Enjoy Real Success without Losing Your True Self - Produced by Faith

ByDeVon Franklin

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has been so inspirational to me. No surprise that God made me aware of this book at the exact time that I needed it. This book has changed my perspective on my life, the struggles that I have endured, and the plan for my life going forward. I now have hope where before I was overwhelmed and confused. Thank you, DeVon, for being such a strong man of God and for writing this book so that I could see clearly that God is my Director. I embrace my purpose in life. Glory be to God!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie fisher
This book literally moved me to tears. I purchased the book a year ago but never got around to reading it. I now know that timing is everything and that I was supposed to read it NOW, at this exact moment in my life. This book spoke directly to me and has really helped me turn a major corner. It's been a LONG time since I've ever read a book and wanted to read it again immediately. I have been telling everyone about this book. This book WILL change your life if you are open to receiving the many messages. Great read! A MUST HAVE in your library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris pippin
This book is very inspirational! It will give you clarification on how God works and give you hope for your future. It will make you think about life and the path you are on. It will make you understand how important it is to make God the center of your life and provide personal examples of how God will bless you for your obedience. Don't think twice about getting this book. I saw him on Oprah's Lifeclass for a personal interview and I ordered the book in the middle of the interview!!! It was that powerful!! PLEASE GET THIS BOOK!!!!! Be Blessed!!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is well written. It uses imagery effectively. Well thought through and has left strong pictures in my mind that I now use as strong life lessons. I especially liked the chapter on edits...where he tells us that God will use every event in our life, cut, edit and bring it all together to make a beautiful picture. Effective use of imagery. Powerful use of words.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy packard
Produced by Faith: Enjoy Real Success without Losing Your True Self: It is the most Inspirational book out there I have read in a while. Matter of fact, I read it twice in one week! The book has enlightened me about believing in my Faith and trusting that God is the oxygen of our souls! Believe in God and everything else will fall into place. Like Devon said. "If I Embrace who I am, it will open doors not shut them.If your Faith won't fit through the door that opens, then i argue do not walk through that door." Truly Inspired!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I gave this book to someone going through struggles, and I hope that it will help them to understand that in the moment we don't see the full picture . . . only God does! The challenges we face today only strengthen us for what we will face tomorrow. DeVon presents this in a beautifully, well written way to make it easy to understand!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richa kaul
This book will help you in moving forward with fulfilling God' purpose in your life. Devon breaks down the steps in your process. He helps you understand each step to get you Green-lighted

Once you realize your purpose, this books helps you to follow thru .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica kwasniak
A life without risk, danger, sudden turns, tears and laughter is as boring as a movie without them. DeVon reminds us that God is the Director of our lives, and if we cooperate and trust him, or life will become an awesome Epic. Very encouraging!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess summers
Excellent! Definitely a book for a young person beginning a career search (or someone starting over)and feel as if God is not moving quickly enough. It also helps you to understand that whatever you go through in life is not wasted time if you are trusting in God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily bartlett
This is a wonderful nonfiction story! Reading about the struggles one must go through to reach one's goals in the entertainment world was not only enlightening, but inspirational. The reason I believe the story is inspirational has to do with faith. Telling someone that you have faith in God is one thing, but the author takes the time to share his experience and explain how God and faith helped him get through the many obstacles and setbacks; that not only encouraged me in my journey, but can apply to anyone as they pursue their goals. BR
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
DeVon Franklin is an inspiration to people looking not only to balance Faith and career but to make Faith an asset. I really enjoyed the parallels between movie making and life but mostly how he recommends staying true to your core beliefs and calling within the framework of your profession.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am on my second read through & have recommended it to many-

This book gave me a strong sense of self; I read it just before an important interview and was hired on the spot!
It's a blueprint for life, not just the workplace.

DeVon's writing style is like a good conversation; inspiring, interesting, and fun when appropriate.

His personal examples of success empower the reader to risk boldly-
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
synthia pullum
This book is a blessing. I'm enjoying this book. Such a great reference for seeking the career you want without compromising your faith. Enlightening advice on how to put god in your career search. So glad I finally purchased this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Before DeVon Franklin was even done with his Oprah interview, I ordered the book! It has truly been a blessing. I havent finished reading, it but just within the first three chapters there is so much knowledge to be gained...super excited about all that is in store for this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathleen papi baker
Before DeVon Franklin was even done with his Oprah interview, I ordered the book! It has truly been a blessing. I havent finished reading, it but just within the first three chapters there is so much knowledge to be gained...super excited about all that is in store for this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel sharpe
This is an astounding work. No matter your age or current situation, it is an encouraging and sobering look at life. A "must read" for every high school and college student; an opportunity for a second look at your life for everyone else.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
prabhakar pundir
DeVon has raised the bar by combining his faith with his occupation showing all of us how
to remain true to our beliefs while working in a secular world. His rags to riches story is
truly inspirational to those in pursuit of careers in the entertainment industry. This book is
a must read for those who lack professional degrees or crediable work experience in the
field of entertainment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eve bender
Produced by Faith truly fed my inner/spiritual man as well as my outer/natural man. He provides a great example of what it means to follow one's passion, operate in integrity, and maintain resiliency through life's challenges. Produced by Faith is not only his story, but a guide book for anyone in any realm of influence, not just Hollywood, whose goal is to live an uncompromising value-driven life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris wells
Excellent guide for establishing principles to lead productive and purpose-filled lives. I love how he infused success with faith. I finished the read in three days, oozing with excitement and feeling reinvigorated to stay the course and push further. Highly recommend this book to anyone looking to regain any motivation or momentum they felt they lost along the way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
girts solis
As a "newbie" into the entertainment industry, I found this book to be inspiring and an excellent guideline to preserving faith and gaining success. I plan to use these principles in my life's journey and to serve God throughout my career. "Produced By Faith" was easy to read and provided amazing parallels of the entertainment (film) industry and life.

I definitely recommend this book! Happy Reading :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david weber
My Faith is so much stronger. I have been Spiritually lifted. This book came right on time for me because I am in the process of starting my career again. After being laid-off of working 30 years. So reading this book is showing me how to put God first and have Faith that he will see me through it. The book is so good I am reading it a second time. Thank You De Von!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very rarely does a book come along that can truly help give you direction for your life. The last book I read that seemed to do this was The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. Today I can add another book to the list of such greats. Produced By Faith: Enjoying Real Success Without Losing Your True Self by DeVon Franklin is a guide for living your life fully without compartmentalizing or compromising any aspect of yourself.

Produced By Faith parallels the steps of producing a film with the reader's life. It is divided into two sections, development and production. At first glance the table of contents seems impersonal: What's the Big Idea, Selling It, Writing the Script, Getting Notes, Development Hell, God's Budget and Production Schedule, It's All About Casting, and God's Green Light. However, these chapters do more than just tell you what goes into producing a movie. They guide you through the most important production you will ever be involved in, your life.

Produced By Faith is a very personal book that encourages the reader to review how they have been doing life. It gives practical steps to help you through the process. At the end of each chapter there is a list of questions that everyone should ask themselves at some point in their career; Making this more than just another stagnant book that goes on the shelf after its read. It has somewhat of a workbook or reference book quality, with a very conversational style. There is also a transparent quality to this book, because of the personal accounts of Mr. Franklin's experience that have been weaved throughout. He gives insight into his journey from intern to Vice President at Sony Pictures.

This book comes from a faith based perspective, but it is also a practical guide for those who may not be believers; going as far as to say it is a good beginner's manual for someone interested in producing alone. This is a book that should be handed out at airports, train stations, and bus stations to every bright eyed and bushy tailed artist coming to make it in Hollywood. At the same time it is a great read everyone, in any line of work, can enjoy and implement. When you finish reading this book you will have a renewed faith; faith in God, faith in yourself, and faith in the unlimited possibilities for your life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is well written. It is filled with practical illustrations of the power of faith in your career and it is based on sound biblical truths. Regardless of where you are in your career, this book will help you embrace your faith and allow God to work through you as you go to the next level!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura krische
Excellent book!! I was truly blessed and inspired. I love the way the movie industry was intertwined with scripture. Recommend for all ages. Keep up the good work and continue to fight the good fight of faith.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book - I recommend it to every young person starting college or as a senior in high school. I think it will give you that extra push you may need to move forward and to not lose your faith along the way. You can make it and while claiming you believe in Christ!
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