Clarity for Keeping It Real on Your Spiritual Path from One Seeker to Another

ByDanielle LaPorte

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Where do I begin about this book and Danielle... I have read this and also listened to it 3 times on audible. There have been many things that I have confided in close friends about things that didn't make sense or I couldn't process and Danielle gave so much clarity and validation. I love how she tells things as they are, she is realistic, and honest. This book literally has changed my life and opened up a new area of thinking and perspective in my life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I listened to the Fire Starter Sessions a couple of years ago and fell in love with Danielle's voice and poetry. She has a powerful, lyrical style that comes alive on the page. White Hot Truth has depth, spirit, soul, and humor--what more could a sister seeker want? She's walked through fire, wrestled with her own yearning and heartache, done the deep work and come out the other side with a treasure trove of experience to share. And all the while, she makes it clear that we are each here to find our own path, speak our own truth and mine our own wisdom from our woe.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There is so much pure wisdom, humor, and gorgeous prose in this book, it's hard to know where to start. Oh, and there's poetry, too. Turns out Danielle is a gifted poet as well as a truth-bomber. My favorite section, hands down was the chapter on self-love. I've studied and read quite a bit on the topic and Danielle manages to beautifully and succinctly provide guidance on how to go about the business of self-love as well as provide a sort of framework for what it is -and isn't. Such a flowing, useful, interesting read. Thank you Danielle!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shamira nawz
White Hot Truth is an absolutely must have!
Transparent, authentic, fearless full of beautiful insights, reflections and inspiration for self discovery, self love and so much more! I love it! Love it! Love it!
"You start where you are and Love what you can"
I really enjoy it!!
Thanks Danielle!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott phillips
Having re-read Danielle LaPorte's Desire Map and Firestarter Sessions at the turn of the year, I was thrilled to learn that her newest book would be dropping into my lap in early 2017. After taking a simultaneously soulful and kick-ass look at entrepreneurship and goal-setting, Danielle's refreshing take on spiritual and personal development hit home in all the right places. And I mean hit, because this book does not pull any punches. At the end of the day, we're all our own best spiritual guides - and Danielle artfully galvanizes her readers to take ownership and do the work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike shelton
This is a wonderful read. Danielle is so spot on, so real, so authentic, and inspiring. The audio is excellent because hearing her voice is a gift to the soul. Everything Danielle offers is something worth the time and consideration. She is a true leader, advocate of truth and gifted writer and speaker. I will listen to the audio over and over. Enjoy!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric higginbotham
I have followed Danielle for many years and love everything she does. White Hot Truth may be her best work yet. It is personal, real, relatable, and true to its name, truthful. It is a wake up call for those of us that have spent years or decades on a spiritual search and an endless quest for self-improvement, when all along we have been searching for...ourself. This is powerful, potent, and very pleasurable to read - this book will have a prominent position on my bookshelf (stacked with all those self-development books - lol!).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arlyn lopez
The book is exactly what you need to experience no matter where you are in your life. It finds it way to all of those paradoxical nooks and crannies of our deep struggles and reminds us to slow down and listen to our own wisdom, which is always reliable and available. I am a huge fan of questioning EVERYTHING as a way to get to the truth and Danielle is the Queen of questioning. You will love the time spent with this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Danielle never ceases to amaze me. This book is probably my favorite and I have to add that the audible is a must have companion because her personality comes through so clearly and adds a little extra sweetness to her wit, intelligence, experience and wisdom. And humor. I read it when I received it, I recently started listening to it and I will be reading this again and probably get copies for my clients as well. Love love love this third fabulous book from the funny, extremely brilliant, Danielle LaPorte!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Danielle LaPorte has written a self-help book giving permission to the reader to create their own perfect version of self-help. We are individuals with original truths and what works for one can't work for another. She delves into truth finding in all aspects of our daily lives as well as our spiritual life. Thank you for a refreshing perspective on spiritual seeking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
White Hot Truth is accessible, charged, alluring, flawed - all that good sh** that engages me. Danielle spends some time talking about wanting That Moment - the full on, hard out touch of transformation - BOOM! Maybe I came to her book wanting the same - what I received was just as great - the realization of how solidly I'm standing in my own life, and self (Self), the ease and peace of honoring the author's journey and assessments without any effort within me to agree when the differences happened. So much of this book offers the chance for the reader to consider and choose - yea. this is for me, or naw, not so much, in keeping with the author's own belief that we can 'take what we want and leave the rest' ... but toward the end, last 2-ish chapters, I felt that taste of 'should' coming through ... should serve, should this, should that. Up to that point, I was enjoying the romp and grit and soothing of Danielle's shares and insights. If this woman really honed in on a memoire - lawd, have mercy! Telling her story without trying to teach! Overall, as with all books, teachers, blogs, etc., of this -- er -- genre, it just feels good to be on my path, touched by and in proximity to so many others who are making their own singular way, including Danielle LaPorte. What a beautiful tapestry we all make, and this kind of sharing amps that up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann tamimi
This book is more than spirituality, this is a revolution! This is about you being your own guru, finding your own path, and knowing that along the way it's going to be hard, and probably at times lonely. That is what the journey is though, its work. Danielle LaPorte makes the journey fun, and drops you the truth because it is hot! If you are on the evolutionary path of change, check this book out, you will not be disappointed! That is a white hot truth!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric lualdi
I love this.... so chances are you will too.....White Hot Truth doesn't sting but rather asks your soul to question it's desires. The true delight is in the audiobook. I can come from a place of worry or anxiousness and be ripped out of my upset with humor and my own honesty through her words. I've been a devotee of Danielle for years. Through Fire Starter Sessions, Desire Map and now White Hot Truth each book came to me at the exact time to put into my life's work. Whispering strength and ease while shouting do it now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
White Hot Truth. It's great. Really full of amazing insights into how we as humans deal with the search for spirit and meaning. It's consumption meets spirituality and the discernment techniques to help navigate our journey. I found it to be a practical guide full of laughter and heart cracked openness. I know this sounds like hyperbole but it's the stuff she talks about. So, I leave the book full of reverence - for those suffering and the possibility that the soul is strong enough to take real enlightenment. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a needed book in these times where spirituality has, in some ways, become the 'trendy' thing. Danielle illuminates what's real and what's not in a time where illusions are all around us, including the ones tainting the spiritual path we're on. White Hot Truth is a grounded, empowering reminder of our own power and discernment plus a big fat dose of permission when it comes to our humanity. Oh and there's a wonderful sense of humour woven through that makes it all feel so totally relatable, in true Danielle La Porte style. LOVE it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janette mckinnon
Danielle’s book is so totally wonderful. Every line is like a “hell yes!” - it inspires and has me cheering, laughing and reminiscing. It’s a profoundly perfect reminder that we hold the key and we are our own best guru. LOVE IT!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing! I feel like Danielle wrote The White Hot Truth just for me! I gathered so many insights and highlighted a ton of quotes. I laughed, I cried and stood up and said, YES! Danielle is so real and human in this book you can't help but want to be her best friend. I loved it so much I read it in two days. I am sure it will take a special place on my nightstand with my other favorite books I love to read and reread over and over again. I also have the audio version.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim brown
"Love the you that you outgrew."
White Hot Truth validated what I have been feeling for years. As a spiritual seeker I have been drawn to many paths but never worshiped one guru, intuitively I knew that what I seek is already within me.
Danielle speaks with her heart, saying the very things that are on my mind but have never heard anyone else put into words. This book has changed how I look at my spiritual growth and once you hear the White Hot Truth you can't go back.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tabitha cromwell
Reading White Hot Truth is like talking with a friend. Danielle LaPorte does a delicious job of sharing the contradictions of working one's way around spiritual living and becoming the version of ourselves we most want to become. It's funny. It's raw. It's sassy. It's real and honest. She doesn't judge you or herself which makes you look at your own journey with humility, grace, and forgiveness. Read it if you're on your own spiritual journey toward a greater sense of self. You'll thank yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn thana
I truly enjoyed this book! I loved the honest freedom of expression Danielle shares on issues that are so relevant in the new agedness of the world today. It is an easy read with insights to think about, consider or simply forget - you are your own guru and the life you came to live is yours and yours alone and you choose what works for you and what doesn't - that choice only you alone know the truth of. White Hot Truth is a liberating and funny read that opened my heart - thanks Danielle xo
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashish mahtani
Such an amazing read & an amazing reminder that sometimes it's just good to walk away from it all.....and be your own guru. Loved this book so very much! So thankful there are strong women like Danielle in our world, especially in times like these. Let's remember our truth. Let's remember our own desires. Let's be honest, authentic, thoughtful, and nice people. Love love love....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
White Hot Truth, what can I say... An amazing book that resonated to my core. I laughed, cried and had so many moments of clarity during my adventure through this book- I actually now refer to White Hot Truth as my bible. Danielle has a way of phrasing subjects that had me commenting back like, "Oh, I do that all the time" and laughing hysterically at myself. I can't recommend this book enough to people who are on the path of spiritual clarity. Thank you Danielle! You inspire me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Danielle LaPorte is great - in my experience, her writing is full of so much truth and causes me to think, question and re-evaluate what's going on in my life. This book was great as well - I may not have tried everything on the spiritual journey that she has but it's empowering to hear that you should only go towards what calls you and to stop doing even the "helpful" things if they're not serving you. Definitely a book I'll come back to again and again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is sooo good! Danielle LaPorte speaks to the journey so many of us have been/are currently on. She nails it in her simple, clear-cut, humorous, and honest style. She validates what so many of us have felt as we explore our spiritual paths. Feeling exhausted on your spiritual journey? Feel like you've lost track of what really matters? Then you have to check this book out. So powerful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
White Hot Truth is the journey of enlightenment that we all travel in different ways. This is a book that will have you reveling in familiarity, soul searching, and laughing out loud.

Danielle LaPorte is a beautiful, spiritual gift to the world. She is consistent in her message through all her writings yet she evolves in the truth that she shares. This is refreshing because she confirms that we all should evolve in truth…in our own way.

The stories that she shares has truths that have been lived by every woman. Who hasn't had to deal with the cheating man, years of soul searching, and having that snarky cobalt-blue mascara run down your face? I have!

This book is a wisdom jewel that I'll revisit often like her previous books, The Fire Starter Sessions, and The Desire Map.

White Hot Truth is a beautiful life evolution that reminds me to love myself like it's my job, know what matters the most to me, and remember that how I live is how I lead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mon margo
Danielle is a goddess! Soulful, smart and significant, when Danielle talks, you better listen up. And she's done it again with White Hot Truth. This book spoke to my heart with such spiritual clarity. I found myself agreeing out loud with many of the points and topics in the book. Danielle goes deep and definitely keeps it real.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barry levy
Funny, Soulful, Sexy and beyond Wise, Danielle once again inspires with a clarity that only someone who has done "the work" can share. She guides you through her journey and experiences, her story, to help make your path to attaining inner connectedness shorter and more joyous.

This is a book you will want to read over and over again. Every time you do you will gain some other nugget that will improve your life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is everything!
I listened to the audio and was blown away. So many of my doubts and fears verbalized by someone else, the clear, guidance about how to get out of my own way & stop giving my power away.
There are so many gems in the book. Thank you thank you thank you Danielle LaPorte for putting to words the feelings I had yet to define.
Everyone needs to read this book!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I first listened to the audio of White Hot Truth, well actually I've listened to it many times! I always enjoy listening to Danielle's soothing voice, it's refreshing, entertaining, provocative, revealing...a reminder to find your own way, take what works for you and let it weave its magic. As a seeker, or someone on a personal development path, this book will be invaluable and one you will likely refer to again and again.
Love it. Thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With singular honesty, Danielle LaPorte shares nuggets of wisdom hard won in her own seeker's journey. All too often, I found myself nodding my head, laughing out loud or feeling the burn of tears as a white hot truth penetrated my soul. There is nothing watered down here. I have no doubt that it will take multiple reads to reap the fullness of the truths embodied here. A must read for any seeker willing to ask the questions...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenna kapp
Another gem from one of the realist women out there. White Hot Truth is a book that can be read in one sitting, it's so fun. Empowering, smart and funny, as usual - Danielle shares the personal and the universal. The book is so beautiful to hold and look at - which is a huge bonus. This book makes the perfect gift!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
keri honea
One "AHA!" moment after another! New ideas. New ways of seeing the same old things. And validation.
THE BOOK I wish I could have read when I was 20. Or 30. Heck, even 40... it would have shortened my learning curve.
If you only buy one book this year, BUY THIS ONE. Actually, buy TWO, and share!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather wilde
Great read for spiritual seekers! Danielle offers refreshingly real and practical insight and advice that brings clarity to some of the often misunderstood teachings and practices of the spiritual journey. It is like sitting down with your best friend having a heart to heart that will leave you walking away feeling better about yourself...remembering it's all a journey and to trust yourself as you are your own best teacher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah young
Finally someone is saying all of the things that need to be said about the striving for personal growth. As always, LaPorte is wise, deep, vulnerable, practical and hilarious. I found myself cracking up so many times. The book is filled with truth bombs throughout that make me want to pause. The world needs more White Hot Truth!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie kramer
I loved every chapter of this book, and found myself feeling so thankful for the truth that Danielle shared in her witty, soulful way. It's a beautiful, refreshing book that reminds us all that we are our own Guru. The main lesson I've taken away is that if it doesn't feel light, it's not worth it. This is a great read for anyone who has gone down the rabbit hole of "self-help."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan plaza
My new go-to guideline for being real with myself. La Porte offers challenging deep truths: like, am I meditating and doing yoga because I love myself, or because secretly don't feel good enough? This is the ultimate guide to calling out the spiritual by-pass trap and integrating spiritual laws of success with the realities of being a human being.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
frank lechuga
Wisdom from our daily lives compressed into sharp, poetic language.

I have seen books that have tried to explain one of her subjects in over 500 pages.
She can get the truth milked out of 4 simple sentences.

Extraordinary. And beautiful. Just like the design. But that's just a perk.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ryne bailey
Beautifully bound book, interesting topics, you feel like your hanging out with your girlfriends... And I would've liked the author to dig deeper and make it more personal. Yes, she brings personal stories to the table, but not her deep feelings about them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy wilson
I've been following Danielle LaPorte's work for a while now, and this book does not disappoint! She is witty, wise, and uses words in brilliant ways to express herself. I recommend this book to anyone who is a seeker...she will point out contradictions, put together words in the way you always wanted to but couldn't quite get to, and feel inspired (as always).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
LOVE THIS BOOK!!! Danielle brings so much power and truth and completely had me captivated the entire time. I got the audio and the hardcover which was a really nice combination because listening to her read it was so amazing and really had me completely enthralled. This book is phenomenal. Must read for any truth seeker.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda smith
A no-nonsense, relatable, eminently readable, humorous, heartwarming field guide to trusting yourself. Danielle and her writings have been a "secret weapon" of mine for years and I waited for this book with bated breath. I was not disappointed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another compelling read by Danielle LaPorte. A refreshing examination of spirituality delivered with her authentic, gritty, articulate, intelligent, and funny writing style. White Hot Truth inspired me to think if spirituality and personal growth in a new way. And it reads like a novel with personal anecdotes sprinkled through out the book. I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melanie quick
Danielle ' s latest gives you a hug, allows you to take a deep breath, while gently reminding you to trust yourself on your own spiritual journey. What a relief! Told in her brutally honest and witty style, the chapters are set up as mini lessons that help you focus on what works for you, not finding another way to fail at attempting to do it all. Brilliant!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meggan saulo
Danielle keeps it real in White Hot Truth. And the lesson that has stuck with me is "transformation begins with radical acceptance." I keep reminding myself of this everyday. And from her book I've learned to reassess if I've gone overboard on my spiritual path. Return to balance with White Hot Truth, it will not disappoint!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I remember years ago someone handing me "Eat, Pray, Love" saying, "I think you'll like it." I did. It was like reading a similar version of my life and I felt completely exposed, raw, seen, and loved anyway.

So much has changed in the past 10 years. Now, Ms. LaPorte has released her White Hot Truth. I have no doubt this will crack many people open, expose them, make them feel vulnerable while also making them finally feel okay, acceptable, lovable, and dare I say "normal". But it's true. We are all spirits having a human experience. We seek validity and acceptance outside ourselves, turn our power over to the so-called gurus who seem to know more, see more, hear more, and be more than us. When really, we just need to go inward and listen, love, accept that bright, brilliant, beautiful, sometimes weird version of ourselves.

Ms. LaPorte pulls her life experiences, sometimes funny, sometimes painful, often poignant to show - Hey, we're all in this together, but only you can know what you need now and you better honor and meet that need now!

I know this will be a book passed between girlfriends, sisters, mothers and daughters, and the evolved men who love these women and want to be the best version of their might masculine self. Always with "I think you'll like this" or "You gotta read this!" Just be prepared to have your armor cracked open and space for your soul to finally breath again in solidarity and love.
Wendy Reese
Author: Alchemy of Yoga: Living yoga off the mat
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