Book 4), My Man Michael (SBC Fighters

ByLori Foster

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mali neve
Plot: Ridiculous
Sci Fi Aspect of Story: Eye-rollingly bad
Stilted Futuristic Dialog: Groan-worthy
Conveniently anachronistic items/events or silly holes in plot: Many
Fact that the sci fi aspect was not mentioned AT ALL on cover: Devious

If you knew what you were getting into going in, you'd never buy it, which is why the info was conveniently left off the jacket. But that just makes it a big fat RIP OFF that they don't let you know that this is horrifyingly bad sci fi going in. There are only a few authors whose books I will buy off the shelf without checking reviews first... there is now one fewer.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
george burke
I missed the other characters from the other books. I held out hope that they would return at the end but it didn't happen

With that being said, it was still a good love story. Just way different.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
holly chang
I consider myself a Lori Foster fan. I have read every Lori Foster book published and I cannot believe that she actually wrote this book. Everything about it was truly forgettable and the time-travel storyline made NO sense. I have read a few of her books that were ok and I gave the next book a fair chance, but now I don't know if I can trust her next book. Now that books are $7.99, is it worth the money? And if she writes another as bad as this one, can I get my money back?
Getting Rowdy (Love Undercover (Foster) series Book 3) :: Worth the Wait (Guthrie Brothers) :: Stories Selected by Neil Gaiman - Unnatural Creatures :: The Girl Who Drank the Moon (Winner of the 2017 Newbery Medal) :: Cooper's Charm: A Novel
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I can understand why people disliked or even hated this book. This book is NOT and should NOT be lablled under the SBC Fighters series. Because I'm warning you now, it's not.

The only reason why I liked this book is the interaction by the two characters.

However, the one thing that bothered me was that not once did Michael step back and think to himself, "Do I really want to stay here in the future with a bunch of strangers, away from my friends and family - never to see them again?"
He pretty much accepted his situation and decided pretty much on the first day that he wanted a union with her. Pretty unbelieveable.
Oh and for the future, they were pretty behind with the times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Paranormal Romance
Sensuality rating: Sexy

Rating: 4.5 Enchantments

Michael Manchester, aka Mallet was on his way to becoming a SBC champion, but a devastating car accident took away his chance to ever fight again. Wallowing in self pity Michael makes a deal with a woman he thinks is a hallucination due to his pain medicine. A deal that will allow him to become whole again.

Kayli Raine is desperate. She knows her people only have one chance at a future and that chance is Michael Manchester. He seems to not think she is real but she must prove to him that her offer is very much a legitimate one. So when he agrees to help her she must pay his price... a kiss.

Michael is in the hospital facing the reality that he will never fight again. Hell he probably will never even walk again. When a beautiful woman comes to him and offers to fix his leg so that he will be just as he was before the accident, he knows this is not possible so she must not be real. He agrees to do as she wants but she must kiss him. When she heals him he finds himself in a place that is Earth but not the Earth he knew. It is the year 2220, and the colony he is at is run by women. That's right, women are the dominate sex and the men stay at home and raise the children. But a rival colony is taking their women and Kayli as the head of security is out of ideas to stop them. This is why she asked Michael to come and help them. He was a warrior in his time and she is convinced that he can be a warrior for them now. But Michael demands a high price... Kayli as his bride.

MY MAN MICHAEL was not what I was expecting. I thought this was going to be a contemporary romance that was around a fighter. Boy was I wrong. I loved jumping into the world where women were the dominate sex and the men stayed home and cooked and cleaned. I thought that Michael took the whole idea of jumping into the future really well. I know I would have been a little freaked. I was not too sure about Kayli at first. I could not tell if I liked her or not, but I eventually came to hate her mother for raising her the way she did.

My absolute favorite character was the computer Hauk. He was a crack up. I only wished that he was a real person so he could have his own story. About halfway through the book, when we met the rival colony's leader, I did figure out the whole plot twist. It was pretty obvious but it was still good. I wish there would have been a little more action in the end but I was satisfied.

This story really reminded me of a beefed up version of Cinderella. There was Cinderella, the girl forced into a life she never should have had, the two evil step-sisters (okay they were not step-sisters but you get the idea) and a mother that uses her for her own plans. That was basically the premise here. None the less it was a great story and I was quite happy with the ending. I thought it was sweet how Michael and Kayli send a message back to his friends. This is a great paranormal romance for any reader.

Lori Foster is the author of many published books. She also writes under the pen name L.L Foster. To find out more about Lori and her fantastic books please visit her website at [...]

Enchanting Reviews
April 2009
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Lori Foster is one of my favorite authors. She cleverly combines romance, humor, intelligence and steamy love scenes that keep her books on my shelves so that they can be re-read over and over. The characters are finely drawn and wonderfully complete. All of her books are 'keepers'...except this one. It was at the 2nd hand bookstore before you can say, 'WTF?????'

If you are new to Lori Foster, please read her other titles before reading this one. You will fall in love with the characters and fully developed plots that the other titles offer.

While reading My Man Michael, I remember thinking...'man...her publisher must have called her midstream and insisted she add in some funky paranormal, vampire or sci-fi tweak to her next book'. The entire plot line felt as if it just dropped in from outer space #pun intended# and in no way jives with the previous books in this series. I'm all for authors growing their craft and trying new things, but this one felt contrived and just absurd. Had it been the start of a new series of similar themes I think it would have been better received.

We all have times at our jobs where we could have done much better with a project...that's how I feel about My Man Michael.

But of course, you know I'll buy anything else she writes becuase she's just THAT GOOD!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I am a HUGE fan of Lori Foster. I bought "My Man Michael" and finally got the chance to pick it up and start reading. I can't get into it! I have read books that I wasn't the fan of, but read till the end, giving it a chance. I can't even do that here! I can't get into the book what-so-ever. I am extremely disappointed that Foster decided to throw in Sci-Fi. I do like some Sci-Fi, but not in my romance novels! This one doesn't feel like a SBC book at all! If there hadn't been the Sci-Fi part, I'm sure I would be devouring the book instead. I would like to finish it, but I don't think I will be able to. Her website said she wanted to try something different and would be writing more SBC books. For all of our sakes, I hope she goes back to what the first 3 were like. As much as I love Lori's books, next time she decides to do something different like this, she doesn't do it in the middle of a series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maritza guzman
My Man Michael by Lori Foster takes a different turn in her latest SBC fighter series.

Michael "Mallet" Manchester was inches away from the SBC championship fight when a terrible car accident changed everything. With his leg beyond repair Mallet doesn't know what direction his live is headed. Suddenly there is a strange woman in his hospital room. She is offering him a 2nd chance to be whole again.

Kayli Raine has traveled from the future to find a warrior to help her colony survive. She offers Mallet a complete recovery if he comes back to her time 2220 to teach her people how to conquer their enemies. Kayli knows her place in her world and Mallet is not for her. He frustrates her at every turn with his Alpha ways. But he also makes her heart beat like no other man.

Mallet always had a way with women but soon realizes Kayli is more then hi equal. They both learn to compromise in order to help save Kayli's world.

My Man Mallet if funny, sexy and a delight. The time travel is handled with exceptional style and flair. Its an added treat to a wonderful story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In a heartbeat, Michael "Mallet" Manchester's future was taken away from him. And in a heartbeat, Kayli Raine gave him a new one.

Mallet had the world in front of him. He was all set to compete for and win an SBC mixed martial arts title belt when a car crash changes everything. All of his dreams are crushed just like his leg. His pity party is interrupted by a woman who just pops into his hospital room with an unbelievable proposition. Not only is his body damaged but now his mind is playing tricks on him. And on top of that, she affects him in a way no other woman ever has.

Kayli has come looking for a warrior to help train her defense squad. Her colony is in need of a stronger defense against a neighboring colony that is stealing the women. Kayli is certain that Michael Manchester is the one she is looking for. She can guarantee that he will be healed if he agrees to her proposition. She had not counted on his not believing her. How will she convince him to go with her?

After Kayli proves she is real, Michael plays along with her story on the condition that he gets a kiss from her. He may as well get something out of the whole situation when she can't accomplish what she said she can. Only, Kayli isn't delusional. And Michael gets more than he expects when Kayli does exactly what she promised. Her promise turns into so much more than either of them ever expected.

My Man Michael is an old-fashioned love story set in the new fashioned future. Michael is a prime example of extremely toned male flesh and is a very protective, macho kind of guy. Kayli is a very independent woman who has been brought up to think for herself. They clash in a big way and the clash is so much fun to watch. My Man Michael is a sweet story with some definite hot spots and I Joyfully recommend it.

Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie schoeb
I have a couple of Lori Foster's books but this series is fairly new and I love it. I don't know much about sports especially Supreme Battle Challenge (SBC) Fighters, which I didn't a clue about what that sport is about and I still don't know much about them. When I read the first book in this series I at least started to get what SBC Fighters do and in this fourth and upcoming book in the series things take are very 180 turn from what the first 3 books were like. This is an Advance Readers Copy of Lori Foster's upcoming February 2009 release which I have had the honor of reading and reviewing for her. We met Michael "Mallet" Manchester in the second novel Simon Says and he was also a bit in the third novel Hard to Handle, so we know a bit about Michael but in this novel we get to know him a whole lot better.

In this novel there is a very big twist that will surprise you and take you to a whole different place than the first three novels. It was such a pleasure reading this novel because it was so different and took me to a whole new place that really gave me a thrill with each passing chapter in the novel. Michael is such a strong wonderful character that like the other previous heroes in the SBC Fighters series is a man who respects women of all types and is a fighter to the core without being a egocentric jerk about being a strong and good fighter. He right leg is so severely damaged from a car accident that the doctors tell him he'll need extensive physical therapy just to walk and so fighting professionally again is out of the question and his career, which has been his life, is over. Then this mysterious woman Kayli Raine appears in his hospital room out of thin air and she's a tougher woman than Michael is use to, but he's immediately captivated by her. What he doesn't expect is for her to offer him a second chance at becoming whole and even though Michael things it's the drugs talking, he accepts her challenge that brings in to the different place that I have mentioned.

I don't want to spoil this new and wonderful place that Lori Foster has created because it is something I can't really describe fully without ruining the whole novel for you. I will say that it a place that gives Michael the chance to become a whole man again and also gives him the love that his SBC fighting friends have and which he didn't think he was looking for until he met Kayli. Kayli is a strong fighter herself and that is something that is new for Michael but it's what he has been waiting for his entire life. I'm so glad that I got the chance to read an ARC of this amazing novel, My Man, Michael, and I will be buying the book when it comes out in February 2009 because that is one hot cover that will motivate me to read the novel over and over again in the future. The only thing that got me a bit frustrated is that when I finally got to the last page it got wondering whether we've seen the last of this amazing place that Michael has found or if Lori Foster will take us on another trip sometime soon with her future SBC Fighters series. Now that is something to think and consider about while we waiting for the future novels in the series to be announced.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was very disappointed with the fourth SBC book. The first three books follow the same type plot and the fourth book includes time travel to the future. Not at all what I was looking forward to with the fourth book in this series. I definitely will not be reading any future books in this series. I am super thankful that I checked the book out of the library instead of buying it. What a waste of money that would have been.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
anmar arif
I have grown to depend on Lori Foster for great stories, it never occured to me that i should read a bit of this before I bought it. I know for a fact that she wrote her other stuff under different names. UGH extreme dissapointment. I read the darn thing out of loyalty but feel like I was fooled into the purchase. a bit of the ol' bait and switch. unfortunately, I will have to think and investigate a bit before I purchase her next title.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I normally love to read Lori Foster's books, but this book is not good at all. I found it almost painful to read, in fact I skimmed through most of it. I do not enjoy books with paranormal behaviors, and this book did not fit into her fighter series at all. If this were a television series, this would have been the ultimate "jump the shark". If I could have given it a negative I would have, so please save your money. If you still insist on reading it, get it from the library!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The best part of this book is the hot cover! The description on the back cover made it sound interesting but what it doesn't tell you is that this is a lame travel-to-the-future story. Huh? Even keeping my expectations low when I learned this in the first few pages, this book was ridiculously bad. The author cannot decide what to do with her characters, the science fiction aspect was cliched like you will not beleive, and the love story is totally unbeleivable. Please, another he-doesn't-say-I-love-you-so-he-doesn't-love-me conflict? Whatever.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I'm going to try and rate this without a star at all but if it doesn't let me- I will begrudgingly give it one star. I realize that Lori Foster's characters belong to Lori Foster to do with what she will. I realize I am just a reader and I don't have to read it if I don't like it. I realize Ms. Foster is an artist and she is free to flex her creative muscles however she likes. Unfortunately, I liked the series just the way it was. I like to read my sci-fi by other authors. I don't like it when a count-on-for-a-good-CONTEMPORARY-romance-read goes horribly astray.

This book in no way resembles anything ever found in the SBC series. This is not a contemporary romance. This is a really wierd romance I would have preferred to check out of the library. Instead, I bought it based upon the author's series and the fact that her different genres are usually more clearly labeled. I was unhappy with this turn of events and, unfortunately, will have to be more careful with Lori Foster books in the future.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Warning to all who have yet to read this book: This one is a definite departure from the other books in the SBC series to be sure. I like that Michael gets his own story especially after being introduced to him in Simon Says but be warned it is more Sci-Fi than anything. While this is not an entirely horrible book if not into Sci-Fi this book can be skipped without being lost in the last novel Back in Black which was more like books 1 thru 3.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anna baker
This is a cute love story. It does have quite a bit of language so be forewarned.
Mallet Manchester is in the hospital, his fighting career is over. His legs are irreparably smashed.
Along comes a slight blonde beauty that promises him health and wholeness if he would come with her.
Is he mad or hallucinating? Is Kayli real or just a product of a pain hazed mind?
He choses to go with her and find the life he's always wanted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love time travels! This book is a treat for people who love time travel romance novels. It still has the mixed martial arts and the level of romance you can expect from Foster, which is always a delight.

The author cannot be accused of "template writing". She stepped outside of her usual fare and took a chance by adding the paranormal element to an established, successful series. This is certain to bring the author new readers.

MY MAN, MICHAEL proves you can be both a lover and a fighter! Combining mixed martial arts, romance and time travel!
The previous book in this series made both the USA Today and NY Times bestseller lists!
Michael thinks an injury will keep him from fighting again until a woman shows up and promises to heal him. But, he must travel with her and teach a community of woman warriors to fight in return.
Imagine Michael's surprise when she fulfills her end of the bargain and finds that, to fulfill his he must travel into the future!

It's a fun read! It makes me wonder what she'll do to top this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael "Mallet" Manchester's career as an SBC fighter is over. A car accident has left him physically scarred but it is his heart that hurts the most. What sort of future lies before him without his career as a fighter? Kayli Raine has an option for him, one so outrageous that it couldn't be true. Or could it? Is it really possible that Kayli can take Michael to a place where he can be fully healed and able to fight again?

Michael is the ultimate Alpha male hero. Lori Foster has created perhaps one of the most admirable, most endearing heroes I've ever had the pleasure of reading about. Michael's pain and anguish over his injuries are so vividly portrayed from the very first page that it's hard not to feel sympathy for him. But oh, as the story unfolds and Michael's softer side is shown, that sympathy instantly turns to sheer awe. Michael is a true hero and more than up to the task Kayli asks of him!

Lori Foster transports Michael to a world in which he is an oddity. His masculinity and sense of honor in wanting to protect women, particularly ones he cares about, are at odds with the rules of the colony he finds himself living in. Lori Foster does an outstanding job at showing Michael's gentle side even as he proves himself to be a warrior.

Kayli is a strong heroine, and one that only becomes more charming as the story progresses. Her loyalty and love for her family, even when she feels like an outsider, makes her likable but who can't help but admire her determination to help other women in the face of adversity? Kayli and Michael are a perfectly matched pair, despite their very different worldviews, and the resulting romance is nothing short of spectacular.

MY MAN MICHAEL is one of those books you close with a happy sigh. My only regret at reading the last page is wondering whether we've seen the last of this world or if Lori Foster will take us on another trip sometime soon. Lori Foster has outdone herself with MY MAN MICHAEL as words cannot convey just how incredible this book is. MY MAN MICHAEL is highly recommended!

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
susan springfield
I pre-ordered the book and when I first received it was saying "you have to be kidding!" But I decided to try it and while not up to the "Say No to Joe" standard it was an enjoyable read. I read her stories more for the characters (relationships) and humor than I do for the specific milieu and I think that might be why there was such violent reaction since this was billed as an SBC story. I think fans have to give their favorite authors a little leeway and let them try different venues.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jon hunley
I read the reviews for My Man Michael before I read it and was a tad nervous to say the least. Now that I have read it all I can say is that the people that gave this book one star need to lighten up!
So the book was not the usual contemporary romance, that is no reason to completely can a book - it just comes across as petty.
The writing was still the same funny, sexy and lighthearted style we are used to getting in a Lori Foster novel. My Man Michael reminded me of Dara Joy's time travel novels Knight of a Trillion Stars and Proof of Life.
Micheal is what we all love in our SBC hero's - Strong, courageous, sexy and loving. While I did have some misgivings about Kaylie's character being so virtuous and naive, I chalked that up to the futuristic morals of the time she lived in.
My Man Micheal does not deserve the ridicule it has been given just because people can't go with the flow and accept that Lori Foster has added a futuristic novel in the SBC series.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ellen chronister
If you don't like sci-fi, don't buy this book. I had been waiting for months for this book to come out. I loved the first three. By the second chapter, I was in total disbelief at the unfolding story line. Time travel!! Give me a break. I kept hoping that Mallet was just having some kind of pain medication induced dream. No such luck.

I dread to think what strange twist her next book will take.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
laraerinyahoo com
Frist off, I LOVED the first SBC books. I enjoy Lori Foster's writing and every book she writes I can't put it down it's that good. So I was eagerly anticipating the fourth in the SBC series. What a let down! I haven't made it past chapter 3...and I don't see that changing any time soon. There is no interaction with the other fighters from the first three books and there is this sci-fi angle that isn't even interesting.

Hoping book 5 doesn't suffer the same fate as MY MAN MICHAEL or I will have to give up on my SBC guys all together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aaron stebner
Although this story is not what one expected within the SBC fight series, I found it to be an entertaining read none the less. I thoroughly enjoyed Michael and Kayli and loved watching the sparks fly when they went nose to nose on so many issues. Even Valder's connection to Kayli came as no surprise but it didn't detract from the story.

Reading is a great way to escape to another place and time, even if it's to the year 2220. I haven't been dissapointed with anything Lori Foster has written and consider all of her books to be "keepers."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david ewald
I must say this is not one of my favorite books from Lori, but she pulled me in and I did like the story. It is completely different from the other SBC books and I understand why others are quite upset with this change. At first I was put off by the way this strange female character was acting and when she started giving him the "I'm from the future" stuff I almost put it away and said 'No thanks, not my kind of read', but I made myself go back and read it to the end. I love Lori Foster and I did enjoy the book when I wasn't trying to tie it in with the other SBC series. I don't think she should have written this for the SBC series, but as a whole Lori can always pull me into a story and I love the way she writes.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I love almost all Lori Foster's books and I really enjoyed her SBC series (except for Hard to Handle). I also knew before hand that this was a sci-fi book by reading the excerpt on her website. However, I was expecting more from this author. I thought that Mallet might return to the present with the heroine or something, and still have the other SBC fighters in the book. I have not even finished the book and I am already bored. I find myself skimming pages looking for something...which as I read the reviews is not there. I got tired of the heroine fairly quickly. The only interesting characters are Mallet and the computer, sad to say.

Really not worth me rushing to the store to get it. Some authors do okay in sci-fi, paranormal settings like Erin McCarthy. However, this book is boring and does not have any real resemblance to the nature of her previous books, no real heat or anything. If you must buy it for your collection, get it used. Not worth the price even at Target.

I hope the Drew story will be better, sounds like it will not be set in the future and I already like the heroine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My grin should be near to blinding about now...I just finished reading "My Man Michael" by Lori Foster and LOVED it! Her fourth book in the SBC Fighters series is packed with humor and heart-warming, heavy breathing romance from page one. Foster has managed to combine science fiction, fantasy, humor, and romance in a story that's almost guaranteed to make you say "Awwww" several times, yet still has a spicy, modern edge and blistering sexual tension.

Michael or Mullet as he prefers to be called is pretty darned depressed. Not only did he total his lovely little sports car but managed to mangle his leg at the same time. The prognosis for his career as an SBC fighter is in kaput, over, done, finito. He'll be lucky just to keep his functionless leg and even Mullet knows you can't fight with only one good leg. When he's visited by a cute blonde who keeps disappearing when others are around, Mullet is sure he's just on some really good pain-relievers. Then he notices that his body, well specifically one body part, seems to perk right up when she's around, so he's more than happy to listen to her delusional she's from the future, can cure his leg, and wants him to join her 'colony' and fight for their defense! He can even have his choice of virgins! Sound like heaven to he decides to go along with her delusion in exchange for a kiss. Next thing Mullet knows he's really in the future, in Kayli's colony, and expected to spread his genes...holy hotcakes Batman!

So funny. Imagine a blue-collar, roughneck guy turned loose in a colony where women fight while the men tend to hearth and home. Foster plays this storyline with the skill of a star stand-up comic. Is it silly? Oh yes, and in the very best way. Is it hot? Oh yes, and in the very best way. Is it a keeper? Oh hell yes, and in the very best way.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Like someone else already said, it feels like a bait and switch. I bought this book because I was following the SBC line - which I've really enjoyed - by this author. I don't enjoy science fiction or time travel, and I was extremely disappointed (and irritated) to learn that I bought a book that I ended up having absolutely zero interest in.

On top of that, as a reader that has followed the SBC series, I am really disappointed that Michael's story got wasted. One would think that the author would have realized that the fans following this series wouldn't appreciate losing a character to a completely different genre that many of her readers aren't interested in.

Lori Foster's books are no longer on my must buy list. I used to wait for the release dates and buy the books immediately, but now I'm definitely waiting for reader reviews before I even consider buying them.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
bobo johnson
Well, let me just say I am true LF fan, the first book I read was Too Much Temptation and after that I went out and bought all of her books. The first three SBC series weren't any different but this...oh...this is not at all what I expected. I had been waiting for this book for what it felt like ages ( I pre-ordered) and then BANG! I was like what?! So I reread the first two chaptes again, just to make sure I was on the right track, but then I kept going and going and going, I had to put the book down, walk away from it, breathe and then yell! GRRRRRRRRRRRGRRRRRRR! My husband even asked me why I was so frustrated. I went off on him, ofcourse. Michael dumped in the future, where women rule and man are weak, he is Mr. macho man and Kayli, oh my god, Let me tell you I read the book lying to myself thinking it would get better but it never did. I usually take one or two days to read one of her novels, but this book took me a week. I kept putting the book down and thinking to myself. "Ok, he's gonna go back, he's not gonna stay. The futuristic chick is gonna do something to go back in time, fix his leg, and she is gonna stay with him. " Nope, never happened. I agree with everyone else, I was disappointed in the read. The plot is was okay, I guess, but really I was dissapointed, even if she forwarned in her forums about time travel and all that, I truly didnt expect it to end this way. I feel like going to 2220 and rescuing Michael myself. Geez!

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
c e murphy
I liked her other fighters books. Granted, I knew nothing of the sport, when I picked up Havoc. Then again, I think an author has the right to change up his/her style a bit. My Man Michael is a good story. It's classic Lori Foster, complete with great love scenes and interesting characters.

If you like time travel, even better. If you want a straight book about fighters, you may want to look elsewhere.

Please don't give up on this book because it's not like the others, you'll miss out on a worthwhile read.

Remember, if you never try something new, you'll never know what you missed and you may find something you never knew you liked.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon erik
It's a great book. All the negative reviews should be ignored. Yes it's different however it is still a great book. These people are trash talking it because it's different. So if you are on here looking for a honest review, here it is. It's just like her others the writing is the same and has a great plot. It is a lot of fantasy. However still great!!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I normally really enjoy Lori Foster's books, but this one was a disappointment indeed. The biggest culprit here may be the publisher and not Foster... or the agent... in short it was whoever decided to label it one of the "SBC Fighter" books. In reality this is a futuristic novel that happens to feature someone who WAS a "SBC" fighter. Now, I have no problem with futuristic novels written by romance writers when they are well written (see Nora Roberts as JD Robb writing about Eve Dallas or Jayne Ann Krentz's work for examples). BUT this Foster book is not only NOT a good futuristic novel, it also mislead the reader. The back of the book (which would be the publisher more than Foster) doesn't give any clue what kind of book it actually is. I wish I'd saved my money and waited for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren mckenna
I was a little slow on the up take of this book at first but once I hit 2nd chapter I was rolling. Michael was always special and i think you Lori did a bang up job giving Michael just that.
Like all your other Heroines, Kayli has spunk and passion she draws me to her and her fight.
The connection between her and Michael is so fitting. They both have the strength to help each other.
I for one am not disappointed in this story. I read it no stop { except when Kidlets needed me :)}
No I am wanting on pins and needles for Drews story.

Mrs. Foster thank you for being the brilliant, passionate author you are.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emma heycock
Like many of the other reviewers, I was expecting another exciting book about Lori Foster's SBC fighters. When I realized it was a futuristic book, I was shocked and disappointed, but since this was written by Lori Foster, I knew it couldn't be bad. And it wasn't.

The elements of Lori's writing is still very apparent. Michael, the male protagonist, is a strong protector, but sweet nonetheless. Kayli is an independent and intelligent woman, but endearingly vulnerable when it comes to exposing her emotions. Their feelings for each did seem to grow too quickly, but then again, this is fiction, and who says there can't be love at first sight?

I really enjoyed this book, and what makes me excited about it is that it opens up another genre of romance that I'm hoping Lori Foster will write about. With more scenic details and believable explanations for how things work in her futuristic setting, I'd look forward to what else she might have to write about that period of time.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jl smither
I still can't believe that the book was written by one of my favorite authors. What in the world happened? I am a huge fan of the SBC Fighter series - there is just no better combo than MMA and romance - and was so excited about this book. Such a disappointment. Michael is transported into the future to be with a girl who speaks like a robot??? WHAT??? How could Lori Foster have gone so wrong? The crazy thing is that this book could have easily mirrored Frank Mir's battle back from a motorcycle accident. It seemed to start out that way. Unfortunately, it didn't end that way. I got thru page 50, realized that he wasn't waking up to find that it was all a dream, read the epilogue and dumped it in the trash. I definitely won't be racing out to buy the next in the series.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
cindy halsey
I tried to like this book, I really did. I'm a huge fan of the SBC Fighters series by Lori Foster, but this one was a huge no go for me. I can suspend reality with the best of them, but not the case with this one. It was just way too far out there for my tastes. I hope Ms. Foster returns to her "normal" SBC Fighers series - those I thoroughly enjoy.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Others have already explained the story line, so I won't go into it.
Unfortunately, I agree with the majority here
I absolutely loved her first 3 SBC fighter books, and was very eagerly looking forward to this one.
First of all, why weren't we warned that it would have timetravel and other paranormal elements? In theory, I like paranormal, but I would like to know what I'm buying.
In practice, I do not think she made this time travel romance interesting. The characters were just plain boring, even the sex scenes were putting me to sleep.
Well, there's a preview of her fifth book in the last pages. It sounds great. Here's hoping she goes back to what she does so well
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
julianne moore
I bought the book from Half Priced book and had no clue it was a time travel. I read the 1st 100 pages, stopped and read the last 10 I just couldn't stand it anymore. I really couldn't believe it was going to be a time travel book there was nothing on the picture cover, or back cover to indicate it was goig to be time travel. Also seemed like there was a ton of cussing, didn't like the characters and I usually do in Lori Foster's books.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have read every book in this series and loved them all. They showed me a sport that I knew nothing about. The love stories were emotionally realistic and endearing. I bought this most recent installment thinking it would be along the same lines. I really wanted to see how Michael overcame his injuries and went on with his life. While he did go on with his life, I was very disappointed with how it happened. As others have stated, there was no clue that this was a sci-fi novel. I do enjoy sci-fis and romantic sci-fis, but that is not what makes this series great. And while the writing is excellent, hence two stars instead of one, the complete change in theme was not a good idea. It is almost if Ms. Foster could not come up with a way to have Michael overcome his injuries so she went the easy route. This one book does not make me want to stop reading all of her books, she is definitely no longer on my automatic buy list.
Please RateBook 4), My Man Michael (SBC Fighters
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