How God Speaks Directly to You Through the Power of Coincidence

BySquire D. Rushnell

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jo ie
This author has published several books about God Winking - his term for "coincidences" that end up to be super occurrences with such outcomes that they can NOT be just coincidences! Read one or more of his books and discover the serendipity events that he writes about. They are all amazing and well worth the reading. Our church's prayer group took one book per one semester and continued it for 2-3 semesters of get-togethers. We had very good discussions and were all amazed at the variety of stories and the end results of each! Fascinating!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another one that displays how God can speak directly to you. Message in every coincidence. These books of which there are many are filled with many factual stories in which God seems to be directing. You will not be disappointed!
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desiree koh
God Winks is an encouraging, entertaing read. I used it as a light devotional. Its full of stories of unbelievable happenings that the author calls, God winks-as only God could set these things up. Would like to read his other books.
21 Essential Strategies to Sleep Your Way to A Better Body :: Restore Me (Shatter Me Book 4) :: A Clockwork Fairytale (Fantasy Romance) :: The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place - The Mysterious Howling :: When the Power is Gone: A Powerless World - Book 1
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
salaeha shariff
I chose 5 stars because the book was difficult to put down. it held my attention to the very end, and left me wanting...longing for more. A very uplifting book even though I already knew the premise! I not only knew it, but fully believed it to be true.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this book. Very uplifting, encouraging and filled with true stories that can give hope to anyone. I liked it so much I send it to my daughter who called me in tears because it touched her. I highly recommend this book. For ANYONE.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael sturgis
This was a fantastic book. It explains how the coincidences in our lives might actually be "Godwinks". This means that God is affirming the path we are on in our life. It is like when Grandma used to wink at you to let you know you would be okay. God is always present in our lives. So, we need to be watching for those Godwinks. It is a very uplifting book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lord humungus
This book was an OUTSTANDING read! The compilation of real stories is so encouraging. It is one of those books you don't want to stop reading, so you read small bits at a time to make it last longer! This is a must read and would make a great gift for friends and family. If you aren't a believer in God's hand in your life...or in God at all for that matter - this one will really make you think twice. It's not a religious "corny" book - its real stories, about real people and their very real "God wink" experiences!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely love the synchronicity of events. Many people explain these as "coincidental," but if they would look beyond the surface and see the full scope of things, it's impossible to miss the WINK. I have experienced God Winks within my own life, and one of the most significant involves my mother as she grew older. She determined it was time for her to enter a nursing home, but she had one request - that we find one with a private room for her. My sister and I gathered information on the local facilities, and she started making the calls. She dialed and was connected to a "wrong number" that didn't even resemble what she dialed. It was a nursing home we didn't even have on our list, didn't even know it existed, and YES! They had a private room that had become available that morning. As we prepared mom to move, there was absolutely no doubts about this place. WHO dials the phone, gets a random number, and finds exactly what they were searching for - unless God had a hand in the whole thing!
This book is filled with similar stories and may help the reader to identify God Winks they have experienced.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is very special showing how God works quietly in unusual co-incidents that are called GOD-Winks!
Many such unusual events show up by this author Squire Rushnell!
Could not put it down, because I now know the co-incidents in my life were GOD-Winks!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this earlier work of Rushnell's. It covers the topic of love with the premise that we all have a perfect mate. The stories told are uplifting and prove his points as he discusses the various topics on love. Highly recommend this to believers and non who will become believers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great reminder of all the seemingly little coincidences in our lives are actually answered prayers. Great stories shared about how the pieces fit together in ways we could have never imagined or orchestrated. Must read for all who believe that all things are possible with a little Help from God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
There are those times when think it was maxing how things worked out a certain way. Coincidental? No! Things don't just happen. There is a Divine Power orchestrating. When we are amazed at how circumstances happen a certain way, causing a given outcome, that is when's GOD WINKS.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
corie gagne
This is a book that everyone should read. I found it delightful and insightful. Upon rethinking things I truly believe that God has winked at me many times in my life. It is a small book and is easily read. I would recommend it to all, as a matter of fact I have already recommended it to many people.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
At first hearing when a friend loaned me this book, I thought "more cornball" stuff about religion. I had never heard that term "winks" before. Today, some talk is to treat God as an old myth, done still by 'some primitive people who still alive, believe'. A cute attitude to bear with; they will all soon be dead. But this book turned out to be different. The stories come from real people, some of whom probably did not realize God was involved in the events, until later. I enjoyed best, the real, often amazing, stories. The author embellishments gave me added thoughts about the author, himself, and how he, despite a busy life in the midst of a busy plentiful life in a materialistic profession, continued to recognize God's work around him. (?)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When God Winks at you: I really enjoyed this one. I think that God was telling me to read this one. I had never read any of Squire Rushnell. Now I will read some more of his books Really worth reading
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam owens
The individual true stories in here would give comfort and reassurance that God does indeed connect with us and guides us on a daily basis. It is a book that could be read over and over just pick the most relevant or your favorite story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie arnold
This was a book club selection for a spiritual club I belong too. So happy some suggested it. The stories were very heartwarming. I read his other book and it was good but not as enjoyable for me as this one.
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marline martin
Highly recommend....I don't much believe in're in a hurry, late for work or an appointment and you wonder why you got caught by a traffic light......this book may just explain that for you.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kailey miller
I wish more people could relate to these experiences a little more. It would be nicer to have some scripture back up some of the stories in this book.

So, if you read it, just don't let it take root as God's Truth in your heart. Search the Scriptures and know that these stories are just some people's experiences. Know that it doesn't necessarily mean that it will happen to you. Walk by FAITH!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dora kessler
One example of a Bible quote taken out of context that actually means the reverse of what the author intended is found in chapter 1. Deuteronomy 7:6 is not about God choosing you unless you are Jewish (Hebrew). The entire chapter 7 is devoted only to the "chosen people" of the old testament, the Jews, enforcing their religion and killing and/or chasing all others away and taking over the infidels property! BTW I am a Christian. Quotes about inclusion of all people have to come from the new testament because Jesus was the first to include all!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed reading this book on how God Winks on Love. It really blessed me to hear how God divinely orchestrated these meetings between two people who fell in love. The book inspired me and I know God has the right person out there for me too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathleen paquette
Thanks, Mr. Bushnell . Don't remember getting this book, but it was a God Wink for me. I recommend this book to anyone feeling a little lost. Make the list he described. It's an eye-opener for the heart.
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