Everyone Poops (My Body Science) by Taro Gomi (1993-03-01)

ByTaro Gomi

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
elaine kern
This book shows how everyone poops. It does a pretty good job of explaining that. The only complaint that I have is some of the pictures of the kid or baby pooping are a little awkward. I guess they could of been a little more tasteful is what I'm trying to say.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jimmy ross
This was my granddaughter's 2nd favorite potty training book. (Her favorite, as well as mine, was Where's the Poop? I reviewed it on the store also.) This book wasn't humorous to her but was to me because of the subject & the pictures. Children love animals which are dominant in this book. It has lots of bright pictures with few words. My granddaughter enjoyed trying to guess which poop belonged to which animal at the front & back of the book. One part of the book only shows the end of several animals standing in front of their poop. She liked saying which animal each was. This book is instrumental in helping the child psychologically prepare for the difficult task of only going in a toilet after being trained for his or her whole life to go in diapers. I would call it a very well done science book that is enjoyable to children from ages one through preschool. It's a keeper.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alfredo olguin
This book is great for kids, especially in this "politically correct" world we are in!! This book helps kids to see "all" people as equals, no matter how famous, because "everyone poops"!! Takes the snobbery right out of those who elevate themselves.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is interesting and informative, especially for kids learning to use the toilet. It was recommended by a friend, who said that her grandchildren really enjoyed the book, and that it made the whole process easier.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Obviously not a "training" book, per se, but I had to have it. I mean, hilarious. And all the animals are making a squinty face because they're pooping. My 17 month old may not totally get this one, but he's interested and likes it and brings it to me to read, and I get a kick out of it, and that's all that matters sometimes right?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My girlfriend, who is a daycare teacher, suggested to buy this book to support potty training of my toddler. OMG, it's hysterical. Every page contains a graphic picture of some creature pooping and explaining that every animal produces different type of poop and they do it in different places in a different way. It's so funny. In fact all the pictures reminded me South Park cartoons. You know, those are pretty graphic. The difference is only that there are no verbal profanity there. Kane/Miller is a genius :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris wood
This book is great for children that are learning to go to the bathroom and beyond. It literally shows what poop looks like when animals and people poop. From elephants to mice...birds, one hump camel and a two hump camel. Children are very fascinated at the illustrations and how accurate they are. From the first to the last page this book is very good. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bought this book when my daughter was being potty trained and held in her poop for days. I now read it to my 1.5 year old and she likes it too. Funny book, and very useful to show a toddler that everyone poops!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam carter
Bought the first one of these when my granddaughter was getting potty trained. She loved it and occassionally still reads it when she stays at Grandpa's house. This purchase was a gift for a friend when he got his first grandson. They love it too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bradley aaron
This book is awesome. I remember as a teen walking into a store with my Mom, and reading this book. We laughed so hard, our stomachs hurt. So of course, when I saw it here, I had to get it. Because any good Mother would get this book for her kids :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this book for my great granddaughter who is ready for potty training. Twenty five years ago, someone had given one to my granddaughter and I loved it. It was a humorous approach to a serious task. Great book, and funny.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book. Shows how different animals and humans poop. Not 'graphic' (it's illustrated), but does show different animals and different shaped and sized poop (i.e. "elephants make big poops and a mouse makes a small poop")and even a dad and a toddler boy on the potty, but that's also how the kids learn, by watching us and their siblings on the potty. Love the end ..it says something like everyone eats so everyone poops. It really is just that simple. One of my favorite potty books so far.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin hicks
My youngest son is autistic. He was fighting doing a number two on the toilet until he was nearly 5 years old. Over Christmas break my wife and I employed every strategy and tactic known to get him pooping on the toilet. No diaper, no pants, no clothes, positive reinforcement, practice sittings, bribery, we got books, wrote our own narrative, it was two weeks of warfare. He was going three to four days holding it, enduring stomach cramps, sneaking off to poop in his pants, waiting until the absolute last second to finally sit on the potty. When this book came he wanted me to read it to him about 5 times in a row. He started memorizing the pages and something finally clicked. He overcame his fear. Now he is a literal pooping machine. If you have a child who is struggling with pooping, this book needs to be in your plans. Get this book!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sean sheridan
We bought this during the potty training period for our two sons. Unlike most books that are dipped in PC language and child psychology, this book cuts right to the chase. The father smokes a pipe. The baby has his legs splayed right open. And there's poop. Lots of it.

This is high comedy for young boys. I'm not sure if there's much long-term education value but our kids liked the book and it made them laugh.

I'd have given it four stars if the book had offered a conclusion that either (1) left my kids with a message or (2) provided me with a better springboard to discuss potty training.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gus dahlberg
Upon buying this book, I had thought that only humans and some dogs pooped. However, Taro Gomi explained through ways that no other author could how not only do we as people poop, but literally EVERYONE poops (e.g. snakes, rabbits, small Asian children, etc.). All of my poop-based questions have been answered, and I couldn't be happier! A timeless classic that I could read over and over again. I'm really excited for part 2 to come out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I saw the recommendation when I googled "potty training boys". My friend has a boy that was coming up on 3 years old but didn't have any interest in the potty.
I bought this book for her and a DVD "Elmo's potty time".
My friend told me that within a week, her son was going "potty" - and by himself.
She was very thankful to me for getting her the book and DVD.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
georgina morrissey
Love this book! Helped our son finally get motivated to poop on the potty. Best part has been listening to grandpa read it with enthusiasm when his grandson eagerly brought it to him for a bedtime story. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A hilarious book showing many kinds of animals, their poop, and describing where and how they poop (e.g. while walking). Also reviewed are the ways a baby poops in a diaper, small child in a potty, and older children and adults on a toilet. Hysterical graphics such as rear view of child sitting on toilet with the poop in midair, which we see between the gap in his buttock cheeks. Other scenes demonstrate how the toilet is flushed and the poop is washed down the pipes.

Illustrations are cartoon like. This was originally published in Japan and therefore the human characters are all Asian. How lucky for us English-speaking parents to have this translated version!

The goal of this book is to review with the child the progression of moving from diapers to toilets. It is a funny way to talk about poop with the child. Every child who has seen our book laughs out loud. Many adults who have seen our book think it is so funny. The exception is my husband who thinks this is just gross. If you need to interject some humor in the toilet learning process, read this to your child!

Update December 2008: I'm surprised that I had said my husband thought the book was gross. He went on to like it, laugh at it, and to really like the book. By the time we were reading the book to our second child, my husband loved the book. We now buy this book for gifts for toddlers who are approaching the toilet training time.

Also Note: Toilet training is not always easy. No picture book can train your child to use the toilet! But a book can be a gateway for discussion between parent and child, and it can (depending on the book) add an element of laughter, which can be good medicine to what can sometimes be a stressful time for parent and child alike, especially for kids who are really anxious and scared about toilet training.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very cute & funny book‼️ Have given this book to a number of people to help their little ones to start "pooping" in the potty & not in their pants‼️? It's a hard book to find in the stores, so I go to the store...I find it each time‼️
Please RateEveryone Poops (My Body Science) by Taro Gomi (1993-03-01)
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