living room into a quiet, hot summer day! No thundering of explosives, no enemy to fear. Vivid imagery takes the reader into the book and makes the characters life long friends. Liberal usage of words describing all the senses makes for a memorable read and makes what could be a dull history lesson into living characters. There are references to past characters and incidents and having read the earlier books will make for a richer understanding of this story, but not having read them will not decrease your enjoyment of it. As such, i would venture to call this a stand alone novel.

I received this the Ebook free from Litfuse Publicity Group through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. A positive critique was not required. The opinions written here are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This latest historical romance novel, by author Sarah Sundin, will sweep you off your feet! Taking you a time right before and at the start of WWII, Sarah brings to life the excitement and tragedy of war, as well as the beautiful love story of Officer Ensign Jim Avery and Mary Stirling, a secretary in the navel yard. This novel will capture readers’ attention from page one as they enjoy the adventure of Mary using her shorthand skills to “spy” on people and help solve a FBI case. I would recommend this novel to readers that thoroughly enjoy historical fiction novels with a bit of adventure and romance.

Series: Waves of Freedom
Genre: historical fiction; Christian fiction; romance; WWII
Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Company
Publication date: August 4, 2015
Number of pages: 384
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed reading "Through Waters Deep" and wished I could read faster so that I could find out what was going to happen. I found Jim and Mary to be developed and believable. There were times I wanted to yell at one or the other of them! The book was full of well research history from the era. As I read, it brought to mind the scrapbook of pictures that my father-in-law had of his time serving in the Navy during WWII. My head was a little confused with the different parts of the ship, but I was glad that Sarah Sundin wrote them using the correct terminology. I can always do more research into destroyers if I want to know more about them. Along with the romance of the story, there is mystery and suspense with both the story line of the saboteur and the missions that Jim goes on with the destroyer.

I would recommend this book.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and all thoughts and opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Through Waters Deep - spanning the months from March to December 7, 1941 and ending with the bombing of Pearl Harbor - is a treasure for historical fiction fans. Sarah's research is impeccable, but more than that, she has the ability to bring you right into the sights and emotions of that era. The writing flows, often with a lighthearted feel, yet there are some vividly-depicted situations that truly reflect wartime - sabotage, racial prejudice, unimaginable split-second decisions with lives on the line, made for the overall good. Historical detail is one of this story's strengths and while it took a while to capture my interest, I was fully engaged as the story unfolded.

Mary and Jim are such good characters, so easy to like and connect with - yet I often wished I could physically reach out and shake some sense into them. Mary is almost paranoid in her desire to avoid anything that shines the spotlight on her, while Jim is easygoing, content to float along and let others chart his path. I loved the way their romance began as friendship and progressed realistically from there, but they manage to take the "miscommunication" theme to a new level. It was really good to see their spiritual and emotional growth.

A strong mystery element is woven throughout, which many reviewers describe as having a Nancy Drew feel. Although essential to the plot and very relevant to the times, this wasn't my favorite part, one reason being that I had a hard time keeping up with the suspects. But I loved watching Mary become the "invisible secretary" and use her shorthand skills to record information. Until reading this story, I was unaware of how strong a conflict there was between those opposed to the war and those eager to join in.

Strong secondary characters contribute greatly to the story - Jim's friend Archer, for instance - and I believe we will see some of their stories as the series unfolds. I didn't enjoy Through Waters Deep quite as much as Sarah's previous series, but am fully invested in the characters and look forward to the next book, which releases in the summer of 2016.

Recommended to fans of historical fiction, especially World War II settings.

Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for providing a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rory burnham
Wings of the Nightingale Series contained the first novels by this author that I read, and I lost a lot of sleep thoroughly getting lost in those stories. Now, Waves of Freedom starts her new blockbuster series set in the era of WWII. The setting is the Boston Naval Yard where ships were being built, but tensions between groups whose view of war was vastly polar worked on the docks together with tensions running high. Mary was the secretary at the naval yard and she loved being out of the limelight, supporting others' dreams never imagining romance to be a part of her life.
Jim is an Ensign in the Navy fresh out of the academy who prefers letting whatever way the wind blew direct his naval career. Jim’s viewpoint stems from an accident as a young boy when he dared to let one of his sisters follow himself and his brothers into the woods, which resulted in an accident. Jim became a very quiet Ensign and risking making the wrong decision that could cost lives was something he tried to avoid at all costs.
When I started the novel, I couldn’t imagine the depth of the story and the many aspects that drew me to stay up late into the night to finish reading. There are romance, danger, adventure, faith, learning, changing and so much more that shows in the way the characters evolve throughout the book. Then, when the FBI is added to the storyline along with a growing list of possible suspects guilty of sabotaging a ship, all the more reason to read on!
There is a sequel planned for 2016 and I cannot wait as I know Sarah Sundin’s stories are well worth time to read, enjoy and share with family and friends. Those who plunge into the murky waters of these books are sure to love rooting for the budding romance, friendships growing and God receiving the glory! Nothing stirs the patriot blood more than reading a fictional story of how God can and does use people willing to answer His call to serve Him wherever He sends them! So don’t miss the first book of the newest series and while waiting for the other books in the series read Wings of Nightingale Series if you haven’t read them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alice akinsola
I really liked this novel set in the months before the U.S. entered WW II. The setting is Boston and the year is 1941. The shipyards are busy as U.S. destroyers are escorting British convoys across the Atlantic. Our main characters are Ensign Jim Avery who will be going out on the new destroyer, the USS Atwood. Mary Stirling is a Navy Yard secretary who has read too many Nancy Drew mysteries. When there is evidence of sabotage, Mary takes on the challenge of finding the instigator, much to the dismay of the FBI. There is danger ahead for both of them, Jim at sea and Mary on shore.

Sundin has done a great job of portraying the tension in the U. S. the months before the attack on Pearl Harbor. There were isolationists who were determined to keep the U.S. out of the war. On the other side were interventionists who were determined to get into the war as quickly as possible. There was anger on both sides.

I was surprised to learn of the situation in the Atlantic in 1941. While Sundin has created fictitious destroyers, they are based on history. One destroyer was sunk (the USS Reuben James), others attacked, and five American merchant ships sunk before Pearl Harbor. I was also surprised to find out that the U.S. occupied Iceland in July of 1941 and began escorting British convoys in September.

Jim Avery's experience on a destroyer in the Atlantic makes for exciting reading. But so does Mary's experience at the Navy Yard. She is a determined investigator, even if the FBI thinks the little lady should keep her place. She is a great heroine.

The romance in the novel was an added feature. Mary is an insecure woman and fears attention, even if she does love a mystery. Just when the feelings between her and Jim begin to flame, an old girlfriend of his shows up. She throws herself at Jim and Mary quietly recedes into the background.

I liked everything about this novel. The historical information is great. The characters are well portrayed and the romance is superb. There is a second novel already planned in this Waves of Freedom series and I'll be eagerly looking for it.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Litfuse for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karina thorlund
In “Through Waters Deep” Sarah Sundin has provided an intimate glimpse into the lives of ordinary people during the tense days preceding U.S. involvement in World War 2. A secretary in the Boston Navy Yard, Mary Stirling prefers to remain in the background. She learned a difficult lesson about the dangers of pride as a child and practically flees from any threat of attention. Naval Ensign Jim Avery is an old school acquaintance of Mary’s who crosses her path in Boston. Spending time together as friends leads to stronger feelings on both sides but complications threaten to end their relationship before it begins.

Tensions are at a high at the naval yard and several apparent acts of sabotage have everyone on edge. As a fan of Nancy Drew mysteries and a keen observer, Mary cannot resist a bit of undercover investigation despite warnings to remain uninvolved. As time passes, the list of potential saboteurs grows and so does the risk of danger to the ships and the men who are assigned to them. Are Mary’s observations just a game or can she help solve the mystery before it’s too late?

Both Mary and Jim are strong characters who have trauma from their childhoods to overcome. Sarah’s fear of being too proud has kept her true personality under wraps. Jim, in turn, blames himself for injuries sustained by his younger sister and avoids taking charge from fear that someone else could be injured because of his actions. I loved how each of them encouraged the other and enjoyed how they overcame their fears by drawing closer to the Lord.

“Through Waters Deep” has plenty of action, suspense, and romance to meet the needs of most readers. Historical details added authenticity to the story and helped me as a reader to understand a bit more about life during that era. I highly recommend this book and any other book this author has written.

This book was provided for review by LitFuse Publicity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
adrienne whiten
Sarah Sundin's novels never disappoint. Her latest novel, set during the days preceding US involvement in World War II, is the start of what promises to be another great series. With a sweet, handsome hero and a shy but curious heroine with Nancy Drew like tendencies this book takes a more suspenseful turn than Sundin's previous books.

Mary Stirling is a secretary that reminds me a little of Marvel's Agent Carter. She's not nearly as sassy and outspoken as Peggy, but she has a curiosity and heart for justice that make her likeable. Jim is a naval officer whose ship has come under fire -- from someone on the inside. On board sabotage paired with the high tension all over the globe, made Through Waters Deep the most dramatic story yet from Ms. Sundin. The romance was probably my favorite of her's just because there was no instant attraction, no He's-so-cute-I'm-so-in-love-I-can't-handle-it-right-now heroines. I thought it was a well-written love story, with even pacing.

Through Waters Deep, is a nice historical romance for fans of Christian fiction and suspense. Fans of World War II inspirational fiction are almost certain to love this sweet read.

*I receive complimentary books for review from publishers, publicists, and/or authors. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura booth
First the beautiful cover to this book made me want to pick it up, and once I turned the first page I was hooked. Now I have to wait another year for the second book in this series, and this one is still lingering with me, and will for a long time.
We are at the Boston Navy Yard, and a young stenographer Mary Stirling, is busy taking shorthand notes about conversations she over hears, will these help the FBI when sabotage begins to happen? She is also reunited with her high school friend, and now naval officer Ensign Jim Avery, he is also at the naval yard and begins to help Mary with her spying.
Jim is also on the USS Atwood, a fictional ship, but made me think that this is what would be what was happening to our sailors in 1941, and as we progress through the year. There is also a budding romance between these two, but all I could think of was December when everyone’s life was about to change. Jim had a high school crush on Quintessa, and she was Mary’s best friend, so when she arrives in Boston things change drastically between Mary and Jim.
I loved this story and the mystery that surround the happenings at the shipyard, two women wanting the same man, and then the arrests, and attempted murders. We also have ship sinking’s, and you won’t know who or whom to trust. You don’t want to miss this one!
I received this book through Litfuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily b
I have enjoyed each of Sarah Sundin's WWII novels that I have had the chance to read -- but Through Waters Deep is definitely my favorite.

As always, Sarah provides credible WWII descriptions and details in a way that provides a history lesson in the wrappings of an intriguing story. In this story, she masterfully weaves together elements that are romantic, suspenseful, dangerous, serious, and fun. Her characters are sometimes transparent and simple and oftentimes complex. Many twists and turns along the way help maintain an exciting pace.

If you enjoy a good "who-dun-it" with a taste of Nancy Drew, if you are a sucker for a great love story whose outcome you can't be sure of until the very end, or if you appreciate well-written authentic WWII history, Through Waters Deep is a great choice for you.

Thanks to Litfuse Publicity Group for providing a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melody condron
The characters are so incredibly well developed that I truly felt that I knew them. I felt that if one of them walked by I would recognize them not by sight but by their personality. Both Mary Stirling and Jim Avery have deeply rooted memories from their childhood that have impacted them very profoundly shaping who they are and how they interact with others. I was drawn to each of these main characters and amazed at the simplicity of how they were gradually presented. It was as if I first became an acquaintance with them and then over time built a solid friendship with them.

The tension between the different factions over the conflict as to whether the United States should become involved in WWII was very much a driving force of the novel. It was easy to understand the reasoning of each side of the conflict and the anger and animosity that individuals felt.

Then we have the spiritual side of the story. Both Mary and Jim are Christians with a strong belief in God. I loved how as the story progressed they just naturally talked with God about their own confusion about what was going on and their feelings. I thoroughly enjoyed watching them grow and process the lessons that they were learning about themselves and trusting Him.

I won a copy of this book through a giveaway that the author held on her blog. I chose to write this review expressing my personal opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I recently finished reading Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin. What an incredibly romantic and intriguing novel! I absolutely adored this entire book! Full of suspenseful moments, learning curves, and scenes that left me smiling. The characters in this book were very realistic. I felt like they could have been my long lost relatives as they were so familiar and loveable. The real surprise of this novel was the mystery. From the description on the back, I had no idea what a significant role mystery and sabotage would take. It was a pleasant surprise indeed! It added some depth (no pun intended) to an otherwise romantic but simple story. I also felt that all of the characters experienced significant growth and development- both spiritually and emotionally. The setting was very picturesque and fit the feel of the story well. Overall, a worthwhile and enjoyable read! I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Once again, while reading one of Sarah Sundin’s books, I felt totally immersed in the time period of the story. This time, I traveled back to 1941, shortly before the United States would fully enter World War II.

This story was a great combination of romance and the feeling of reading a Nancy Drew mystery. I enjoyed trying to determine who the saboteur was, right along with Mary. The author did a good job of providing many people in the story who could possibly have the motive and means to pull off the subterfuge going on in the book.

I liked the romance thread in the book, as well. These two characters, Mary Stirling and Ensign Jim Avery were two people who had a lot to learn about life and relationships throughout the course of the story. I was frustrated, at times, with the fact that they both worked so hard to cover their growing feelings about each other. It just made my heart ache. But, their reticence in voicing their emotions about each other, Jim’s easygoing nature in his job on a naval destroyer, and even his usual attempts to stay away from hard decisions, were growing points for the two and made the conclusion of the book that much more satisfying. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. These opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
j guillermo paleo
Through Waters Deep is an engaging tale of action and adventure, mystery, and romance! Set during the months prior to the US entering World War II, the story begins slowly and gains momentum as mysterious events occur and tensions rise.

Mary Stirling is a delightful character, efficiently handling her secretarial duties and eager to play amateur sleuth. Jim Avery is a charming naval officer, dedicated to always doing his best, but happy to go where the wind takes him. I appreciated the authenticity of these characters and their vulnerabilities and really enjoyed their personal growth and rekindled relationship.

Sundin’s extensive research and attention to detail is evident as she describes life in and around Boston and the Navy Yard. The time and setting are masterfully conveyed, and I loved the descriptions and dialogue. I also enjoyed the historical details that were included; they allowed me to gain a greater knowledge and understanding of what was happening during this tumultuous time in history.

Weaving spiritual lessons through this historical romance, Sarah Sundin has penned a novel that will encourage, educate, and entertain!

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Litfuse Publicity in exchange for an unbiased review. I appreciate the opportunity to read this story and share my thoughts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin is the first book in the Waves of Freedom series. Mary Stirling works as a secretary at the Boston Navy Yard in 1941. She has been working there for the last four years after moving away from her hometown of Vermilion, Ohio. Mary has just finished setting up for the launch of a new ship when she spots Jim Avery. Jim is from Vermilion (they grew up together). Mary liked Jim in high school, but Jim was infatuated with Mary’s best friend, Quintessa Beaumont (who was dating someone else). They start talking while they watch the launch ceremonies. After the champagne bottle is stroke against the ship, there is a commotion. Someone had changed out the champagne for gasoline (sabotage). This gets Mary excited. She loves mysteries and this gives her an opportunity to investigate a real crime. Mary and Jim start spending time together along with his friend, Arch and his girlfriend. They share a kiss just before Jim is shipped out on the destroyer Atwood. While Jim is away, Quintessa moves to town with the intentions of dating Jim (poor Mary). On the Atwood more sabotage is discovered. What is going on? Mary is determined to find out. To find out who is behind the sabotage and what happens to Jim and Mary, you will have to read Through Waters Deep.

Through Waters Deep was a good story. I was drawn in immediately. The book is a little predictable (the romance especially), but the novel is well-written. I enjoyed the characters and could relate to them (especially Mary). I liked that the book contained a mystery. We get to follow Mary through her investigation into the sabotage. I give Through Waters Deep 4 out of 5 stars. The next book in the series will tell the story of Jim’s friend, Arch Vandenberg (Anchor in the Storm April).

I received a complimentary copy of Through Waters Deep from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
‘Through Waters Deep’ is the very impressive first book I have read by Sarah Sundin; it is also first in her latest series, Waves of Freedom, set during WWII with characters actively involved. There are many things I was unaware of, including the varied feelings about sending our military to Europe to fight, the large number of women and non-military employees working at the Naval Yard, and sabotage to our equipment by our people. It is a sweeping novel of romance, intense suspense, and mystery. Mary Stirling is a young woman from the Midwest who has worked in the office at the Yard for four years and enjoys it. She chooses to not be in a spotlight in any area of her life, as she does not want pride to ever run her life again.

Mary and an old classmate ran into each other; Ensign Jim Brady and his friend Archer would soon be going out onboard ship. Mary and Jim accompanied Arch and his fiancé when their schedules fit. Mary remembered how Jim had, and seemingly still has, unrequited love for Mary’s best friend Quintessa, so she had no illusions that there would be more than friendship between them. Jim, knowing he would be leaving soon, also wanted only Christian friendship. Yet they grew closer with each passing week, neither wanting to admit their feelings.

Sabotage began to occur at the Naval Yard, including a bomb placed on one of the ships that fortunately was discovered before detonation. Other areas included work not passing inspection even when done according to plan. Mary, a huge fan of early Nancy Drew mysteries of her high school days, was in a unique position to gather information as she collected or distributed reports around the yard, especially listening to the various factions the workers fell into. She became a target when some of those men discovered her role, and Jim’s ship encountered danger from Nazis on the high seas, it became a pulse-pounding, exciting novel like none other.

Mary and Jim are very well described; they are highly likable, honorable and share their faith in Christ. We learn a bit about Arch and Quintessa; both are also likable. Employees of the Naval Yard, FBI men, and others are known minimally through conversations and actions. I didn’t like the FBI men as they at first as they weren’t sure her notes were any more than the imagination of a wannabe Nancy Drew or if the notes were accurate, and later did not want her to endanger herself. It was hard to know who might be possible saboteurs, especially with the extreme prejudice and those in factions who brought hard to other.

The author weaves an exhilarating story that is intriguing and has excellent spiritual lessons. It was hard to put it down! The plot is believable and intricate; trying to figure out who the bad guys or gals were was nearly impossible. There were plot twists and turns, dangers and emotions that heighten throughout the novel. The ending came too quickly yet with loose ends tied up and background incidents better understood. I highly recommend ‘Through Waters Deep’ to those interested in Christian WWII fiction with women central to the story. If one likes mystery, pulse-pounding suspense, and a possibility of romance, it is a worthy read. Sarah Sundin is one of my latest favorite authors; I’m looking forward to reading more of her novels.

With a grateful heart, I won a copy of this book from The Book Club Network. All opinions are my own, and no monetary compensation was received for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Through Waters Deep" is definitely one of Sarah Sundin's finest! I had a very difficult time putting this book down. This pre World War II novel was written with well researched insight into the lives of those who struggled through that difficult time in our nation's history.

Mary Stirling is a wonderful character! She is smart, charming and extremely observant regarding the circumstances around her, taking shorthand notes of conversations and facial expressions that may be of importance in a mystery that puzzles even the FBI.

Ensign Jim Avery is a gentle man with a lovable shyness about him. His past infatuation with Mary's best friend is like a barrier between him and Mary, but their concerns about sabotage brings them closer together, and a very strong friendship and bond develops.

I highly recommend this pre-wartime novel. It isn't for the faint at heart, however. There are incidents that may upset those who don't deal well with serious injury and death. Appropriate for mature teens and adults, this is a very strong novel not to be missed!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. All expressed opinions are my own, and no monetary compensation was received for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan howson
Another wonderful historical novel by Ms. Sundin!!

I have loved and dearly enjoyed each novel I pick up by Ms. Sundin. Through Waters Deep is no exception! Ms. Sundin skillfully transports us back in time to Boston in 1941. If there was one thing I appreciated the most about this novel it would be the superb attention to historic detail. Whenever I began reading I lost all track of time and what was going on around me, I was totally immersed into the time period. The details Ms. Sundin includes about the navy are a testament to the thorough research she accomplished. She made everything easy to understand.

Additionally, I loved the saboteur plot! I felt like I was right alongside Mary, trying to work out the mystery myself. Those of you who know me, know how much I enjoy a good mystery and this one met my approval. Without this, the story would have lacked something. I thought it was well done and the conclusion satisfactory.

I admired the way both Jim and Mary grew over time. From beginning to end, they had changed in a positive way for the better. This book has not been a disappointment! Rather, it's another shining gem among Ms. Sundin's other novels. I'm eager to start Anchor in the Storm! If you have a propensity for World War II novels, or if you simply love a good historical read, this book is for you. :-)

I checked this book out at my local library. No review required!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
patty baldwin
Amazing. I always wait eagerly for Sarah Sundin's next book, and she hasn't disappointed me yet. I loved Jim and Mary's story. Before Pearl Harbor, America's navy was already at war, and Jim and Mary are swept into the thick of it. They're also swept together. Neither of them thinks the other is what they want, but oh boy, are they ever what each other needs. I love how Sarah Sundin writes characters so real you could swear you've met them. I loved the twists and turns in their romance and in the goings-on in the Navy Yard. It's all smooth sailing until... Well, let's just say they work hard to be together. And the payoff will leave you almost giddy. Another hit by Sarah Sundin. I'm ready for book two!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sion rodriguez y gibson
Riveting, powerful, edge-of-my-seat excitement are words I'd use to describe Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin. Mary and Jim, the main characters, work so well together. Sarah knows how to weave her characters so that they function together in the story without difficulty--no weird vibes or fake-feeling characters.

There are several secondary characters involved, but not so many that I was getting everyone confused. Each person's role in the story was specific and defined, and Sundin paid careful attention to detail.

This story is a historical fiction novel, written in the year 1941 when America was reluctantly involved in World War II. Not only is it slated as historical, it also has quite a bit of suspenseful mystery and romance coursing through its veins. The mystery left me hanging, and I wasn't able to correctly predict the "whodunit". Predictable mysteries aren't super fun, and I'm sure you'll agree with me. This one won't disappoint!

Through Waters Deep was a delightful read, and I'm looking forward to 2016 when the next novel is released. Gotta find out what happens next! This is a novel that I will definitely want to read again--it will safely reside on my Kindle shelf!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mir rubain
Saran Sundin hit another home run with her new book - Through Waters Deep. It is book one of a new series called Waves of Freedom. I have never read any books before about World War II. But after finding some books by Ms. Sundin last year, I am hooked. Through Waters Deep is a book full of intrigue, romance and historical information. The main characters are Mary and Jim. They were childhood acquaintances but met unexpectedly years later in Boston at the Navy Yard. Mary is a secretary and Jim is a naval officer. The book explores their struggles and personal journeys that they must go through in order to conquer their fears. As their friendship developed, their feelings for each other intensified. I couldn't put this book down. I loved it. I am ready for the next will be a long wait as it doesn't come out until 2016!

Another winner by Sarah Sundin!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leslie jackson
Through Waters Deep is a Christian historical WWII era romance by Sarah Sundin. It is the first book in her Waves of Freedom series.

In 1941 Massachusetts, Mary Stirling enjoys her position as Boston Navy Yard secretary – she excels at it but happily can avoid any particular attention in her role. There’s nothing she likes less than attention…

When naval officer Ensign Jim Avery comes to Boston on a new assignment, they recognize each other as childhood friends – in fact, Mary clearly remembers Jim’s infatuation with her best friend.

As their friendship and camaraderie grows, events take a darker turn – someone seems to be sabotaging the USS Atwood. Tensions are growing regarding the divided opinion on potentially entering into the new war...

This is a dangerous time on the Boston shipyards…

I have previously enjoyed Sarah Sundin’s Wings of Glory series, as they have a rich historical background with WWII. Unlike some other historical fiction romances that brush over detail of the period, Sundin makes it come alive.

They also have a strong, patriotic vibe. Moving from the Air Force to the Navy, her novel was just as fascinating and elegant. Plus, the Christian element is always refreshing when done right – meaning without a preachy aspect. There was moment in particular that gave me chills – though I won’t give the details here.

Mary and Jim are both likable characters – they have childhood traumas that shape some of their adult personality and provide depth to them. Their relationship is slow building, grounded on getting to know each other and friendship – much appreciated for a reader like me that detests insta-love scenarios!

Mixed with the budding romance is a great mystery involving the impending war. It was eye-opening to see the resistance of many of the American people – as well as realizing how the American Navy was already under attack prior to Pearl Harbor, though it is not widely known.

I found Through Waters Deep to be a satisfying story and I will happily read book two when it is released!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin is a historical fiction and romance novel about Jim Avery, a naval officer, and Mary Stirling, a Boston Navy Yard secretary. It’s 1941, and after evidence of sabotage is found on the USS Atwood, Jim and Mary go undercover to find the culprit.

I really liked the World War II theme of the book. Like Sundin’s real-life grandfather, my grandfather also served as a medic in WWII, so this story was very dear to me. The book is not only well-written and interesting, but it also provides valuable historical information. The plot’s action is exciting, and the romance story is sweet. The characters are well-rounded, and both Jim and Mary come across as very likeable. Throughout the book, Sundin maintains a nice mix of romance, mystery, and suspense.

I received a copy from Revell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sonam mishra
THROUGH WATERS DEEP was an enjoyable read. With a broad spectrum of characters, Sarah Sundin pens a World War II period piece filled with romance and intrigue.

Mary Stirling’s uncomplicated life is about to become anything but that.

Because of an incident in her past, Mary does everything she can to keep a low profile, and shies away from any kind of special attention. She loves her secretarial job at the Boston Navy Shipyard, and does a great job blending in. When she bumps into Jim Avery—an old high school friend—her life gets a little more complicated. She always thought Jim was special, but he only had eyes for her best friend, Quentessa. Mary and Jim begin to spend time together—time that allows Mary’s feelings for Jim to grow deeper. But since Jim shows no signs of interest in her beyond friendship, Mary decides to keep her feelings to herself. When it comes time for Jim to ship out, Mary is horrified to find out a saboteur has tampered with his ship. So she decides to use her position in the shipyard to do some sleuthing. Gathering evidence she feels could be useful, she goes to the FBI with her notes. Even though the FBI doesn’t think her notes can be of any use, Mary knows something isn’t right among the men who work at the shipyard. Along with Jim’s help, she is determined to find out who is at fault before someone gets killed. With the extra time spent with Jim, Mary decides she’s going to tip her hand and let him know how she really feels. When Quentessa makes a surprise appearance in Boston, and decides to claim Jim for herself, Mary once again keeps her feelings for Jim to herself.

Ensign Jim Avery has always floated through life. Not one to cause waves or make grand gestures, he lets life lead him around. When he bumps into Mary Stirling, he is reminded of the only woman he’s ever really loved—Quintessa Beaumont. Though Quintessa never gave him a second glance, his infatuation for her never diminished. Putting thoughts of his high school crush aside, Jim forges a wonderful friendship with Mary. When Jim realizes what he feels for Mary is far more than friendship, he isn’t sure how he should proceed. When he receives a kiss from Mary upon shipping out, he decides his first point of business when he returns will be to tell Mary how he really feels about her. When his tour is cut short by a saboteur’s bomb, Jim can’t wait to get home and tell Mary how he feels. Shock is what he finds when none other than Quintessa Beaumont is at Mary’s apartment when he returns home. Quintessa lavishes Jim with attention—attention he does not want. He is more certain than ever that what he feels for Mary is love, but it’s obvious to him that Mary doesn’t feel the same way because of the distance she keeps.

Mary is determined to figure out who the saboteur is, while Jim is determined to let Mary know his true feelings. But they both have to act fast before time runs out.

I really enjoyed THROUGH WATERS DEEP. Though at times I thought Mary was a bit extreme in her practices of staying out of the limelight, I still liked her unassuming personality, and Jim’s carefree persona. The many secondary characters like Arch, Lillian, Quintessa, and the shipyard personnel, added real character and diversity to the story. I’m not usually one for War era novels, but this is the second book of Ms. Sundin’s I’ve read, and will continue to look for her work in the future.

Book provided for review purposes.

Available August 2015 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Monday, August 24, 2015
Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin, © 2015
Book 1 in the Waves of Freedom Series

Espionage and unrest within, Mary Stirling begins her search for the perpetrator. As an invisible stenographer, Mary is free to roam the Boston Navy Yard unsuspected as she collects the morning reports for her boss, Barton Pennington. Mary is doing a little collecting here and there, herself. Using shorthand, she makes notes of conversations within her notebook, compiling information that would not otherwise be overheard.

Mary Stirling:
It all began to be for certain as suspicions came clear at the christening of the new destroyer, the USS Ettinger. I called to my boss that the bottle of champagne had been tampered with ~ before he took it to launch the ship and he smiled and waved me off. I went to the edge of the crowd of viewers, hoping to be swallowed up in the proceedings so as not to be noticed. Sure enough, Mr. Pennington is calling my name to come to the platform. Thankfully, hidden among those gathering, I go undetected. I do not like to be called attention to before crowds of people. Being silent in my duties is more comfortable for me!

Ensign Jim Avery:
Mary Stirling. What a surprise, the best friend of Quintessa Beaumont, the girl I have had on my mind for a long time ~ one of those memories hard to put at rest. My friend, Archer Vandenberg, and I are new to Boston, assigned to the new destroyer, USS Atwood. Mary and I were school friends back in Ohio ~ well, I was a tagalong hoping to catch Quintessa eye. There is more to Mary than I remember of the quiet girl who stayed in the background. A deepness that resonates solidness and care.

FBI Agent Sheffield:
At first I dismissed Mary Stirling as a Nancy Drew wannabe, but as reports became obvious, I thought better about negating her. Mainly, her persistence in contacting me, and the urgency of having our office within the shipyard. She wasn't far off in her speculations, in fact, she was a valuable asset to the contacts needed to apprehend the person or persons responsible for the detriment against the USS destroyers. Agent Hayes and I began following up on her right-on clues.

Historical fiction is interesting to me because the research the authors do, placing their characters within the events/happenings of the time, is so much greater than what we may have learned in school. Through Waters Deep covers March 18, 1941 to December 7, 1941, a time in history of unrest preceding the attack at Pearl Harbor. I liked the depth of the characters as they unveil who they are and who they perceive themselves to be. So much more strength than they realize until tested. Mary was my favorite as she is selfless along with being unsure, she puts others before herself. Untried, she is uncertain of where her interest lies. She is sure that she wants country honor and right to prevail.

***Thank you to author Sarah Sundin for inviting me to review the first book in her Waves of Freedom series and to Revell for sending me a review copy. This review was written in my own words. No other compensation was received.***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The first thing that sounded interesting to me about this book (compared to others the author wrote) is that the girl is a secretary. (If SS writes about a teacher next, I will be thrilled.) The Wings of the Nightingale series was about flight nurses, and while that was interesting, it wasn't exactly my thing. I prefer the home front. A Distant Melody was about a girl who didn't really have a job, and I liked that pretty well too, but as far as occupation/position in life, Mary Stirling is the one I feel I have the most in common with. I want to be a secretary as it is... but if I could jump back in time 50-100 years, well, it would be even better. The typewriters! The phones! And learning shorthand would be way cool!

Anyways. The thing that I found the most fascinating about this book, though, was the whole setting of it. It's about this time period I never thought about-- when America was basically in WWII but not 'officially', and there were all these people trying to convince everyone that we shouldn't go into the war. Since it's all history and, you know, it happened... I just don't tend to think about the fact that there was opposition. (And I've never been a war nerd.)

The interesting premise was enhanced by a thread of mystery. This pleased me exceedingly. I loved that the heroine of the novel sort of became a down-to-earth amateur detective. When I say down-to-earth, I mean that it wasn't at all cheesy. While she enjoyed Nancy Drew and Agatha Christie, her part of the story remained more realistic.

Brief detour to talk about Jim. Okay, so he was far from perfect. But I didn't expect him to be perfect, and I found he actually annoyed me a lot less than most of Sarah Sundin's male main characters. (Cough... I am supposed to be honest here.) He seemed to have a lot more sense. The others tend to make infuriating mistakes. He definitely was not without all the physical-attraction-thoughts. In fact, this time through I kept track of what I call the "Typical Dumb Guy" content. A tally mark for each time I was eww'ed by something-- and, in one case, it went so far that it deserved two. Anyway, it added up to 13. (A lot of them were very focused in certain points of the story, haha, rather than sprinkled throughout... so at least I didn't have to read them in every chapter.)

(To be fair, I also kept a Dumb-Girl-Thoughts count, too-- generally related either to detailed physical attraction or the desire for having a guy 'notice' you-- and that added up to 8. I think it might actually have been a little more than the heroines normally have.)

Anyway. As I was saying, Jim didn't make an infuriating mistake like I was expecting-- actually Mary was the one who was responsible for a large part of the misunderstandings in this, I think.

For the record, though, I still liked her. In fact she might be my favorite so far. She was definitely an introverted character, although not reserved like Mellie Blake in With Every Letter. She was more open and friendly, but she has a fear of Attention.

And Jim was definitely my favorite of the heroes... seemed the most level-headed but still interesting. And didn't think that things that weren't Decidedly Masculine were, like, beneath him.

I also really liked that the basis of their relationship was friendship for a long time. Because I think that's how the best relationships start. If you can't be really good friends with the person... well, you're going to miss out on a lot. I like it when people click, and enjoy each other's company. It just makes me happy.

I would definitely rate this as the most exciting of Sarah Sundin's novels. It's also the one I would be most likely to recommend.

Another thing I like about her books is their readability. I can just carry it around places and read it while I'm waiting for things, which I have to admit is a bit difficult to do with classics sometimes. So I got it done much more quickly.

Now, this time I kept tabs on the book as I was reading it... so if you're interested in seeing those, you can go to my Goodreads, here.

Okay, ratings... I'm going to give it 4.5 out of 5. This may surprise you after all I've said negatively about it, but all in all I really DID enjoy it a lot, and out of all her books it's the one I'm most likely to want to read again. (Which is quite convenient, since now I own it. Thanks, Revell!)

For the store, though, I'll give it five stars. Since it can go either way.

Aaaand since this review was kind of bluntly honest, I doubt I need to put any disclaimer stating that it is. Because I think you can tell. Heh, heh.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

*My Thoughts*

If I had money, I would have an auto-buy list. If I had an auto-buy list, I would have Sarah Sundin at the top of that list. Actually, even that wouldn't be enough to satisfy my "World War 2 Sarah cravings". I'm not even kidding you, she is that good. By far the best in World War 2 fiction!

I love that her books are so real. I feel like I could be Mary-1940s style dress and all. Of course, the fact that I had a hairstyle strikingly similar to hers, probably didn't help. It has all the feelings one would think they would experience during the on-coming of a war while still perfectly capturing life before it all began. You can picture the towns and places Sarah is describing-like you could be sitting in someone's kitchen listening to the radio play in the other room. You can feel the terror and confusion they all must have felt. The fierce sense of service when young men marched through to enlist. The longing the young women had to help. The characters' relationships were all very believable and there was nothing corny about any of it. I loved "watching" Jim and Mary's former friendship be re-established.

The suspense within the story was perfectly played out. It kept me guessing until the very end while not overtaking the book. It was a beautiful story from beginning to end and one I thoroughly enjoyed!

Jim's friend Arch was a side character in this book but is the main protagonist in the next story and I can't wait!! He adds humor to the story and was a lovely edition. Book 2 can't come soon enough. I hope Sarah's ready because I will be stalking her for book 3's release date before I even read book 2!



This is a perfect book for those who love history. Especially those that want more then just facts. If you're a romance lover, this book is also for you! Fantastically written to engage a large span of people, this book is perfect from young teens on up to 90 year old women looking for a good story.


*My overall thoughts*

Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin is definitely in my top favorites this year. (I've read 105 so far!) The story engaged me from the very beginning and I didn't want it to end. I was close to shedding tears when I reached the last page. Can't wait for the next one!


*My Rating*

I give Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin...

5 stars!!

*I received this book from the publisher and the author in exchange for an honest review, which I have given. All thoughts were my own and I was not compensated in any other way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mary Stirling has always been a silver girl, not bright and bubbly like her best friend, Quintessa, she enjoys the comfort and safety of being overlooked rather than singled out. But all that may just come in handy when tracking down the saboteur, who has been meddling with the ship, and stirring up trouble.

Jim Avery, never quite got over his childhood crush on Quintessa, his former best friend's girl. He certainly never thought that he'd find himslef falling for the whip smart secretary Mary Stirling, who is determined to help find out who is behind the sabotage, even though doing so may make her a target of the culprit.

Will they be able to solve the mystery, and find that maybe what both of them need is right in front of them?

Engaging from the start, Mary Stirling captured my heart and I was cheering for her from the very beginning. She's clever, yet modest, never wanting to cause prideful attention to herself. I loved how she grew throughout the course of the book and learned that fading into the shadows isn't always best.

Jim is a self proclaimed "floater" bringing people together comes easily to him, and he works hard, and sees what happens. But as his military career heats up, he begins to see that areas that he could work to improve, and that maybe floating isn't the best way to rise above the others in his unit. The youngest of a family with a long line of Navy men, Jim struggles to find his balance between civilian life and his career.

Fast paced, and well told, this story is well worth the read, and the characters are fantastic. I loved Mary's humbleness and modesty, she doesn't crave the spotlight, and works hard at her job. I just adored the sweet little Wilkins sisters that encourage Mary and pray for her. And Arch is a charming young man raised in an upper class family, but wants to find a girl that loves him for him, and not for his family name or money. A fantastic novel from beginning to end, and I can't wait to read the next in the series!

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