Getting Rowdy (Love Undercover (Foster) series Book 3)

ByLori Foster

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caitie johnson
Book Title Getting Rowdy by Lori Foster
Rating 4 Hearts

Lori Foster's book Getting Rowdy is the third book in the Love Undercover series, although it can be read as a stand alone novel. This book follows the story of Rowdy, new owner of a formerly seedy bar and Avery, his bartender. Like all Lori Foster books, the sex is steamy and frequent, but the book doesn't scrimp on plot - which is why I keep coming back to her books.

In Getting Rowdy, both Avery and Rowdy are chased by old demons while at the same time dealing with the reality of their attraction for each other. I loved the realism with which the author deals with the attraction in particular - Avery knows she's going to get burned by Rowdy, but also knows she's going to eventually succumb. There's no self-deceit about it. So refreshing! Rowdy's demons are very believable, and while Avery's stretched my ability to suspend my disbelief a bit, it did keep me reading.

Foster includes updates on the previous Love Undercover couples as well. Logan, Pepper, Alice and Reese are all here. For fans of the series it's a nice addition. We also get to meet Cannon - a new character who will undoubtedly get his own story as well.

The only reason this book got four hearts instead of five was because I felt Avery to be a bit passive in her own life. She is directed by the strong males around her and doesn't strongly stand on her own feet. She makes a comment early on about how until Rowdy, she was just surviving as opposed to living. She gets a bit irritating that way. In addition, she falls in love with Rowdy and begins a relationship with him while at the same time demanding no commitment whatsoever - she just calmly accepts that he is going to drop her at some point in the future. It would have been nice if she had been a bit fiercer than that and fought for what she deserved.

Favorite Quote:
"Mmm." She moved enough to wind her arms around his neck. "You're a warm, heavy blanket, and you smell so good."
He'd just made the biggest sexual faux pas of his life, yet Rowdy realized he was smiling. He touched her cheek and knew if he lived to be a hundred, the picture of her across his desk, replete and so damn sexy, would be emblazoned on his brain forever.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Getting Rowdy begins with Avery being the new bartender at a bar that now has a new owner. Rowdy is that new owner. He's the man she's been trying to resist because she doesn't want to be just a notch in his bedpost. But as they spend more time together she feels she won't be able to resist him any longer. And now that they've actually gotten closer as friends she thinks it is time to finally spend that fatal night with him. Avery knows that Rowdy is a one night stand type of man, but she can't help the way she feels. And now that they've figured out there is a threat to Avery Rowdy insists on her staying with him. Rowdy knows Avery is in danger, and now that she's staying with him he can't seem to get enough of her. And for him its more than just sex, he actually cares about her. But since he has now idea how to deal with that he sort of just ignores it for the most part. These two have a lot to go through, but they make it out in the end! With a beautiful HEA!

At first Rowdy sort of frustrated me with the way he treated Avery. But later on I warmed up to him, and eventually really liked him. I really enjoyed this book. It was very nice to get to see Rowdy find someone that loves him. And I admired Avery for all she did for Rowdy. She wasn't afraid to admit her feelings early on, even knowing that he didn't feel the same, and could have pushed her away from him for good. Avery was pretty awesome in my opinion. And now I look forward to the next book in this series. I also have to say that I love how the author uses the name of the characters in her titles of books. I haven't seen very man authors who do that, and I really like it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sean mooney
Getting Rowdy was a fun, adventurous, sexy and sweet read. I'm really glad that I took the chance on jumping in mid-series, because I didn't feel out of the loop at all. This is the third book in the Love Undercover series, and while it can definitely be read as a standalone - as I did - there are details and relationships that do carry over from the first two books and I now know that I must go back and read them.

What you have in Getting Rowdy is a fairly typical romance story, with suspense mixed in. Like a lot of books of the genre, we have a badass man who's a good guy, but isn't interested in being tied down by any woman or responsibility. So therefore, we also have a beautiful, sweet woman to tempt said badass, and naturally she is the only woman in the world who could possibly cause him to give up his responsibility-free life. What ensues is a sweet and sexy love story, with both characters wanting more, and trying to find the best way to get there.

Getting Rowdy also has the suspense, or mystery. Avery is on the run from her past life, and an evil man. This leads to Rowdy and Avery becoming closer, faster, with Rowdy hell bent on keeping his girl safe. The suspense was nice, it built at a slow pace, with me even sometimes forgetting that the creeper was lurking, only to have him show back up. I will say that the culmination of the mystery was very tense and did have me on edge. I didn't quite buy the motivation, but bonus points for surprising me.

Getting Rowdy had what I'm always looking for in a good Romantic Suspense: hot badass leading man, a heroine that is smart, sweet and good for the guy, and a story that keeps my attention the whole way through. Lori Foster has a brand new fan.
Worth the Wait (Guthrie Brothers) :: Stories Selected by Neil Gaiman - Unnatural Creatures :: The Girl Who Drank the Moon (Winner of the 2017 Newbery Medal) :: The Cellar :: My Man Michael (SBC Fighters, Book 4)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dina basnaly
Nobody writes sizzling sex scenes like Lori Foster, and in that way, this book does not disappoint, opening with something very naughty, and yet...

I got stuck at about the 40% mark, and found myself picking up another book and reading it cover to cover, then returning to "Rowdy." Then after a couple pages, picking up another book and reading it cover to cover, before MAKING myself finish it.

Trying to put my finger on why... I liked Rowdy, and Avery. I didn't LOVE them; it felt like the "issues" keeping them apart were too easily resolved once they began talking to each other. I didn't feel like they made serious mistakes and had to pay for them. They always called their cop friends when appropriate, the cop friends were always able to arrive in time (No other demands on their time? No issues with dispatch which wanted them elsewhere?)... On paper, the stakes were high, but I didn't really FEEL it or believe it.

While Rowdy had issues going back to his childhood, and there was a nice present-day shadowing with Marcus, Avery's backstory was shallow, seeming to begin and end with the creepy ex. Nothing from her life before that seemed to carry into her current behavior, habits, etc. She had NO childhood or teen friends...? The most memorable thing about Avery was her longish red hair.

The writing is excellent, the sex is hot, the characters are likable, and as part of a series, it works fine as a stand-alone. Ends with a HEA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Let's see. Where to start? From the first time we met Rowdy in "Run the Risk (Love Undercover #1)" I was intrigued!! He was a complicated character, a protector and a man that knew that sometimes you had to get your hands dirty to get the job done.

This installment had a subtle 'action' story line compared to the previous installments in the series. It was woven in throughout the story, providing just enough action to keep the story moving at a nice pace. This allowed the reader to enjoy both the action and the romance developing between Rowdy and Avery.

I enjoyed getting to know both Rowdy and Avery better as they got to know each other better. While there was an instant physical connection between the two, they didn't jump into a physical relationship immediately. They got to know each other and were friends. Rowdy's past is revealed and we get a better understand of why he is the way he is.

This installment was one I had been looking forward to from the very beginning and it did not disappoint. In fact, I'll go and say it's the best book in the series. Then again, this could be due to my admiration for Rowdy. You can't blame a girl, can you? He's smart, sexy as hell, an Alpha male needing to be loved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dorian thornley
Lord have mercy me I wanted to get Rowdy with Rowdy! Lordy lordy lordy I have never read such a hot ass series as this one. I mean I felt like I was right there with Avery and Rowdy. If you have followed along the series so far you know in book one they had a few moments and then in book two Rowdy wanted Avery but she kept him at bay because of her issues and then in this book she is so scared of her past that she pushed Rowdy a little to far and when he does something and she catches him lord I wanted to jump in the book and be like see dummy stop pushing him and start pulling him towards you.

Rowdy Rowdy Rowdy........ lord have mercy I love me some dam Rowdy. He has liked Avery for so long and she keeps pushing him away. A man can only take so much rejection before he breaks so when Rowdy does something and Avery catches him she is forced to come to terms with her feelings for him. But everything from Avery's past is coming to get her and when Rowdy realizes Avery is in trouble his over protective nature turns up and the heat between them is undeniable but Avery is so scared and when things start to happen to her she has no option but to trust Rowdy.

Will Rowdy be able to save Avery? Will Avery knock her walls down and let Rowdy in? You will have to read it to believe it!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Bar owner Rowdy has the hots for Avery, one of his waitresses. But she is not biting, which only intrigues him more, and he wants to get to the root of why she is so reticent to get involved. Of course, for Rowdy, involved means lots of one night stands with random women to help him sleep at night. And occasional other sex acts with other random women that had the average woman walked in on, would keep her from every wanting to get involved with him.

Welcome to the world of Lori Foster. Where the men are alpha mansluts and the women are spineless doormats. Sometimes her writing and sensual scenes are so well plotted that you forget that they are formulaic; this one is just too one dimensional, populated with unlikeable characters that I had a hard time caring about. I used to read her novels as soon as they came out - but since the boxing series, it has been hit or miss for me.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
scott davis
I've read a lot of Lori Foster books and generally enjoy her writing. She is descriptive, has just the right amount of sexual scenes without it being erotica, and her characters all have extremely big personalities. This book is no different. Avery is generally a strong woman, but seems to be suffering from that weird things women get when they don't get what they really want. For example, when Avery sees Rowdy getting blown by another woman, she finally finds him more attractive. What is up with that? Rowdy unfortunately is a dislikable character. I don't care for him at all. Other than the fact that he is hot, I don't think that Avery should have anything to do with him. I'm not certain why she is inexplicably drawn to him after she had pushed him away beforehand. In spite of myself, I still managed to enjoy the novel. Foster still does most thing right. She builds enough tension between the main characters that I enjoy their bickering and trials before they finally give in and be together. It is a typical romance, but why stray from a formula that works?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean b
In recent months I have come to recognize Lori Foster as one of the all-time best romance writers of our generation. Lori's books are always enticing to the very last page. I've quickly learned NOT to begin reading a Lori Foster novel until I have uninterrupted time in which to I sink my eyes into the page-turner.

No spoiler alert required - In Getting Rowdy, we meet Rowdy, Avery, Marcus who's too young to deal with everything life has handed him, Cannon, Alice, Reese, Logan and the tightly bonded sister Pepper. There is an unexpected twist at the end.

Note: If casual sex of one night stands for a guy getting over a rough past turn you off, then this is not the book for you. In other words, this romance is realistic for those who did not lead a privileged or sheltered life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda raab
This is the third book in Lori Foster's Love Undercover series. If i could read it over and get that first read through feel again i would do that and do it often. We met Rowdy Yates in book one and he is the epitome of bad boy no doubt from the first page he appears on. Still there was something about him that was sweet and good too. It's there in the way here takes care of his sister Pepper and then later Alice in book two. Finally with the book we find out what Rowdy is all about. Avery gets a intro in the last book and she's a bit of a mystery too. She's hiding and running from something and Rowdy of course is going to figure out what it is. Getting Rowdy has it's series side but it also had the typical Lori Foster humor. Somehow she always finds that perfect balance between the two and it comes through in the her writing time and time again. Makes you want to sit back and read it over and over again just to get more Rowdy! All the previous characters are back and a little glimpse into Dash who i think is going to be a riot to read in the next book in this series. This series has been a knockout from book one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
s marie
GETTING ROWDY (Love Undercover Book 3) By Lori Foster
Publication Date: September 24,2013
Reviewed by: Reading In Pajamas/Donna
RATED: 4 Stars


A very enjoyable book with just enough danger and excitement to keep it interesting and enough romance to make you turning the pages. Avery and Rowdy have an easy rapport and I like the way they play off each other. Their hook-up was inevitable and I like the way the way it worked out. All the characters in the book have a back story and they all work well together. I am looking forward to the next book and can't wait to see who it is about. A very good read.

*Review copy provided by Netgalley in an exchange for an honest review.

Twitter: @readingpajamas
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rowdy Yates has always had a thing for his bartender and she and everyone else knows it. Avery Mullins kind of has a thing for her boss but isn't precisely interested in being another notch on his bedpost so every time he offers she turns him down and he finds other company for the evening.

Rowdy and Avery are both from very different walks of life but run the bar like equal partners; friends long before they became lovers. When Avery's ex from her past privileged life starts to show up Rowdy steps up his game to protect her and keep her close.

Lori Foster has a way about writing her men that make them sound so irresistible and the women are (mostly) believable and easy to relate to. Avery is fun and sarcastic and not exactly willing to put up with Rowdy's bad behavior which makes her excellent for him and a very fun (and sexy) read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Ok. So this isn't the best book I've read. But certainly not the worst either. I liked the characters and I am curious about the new guy, Cannon, and would like to read his story. I was not a fan of Dash or Margret as characters. I agree with some of the other reviews that pointed out that these two characters were dysfunctional. But, while immersed in the story, I did not really notice their issues. Perhaps that means the storytelling was good enough that I did not notice bumpy spots? Even the happily ever after seemed a little abrupt... He can't fathom "Love" and in a single page the hero decides he loves the heroine and let's get married. I was caught up in the story and all for the happy ending, but definitely abrupt.

I loved this authors other books, trace of fever, dare, & jackson's book too. That series really was my favorite, and the best books I have read. So I would recommend you spend your money on that series instead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
betty krekling
I have a new book boyfriend and his name is Rowdy Yates!! My oh my but he is charming and tough but sweet and vulnerable too! Avery Mullins is battling her own demons and she needs to be brave and strong not only in her day to day life but in dealing with Rowdy who is very clear in the fact that he wants Avery!! She wants him too but on her terms, she won't be another notch in his bed post, one of those girls who fall at his feet and never say no!! The chemistry between these two is awesome and through adversity and with a lot of faith and love they work through their individual issues together. This book has it all, romance, suspense and a little alpha ass kicking as well as one strong lady who isn't afraid to put her heart on the line to love that perfect alpha male!!

I read this book and for a few days after I kept thinking about Rowdy and Avery and to be honest about all of the characters in this book......can't wait for Dash and Cannon! :) One of the things I love the most about Lori Foster's writing is her ability to write characters you can't help but love! These are strong characters that have depth and emotions that bring you along for the ride. I love books, love to read but I don't want to read just to get from page 1 to the end. I want to read books that hook me and make me feel and make me think about what I read long after I put the book down. Lori is one of those rare authors (for me anyway) where I could say this about any book on her backlist, there isn't a stinker in the entire list and you could name any book from that list and I could tell you exactly who the characters are and what the story is about!

Go Get This Book and do yourself a favor, if you've never read Lori Foster before go to her website and pick a book, any book and you will be hooked!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer wilson salas
If you have not read the first two books you might want to do that. We meet Rowdy in the first book which is Pepper's brother. IN the second book we see where Rowdy is flirting with Avery quite well I might add. She is working in the bar he owns.

Rowdy has spent most of his time running from the worse people anyone could imagine. All he wants is good sex and as you might guess a lot of it. But with Avery he can picture more then just a few nights of sex. He knows Avery is hiding something and he must find out what.

Different things take place and a lot of us to get involved in.

I enjoyed the story. Lori's writing takes a reader in from the first page until the last. She has everything for everyone to enjoy, suspense, secrets, love, and more.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good suspense romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
perry teicher
I haven’t read the first two installments of the “Love Undercover” series and was pleasantly surprised that I was not completely lost while reading the third book. In fact, the third book was so good that I have decided to invest my time and read the first two (even though I know the two couples will be together in the end.)

“Getting Rowdy” appealed to me on many levels. Strong female character; check. Trouble on the horizon; check. A forbidden passion; check. Moments of sparks between the two main characters; check. Sexy male character that wants to protect everyone that he loves, is good with children and dogs, and just wants to live life the best that he can; check. See; appeal!

Rowdy is the perfect man for Avery but she is hesitant at first. She doesn’t want to get in wrapped up into her trouble, but little does she know he wants to be wrapped up in her trouble and also in her. It’s a pretty smexy story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The last Lori Foster book I read was a slight downer for me. Storyline was serviceable but the main characters left me very underwhelmed so "Getting Rowdy" was a nice uptick for me even if the plot wasn't exactly new.

Rowdy is a bar owner and Avery is a waitress. He's not looking for responsibility and she's not looking a relationship. Which, of course, makes him want her more. This seems to be a running theme in Foster books as is the "She's got a secret that makes her ever more elusive to the ever more curious hero."

As noted, the plot isn't made up of new ideas but Rowdy is a likable guy and Avery, even if some things don't make sense about her character, is a strong gal without being steroid-tough. As such, you root for them to get together and find their HEA.

So while the plot may not excite, the characters are worth the read on a lazy weekend afternoon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
minh ha
Are you ready for some Rowdy ? I know I am. I have been highly anticipating Rowdy's story and it is finally here. This one is my favorite of the Love Undercover series. Now don't get me wrong both Logan and Reese are hot, alpha men in their own right but Rowdy really entices me. Lori Foster does an awesome job of showing us a softer side of Rowdy while he is trying to win the heart of Avery. Avery's past comes back to haunt her and it is Rowdy who comes to the rescue. This story is full of intense action scenes, steamy attraction, hot love and a happy ending. What I love most about Rowdy is that he is a man who is confident in himself, does not make any excuses and is willing to wait for the woman who is worming her way into his heart. That is man who every woman wants. I love how the story line flows so easily with brilliant writing and never too descriptive. Lori Foster, you rocked the bar in this book. I give it 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah lewis
Avery takes a bar tending job at Rowdy's bar and he knows that Avery is hiding something, and quite possibly, herself. He's determined to find out her secrets while he protects her from them.
Rowdy is well-known as a womanizer and Avery knows she's playing with fire when she takes the leap and goes after him. Before long Rowdy has to question whether his growing feelings for Avery are lust or something much deeper. His determined struggle with this was interestingly endearing.
Typical of Lori Foster's work, GETTING ROWDY has an over-the-top alpha male and an intelligent, independent woman with a troubled past. What every romance reader loves, right? Clever banter between all of the characters keeps the story fresh and fun, and for readers who love a romantic, sensual love story, I highly recommend GETTING ROWDY.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauretta beaver

* Love Undercover #3
* 448 Pages
* release date - 24 September - 2013

Book #4 Dash of Peril will be out March 25 - 2014

Please read the first 2 books before you start with Rowdy's story. You will first meet Rowdy in book 1 - and he's SOOOO worth meeting! The other guys too - of course ☺

★★★★★ 5 Stars

My Opinion:

Just like the first two books in the series - Getting Rowdy is a very sexy, romantic and suspensy book.

We already met 29-year-old Rowdy Yates - Pepper's brother - in the first book in the series and then of course he's in book 2 as well.

Now he gets his own book.

And his own girl ☺ Avery.

She's working in the bar he just bought - she has been working there for a while - we already met her in the previous book - where Rowdy was flirting with her - without much success ;)

Rowdy wants her - but he's not a commitment type - he just wants sex - lots of it. But Avery is different - he could even imagine more than only one night. He never wanted that before. He spent most of his life on the run from bad people - there was never time for anything long-term - so he never felt the need to do the whole 'love thing'.

Avery is hiding something - or from someone. She gets weird hang-up phone calls at the bar - and we 'see' someone following her.

It takes a while for Avery and Rowdy to finally 'get together'. There are a few kisses and lots of sparks - but Avery is afraid that she'll be just one of many. And Rowdy is scared of feeling too much - of maybe even - falling for her!!! *HeShuddersAtTheThought* ☺

I don't want to tell you too much - I don't want to spoil anything...

there will be a few problems at the bar - someone will get hurt.

A little boy will play a part in the story

and the most important thing - we meet a new guy - cutie alert!!!!

Avery's family will play a part in the book - she has been gone from home for more than a year - we will of course learn why ☺

Logan and Reese - from book 1 & 2 - and their ladies will of course be in book 3 again!

there will be LOTS of sexy moments ☺

dangerous moments

(we might see those 2 hot cops from book 1+2 again!)

and moving moments ♥


but that's all I'm telling you ☺

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


This was - and still is - an amazing romantic suspense series! I loved ALL books and more important - ALL CHARACTERS - and that's not something that happens a lot. You always find something you can't stand - but those 4 guys here and their girls are all really wonderfully written!

This book had EVERYTHING I love in a book - sexy and romantic scenes & dangerous suspense scenes.

Rowdy is H.O.T.!!!!! Jeez is that guy good looking! Take a look at the cover of the book! I know he's not real - but the poor model guy just has to live with it now - he's my Rowdy!

And Rowdy is sooo adorable too - he's a tough - street-wise guy, who always had to take care of his little sister and he's so sweet and protective with all this friends and their girls. He never even had any friends before his sister got it into her head to fall in love with a COP - of all things ☺ And now he has a family and a new girl that he starts to have weird feelings for - feelings he never felt before!

Getting Rowdy is an amazing - sexy - suspense Romance!!

But please don't forget to read the first 2 books before reading Rowdy's story!

Now I can't wait for the next book - Dash's story - coming in March 2014 ☺

and I heard rumors that there will be a book/series about Cannon one day - Once he's all grown up ☺
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rob blixt
This book was not too bad. I don't want to be overly critical but I'm just going to go ahead and write what I didn't like about the story! Ok, so first off, I thought Avery's "drama" was pretty lame and somewhat silly. I mean, honestly? Her stepfather was lame, even Fisher was lame, and her mother was cluelessly lame. It just annoyed me how the story of Avery and her family(plus Fisher) unraveled and ended. Snooze. At one point I said to myself "Seriously? This is it? This is her story? This is her stepdads reasoning??" Secondly, I thought Avery and Rowdy lacked the usual fire, passion, throw-you-down-on-the-bed-and-ravage-you-hotness that Lori Foster's characters usually have. Their moments together were "meh". I honestly wasn't into the book 100% and I usually love Lori Foster's work. Yet, I did read it and while I wasn't totally disgusted with it by any means, it just didn't make my toes curl or my fingers to go numb from squeezing my Kindle from excitement. I'm excited to read about Dash and Sgt. Peterson and I hope their story is HOT, HOT, HOT! Cannon intrigues me as well so I hope he gets a story down the line.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received Getting Rowdy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Finally! I've loved Rowdy Yates since the end of the first book in the Love Undercover series, Run the Risk. I know, Rowdy was introduced a lot earlier in the first book, but he was kind of a shady character until you got to know him. I'm so glad he got his own book and I'm even happier that Getting Rowdy was everything I expected.

Avery was introduced in the second book in this series, Bare it All. I liked her from the first time she met Rowdy. She had spunk, wit and she was obviously caring and beyond the corruption that shrouded the bar where she worked. It's one of the reasons that Rowdy kept her around when he bought the place. In Getting Rowdy we also found out that she had a secret.

As with the rest of the books in the Love Undercover series, a lot happened. There was a lot of action, a fair amount of heartbreak, more than a little misunderstanding and denial (especially on Rowdy's part) and just enough heat and romance to keep things interesting. Through it all though there was that sense of loyalty, honor and a very strong sense of family. Rowdy has always been slow to trust, but he's coming around and in Getting Rowdy he was given even more reason to. Yep, there were more than a few surprises in this one. Rowdy has turned into one of my favorite characters in this series for a lot of reasons.

Readers were also treated to more Alice, Reese, Logan and Pepper. We were also introduced to some new characters that are sure to keep things interesting in future books. The next book in this series is Dash of Peril. Hmm... I wonder who this one features? If you've been following the series, I bet you can guess.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kendra oxendale
Title: Getting Rowdy

Series: Love Undercover bk 3

Author: Lori Foster

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense

An alpha hero's attraction to the one woman he can't have could draw him into a killer's snare in the sizzling new novel from New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster
Charismatic bar owner Rowdy Yates isn't the kind of man women say no to. So when he approaches waitress Avery Mullins, he fully expects to get her number. However, the elusive beauty has her reasons for keeping her distance-including a past that might come back to haunt them both.

Avery spends her nights working for tips...and trying to forget the secret Rowdy is determined to unearth. But when history threatens to repeat itself, Avery grows to rely on Rowdy's protective presence. As the sparks between them ignite, she will be forced to choose between the security she's finally found...and the passion she's always wanted

Review by: Heather: I'm a huge Lori Foster fan, and as such I've read almost all of her books. That being said, while I've liked her last several books I haven't loved them. In fact I was getting ready to take a break from her books, but I'm so glad I didn't because I loved Getting Rowdy. It has everything in it that made me fall in love with books in the first place. Bad-Ass Heroes, and heroines who can and do take care of themselves.

When Rowdy was introduced in the first book, there was something about him that made me want more of him. When he first met Avery and the sparks flew between them I found myself wanting more of them then the actual hero and heroine of the book.

Because of the first two books we already know about Rowdy's soft heart, but it's really in this book that we understand the why of it.

And Avery is such a great heroine. She reminds me a lot of Luna from Just Say No Joe, one of Foster's best books. I won't say more than that because I want you to discover her on your own.

What I really loved about this book though was that the suspense wasn't a major part of the story line. It didn't fuel the relationship between Rowdy and Avery. It wasn't the catalyst for them finally getting together. It did cause a little bit of contention between them, but because Avery is no simpering miss she takes charge in way that made me laugh out loud.

This is one of her books that I will read over and over, because it is just that good.

Grade: A

Review by Sarah: Thoughts: I loved the attraction between Rowdy and Avery. I love those titles where a couple's passion has been denied for so long that it is a palpable force between them. This is definitely the case in Getting Rowdy. I loved the development of their relationship, the chemistry, and the story behind the characters. And considering I had not read the previous books in the series, it wasn't difficult to keep up with or get a connection for the characters. But it was pretty obvious that it was a book that was connected with some other characters.

There were a few things that did not ring true for me. First off, if I had just found the guy that supposedly wanted me as bad as Rowdy wants Avery - and then discovered him in his office indulging in a little bit of naughty action in his office with someone else - I think the attraction would pretty much be over. Or at least have taken me a bit longer to work that through in my head and give him another shot than it did Avery. But somehow Foster still makes it work, and she manages to pull the story back in for me. And I still managed to love Rowdy's character, so that is a credit to Foster's writing skills.

However, it seemed that toward the end things started to go a little downhill for me. Probably about the time Rowdy met her parents, it just seemed to shift a bit and lose that edge that made it special. Things seemed a little too predictable, a little to convenient. With so much drama going on I expected to be glued to the pages, but it fell a little short for me overall.

I also thought that for someone that almost had a phobia towards commitment, Rowdy seemed to accept his stronger feelings for Avery a bit too readily. I expected him to fight it tooth and nail - and to indulge in a lot of tears and emotion when it came to getting them past the 'only sex' phase and into the 'forever-after' one. But I was denied that a little in this book. But the passion and intensity in the beginning more than made up for that in my opinion, so I think things sort of balanced each other out.

Overall, a really great book with some amazing characters. Not one you want to miss out on!

Rate: B

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana i m so lucky
I have read Lori Foster's books for years and I have to say that this is in my top two books of hers. These two characters had a chemistry from previous books so I was thrilled that they got their own story. Rowdy is a lady's man with such charisma, personality, humor, sex appeal, good looks, and much more. I loved it most that Avery gave him a run for his money and didn't just give in so easily to his charm. I love that he had to work for her attention. Avery was a character with a couple of problems that she tried to solve on her own. Being strong and independent was new to her, but she handled it well and had the personality to match wits with Rowdy. The storyline was strong with lots of humor, strong dialogue, lots of romance, and just enough intrigue to keep you from putting the book down. I've read the book more than once and it's one that I will not get rid of.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this book, the story was very intense I could not wait to turn the page and see what was going to happen next. I was very surprised at the curve balls that I did not see coming. This book is part of a series though I suppose you could read it without having read the others before it...but I would recommend reading the others before it since there is a good bit of information and a great deal of excellent reading you'll miss out on if you don't.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ken jacobs
Another fabulous book by Lori Foster. I love her books and this series is so good and the hero's are so hot *sigh*. Rowdy Yates is a true alpha male. He is so protective and possessive of the people he cares for its wonderful to see he's the perfect hero. Rowdy decided years ago that he was to damaged for love other then his sister Pepper, but when Avery Mullins walks into his life she rocks his world.
I highly recommend this series. They are not stand alone books and to get the most amount of joy from reading them read in order. You will not regret it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A very enjoyable book with just enough danger and excitement to keep it interesting and enough romance to make you turning the pages. Avery and Rowdy have an easy rapport and I like the way they play off each other. Their hook-up was inevitable and I like the way the way it worked out. All the characters in the book have a back story and they all work well together. I am looking forward to the next book and can't wait to see who it is about. A very good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barbara ottley
Loved this book! Lori Foster never disappoints with her hot Alpha Males and Rowdy is no exception! I love the plot and pacing. The tension and buildup between the characters was great! I wish there was another book centered on Rowdy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kylee clifford
I loved this book!!!!!

A woman (Avery) is a bartender in Rowdy's bar. He has been trying to get her to sleep with him but she has been putting him off. When Rowdy gets hurt Avery stays with him. But someone is wanting Avery to go back to her other life. Rowdy must protect her & his heart.

This was a wonderfully written, fantastic book! Ms Foster has done it again. I loved the characters and can't wait for the next one.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
gina minks
This book was so bad, I am honestly surprised I bothered to finish it. I guess maybe I was hoping it would get better, but it never did. The story opens up with our "hero" getting a BJ in a bar and just slides downhill from there. He is a man-whore who jumps from bed to bed in an effort to drown out some bad childhood memories. Enter Avery, our "heroine" who left both her dignity and her backbone back home in an effort to start her life over in a new town. She is whiny and irritating and finds herself drawn to a man who can't keep his zipper up. I can suspend a lot of reality to get lost in a good story, but this was just a waste of several hours of my life that I will never get back.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
brittany franklin
Supposedly bartender/heroine Avery ignores the fact that she walks in on the "hero" of the story being serviced by one of his one-night stands in his office and THEN decides she's going to sleep with this jerk. And he admits to boinking a different woman every night. Oh, that's the man I would want. Can you say STD?

And the way Yates felt about women. One quote from earlier in book. This is Yates thinking. "Did she honestly think he'd go mewling to a woman if he did have a problem?" Wow - lot of respect there for women in general.

Get some self-respect, Avery. She goes from one abusive relationship into another with this meathead.

And a "hero" named Rowdy Yates after Clint Eastwood's character from the TV show RAWHIDE? His mom supposedly liked Eastwood so she names him after a character from a show that ran from 1959-1966. Exactly how old was his mom supposed to be before she died?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amy kearns
Just how did Lori Foster come up with this character's name?

Ramrod Rowdy Yates was a character on the TV series "Rawhide" lo these many years ago. Good character names are hard to create I must admit but if you are going to ride the coat tails of a name already used do yourself a favor and don't pick one of the most iconic ones of all time no matter how you might justify it in the story. Just makes it look phony and like you are trying too hard. I really wish this author hadn't gone this route.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is Lori Foster doing her thing with Romantic Suspense. She writes alpha hero's who don't lack confidence. In this story Rowdy Yates, bar owner and all around player is intrigued when waitress Avery Mullins brushes off his advances. ... It's a mystery/suspense so you know it's a woman in peril story with a happy ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh black
A fast and enjoyable read. Rowdy's story did not disappoint. It was great to see the other characters again. I love how Lori Foster seamlessly brings characters from other stories into the current story, and they have different and distinctive personalities. No two characters sound alike.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rowdy Yates has a roving eye. He's set his wandering sights on Avery Mullins. Although she is attracted to Rowdy, she also has a secret in her past that keeps her hiding. And just when she's feeling like being with Rowdy might be a good idea, she catches him in an awkward moment. And he must start all over again.
The problem with his growing attachment to Avery is the danger heading her way. In short order they collide and must come together to face the danger together.

I liked this book. I think the character development could have been stronger and the plot less predictable, but it didn't stop me from reading and didn't dampen my enjoyment. It is a good, solid book.

What I did think was done incredibly well was the tension and the dynamic between Rowdy and Avery. It kept the book interesting and engaging.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
cely maimicdec ttrei
I was not crazy about this story. There were times, the story got my attention and tried to sucked me into the plot.

I am sorry, i just didnt feel it all the way there.

My discomfort was not entirely with the plot, but with the main characters. I did not feel a strong connection nor great chemistry among Rowdy and Avery.

In a nutshell, it was a light read for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a great book and I did not want to put it down !!! This is the 3rd book in the Love Undercover Series ; Run the Risk (September, 2012) •Detective Logan Riske & Pepper Yates’ story , Bare It All (April, 2013) * Detective Reese and Alice story
Getting Rowdy (September, 2013) •Rowdy Yates story and can't wait for Dash of Peril (March, 2014) •Lieutenant Peterson & Dash Riske's story.

In this novel which stands could stand alone is the story of Rowdy and Avery story. Rowdy became his sister protector at a early age and recently started making roots by buying a bar and making friends. He bought the bar after he met Avery Mullins in an early book (Bare It All). The twist of this story it is not Rowdy bring danger to the story by Avery's past trying to pull her back. This was a great story , wonderfully written with strong women.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa w
The long awaited story of Rowdy was well worth the wait! This was really a great story. The characters were well thought out. I've always enjoyed Lori Foster's books, and this one is no exception. I love her alpha heroes especially when they have a sweet side.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike shelton
I enjoyed reading Getting Rowdy by Lori Foster and I will be looking for the books that are in this series.
Some readers may object to some of the sexual content in this book, BUT read the book for the story. Rowdy is a man who had a childhood no one would ever want and a little sister who depended on him to get them through the day. He tries to find a way to not feel the pain he had growing up and he chooses having one night stands to ease the pain.
Avery has worked for Rowdy in his bar and she has feelings for him, but she doesn't want to be one of women who are constantly trying to get his attention. Avery will find away to get under his skin where he will not be looking anywhere else for some love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ryan young
Really enjoyed this book. This is the third book in this series. Each one can be read as a stand alone but better if you read them in order. Great series with awesome characters. Rowdy and Avery were awesome together. What great chemistry. I loved the interaction with characters from the previous books in the series. Can't wait to read the next one in the series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sara texas girl reads
Just how did Lori Foster come up with this character's name?

Ramrod Rowdy Yates was a character on the TV series "Rawhide" lo these many years ago. Good character names are hard to create I must admit but if you are going to ride the coat tails of a name already used do yourself a favor and don't pick one of the most iconic ones of all time no matter how you might justify it in the story. Just makes it look phony and like you are trying too hard. I really wish this author hadn't gone this route.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is Lori Foster doing her thing with Romantic Suspense. She writes alpha hero's who don't lack confidence. In this story Rowdy Yates, bar owner and all around player is intrigued when waitress Avery Mullins brushes off his advances. ... It's a mystery/suspense so you know it's a woman in peril story with a happy ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fast and enjoyable read. Rowdy's story did not disappoint. It was great to see the other characters again. I love how Lori Foster seamlessly brings characters from other stories into the current story, and they have different and distinctive personalities. No two characters sound alike.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessica m
Rowdy Yates has a roving eye. He's set his wandering sights on Avery Mullins. Although she is attracted to Rowdy, she also has a secret in her past that keeps her hiding. And just when she's feeling like being with Rowdy might be a good idea, she catches him in an awkward moment. And he must start all over again.
The problem with his growing attachment to Avery is the danger heading her way. In short order they collide and must come together to face the danger together.

I liked this book. I think the character development could have been stronger and the plot less predictable, but it didn't stop me from reading and didn't dampen my enjoyment. It is a good, solid book.

What I did think was done incredibly well was the tension and the dynamic between Rowdy and Avery. It kept the book interesting and engaging.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
melanie marshall
I was not crazy about this story. There were times, the story got my attention and tried to sucked me into the plot.

I am sorry, i just didnt feel it all the way there.

My discomfort was not entirely with the plot, but with the main characters. I did not feel a strong connection nor great chemistry among Rowdy and Avery.

In a nutshell, it was a light read for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a great book and I did not want to put it down !!! This is the 3rd book in the Love Undercover Series ; Run the Risk (September, 2012) •Detective Logan Riske & Pepper Yates’ story , Bare It All (April, 2013) * Detective Reese and Alice story
Getting Rowdy (September, 2013) •Rowdy Yates story and can't wait for Dash of Peril (March, 2014) •Lieutenant Peterson & Dash Riske's story.

In this novel which stands could stand alone is the story of Rowdy and Avery story. Rowdy became his sister protector at a early age and recently started making roots by buying a bar and making friends. He bought the bar after he met Avery Mullins in an early book (Bare It All). The twist of this story it is not Rowdy bring danger to the story by Avery's past trying to pull her back. This was a great story , wonderfully written with strong women.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
neelotpal kundu
The long awaited story of Rowdy was well worth the wait! This was really a great story. The characters were well thought out. I've always enjoyed Lori Foster's books, and this one is no exception. I love her alpha heroes especially when they have a sweet side.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed reading Getting Rowdy by Lori Foster and I will be looking for the books that are in this series.
Some readers may object to some of the sexual content in this book, BUT read the book for the story. Rowdy is a man who had a childhood no one would ever want and a little sister who depended on him to get them through the day. He tries to find a way to not feel the pain he had growing up and he chooses having one night stands to ease the pain.
Avery has worked for Rowdy in his bar and she has feelings for him, but she doesn't want to be one of women who are constantly trying to get his attention. Avery will find away to get under his skin where he will not be looking anywhere else for some love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tessa weinberg
Really enjoyed this book. This is the third book in this series. Each one can be read as a stand alone but better if you read them in order. Great series with awesome characters. Rowdy and Avery were awesome together. What great chemistry. I loved the interaction with characters from the previous books in the series. Can't wait to read the next one in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
g nizi
I have read the whole series so far and this is the steamiest one so far. The story is fun and gives you a new character to add to the series if that is the intent. This is Rowdys and Averys story. His bar is the backdrop but the usual cops are all involved along with a likable group and some not so likable at all. I enjoyed the story and had no problem finishing it in a day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eric shaw
Getting Rowdy was a pretty hot book. I loved Rowdy, he was a total Alpha male with a heart of gold. Avery was no slouch either. She'd been through some tough times but it didn't break her. The story was great and kept me up all night so I could finish. A real page turner. I totally enjoyed this book and can't wait to read the rest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I could have gotten rowdy with this sexy hunk. I loved him in the last book but really enjoyed his vulnerability and caring. A grade A hero who knows how to sex a girl up. I'm looking forward to more of the series. Thanks again Lori for a wonderful story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kent wolf
I really liked this book and I thought it came with everything I expect in a Lori Foster book .love ,suspense,romance,big hunky sexy man .with a strong female lead . Although I didn't read the series from the beginning I enjoyed the other characters in this story .

I was a little let down at the end with the whole confrontation with the bad guys but that's just me .
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
pete reilly
So...I've been waiting for months (months seriously!!!) for this book. I started out of order (as I do with a lot of books) and was very pleasantly surprised with Alice and Reese's story. Subsequently I got excited and started the series. I really enjoyed the second book and the first, so with bated breath I waited and waited for this book (I get my books from the public library so I usually wait longer)and when I finally got it...bam! I thought it would be some great mystery trying to find out who wanted to hurt Avery, but no it didn't go like that. In the few snippets of information we got about Avery from the previous books she seemed smart, sassy, and oblivious to Rowdy's intentions. I mean he's hot so how long can you hold out??? In the book she turns into a whiny, needy, girly girl (not at all what I expected from her). It's like she lost all of her spunk and backbone when she and Rowdy got together. I still like Rowdy (of course) because he still stuck true to the kind of person he was (smart, heroic, sexy, and still fighting for anyone who may need help). Well all in all this book disappointed but overall I enjoyed the series...thus far (I would love to see something with Cannon or finally with Dash) can only hope :)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
elaine ho
My review won't be as good as others considering I read only two or three chapters. Skimmed through a couple of pages until I finally realized there was no point in even bothering to continue!

First, the heroine is EASY. She said she didn't want to become another notch in the bedpost of the hero, but she does. She's in "love" with him, and she gets hurt when he's with other women.

He's obviously a man-whore which I also hate. The heroine clearly knows this, but that apparently doesn't matter after the third chapter or so.

Instead of fighting him off when he touched her (i.e. "kissing her knuckles") she just lets him. Too easy, too boring. I guess whoever likes this kinds stuff, probably has no idea what it feels like to be treated like an object.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lori's writing style is far superior than others.
Her characters are bright, clever, sensual and downright lovable. And her storylines are always detailed and explicit. By far, all of her works are 1st class including but certainly not limited to getting Rowdy. This novel gives you all of the elements required---great storyline, great characters and some sinful, sensual fun. Love it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is another excellent entry into the series. The characters are well written and very believable, as always. It was nice to catch up on the lives of some of the characters from previous books. I’m looking forward to reading more books by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kara lee
My first Lori Foster romance won't be my last. Her characters as well as the plot are believable and well developed. She combines mystery and intrigue with sex for an exciting novel which is hard to put down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
LOVE Rowdy & Avery! They are perfect together.

We meet Cannon in this book. He grew up here and always does his walks around the neighborhood to try and clean up the streets.

Rowdy and Cannon are my favorite characters. Cannon's story starts with No Limits.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kate baird
I liked this book. It wasn't my favorite in the series but it was nice to be able to hear their past & watch them together. To be honest, I think Cannon was my favorite part of this & I was hoping his story would be next so I could read more about him!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed this book. Rowdy & Avery's "attraction" was funny at times. He was determined to keep her safe and somehow heal himself with using sex to cope with his past. It draws you in from page 1. Good Job Lori.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
germano ara jo
But I wish I had known that it was the end of a serious and would give away the plots to several other books. Not sure why Foster would choose the END as a cheaper read....usually that happens with the first book in a series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary cain
Rowdy... well I loved him in the first two books.. and throughout this one as well! Avery suited him and I enjoyed her spunk and occasional sarcasm. Again Foster introduced good characters and I am looking forward to their stories!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has it all! Getting Rowdy is one of the best books I have read all year, and I read a lot! Lori Foster did an amazing job creating these characters and bringing them to life. I really hated to see the book end, but I'm looking forward to Dash's story next. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ronald ball
Getting Rowdy (Love Undercover) Mass Market Paperback – September 24, 2013
by Lori Foster (Author)

Fun romantic read. Adventure with some heady excitement. Leaves you wondering at times which character will respond which way next. Worth a read curled up in a chair.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lovisa golder
I absolutely loved Getting Rowdy and wish I could find a Rowdy of my own. For all his "faults" and mishaps...i.e., the scene at the beginning of the can never think badly of Rowdy. Already knowing what a good guy he was from "Bare It All" and how much he meant to Alice, there was no doubt he was going to be a wonderful lead hero. Avery was a perfect balance to his character and the way she treated him was wonderful. She accepted him faults and all. When Pepper said "Cause a scene" I let out a little whoop! So now I have "Alice, up here" and "Cause a scene" as two favorite lines out of this series. Thank you Lori for all the hard work you put into your characters and your books, it's deeply appreciated.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
gayle parness
3 1/2 stars

I was given a copy of this book through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review*

I love Lori Foster and her writing. She always knows just what the reader wants and knows how to weave a story that gets you interested and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Getting Rowdy was fun, sexy, and a thrill ride. Rowdy was Foster's typical delicious alpha hero. I did have a harder time connecting with Avery but she was still a very well developed character, just personally didn't fall in love with her. I love reading follow ups to the other characters in the story as well, it keeps you interested and wanting to read the next.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
collegiate online book
I enjoyed this book because it was down to earth and had me thinking of the innocents that suffer in real life that most of us never see. I anticipate that there is a story there for Cannon. I really like him.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
andrada teodora pencea
First off some of the things she writes seem old fashioned, and it always seems like her heros are like superman or something. They can always take four or five guys, at once and they know everything about what the heroine is thinking or wanting. Second if I walked in on a guy I was attracted to getting oral I certainly would be kissing on him that same night, or thinking it was time to give it up to him.

The heroine needs a backbone she really annoyed me. I couldn't even finish the book and I really tried. I just don't like her writing style anymore i used to but it just seem like all her books are all the same.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carl smith
For me this was the best book in the series. I liked Rowdy from the very beginning of the series. I liked everything about his character. He fell for Avery the minute he saw her and this book was their story. I was happy to know that Rowdy finally fell in love and has his HEA. The book had enough suspense in it to keep turning the pages.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lori Foster has done it again! I've read the Love Undercover Series in order & Getting Rowdy is my far. Rowdy has a soft heart, fierce protective instincts, & a deep ability to love..for example...his sister, Pepper, young Marcus, & of course, his Avery. Well done Lori Foster...well done!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chie sr
great pace to the book. Good character development as well. I like the connections and how the author drew me in so I want more in the future. Highly recommend anyone who loves this genre to pick up this book .
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
elizabeth coleman
I was befuddled by all the amazing reviews this book received! I had to stop reading this book halfway through. Couldn't stand how desperate and needy the heroine was for the hero. She had no self-respect and pride at all where the hero was concerned. The hero was a man whore and any doubt the heroine had of getting involved with him was obliterated (she kept denying him for a year) when she caught him in the throes of passion with another woman. Now, apparently she couldn't wait to sleep with him. She even threw herself at him after he rejected her and told her to leave with another man. I like Lori Foster books, but what was she thinking?!?!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shane r
Another great read of Lori Fosters. I always enjoy her books. Prior to reading one of her books, I primarily read Historical romances and she hooked me into the modern "contemporary" genre. Each read is a delight, I have many of her old and new on my kindle and in paperback. I was so glad when she did Rowdy's story. I've like him and his rye sense of humor since book one with his sister. Fun, Great Read. Looking forward to the next book!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy talluto
I loved Rowdy's story. I love that he was badass and soft hearted too. Avery was his match in every way. I had figured out that her stepfather was crazy and was after her about halfway through. I can't wait for Dash's story. Love you Lori.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david whitney
I read this book while I was on my vacation. The weather was beautiful and I could not put the book down, then we had rain and weren't able to go to the beach, so I just bought another Lori Foster book. Great author!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed this book because it was light, fun reading and easy to read. I discovered Lori Foster all over again so I have bought many more of her books on Kindle to read now.I just wish I could pass them on to my friend who can't afford to buy many books in her retirement.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
chasity jones jordan
Let me start off by saying that Lori Foster is my favorite contemporary author. Her books always leave me warm and fuzzy inside. No let me correct that....USUALLY leave me warm and fuzzy inside. This book.....Not one of them.

Lori, as your #1 fan, I find it my duty to ask you "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" Were you reading these YA books that happen to be (for some reason) so popular right now and decided that you were going to go that route? I was so turned off with both Rowdy and Avery. Me as a strong minded woman, do not find it even remotely attractive to find a guy getting a BJ by some random woman while he is actively pursuing me or to be treated the way he treats her. She tells him he has to earn it but does he really earn it? It just looks to me that he's brushing off ladies because she's around. Rowdy has no respect for Avery. With the way he treats her, she still follows him like a love sick puppy. I found it disturbing the stuff she would put up with. I found Avery to seem desperate, dumb and weak minded.

Now the plot.....This is the worst plot I've ever seen from any of your books. I'm not even going to go into it without spoiling the story for others. But it was all over the place. And so UNREALISTIC. I felt like I was watching one of those comedies that make fun of other movies with outlandish ridiculous exaggeration. I was actually laughing at the drama because it was so unheard of.

This book was just not there for me. Reese's story is by far my favorite in this series. That being said, you are still my #1 favorite author so I will not hold it against you and will be not so patiently waiting for your next book. Hopefully about Cannon.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ann pieri
Haven't read the book - haven't even bought it yet. I was reading the book's page and reviews and only got as far as the description and I stopped. Are you such a Clint Eastwood fan you couldn't conceive of a macho yet somewhat mysterious character with a name of his own? Your author page makes you look too young to have been a fan of 'Rawhide' when it ran in the late 50's, unless you became hooked on the reruns. If naming the lead character is so lazy and unimaginative, I doubt I'd bother going any farther to find out if the rest of the book is any better. I'd be too busy waiting for Gil Favor to tell me to "Head 'em up, move 'em out"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
winaldo swastia
I am a HUGE Lori Foster fan and get every book she writes even the novellas. I am a big fan of series that have characters showing up in all the books. Getting Rowdy has to be one of my favorites so over all!!!! In the series I admit I didn't see the instant attraction for Rowdy. Reese in Bare It All was amazing. I enjoyed reading Lori's FB posts while writing Rowdy's story and was getting excited about reading his story. Lori didn't let me down. I think I felt every emotion while reading this book. I cannot put into words how much I enjoyed this book. I look forward to re-reading it very soon. I don't want to give anything away while writing this review but you really do need to purchase it. Thank you Lori for another great book. I cannot wait for the next one in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claudio arena
The man of the hour to fall for would be Rowdy... Love the way Avery and Rowdy talk without talking. Love the way the book unfolds and we find out who the stalker is. Love how those two people learn and grow and *sigh* love. If we could all find someone who would stand by each other like these two do. I loved this book. I also think it's the best of this series, but then I think I think that after every one of Lori's books. She has a way with bringing characters to life and you just have to love them...or hate them...whichever is the case! Keep up the great work, Lori! This book is a keeper and I will definently reread this book!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Let me start off by saying that Lori Foster is my favorite contemporary author. Her books always leave me warm and fuzzy inside. No let me correct that....USUALLY leave me warm and fuzzy inside. This book.....Not one of them.

Lori, as your #1 fan, I find it my duty to ask you "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" Were you reading these YA books that happen to be (for some reason) so popular right now and decided that you were going to go that route? I was so turned off with both Rowdy and Avery. Me as a strong minded woman, do not find it even remotely attractive to find a guy getting a BJ by some random woman while he is actively pursuing me or to be treated the way he treats her. She tells him he has to earn it but does he really earn it? It just looks to me that he's brushing off ladies because she's around. Rowdy has no respect for Avery. With the way he treats her, she still follows him like a love sick puppy. I found it disturbing the stuff she would put up with. I found Avery to seem desperate, dumb and weak minded.

Now the plot.....This is the worst plot I've ever seen from any of your books. I'm not even going to go into it without spoiling the story for others. But it was all over the place. And so UNREALISTIC. I felt like I was watching one of those comedies that make fun of other movies with outlandish ridiculous exaggeration. I was actually laughing at the drama because it was so unheard of.

This book was just not there for me. Reese's story is by far my favorite in this series. That being said, you are still my #1 favorite author so I will not hold it against you and will be not so patiently waiting for your next book. Hopefully about Cannon.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
bri ahearn
Haven't read the book - haven't even bought it yet. I was reading the book's page and reviews and only got as far as the description and I stopped. Are you such a Clint Eastwood fan you couldn't conceive of a macho yet somewhat mysterious character with a name of his own? Your author page makes you look too young to have been a fan of 'Rawhide' when it ran in the late 50's, unless you became hooked on the reruns. If naming the lead character is so lazy and unimaginative, I doubt I'd bother going any farther to find out if the rest of the book is any better. I'd be too busy waiting for Gil Favor to tell me to "Head 'em up, move 'em out"
Please RateGetting Rowdy (Love Undercover (Foster) series Book 3)
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