Lies Ripped Open (The Hellequin Chronicles Book 5)

BySteve McHugh

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
michael turkell
This latest novel of the Hellequin books is back on track. The last one, number 4 about pandora was the worst in the series and left me not to keen on reading anymore of this series BUT....this one earned back my time and money. Nate learns some big time secrets that Merlin had kept from him and opens up the rift between them even further, which is going to lead to a final epic clash between the two later down the line. This ones show That Avalon is as corrupt as our own government. Kicking arse and taking names is what Hellequin does best and he does a lot of it in this one. Good read, gets your attention quick and keeps the
Pages turning.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I really want to enjoy this series, started off well, but becoming more and more silly each book. The author finally talked about what I think is the big problem in book 4, the main character is supposed to be a highly trained assassin killer type, but he's always to nice to people. The character resolved to go back to being a killer if that's what it took. But nope. Three times in this book he lets someone live for no real reason who comes back to fight him later. He's captured and/or almost killed 3 or 4 times. There's even a point where he's fighting the bad guy and the bad guy starts explaining the plot to him. The main character asks "why are you telling me your plans?" When the main character has to ask why the bad guys do something stupid, you know something is wrong.
The plot twist at the end of the book is, in my opinion, the weakest, least interesting plot twist an author can use.
Overall, kind of fun to read, but still so disappointing with what it could be. Interesting world, but execution lacks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emma austen
I have enjoyed all of the Hellequin Chronicles books, they have a unique view of the idea of gods and their role in life. It is fun to see how they appear as just human, but you know they are so much more! The different realms make things very interesting. Sometimes it is a little hard to follow along, I reread the first three books and I have never done that before! These books keep you thinking.
Promise of Wrath (The Hellequin Chronicles Book 6) :: Born of Hatred (The Hellequin Chronicles Book 2) :: What It Takes: The Way to the White House :: 101 Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged :: Prison of Hope (The Hellequin Chronicles Book 4)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah barnett
I received a free advance copy for my unbiased review from the publisher on Netgalley. I am avoiding spoilers, so this review is safe.

The Hellequin series follows one Nate Garret, from a point of having no memory to a resumption of his life. We see a gradual unveiling of the facets of his life. This current book may not be as action packed as the previous early books, but background of things Nate knows, but we don't, is being filled in. We get to see more interaction between him and his past acquaintances.

The character development is well done, leaves you feeling like you just spent some time hanging out with your buddies. The use of gods, goddesses and other mythological or fabled characters are deftly woven in with a new perspective of those personas, leaving the reader with a new and refreshed worldview and how it involves Nate.

The author has avoided the 'all powerful one' syndrome, with his character gaining new powers every time you turn a page; this book there is nothing new gained, just a realistic view of a learning curve in his abilities and how to use them. What is focused on is the story, the simple introduction of new to the reader characters and past moments that echo in the current tale.

I've really enjoyed the series so far, and am rather impatiently waiting for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edel govern
Another great book in the Hellequin Chronicles. I love the way Nate's story is developed through his past and the present. Usually flashbacks in books annoy me but these are written so well and so vital to the furthering of the story that it leaves you wanting to learn more about Hellequin's past. I can't wait to see how Nate's power increases and the final encounter with Merlin.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jennifer segrest
l love the Hellequin Chronicles series, and over all there's nothing wrong with this one, I just expected more or rather thought more would be revealed by the hype that surrounded this book coming out party. I am still looking for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
koji shimomura
Likability can only take you so far. It’s nice that the hero is fiercely loyal to his friends, a talented magician and a champion of the weak, etc. Considering this is book 5 in the series, one would expect things to be moving towards the grand finale rather than just meandering along.
Instead of wrapping up, there is just more fighting, betrayal, new magical powers, and way too many strong female characters in leadership positions who seem exactly the same. Thank goodness the male friend are easier to keep track of because they have distinct personalities. The villains are basically the same in each book.
Spoiler Alert: The author is so lazy as to use the tedious and disappointing ending of “evil bad guy coming back from the dead.” Snore.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
luke manning
Nate Garrett, aka Hellequin, is dangerous as ever, but loyal to those who've won his friendship, as he battles a secret faction looking to take over Avalon. To defeat the Reapers, Nate has to end his hundred year exile and face down Merlin while trying to save old friends and he has to defeat an old foe.

Lies Ripped Open was very entertaining with lots of action, both past and present, plus secrets revealed, enemies unmasked, and threads pulled that promise a very interesting future for the series.

Complementary copy via NetGalley -release August 24
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Non stop action. If the reader likes Harry Dresden, he or she will also like or love Hellequin. I thought Harry riding the T-Rex Sue was really something, but Hellequin fighting that lich in a previous book was just as exciting. Book 5 continues with the action. These books have just as much action and entertainment value as the Dresden files and that's saying something. McHugh does not disappoint with the latest. In fact so far, it's my favorite. I'm a 70 year old woman by the way, so maybe that means everybody can enjoy Hellequin's adventures. Hellequin's friendships continue and grow, even his Nightmare seems more friend than foe and remains an intriguing mystery. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Although I haven't quite finished this one yet, I decided to go ahead and leave an early review. This has definitely turned out to be another excellent adventure in what has become one of my favorite series. There's plenty of action, adventure, and as it always seems to be the case for Nate, secrets. I have particularly enjoyed the 1880's flashbacks, despite the fact that at times the language in those scenes feels just a bit too modern. But it does not detract too much, at least for me, from the overall story. I highly recommend this one if you've read the other books in the series, as with each book the series improves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dana marie
This author consistently tells masterful stories. Another chapter in Nate Garrett's life us complete and I just can't get enough.

This story has Nate getting enmeshed in yet another plot to overthrow Avalon. Trsitors have infiltrated the good guys and the people behind all the plotting remain in the shadows. I figured out the big reveal at the end only because I had eliminated all of the impossible.

Still it's great story telling and it keeps me on my toes. The magical world is as well designed as anything JK Rowling has thought out. My only complaint is that I finished the book too quickly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
martha truby
This series is like an onion. Layers peeled to reveal yet more layers. A good series is like that. A great one has the ability build upon itself in an over encompassing story arc while still having a satisfying ending within each subsequent entry. This one is turning out to be a great one. Like Harry Dresden, Nate Garrett inspires by example while still being able to throw the finger up at the status quo. The conspiracies in the shadows, magic and mayhem are all like in Dresden's Chicago so people will easily see the similarities between them. But it's not a carbon copy. This one stands on its own merits. Good reads.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fun book with innovative takes on the Arthurian and other schools of folklore. We finally get to see what Avalon is like and get some more history on his past. I like some of the new players and the whole Guardians of The Galaxy bit had me laughing.

I'm looking forward to what happens when he loses the next blood curse mark and gets to level up again. Kinda disappointed that this is the fifth book(and bunch of novellas) and he's only unlocked 2 of the marks, but I guess the author many more books planned. Can't complain to much since the stories so far have been enjoyable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As usual a very fun, straight forward, and fluid story. Perfect read for a short vacation or a slow weekend. It will keep you entertained without having to stress your mind. Sometimes you just want a plain, simple, and consistent story: this is one of those.

Only critic is that is time to evolve the characters a bit, it will be refreshing to see a bit of a change in their way of thinking and reasoning, a lot has happen since the first book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Like most series books, which I like to read, the last two were repeated in many ways. The last two books I only scanned the last several chapters. Read the first two, if they hold your interest read the rest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Mr. Mchugh always delivers a good yarn, and sometimes a Great Yarn. This one is in his good column. For me this book would have been better if it was edited down to a shorter length without all the Machinations. Like the X-files I prefer the straight out episodes to the part of the big picture ones. Also leave your villains Dead and move on to new ones. These are all personal complaints of mine and should not deter you from reading this book as it is a fun read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew pirie
Brilliant! Nathan Garrett just gets better and the world he lives in becomes more real and, fully developed with each book. Both, his friends and his enemies, are well written; witty and wicked in perfect proportion.
The whole book is a wild ride that left me whining that I now have to wait for the next installment in the saga of Nate and his friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hellequin is gaining momentum. Every time finish one book I'm already wanting to read what's next for Nathaniel. Even though I figured out most of the plot about midway through, I was still thrown for a loop at the end. This series is highly entertaining and kept my attention. If you like Jim Butcher's "The Dresden Files" and/or Simon R. Green's "Secret Histories" you will enjoy reading "The Hellequin Chronicles!"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica rhein
Lies Ripped Open is another solid book in the Hellequin series. In the present day, Avalon is under attack, drawing Nate back to a place he walked away from years ago. And now we know why. Merlin finally makes an appearance and much of Nate's background is filled in for us. Many of the characters from previous books are included to flesh out the story and the historical timeline with Jack the Ripper works well within the storyline.
I continue to like Steve's writing and the way he puts a story together. There is intrigue and battles, maybe a little developing romance...I enjoyed this book as much as the previous in the series. Looking forward to the next!
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