Prison of Hope (The Hellequin Chronicles Book 4)

BySteve McHugh

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jimmy jazz
A good plot and mystery that deepens my curiosity to read further. Very good pace of action with candid humour that makes me smile and constrain my laughter while reading in public. On to the next book in the series now..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another page turner from Mr. McHugh who can't write fast enough for those of us that can't wait for the next predicament 'Nate' will find himself in; for our enjoyment. Thanks again Mr. McHuge for the chance to live vicariously through Nate from the comfort of my armchair.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
aya katz
This series started with a wonderful premise and an interesting alternative world. However, the author's lack of writing talent and the exceptionally poor editing have made the series a chore to read. I had to drag myself through the book to finish it. The plot became more and more absurd as it progressed (and I use "progressed" in the broadest sense of the word), and I just wanted the book to end already. I had high hopes for this series; unfortunately, they were unfulfilled.
Lies Ripped Open (The Hellequin Chronicles Book 5) :: Promise of Wrath (The Hellequin Chronicles Book 6) :: Born of Hatred (The Hellequin Chronicles Book 2) :: What It Takes: The Way to the White House :: With Silent Screams (The Hellequin Chronicles Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the way the story was told flashing between the past and present. As usual the action is great and the character development continues to be strong. I'm already counting the days to the next installment in the series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I wouldn't have hesitated to call this series one of my favorites until this book. I enjoy Nate's character as well as the supporting cast. There's just enough plot to tie the books together while still including an interesting arc for each book. However, it seems like Steve McHugh had some outside input that he tried to apply that didn't go as well as his usual writing. The author introduces the character of Selene, who was apparently Nate's love interest throughout the series and was never mentioned in any of the previous books. In prior books, Nate is attracted to female characters (Sara in Born of Hatred comes to mind) with no mention of this relationship that supposedly crippled his love life. While I'm fine with an author adding in romance, it just strikes me as odd that he has to add in a new character who has a long history with Nate and has never once been mentioned in the series. The romance plot line is clichéd and the reader knows pretty much how it will be resolved almost immediately after the character is brought up.

If you can overlook the romance plotline, the story is of expected quality, meaning pretty good. I get the feeling that Mr. McHugh's editor pulled him aside and told him that his story wouldn't sell as well without romance. The romance strikes me as having been added in on top of a completed storyline, with expected results. It's almost as if Mr. McHugh wrote the main plotline and then handed it to someone else to write the romance. It doesn't feel up to the quality of McHugh's usual work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Hellequin Chronicles
I have read all the chronicles so far and I love them, action packed and in a world with so many
Injustices, it is good to se the bad guys get what they deserve, too bad it is only in novels. I still do not know if Nathan Garrett s a good or a had guy, I will have to ask Mr McHugh, but man He is good at what He does. As I heard on a movie a few months ago, some times the world doesn't needs a Hero, it needs a monster and Nathan Garrett fulfills that role perfectly. Keep them comming Mr McHugh.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After reading the first few books of this series I was excited to read this new story, and it didn't let me down. When you can combine Roman & Greek gods with Nazis in one story you have to be very careful not to go overboard, but the author pulled it off. If you enjoyed the early books in this series then you'll really enjoy this one.

If you haven't read this series then what are you waiting for? Urban fantasy at it's best.

Disclaimer: I received a free, advance copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review
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