A Light on the Hill (Cities of Refuge Book #1)

ByConnilyn Cossette

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
auntie m
This review originally appeared on mlsgregg.com.

Then the Lord spoke to Joshua, “Tell the Israelites: Select your cities of refuge, as I instructed you through Moses, so that a person who kills someone unintentionally or accidentally may flee there. These will be your refuge from the avenger of blood. When someone flees to one of these cities, stands at the entrance of the city gate, and states his case before[a] the elders of that city, they are to bring him into the city and give him a place to live among them. And if the avenger of blood pursues him, they must not hand the one who committed manslaughter over to him, for he killed his neighbor accidentally and did not hate him beforehand. He is to stay in that city until he stands trial before the assembly and until the death of the high priest serving at that time. Then the one who committed manslaughter may return home to his own city from which he fled.”

– Joshua 20:1-6 (CSB)

I like stories that make me think. A Light on the Hill, by Connilyn Cossette, is one such story. Set just prior to the death of Joshua, when the Conquest of the Promised Land was still happening, Cossette tells the story of Moriyah, a woman who experienced great trauma as a captive in the city of Jericho. (Note: The opening chapters contain bits that allude to a previous novel, Wings of the Wind, but it not necessary to have read that in order to follow the plot). This trauma has resulted in what we would recognize today as PTSD; Moriyah has flashbacks, triggered by certain sounds and smells, and does her best to keep out of everyone’s way.

Moriyah’s life begins to spin out of control one night when she dares to take part in a festival at Shiloh. All of the women present are veiled (a key part of her story), which empowers her bold act of joining in a dance. She catches the eye of a soldier named Darek. The attraction is mutual, though Moriyah has just learned that her father has arranged a marriage for her.

To our eyes, an arranged marriage seems horrific, but women did have some agency. Moriyah knows that she could object and that her father wouldn’t make her go through with it. Due to her time in Jericho, however, she believes that it’s best for her to, essentially, take what she can get. She knows that her father is seeking to protect and provide for her out of true kindness. Despite a (chaste) evening spent with this soldier, she chooses to square her shoulders and attempt to get the best out of the situation.

Then two boys die.

She is forced to run.

A Light on the Hill has all the elements of a conventional, gentle romance, but it’s so much more than that. I kept turning the pages because the story was so fascinating to me. Cossette obviously put a lot of time and effort into researching source material, both the Scriptures and scholarly tomes. The reader genuinely feels transported to another time and place, rich with foreign sounds and customs. It was especially interesting to me to learn that the language barrier between the Israelites and Canaanites was not insurmountable, an element that is integral to a good third of the novel.

This book occupies that wonderful space that all good historical novels fall into: a great story and the reader learns something. While the ending isn’t exactly a surprise, I didn’t mind that at all because I had such a good time getting there. Definitely recommend this one, particularly for fans of Mesu Andrews and Francine Rivers.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alice lowry
"A Light on the Hill" is biblical fiction with romance and suspense. This novel was set 7 years after "Wings of the Wind" and followed what happens to Moriyah, a character from that story. The Israelites have taken much of Canaan and the first cities of refuge have been established. Moriyah has isolated herself out of shame for the brand on her face and feels no one can see past the rumors to see and love her. After an accident results in the deaths of the twin 13-year-old sons of a man who might have married her, Moriyah flees into a hostile land in disguise as she tries to survive until she can reach a city of refuge.

Moriyah was often guided by her emotions. For example, when a faithful friend was injured, she didn't want to leave him in someone's care even though doing so would be the one chance for everyone to survive. However, she started hearing God's guiding voice again and decided to follow His instructions and laws, no matter the cost. She falls in love with someone who helps her as he admires her courage and can see both her inner and outer beauty. They agonize that, no matter what happens, they could never marry. (After building these obstacles up so high, I would have liked it if the author had taken a little more time to resolve them rather than basically dismissing them at the very end.)

Overall, I enjoyed the story, but the characters did some things that I don't think would have been allowed in that culture. For example, Moriyah's Egyptian father married a woman from Judah but was given some land in Ephraim for a special reason. Then a man from Naphtali was told he'd inherit this land when her father died if he would marry Moriyah. The Bible makes a strong point that the land should remain with (owned by someone of) the tribe that inherited that territory, so I can't imagine the elders allowing this. Also, since her potential husband will live on and eventually inherit land several days journey away, this isn't a very desirable deal for him (though they act like it is). I can't understand why the author didn't just make the man from Ephraim! I had similar doubts about several aspects of the trial and what happened after it. Unfortunately, I found this distracting from the good insights (mercy, atonement) which the author brought out. There was no bad language or sex scenes. Overall, I'd recommend this exciting novel.

I received a free ebook review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erika cooperman
This story is a heart-throbbing, pulse-pounding and faith-intensive tale. It centers on the book of Joshua when the Israelites were setting up cities of refuge in the land God gave to them. The main purpose of cities of refuge were for people to flee to if they accidently killed someone. It is where they would have to live out their lives until the current high priest died or they themselves died. If they left that city at any time, an avenger was free to take the offender’s life.
There are several reasons I loved this book. One, the time was kept by the Hebrew calendar, helping keep readers’ minds in that time. Two, readers will get a flavor for what other nations in the land were doing or how they looked upon the Israelites. Three, the constant tension of never knowing if the main character fleeing to a refuge city was going to arrive before being killed.
Moriyah had been branded before the walls of Jericho were brought down, so if people saw the brand they jumped to conclusions. Some of the taunts and ways people treated her, whether real or perceived by her, were so hurtful she placed herself in isolation in her home. She cared for her father and neighbors through her cooking abilities. Her father arranged a marriage, but it wasn’t to the man Moriyah thought, which caused the heart of this reader to wonder if her desire to marry would become a reality.
Moriyah built a wall around her heart that even kept her from hearing Yahweh’s voice, so she thought He left her too. Now, she needs men who are willing to help her flee to a city of refuge before the man bent on taking her life captures her. The man helping her to arrive safely is closely related to the man seeking revenge, and somewhere along the way a romance that Moriyah knows can never be begins to grow.
What a fantastic story that captures the heart of readers and challenges us all to let the wall of separation between us and Yahweh down and listen for His voice. Can we trust Him to know what is best for us and help us walk through the time even if it isn’t what we thought life would look like as Moriyah learned?
I can’t wait until the next book is released as this biblical story, while written fictionally, is beyond exceptional! It helps people to see that He is faithful and truly brings about the best for us and others even when we don’t see the “how”. Don’t wait another minute to enjoy this novel!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I only recently read Connilyn’s debut novel, Counted With the Stars, and was blown away by her writing style, intricate plot twists, and enthralling descriptions. I promptly listened to her next two books on Audible and began reading her fourth book, A Light on the Hill. It’s an absolute masterpiece.
I began reading this book aloud to my eighty-eight-year-old mother while visiting her for her birthday. She was hooked by the Prologue, and asked me to read every spare moment we had. We finished Chapter 20 the day before I had to leave, and she made me promise to send the book to her the DAY it released! She couldn’t wait to read the ending!
Connilyn’s ability to consistently surprise us with plot turns, creating fascinating characters and drawing us into the emotion and setting of a scene, is beyond anything I’ve read. Her depth of research is evident by the fine-tuned detail of her breath-taking descriptions.
In A Light on the Hill, you’ll find characters and a story of Israel’s early days in the Promised Land that will reach into your heart and warm you to the core. I have now read EVERY book by this author and will read every one hereafter. I’ve found a solid researcher and writer, who handles God’s Word with care, and weaves a story I can’t put down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina priest
I do believe that Connilyn Cossette holds the market on Bible Fiction. Her attention to detail is just amazing. I really enjoy the idea of the what it must have been like during that period in time. I honestly never really enjoyed Bible Fiction until reading her books. Her newest one "A Light on the Hill" book 1 from the "Cities of Refuge"is so good!

I am currently studying about the Israelite's & their journey to Canaan. It is interesting to see the way things could have been. This particular story follows Moriyah. Her face has been branded with the mark of the Canaanite god's. It is a reminder of her time in captivity. She always hide behind a veil because of the shame & also the judgement.

She never thought that marriage would be a possibility, until her father finds a widower who needs a woman in the home to help raise his two sons. Moriyah can only hope that she can charm them with her homemaking skills. But things don't go as she dreamed & she must flee for her life. This is a story of a woman's inner strength...The strength that come from the Lord.

I received this book from Bethany House to review for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A few Biblical Romance authors are worth reading. A Light on a Hill by Connilyn Cossette is definitely a keeper. It is a page turner. From the beginning, Moriyah's story grabs you and you find yourself rooting for her to find compassion, courage, and love. You pray that someone appreciates her and sees the real person before the abuse and scarring affected her.

When she meets a man who seems to be attracted to her even though he hasn't seen her except through a veil, you suspect as she does that maybe this is the man with whom her father has arranged a marriage match.

You feel Moriyah's disappointment when things are not what they seem and then react in horror to the innocent mistake that ends in tragedy.

Mostly, you root for her as she struggles to get to safety in a city of refuge protected by faithful men of her father and surprisingly by the brother of her accuser. Darek has every right to execute her but he finds himself drawn to the genuine caring woman Moriyah is.

Finally, for those who appreciate it, the aspects of faith and how it drives the characters is compelling especially when Moriyah feels and responds to the promptings from Yahweh. For those who understand and believe, the descriptions by the author are accurate and enthralling.

I give this 5 stars for your keeper shelf and for purpose of disclosure; I received this book from netgalley for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
austin allen
I fell in love with Cossette's writing while reading her Out from Egypt series. This new series, Cities of Refuge, spins off with a character introduced in her previous series, Moriyah.
"If there's one thing I've learned in my life, it's that one can either endure hardship or thrive within it."
Cossette weaves rich historical detail and picturesque descriptions that cause readers to feel a part of the story. Add Cossette's engaging and captivating characters, and she delivers a poignant read. Moriyah, the heroine, is a strong, courageous, brave young woman despite or maybe because of her scars. Cossette beautifully incorporates a romantic aspect to the story having Moriyah blessed with one who sees beyond her scars to who God has made and transformed her to be.

Cossette weaves such encouragement and biblical truth throughout the book that both challenges and encourages.
"How many times had I ignored the stirring to quit hiding inside my home? To deliver meals to those who could not fend for themselves, who were grieving - suffering? How many times had I turned my face away in the market, fearful of censure by others, instead of offering a smile or a kind word? How many times had I silently railed against Adonai for allowing Mishabel to destroy my face, blaming Him for human evil? It was I who had blocked out the words of Yahweh, not Yahweh who had gone silent."
Cossette's focus on the cities of refuge in this series is sure to be a powerful reminder and confirmation of God's grace and mercy even to the seemingly worst among us; and a reminder that there is a divine purpose for all our scars. Cossette's writing makes it easy to realize that the Ultimate refuge for us all is God Himself.
"But somehow instead of feeling trapped, I welcomed the high walls as protection from Yahweh. When I'd been offered such extravagant mercy, how could I see such boundaries as anything but loving-kindness?"
A Light On The Hill is a rich story that will captivate you from the first page to the last...a pointer to God's sovereignty and transforming power.

*I was provided a complimentary copy of the book. All opinions stated here are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you love Biblical fiction and you haven’t discovered Connilyn Cossette, you’re missing out big time! Having thoroughly wowed me with her Out of Egypt series, she’s taken things one step further with this new series with a story that feels like a whole new genre: Biblical romantic suspense! Not only has she breathed life into a little known aspect of Ancient Israel’s society, but she’s told a captivating romantic suspense story at the same time, as Moriyah travels on foot across a partially conquered Canaan, trying to outpace and avoid the avenger of blood as she makes her way to a city of refuge.

The instruction to set up cities of refuge—cities where a person who has accidentally killed someone may seek refuge from the avenger of blood—is given in Numbers 35, but beyond knowing they existed, I hadn’t really given them much thought. Until now. Through this story, I discovered what a beautiful foreshadowing they are of the refuge we find in Christ. They also highlight the way in which God’s mercy and justice are in constant tension in this life.

As for the characters themselves, we met Moriyah in Wings of the Wind, and although you don’t need to read that story prior to this one, you will know the full story behind the mark that brands her face if you have read it. I loved the integrity of the hero in this story and his capacity to love Moriyah, and I absolutely adored the romantic tension between him and Moriyah throughout the story. If that sounds vague, it’s for a reason—I loved the surprises in the way the story unfolded, particularly in the beginning, which sets up the romantic tension between Moriyah and the hero.

If you enjoy Biblical fiction, historical fiction, romantic suspense, or even just a great story, make sure you acquaint yourself with Connilyn Cossette’s books!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. This has not influenced the content of my review, which is my honest and unbiased opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dani guerrato
For some reason, Biblical fiction is not my go-to genre. But, since giving her first a try, I can’t read one of Connilyn Cosette’s books without fangirling. I know I need to put everything on hold because I’ll be useless until I finish them.

Moriyah has been branded by shame, and in protection of her family’s honour, and her pride, she’s hidden inside her home for seven years. Still, as anyone, she has dreams, for her land, her family and her future. Dreams which include finding someone who can see beyond the mark and truly love her. She believes this might come true when her father announces he has found a man willing to marry her; soon, though, even this possibility is shattered when she finds out he is actually looking forward to the promise of her land despite a marred wife. In obedience to her father, Moriyah complies to his plans and works to be a dutiful wife, even if this shall prove to be more hurtful than she ever imagined. However, after a grotesque incident, Moriyah is forced to flee to a city of refuge, in a journey full of frustration, confusion, and fear.

The plot was exquisitely done and the characters easily charmed there way around my heart. The law was explained in such humbling way, showing the appalling consequences of sin and its rightful condemnation, while still highlighting that merciful justice exists, even for the worst of sinners. And, truth be told, these sinners are us, who forget the law, ignore Yahweh’s voice and dive into a pool of self-pity and pride. But oh the overflowing joy when we receive favor, undeserved and unmerited, only by grace.

During her flight, Moriyah will be forced to go through enemy territory, face lions and bandits, as well as trust one set out to kill her. Nevertheless, she might just learn what it means to be sought after and loved, even when our hearts have turned away from truth and holiness, and that there is no way to love anything more than the One who showed us the greatest kindness, who uses our ashes and scars to serve others and bring healing rather than being an evidence of indignity. If we only open our eyes to see and our hearts to receive this unconditional love we will discover there is no limitation if we have faith.

I’m very much looking forward to the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arda alkk sk gen
From the first word that I read from Connilyn Cossette, I knew that this was an author I needed to watch. Her new Cities of Refuge series starts off with A Light on the Hill, and I was not disappointed!
This book kept me up at night. Literally. I could not put it down, as one trial after another fell into Moriyah’s path. I had already come to love this character when she made her debut in Wings of the Wind, and I loved her even more in this book. Her struggle with her disfigurement is heart-rending, and the healing she experiences is so poignant, it made me think of my own less-seen scars and the goodness of God to heal those.
The romance in this book, as usual, is so good! I really wasn’t sure how she would pull it off, but she did it so well. Each character, each scene, is so multi-layered and colorful, I felt as if I was walking through the lands of Israel and Canaan with them.
It was fascinating, seeing the history of this time period. I knew quite a bit about it already, but Connilyn made it come alive.
Listening to God’s voice, trusting Him with our lives, with ourselves, is a huge theme of this book. Connilyn handles it so well, and it will be a theme that will linger in my heart and thoughts for some time.
In summary, if you’ve read any of Connilyn’s books before, you’ll love A Light on the Hill. If you love fiction set during the times of the Bible, you’ll love Connilyn’s books. If you like to read and enjoy quality fiction, you need to read A Light on the Hill!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A beautiful and inspiring story, Light on a Hill by Connilyn Cossette is an excellent start to a new series and will be sure to capture the heart of all biblical fiction fans! Cossette is an excellent storyteller, bringing to life stirring and enchanting stories from the bible. This story strongly focuses on having the faith to accept the purpose and importance of God’s plan and self-worth. Once readers pick up this book, they will absolutely not want to put down Cossette’s stunning tale until they turn they reach the last page. Even then they will want more! Readers that adore biblical fiction will be sure to fall in love with this author and her stories.

Series: Light of Refuge
Genre: historical, biblical fiction, Christian
Publisher: Bethany House
Publication date: February 6, 2018
Number of pages: 352

Other books in the series:
2-Shelter of the Most High (October 2018)
3-Until the Mountains Fall (July 2019)

A review copy of this book was provided by the publisher via the author’s launch team. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
am so thankful Connilyn Cossette is not hiding her talent underneath a bushel and instead sharing her gift of writing with readers.

Her fourth novel, A Light on the Hill, is the beginning of a new series: Cities of Refuge. A deviation from her prior series that became quickly apparent in this novel is an increased focused on Fictional characters rather than a retelling a portion of the Bible. Fans of Biblical Fiction do not despair! Connilyn has taken Joshua 20 and the description of cities of refuge along with historical details and woven a lovely tale that takes readers back to 1399 BC Israel.

Moriyah's story is packed with both heart and action. I was a bit surprised (and pleased) by the amount of action that occurred in the pages of A Light on the Hill.

I have a guess on who will be the focus for the second book of the series. I hope I'm right! In any event, I eagerly anticipate the next in this new series.

My gratitude to publisher Bethany House for a complimentary copy of A Light on the Hill. I was not required to post a review and the opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
afnan noor
Following her stellar Out of Egypt series,
author Connilyn Cossette brings her fans an exciting new Biblical saga.
Seven years after her captivity in Jericho, Moriyah is still searching for peace
and hiding her facial scar behind a veil.
This mark is a constant and disgraceful reminder
that she's been branded by the Canaanite gods.
Readers are first introduced to Moriyah as a secondary character
in Wings of the Wind (Out of Egypt Book 3) and I was thrilled her story continues
in A Light on the Hill (Cities of Refuge Book 1).
She's been content to live in her widowed father's house
cooking delectable meals for him and their few close friends.
Upon her father's announcement he's arranged a marriage for her to a widower with twin sons;
she's uncertain how this man will accept her,
but she's determined to honor her father and wed.
When the meeting goes dreadfully wrong,
Moriyah flees for her life to a city of refuge accompanied by her father's faithful servant,
and Derek (the younger brother of her decided husband), intent on seeking justice.
Over the course of their journey, Derek and Moriyah develop feelings for one another...
and so goes the story.
Ms. Cossette does a brilliant job of creating tension between the duo.
Both Derek and Moriyah have feelings of guilt about their attraction to one another.
Derek sees past Moriyah's blemish.
"So much is concealed behind this marred skin. Such life.
Such beauty, hidden in plain sight. (Cossette, 159).
He also helps Moriyah realize she's been living in a prison of her own making.
From page one, Moriah's story captivated me.
The author does an exceptional job of maintaining a balance of sympathizing with her,
but also causing her to grow and come to terms with her imperfections.

~~ A Light on the Hill was provided to me by Bethany House and author Connilyn Cossette in return for my honest opinion. I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone. ~~
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen rosati
This book takes placed right after the birth of Israel and during the wars for possession of the land by the Hebrews. Moriyah, at age 13, was captured by the Midianites during a war and taken to Jericho where she was turned over to the Temple priestess and branded as a prostitute. After rescue and before she could be used as a prositute., she returned to her home where she kept her face covered in order to hide the shame of her branding. It is now 7 years later, and Moriyah's dad has arranged for her marriage.

This book is full of action from start to finish. Cossette is a new-to-me author, and she is definitely a wonderful storyteller. Her Biblical research is evident throughout the story as well as her attention to detail, and I learned so much about the cities of refuge. Her descriptions of the land and the people brought me right into the setting. The main characters, Moriyah and Darek, both learned to rely on Yahweh and listen to his prompting. Moriyah grew more confident and self-assured even though she reels from the horrible accident that she was part of. Darek was a strong, independent, caring young man. His caring and understanding of Moriyah made a huge difference in how she felt about herself.
This was a book that when I finished I wished I could pick up the next in the series right then and there.

Definitely recommend to readers of Biblical historical fiction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edward gero
Every book in this series has gotten better than the one before. I really enjoyed Moriyah's story. I love how her inner beauty was more visible than her outer beauty, and her character made her outer beauty that much more appealing.

It was a treat being on the run with Moriyah and the fast paced adventure that tooks us throughtout the Promised land. If Darek were my mapmaker & bodyguard, I'd be all set to go.

I was to be introduced to new characters, but still get some scoop about the other characters I also loved.

My only negative was a small portion of the story was too farfetched. I have grown accustomed to Cossette using biblical accounts and hust unraveling them to make them feel as if I'm there. Moriyahs encounter with someone of power & that part of the story was a bit too much in my opinion. I still enjoyed the read tremendously that wasnt enough to deter me from loving this book.

I look forward to the next book in the series. My official rating is a 4.9...lol

I was given a free copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Connilyn Cossette became one of my favorite authors when I read her first book, Counted With the Stars two years ago. Her research and knowledge of the culture, and her skill at weaving that into her story is now much anticipated with each new story; she does not disappoint in A Light on the Hill.

There is such depth and so many layers to this story, I’m not even sure where to begin… Moriyah has hidden behind a secret from her past—and I think that’s true for so many of us. Her journey to freedom is not easy, and I felt her struggle every step of the way. I felt, nay, I know, her resistance to letting others in, letting others love her.
I must confess that any time I’ve ever read the Old Testament, I never picked up on the Levitical cities of refuge. Ms. Cossette brings to life an invaluable analogy of God’s care and provision for us. Moriyah’s very flight to safety was fraught with danger; so, too, sometimes is our way to the arms of God.
That God used the very thing that scarred her to bring her to the city of refuge is also very true of His touch on our lives. As the song says, nothing is wasted.

Ms. Cossette tells Moriyah’s story so beautifully, her fears real and tangible, her will to survive curious to her. The love story mingled in with the history and the terror of their journey brought tears to my eyes more than once. And always, always, God’s heart and His redemptive power.

#Blogwords, Tuesday Reviews-Day, #TRD, New Release Event, A Light on the Hill, Connilyn Cossette, Cities of Refuge
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nour a rahman
This is an exceptional novel. I have read a couple of Connilyn Cossette's novels before, but this one so far is my favorite. This was nicely researched, the characters are alive on the pages, and the story overall will have you on with your finger ready to turn the page to see what will happen next. This book took me completely by surprise. I didn't want to put it down. I really loved Moriyah because despite all of her circumstances she never let anything break her. She was a very brave character. I also greatly enjoyed the character of Darek because he believes in justice, and does not judge harshly on others.
The author vividly describes everything so you can see everything with ease as you read. It more so played out like a movie in my mind while I read it was that vivid. There is a great message of salvation within this book's pages, and I think a lot of biblical fiction readers will greatly enjoy this one.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my unbiased review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff patterson
This is the 4th of Connilyn Cossette's books that I've read, and every time I have found myself immediately drawn into the characters' stories and unable to put the book down (as evidenced by the fact that I read this book in just a little over a day). The only problem I had with the end of the Out of Egypt series was that I wanted to know more of Moriyah's story... and lo and behold, here we have it!
I absolutely loved this book and the messages of redemption and finding beauty in the ashes. I highly recommend this book and can't wait to read the next one!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
judy gordon
Another captivating Biblical fiction from Connilyn Cossette!
This is the story of Moriyah. She's had such a hard life already. Her face was branded by a heathen temple priestess, and now she forever bears the scars.
A terrible accident causes her to flee for her life, and she is forced to go to a city of refuge. What a story!
I really liked the way the author tied in the Biblical details and wove it all together seamlessly to create a masterpiece.
Full of twists and turns, this story is sure to not only entertain, but also inspire.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher, all opinions shared here are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once again, Connilyn Cossette has guided me along a journey thru the Old Testament in a fresh, fascinating way. A Light on the Hill is a story about false assumptions, honesty, adventure and pure love. The highlights in my book are witnesses to the descriptive words and phrases that Connilyn Cossette uses to urge readers to picture, hear, feel and smell the story. Above all, the loving kindness of God shines brightly thru the characters as they discover more about him in their own lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cheryl myers
This book kept my interest from start to finish. I loved Moriyah and understood why she kept herself hidden for those many years. It would be horrible to think that you accidentally murdered someone. It was fascinating to read about some of the customs that were in effect during this time period. Loved this story. I received a copy of this book from Bethany House for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cynthia erickson
I loved this book and getting to know the characters. This is my first read from this author, she is so talented. I would of given a 5 but for the blood and gore . I understand why the gory parts it's just it's personal to me. This was a lovely biblical story I know it is fiction but it follows the bible and the times then. I recommend the book and the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bianca cujba
I really enjoyed this book along the way, she encounters many dangers but learns to rely on Yahweh and listen to His prompting. Her experiences cause her to rethink how she's hidden herself away. I loved how Moriyah grew stronger spiritually and emotionally as the story progressed along. Once again, Connilyn Cossette takes a difficult time in Old Testament history and makes it relatable.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kimberly martin
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. Here is my honest review.

I do not typically read Biblical historical fiction so this was a new venture for me. I am so thankful for the publisher sending me a copy to review. I've only read one other book in this genre so I wasn't really sure what to expect. While I think I am fairly well-versed in the Bible, particularly well-known history, I do not consider myself to be advanced in Biblical knowledge so I always hesitate to know if the book stays true to history.

What I really enjoyed about Moriyah's story is that she is a fictional character set during the time after Joshua has led God's people into Canaan as they begin to settle the lands that they have conquered. I was able to enjoy the characters and immerse myself in the daily living on the period which brings a whole new element to my understanding of that time when I actually go back and read the Bible.

I also thought Moriyah was endearing as a character. She has certainly faced hardship and judgment which has further led her to close herself off from being an active part of society. I could relate to how the fear of what people are saying about you can hinder our relationships, with God and each other. Seeing the journey that Moriyah took to accept circumstances that were beyond her control and reach out to boldly grasp a future for herself was inspiring.

This is the first book in the Cities of Refuge series published by Bethany House. Goodreads shows that the second book in the series is expected to be published sometime in 2018. I am interested to see the next installment and read further works by Connilyn Cossette.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashley ong
Cossette has an extraordinary way of bringing Canaan 1406 BC to life. She paints a vivid canvas of the people, places and landscapes. A Light on the Hill is the second book I've read by Cossette. I enjoyed the plot twist, romance and adventures in this novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I do believe that Connilyn Cossette holds the market on Bible Fiction. Her attention to detail is just amazing. I really enjoy the idea of the what it must have been like during that period in time. I honestly never really enjoyed Bible Fiction until reading her books. Her newest one "A Light on the Hill" book 1 from the "Cities of Refuge"is so good!

I am currently studying about the Israelite's & their journey to Canaan. It is interesting to see the way things could have been. This particular story follows Moriyah. Her face has been branded with the mark of the Canaanite god's. It is a reminder of her time in captivity. She always hide behind a veil because of the shame & also the judgement.

She never thought that marriage would be a possibility, until her father finds a widower who needs a woman in the home to help raise his two sons. Moriyah can only hope that she can charm them with her homemaking skills. But things don't go as she dreamed & she must flee for her life. This is a story of a woman's inner strength...The strength that come from the Lord.

I received this book from Bethany House to review for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story was amazing. I adored this author's previous series, and have been eagerly awaiting this book. It did not disappoint. What a wonderful story! The characters were both amazing and believable. I was so happy to hear of old friends!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have absolutely loved the previous series and was so excited for this one! When reading I feel like I have travelled back into some of the most important events that happened in the Old Testament! Can’t wait for the next book to come out! Great author! Love how her writing style flows and pulls in the reader!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed learning more about the cities of refuge and the part of the law that protected those who accidentally killed people. Interesting! The book was a little harder to get into, but it is well written and well researched!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew warren
The 'Out From Egypt' series was my first introduction to Mrs. Cossette and Biblical fiction. I was hesitant to read them since it's not my preferred genre, but after hearing numerous accolades about them I decided to give them a try and I'm SOOOOOO glad I did. Mrs. Cossette's writing is fantastic! She seamlessly weaves her storytelling and research together that it's as if you are fleeing with Moriyah and can taste, feel, and see everything in this new and strange land that the Children of Israel are living in and still conquering. And if you think Biblical romance doesn't pack the same punch as contemporary you obviously haven't met Darek....**sigh**... I highly recommend this book to anyone wants to be captivated by a truly riveting story that leads to the ultimate Refuge in our Savior.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a fascinating theme for me, the thought that God would allow cities of refuge for people who have been accused of murder and need a fair trial. I had previously known of this concept in the Bible, but I have never red a fiction story where an author attempted to include it. I enjoyed reading a new plot! I hope that Cossette will continue this theme in her future fiction stories.

The idea sparked ideas of what grace and mercy really are. The main character is harshly accused of murder and the relative is demanding her life. She did the act and therefor, is literally a "murderer" but the intention was not to harm the victims, it was accidental. The thoughts stirred questions of forgiveness and a remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice for our sins.

I would recommend this book to a friend. I was given a copy for my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly johnson
I received this book in exchange for my honest review... here goes...

WOW! What a great read! Each chapter left me wondering, "What will happen next?" or "This is how society used to be thousands of years ago?!?" Both things are not easy to accomplish with me since I am an avid read of history and mystery novels. That being said, the plot was well written, and expertly executed. 

The characterization in this novel is actually dynamic.  The characters all have motives (good or bad) for the things they are doing and it is not easy to side completely with one character or another, because they all have faults, flaws and foibles.  Still, the characters are endearing and I am curious to find out what will become of some of them if the author continues the series. 

The setting of the novel is in ancient Israel, just after the death of Moses and the rise of the Joshua and then the Judges.  While other authors who have tried to write about this era come off as preachy or religious, Connilyn Cossette expertly sets her characters in a fully fleshed ancient world. 

All in all a lovely read! 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caroline byrne
Ok, ladies, if you love historical biblical books, this is a must read. Connilyn Cossette expertly weaves in history from the bible along with the lives of Moriyah and her family and the people she lives with. This is really one book that I will be re reading, it is so good and captivating. Moriyah's life is full of fear and self doubt. But how she overcomes those are truly fascinating and will hold you captive. I learned a lot about how I am to approach our God on High. I have seen the maps in my bible about cities of Refuge, but not really known about them. This book will explain so much about them. I really appreciated the map in the front and in the back and the questions for conversations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rafael liz rraga
No where in Scripture are there stories of those who utilized the cities of refuge we read about in the law of Moses. This is the story of one such woman, who found refuge in one such city, and ultimately, the Lord himself. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and couldn't believe how quickly I blazed through it's pages. Life felt breathed into the Old Testament law through this story in a fresh way for me. I'm grateful for the way Connilyn Cossete uses her imagination to make Scripture feel accessible and relevant, as she tells stories based on what we find in Scripture. A for me. 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marie palmer
How many hidden and untold stories are between the pages of the Bible stories? How many beautiful lives that never got the spotlight, only seen as one collective people, actually have their own unrevealed narrative? There must be thousands, maybe even millions. In this story, Biblical fiction writer Connilyn Cossette tells us Moriyah’s tale. She brings to life the account that could have been, one that is surly similar to many true narratives. Biblical fiction brings out in us a desire to truly know the backstory of the stories we have read and heard hundreds of times. It sparks our interest in the Bible in a new and different way. It makes us think that maybe we aren’t too different than those who were present for some of the biggest events in history, and surly the biggest in our faith’s history.
One of the greatest things reading this novel did in me was crave the Bible in a way I never had before. As a result of reading this book, I also went through Joshua. In between the pages of Connilyn’s first book in her “Cities of Refuge” series, I felt a spark of interest in the old testament that I had never experienced before. I love how detailed her historical research was. Every reference made me crave to learn exactly where I could find more about it in the Word. You will not regret digging into this story of love, loss, and redemption. You will no doubt relate to Moriyah’s battle with feeling as if God has walked away from her because of the events in her life, as well as her struggle against guilt and longing for love and true acceptance. It is ultimately a story of the Father’s redemption that will bring out in you so many different and even foreign emotions. For any lover of historical, biblical, or romance fiction, this book is for you. For any lover of the Bible stories, the Israelites rich history, or the old testament, this is for you. This book truly has it all and I can’t think of a person who would not eat away at every single word. I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers for the purpose of this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is simply amazing. It's Biblical fiction at it's best. The story of Moriyah is heartwrenching and beautiful. There is never a dull moment as this book grabs you from page 1.

It is told in first person and she tells her own tale and her feelings as she experiences things she never expected and has never dealt with. Her faith through all of it is powerful and deep.

As I read this book, I felt as though I was truly experiencing everything right along with her.

You will love this book. I couldn't put it down, couldn't wait to see what happened next, and at the same time, didn't want it to end.

I received a copy of this book from the author. All thoughts all my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the prologue of this first book in Connilyn Cossette's new series "Cities of Refuge"I was totally enthralled. I felt every emotion of the main character, Moriyah. The pace of the story was steadily moving and kept me eagerly wanting to continue reading to know "what's next?".
Marked for life presenting her as someone she never was, Moriyah faces false accusations, hate that was undeserved, then fleeing for her life to finally experience the sweet triumph of mercy and grace. In all of her trials God provided faithful friends and family, safety and in the end the "A Light on the Hill" where truth prevailed.
I was encouraged as the author made very clear that circumstances are never too difficult for God to solve or His love to win.
I have read all of Connilyn's books and each one has been exceptional! I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher and all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
veronika brantova
I fell in love with Cossette's first trilogy, Out of Egypt. I love reading about descriptive details that are in the Bible. Cossette gives me more insight on how one of the people from the Old Testament lived, allowing me more depth to knowing what goes on inside those pages that we only read about, but never got to experience.

Cities of Refuge book 1, I'd been itching to read since I found out that it was going to be up for sale soon. Once I started, I couldn't stop. Moryiah's character depicted courageous personality when it came to finding out just how much our scars tell a story, regardless of both good and bad. I didn't want it to end. Already I'm thirsting for Book 2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Moriyah is young women who was branded on the face as a zonah (whore) at the age of 13 when captured in the city of Jericho. When Jericho fell her family fled to Shiloh. 7 years later she bears the scar with shame. Her father wants her to settle down and marry so he betrothed her to a man from the tribe of Neftali. Moriyah is also an excellent cook. Cooking was her passion. In the beginning, she is a shy girl and hesitant of anyone knowing about her mark. I really felt for her - because none of it was her fault, even though she felt that it was.

One night there is a festival of Tu B'Av for maiden's to celebrate their last nights as a free woman. During the festival, the women are to be veiled. Ora, Moriyah's best friend persuades her to go. Speaking of Ora- I just loved her! I laughed when said she was old - and she is only in her mid 30's. She was a lively woman and always looked forward to her parts in the book.
During the festival, Moriyah meets a man named Darek. They immediately form a connection. I liked Darek from the start and was rooting for the two right from the start! However, Moriyah never showed her mark to him and she is afraid of what he will think if he ever sees her mark.
Shortly after the festival, Moriyah meets her betrothed and his two twin boys. After a horrendous meeting, Moriyah needs to flee to a city of refuge. She flees with her entrusted friend Yuval and two other men.
This was probably one of the top books that I have read this year! Connilyn did an incredible job with this story- as she always does!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brenda keith
This was another wonderful book from Connilyn Cossette! Her stories have a way of bringing long ago times to life, and giving us a glimpse at what things may have been like back then. I love the way it also brings details of Biblical times to light that I might have normally overlooked. And was this book ever action packed! The story took many surprising turns, and had me staying up late trying to finish reading it. I would highly recommend this book to anyone!

I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers for my honest review. The opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
betsy brooks
This is the 4th of Connilyn Cossette's books that I've read, and every time I have found myself immediately drawn into the characters' stories and unable to put the book down (as evidenced by the fact that I read this book in just a little over a day). The only problem I had with the end of the Out of Egypt series was that I wanted to know more of Moriyah's story... and lo and behold, here we have it!
I absolutely loved this book and the messages of redemption and finding beauty in the ashes. I highly recommend this book and can't wait to read the next one!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another captivating Biblical fiction from Connilyn Cossette!
This is the story of Moriyah. She's had such a hard life already. Her face was branded by a heathen temple priestess, and now she forever bears the scars.
A terrible accident causes her to flee for her life, and she is forced to go to a city of refuge. What a story!
I really liked the way the author tied in the Biblical details and wove it all together seamlessly to create a masterpiece.
Full of twists and turns, this story is sure to not only entertain, but also inspire.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher, all opinions shared here are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joan lee
Wow. From the opening salvo, to the satisfying conclusion, Connily
Cossette kept my full attention in her newest book, "A Light on the Hill, (Cities of Refuge, Book 1)". I tried to speed-read through a few lengthy descriptions of food preparation or scenery and found that I had missed important action! I deduced that this is one author where every word counts and skimming is not advised!
This book does draw on characters from the author's previously written series, but can be read and understood without having read the others. However, once you have met the characters, you may find a burning desire to go find the earlier books! The characters are very real and not larger-than-life depictions with which it would be hard to relate. The emotions and actions are those of all mankind in similar situations.
The biblical setting of the settling of the Promised Land and the victories and defeats that made up this pilgrimage, are a fresh way of looking at how life may have been in that transitory time. While some tribes were settled, and the land was divided, it was not all freed from heathen groups and God still was driving out the armies of the enemies. The Cities of Refuge were an important insight into the mind and ways of God.
The concept of Mercy is deeply explored: as it was understood in that time frame (especially in the laws of the Cities of Refuge), as we extend it to others, and as we stand and look at our own sin and guilt, and then receive Mercy from He Who is the Giver of all good things. Without being preachy, or including long theological discussions, the heart and mind are encouraged to reflect on the work of Mercy in our own lives.
I enjoyed the way the main character, Moriyah, grows in her relationship with God as she struggles to make sense of the troubles God had allowed in her life. At first, we find her hiding from life and allowing shame and pride to keep her sequestered from her people at large. As events spin out of her control, she is forced to plumb the depths of her heart and finds there the strength and the desire to engage in life freely as she had in her youth. As she is forced to rise to each occasion, she finds that her strength comes from the Lord, and the tight control she had tried to keep on life was only an illusion; God is in control, always.
With the clean romance, fast action, and happy ending, I would like to recommend this book to a large audience. However, there is some violence and tasteful reference to the vile practices of those who worship false gods, so I'm going to suggest this book might be best for those 18 and older.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh, my goodness! Where do I begin with this story?

Connilyn Cossette is an author I watch new releases for. Each story grows on the next and the world just blossom.

A Light on a Hill is the first of this new series, Cities of Refuge. It is a bit of spin off from her previous series, but still stands alone. If you haven't read any of the previous books, it's ok, but, you will want to read her other books.

This story follows Moriyah. She is a young woman who has a very nerve racking experience as a teenager. The experienced changed her and made her want to be reclusive, however, her father wants her to be looked after. She wants to be an obidiant daughter, but with her life, she is hesitant. You can feel what she feels as you read this story. There is so much newness she has to go through. In all of it, her faith grows and her passion for those she cares about remains strong. Following Moriyah through it all was a great journey.

With the incidences that occur in this story, it kept me on the edge of my seat. Following Moriyah through these new lands of Israel was very interesting. We know about the walls of Jericho that fell down, but what happened after that? Connilyn Cossette took the information that the Bible provided and the research she did shines through. Her characters jump off the page. You want to route for certain ones, and then hope for others to do something else.

The character introduced into this story were great! It offered new eyes to known Biblical stories.

I honestly can't wait for the next book in this series to come out! If you are a fan of Biblical fiction, this is a book you can't miss.

On a side note, I bought, in addition to the review copy I was given, the audio book. The narrator was phenomenal and kept the story moving with a wonderful reading.

Thank you to the Author, I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An absolutely fantastic read! I have read all of Cossette's books, and I adore the way she brings the characters to life on the page. Her dynamic voice, gripping plot twists, and SIMMERING ROMANTIC TENSION are just a few of the reasons why I'll return to this author again and again. She's breathed new life into biblical fiction and I'm totally and completely hooked on her stories!
I know I shouldn't have favorites, but A Light on the Hill kept me awake many a night. It's a truly brilliant read. I loved it, and I know you will love it, too. I HIGHLY recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan l
Once again, Connilyn Cossette has guided me along a journey thru the Old Testament in a fresh, fascinating way. A Light on the Hill is a story about false assumptions, honesty, adventure and pure love. The highlights in my book are witnesses to the descriptive words and phrases that Connilyn Cossette uses to urge readers to picture, hear, feel and smell the story. Above all, the loving kindness of God shines brightly thru the characters as they discover more about him in their own lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ana clara
I became a huge, forever fan of Connilyn Cossette when I discovered (and subsequently devoured) her "Out From Egypt" series. So needless to say, I didn't hesitate to snag a copy of A Light On the Hill. Also needless to say, it was SO GOOD. From the fast-paced plot, to the wonderfully authentic characters, to shedding light on Cities of Refuge and their purpose in the Old Testament...the whole book was incredible, from start to finish. I loved every word.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just couldn't put this story down! Connilyn Cossette writes some of the best inspirational biblical fiction that I have ever read. I absolutely loved her "Out from Egypt" books, so I am ecstatic that she is writing a new series!

Page by page, Connilyn Cossette weaves Moriyah's story of trauma, shame, guilt, and fears into a beautiful narrative that makes you feel as if you are transported right into the middle of the book. Moriyah becomes your closest friend. The characters in the story are so personable and real that I could see them in my mind's eye.

Every one of Connilyn Cossette's books will do more than take you on a journey. Her books blossom in me a joy and wonder for the Creator's unending and unfailing love. The history, geography, and culture of the Old Testament comes alive in every story she tells. "A Light on the Hill" will transport you to another time and place…you won't want it to end!

*I received an advance copy from the publisher; the opinions in this review are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
doc kinne
This book kept my interest from start to finish. I loved Moriyah and understood why she kept herself hidden for those many years. It would be horrible to think that you accidentally murdered someone. It was fascinating to read about some of the customs that were in effect during this time period. Loved this story. I received a copy of this book from Bethany House for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacob mcconnell
Such an amazing book! I’ve never read anything by this author prior to this, and I was not prepared for how engrossing he storyline would be. It seems to be historically and biblically accurate, and I enjoyed all the cultural details. This is the story of Moriyah, a young Hebrew girl bearing a shameful scar and fleeing for her life after a horrifying mistake. Reaching a city of refuge before her accusers is her only hope for survival. I couldn’t put it down! Can’t wait for book two in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
asif chaudhari
I loved this book and getting to know the characters. This is my first read from this author, she is so talented. I would of given a 5 but for the blood and gore . I understand why the gory parts it's just it's personal to me. This was a lovely biblical story I know it is fiction but it follows the bible and the times then. I recommend the book and the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed this book along the way, she encounters many dangers but learns to rely on Yahweh and listen to His prompting. Her experiences cause her to rethink how she's hidden herself away. I loved how Moriyah grew stronger spiritually and emotionally as the story progressed along. Once again, Connilyn Cossette takes a difficult time in Old Testament history and makes it relatable.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
alex mclean
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. Here is my honest review.

I do not typically read Biblical historical fiction so this was a new venture for me. I am so thankful for the publisher sending me a copy to review. I've only read one other book in this genre so I wasn't really sure what to expect. While I think I am fairly well-versed in the Bible, particularly well-known history, I do not consider myself to be advanced in Biblical knowledge so I always hesitate to know if the book stays true to history.

What I really enjoyed about Moriyah's story is that she is a fictional character set during the time after Joshua has led God's people into Canaan as they begin to settle the lands that they have conquered. I was able to enjoy the characters and immerse myself in the daily living on the period which brings a whole new element to my understanding of that time when I actually go back and read the Bible.

I also thought Moriyah was endearing as a character. She has certainly faced hardship and judgment which has further led her to close herself off from being an active part of society. I could relate to how the fear of what people are saying about you can hinder our relationships, with God and each other. Seeing the journey that Moriyah took to accept circumstances that were beyond her control and reach out to boldly grasp a future for herself was inspiring.

This is the first book in the Cities of Refuge series published by Bethany House. Goodreads shows that the second book in the series is expected to be published sometime in 2018. I am interested to see the next installment and read further works by Connilyn Cossette.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barry cohen
Tragedy and things that happen in response to tragedy. Do we shut ourselves off or move on? Or perhaps both? A wonderful read with lots of intrigue, truth, love, family, and lots of hope filled with God’s Light throughout! I could not put this book down and cannot wait to share it with family and friends!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
isaac bridges
I just finished Connilyn's first book of her "Cities of Refuge" series and I have to say that I am hooked! Being a lover of Jesus and the Old and New Testaments, this book enhanced those loves. God's mercy and forgiveness is a thread through this story and additionally, the transforming of a heart that's only possible with God. As the writer weaves in the truth of the "cities of refuge" from the OT into the story, it's a clear reminder of how Christ provides safety for all who come to Him for refuge from sin and its punishment.

Read it, it's a beautiful story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marilia francezi
Cossette has an extraordinary way of bringing Canaan 1406 BC to life. She paints a vivid canvas of the people, places and landscapes. A Light on the Hill is the second book I've read by Cossette. I enjoyed the plot twist, romance and adventures in this novel.
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