Port Mortuary: Scarpetta (Book 18) (Kay Scarpetta)
ByPatricia Cornwell
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nate irwin
The mystery, suspense, interactions and storyline are woven with past and present. Dr Scarpetta, Lucy, Benton, Marino, Socks, Jack, and dead bodies et. al impact the storyline but you never know how it all plays out until the loose ends are pulled together creatively. I sensed some personal -personnel issues that haven't been totally resolved and leave the door open for further intrigue. It seems Kay has a few underlying `mid-life' issues festering and possibly some dramatic twists are developing-but who knows!! The medical-forensics futuristic twist offers the reader interesting insight. The inquisitive process to solve the mystery behind the death is always so delightful since Dr. Scarpetta's thought process is so multi-tiered. Another great journey!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
aya mahmoud
After anxiously awaiting this release and putting it on the shelf for a month before waiting to read it over the holidays made it even more of a letdown after I finished it. I've been a devoted Scarpetta fan since the first book, loving the last 2, but this one went off track early and never quite made it back on the track. Lucy was non-existant, Benton just "out there" and Kay a neurotic mess. Marino was the only one true to character, back to being annoying which was actually a relief.
After finishing, I picked up "All That Remains" so I could get a true visit from Kay.
Hope the next one is better. If not, I'm afraid Kay is a goner.
After finishing, I picked up "All That Remains" so I could get a true visit from Kay.
Hope the next one is better. If not, I'm afraid Kay is a goner.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have been a Patricia Cornwell fan from her first book but frankly she has dropped the ball once again. This book Port Mortuary is worse than the Scarpetta Factor was.
I am at Chapter 14 and we are still on the first day since Chapter 1 and the same drab, dribble dialog is still dragging on. I keep asking myself where is the plot? So far it's read like a boring technical manual or a session in a Therapist's office. Oh, how I miss the days of old when Ms. Cornwell actually made an effort to tell a good story.
I received a Kindle for Christmas this year and couldn't wait to download my first book. Port Mortuary was my choice and I can't wait to get to the end of this awful book so I can download a new fast paced, plot filled and exciting read which Port Mortuary clearly is not. Come on Miss Cornwell, give us back the exciting plot filled books of old or please spare us the waste of money we are spending on your books hoping for a good read. You owe you FANS more than this.
I am at Chapter 14 and we are still on the first day since Chapter 1 and the same drab, dribble dialog is still dragging on. I keep asking myself where is the plot? So far it's read like a boring technical manual or a session in a Therapist's office. Oh, how I miss the days of old when Ms. Cornwell actually made an effort to tell a good story.
I received a Kindle for Christmas this year and couldn't wait to download my first book. Port Mortuary was my choice and I can't wait to get to the end of this awful book so I can download a new fast paced, plot filled and exciting read which Port Mortuary clearly is not. Come on Miss Cornwell, give us back the exciting plot filled books of old or please spare us the waste of money we are spending on your books hoping for a good read. You owe you FANS more than this.
Predator: Scarpetta (Book 14) (Kay Scarpetta) :: From Potter's Field: Scarpetta 6 (Kay Scarpetta) :: Scarpetta (Book 8) (Kay Scarpetta) - Unnatural Exposure :: A Travel Guide To Heaven :: Includes Body of Evidence and Post Mortem (Kay Scarpetta Series)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
h dair brown
Product delivery was great but the book sucked. i have read all her books and they are just getting more and more tedious to read. This one, she as teh narrator was in the dark for 90% of the story so the normal thrill of figuring out the murder with her wasn't there. you read 200 pages and then someone else just tells you what happened and why. very disappointing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I wish forensic science had been an option when I was a college student because it is great. Patricia Cornwell brings it to life in every one of her books so much so that you become a participant. I love a good mystery and she provides enough twist and turns to keep you engaged. The characters just pop off the page. I think this book should be made into a movie before Red Mist because it the back story. There is never a dull moment when you are reading Patricia Cornwell's books!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was truly disappointed in this novel. By no means was it a pleasure to read. Lacked the pizzazz of what Ms. Cornwell can and usually writes. I almost did not finish it; but when I spend hard earned money on a book I don't feel like wasting it by putting it aside. Cannot recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jeanette oakeshott
Patricia Cornwell might be running out of ideas for Kay Scarpetta. This book was unrealistic, confusing, etc. I had a hard time grasping the entire 'it's a secret' concept on this one. Too bad, these are usually some of my favorite books.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
As an avid Patricia Cornwell fan I am thoroughly disappointed with her latest installment in the Kay Scarpetta series. Somewhere along the way Ms. Cornwell, starting with Predator, took a turn...a turn for bad writing, poor plots and characters that are unrecognizable.
Port Mortuary is a lame attempt from Cornwell and as her fans we deserve better. The plot was boring, confusing and filled with Kay's thoughts instead of good writing. Here are some things I did not like about the book: Kay's "past" with the military was brought up, yet never fully disclosed as to what happened. Marino and Lucy as scarcely used, as most of the book is simply Kay talking to herself or complaining about her life. The story never really takes off.
I recently bought a Kindle and I found myself putting the device down several times as I could not continue to read the crap on the page. I wish Kindle had a return policy as I would have liked to return this book after about 50 pages. I kept telling myself the plot will get better, the writing will be like it used to be so I pressed on. However, after a few more pages I found myself just skimming the pages to get a gyst of what was going on in the story because reading blocks of boring text was not my idea of a good time.
I would not recommend this book to anyone, especially fans of the series, as you will be disappointed. I truly hope Ms. Cornwell reads these reviews and takes them seriously. When the next Scarpetta book is released I will review it in the book store prior to purchase and if it sucks, she may have lost a fan (and money-lots of it...um, kindle price of this book was $12.99--seriously?!?!) for life.
Port Mortuary is a lame attempt from Cornwell and as her fans we deserve better. The plot was boring, confusing and filled with Kay's thoughts instead of good writing. Here are some things I did not like about the book: Kay's "past" with the military was brought up, yet never fully disclosed as to what happened. Marino and Lucy as scarcely used, as most of the book is simply Kay talking to herself or complaining about her life. The story never really takes off.
I recently bought a Kindle and I found myself putting the device down several times as I could not continue to read the crap on the page. I wish Kindle had a return policy as I would have liked to return this book after about 50 pages. I kept telling myself the plot will get better, the writing will be like it used to be so I pressed on. However, after a few more pages I found myself just skimming the pages to get a gyst of what was going on in the story because reading blocks of boring text was not my idea of a good time.
I would not recommend this book to anyone, especially fans of the series, as you will be disappointed. I truly hope Ms. Cornwell reads these reviews and takes them seriously. When the next Scarpetta book is released I will review it in the book store prior to purchase and if it sucks, she may have lost a fan (and money-lots of it...um, kindle price of this book was $12.99--seriously?!?!) for life.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kathy heare watts
I was always a fan but have stopped reading because the characters have become cold, secretive when there is no need, and the plots have become boring. I read pretty good reviews for this book so decided to try once again. I'm very sorry I wasted my time and money! The characters are still cold to the point of being paranoid. The story lines have become so egocentric - I mean come on how many people can possibly be after her! I will not pick up another book until Cornwell goes back to her roots.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
brennan griffin
The characters in the book seemed to imply that President Bush caused 911 by having explosive paint applied in the World Trade Centers, and that Reagan deliberately exacerbated apartheid. I read for pleasure, and it seems like Ms. Cornwell is using her books to promote her political opinions.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
will oxtoby
I have been reading her books since the first one came out and enjoyed 95% of them, the other 5% are the more recent books and this last book, Port Mortuary being the worst of the worst. I enjoyed the character Kay, Lucy, Marino, Benton, now I just want to slap them. I read the first half of the book and found that 90% of it was technical information it was hard to find the story, which I had pretty much figured out who the bad guys were. So at 50% I jumped to the last chapter found my answer and that is that...probably no more Kay in my life. There is nothing left to like about these people.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
nancy ostrosky
What a frustrating read. It never seems to get out of first gear. Iv'e been a fan for a long time, but this book disappoints at every level. It feels like Kay is wading through molasses - being kept in the dark by characters we have come to expect more of. I kept wishing we could get a move on. The dialogue is unrealistic, with all those in the know not letting the one person in the dark - the main character - in on the secrets; rather allowing her to plod along on her own.
Give this one a miss - especially at the price.
Give this one a miss - especially at the price.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
What a frustrating read. It never seems to get out of first gear. Iv'e been a fan for a long time, but this book disappoints at every level. It feels like Kay is wading through molasses - being kept in the dark by characters we have come to expect more of. I kept wishing we could get a move on. The dialogue is unrealistic, with all those in the know not letting the one person in the dark - the main character - in on the secrets; rather allowing her to plod along on her own.
Give this one a miss - especially at the price.
Give this one a miss - especially at the price.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
leah goldberg
I am a long time Patricia Cornwell fan who eagerly anticipates her new books. Reading this book felt like I was being forced to endure a journey thru menopause. The story never takes off, Kay Scarpetta has been turned into a self-doubting, whiny bore. I'm sick of the 'oh poor me' tone that has over-taken this character. Kay doubts Marino, she doubts Benton, she doesn't trust Lucy--the story spent so much time with Kay droning on and on and on about maybe they want to get rid of her in her new job......and then suddenly, POOF, we figure out who the murderer is, end of story. I read the last page and thought "WTF"? I almost thought I was missing a final chapter.
There was no mention of the character's love of cooking or any of the other personal details that have made other books enjoyable.
This is by far the most horrendous Kay Scarpetta book of them all. It was flat, boring, the character lacks the charm and excitement of the first few books; I honestly don't know if I will read the next one. What will that story be about? Benton develops prostate trouble and Kay needs hormone replacement therapy?
Skip this book if you like the others--save yourselves!
There was no mention of the character's love of cooking or any of the other personal details that have made other books enjoyable.
This is by far the most horrendous Kay Scarpetta book of them all. It was flat, boring, the character lacks the charm and excitement of the first few books; I honestly don't know if I will read the next one. What will that story be about? Benton develops prostate trouble and Kay needs hormone replacement therapy?
Skip this book if you like the others--save yourselves!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
bethany whiteley
The closest I can come to describing this book is being trapped in an elevator with an old somewhat unstable woman constantly complaining about everyone in her life but refusing to do anything about it. This is complete page padding garbage that should never have made it past the publisher. Both the author and the publisher should be ashamed of this book. They should offer refunds on this!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
laurie armstrong
I have read every Scarpetta novel and pre ordered Port Mortuary. The relationships Kay has with the characters as well as the plots have changed. I miss Marino's sarcasm and humor, the banter between Kay and Marino, their friendship. It seemed so shallow in this book. The passion with Benton and their relationship as a married couple. Lucy I can take or leave, especially when so much emphasis is put on her toys and much too detailed information. Who cares?? Except for her dog. He makes her seem human. This book just did not flow and was not very interesting. A past that has supposedly haunted Kay for over two decades has never been mentioned in any of her other novels. Kay seemed suspicious of everyone especially her husband Benton. As much as I a have enjoyed the plots in her other books, it's been the characters and relationship's with others, the interaction, especially with Marino and Benton that have in great part made her books wonderful and worth waiting for. One of the better parts of this book was Sock. I will continue to read her books and hope Socks is a part of them.
Please RatePort Mortuary: Scarpetta (Book 18) (Kay Scarpetta)