Creating a Place of Belonging and Becoming - The Lifegiving Home
BySally Clarkson
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marty gabert
"The Life Giving Home: Creating a Place of Belonging and Becoming" by Sally and Sarah Clarkson is the story of the Clarkson family, how they created a home life for their family and all who enter their home that is welcoming, loving, and a haven of rest and peace. The Clarkson family truly embraced making their home a place that gives life and refuge to many, one that celebrates family, friendships, and faith.
The book is divided into two sections. The first one discusses thinking about home--what home means, what it could look like. The second section composes the vast majority of the book and is divided not by chapters, but by months. Each month revolves around a certain theme with some introductory thoughts and a section on what it looks like in practice in their own home life.
I truly enjoyed this book and all the ideas contained within, not just the practical ones, but also the whys of making home. Hospitality is not my strong suit, but this book gives me plenty of ideas that I can easily tweak and apply to my own family.
The book is divided into two sections. The first one discusses thinking about home--what home means, what it could look like. The second section composes the vast majority of the book and is divided not by chapters, but by months. Each month revolves around a certain theme with some introductory thoughts and a section on what it looks like in practice in their own home life.
I truly enjoyed this book and all the ideas contained within, not just the practical ones, but also the whys of making home. Hospitality is not my strong suit, but this book gives me plenty of ideas that I can easily tweak and apply to my own family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I discovered Sally Clarkson soon after I had my oldest daughter almost six years ago, and her writing has been so inspirational and encouraging to me ever since. I love her books, and this one may be my favorite so far! It is broken down month by month into ways of being intentional and pouring life and love into your family; and making your home a place of belonging, a refuge from the outside world. It is co-written by Sally's daughter Sarah, and I love hearing both of their voices and their mom/daughter perspectives coming through. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to truly make their home a Lifegiving Home!
Whistling in the Dark by Lesley Kagen (2007-05-01) :: Lady Cop Makes Trouble (A Kopp Sisters Novel Book 2) :: Carry Me Home: A Novel :: The Bridge Club: A Novel :: Girl Waits with Gun (A Kopp Sisters Novel Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Home is not merely a dwelling. It’s not merely a state of existence. It’s a story, a narrative spun out day by day, a story molded by the walls and hours and tasks and feasts with which we fill our time, reflecting the reality of the God whose love animates every aspect of our being.”
The Lifegiving Home by Sally and Sarah Clarkson, p.20
First off let me say I loved this book. This mother daughter team with their beautiful writing inspired me to rethink my home and how we use it. It was too much to take in to read quickly so I read a few pages here and there in the moments I had. Each time I put the book down I expected it to be hard to start again, but the story and ideas for lovely home practices made it easy to pick back up again and continue being inspired. Perfect for life with three munchkins, actually. A few different times I had to run for a pen and paper to keep a list of things to incorporate and ideas revisit later. I read it in the middle of winter – that after christmas portion when homes tend to feel a little bleak – and I daydreamed flowers, gatherings, and new ideas for our home.
“When I see my home as a source of life to be extended to all who enter, I will be committed to the well-being of all those who enter. A home that says welcome opens hearts to real relationships.” p26
The Clarksons have a somewhat romanticized view of home that is at the same time both helpful and unhelpful.
for example:
Unhelpful: “We cannot change the world if we cannot incarnate God’s love in our most ordinary spaces and hours.” p38 <—To me this puts too much pressure on our homes. To be sure we are more likely to be good stewards in other areas if we are good stewards in our homes, but to me they are not so tightly locked at the knee.
Helpful: “To cultivate beauty is to act in keeping with my faith in God’s goodness rather than my doubt.” p83 <— I loved this. I so easily fall into places where I am sure what I’m doing doesn’t matter, but to place that hope in God instead of in myself is oh so right.
Sally Clarkson has put in much time and effort (and I’m certain: money) into making their home idyllic (- and who doesn’t dream of that) and it can feel disheartening when you think about how chaotic your own home is or how impossible house-to-home-making seems when taken on such a grand scale, but we all start somewhere and remembering that can be helpful while reading this book. The many tips and tools in each chapter are great jumping off points for thinking about our own homes in a more purposeful way. The narrative in the book can seem prescriptive in a “my way or the highway” kind of way, but we are free to make our homes however they work best for us. And the encouragement to consider home in a higher way can be inspiring.
I will definitely be revisiting this book (and the study guide) as I continue to explore, change, and shape our own home culture to reflect our family’s needs and values. I especially loved the chapter on books and giving your children memories of heroic stories to fuel and inspire their real-life adventures. Because I am a book nerd and these are the things I remember about my childhood too.
“We were children who went to bed with Narnian heroes in our dreams, woke to picture books before breakfast, and had biographies assigned for the afternoon. Our imaginations were crammed with beauty of story, landscapes, characters, and quests, constantly expanding our concept of what was good and beautiful and possible. Every book we read, every hero encountered came with my parents’ challenge for us to dream of who we might become, who we might help or save, and what we might create.” p153
And this idea about celebration leads to a deeper understanding of what may, at times, seem like plain frivolity:
“We need celebration because we need to remember the eternal. Adults as well as children need an occasional space in which to vividly picture and embody as much delight and laughter as they can because those lived realities allow them hope in what they cannot yet imagine, in the new heavens and new earth.” p232
I was given a copy of this book and the companion study-book as part of the Tyndale blog tour. These are my own opinions and I was not compensated in any way for this post.
The Lifegiving Home by Sally and Sarah Clarkson, p.20
First off let me say I loved this book. This mother daughter team with their beautiful writing inspired me to rethink my home and how we use it. It was too much to take in to read quickly so I read a few pages here and there in the moments I had. Each time I put the book down I expected it to be hard to start again, but the story and ideas for lovely home practices made it easy to pick back up again and continue being inspired. Perfect for life with three munchkins, actually. A few different times I had to run for a pen and paper to keep a list of things to incorporate and ideas revisit later. I read it in the middle of winter – that after christmas portion when homes tend to feel a little bleak – and I daydreamed flowers, gatherings, and new ideas for our home.
“When I see my home as a source of life to be extended to all who enter, I will be committed to the well-being of all those who enter. A home that says welcome opens hearts to real relationships.” p26
The Clarksons have a somewhat romanticized view of home that is at the same time both helpful and unhelpful.
for example:
Unhelpful: “We cannot change the world if we cannot incarnate God’s love in our most ordinary spaces and hours.” p38 <—To me this puts too much pressure on our homes. To be sure we are more likely to be good stewards in other areas if we are good stewards in our homes, but to me they are not so tightly locked at the knee.
Helpful: “To cultivate beauty is to act in keeping with my faith in God’s goodness rather than my doubt.” p83 <— I loved this. I so easily fall into places where I am sure what I’m doing doesn’t matter, but to place that hope in God instead of in myself is oh so right.
Sally Clarkson has put in much time and effort (and I’m certain: money) into making their home idyllic (- and who doesn’t dream of that) and it can feel disheartening when you think about how chaotic your own home is or how impossible house-to-home-making seems when taken on such a grand scale, but we all start somewhere and remembering that can be helpful while reading this book. The many tips and tools in each chapter are great jumping off points for thinking about our own homes in a more purposeful way. The narrative in the book can seem prescriptive in a “my way or the highway” kind of way, but we are free to make our homes however they work best for us. And the encouragement to consider home in a higher way can be inspiring.
I will definitely be revisiting this book (and the study guide) as I continue to explore, change, and shape our own home culture to reflect our family’s needs and values. I especially loved the chapter on books and giving your children memories of heroic stories to fuel and inspire their real-life adventures. Because I am a book nerd and these are the things I remember about my childhood too.
“We were children who went to bed with Narnian heroes in our dreams, woke to picture books before breakfast, and had biographies assigned for the afternoon. Our imaginations were crammed with beauty of story, landscapes, characters, and quests, constantly expanding our concept of what was good and beautiful and possible. Every book we read, every hero encountered came with my parents’ challenge for us to dream of who we might become, who we might help or save, and what we might create.” p153
And this idea about celebration leads to a deeper understanding of what may, at times, seem like plain frivolity:
“We need celebration because we need to remember the eternal. Adults as well as children need an occasional space in which to vividly picture and embody as much delight and laughter as they can because those lived realities allow them hope in what they cannot yet imagine, in the new heavens and new earth.” p232
I was given a copy of this book and the companion study-book as part of the Tyndale blog tour. These are my own opinions and I was not compensated in any way for this post.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There has only been one other book from Sally Clarkson that I have read and enjoyed it immensely so when I got the chance to review her new book, written with her daughter, I thought I would give it a try. The Life Giving Home: Creating a place of belonging & becoming by Sally & Sarah Clarkson has quickly become a favorite of mine.
I am usually skeptical of books with multiple authors because some of the ones I have read in the past were disjointed and lacked smoothness when reading them. I was pleasantly surprised by Life Giving Home because it was a wonderful read and even when they announced the author had change the flow was wonderful. There were no bumps in reading, but since they are mother and daughter, I assume they have similar writing styles.
But what I really treasure about this book are all the wonderful ideas for creating a home that my kids and family would love to run back to time and time again. In the beginning Sally and Sarah talk about how their home life was and still is to this day. The rest of the book is broken up into each month with AMAZING ideas for every season of family. From music to play, traditions to incorporate and most importantly, keeping God as the foundation for your family.
I really love this book and want to purchase the study guide that has been created to go along with this. There is even a CD of music from Sally's son to help you along with creating our life giving home.
{Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.}
I am usually skeptical of books with multiple authors because some of the ones I have read in the past were disjointed and lacked smoothness when reading them. I was pleasantly surprised by Life Giving Home because it was a wonderful read and even when they announced the author had change the flow was wonderful. There were no bumps in reading, but since they are mother and daughter, I assume they have similar writing styles.
But what I really treasure about this book are all the wonderful ideas for creating a home that my kids and family would love to run back to time and time again. In the beginning Sally and Sarah talk about how their home life was and still is to this day. The rest of the book is broken up into each month with AMAZING ideas for every season of family. From music to play, traditions to incorporate and most importantly, keeping God as the foundation for your family.
I really love this book and want to purchase the study guide that has been created to go along with this. There is even a CD of music from Sally's son to help you along with creating our life giving home.
{Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.}
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sally Clarkson has helped raise me as a mom and God has used her to inspire generations of families. She's a gifted writer, teacher and vision caster. She's also real, humble, honest, flawed and funny. I've sat at her feet for close to two decades through her books and conferences. For the purpose of review, I received a pre-release copy of her newest book which is co-written with her beautiful, eloquent daughter Sarah. I can tell you that it's so good. It is a lifetime of wisdom and inspiration for creating a life giving culture of love and belonging in your home. It's a window into her heart and home but it's mostly about discovering and growing GOD'S heart for YOUR home. We're all different and God has a unique story to tell in and through each of our families. Be blessed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
r j vaccarelli
I think that we all long or our home to be a place to rest. A place where we can settle in and find refuge free of the demands and criticisms of the world. A place where we can laugh freely and just be ourselves. But in a culture that thrives on busyness, accomplishments and the accumulation of things it can be hard to carve out the time to create the home that we long for. or we may not even know where to start in its creation.
In The Lifegiving Home: a place of belonging and becoming written by Sally and Sarah Clarkson (mother and daughter) we see a mother intentionally create a home that is "a place of refuge, a harbor for their wandering souls, a place where all that is precious about life is preserved, protected, and cultivated and the daily needs of their hearts and souls are satisfied." Then we see how this impacted her daughter and how it has shaped and influenced her as an adult. We hear two distinct voices speaking their story from experience and encouraging us on our journey to create the same kind of place for our own.
In the reading of The Lifegiving Home you will find yourself encouraged to establish routines and traditions that are meaningful to your family. You will find suggestions that will lead you to be creative with cultivating these special moments. We see the ways that their family found time to admire beauty in nature and art, how meaningful conversations took place and so much more. It's proof that home can be a place where family flourishes, grows and finds a place of belonging.
And the good news, it is all broken down into bite size chunks. We can take the encouragement and suggestions in this book and use them to help us create our own Lifegiving Home.
The book is broken into two parts, Thinking About Home and Seasons of Home. In Thinking About Home we see a vision of what home is and should be. In Seasons of Home we see specific ways they cultivated and atmosphere of belonging and becoming and can use them as suggestions of what we can do in our home and for our loved ones that our broken out my month.
There is even a practical companion guide, The Lifegiving Home Experience that you can get to help you further by guiding you through each month, offering plans and ideas to help you in crafting a place of rest and sanctuary. (I just ordered a copy)
As a mom of two littles who longs for home to be a place of life, of the building up of souls and a place where we all find love no matter the season we are in - I find myself encouraged and challenged to continue on in the intentional creation of our home. In the things that refresh our bodies, build our faith and encourage our souls.
A copy of this book was provided by the publisher, Tyndale Momentum, in exchange for my honest review.
In The Lifegiving Home: a place of belonging and becoming written by Sally and Sarah Clarkson (mother and daughter) we see a mother intentionally create a home that is "a place of refuge, a harbor for their wandering souls, a place where all that is precious about life is preserved, protected, and cultivated and the daily needs of their hearts and souls are satisfied." Then we see how this impacted her daughter and how it has shaped and influenced her as an adult. We hear two distinct voices speaking their story from experience and encouraging us on our journey to create the same kind of place for our own.
In the reading of The Lifegiving Home you will find yourself encouraged to establish routines and traditions that are meaningful to your family. You will find suggestions that will lead you to be creative with cultivating these special moments. We see the ways that their family found time to admire beauty in nature and art, how meaningful conversations took place and so much more. It's proof that home can be a place where family flourishes, grows and finds a place of belonging.
And the good news, it is all broken down into bite size chunks. We can take the encouragement and suggestions in this book and use them to help us create our own Lifegiving Home.
The book is broken into two parts, Thinking About Home and Seasons of Home. In Thinking About Home we see a vision of what home is and should be. In Seasons of Home we see specific ways they cultivated and atmosphere of belonging and becoming and can use them as suggestions of what we can do in our home and for our loved ones that our broken out my month.
There is even a practical companion guide, The Lifegiving Home Experience that you can get to help you further by guiding you through each month, offering plans and ideas to help you in crafting a place of rest and sanctuary. (I just ordered a copy)
As a mom of two littles who longs for home to be a place of life, of the building up of souls and a place where we all find love no matter the season we are in - I find myself encouraged and challenged to continue on in the intentional creation of our home. In the things that refresh our bodies, build our faith and encourage our souls.
A copy of this book was provided by the publisher, Tyndale Momentum, in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
vivian younes
I really like some things about this book: Sally and Sarah's vision, Sarah's philosophical insights, practical ideas for displaying the beauty of God in simple ways. The main reason I am not CRAZY about this book is because Sally has all grown children, and is definitely writing this in view of her life now, and not in a way that relates to or encourages me as a mom of 3 young children 3 and younger. Rather, it is pretty discouraging. I also think the book suffers in relatable insight because Sally does not have the added complicated (yet wonderful) element of grandchildren. I wonder how many of their family traditions she will hold on so tightly to, when her children are having families of their own and are trying to figure out their own traditions. Surely if I were her daughter in law, I would be overwhelmed by how many set in stone things and ways of the family there are, unless I/we were not expected or obligated to continue in them. So I would say that her unique place in life, in having all grown children and yet still remaining only a nuclear family, give her this idealistic view of past raising of children (when things are hard) and without the complications of extended family that many of us face.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
court carney
In a world that seems bent on glorifying darkness, The Lifegiving Home is a beacon of light and life. Mother and daughter, Sally and Sarah Clarkson have looked back on their own home life and chronicled a treasure chest of wisdom that will be a huge blessing to everyone who reads it. So many of us grew up in homes which were NOT life-giving, and feel powerless or visionless as we try to bring life into our own four walls. Now, there's a guide and encouraging voices to cheer us on. The authors have lived this message well, and continue to do so, making them trustworthy advisors who speak to us as friends. You will love this book--and your family will be forever changed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sabine scholz
The Life Giving Home has officially earned the newest "hugworthy" title. I seriously just want to hug it tight. I loved it so, so much.
I've been filling my mind and heart with the Clarksons' advice through the past couple of years, but after this book, I hope to read each and every one of their books. So often while reading, I found myself thinking "I want that for my family!" There is tons of advice and recommendations on how to do just that. It was highly encouraging! I'm keeping this book close by at all times right now.
If you're like me, it can all get a little depressing at first. Despite being what I want for my family, life around here is so far from what is described within the book. "Baby steps" is typically the way to go with me, and is also recommended by Mrs. Clarkson. She reminds us that it's taken her years to get where she's at. Too, it's important for me to not focus so much on every little thing that isn't "perfect", and focus on the little moments and the things that do go as hoped and planned.
I appreciate her honesty, too. Life around their home wasn't perfect, and she admits so, but she also doesn't dwell on it. When I first started blogging, I needed honesty from other mamas. It seems like people are SO honest these days that the bad things in the adventure of being a mommy are dwelled upon, and I sure don't need that. At this point, I need mostly the good things to be the focus, with just enough of the hard times thrown in there to make me know I'm not dealing with perfection. Mrs. Clarkson does a perfect job of balancing the two, and I've found myself soaking up her advice more and more.
Aside from the Bible, I find myself gravitating towards the advice of Charlotte Mason and Sally Clarkson more than anyone else these days. They are full of wisdom and experience, advice, and encouragement. I already have my book all marked up from the first round of reading. Lord willing, I'll be referring to it much more through the years, and I'm sure it'll get marked up more and more. Obviously, I HIGHLY recommend The Life Giving Home! It's a treasure!
*A huge thanks to Tyndale for providing me with a review copy, in exchange for my honest opinion!
I've been filling my mind and heart with the Clarksons' advice through the past couple of years, but after this book, I hope to read each and every one of their books. So often while reading, I found myself thinking "I want that for my family!" There is tons of advice and recommendations on how to do just that. It was highly encouraging! I'm keeping this book close by at all times right now.
If you're like me, it can all get a little depressing at first. Despite being what I want for my family, life around here is so far from what is described within the book. "Baby steps" is typically the way to go with me, and is also recommended by Mrs. Clarkson. She reminds us that it's taken her years to get where she's at. Too, it's important for me to not focus so much on every little thing that isn't "perfect", and focus on the little moments and the things that do go as hoped and planned.
I appreciate her honesty, too. Life around their home wasn't perfect, and she admits so, but she also doesn't dwell on it. When I first started blogging, I needed honesty from other mamas. It seems like people are SO honest these days that the bad things in the adventure of being a mommy are dwelled upon, and I sure don't need that. At this point, I need mostly the good things to be the focus, with just enough of the hard times thrown in there to make me know I'm not dealing with perfection. Mrs. Clarkson does a perfect job of balancing the two, and I've found myself soaking up her advice more and more.
Aside from the Bible, I find myself gravitating towards the advice of Charlotte Mason and Sally Clarkson more than anyone else these days. They are full of wisdom and experience, advice, and encouragement. I already have my book all marked up from the first round of reading. Lord willing, I'll be referring to it much more through the years, and I'm sure it'll get marked up more and more. Obviously, I HIGHLY recommend The Life Giving Home! It's a treasure!
*A huge thanks to Tyndale for providing me with a review copy, in exchange for my honest opinion!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phil hobrla
I love all of Sally Clarkson's books, and this one is no exception!! Learn how to create a feeling of "home" wherever you are, no matter the circumstances. I can't wait to start implementing the things I have learned, and start truly having a Life-Giving Home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david scarratt
Another great read and for me learning, teaching. I come from a broken challenging upbringing and really didn't get to experience a mom that poured into me. So I have had to search for others to learn and gleam from. I have been fortunate to find that in Sally Clarkson, she is a mom mentor to me. I would highly recommend taking the time to read this book !!! It goes through months of year, great ides for family traditions, and create special family time. How to also create me time, get refreshed in my own home. 2:30 tea time, everyone's quiet time, be ready for unexpected guest, just bought cookie dough balls last night, etc... I think although my family much smaller I just adjust to my scale, and it sparked ideas that fit my family, change here and there, or add to. Great read, so glad I took the time, investment in my home, and family, indeed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sally Clarkson is one of my go-to author's for encouragement in my walk as a Christian wife and mommy. I was already excited to review her newest book, co-written with her daughter, but when I saw the cover I sighed a little with joy. Just seeing the cover of The Lifegiving Home from Tyndale House Publishers brought me a sense of welcoming. Just like the cover, each page brought refreshment and joy. Much of what I have tried to put into practice in our home over the years was included which was very affirming.
The first few chapters consist of helping the reader focus in on thinking about their home, the rhythms and functions of every day life and how to make them more than mundane. I really enjoyed the second part which focuses on each month and ways to breathe new life into the walls of your house throughout the year. Answering the question What makes a home? is central in this book. I found the Clarksons ideas unique and fun, and also inspiring. They didn't inspire me to copy them as much as create my own ways of bringing life into our home.
This is a book which I will recommend to anyone looking for ways to create a welcoming home that exudes the love of Christ. I also plan to have my own girls read this when they are older and beginning to think about their own ways of creating a home for their futures.
The first few chapters consist of helping the reader focus in on thinking about their home, the rhythms and functions of every day life and how to make them more than mundane. I really enjoyed the second part which focuses on each month and ways to breathe new life into the walls of your house throughout the year. Answering the question What makes a home? is central in this book. I found the Clarksons ideas unique and fun, and also inspiring. They didn't inspire me to copy them as much as create my own ways of bringing life into our home.
This is a book which I will recommend to anyone looking for ways to create a welcoming home that exudes the love of Christ. I also plan to have my own girls read this when they are older and beginning to think about their own ways of creating a home for their futures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzan alareed
This is the book I needed to read! I am a Type A personality and tend to make our home life one long to do list that needs to be checked off. Instead Sally and Sarah Clarkson share how to make your home a living beautiful space for your family that speaks to their hearts. I especially appreciate hearing from Sarah Clarkson as she shares what stood out to her and impacted her as a child growing up in the Clarkson home. Sally Clarkson's books have encouraged me as I began my journey into motherhood, and this book is the best one yet. Thank you so much for sharing and giving this personal glimpse into your home and life.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
joel hapgood
After attending the Mom Heart conference I was excited to sink my teeth into this instructional book on creating a place of belonging and becoming. As a home school mother you can well imagine that creating a home where my children can become their best selves is of the upmost importance. My disappointment however comes because although the book is wordy, thanks to Sarah's propensity for overlong sentences and unnecessary words, it is short on instruction. This book is more like a word picture exercise from my children's grammar book, "Please look at the following picture and describe it using your own words." Only here the picture is their family. A lovely family for sure but one that leaves little space for families with different moods and flavors. I'll sum it up for you so you won't have to buy the book: read a lot, drink a lot of tea, celebrate holidays, have people over for dinner, God is important. There, you've read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am soaking up every word of this book. I have always wanted our home to be a place of peace where our hearts could be nourished. I want to nurture my children and my husband, but sometimes I just need ideas of how I can better do this and reminders of why it's so important. The unique perspectives of both mother and daughter as authors makes this book so interesting to read.
I would also highly recommend the CD Music for the Lifegiving Home by her son Joel Clarkson that goes along with the book. It's the most beautiful piano music you can imagine. I can't always have music on at home because the normal noise our family of 5 creates is overwhelming to my HSP senses, but this music soothes and calms even the most noisy of days.
I would also highly recommend the CD Music for the Lifegiving Home by her son Joel Clarkson that goes along with the book. It's the most beautiful piano music you can imagine. I can't always have music on at home because the normal noise our family of 5 creates is overwhelming to my HSP senses, but this music soothes and calms even the most noisy of days.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juan richards
I am loving this book so far! My temptation is to read through quickly. There is so much "meat" that I need to slow down though! I love the perspective of both mother (Sally) and daughter (Sarah) about having a life-giving home. I have already started implementing some of the ideas in the book. We are now listening to their son Joel's CD that goes along w/ the book. It's beautiful and creates a peaceful environment each morning in my home. I have also started selecting books that will spur on the imagination of my children. I love the examples of God's beauty in the book and practical ideas to translate that into our home! Thank you for writing this life-giving book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan coward
This book is a blessing for those looking to learn how to interact in love with family and friends. Sally and Sarah share their lives and their hearts in hopes of blessing as many other families as possible. This book makes me long to become a person who creates a haven of hospitality wherever I am - home no matter where in the world I go.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robbalee oleson
This is the book I needed to read! I am a Type A personality and tend to make our home life one long to do list that needs to be checked off. Instead Sally and Sarah Clarkson share how to make your home a living beautiful space for your family that speaks to their hearts. I especially appreciate hearing from Sarah Clarkson as she shares what stood out to her and impacted her as a child growing up in the Clarkson home. Sally Clarkson's books have encouraged me as I began my journey into motherhood, and this book is the best one yet. Thank you so much for sharing and giving this personal glimpse into your home and life.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
After attending the Mom Heart conference I was excited to sink my teeth into this instructional book on creating a place of belonging and becoming. As a home school mother you can well imagine that creating a home where my children can become their best selves is of the upmost importance. My disappointment however comes because although the book is wordy, thanks to Sarah's propensity for overlong sentences and unnecessary words, it is short on instruction. This book is more like a word picture exercise from my children's grammar book, "Please look at the following picture and describe it using your own words." Only here the picture is their family. A lovely family for sure but one that leaves little space for families with different moods and flavors. I'll sum it up for you so you won't have to buy the book: read a lot, drink a lot of tea, celebrate holidays, have people over for dinner, God is important. There, you've read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am soaking up every word of this book. I have always wanted our home to be a place of peace where our hearts could be nourished. I want to nurture my children and my husband, but sometimes I just need ideas of how I can better do this and reminders of why it's so important. The unique perspectives of both mother and daughter as authors makes this book so interesting to read.
I would also highly recommend the CD Music for the Lifegiving Home by her son Joel Clarkson that goes along with the book. It's the most beautiful piano music you can imagine. I can't always have music on at home because the normal noise our family of 5 creates is overwhelming to my HSP senses, but this music soothes and calms even the most noisy of days.
I would also highly recommend the CD Music for the Lifegiving Home by her son Joel Clarkson that goes along with the book. It's the most beautiful piano music you can imagine. I can't always have music on at home because the normal noise our family of 5 creates is overwhelming to my HSP senses, but this music soothes and calms even the most noisy of days.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeanann s
I am loving this book so far! My temptation is to read through quickly. There is so much "meat" that I need to slow down though! I love the perspective of both mother (Sally) and daughter (Sarah) about having a life-giving home. I have already started implementing some of the ideas in the book. We are now listening to their son Joel's CD that goes along w/ the book. It's beautiful and creates a peaceful environment each morning in my home. I have also started selecting books that will spur on the imagination of my children. I love the examples of God's beauty in the book and practical ideas to translate that into our home! Thank you for writing this life-giving book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aimee morse
This book is a blessing for those looking to learn how to interact in love with family and friends. Sally and Sarah share their lives and their hearts in hopes of blessing as many other families as possible. This book makes me long to become a person who creates a haven of hospitality wherever I am - home no matter where in the world I go.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tricia leach
I was happy to be able to start reading the Life Giving Home by Sally & Sarah Clarkson. I felt the book was long, but I was able to get some really good ideas to do with my family. I loved how to create beauty in your home and finding beauty through impromptu adventures. I am a creative type so this book was wonderful. I loved the ideas. My goal is to create a family loves Jesus and try to get back to the basics. I was challenged by reading this book.
I would recommend this book if you are looking for ways to connect as a family. especially trying to break free from the electronic rat race.
I was given this book by Tyndale House in exchange for an honest review.
I would recommend this book if you are looking for ways to connect as a family. especially trying to break free from the electronic rat race.
I was given this book by Tyndale House in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What I liked about this book was that it was broken down by month. Each month had its own section and ideas to use that month to make your home life-giving. That made is simpler for me to digest. Honestly looking at the book all at once was overwhelming but if I chose to just read a section at a time and digest that portion then I could get more out of it.
I would recommend that people not feel that they have to do everything like the Clarksons. Instead let them inspire and give you ideas to springboard from. There are wonderful ideas for practical things and environmental things for the home but not everyone will be as these authors are. If you find yourself not inclined to do certain things from this book don't be discouraged! Take what works and keep reading!
I received this book free from the publisher
I would recommend that people not feel that they have to do everything like the Clarksons. Instead let them inspire and give you ideas to springboard from. There are wonderful ideas for practical things and environmental things for the home but not everyone will be as these authors are. If you find yourself not inclined to do certain things from this book don't be discouraged! Take what works and keep reading!
I received this book free from the publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian fielder
I love this new book by mother/daughter duo Sally and Sarah Clarkson! It's filled with wonderful ideas for making your home filled with love, blessings, and happy memories. I've read about half of it so far, and I look forward to finishing it. I know so many women who would love this book, so I plan on continuing to spread the word!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe mueller
I received this book on Sunday and already I am having to pace myself to digest and enjoy each chapter...there is just so much good stuff in here. Have your highlighter handy and a notebook to jot down the ideas as they spill out of the pages! I can't wait to see what else is in store! Thank you Sally and Sarah for a lovely book full of hope and encouragement for a mom needing a bit more "life" in my home and for giving us practical suggestions on how to make our home a haven for our families!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
vickie wang
The Life Giving Home is written by a mother and daughter duo. They write about their concept of home including the physical and spiritual realms. Sally writes from her perspective as a mother and the things she tried to create while Sarah writes from the child's viewpoint about things that left an impression on her.
I was really excited to receive this book as creating a strong home culture and a sense of hospitality is really important to me. I really liked that you get the viewpoints of both mother and child. However. I found it really hard to get into the meat of the issues. The Clarksons tried really hard not to make it a shallow book about decor, and it's not, they do focus on deeper issues but it was written in a way that made it seem shallow. I feel like there is a lot of telling and not showing. It made it hard for me to really get into the book.
*I was given a copy in exchange for an honest review.
I was really excited to receive this book as creating a strong home culture and a sense of hospitality is really important to me. I really liked that you get the viewpoints of both mother and child. However. I found it really hard to get into the meat of the issues. The Clarksons tried really hard not to make it a shallow book about decor, and it's not, they do focus on deeper issues but it was written in a way that made it seem shallow. I feel like there is a lot of telling and not showing. It made it hard for me to really get into the book.
*I was given a copy in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole miller
I love Sally Clarkson and think her books on motherhood are so practical and encouraging. I was especially excited to read The Lifegiving Home. Boy, was I in for a treat!
Sally and her daughter, Sarah give meaningful and helpful suggestions for how to transform your home into a home that breathes life and joy into your family. I love how the book is separated by months and talks about so many different seasons of life.
I especially like how Sally talks in the June chapter about how geniuses are made out of boredom and how important imaginative play is over handheld devices. I am so guilty of this and am encouraged to be better.
If you feel like you are in a parent rut or just wish to enrich your life and the life of your family - this is the book for you.
I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
Sally and her daughter, Sarah give meaningful and helpful suggestions for how to transform your home into a home that breathes life and joy into your family. I love how the book is separated by months and talks about so many different seasons of life.
I especially like how Sally talks in the June chapter about how geniuses are made out of boredom and how important imaginative play is over handheld devices. I am so guilty of this and am encouraged to be better.
If you feel like you are in a parent rut or just wish to enrich your life and the life of your family - this is the book for you.
I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As always, Sally has put out another book that is truly life-giving and inspiring. I love how she casts a vision and gives practical helps for the journey. You will find this book packed with great ideas and a true treasure to equip all who read it to build a life-giving home. I love how she collaborated with her daughter so we could gain her insights as well. Lovely! Thank you Sally and Sarah!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerry given
Every woman who wants her home to give more than just the necessities to its residents and visitors alike should read this amazing resource (and the companion The Lifegiving Home Experience). Sally and her daughter Sarah paint a vision for home that all their readers will want to make a reality in their homes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gwen the librarian
Have you ever wondered how to make home your family’s favorite place to be . . . all year long. Does your home sometimes feel like just a place to eat, sleep, and change clothes on the way to the next activity? Do you long for “home” to mean more than a place where you stash your stuff?This is the book to show you how to fix all this in your home and life. If you read this book you you’ll discover the secrets of a life-giving home from a mother who created one and her daughter who was raised in it: popular authors Sally and Sarah Clarkson. Together they offer a rich treasure of wise advice, spiritual principles, and practical suggestions. You’ll embark on a new path to creating special memories for your children; establishing home-building and God-centered traditions. I highly recommend this book for you to read and also to gift and share with others. It will help make changes in your life that will be felt for generations to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie haney
This books is such a wonderful challenge and encouragement to be intentional in my home. I want to create a family culture that loves truth, beauty and goodness! If that is to happen, I must work at it and this books is the perfect thing to make me think of ways to create this in my home. Thanks for this wonderful book Sally and Sarah!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another encouraging book from Sally Clarkson, this time, with her daughter Sarah Clarkson whose poetic flair for writing has enhanced this joint work. They make a great team as they share what home means to their family and how to nurture a warm home environment with your own family. Pour yourself a cup of tea, grab a cosy blanket and be inspired by their ideas and vision.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was super excited to receive a copy of The Lifegiving Home: Creating a Place of Belonging and Becoming by Sally and Sarah Clarkson. As a wife and stay at home mom, I'm always looking for ways to make our home more peaceful, relaxing, godly, and, well ... lifegiving! I eagerly anticipated its arrival and opened it up as soon as I got it. First of all, the cover of this book is just beautiful. It immediately gave me a peaceful, homey feeling. But let's move onto the inside of the book - the description reads:
"How to make home your family’s favorite place to be . . . all year long.
Does your home sometimes feel like just a place to eat, sleep, and change clothes on the way to the next activity? Do you long for “home” to mean more than a place where you stash your stuff? Wouldn’t you love it to become a haven of warmth, rest, and joy . . . the one place where you and your family can’t wait to be?
There is good news waiting for you in the pages of The Lifegiving Home. Every day of your family’s life can be as special and important to you as it already is to God. In this unique book designed to help your family enjoy and celebrate every month of the year together, you’ll discover the secrets of a life-giving home from a mother who created one and her daughter who was raised in it: popular authors Sally and Sarah Clarkson. Together they offer a rich treasure of wise advice, spiritual principles, and practical suggestions. You’ll embark on a new path to creating special memories for your children; establishing home-building and God-centered traditions; and cultivating an environment in which your family will flourish. (Don’t miss the companion piece, The Lifegiving Home Experience.)"
I absolutely loved this book. It was so challenging, yet so encouraging. I loved the month-by-month format that takes you through the entire year. I'm planning on getting the companion book/journal, "The Lifegiving Home Experience" to work through this book in depth over the next year. The fact that this book was written by a mother-and-daughter team made it feel extra special. I liked all the wonderful ideas given throughout and am excited to try them. I also felt challenged to welcome people into my home more often (which we should all do and practice, Christian hospitality). I highly recommend this book (and the companion piece) to every woman looking to improve her home and make it a more peaceful, restful, and meaningful place. This book will truly help you nurture your family and make your house a home.
I received a copy of this book from Tyndale Blog Network in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
"How to make home your family’s favorite place to be . . . all year long.
Does your home sometimes feel like just a place to eat, sleep, and change clothes on the way to the next activity? Do you long for “home” to mean more than a place where you stash your stuff? Wouldn’t you love it to become a haven of warmth, rest, and joy . . . the one place where you and your family can’t wait to be?
There is good news waiting for you in the pages of The Lifegiving Home. Every day of your family’s life can be as special and important to you as it already is to God. In this unique book designed to help your family enjoy and celebrate every month of the year together, you’ll discover the secrets of a life-giving home from a mother who created one and her daughter who was raised in it: popular authors Sally and Sarah Clarkson. Together they offer a rich treasure of wise advice, spiritual principles, and practical suggestions. You’ll embark on a new path to creating special memories for your children; establishing home-building and God-centered traditions; and cultivating an environment in which your family will flourish. (Don’t miss the companion piece, The Lifegiving Home Experience.)"
I absolutely loved this book. It was so challenging, yet so encouraging. I loved the month-by-month format that takes you through the entire year. I'm planning on getting the companion book/journal, "The Lifegiving Home Experience" to work through this book in depth over the next year. The fact that this book was written by a mother-and-daughter team made it feel extra special. I liked all the wonderful ideas given throughout and am excited to try them. I also felt challenged to welcome people into my home more often (which we should all do and practice, Christian hospitality). I highly recommend this book (and the companion piece) to every woman looking to improve her home and make it a more peaceful, restful, and meaningful place. This book will truly help you nurture your family and make your house a home.
I received a copy of this book from Tyndale Blog Network in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marilyn rekhtman
Sally has been a part of my motherhood for 13 years now - and AGAIN, she blows my mid on how much more I can do for my families sake. Our children are the future and Sally knows exactly how to move a mothers heart to feel like she matters. All her books are a must read, and The Living Home is just another awesome addition to my library which I will pass on to my daughter.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mary kenny
I tried to read this book, but I gave up after part one. The book says it based on "incarnation," the idea that Christ incarnates in our homes as we fill them with beauty. It was just really strange to me.
It also lays out ideals that a home "needs" that require a standard of living not everyone can afford. I found it offensive and bordering on New Age.
It also lays out ideals that a home "needs" that require a standard of living not everyone can afford. I found it offensive and bordering on New Age.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
russell barnes
Naomi here, I love love love this book! I wish I had it years ago. But eight years of marriage and three children under seven, I'm not a lost cause! Really though, this book was written for anyone. I have found it to confirm things I have wanted to do as a family and the environment I have wanted to create in my home. My longings for tea time with the children are not I will definitely be giving copies to my sisters and daughter (when she's big enough). Well written and thoroughly enjoyed. The Clarkson ladies give us hope in this self-centered society where everyone has Wifi but no one is connected...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian d
What a cheerful way to begin traditions and make lifelong loving memories in your home with family and friends. Whether you are single just starting out or have been homemaking for some time. This book will relax your heart and help you to establish a beautiful Christ centered home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
takako lewis
This book is a breath of fresh air! It's years of wisdom and love poured out from a woman and her daughter who have been such a blessing to me through their shared words of inspiration and hope! It is no surprise to me, however, because Sally never ceases to amaze me when shares grace and truth through the written word.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne marye
Sally and Sarah Clarkson present a formidable argument for the power of a home that is intentionally cultivated to communicate the love of God and the joy and peace we have in Christ to all who enter. Be assured that you will find in this text both encouragement and inspiration to create a life-giving home wherever you live.
*Because I pre-ordered this title and served on the launch team, I received an early .pdf of this book for review.
*Because I pre-ordered this title and served on the launch team, I received an early .pdf of this book for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohammed hamdy
Sally has done it again! She invites each of us into her story and home like a comfortable friend. I am inspired to build a life giving home season by season to share life with those who live within my walls and those that enter to visit. This book will help you make home the very best place ever to be!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsay coppens
This is a book about the gift of hospitality. That we can create the feeling of home no matter where we are. It speaks on the importance on giving your family a lifegiving atmosphere in order to show them your love and the value they have on the earth and to Gods kingdom.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had an advanced copy of this book. (Thanks, Tyndale!)
I own many of Sally's books and one of Sarah's already and have enjoyed them all.
I liked the layout of this book going month by month through the year sharing special ways to create a Lifegiving Home bit by bit.
It's not about suddenly adding more to do to an already busy life. It's about carving out those special moments of life that make a house more than just a place to sleep and a family more than just a group of people with the same last name.
I also enjoyed hearing from Sarah and how she viewed her childhood growing up in such a home. I found Sarah to be a wonderful writer and enjoyed her chapters immensely.
Well done ladies!
I own many of Sally's books and one of Sarah's already and have enjoyed them all.
I liked the layout of this book going month by month through the year sharing special ways to create a Lifegiving Home bit by bit.
It's not about suddenly adding more to do to an already busy life. It's about carving out those special moments of life that make a house more than just a place to sleep and a family more than just a group of people with the same last name.
I also enjoyed hearing from Sarah and how she viewed her childhood growing up in such a home. I found Sarah to be a wonderful writer and enjoyed her chapters immensely.
Well done ladies!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marcelo bahia
This book is a handbook on how to make your home full of life for your family and all those who enter. Sally has given us such a gift in this book! I just got back from a conference based on this book and I am feeling refreshed and ready to put it into practice in my home.
Sally and her daughter, Sarah, invite us into their home to share in the family traditions and ways that made their home a place to belong.
Sally and her daughter, Sarah, invite us into their home to share in the family traditions and ways that made their home a place to belong.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was given an Advanced Reader Copy (thanks Tyndale) . I desire to have a Life Giving Home. A home that my family enjoys coming home to and that friends feel welcome in. This is not something that comes natural for me, but this book and the Life Giving Home Experience have inspired me with the stories that Sally and Sarah Clarkson shared. Sally Clarkson's books have helped me grow so much as a mom with a heart for her children over the years and this book has inspired me once again and given applicable ideas to implement.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is rich with ideas and inspiration for family traditions, ways to beautify your home, books to read and overall get you excited about making your home a beautiful, safe and sacred place for your family. That being said, I think the Clarksons may be super humans. You just get the sense that they are the perfect family or that they live in a different era. Though the way they write feels a little idealistic at times, I really enjoyed the book and love that they are very intentional about making their house feel like a home. I recommend getting the audio book. I listened to it while cleaning and it provided great motivation and inspiration!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melissa houston
I enjoyed this book and it did give me a sense of awareness of making my home a haven. If you are looking for inspiration, this book will certainly get your mind moving towards ideas to create a lifegiving home. I do wish there were a few more practical tips and a little more how to. However, I did enjoy each and every story that Sally shared on her home and raising her family. It certainly was inspiring.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan young
I received an advanced copy of this book and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. I wish I had met Sally years ago when I was starting my family. This book is a great collaboration between mother and daughter with unique insight and and perspective for their points of view and the home experience. This is a must read book for those that want to bring life to their home, as well a place of acceptance, grace, love, growth, beauty and more. I can't wait to give this book away. Grab a copy and give yourself a gift and share with others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor czernai
"The Life-Giving Home" is truly an enjoyable and inspiring read. A lovely mother/daughter duo, Sally and Sarah Clarkson engage readers with their perfect blend of vulnerability and sincere encouragement in their beautiful prose, recounting many of the rhythms, traditions, and anecdotes from the Clarkson home. While the book follows a fascinating trajectory with chapters organized in the progression of the twelve calendar months, I found myself at the end of the book wanting to continue to duration of the “year” spent in the company of these two wise, Godly women. Fortunately, I have since located Sally Clarkson’s podcasts and now delight in sharing about The Life-Giving Home with other women, as the book has compelled me to be deliberate in the shaping of the culture of my own family and seize the countless opportunities each day to make my home an extension of God’s love here on earth, as the Clarksons have proposed.
This feedback is provided in exchange for a complimentary copy of the book for review purposes from Tyndale House.
This feedback is provided in exchange for a complimentary copy of the book for review purposes from Tyndale House.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved that this book provided me real actionable items I can implement in my home. Not all the things the Clarksons do in their home can be translated to my home. I appreciated that the book has the perspective of a parent and a child. I plan to re-read this book beginning in a couple months and read one chapter each month to try to begin implement some of these rhythms into my home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gregory dorrell
I've had the honor of being involved in Sally's book launch, and was able to preview the first three chapters. I can safely say this is a book I can't wait to get in hand and read cover to cover. It is for any mom who wants to create a home her family can thrive in, and a place her children can become who God has created them to be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liesbeth workman
"Home is a place of ministry. Redeeming words, thoughts, and actions are shared and taught, the wisdom and instruction of God is passed along, and God's love is offered to all who come under its influence." - Sally Clarkson
This is what I want for my home - for it to be a place of ministry, a place of wisdom and instruction, a place that is full of God's love. But, honestly, sometimes "life" gets in the way of my plans. I get overwhelmed with the everyday, mundane tasks of life and forget my mission and my ministry.
But, thankfully, Sally Clarkson and her daughter Sarah have written a book to help me, and others like me, deal with this! The Life Giving Home is a great book, filled with lots of practical advice on how to shape your home into the kind of place you want it to be. There are chapters for every month of the year; chapters to help you learn how to make more out of mealtime, more out of your family celebrations and holidays, and more out of the books you read, the music you listen to, and the movies you watch. I love that Sally and Sarah don't just give broad suggestions, but give specific examples of what these things look like in their own family. It was a great read and very helpful!
I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from Tyndale Blog Network, in exchange for my honest review.
This is what I want for my home - for it to be a place of ministry, a place of wisdom and instruction, a place that is full of God's love. But, honestly, sometimes "life" gets in the way of my plans. I get overwhelmed with the everyday, mundane tasks of life and forget my mission and my ministry.
But, thankfully, Sally Clarkson and her daughter Sarah have written a book to help me, and others like me, deal with this! The Life Giving Home is a great book, filled with lots of practical advice on how to shape your home into the kind of place you want it to be. There are chapters for every month of the year; chapters to help you learn how to make more out of mealtime, more out of your family celebrations and holidays, and more out of the books you read, the music you listen to, and the movies you watch. I love that Sally and Sarah don't just give broad suggestions, but give specific examples of what these things look like in their own family. It was a great read and very helpful!
I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from Tyndale Blog Network, in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eban o sullivan
I LOVE this book. So much encouragement to us younger mommas who desire to raise our little ones intentionally. Some times we get burned out in the little details of life and just need to read a book that raises our eyes towards what really matters. I'm in a book study group and also have bought this book as gifts more than a few times. Thank you, Sally and Sarah for allowing God to use you through your book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
whitney woodward
I've been a fan of Sally's books for years and find her incredibly inspirational and down-to-earth. Out of all of her writings, this is definitely my new favorite. Filled with practical ideas and thoughts for turning your home into a life-giving, inspiring, and spirit-nourshing place, there's something here for everyone. If I could buy a copy for all of my friends, I would!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
yolanda williams
{review} The Lifegiving Home breaks the western stigma that has built walls around the home and only welcomes to coffee shops and restaurants. The book shows what happens in the home of Sally Clarkson, which does not necessarily work in everyones homes- just serve as an image or thought that could work. Though it focuses on creativity, I think there is something in this book for families of all shapes and sizes. Serves as a reminder to slow down and spend time together as a FRAMILY ( friends and family).
{necessary information} I received this book as a try-me from Tyndale Publishers and the opinions expressed in this blog are mine alone and not those of the author or publisher
{necessary information} I received this book as a try-me from Tyndale Publishers and the opinions expressed in this blog are mine alone and not those of the author or publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ailar s
I have started reading the advanced copy reader and can't wait for the whole book to come this week! I started reading Sally's books and listening to her podcasts about 3 years ago when I had my first son and Sally has been a HUGE encouragement to me. This book has already been so refreshing and I love the ideas Sally and Sarah give and the format of this book!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
andy hoekenga
I got this as a gift and was excited to read it...except, I just cant. I kept picking it up, read a few pages and it's just...boring and hard to wrap my head around what they are trying to actually say.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott mcgreal
What a blessing this book will be to all who get their hands on it! Home is the place where life happens and Sally & Sarah convey all that it can and should be. This book is a perfect gift for a newlywed, a new Mama, and even a seasoned mom who desires to make home a place of belonging & becoming all that you envision it can be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Life Giving Home is written in true Clarkson style - timeless truths served in portions the reader can savor and apply. Each chapter is filled with hope. Dreams really do come true. Our homes can be a haven for our children and our children's children. Thank you, Sally and Sarah Clarkson for pouring your souls into the pages of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harrison freeman
This book is simply fabulous! Long-time Sally Clarkson fans will find familiar ground here, but also fresh insight and ideas for creating and sustaining a vibrant and welcoming home environment that nurtures both family and guests. Woven in like golden strands are Sarah's beautiful passages on Incarnational living and her own perspective on growing up in a life-giving home. This book demonstrates how anyone anywhere can transform their own surroundings (and attitude!) to provide a safe haven of soul-nourishing rest, connection and celebration. A place for both belonging and becoming.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aina marie
My girls and I are reading this book together and we are only part way into it, but it has already been helpful. It has stimulated conversations about how to make our home a place of refuge and joy for all who enter here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bethany chunkymonkey8
This is really good. Really practical. Really encouraging. I love how it's divided into months; this allowed me to read a chapter each month for practical encouragement and ideas to implement in my home! Christian women should be reading Sally! She's solid!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
From the back cover:
In our deepest hearts we want home to be a place where our spirits are filled. A lifegiving haven of warmth, rest, and joy that will encourage everyone who enters it; a welcoming respite in an isolated culture.
Join beloved authors Sally and Sarah Clarkson to discover the path to a lifegiving home - from a mother who's known for creating one and her daughter who was raised in it. This is their story; a story about a home where a real family learned to flourish, grow, and belong. Together they offer a treasury of wise advice and spiritual principles to help you create a place for all that is beautiful, good, holy, and foundational to life.
My thoughts:
I found this more uninteresting than anything else. Perhaps it's just my place in life right now. I couldn't concentrate on it and ended up not finishing it (I put it down and forgot about it until I found it under a magazine on my dresser this morning). Just not my cup of tea.
In our deepest hearts we want home to be a place where our spirits are filled. A lifegiving haven of warmth, rest, and joy that will encourage everyone who enters it; a welcoming respite in an isolated culture.
Join beloved authors Sally and Sarah Clarkson to discover the path to a lifegiving home - from a mother who's known for creating one and her daughter who was raised in it. This is their story; a story about a home where a real family learned to flourish, grow, and belong. Together they offer a treasury of wise advice and spiritual principles to help you create a place for all that is beautiful, good, holy, and foundational to life.
My thoughts:
I found this more uninteresting than anything else. Perhaps it's just my place in life right now. I couldn't concentrate on it and ended up not finishing it (I put it down and forgot about it until I found it under a magazine on my dresser this morning). Just not my cup of tea.
Please RateCreating a Place of Belonging and Becoming - The Lifegiving Home
A vital component of Sally’s vision for a lifegiving home was to create a home of hospitality, with achievable order and predictable rhythms for her children and a warmth and receptiveness that enveloped all those who would pass through their doors. A lifegiving home is defined by God-motivated hospitality and outreach — not homemade everything and impeccable decor.
What I love about this book is how Sally and her eldest daughter Sarah bring to life this vision of a lifegiving home through their family’s personal journey. You get a more realistic picture of what a lifegiving home looks like when you see it through the eyes of both mother and daughter.
And it’s not just a high-level view: The Lifegiving Home is chock full of practical tips on everything from personal devotions to family read-aloud time, from managing household chores to making visitors feel at home. Although some of the ideas might sound familiar to those who've read Sally's books before, the common thread that ties these elements of home, both large and small, together is how they combine to bring God’s life into your home.
The Lifegiving Home was a wake-up call for me. It helped me to recognize that God wants to use my home for His work — for what He wants to accomplish in the lives of my children and others seeking fellowship and a hand extending God’s love. How my home looks and the specific traditions that characterize our family are not what's important: What matters is recognizing that the time you spend to keep things in order, plan ahead thoughtfully, and be a faithful steward, actually frees you up to better express God’s love to your family, friends, and anyone who God brings through your doors.