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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
khairunnisa nakathorige
Emma Scott has yet AGAIN totally captured my heart and mind with her incredible writing, and pulled me into a book so completely that my world ceased to exist during the time it took me to finish.

That is not hyperbole.

In Harmony tells the story of Willow, a teenage girl carrying the weight of a traumatic experience, unable to trust in the people around her. Her parents don't notice her pain, and in fact, they castigate her for it. She is increasingly withdrawn, and doesn't think that she'll ever feel whole again.


Like the blurb states, the characters' lives and issues sort of echo those of Hamlet and Ophelia. But not in an over-the-top obvious way. Because of what they're going through in their lives, the play gives them an outlet for their separate pain, and gives a voice to their shared emotions.

The way that Emma Scott wove the story of Hamlet and Ophelia together with the story of Willow and Isaac was brilliant. Her prose, at times, read more like poetry, which complemented the Hamlet subtext perfectly.

In a time of #MeToo, Scott tackles huge and important issues with intelligence and realism, while deftly managing to escape the "After School Special" vibe.

And with everything that these characters have gone through, and with every way that life has tried to dim their lights, Scott has managed to bring them back to full flame in a way that you feel the brightness and warmth yourself.

LOVED every word.

She meets Isaac at school, and they both audition for--and get roles in-- the town theatre's production of Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Issac carries his own burdens, and feels similarly isolated in his existence. Although Issac's problems are different than Willow's, he too is just getting by and waiting for his chance to escape.

As their friendship love develops while working on a play together, they begin to break down each other's walls and build each other back up in the most beautiful way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike may
31 Show more
Review 5.5 stars

Oh my heart. ??? I just finished reading, and I'm a mess as per usual at the end of an Emma Scott book. This writer—this magician of words—took one of Shakespeare's most famous plays, acted it out on black and white pages, and made it resonate with me in a way no live performance or Hollywood adaptation ever has. Isaac and Willow are just as riveting onstage as off. The way their tragic (but hopeful) love story mirrors their small-town production of Hamlet is nothing short of genius. They bring it to life in such a personal way, my stomach twisted from both fear and anticipation every time they stepped onstage (or onpage, for that matter). The cast of characters is, without a doubt, my favorite from any book I've read in a really long time—especially Bonnie (who reminded me of a laidback Patty Chase) and her daughter, BFF Angie (who *cough* needs her own starring role). "This above all: to thine own self be true." Well, thine own self has one heck of a book hangover and shall go forth and drinketh a glass of wine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trista winnie fraser

Reading this book is like having someone grabbing your heart, squeeze it, turn it and pull it off of your chest! All the feelings, all the emotions come to this! Heartbreaking in the best way! One if the most beautiful love stories I have ever read.

Since the prologue until the epilogue, your attention is fully grabbed, that in no way you can put this book down. The characters, the plot, everything is so well developed, so enthralling, that you will literally cry when you see the last page. It happens to the best, don't worry ;)

I love to read a book where people feel real. Real problems, troubles, emotions, consequences... this one has it all! Then, you have the place, you literally can feel it, smell it, hear it! Every sense in your body is full activated by this author words.

Emma Scott, you are with no doubt one of my unicorns! Stay true to yourself because you are one of the best storytellers of the world!

* Read and Reviewed for The Bookery Review *
Grays Anatomy :: Gray's Anatomy by Henry and H.V. Carter Gray Published by Barnes & Noble Books 15th (fifteenth) edition (1995) Leather Bound :: Gray's Anatomy :: Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical, 1901 Edition :: More Than Words: A Love Story
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tal ater
In Harmony was such a sweet and beautifully tragic story of young love. Both Willow and Isaac have been hurt in the past. Willow was taken advantage of. She is damaged and her heart and soul left marked by a tragic event that has changed who she is. Her parents give her everything, but don’t clue into her hurt and leave her feeling alone. When they move from New York to Harmony she can finally breath again, and feels like this a new beginning. Isaac is shunned by his peers and the judgmental town that cannot see past his alcoholic father and see who Isaac really is. He chooses to find his voice on stage and learns to feel through other people’s words. He is so sweet, protective and loyal and lives for the day that he can leave Harmony and all the ugly memories. Willow and Isaac are drawn to one another and start to give each other hope that they can have a future together. Their relationship plays out like a tragic love story. Loved this!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Squeezing the last few droplets of power from my kindle I finished In Harmony a minute ago. My body confused from the rollercoaster of emotions rushing through my body, my heart hurting and overjoyed, and my head spinning with all the words of praise I want to rain down on Ms. Scott.

Two teenagers meet on the stage acting out Hamlet. They are both broken but through rehersals and centuries old words spoken as present thruth they start to heal each other. However life imitates art as their reality is blown to pieces by their past.

This book, this humble piece of art, is a stroke of pure genius. Forget all the emotions (every emotion known to humans) and forget the way Emma Scott excel at building characters you can't help but love. The idea and the excellent execution of this idea takes this author to new and higher hights. The repect and the love towards the ancient words of Shakespeare shine through every page.

You leave me speechless, short of breath. You leave me heartbroken but healed.

I bow to you Ms. Scott.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With every book Emma Scott composes, she reaches a new level of brilliance. No two books are the predictable happily ever afters. However, you are guaranteed beauty within her pages, without fail. Triumph over defeat. Power in the uprising and strength amongst those that feel the weakest. Her characters fight for the lives they want, even in the face of tragedy and heartbreak. No, especially in the face of the direst of circumstances. Willow is her bravest heroine yet and Isaac, though tried and tested, ever so valiant and her champion. And yet, as strong as they are in the storm of their worlds, they are merely surviving. Just getting by to carry on. That is where the best characters in this book come along. For Willow and Isaac were made whole by Angie, Marty, Bonnie and Benny. It is those that lift you up when you are at your lowest that help set you free. In Harmony was without a doubt a resurrection of the human spirit and I won’t soon forget it. Emma Scott, you move me. I’ll never doubt.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bob peake
When you power is stripped, your innocence destroyed, your soul stripped and your flame is dimmed is there a way back to living, trusting and loving? Can you allow people to be close to you again? Can you speak the words to describe what happened to you? Can you utter #metoo ?

In Harmony, beautifully weaves a tale of loss, devastation and self discovery. The hero (Isaac) and heroine (Willow) use words and voices from hundreds of years ago to express what they can’t voice for themselves. When words from hundreds of years ago can speak for you when you can’t speak for yourself. They speak for you when you can’t speak for yourself because you are too buried in darkness.

The author has created a thought provoking, soulful book that addresses entitlement, finding your voice and breaking down protective walls. Author Emma Scott artfully wove a story that takes the past and the present, and meshes them to create a fabric that gives a voice to the voiceless.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Emma Scott has this ability to make readers feel....everything!! This book, oh gosh, this book is everything! Willow is so many women’s voice. The topic at hand is so current and it’s perfectly timed for all us women who have suffered some type of abuse.
The use of Shakespeare was amazing. I loved the way Emma matched the characters’ feelings with those of Shakespeare’s characters. I could definitely feel every emotion Willow had.

The graveyard scene broke my heart and it definitely described how a person can feel so lost and dead while still being alive.
Isaac....well, I don’t know if there are any words to describe how much I love him! How he treated Willow was just.....sigh.....perfect.

The secondary characters were such a great complement too. Benny helped show Isaac’s softer side and I loved Angie! She’s too awesome!

Definitely read this book. You will enjoy it thoroughly and will not be able to put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bruce rose
After all those emotions, it’s hard to find the right words…

I loved EVERYTHING about this book, but what made it really special – at least for me – was the way Emma Scott blended Willow and Isaac’s love story with Shakespeare’s tragedy.
It really added even more depth to the plot, and it’s saying a lot, since Willow and Isaac’s lives are already so traumatic.

This was so heartbreaking, sad, tragic, but also beautiful and sometimes even funny, thanks to characters like Angie.
I loved Willow and her strength, and what can I say about Isaac…
I also loved the supporting characters, and the way the author dealt with family relationships (Isaac and his father, Willow and her parents…)

Realistic and raw, poetic and so romantic…

This book was an amazing journey through recovery, healing and acceptance.

I just needed a little more Willow and Isaac near the end… I didn’t want to leave the characters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margaret trenis
This was such an emotional read but it was beautiful. Issac and Willow have so much pain and torment from their past and families but they meet during a play and become friends then more so much more. Then life and Willow's dad tear them apart because he threatens the unthinkable so Willow sacrifices her love for Issac so he will have a chance to do what he needs and wants to do. Three years go by Willow doesn't hear anything from Issac and has no way to contact him and that is the way he wanted it but her love is still there and he may be rich and famous now but he still loves her too. There is so much up and downs, heart ache and love its a rollercoaster ride for sure but the author is brilliant and writes about sensitive issues and love and loss so beautifully. I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
**Copy provided in exchange for a voluntary and honest review.**

*4.5 stars*

Very good. There are lots of books out there that parallel Shakespeare but Scott adds her own charm that made this story of Hamlet unique.

Isaac has lived in Harmony his whole life. He lost his mother, his father is a drunk, and he's very poor. His one bright light is acting. On stage he is untouchable and he's counting on his talent to take him far away from Harmony.

Willow and her parents recently moved to Harmony from NYC. It's quite the change but one Willow welcomed. A year ago her life changed in a traumatic way and she's looking forward to a fresh start in a small town. After watching Isaac on stage she's inspired to try it herself and lands the part of Ophelia.

I would have liked more details about Isaac and Willow's time apart but, overall, I liked this book very much. Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bravo bravo… Standing ovation. Wishing I could head to the stage door to give Emma a huge hug to thank her for In Harmony. I stayed up to 1:30 AM because I just couldn’t stop reading, so please excuse my scattered thoughts. I am in awe of In Harmony. The story is crafted with two brilliant actors casted in Hamlet while in their senior year of high school. Please don’t worry, you don’t have to be familiar with Hamlet in order to enjoy this story. I’m amazed at how the story was written and to experience the relationship of Willow and Isaac as they rehearsed and perform is mind-boggling. This story starts with Willow, who has built a wall of silence around her. What will stay with me is how this wall was broken. I appreciated that it wasn’t just the love from Isaac. Willow had support from her true family and especially from two very special women , Angie (can I go t shirt shopping with her) and Bonnie (Mom inspiration). Willow had the support of other women to start the healing process and to fight back to be brave enough to break this wall of silence. In this age of “Me too,” I found women helping other women to ring true. This is a magnificent love story so stop reading my scattered thoughts and one click this beauty. You will leave the story feeling like a flame, tall and bright. Keep the tissues close by.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another strong, well built and engaging story of Emma Scott and this time she managed to get all the tension from Hamlet to her work.
Willow holds within herself a deep pain and a moment that has devastated her life and is eager to start again in the small town of Harmony.
Isaac had a life of physical and emotional deprivation and suffering. When faced with the suffering soul of Willow, he realizes that the girl has a scar hidden under her beautiful and angelic face.
Thanks to Hamlet, both managed to release their voices to the world and to get deeply involved.
A beautiful, romantic, harrowing and exciting love story. Every detail was perfectly fitted to bring a unique plot. So In love !
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In Harmony by Emma Scott is both tragic and beautiful. Sensitive topics are addressed in this book, so be aware.

First of all, I absolutely love this author's writing. She draws you in with her words and fills you with all the FEELINGS. Furthermore, even though I've never really been into theater, the way Emma Scott integrates theater, acting and Shakespeare into this story makes me wish I was.

Both Willow and Isaac are outstanding characters. They are scarred in their own way, yet each of them is strong and determined. Watching their journey unfold is truly rewarding.

Also, I want Angie's t-shirts.

***I was provided a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yet another brilliant novel from author Emma Scott! Set in small town Indiana, In Harmony tells the story of Isaac, a ridiculously talented stage actor with a troubled home life, and Willow, a transplant to the small town with an inner turmoil that goes beyond what anyone can imagine. The plot maneuvers seamlessly through the acting out of Hamlet, the famous Shakespeare play.

The way the author marries, and mirrors, these characters’ journey with the prose of Shakespeare is so well done. And even with the foreshadowing of the play itself, there are still twists and turns that will leave you breathless. I’m no stranger to the emotions Emma is able to evoke through her words, but this book kept me on an emotional knife’s edge for most of it. Isaac is so shattered- and, as a result, shuttered - but at the same time so strong in his resolve. And he and Willow play so well off of each other, both of them basically hiding in plain sight until they recognize themselves in the other.

I’m trying not to leave any spoilers, and the author herself has warned that this book contains triggers, although the major one happens off book and is only seen through flashbacks and retellings. But, I do feel it’s important to say that because of the culture we currently live in, where some dare to think themselves more powerful than others, and then use that power to victimize the “lesser”, this book is so important. Forget the genre, forget romance and happy endings for a second. This story needs to be seen and felt by EVERYONE, because it’s the story that far too many can identify with, and that far too many have been too afraid to let into the light of day.

I can’t adequately give this book all the praise it deserves, and all I can think to say is, “Thank you.” Emma, you’ve written an incredible novel that will stay with me forever.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book deserve 6++++ stars ....
From the opening chapter, it has continues to blow my thoughts.. My emotions were all over like a puzzle...

When you wake up from a bad dream... you tend to deny .. oh its just a dream.. this book have some sensitive topic.. it rocked my world... Issac and Willow didnt grow up easy... everything isnt as good as you see until you know the real thing.

It breaks my heart when I am struggling to gather my thought... why it is so hard to move on?

i would recommend this book to everyone..until you are in their shoes... Pain and suffering doesnt put you down... either it kills you or it will made you stronger and courage ...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
may papa
Phenomenal! Absolutely soul crushing phenomenoal! I love books that tell very real, very tough stories that make you open your eyes and your heart.

"You're it. You're the girl. I don't want anyone else."

Willow and Isaac have the forever kind of love. The way it was told was unique and special. The way they gravitate towards each other and the stage is beautiful. In Harmony will shatter your heart then gradually piece it back together.

It's always a great read when you get to be witness to the characters realizing their light. Emma Scott writes absolutely stunning novels and I can't wait to read more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerin dippel
Another amazing book by the extremely talented Emma Scott. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, I will read anything this author writes and I will love it, I know I will because she never disappoints.
With In Harmony, once again Emma Scott gives us all the feels. The strong characters and amazing story. Once again I fall in love with the characters, the setting, the story. Harmony is pictured as a special little town. I loved how Willow saw it as a peaceful place but Isaac saw it as a prison, a place he needed to escape from. I found the details in this book outstanding, especially when describing the acting in the play. Emma Scott has always been amazing at detailing scenes and describing moments so intense it makes us feel every moment, every word. In Harmony was another favorite for me. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us Emma!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Someday, Willow, you might find yourself cast into darkness too. I hope that day never comes. If it does, it will be scary at first. But you will see your own brilliance. Your own strength. And you will shine.”

Wow! That prologue set the perfect stage (PUN intended) for an emotional journey for Willow and Issac. I loved how theater was a big part of the story and how Hamlet mirrored Willow's life.

“It’s never too late. Those two words are the greatest, most powerful killer of hope, mankind has ever invented for itself.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marie baker
I eagerly read this book, devouring word after word. It brought forth so many emotions- pain, angst, and lastly....hope. From the very beginning, these two characters were drawn to each other. They each recognize pain in one another as well as the potential to heal.

This story deals with some very heavy topics but Ms. Scott did an amazing job of showing her characters navigating them. This book is simply beautiful & incredible! I am in complete awe and speechless after finishing this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow!! Emma has done it again!!!

I am never disappointed by Emma's writing, she knows how to write a beautiful love story while tugging on your heart strings. Her stories are always unique and fresh and the characters are so easy to fall in love with. I love a book where the characters aren't perfect and have flaws, because that is real life people! And I'm not a huge fan of Shakespeare, but I really enjoyed how she intertwined Hamlet into this story.

I can't say enough praises for Emma's writing, I highly recommend any of her books!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a lovely story, Emma Scott has done it again, she managed to captivate me with her sweet,emotional and heartwarming story!I devoured it, such a brilliant story.

Isaac and Willow are both broken for different reasons.Something happened in Willow's past that still torture her and Isaac has to take care of his father. I adored Isaac and Willow, they were determined,strong and adorable!

In Harmony is a powerful story which deals with serious isssues.It's not like your typical Emma Scott's books yet it was so beautiful!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hauntingly beautiful poignant and emotional story.
Raw, gritty, intense and suspenseful story moved me to the core.
The story of Willow and Isaac was tragic yet uplifting. Ugly yet beautiful.
The writing was flawless and the characters were well developed complex and likable. The secondary
characters added a different dimension to the story.
I never know what to expect with this author's stories except they take me on a deep emotional journey.
For a smart, sharp and thought provoking read this is a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
avril somerville

This a survivor's story. And anyone who's ever had life show up on their front door and demand a ransom will recognize it as exactly that. But it's also a hopeful story for anyone who feels imprisoned by events and circumstances beyond their control. Because hope and survival don't always go hand in hand -- in Harmony, Indiana, they do.

So do yourself a favor and stop reading this, stop reading any review of In Harmony and start walking into the story. I promise, man or woman, parts of you are waiting inside. But come back to the reviews at the end -- in a beautiful way, they're survival stories too. Because before this book puts you back together, it rips you apart.

Told in three acts as a story within a play and a play within a story, Emma Scott's undertaking is an ambitious one. But her achievement is bold, bloody, demanding, joyous, adrenalizing, soft, sexy, heartbreaking, healing - it's every emotion of the rainbow and its forgotten cousin. Willow and Isaac will take up residence in your soul - not just for their star crossed love, but for their individual pain. Don't be deterred by the gravity, for all its heaviness, the language of their journey is so unique and buoyant that somehow you float through it, even when it's stabbing at you with dull and sharp implements. And of course, Marty and Angie are a constant reprieve with their quirky wisdom and generous color.

Let it be said, this is not a mere retelling of Hamlet, it's a tour-de-force dialogue of all the messy demons humans have to contend with, no matter their age, gender, privilege, or century. For all intents and purposes, Scott co-penned Willow and Isaac's odyssey with The Bard himself. And for anyone in doubt, she shows his continued relevancy and more importantly, imprints her own. She even does ol' Bill a favor. I'm betting for many, she'll rebrand him from the dull, verbose overlord of high school lit days into a dynamic and timeless, poetic voice. But you could also make the claim that with Emma Scott around, who needs Shakespeare?

I want to walk up to everyone I know, everyone I see, and say, read this! Because at a time when everyone's on trial, in their own mind, or across headlines - In Harmony reminds us that we all have a voice. And above all, it's never too late.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave adler
What an epic story! I was completely blown away. My heart is still recovering from these beautiful words. I loved the way the story works alongside the play that is involved in the story. I love the characters. I was on an emotional roller coaster the entire time I was reading this story. I could feel everything these characters were feeling and the story and words just simultaneously broke my heart and warmed it at times. This was such a beautiful story and one of my favorite reads this year so far!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paige smith
Emma Scott gets better and better with every word I read from her. Time and time again she has ripped my heart to pieces, only to put it back together again. This book was no different for me. It is heartbreaking and emotional but also beautiful and redemptive. Emma has taken such relevant topics and created complex characters that are so much more than the traumas they have experienced. This book is simply amazing, do yourself a favor and read it now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan naples
This book deserve 6++++ stars ....
From the opening chapter, it has continues to blow my thoughts.. My emotions were all over like a puzzle...

When you wake up from a bad dream... you tend to deny .. oh its just a dream.. this book have some sensitive topic.. it rocked my world... Issac and Willow didnt grow up easy... everything isnt as good as you see until you know the real thing.

It breaks my heart when I am struggling to gather my thought... why it is so hard to move on?

i would recommend this book to everyone..until you are in their shoes... Pain and suffering doesnt put you down... either it kills you or it will made you stronger and courage ...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brennan breeland
Phenomenal! Absolutely soul crushing phenomenoal! I love books that tell very real, very tough stories that make you open your eyes and your heart.

"You're it. You're the girl. I don't want anyone else."

Willow and Isaac have the forever kind of love. The way it was told was unique and special. The way they gravitate towards each other and the stage is beautiful. In Harmony will shatter your heart then gradually piece it back together.

It's always a great read when you get to be witness to the characters realizing their light. Emma Scott writes absolutely stunning novels and I can't wait to read more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bj fogleman
Another amazing book by the extremely talented Emma Scott. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, I will read anything this author writes and I will love it, I know I will because she never disappoints.
With In Harmony, once again Emma Scott gives us all the feels. The strong characters and amazing story. Once again I fall in love with the characters, the setting, the story. Harmony is pictured as a special little town. I loved how Willow saw it as a peaceful place but Isaac saw it as a prison, a place he needed to escape from. I found the details in this book outstanding, especially when describing the acting in the play. Emma Scott has always been amazing at detailing scenes and describing moments so intense it makes us feel every moment, every word. In Harmony was another favorite for me. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us Emma!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A girl overcoming devastation and a boy overcoming abuse and societal bias come together to cope and heal in the only way they know how. The layers of emotions that make up this book both on and off stage shows the beauty and complexity of living through things many people struggle with everyday. This is a very realistic and heart wrenching story that will have you in tears of both sadness and overwhelming happiness. A must read for someone who craves complex emotional romance with a health portion of Shakespeare. I wish it wasn’t over...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ellis johnson
“Someday, Willow, you might find yourself cast into darkness too. I hope that day never comes. If it does, it will be scary at first. But you will see your own brilliance. Your own strength. And you will shine.”

Wow! That prologue set the perfect stage (PUN intended) for an emotional journey for Willow and Issac. I loved how theater was a big part of the story and how Hamlet mirrored Willow's life.

“It’s never too late. Those two words are the greatest, most powerful killer of hope, mankind has ever invented for itself.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I eagerly read this book, devouring word after word. It brought forth so many emotions- pain, angst, and lastly....hope. From the very beginning, these two characters were drawn to each other. They each recognize pain in one another as well as the potential to heal.

This story deals with some very heavy topics but Ms. Scott did an amazing job of showing her characters navigating them. This book is simply beautiful & incredible! I am in complete awe and speechless after finishing this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow!! Emma has done it again!!!

I am never disappointed by Emma's writing, she knows how to write a beautiful love story while tugging on your heart strings. Her stories are always unique and fresh and the characters are so easy to fall in love with. I love a book where the characters aren't perfect and have flaws, because that is real life people! And I'm not a huge fan of Shakespeare, but I really enjoyed how she intertwined Hamlet into this story.

I can't say enough praises for Emma's writing, I highly recommend any of her books!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a lovely story, Emma Scott has done it again, she managed to captivate me with her sweet,emotional and heartwarming story!I devoured it, such a brilliant story.

Isaac and Willow are both broken for different reasons.Something happened in Willow's past that still torture her and Isaac has to take care of his father. I adored Isaac and Willow, they were determined,strong and adorable!

In Harmony is a powerful story which deals with serious isssues.It's not like your typical Emma Scott's books yet it was so beautiful!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shelly moody
Hauntingly beautiful poignant and emotional story.
Raw, gritty, intense and suspenseful story moved me to the core.
The story of Willow and Isaac was tragic yet uplifting. Ugly yet beautiful.
The writing was flawless and the characters were well developed complex and likable. The secondary
characters added a different dimension to the story.
I never know what to expect with this author's stories except they take me on a deep emotional journey.
For a smart, sharp and thought provoking read this is a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rich taylor
the store will allow me to give more...

This story is so indescribable beautiful written, my heart and mind and soul turned into a little candle light, clung to it's wick, flickered and fluttered through this hurricane of emotions and barely survived to come out stronger and shining brighter than ever before... With even more adoration and love for Emma Scott's books.

Willow experienced a life shattering moment and her world sunk into dark and cold and her loneliness and pain and her silence shattered my me 2% into the story. There my tears started. My heart cried all through that book. When Willow started to take little steps back into life I wanted to hold her hand and hug her and encourage her to go on.

But Isaac was already there. A beautiful boy inside and outside. His silence saddened me and gave me goose bumps. He nearly lost everything at young age and piece by piece all the little scraps left fell apart too. His shoulders weight down by life, I felt blown away when he erupted like a super nova on stage. He amazed me and made my heart fall for him along with Willow.

When Willows and Isaac's sweet, sad, incredible beautiful broken relationship starts, it's under the worst circumstances imaginable. Like a storm the world around them crushes down and they get ripped apart.

Thank you Emma Scott for all the tears and swoons, the flutter and shatter of my soul and crashing and crushing of my heart. This story is E. V. E. R. Y. T. H. I. N. G. to me. Thank you for Willow and Isaac. They will stay with me for a loooong time.

Please, please, please Emma Scott, keep the candle light of your beautiful talented way to tell stories healthy and nurse it to grow strong and stronger again, to shine bright and brighter another time, to explode like a volcano with words that needs to be told and give me another amazing book to read soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea barish

This a survivor's story. And anyone who's ever had life show up on their front door and demand a ransom will recognize it as exactly that. But it's also a hopeful story for anyone who feels imprisoned by events and circumstances beyond their control. Because hope and survival don't always go hand in hand -- in Harmony, Indiana, they do.

So do yourself a favor and stop reading this, stop reading any review of In Harmony and start walking into the story. I promise, man or woman, parts of you are waiting inside. But come back to the reviews at the end -- in a beautiful way, they're survival stories too. Because before this book puts you back together, it rips you apart.

Told in three acts as a story within a play and a play within a story, Emma Scott's undertaking is an ambitious one. But her achievement is bold, bloody, demanding, joyous, adrenalizing, soft, sexy, heartbreaking, healing - it's every emotion of the rainbow and its forgotten cousin. Willow and Isaac will take up residence in your soul - not just for their star crossed love, but for their individual pain. Don't be deterred by the gravity, for all its heaviness, the language of their journey is so unique and buoyant that somehow you float through it, even when it's stabbing at you with dull and sharp implements. And of course, Marty and Angie are a constant reprieve with their quirky wisdom and generous color.

Let it be said, this is not a mere retelling of Hamlet, it's a tour-de-force dialogue of all the messy demons humans have to contend with, no matter their age, gender, privilege, or century. For all intents and purposes, Scott co-penned Willow and Isaac's odyssey with The Bard himself. And for anyone in doubt, she shows his continued relevancy and more importantly, imprints her own. She even does ol' Bill a favor. I'm betting for many, she'll rebrand him from the dull, verbose overlord of high school lit days into a dynamic and timeless, poetic voice. But you could also make the claim that with Emma Scott around, who needs Shakespeare?

I want to walk up to everyone I know, everyone I see, and say, read this! Because at a time when everyone's on trial, in their own mind, or across headlines - In Harmony reminds us that we all have a voice. And above all, it's never too late.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany paxton
What an epic story! I was completely blown away. My heart is still recovering from these beautiful words. I loved the way the story works alongside the play that is involved in the story. I love the characters. I was on an emotional roller coaster the entire time I was reading this story. I could feel everything these characters were feeling and the story and words just simultaneously broke my heart and warmed it at times. This was such a beautiful story and one of my favorite reads this year so far!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom rust
Emma Scott gets better and better with every word I read from her. Time and time again she has ripped my heart to pieces, only to put it back together again. This book was no different for me. It is heartbreaking and emotional but also beautiful and redemptive. Emma has taken such relevant topics and created complex characters that are so much more than the traumas they have experienced. This book is simply amazing, do yourself a favor and read it now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle duncan
This book soooooooo beautiful.
I can't write long review, I can't described it into long word and sentences.
Once again Emma Scott takes her reader on very very emotional rollercoaster, and I Never Doubt it.
I think this is the best NA I ever read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brady kimball
Heart wrenching, soul searching.... Beautiful.

Loved Issac and Willow. Willow's pain was soul deep and Issac was her 'until'. There is really no other way to describe it. At a loss for the right words..
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