Afternoon Delight (Charity Case Book 2)

ByPiper Rayne

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teddy o malley
I love this book! Afternoon Delight is a second chance Love story that will pull you in from the beginning. Chelsea and Dean’s story is heartbreaking and beautiful. I love the characters and the way this book has characters from the first book and how they interact. I can’t wait for more books from this author. I recommend this book, I’m so glad I read it!
*Magic Beyond The Covers Book Blog*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tara sladky paul
Afternoon Delight is a proper title for this book as it was a total Delight to read. Not only is reading Chelsea and Dean's story a wonderful read, but it was so much fun catching up with the characters from two other series who are intertwined in some way or another, into this story. This story line, as is with all of Piper Rayne's stories, is brilliantly written, giving you so much more than just words to carry you through the story, it brings you through the life of the characters, no matter how stormy, how heartbreaking, how stressful, how angst filled, or how funny it is. The words bring the characters to life, bringing you into their inner circle, making you a part of their lives. Chelsea and Dean's story is no different. You find yourself siding with both of these characters as they try and find their way back to one another, even if at first, Chelsea wanted nothing to do with the beautiful man she was once married to. But sometimes, you can't keep the past buried completely and feelings that were once deeply buried, or have turned into anger, will not stay where you put them and you find them resurfacing and not in a way you would have wanted. First loves die hard, and true love will always find a way.

These characters are beautifully written and well defined, yet a bit complex. Dean is handsome and has grown into a new man, a wonderful man, who has changed so very much from the young man, a kid really, when he was married to Chelsea. He has changed very much and has to try and prove to Chelsea that he is a much better man today than he was when they were together the first time. Chelsea is beautiful, strong, smart and has never lost the love for her former husband. She's just kept it dormant, until Dean begins pushing his way back into her life and begins to show her just how much he has changed. But there are still some things in their past that needs to be brought out and dealt with before their Happily Ever After can actually happen. Can they move past these things or will on thing in particular be what ends them forever? All we can do is hold their hands and walk the path with them through their story.

This is a wonderful story! One that will reunite you with the characters you loved from previous series and will not only give you these two character's story, but will update you on Victoria and Reed's life and bring a bit more of Hannah's story that is to come next. I adored this story and I cannot recommend it highly enough. I hope that you will read the Bedroom Games and the Modern Love series before this one, if only to know who the other characters are that will join in on this story. It's not necessary, but it will make you enjoy this series that much more. Go ahead, click that button and get them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill jarrett

Afternoon Delight was a sexy, funny, and entertaining standalone romantic comedy in the Charity Case series, and I loved it! The storyline and characters were fantastic, and I loved Piper Rayne's writing style and sense of humor. I've really enjoyed the Charity Case series so far, and I can't wait to read the final standalone, Happy Hour!

The storyline was great for the most part. It started out a little slow and for whatever reason, it took me a while to get invested in the story, but once I did I really enjoyed it. There were a few plot twists that surprised me, but pleased me at the same time. There were also a few instances that I didn't like, but luckily it didn't diminish my enjoyment of the story that much. I know each book in the Charity Case series is only told from the heroine's point of view, but I think I would have loved Afternoon Delight even more if it had been told from both main character's perspectives. However it was still an excellent story, and I was very happy with the conclusion.

Dean and Chelsea were wonderful and I loved them a lot. I really enjoyed their personalities and red-hot chemistry together, and how their relationship progressed throughout. It was definitely a unique and interesting set of circumstances regarding their relationship, but it was very enjoyable from beginning to end. Dean and Chelsea were quite the pair, and I loved most of their banter and interactions with each other. They were nothing short of entertaining, and even though it took me a little while to warm up to them and their story, I was extremely pleased with the conclusion.

Afternoon Delight was a sexy, humorous, and interesting standalone romantic comedy in the Charity Case series, and I would highly recommend it! Piper Rayne did an amazing job with this book, and I was ecstatic with the outcome to Dean and Chelsea's story. The Charity Case series has been excellent so far, and I'm very much looking forward to reading Happy Hour!

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peggy sharp
Let me start by saying, I loved, loved, loved this book! I have been a loyal fan of this perfect partnership since the get go.  This book has got to be in the top 3 of all of their books, in my own humble opinion.

I so enjoyed the fact that every book has a fantastic vocabulary lesson! Piper Rayne has their own lexicon and I am happily learning from them. In the past it's been Unicorn Cock, Muffin Bluffin and Groin Cleavage to name a few...this book has Vag the book and you find the perfect definition for the word.

Afternoon Delight is the story of Chelsea and Dean and what a couple they are.

A youthful mistake of a marriage, a divorce shortly after and some unresolved feelings are the crux of this fantastic story!

I love how this story breaks the "fourth wall", it really draws the reader into the story.  Just a small example, which I loved, Chelsea says "...giggle number two. I'm going to count them the entire evening, so if you'd like to grab a piece of scrap paper, you'd be doing me a service." As a reader, I wanted to grab a pen and paper to help the girl out!

Chelsea and Dean's chemistry has never waned in the years that they were separated.  They have both matured and grown but the love that they had laid dormant until they saw each other again after five years.

The twist in the story is heartbreaking and moving.  You kind feel it coming in small subtle ways throughout  the story but when it's revealed...just wow...

The epilogue is absolutely amazing! I am not going to spoil it, but if you are a long time fan, you will not want to miss it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary donlon
5 STAR Review by Jodi for Ruby Red Romance Review

Thank you Piper Rayne for making this story everything I wanted and more. This book had the wit and banter we have come to know and love from these two amazing authors. Afternoon Delight is part of the Charity Case series. I have to say, I'm falling hard for these books. This story can be read as a standalone, but why would you?

Chelsea Walsh has always loved the bad boys. She's also had her fair share of heartache. After thinking she found the love of her life only to have it all end in divorce, Chelsea tries dating the right guys. Only those dates don't give her what she's looking for. A chance encounter brings Chelsea and her ex-husband Dean back together. Dean has been on the straight and narrow since Chelsea left him. Now, he wants the love of his life back.

These two have amazing chemistry. There is a reason they were meant for each other. The dynamics between Chelsea and Dean are off the charts hot. I sincerely loved the interaction between these two. Afternoon Delight is a great book and I hope you will check it out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shaniqua outlaw
The Charity Case Series is easily becoming one of my favorites. The girls are just funny and so relatable. Chelsea is probably the funniest of the crew and this is her story. A second chance love story that is ever so complicated. And Chelsea wants no part of it. Chelsea walks into the office of the tax attorney who is doing pro bono work for the charity organization she works for and who is the attorney, it's her ex-husband that she left while he was passed out one night five years ago. For Chelsea this is bad, very bad. But for Dean Bennett this is good, very, very good. Dean has been working on righting all his wrongs and wants to prove himself to Chelsea but can he break through the arctic walls she has built around her jaded heart. I loved this story of two people who loved each other so much, endure tremendous pain and then fought to overcome the obstacles in the way to their HEA. Victoria and Reed are awesome and Hannah is great. Of course there are laugh out loud moments but also some lip trembling and tears. But the ending is perfect and sets us up for Hannah's story in Happy Hour. Can't wait!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Afternoon Delight by Piper Rayne is the second book in the Charity Case series. But a complete standalone. And once again I LOVED the work these two authors do.

This is a second chance romance about Chelsea. She's trying to rebuild her life and is now looking for Mr Right, Mr Perfect. After divorcing her alcoholic husband 5 years earlier, she runs back into him. And surprise he's got his life together, and he's a lawyer.

Dean has definitely grown up and changed, but Chelsea is too scared at first to let him prove it. Dean wants Chelsea back and will prove to her he's changed.

Afternoon Delight is another fantastic read. With a storyline that is believable, and characters that draw you on and hold you captive. I'm a sucker for second chance romance and Piper Rayne gives us that, plus we get comedy, and smoking hot romance. I really enjoyed the story from the beginning, and I'm looking forward to more characters in this series.

*i voluntarily read a copy. This is my honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There’s nothing quite like a good second-chance romance and Piper Rayne really hits the spot with this one!

I can’t be the only one who fell head over heels for Dean the minute I met him, can I? Yes, he’s arrogant, impatient, dominant, and crazy optimistic, but there’s something to be said for the combination off all these things rolled into the perfect package of a man - a man who never lost sight of his goals. His path may have veered from what he thought it would be, but he still managed to get back on track.

Chelsea is amazing! I adored her from the moment we met her in Manic Monday. She’s bold, charming, unfiltered, sarcastic, and hilarious! And though she may still find Dean irresistible after all these years, she’d going to make him work for it. She won’t be easily swayed.

Witty banter, steamy moments, sweet encounters, and lots of feels round out this fantastic story. I can’t wait to spend more time with this amazing group of ladies!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steven askew
Afternoon Delight is the second book in the Charity Case series and I absolutely loved it. This is Dean and Chelsea's story and Piper Rayne gave us all the feels with this novel.
Dean was so sexy and charming and it was easy to see why Chelsea fell in love with him, and Chelsea was so feisty and carefree. Together these two had intense chemistry and you were rooting for them to get back together inspite of all that happened in the past. The secondary characters all added support and balance to the story and I loved them all.
This second chance novel was such a great read, it will have you believing in second changes. A well written story-line, great characters and a HEA ending all add up to making this a 5-star read. The books in this series just keep getting better and better and I would highly recommend this story.
**I voluntarily reviewed an early copy of this novel.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chelsea and Dean are taking off in the second book in this series ! I am loving these characters .
Chelsea has had love and lost it she thought. If you were given a second chance would you try ? Would you take it ? Well Chelsea is just running an errand for her boss dropping off legal papers when she finds herself right in the middle of her ex-husbands office.
Dean knows that his marriage to Chelsea was so right but then he ruined it . His mistakes cost him the women he loved. He has know found himself in a better place and wants a second chance . They had magic and he wants to remind her of that !
They have spark, banter, sexual energy , and oh so many memories. Chelsea is sure that a leopard does not change it's spots but Dean may be cat to show her a few new tricks!
Loved them !
~~Michele McMullen~~
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Second chances are one of my favorite genres. These ladies blew this out of the park. After a long day I quickly fell into this story. The humor and angst was just what I needed. The characters are complex and have great depth. The writing is fabulous and so easy to get lost in. The back and fourth banter had me laughing out loud and there was just the right amount of drama to make it a more complex love story. I loved how the story wasn't a quick rush at forgiveness it was more about proving your love and what you are willing to do to hold onto it. I look forward to reading more of this series and if you are looking for an old school romance I suggest you pickup a copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marie mompoint
Chelsea knows all too well the pain of divorce. She is now a frequent serial dater, but has not yet found that special spark. That is until she discovers that her ex husband Dean whom she has not seen in five years, has dropped back into her life by doing some pro bono work for her boss.

Things did not end well for them and even though Dean says he is a changed man, it will take a lot more convincing for Chelsea to ever trust him again. I loved their banter and they still clearly had an abundance of built up sexual chemistry. Their story is far from over and it was great to see how their story played out. I recieved an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story stole my heart! I loved Chelsea and Dean’s second chance. They have a history some good, some bad and it’s over! It’s been 5 years and she has been trying to to move on, but can she? While delivering a package to Mr. Bennett for work she doesn’t realize Mr. Bennett is her Mr. Bennett. This Mr. Bennett has changed and is on a mission. Feelings and heartache all come back and Chelsea soon has decisions to make. This book is a must read! It’s emotional, funny, has a couple surprises and oh so sexy! I can’t get enough of this series and am dying to read Hannah’s story next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I Voluntarily Reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book!

I absolutely love Piper Rayne! These two authors never seem to surprise me with their creative and talented work. This book was beyond a second chance love story. It was out of the box incredible. I loved Chelsea & Dean. The hardships and the broken marriage was difficult. However, their love defied odds and created a real and true balance. This book was the ultimate love story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth gallaspy
This was by far the sweetest book by Piper Rayne. Chelsea and Dean's story tugged at my heartstrings. From the very beginning I was rooting for them. As always, Piper Rayne did not disappoint. Needless to say, I am anxiously waiting for the next book.
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